Reviews from owners about the English Cocker Spaniel breed: character traits, care features and attitude towards children

Spaniels are a fairly large group of breeds, which mainly includes hunting dogs, but there are also decorative dwarf pets.

The English Cocker Spaniel is a popular breed of hunting dog all over the world, working on small game birds.

But they are also known as companion dogs, regular participants in exhibitions or various shows.

Small stature, long ears, expressive dark eyes and a friendly, energetic disposition are the characteristic features of this breed.

What is remarkable about English cocker spaniels, what nuances need to be taken into account when keeping them in the house, and what do the owners of these dogs say about their pets?

Description of the breed

The English Cocker Spaniel is a medium-sized hunting dog with a beautifully set head of graceful lines and a slightly elongated rectangular muzzle. The eyes are large, expressive, oval-shaped, dark brown. The ears are long, hanging, low set.

The body is square in shape, the muscles are well developed, but the spaniel does not look massive or rough. The chest is deep but not particularly wide

The forelegs are strong, straight and parallel. The hindquarters are well muscled, the angles of the joints are well defined.

The tail is set below the line of the back and is usually docked.

The coat is medium in length, soft and silky. The hair should be straight on the body and head; slight waviness is allowed on the ears.

Various colors: one, two or three colors. Solid colors may have small white markings on the chest. There are also black and tan and brown and tan English Cockers.

The most popular colors are golden and black.


Many two-color and three-color cockers can also have markings of varying intensities.

Characteristics of Cocker Spaniels

This four-legged dog is rightfully called one of the most popular and beloved dog breeds in the world. His mischievous nature, combined with his attractive appearance, turned English hunters into man's best friends. Cockers have a rather memorable appearance:

  • The body is muscular, has smooth transitions and curves, and is squat.
  • The head is slightly flat, the muzzle is well defined.
  • The eyes are moist and intelligent.
  • Strong bite.
  • Strong neck.
  • Strong paws that are covered with thick hair.
  • Spaniels are particularly proud of their ears. The ears are wide, long, fit tightly to the skull, and are covered with silky hair.

The lifespan of dogs is up to 15 years . If the life expectancy exceeds 16 years, then the animal is considered to be a long-liver.

Basic character traits

English cockers are cheerful, friendly and sociable dogs. They are energetic, love to play outdoor games with their owners and are excellent hunting helpers.

They treat strangers with distrust, but without aggression.

The cocker is quite friendly with other pets, however, due to its innate hunting instincts, it requires proper and timely socialization.

They work enthusiastically when hunting, they enjoy tracking down game and bringing back the shot bird both from the shore and from the water.

Cockers do not like rough treatment and if you offend your pet, it can become stubborn and refuse to follow the owner’s commands.


Spaniels are described as very smart dogs. And indeed it is. Even an owner who has absolutely no experience in this can cope with training a spaniel, for example. Spaniels are one of the three breeds with the highest level of intelligence. However, representatives of this breed are unusually stubborn dogs. This applies to both puppies and adult animals. Anyone who wants to raise a good, easy-going dog from a wayward cocker puppy will have to try very hard.

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Advantages and disadvantages


  • They look beautiful and elegant.
  • Friendly to other pets, as well as people.
  • They love children. Smart and savvy.
  • Easy to train.
  • Excellent hunting helpers.
  • Can be kept both in the house and in the apartment.
  • Energetic, active and playful.


  • They require careful grooming, including periodic haircuts.
  • They need a lot of physical activity.
  • Prone to overeating and subsequent obesity.
  • They like to beg near the table.
  • They are so sociable that some people seem intrusive.
  • Possessive instincts: the cocker will protect its food and toys from everyone, even from its beloved owner.
  • They do not tolerate loneliness well: they howl, bark and spoil things if left alone for a long time.


The most convenient type of food is dry food. It contains all the substances, minerals, and vitamins necessary for a dog in the right proportions. Natural food is more difficult to choose; it should contain:

  • 70% - beef, lamb, sea fish;
  • 5% - cottage cheese and fermented milk products;
  • 15% - fiber, which is found in vegetables and fruits;
  • 10% - cereals: buckwheat, oats, rice.

Food should be at room temperature and contain no salt.

Dogs of this breed are prone to obesity. You should not feed them more than 2 times a day, even if the dog looks with hungry eyes. Yielding to provocation can harm your pet.

How active is the breed? What kind of people is it suitable for?

The English Cocker is very active and energetic. He loves to run, play and needs quite long walks in order to get rid of his overwhelming energy. Such a dog may even seem hyperactive to some people.

At the same time, the cocker is not averse to relaxing on the carpet in front of the fireplace or on the sofa. But in order for the pet to behave calmly in the absence of the owner, he needs to be given the opportunity to run around and play enough during a walk.


Ideally, the owner of an English Cocker should be a hunter, since during work the dog will be able not only to move to his heart’s content, but also to realize his innate hunting instincts.

But the cocker is also suitable for a young couple, families with children or a single person leading an active lifestyle.

It is not recommended to have such a pet for too busy people and those who are constantly on the road.

How do you feel about loneliness?

English cockers are very loyal to their owners and simply adore them. However, this feature also has another side: dogs feel abandoned forever, even if the owner has left the house for a few minutes.

Out of despair and boredom, they begin to howl and bark loudly, or they chew furniture, wires, and tear wallpaper off the walls.

But, usually, only dogs that were not accustomed in childhood to stay alone in a house or apartment behave this way. If you teach your pet to behave correctly during the absence of its owners, and also provide it with various toys, then it will have something to do and it will not look for entertainment for itself.


Another reason why an English Cocker Spaniel may not tolerate loneliness well is lack of physical activity when the dog does not know where to put its energy.

Who to choose - a boy or a girl?

Males are larger and have better conformation, therefore, if you need a show cocker, and the issue of gender is not important, then it is better to opt for a male.

But we must also take into account that boys are more stubborn and, growing up, often try to take the place of leader. In addition, they can run away from their owner after the first bitch they come across and get lost.

Girls are more affectionate and affectionate, they sense the owner’s mood more subtly and, usually, are more obedient than males.

If a puppy is purchased as a gift for a child, then it is better to opt for a bitch that is more affectionate and soft in character.

Good or evil? How does he treat children?

English cockers are considered kind and affectionate pets. They get along well with children, including the youngest.

But you need to take into account that cockers are big owners and, moreover, do not tolerate rude treatment.

To eliminate the possibility of conflicts, you need to explain to children before purchasing a puppy that they should not touch the pet’s toys or approach the bowl when he is eating.


If children are too young, it is necessary to supervise their play with the spaniel so that they do not accidentally harm the pet or provoke defensive aggression in it.

Choosing a puppy

If you have already decided that you want to have a British four-legged friend at home, then you will probably have questions about where is the best place to buy a dog, how to choose the right puppy, and also how much such a baby will cost.

Speaking about where to buy a pet, it is best to contact professional breeders . This way, you will be absolutely sure that your British pet is healthy.

In addition, professional breeders will tell you everything about the parents of the new family member, and may even introduce you to them personally. Here you can consult with the breeder regarding the specific care and maintenance of your pet.

As a rule, a Cocker Spaniel bitch most often brings no more than 5 puppies. When choosing your pet, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  1. Under no circumstances should a puppy be separated from its mother before it is one month old. The fact is that during this period the immune system of the future hunter is being formed, and all the necessary nutrients enter the puppy’s body with mother’s milk.
  2. If the puppy is too active and attacks its fellows, then it is not recommended to purchase it. As he grows up, such aggression can only intensify. You should also not buy dogs that are too lethargic and constantly lying down. Perhaps they are susceptible to some kind of disease.
  3. Before buying, you need to decide why exactly you are buying a dog. If a four-legged British dog is purchased exclusively for hunting, then it is recommended to give preference to girls. The fact is that bitches are more obedient and learn commands better.
  4. It is recommended not to buy a fairly mature pet. Spaniels become very attached to the people around them. If you take an adult dog from your family, you will cause great psychological trauma to it.

As for the cost of the puppy, it will depend on the place where the pet is purchased. If you buy a cocker from a professional breeder or in a dog kennel, then the cost of a month-old puppy, as a rule, ranges from 20,000 to 25,000 rubles . Here we mean puppies with documents from elite parents. If you decide to buy a pet from your own hands, then its cost will be approximately from 5,000 to 8,000 rubles.

How picky are you when it comes to feeding?

The English Cocker Spaniel is an unpretentious eater and can eat both ready-made food and food prepared at home. These dogs willingly eat whatever is offered to them and simply love to beg near the table.

Because of this, cockers are prone to obesity, especially if they do not get enough exercise. Therefore, you need to make sure that your pet does not overeat and moves a lot.

You should not treat your cocker to treats between feedings or allow him to pick up pieces of abandoned food during walks.


The American Cocker is a healthy dog. With a balanced diet and proper care, the animal lives 16-20 years. Like all representatives of elite breeds, spaniels are prone to certain diseases: epilepsy, cataracts, glaucoma, destruction of the hip joints, dermatitis. Dogs often suffer from ear infections and other ear diseases.

Cockers are prone to obesity, so they need to be provided with long, active walks and a diet.

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