Wild cat of the Ocelot breed: description and maintenance at home

The cat world is full of breeds of all sizes, colors, temperaments and prices. But sometimes it happens that a person wants to bring into his home not just a kitten, but something more serious.
In this case, the search is carried out among wild cat species that more or less successfully adapt to life next to humans and can become domestic to some extent. One of these extravagant options for a purring pet could be the ocelot - a cat that is far from domestic, but capable of living in a large house.

The ocelot wild cat is not a breed as such; it is a biological species known to mankind since ancient times and has occupied the minds of zoologists since the first attempts to give a complete description of the species. The natural habitat of the species is Mexico, Central and South America, as well as part of the southwestern United States.

Currently, the ocelot is listed in the Red Book, but is listed there as a rare sustainable species, since the wild population is 40,000 individuals.

History of study, subspecies

Various species of Ocelots are common on the mainland of the Western Hemisphere. The predatory mammal, called Leopardus Pardalis, was first discovered in the 18th century. and described by Carl Linnaeus. During the 19th and 20th centuries, subspecies mitis, gouazou, pseudopardalis and others were found in Argentina, Mexico, Colombia and other countries in South and Central America, as well as the North American state of Texas. Representatives of different subspecies are similar to each other in size and body structure, with minor differences in the patterns on the coat.

Photo – Ocelot


If you want to keep a pet at home that looks like an ocelot and has the same size, lovers of exotic cat breeds are advised to take a closer look at Asher cats. She is rightfully a rival of ocelots, caracals and fennec cats. Asher is a cross between a serval and a regular domestic cat. Has highly developed intelligence and communication skills. The animal is sociable, gets along well with children, and easily lives with other pets. But if you don’t give your cat the proper attention, it will quickly turn from tame to wild. Therefore, the cub must be immediately accustomed to socialization.

Depending on their habitat, the following subspecies are distinguished:

One of the subspecies of the animal is the Brazilian.

  • Texan;
  • Nicaraguan;
  • Brazilian;
  • leopardus pardalis pardalis;
  • leopardus pardalis nelsoni.

General characteristics, habitat zones

Where does he live? Ocelots are medium-sized wild cats that live in the southwestern United States, Mexico, South America, and Central America. Predators are listed in the Red Book, but do not belong to endangered species, since the number of these animals is about 40 thousand individuals and does not show a tendency to decrease on a global scale.

In past centuries, these cats were considered a valuable hunting trophy due to their beautiful fur, mottled with black markings of varying widths.

Most likely, the name of the animal comes from the Indian dialect. There is a version that the name is etymologically related to the word “cellatus”, which in Latin means “with eyes” and contains a hint of the spotted color of the cat’s skin. Residents of various areas give wild tabby cats their own folk names, indicating their resemblance to tigers or jaguars (tigrecillo, tigrillo, jaguatrica, gato tigre).

Genetic studies indicate that Ocelots have existed as a distinct species for over a million years. Close relatives are the following representatives of the cat family:

  • Oncilla;
  • Andean;
  • Geoffroy;
  • Margay;
  • Guinha;
  • Pampasskaya.

What does it look like? Representatives of the species are characterized by an athletic build with elongated legs. The size of the body together with the head ranges from 60 cm to a meter, the tail is not too long - up to 0.4 m. The weight of an adult female is 6.5-11.5 kg, a male is 7-15.5 kg.

The fur color of the animals is an impressive interweaving of coal-black geometric lines of varying thickness and size. Several long stripes are located along the spine along the entire length of the back, right down to the end of the tail. The background of the fur is painted in grayish-brown or beige-red colors of varying degrees of saturation. The lower part of the body is light. The length of the hairline is up to a centimeter.

The shape of the ears is round. The tip of the large nose is pink or brick colored. Eye color – brown.

Although Ocelot is similar to Margay, it differs in twice the mass and has a shortened tail. The size of the animal is closer to that of a lynx. The largest cats can be confused with young jaguars, but the striped color gives the predator away.

Predators live in various climatic zones: savannas, tropical jungles, mangrove swamps. Habitats rise to a height of up to 3 km above sea level. Animals prefer to settle in areas with dense vegetation; during daylight hours they try to stay away from open areas. In the United States, these representatives of the cat family live in National Parks or private property. There are cases of registration of individual individuals outside protected areas, but generally the animals try to stay away from people. In Mexico, predators live in pine thickets at an altitude of 2 km above sea level.

Ocelot conservation

Back in the 70s of the last century, ocelots appeared in the International Red Book, which was the result of vigorous hunting activity that led the animals to the brink of complete extinction. After this, a strict ban was imposed on hunting and trading in ocelot skins. In addition to all kinds of prohibitions, people began to create various protected areas and national parks, where predators began to breed without such threats from the outside.

The presence of such measures made it possible to change the conservation status of the animal and since 2008 these animals are considered a species “at least under threat.” Despite such efforts, the number of the animal is constantly decreasing, since poachers have not gone away, and people are destroying natural habitats.

The problem is that humans are uncontrollably cutting down tropical forests, which are home to many animals, including ocelots. In addition, deforestation leads to the disappearance of many other animal species that are part of the diet of these predators. In other words, everything in nature is interconnected and humans should not violate these natural connections.

ATTACK OF OCELOT / Coyote Peterson in Russian


These representatives of wild cats tend to lead a solitary lifestyle, going out hunting in the dark. Like most of their relatives, cats live and hunt in certain areas, the boundaries of which are marked with secretions and notches on trees and zealously fight against intruders. The size of the male's possessions ranges from 2 to 46 square meters. km, females – 1-15 sq. km. At the same time, males freely enter the territory of females.

Outside of marital relations, communication between animals is reduced to a minimum, with rare exceptions. Babies stay with their parents for a long time.

Thanks to camouflage coloring and caution, Ocelots manage to avoid the attention of people and other representatives of the animal world. Modern means of observation have made it possible to clarify data regarding the lifestyle of these secretive animals. During the daytime, predators lie down under the protection of trees or bushes and begin hunting before dawn. Active actions last up to 12 hours. The speed of cats in hunting mode is 0.3 km per hour, when walking around the boundaries of the site it is 5 times faster.

Studying the video recordings revealed that cats of this species prefer to arrange toilets for public use, which indicates a greater degree of social interaction than previously thought.

The living density of seals depends on natural conditions: the presence of dangerous predators, the frequency of precipitation, and the food supply. The number of individuals living in an area of ​​one hundred square kilometers can vary from 2-3 to 50-60 individuals.

Biologists have concluded that representatives of the species prefer wet areas rather than dry ones. A unique feature of these cats is their love for the water element. Predators can move along water streams over long distances. The animals easily travel over rough terrain, jump over rocks and boulders, and move along tree branches, but they still prefer to settle in flat areas.

Seals can make various sounds, except for a lion's roar. During sexual hunting, animals meow.

Natural enemies of Ocelots are pumas, jaguars, pythons, caimans and other large predators. For many years, the extermination of furry beauties was carried out by people attracted by the unique patterns on the skin.


Ocelots prefer to hunt at night. During the day they hide in the dense shade of tropical thickets. The spotted skin camouflages well. In thickets of grass covered with sun spots, the cat is invisible. On a hot day, representatives of the cat breed prefer tree hollows and mountain crevices.

Predators are active 12 hours a day. At night, cats hunt and travel. In 10-11 hours the predator covers a distance of 9-10 km. The animal is looking for a new safe territory inhabited by rodents.

Facts: Scientists have discovered 11 species of ocelot living in different parts of the American continent.


In nature, the hunting objects of these predatory mammals are small animals, birds, fish and amphibians. Of the representatives of South American fauna, the most common animals that cats eat for lunch are rodents, armadillos, and even large insects. Brazilian representatives of the species feed on small monkeys, while Mexican representatives feed on iguanas. The main criterion when choosing prey is weight and size. Typically, animals are content with prey weighing up to 1 kg, especially since this is the amount of food a cat needs to meet its daily need for proteins and fats.

In many ways, the diet depends on the time of year. For example, during periods of drought, Venezuelan cats eat rodents and lizards, and when there is heavy rainfall, they eat land crabs.

In general, the tastes of Ocelots are not too different from the eating habits of representatives of related species of the cat family. Oncillas usually choose birds and arboreal marsupials, and Margay is not particularly picky in its choice of food.

Developed senses help seals find prey: a keen sense of smell, night vision, and acute hearing. The predator lies in ambush not far from the prey and waits for the prey to lose its vigilance. If the object of the hunt manages to escape, the hunter changes his location. The cat kills a caught animal or bird by tearing its throat with its teeth and immediately eats it, biting off large pieces. The predator pre-plucks the feathered prey.

If it is impossible to profit from game or meat, the cat goes to the nearest body of water to search for fish or reptiles.


Mating calls, which allow males and females to find each other during sexual hunting, are similar to ordinary meowing, only greatly amplified. Such screams can be heard over long distances. Ocelots mate throughout the year. The time of maximum sexual activity depends on the region of residence. Thus, animals living in Paraguay and Argentina more often look for a sexual partner in the fall, and residents of Mexico and the state of Texas - in the fall and winter. Estrus in females lasts from three days to a week. If pregnancy does not occur, the female is ready for mating again after 4 weeks.

Biological studies have shown that in wild small cats living in Brazil, maximum sperm production is achieved during the summer months. Having found a suitable female, the male spends several days with his chosen one, without being separated even for hunting and eating. During these days, the couple communicates intensively, constantly sniffing and caressing.

A mother cat usually gives birth to one to three kittens. Pregnancy lasts 77-85 days. To care for the offspring, the mother prepares in advance a comfortable nest, securely hidden among dense thickets. The weight of a newborn kitten is about 300 g. Observations carried out in Texas showed that as mothers grow older, they move their cubs to new places.

For the first two weeks of life, babies remain blind, then the kittens' eyes open. The cubs leave the shelter for the first time when they reach the age of 12 weeks. Adolescents begin to lead an independent life after the age of two, and until then remain under maternal supervision. At 2 years old, young cats can already search for prey without the help of adults and defend their own hunting grounds.

When comparing Ocelots with other felines, biologists note a larger gap between births and a small number of cubs in one litter.

In nature, representatives of the species live 15-20 years, in captivity they can live up to 30 years. Females reach the ability to mate by one and a half years, males - six months later. Another distinctive feature of representatives of the species is the care that males show towards members of their family. The cat does not leave his wife while bearing offspring, and then takes care of the children, protecting them from danger and obtaining food.


Ocelots are well domesticated, although they retain elements of behavior characteristic of wild animals. Even a tamed animal will continue to be wary and tense when communicating. At the same time, a high intellectual level allows these pets to learn the basic rules of behavior: using a litter box, diet, obedient behavior. Animals maintain the cleanliness inherent in all cats, maintaining their fur in perfect condition.

However, living in a small apartment is contraindicated for these pets. Animals need space to be active, including climbing trees and swimming. Limiting a cat's living space will lead to illness and even death. The ideal habitat for the fluffy beauty will be a spacious enclosure on a personal plot, with a pond, equipped with devices that allow you to spend time at height (tree trunks, ladders, etc.).

The owner should be prepared for the animal to mark its territory, since this behavior provides the animal with a sense of security. This even applies to sterilized pets. In addition, when deciding on castration, you should remember that wild cats do not tolerate anesthesia well and the decision on surgical intervention should be made after consultation with a veterinarian.

With proper care and comfortable conditions, wild cats can live up to 30 years in captivity and even give birth.

Kittens are taken from breeders when they reach the age of 3-4 months, when the first vaccinations have already been done. Subsequently, animals must undergo regular treatment with anthelmintic and insecticidal drugs, and be vaccinated annually against panleukopenia, calcivirosis, rabies, chlamydia, and rhinotracheitis.

A kitten raised in the company of people will be quite tame and calm. However, upon reaching adulthood, the pet should be placed in an enclosure to create a comfortable living environment for the pet.

Ocelots have developed instincts of hunting and competition, so the animal is usually not inclined to make friends with other pets. Animals have a playful nature, so to entertain your pet, you need to buy durable toys designed for large dogs.

Representatives of this species do not tolerate shouting, perceiving a raised voice as a sign of aggression and retaining resentment for a long time. If the baby begins to behave aggressively, the kitten should be left alone indoors, then the pet will gradually calm down and come to its senses.

For young children, wild cats pose a danger because they are not used to restraining their strength during play.

A wild cat's diet should consist of raw meat without fat, poultry, and sometimes live mice. Nutritional supplements designed for domestic cats are not suitable for your pet.

Ocelots, as one of the most graceful representatives of the animal world, are represented in most of the world's zoos, as well as in national parks and reserves.

Interesting Facts

A famous representative of this breed is a cat named Babou, who was a favorite of Salvador Dali. Dali and the ocelot traveled all over the world together. The animal was a reliable and faithful companion to its owner, for which he loved it unquestioningly. Another interesting fact is that the cat is very brave and fearless. Protecting herself and her offspring, she can attack a 2-meter boa constrictor. Ocelot was worshiped by the ancient Egyptians. It was customary to make various figurines and decorations in the image of the animal.

How to buy an Ocelote kitten

What is the price? The price for representatives of the species remains high ($15-20 thousand). Providing adequate living conditions for your pet is also not easy. Purchasing wild animals is allowed only in special nurseries that provide correctly completed documents. In the absence of the necessary documents, the predator is confiscated by government organizations, and the buyer is subject to administrative punishment.

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