Instructions for use of Anandin eye drops and injections for cats

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Anandin is a drug that is widely used in complex therapy for infections of various etiologies. The product helps cope with inflammation caused by bacteria, microscopic fungi, viruses, and allergens. A variety of release forms, an almost complete absence of contraindications and side effects, and an affordable price make Anandin for cats a popular medicine.

Instructions for all types

Ear drops

Anandin ear drops are great for getting rid of various mites, otitis media, and scabies. They should be used in accordance with the following instructions:

  1. You need to instill the product 3 times a day, 1 drop in each ear is enough. Before the procedure, it is important to clean your pet’s ears using cotton swabs; they must first be moistened with a chlorhexidine solution.
  2. After completing the treatment, massage each ear.

Learn more about how to properly clean a cat's ears.

Storage rules

Eye drops

Manufacturers also produce anandin in the form of drops for the treatment of conjunctivitis. It is necessary to bury the purchase under the lower eyelid, one drop in each eye. The procedure is carried out in the morning and evening. Detailed description of eye wash.

Eye drops


This form of the drug is used to treat injured skin. For example, for dermatitis, cuts, injuries, burns, allergic reactions. The ointment does not cause discomfort to the pet; it simply needs to be applied to the damaged area of ​​the skin. It is advisable to go about 1 centimeter into the area of ​​healthy skin. If necessary, you can apply a bandage over the skin.



The dosage is calculated according to the following scheme - 20 mg of anandin per 1 kilogram of pet weight. The solution is administered only intramuscularly, the injection is given once a day. The duration of treatment depends on the disease, so it is important to consult an experienced veterinarian.


It has proven itself well, so it is prescribed to domestic animals, especially cats and dogs.


Recommendations for treating cats with Anandin

Anandin injection

To increase the effectiveness of treatment and achieve a speedy and complete recovery of your pet, you should follow some recommendations when using the medicine Anadin.

  • Before using ear drops, your cat's ears should be carefully cleared of any buildup. To do this, moisten a cotton swab with Anandin ear drops (you can use saline solution), and then carefully wipe the inner surface of the ears from the inside out, without penetrating deep. Only after this can the medicine be instilled.
  • Wounds on the surface of the skin also need to be cleaned first if they contain purulent discharge or blood. It is not recommended to tear off the crusts.
  • When instilling eye drops, your pet's eyes also need to be rinsed. Plain water or weak tea is suitable for this.
  • After instillation, the cat needs to be held in your arms for a while so that it does not shake its head and splash the medicine.
  • When using drops, you need to be careful not to mix up the bottles. It is unacceptable to use ear drops to treat eyes.
  • Injections should be given to the cat using a sterile syringe in compliance with all aseptic measures.
  • It is necessary to periodically check the expiration date of the medicine when storing it at home.

When will it be useful?

The drug is useful in many situations:

  • Viral infections. Resists staphylococcus, hepatitis, plague and fungi, which cause significant harm to pets. In rare cases, death can even occur. To prevent this, it is worth purchasing effective medications.
  • Inflammatory processes.
  • Conjunctivitis and rhinitis. It has a therapeutic effect, eliminating puffiness of the eyes, nasal congestion, and normalizing general well-being.

To prevent the medication from causing harm, carefully read the instructions and follow all its requirements. The dosage and duration of treatment depends on the condition of the cat. The positive effect is noticeable after the first procedures.

Indications for use

Anandin is a broad-spectrum antibacterial agent. Its use is indicated if the pet is diagnosed with the following diseases:

  • carnivore plague;
  • parvovirus enteritis;
  • viral hepatitis;
  • complications in the treatment of diseases of viral origin;
  • rhinitis;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • otitis media traumatic, acute, complicated;
  • otodecosis;
  • dermatitis and eczema;
  • regeneration of the skin after injury;
  • immunodeficiency states.


The use of different release forms differs:

  • The injection solution is administered intramuscularly once a day. The quantity is calculated based on the weight of the pet. Per kilogram you need to inject 20 mg of solution. The standard course consists of three injections. By decision of the veterinarian, it can be extended to six. The active substance immediately disperses through the circulatory system and concentrates in areas of infection. The reaction is visible half an hour after administration. For prevention, injections are prescribed for 10 days at a rate of 5 mg per 1 kg.
  • The dosage of drops for the eyes and nose is affected by the severity of the disease. For conjunctivitis, instill two drops 2 times a day. For rhinitis, drop three drops into both nostrils 3 times a day. Treatment lasts 7 days. In acute inflammation, it can last up to 2 weeks. Consultation with a veterinarian is required. Vials can have a volume of 5 or 10 milligrams.
  • Before instilling the ears, the shells are carefully cleaned of dirt with cotton swabs, being careful not to injure the walls. 3 drops are dripped into the ear canal a couple of times a day. It works well for ear infections.
  • The ointment is intended for external use. It is applied to the infected areas around them in a thin layer 1-3 times a day. Before application, treat with an antiseptic or saline solution. It must be used for five days. It cures wounds, burns, eczema, dermatitis.

Treatment with Anandin does not cause any difficulties. Consultation and monitoring by a doctor will help you quickly cope with any disease.

Eye drops

Release forms

Anandin for cats is available in several forms:

  • Injections, which are placed in glass ampoules (several ampoules per package). They are intended for intramuscular injection to eliminate an infection or virus.
  • Drops that are used for infectious diseases of the eyes and nose. Drops that are based on Anandin help cope with any ear parasites. Drops can be intended for the eyes or ears. Greenish eye drops are prescribed for rhinitis and for injections. The ear drops are colored yellow. Veterinarians prescribe them extremely rarely.
  • Ointments used in therapy and restoration of the skin. Typically, the ointment is used for infections with fungal infections and other microorganisms.

Active substances

In drops for the eyes and nose, the role of the active substance is performed by glucaminepropylcarbacridone. All types of medicine contain 20 mg in 1 ml. It promotes regeneration, reduces inflammation, activates the formation of interferon, which strengthens the body. Glycerol and distilled water are additional substances.

The ear drops contain glucaminopropylcarbacridone and gramicidin C. The latter fights microbes and prevents the development of pathologies. In addition, isopropanol, castor oil and distilled water were added.

The ointment, in addition to glucaminopropylcarbacridone, contains petroleum jelly, castor oil, potassium salicylate and distilled water.

What is unique about the medicine?

Composition and action

Anandin allows you not only to solve the problem, but also to avoid side effects and complications of diseases. It destroys almost all pathogenic microflora and eliminates small parasites.

The beneficial properties of the drug make it universal, unique, and one of the best:

  • Actively heals wounds, restores the skin, moisturizes, and promotes hair regeneration.
  • Destroys any pathogenic microorganisms and viruses.
  • Stimulates the immune system, increases the body's protective functions.
  • Prevents the development of pathologies against the background of the underlying disease.
  • Eliminates inflammation.
  • Anandin contains substances that can neutralize the negative effects of other components, thereby minimizing the appearance of toxins.
  • The complex nature of the drug allows you to avoid stress on the animal’s nervous system, which it experiences when taking a large number of medications.

Anandin suppresses, destroys and neutralizes the effects of DNA and RNA genomic viruses, fungal infections, and staphylococcal endemics.

The active component is glucaminepropylcarbacridone. One 5 ml ampoule contains 200 mg. It is thanks to this component that the drug has all the positive qualities and a wide spectrum of action.

Expiration date and how to store?

Unused medicine is stored in a tightly closed container at a temperature of 0-25 degrees in a dry, dark place. Use after the expiration date, which is two years, is not allowed.

Interaction with other drugs

There are no contraindications for simultaneous use with other medications.

Anandin plus

Side effects.

Side effects and complications when using the drug in accordance with the instructions, as a rule, are not observed.

In case of increased individual sensitivity to the active components of the drug or an overdose, it should be washed off with water and detergent and the animal should be prescribed antihistamines and symptomatic drugs.

Special studies on pregnant and lactating animals have not been conducted. The possibility of using Anandin eye drops and intranasal drops for females during pregnancy and feeding the offspring is determined by the attending physician based on an assessment of the ratio of benefits to the possible risk of using the drug.


The product is unique in its ingredients and effect. There is no exact copy of it. If necessary, a replacement is selected individually for each case.

Comparison table

NameTypeManufacturerPackingActive ingredientsPrice
FeliferonInjectionRussia5 ampoules of 2.5 mlFeline interferon850 rubles
RonkoleikinInjectionRussia3 or 5 ampoules of 1 mlD-mannitol

Interleukin-2 recombinant

3 ampoules – 2600 rubles
5 ampoules – 3150 rubles
StillavitDropsRussia10 ml bottleSodium hyaluronate
Hydroitin sulfate sodium


450 rubles
Solution for injections
Russia30 tablets of 2 mg
Bottle 100 ml
Enrofloxacin280 rubles
410 rubles

Operating principle

The active substance has bactericidal and bacteriostatic properties. Within a short time, it suppresses not only active pathogenic microflora, but also bacteria that are at rest.

The drug destroys neurotropic, dermatotropic, pantropic viruses that cause dangerous diseases such as canine distemper, viral hepatitis, and polioencephalitis. The active substance stimulates the production of endogenous interferon, resulting in increased cat immunity.

The maximum concentration of the drug in the blood is observed one hour after use. Residues are excreted unchanged from the body by the kidneys after 22 hours.


The average cost of Anandin in pharmacies in different regions is as follows:

  1. Solution for injections - 165 rubles. per package.
  2. Ear drops - 70-75 rubles. per bottle 5 ml.
  3. Eye drops - 80 rub. per bottle 5 ml.
  4. Ointment for external use - 50 rubles. per tube.

You can buy Anandin at a veterinary pharmacy without a prescription.

Can it be used?

Regardless of the form of release, Anandin is characterized by powerful anti-inflammatory, healing and antiviral properties. It can be used not only to treat cats, but also dogs, of any breed and age group.

Glucaminepropylcarbacridone is used as the main component of Anandin. It promotes healing and stimulates the immune system. The composition also contains excipients, including glycerin, castor oil, potassium salicylate and liquid for injection.

The effectiveness of the product has been proven by scientific research, but it is prohibited to use it for self-medication. Before using Anandin, you should have your pet examined at a veterinary clinic. Otherwise, it may develop side effects and complications, including deterioration of the protective functions of the immune system.

The main focus of the product is the fight against viral, fungal, infectious and skin diseases. Each form has its own indications for use:

  1. Drops. Used for conjunctivitis, rhinitis and inflammatory processes in the paranasal sinuses.
  2. Injection solution. Indicated for feline distemper, hepatitis, complications caused by bacterial flora, and immunodeficiency conditions.
  3. Ointment. Prescribed for skin lesions, including dermatitis, abrasions, eczema, burns and other negative reactions.

An improved form of the drug with a modified concentration of active substances is also offered for sale. It is called Anandin Plus and is available in the form of a liquid to combat ear mites.

In addition to the main component, the composition contains antibiotics that suppress the activity of harmful microflora and bacteria, and permethrin, an antiparasitic substance.

In comparison with other veterinary drugs that have an immunomodulatory effect, Anandin is characterized by the following advantages:

  1. Non-toxic.
  2. Complex effect on the pet’s body.
  3. Affordable price and availability in all pharmacies and pet stores.
  4. Compatibility with other medications.

In addition, the medicine has no obvious contraindications or medical restrictions. Disadvantages include the inability to use for a long time, but 1 course is enough to eliminate symptoms.


Veterinary pharmacies have another form of release of Anandin - ointment. It is a homogeneous mass of light yellow color with a faint odor.

The ointment is intended to combat inflammatory processes, microbes and immunodeficiency conditions in cats. The active substance has anti-inflammatory and wound healing effects.

The product is applied in a thin and even layer to the wound and the skin around it. Before re-treating the ointment, the damaged area is lightly washed with saline or antiseptic liquids (hydrogen peroxide or Chlorhexidine).

Using this form of Anandin allows you to speed up the healing process of the skin for cuts, burns, dermatitis and other dermatological problems. There are no special contraindications to the use of the ointment.


Generally, reviews from specialists and buyers about the drug are positive.

Yulia, 37 years old, Moscow: “My Persian cat often has “tears” and inflammatory processes in the eyes, which is due to the structure of the muzzle. In search of effective treatment, I went to different clinics, but ointments and antibiotics did not give positive results.

Anandin came to the rescue. A few days after using the drops, the pet’s condition improved, and a week later the negative symptoms completely disappeared.”

Liya, veterinarian, Astrakhan: “Anandin injection solution is a proven and effective remedy for treating cats. The injection drug is quite painful, but the result is worth it. I recommend it to all pets who are exposed to various infectious and bacterial diseases.”

Victoria, 27 years old, Perm: “Anandin helped get rid of the pet’s health problems 3 days after use. Now, as soon as my cat has a runny nose or other symptoms, I buy ointment and drops, without doubt that they will help eliminate negative phenomena.”

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