September 1, 2018 Man in the wild Sergey Prots Coyote (photo and description of the animal
Wild animals >> Mammals The Japanese macaque is the most unusual monkey on the planet. In contrast
Home General information 01.11.2018 A small steppe animal can bring no less positive emotions than
Origin of the species and description Photo: Hyena dog They belong to the canine family, genus Hyenaidae
Hamsters are quite smart rodents: they usually quickly remember their name and respond to
Wild animals >> Mammals The cat family is represented by a wide variety of animal species. One of the most
It’s not for nothing that there was a saying in Rus': “Living near a forest means you won’t go hungry.”
Jami Tarris/Getty Images According to the National Wildlife Federation, armed with surprisingly powerful
And it looks like a funny animal... The carbysh differs from the domestic hamster in its size and character.
Sonya Polchok is a rodent that closely resembles a squirrel. It lives in many Russian regions.