The whole truth about the Miniature Bull Terrier breed: killer or friend?

The most interesting thing about miniature bull terriers.

The Miniature Bullerbier is a playful and energetic dog that is highly trainable, has a balanced personality and a strong build. The breed has long been valued for its stubbornness, agility, friendliness and obedience, subject to timely training.


The Bull Terrier was bred at the beginning of the 19th century in England by crossing Dalmatians, white terriers and classic English bulldogs. The offspring of the then new breed often produced puppies with a characteristic appearance, but relatively small sizes. They were not rejected, and they immediately gained popularity among the population.

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A miniature but strong, stocky and tenacious dog, it deftly hunted rodents and performed excellent security functions. However, the breeders decided to go further - they began to cross the babies with toy terriers, but the idea was unsuccessful. Animals began to lose external signs and acquired a lot of genetic abnormalities and diseases. The dogs were introduced to the public in 1914, but the breed was never registered.

The breeders were forced to return to the original version (the size of which was fixed by the genes of either Fox Terriers or Jack Russell Terriers). A club was opened in 1938, and in 1939 the country's canine community accepted the new breed.

The first exhibitions in England began only in 1963. World recognition came even later. In 1991, small bull terriers were evaluated in America and registered with the FCI.

They tried to create the first standard for dogs mixed with toy terriers, so the weight standards were very limited - up to 9 kg. But the variety did not take root, and the requirements were lifted.

About the origin

The name bull terrier means bull terrier. The historical homeland of all boules is England. These dogs were bred for specific practical purposes, that is, to help a person in work, to protect his property. As man transitioned from harsh and rather primitive conditions of existence to civilized ones, his occupation also changed. The original dogs remained:

  • official;
  • hunting, etc.

But in the middle of the 19th century, the British decided to adapt existing old breeds to their new needs. So, they bred dogs capable of catching rats, of which there were many. The Yorkshire terrier was bred to exterminate rodents in mines, and in the 20th century, according to one of the theories of the appearance of miniature bulls, bull terriers and minibull terriers were used at home to catch rats. At first they tried to adapt an ordinary bull terrier, but he could not always get to the hole. And then they began to “shrink” the dog.

Another theory leads to dog fighting, which was a favorite pastime of the British. They were held underground in pubs. The police often raided establishments; for the owner of a fighting dog, the difference between a bull terrier and a mini bull terrier was that the small dog could be easily and quickly hidden. And in fights, these kids were in no way inferior to big dogs.

Officially, the first fruits of selection aimed at reducing boules were shown in 1930. Feature of the litters: weight and height were very different. It was problematic to strictly define breed standards. To stabilize the data, the breeders decided to cross the Mini Bull Terrier with the Toy Terrier. The result was that the droppings were completely shredded, and adult dogs, weighing an average of 3 kg, could not be taken seriously as rat fighters, much less dogs. The characteristics of toy terriers began to dominate in them, which negated all efforts to develop a stable breed of mini bull terrier.

The obvious artificiality of the bred breed led to the fact that at first it was famous and popular, but later it became distinguished by soreness and many genetic defects and ceased to be in demand. But the breeders did not forget about the minibulls: the quality of the breed was improved with the weight more than doubling, to 8 kg. The standard bull terrier exterior has been preserved. And in the 90s of the last century, the miniature bull terrier was identified as a separate breed.


The animal looks harmonious and proportional. Requirements for weight - from 8 to 16 kg, for height at the withers - 25-35 cm. Weight is allowed a little higher, the main thing is to maintain compliance with the standard (and not due to obesity). The dog has an athletic build, well-developed muscles, and movements are characterized by speed and dexterity.

According to all descriptions of the breed, the differences between the mini bull terrier and the bull terrier are insignificant and consist only in size.

HeadBody type
The skull has an oval, ovoid shape, the stop is not pronounced, and the forehead is flat. The muzzle is smooth, without obvious depressions From the side, the dog looks square (that is, the height is equal to the length of the body). Massive body
The jaws are strong, massive, scissor bite, teeth are white and strong. The lips are wide and fit tightly to the gums. The neck is long, with a slight bend
The nostrils are open well, the lobe is always blackThe back is shortened, there is a slight convexity in the lumbar region
The ears are small with thin cartilage, cropped according to the breed standardThe chest is voluminous, deep, powerful
The eyes are small, triangular in shape, set obliquely. Color dark brown or black The tail is set low, thickened towards the base
The belly is moderately adjusted


Different colors are allowed:

  • white;
  • ginger;
  • spotted (with a clear predominance of white);
  • brown;
  • red;
  • deer;
  • brindle.

Snow White Bull Terriers may have colored markings on their heads.


Short, muscular, set wide apart.


The skin tightly fits the body. There are no wrinkles or folds at all. The pile is short and hard, tight-fitting, shiny. During cold periods, a small soft undercoat is formed.


The miniature and standard bull terriers are very similar in appearance, the differences are that the height at the withers of the minibull does not exceed 35 cm, and it weighs less. The description of the breed in the International Canine Federation and the European Canine Organizations is different: the European miniature dog weighs 9 kg according to the standard, while the FCI defines it within 11-15 kg. The difference between males and females is not as significant as with other breeds.

This dog has a square format, it is strong, built, with short muscular legs. Despite its size, the Miniature Bull Terrier looks athletic. The low-set tail is short and thick at the base. The bull has a recognizable head with a characteristic outline of a long muzzle, where a line runs from the forehead to the nose without any drops, with a slight hump. The ears are small, close-set, erect. The eyes are small.

The bull terrier's jaws are very powerful, and his grip is iron. If we add to this the feature of low sensitivity to pain, then this dog needs to be raised very strictly.

Colors vary, but are either pure white, fawn (fawn), black, or two- or three-color variations of white, tan, and black. Brindle allowed. The English breed standard recognizes all colors except pure white. Such mini bull terriers may suffer from congenital deafness; they must be checked when purchasing (although conscientious breeders will not sell such a dog).

Characteristics of the breed: the dog is cheerful, brave, somewhat reckless, hyperactive, but at the same time cute. The Miniature Bull Terrier is extremely sociable. In most cases, it is loyal to other animals (although some individuals, despite all the efforts of the owners, cannot tolerate cats).

It is impossible to speculate in general whether the Minibull breed is aggressive, because some dogs exhibit the aggression gene and are rejected from breeding. With a good owner, these dogs are perfectly trainable and obedient.

In general, this is a good-natured dog, a companion and guard, with an easy-going character. But still, it is better not to leave small children alone with them: minibull, like most baby breeds, have a heightened sense of self-esteem, they will not tolerate children's pranks in their direction.

Puberty can manifest itself in fights with other male dogs. You can castrate your dog if:

  • it has no breeding value;
  • It is not possible to curb pugnacity despite all the strictness of upbringing.

At what age to neuter a puppy depends on several factors. But if the owner is not going to have it happen, then it is better not to wait until the mini-pet begins to attack rivals of any size, to carry out this operation at the age of 4 months, when the full course of vaccinations has already been completed. In America they do this at 1.5 months. After early castration, male dogs develop according to the bitch type.

An operation performed on time will not harm health, on the contrary: the dog becomes calmer and does not strive to rush in pursuit of a female dog in heat. And in older dogs, castration reduces the risk of cancer. But the general characteristics of the breed do not depend on this. If a male dog is not walked and exercised, he will turn the house upside down, regardless of whether he has testicles or not.

Character traits

Dogs are distinguished by devotion and strong attachment to their owner. Despite their formidable reputation, minibulls are kind, cheerful, and love active games. They enjoy playing with children. However, at an early age, kids are a little jealous and can offend their “competitor”.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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Minibulls are dominant towards pets and not very tolerant, especially towards other dogs. However, if pets grew up in company, they will even be friends with cats.

Dogs are not hostile with strangers and are even sociable and show curiosity. At the same time, they will always be ready if they feel that the owner is in danger. But excessive aggression is considered a defect in this breed. Such individuals are protected from society and sometimes euthanized.

Character and intelligence, attitude towards children and others

The character of the mini bull terrier is clearly choleric. The dog is extremely emotional, but at the same time balanced; all owners note its devotion and desire to stay close all the time.

The animal is characterized by energy and loves to play with children of preschool and primary school age. However, it is not advisable to buy such a puppy for families with newborn children: the bull terrier may become jealous.

These dogs will live peacefully with cats and other pets if they appeared in the house at the same time. In other cases, the bull will consider the cohabitants to be enemies and will be jealous when the owners begin to pay attention to them.

Descriptions of the Miniature Bull Terrier breed usually indicate that without proper education and training, animals grow up to be vicious. To prevent this vice from leading to serious trouble, the dog must be taught that it can only attack someone in case of danger, and in other cases it will be punished for showing aggression.

Education and training

You should start training your puppy immediately after purchase. A strong tendency towards dominance manifests itself at an early age, and it is important to immediately let the dog know who is in charge in the family.

Timely socialization of the pet is no less necessary. An ill-mannered minibull that is not accustomed to people will cause a lot of trouble and even become dangerous to others.

During training, dogs show their stubbornness and willfulness, which greatly complicates the process. Therefore, it is important to interest the baby while showing firmness and patience. The animal can easily master basic commands even under the guidance of an inexperienced dog breeder, as it has a high level of intelligence. But it is better to entrust serious training to a specialist dog handler.

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What needs to be instilled in a bull terrier from puppyhood:

  • a clear understanding of who is the leader in the house and what the hierarchy is in the family;
  • unconditional obedience is the basis for the safety of others;
  • training is a mandatory, but positive and interesting procedure.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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Dogs are sensitive to praise and positive emotions of the owner, and this greatly facilitates the educational process.

What do owners say about their terriers?

People who have terriers in their lives will tell you that they are real personalities! We have not met a single owner who has even once embellished what it is like to own a terrier. These pets can be very mischievous , but they can also be very demanding . Here are a few phrases you'll often come across when talking about terriers, many of them start with "little bastard", but we're not looking for boring pets!

  • Stubborn, independent - does everything only on his own terms.
  • Chases everything that moves - especially squirrels, birds and cats.
  • Selective hearing - does not hear his name, but hears from the roof of the house how a crispy bag is opened in the kitchen!
  • It is difficult to train - he cannot be disturbed, he trains only when he wants it.
  • Persistent - you will realize late that something is wrong with them.
  • Loved by everyone!
  • Loyal, cheerful, lively, smart, sweet.
  • Loves cheeky games, hiking, sniffing and fresh air.
  • Part of the family should always be where you are.
  • Active and energetic, although he loves to take a good nap and flatly refuses to go outside in the rain.

Care and maintenance

Due to its short fur, the animal is not too demanding to care for. For the same reason, it is recommended to keep minibulls not outside (in an enclosure), but in a house or apartment. They do not tolerate cold and severe temperature changes well. For winter walks, dogs are bought special overalls.

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Typical procedures:

  1. Once a week, the dog must be brushed with a stiff brush. This will cleanse her fur of loose hairs and dust.
  2. The claws usually grind down on their own. If not, then they need to be trimmed monthly.
  3. They bathe the animal with shampoo 3-4 times a year (whites a little more often). Dogs are very clean, so if necessary, it is enough to wipe them with a wet cloth.
  4. Teeth are brushed with toothpaste weekly.
  5. Once every 6-7 days you need to wipe the inside of your ears with a disk soaked in peroxide. At the same time, the shells are carefully inspected. To protect against infections, a prophylactic agent is instilled every month.

Deworming is carried out quarterly, and the skin is treated against ticks and fleas as necessary.

An important rule for keeping a minibull is daily long walks and physical activity. Up to 8 months, intensive exercise should be avoided, since the skeleton and ligaments are not yet strong, but later it is necessary to add thorough training in the form of jumping, outdoor games, and jogging.

Terrier ownership

Terriers are still kept as working dogs that keep small rodents at bay, but today they are more often found in homes where they enjoy all the comforts of family life.

People often wonder if terriers make good family dogs. We would say yes, but many will say no. That's because terrier breeds were originally bred to hunt (and kill) burrowing animals, and then began crossing with bulldogs in the 19th century, which specialized in now-illegal sports such as bull baiting and dog fighting.

However, it is difficult to dispute the fact that terriers are intelligent, friendly, affectionate and make wonderful companions. They will be happy to spend the whole day with you, walking in the park or relaxing on the couch. Many terrier breeds are trained as therapy dogs because they are good with children and the elderly, are affectionate, and love to be involved in all family activities.

Terriers need training and socialization, honestly all dogs need this. However, terriers are characterized by independence; they should never be left unattended; without proper training, a response cannot be guaranteed, especially if the pet is out hunting.

So terriers do make good pets; however, like everything in life, you get back what you put in.


From 2 months, puppies are fed 5-6 times a day in small portions. As the year approaches, the number of meals is reduced to 2. To maintain your pet’s health, several recommendations should be followed:

  1. The easiest way is to feed your dog premium (or super premium) class dry food or holistic food, following the dosages indicated on the package.
  2. A natural diet requires careful attention. Minibulls are prone to overeating and obesity. The composition should include up to 80% protein (lean meat), some vegetables, fruits, cereals (buckwheat, oatmeal, rice), and herbs. Be sure to periodically give your dog vitamin supplements.
  3. Eliminate feeding from the common table, otherwise the animal will constantly beg.
  4. Follow a strict diet.
  5. Do not add sugar, flour products, smoked and pickled foods, or a lot of fat to your food.

To strengthen and clean your teeth, you can buy special bones at a pet store.


Before you buy a miniature bull terrier

, you need to determine the purpose of the acquisition. Prices for this breed are not low, which means that this investment can to some extent be considered an investment.

The cheapest option is to buy a pet-class puppy. In this case, the owners will receive documents confirming their pedigree, as well as vaccination certificates.

But dogs of this class are not allowed to breed and participate in exhibitions. A puppy will cost even less if you buy it from someone else or on the market, but at best it will turn out to be a mixed breed, or even a completely mongrel dog, and a sickly one at that.

If you plan to purchase in connection with further breeding, then there is no doubt: the money will pay off after three or four matings. In this case, it is worth purchasing a breed-class dog.

If the owners intend to take their pet to exhibitions and competitions, then we are talking about show class. In this case, the price of a miniature bull terrier

can reach 120 thousand rubles and higher amounts.

In general, the breed is characterized as prone to genetic diseases, so the purchase must be approached with the utmost responsibility and caution, having first studied the parameters by which you can determine the healthiest representative.

Moreover, the trick is that at the time of sale the animal can be completely healthy, but in a couple of years it will die. But you can minimize the risk of buying an initially sick dog if you contact a miniature bull terrier nursery

. These places offer the highest guarantees of purchasing a quality pet.

Another aspect is the nature of the animals. Minibulls are most suitable for calm people, experienced breeders with an active lifestyle. Beginners may find it difficult to deal with a dog that has cosmic stubbornness.

Health and illness

Minibulls do not have good health. The most common diseases for this breed:

  • congenital deafness (usually in white dogs);
  • heart defects in various forms;
  • displacement of the kneecap (accompanied by lameness and pain, gradually leading to arthritis);
  • renal polycystic disease and dysplasia;
  • dislocation of the lens (threat of blindness);
  • tracheal hypoplasia;
  • allergies;
  • lethal acrodermatitis (begins due to a deficiency of zinc in the diet due to digestive characteristics, incurable).

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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Dogs must be periodically taken to the veterinarian for examinations, vaccinated on time, and at the slightest suspicious symptoms, seek advice from the clinic.

How much does it cost and where can I buy it?

Most health problems occur in white , and such a dog can get sick at any age and even from birth. White individuals often have hearing problems and various skin diseases. For this reason, white puppies are cheaper, and if a good healthy puppy can cost from 80 thousand rubles and above , then white babies are estimated on average 20-30 thousand rubles cheaper.

You can buy such dogs in many large nurseries, but not many specialists are involved in breeding mini bull terriers: due to the high cost, the breed is not very popular.

List of suitable nicknames

Even miniature bull terriers are serious dogs. They are characterized by a sharp mind, vigilance and stubbornness. This means that the name must correspond to these features.

The chosen nickname should immediately please the members of the family and be easy to pronounce, since it is not advisable to change it later once the pet gets used to it. The English origin and noble appearance of the dog allow you to choose the appropriate option among foreign names.

How to name a male dog:

  • Arthur, Cupid, Agate, Archie, Baron, White, Gray;
  • Elvis, Caesar, Zeus, Nike, Rocky, Charlie;
  • Casper, Claude, Jack, Dick, Dani;
  • Theo, Luke, Hulk, Cooper, Beck, Henry;
  • Chuck, Chase, Jerry, Bond, King, Bruce, Mike, Perce, Oscar, Count;
  • Uranus, Ice, Lion, Bike, Bob, Loki, Thor, Persian.

Nicknames for bitches:

  • Astra, Bonnie, Molly, Jessie;
  • Polly, Dina, Gina, Vesta, Tori, Greta;
  • Vika, Lucy, Goldie, Rona, Alma;
  • Busya, Fiona, Lily, Diana, Sherry, Zita;
  • Irma, Sophie, Sonya, Laura, Keri, Maya;
  • Cindy, Bella, Kara, Nyura, Kira;
  • Chelsea, Lucky, Utah, Knopa;
  • Percy, Ellie, Emmy, Taya; Yana, Zlata.

Rules for choosing puppies

When purchasing a pet, it is important to first research the characteristics and temperament of the breed. A small bull terrier should have a strong appearance, slight fatness, clean skin and correct proportions. Behavior is moderately active, cheerful, without aggression or excessive timidity.

The ideal age for a puppy is 2 months. All the necessary documents come with the dog.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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Conscientious breeders and nurseries always monitor the nutrition and health of puppies and give vaccinations in a timely manner. When purchasing an animal, the future owner will receive detailed recommendations and advice from professionals.

How to choose a puppy and its cost

Mini bull terrier puppies are an expensive pleasure. Prices for dwarf bulls of the same litter sometimes vary greatly. In addition, among cute and identical-looking dogs of the same class, it is difficult for a non-specialist to choose an animal with an adequate character.

It is better to consider the dog together with the breed, paying attention to the following:

  • both father and mother must have a balanced character and a stable psyche;
  • the body of a healthy puppy is well built and strong, the tummy has strong muscles and looks fit;
  • the eyes are small and shiny, mucus does not ooze from them;
  • the animal's head has the correct shape.

The price of a puppy is not the main selection criterion: you should take home only a pet that behaves well and does not show aggression.

It is advisable to buy a dog at the age of 3-4 months. It will be difficult to raise an older dog. Dogs after 5 months can only be properly trained by experienced breeders.

Interesting facts from the life of dogs

Some interesting information about the breed for those who want to know more about it:

  1. Rats are very dangerous for cats and small dogs, as they desperately defend themselves when they feel a threat to their life. Minibulls hold the record for exterminating these rodents. Documented facts: one dog killed 100 rats in 5 and a half minutes, another killed 1000 in 100 minutes. This suggests that dogs have a low pain threshold and enormous physical capabilities.
  2. In the dashing 90s in Russia, the breed was popular for training individuals who were aggressive towards humans. Unfortunately, both varieties of Bull Terriers continue to have this bad reputation to this day.
  3. For amateurs in dog breeding, the word “bull terrier” has become a collective name for any dogs with smooth hair, a square muzzle and a massive body.
  4. The breed is one of the first in terms of the number of genetic diseases.
  5. The legislation of the USA and some other countries has developed a whole base of standards for owners of fighting dogs (which includes bull terriers). This includes insurance, large fines and various restrictions.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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Before buying a puppy, a potential owner should carefully weigh his options for proper upbringing and timely socialization of the pet.

How much does a bull terrier cost?

Potential owners should be prepared to answer the question of how much a mini bull terrier costs. A dog without a pedigree will cost $200-300 . She will not participate in exhibitions or breeding. Show-class animals with the potential to win exhibitions and create healthy offspring have the highest price: a dog will cost $1800-2000 .

These dogs are so expensive and vary greatly in price due to the rarity of the breed: in Russia, these animals are kept by a relatively small number of owners.


Our Butch is a very brutal dog and not at all difficult to keep. A stubborn character often manifests itself, but he is responsive to good treatment, so you can come to an agreement with him. He is a wonderful companion, active, cheerful. Ideal option for a family with children.

Despite the terrible reputation, they despaired of the little bull terrier. At first he turned out to be a kind-hearted puppy (though his character was noticeable from childhood), and now he has grown into a confident, cheerful and cheerful dog. His energy is inexhaustible, he has to walk a lot. Otherwise it does not create any difficulties.

Minibulls are kind and smart dogs, but they require serious training. They periodically show aggression, they need a firm hand and willpower. If the dog understands in time who is boss in the house, then there will be no problems later.

The Dwarf Bull Terrier is recommended for those who love fighting dogs, especially if living space is limited. However, such a pet is not suitable for every person, as it has a difficult and peculiar temperament. An owner with a strong character and a sensitive heart will be ideal for a minibull.

What is the difference between a Bull Terrier and a Mini Bull Terrier?

The exterior of these dogs is almost the same, but there are differences in character. Mini dogs are more active than standard bulls, so they don’t look as well-fed. With active behavior, their temperament is softer, and proper education completely removes the aggressiveness characteristic of large dogs. In addition, dwarf dogs live longer than standard dogs.

Photo and video review

The best representatives of the breed are presented in our photo gallery. From the video review you can get a closer look at the behavior and temperament of animals.

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