The cat asks the cat what to do: veterinarian advice, medicines, drops and folk methods


Professional cat breeders and ordinary lovers of these cute fluffies sooner or later face a problem when the animal needs to go for a walk. If a cat asks a cat, how to calm her down at home and is it worth doing? At this time, the animal begins to behave quite actively - it often calls the cat, begins to rock on the floor, and there is a frequent urge to urinate. This behavior of the pet brings discomfort to the owners. In addition, there is a need to clean the cat’s litter box more often, and the pet’s nightly chants simply prevent you from sleeping.

The period when the cat wants and asks for a cat lasts 2 weeks. An adult female feels the need to mate 3 times a year.

Some pet lovers leave things to chance. They let nature solve problems as it will. If the cat continues to live the same life as always, looking for a cat herself, then the owners are then forced to solve the problem of growing kittens. After birth, babies are accommodated in every possible way.

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Don't discount hygiene factors. Cats, being naturally neat animals, during the period of heat become even more demanding of external conditions. Not cleaning the toilet on time can provoke irritation and aggression in pets. She can find a place for the toilet not in the usual place, but where she sees fit. To avoid creating additional problems, you should clean the tray more often.

For breeders, the issue of estrus is resolved at a professional level. A cat of the same breed is selected, an acquaintance takes place, and after the allotted time, cute purebred babies are born.

To be or not to be offspring?

The owner of a grown-up cat recently began to complain: “How can you not go crazy, get enough sleep at night and not harm your pet?”
These three questions in one force cat owners to look for answers on the websites and forums of breeders and veterinarians.

Discussions on social networks recommend that the owner decide on the main question: whether to get children from his pet or whether kittens are not included in the family’s life plans. There is no third option.

Felinologists advise sterilizing an animal if:

  • there is no desire, time and opportunity to breed cat offspring;
  • The cat is not suitable for breeding work.

After all, after sterilization, the mental health of the furry beauty will be fine, and the age-related risk of oncology of the reproductive system will be reduced to zero.

False pregnancy

It is not uncommon for a cat to walk without a cat, but she is ovulating. It is more common in young animals. This happens, for example, if they try to calm a cat with a massage or imitation of sexual intercourse (stimulation of ovulation). Sometimes stroking your hand or the smell of a cat is enough for ovulation to occur.

Therefore, if there was no mating, but estrus does not resume, you need to suspect an imaginary pregnancy. At the same time, the unfertilized female behaves as if pregnant and even prepares for childbirth, looking for a secluded place.


To get rid of your pet’s meticulous screams forever, it is recommended to carry out a sterilization procedure. This method is suitable only for those who do not want to breed cats.

Veterinarians now recommend neutering rather than a simple tubal ligation. This is an abdominal operation to remove the uterus and ovaries. It is done under general anesthesia.

The appropriate age for surgery is when cats start begging for the first time. That is, approximately 6-7 months. It is advisable to have the operation done before the first heat.

Pros and cons of castration:

The lifespan of a cat increases by 1.5-2 yearsSince the operation is performed under general anesthesia, there is a possibility of complications.
The cat does not yell, behaves calmly, does not cause inconvenience to the owner
There is no need to look for partners for mating and think about where to put the kittens
The pet's risk of developing mammary gland cancer, ovarian and uterine pathologies is reduced

The case for castration also holds true for males. In addition to the fact that cats start screaming when they ask for a cat, they leave marks in the apartment with a pungent musky odor. Rather than endure this, it is better to have surgery and forget about sleepless nights. Today this is the most effective way to solve the problem.

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Prohibited actions

Most online recommendations not only do not give the desired effect, but also pose a danger to the animal. Prohibited actions include the following:

  1. Using folk recipes. Valerian, popular among owners, is highly addictive among the cat family, and essential oils with a pungent odor can cause acute poisoning. Also, do not resort to recipes with iodine and soda. These substances lead to increased gas formation and vomiting.
  2. Cooling the genitals with ice water. At best, your pet will simply get scared, and at worst, it will develop inflammation.
  3. Frequent stroking. Try not to touch the area from the middle of the back to the base of the tail. After this, the cat crouches to the ground in anticipation of mating.
  4. Raising voices and physical punishment. Abuse will simply increase anxiety and rob your pet of your trust.
  5. Locking the animal in a dark room. The sun's rays do stimulate hormones, but a lack of them is harmful to physiological health and psyche.
  6. Taking sleeping pills. This is a very strong drug that is used to prepare for deep anesthesia. Due to the large number of contraindications and side effects, it can only be used as prescribed by a veterinarian.
  7. Imitation of sexual intercourse. Sticking thermometers, cotton swabs and other oblong objects into an animal is not only pointless, but also dangerous. The tool you use can cause infection or cause accidental injury.
  8. Mating with a neutered cat. Unlike the previous one, this method is not dangerous, but absolutely useless. If you do not want to pair your pet with a breed-class cat, then it is much easier and more reliable to simply sterilize her.

If your loved ones use any of the above, be sure to tell them about the possible consequences. In addition to such drastic solutions as sterilization, there are several other options that eliminate negative consequences.

What to do if a cat asks for a cat

There are several ways to ease the suffering of your pet and all household members. One of the most reliable and safest methods is sterilization or castration.

Only a specialist at a veterinary clinic can castrate a pet. The operation is performed under general anesthesia, so the patient will not experience pain. The castration procedure involves removing the ovaries or the uterus, and in some cases both are removed. After this, the cat stops asking for the cat because ovulation no longer occurs and the instinctive need to reproduce disappears. Sterilization is characterized by ligation of the fallopian tubes, excluding the onset of pregnancy. At the same time, the cat continues to want a cat, so veterinarians do not recommend using this type of surgery.

What other methods of contraception are there?

Hormonal drugs

There are a huge number of all kinds of drops and tablets on the market that suppress the sexual desire of animals. But is everything so harmless?

Important! Hormonal medications are allowed to be given to cats no more than 1-2 times a year, since changes in hormonal levels negatively affect the health of the cats. Over time, females may develop purulent endometritis or pyometra

The most popular among them: “Stop-sex”, “Contra-sex”, “Gestrenol”, “Stop-intim”, “Ex-5” and others.


Substances included in many sedatives suppress the activity of the central nervous system, relieve stress and temporarily calm libido. They are practically harmless compared to hormonal drugs, but they help less effectively. After taking sedative drops or tablets, the animal becomes weakly active, constantly sleeps and eats poorly. Drugs with similar effects include “Cat Bayun”, “Stop-stress”, “Fitex” and other tinctures.

How to calm a cat that asks for a cat at home? There are several traditional methods of influencing the mental and physiological state of a pet.

How to behave if kittens are not in your plans

Medicine today offers different techniques to combat her desires. To do this, you should use contraception for animals. Asking a cat is inherent in nature.

Not every owner is ready to give their pet for surgery. But sterilization is one of the methods to combat the problem . If you categorically do not want offspring, and constant screaming depresses you, then eventually you will have to undergo surgery. This method will definitely solve the issue.

If you are not against offspring, then sterilization can be done after she gives birth to kittens. Veterinarians advise doing just that. This is due to the fact that the hormonal background of the animal will change, and this will inevitably affect the health and condition of the pet.

But as practice shows, the operation does not lead to serious consequences. Moreover, sterilized animals live longer. They become calmer and their risk of cancer decreases.

Signs that a cat is asking for a cat

The owner of a mustachioed pet can distinguish the onset of puberty by the behavior of the animal. Cats' behavior completely changes.

The main features are:

Territorial marks – sexually mature males begin to leave specific marks around the living area. These could be walls, doors, doorways, furniture. With the help of marks, the cat makes it clear to its rivals that this is its territory, and also attracts other females for mating.

Change in behavior - cats during puberty begin to show overt aggression towards their owners, as well as other animals. Aggression during the hunting season is a serious threat to owners, as the cat can scratch and even bite its breadwinner. It is worth remembering that the animal becomes practically uncontrollable and it is not possible to change its behavior using educational measures.

Screaming - using its voice, the cat tries to attract the attention of the opposite sex. Calling cries can be heard day and night, for several hours at a time. Correcting a cat's behavior with punishment is also not possible.

Correcting a cat's behavior with punishment is also not possible.

The desire to leave the house and run out into the street. Under the influence of hormones and the instinct to procreate, the cat will try to run out of the house, using any available means - a window or door.

The manifestation of sexual heat is also determined by a frequent urge to urinate, enlargement of the genitals and specific discharge from the penis. During the hunting period, the cat, just like a cat, loses the desire to eat. In addition, in pursuit of a female, the cats’ instinct of self-preservation is dulled.

Natural needs and sexual activity of cats

It is no coincidence that during the bright, warm spring and summer months we see an increase in the number of pregnant cats. As daylight hours increase in cats, the level of the hormone melatonin, produced in the dark, decreases. Which in turn affects the area of ​​the brain responsible for the reproductive instinct. A reproductive hormone is produced, which ultimately leads to the cat immediately starting to look for a potential partner.

In veterinary medicine there is a special term - estrus - a period of sexual desire that lasts 5-7 days, rarely it reaches 14 days.

During this period, the cat uses vocals and secretions to attract a male.

One way to attract a male

In domestic cats, which may not leave their apartment all their lives, breeding cycles may not depend on the time of year and external factors, so estrus can make itself felt regardless of the season.

How to help a cat during sexual activity?

During this period, you can observe how the animal rubs against the legs of its owners, as well as against various objects, meows and rolls on its back. In addition, you can notice how the cat begins to mark its home. Of course, this cannot but cause certain inconveniences, so what should you do if the cat wants a cat? There are several options here:

  • sterilization;
  • use of special drugs;
  • patience;
  • knitting

Sterilization is a surgical operation to deprive an animal of its reproductive function.
It is a simple procedure that causes almost no complications. It is carried out in a veterinary clinic or at home from the age of five months. The rehabilitation period passes quite quickly and does not cause any difficulties in care, which involves the treatment of stitches, and they are usually removed on the 10th day. In addition, by spaying your cat, you eliminate the risk of her developing ovarian cancer.

There are sedatives to reduce sexual activity in animals. They can be purchased at any pet store, but you should first consult with a veterinarian so as not to harm the cat.

In the case where the cat is purebred, and mating or taking medications is excluded due to health problems, you will have to endure the time of its sexual heat. Moreover, it does not last long - only a couple of days. Caress the animal, it especially needs it during the period of its sexual activity.

Mating is the easiest way to calm a cat

And finally, mating is the easiest way to help your cat, but to do this, you must first find a suitable cat, and if the animal is purebred, then also register the mating through the club for the subsequent sale of kittens and paperwork. But the difficulties do not end there - you may need the help of a veterinarian during childbirth. And after the kittens are born, they will need some care. Therefore, this method also imposes some obligations and sometimes creates certain problems that not everyone is able to solve; moreover, it is not appropriate for everyone, especially if kittens are not part of your plans.

How much will the cat require?

How many days does this period last? However, there is no exact answer, since it depends on the body of each pet. To find out the time limit in your case, you just need to observe. The minimum period for this process is 7 days. If you agreed to the mating, but she does not allow the cat to approach, then you should try again.

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In most cases the period ends within 10 days , but exceptions are possible. Not every owner is ready to rejoice in their offspring. Therefore, in order to calm the animal, you can use special drugs or traditional methods. After all, she wants a cat, demanding satisfaction of physiological needs every month, and it is simply impossible to constantly live in such an environment.

Contraceptives. Megestrol and drugs based on it

This is a synthetic hormone, progestogen, which is an analogue of the natural hormone of the corpus luteum. It is responsible for reducing the secretion of gonadotropic hormones - FSH and LH. A change in the level of these gonadotropic hormones leads to a decrease in the level of estrogen, and therefore to a decrease in the manifestations of sexual desire. In fact, all megestrol-based products transfer the animal from the proestrus stage to anestrus, bypassing the stages of estrus and post-estrus.

The following are among the drugs created on the basis of megestrol acetate.

"EX-5", "EX-5T", "EX-7.5".

The EKS-5T product is presented in tablets, and the other two drugs are in the form of a suspension for oral use. The result of taking it in cats is the interruption or delay of estrus (a shift in its onset).

To shift estrus

during the period between heats, the cat is given 1 tablet every 2 weeks (or 0.5 tablets every week). Procedure for using the suspension: 4 drops every week (or 8 drops every two weeks) for “EX-5”; 2–3 drops every week (or 5 drops once every two weeks) for EX-7.5.


You should not skip taking the drug. It is not recommended to use EX for more than 18 months. The use of EX to delay estrus should be started strictly during the period of anestrus.

To interrupt estrus

The animal is given 1 tablet for 5–7 days until the signs of estrus disappear. The daily dose of the suspension is 8 (“EX-5”) or 5 (“EX-7.5”) drops.


The use of drugs is possible no later than 3 days

from the beginning of sexual heat, i.e. during the period of proestrus. It is optimal to start giving the drug on the first day. Only then does suppression of FSH synthesis lead to the desired results. If the estrus phase has begun, the use of the drug is undesirable. Megestrol-based medications should not be used more than 2 times a year.

"Four with a tail."

To shift estrus, use 1 tablet every 2 weeks or 0.5 tablets every 7 days. To interrupt estrus, the cat is given 1 tablet for 8 days, the course begins no later than on the 3rd day of heat. Recommendations for use are the same as for EX.

Traditional methods of calming down during estrus

If it so happens that the cat is in heat, about which she notified her owner with a heart-rending cry, and there is no medicine at hand and no way to get it, you can use various folk methods. These methods are safe and give good results, albeit short-term. Therefore, they are used as an emergency measure. Recipes for calming a cat:

  1. Give your pet a decoction based on medicinal herbs that have a sedative effect. To prepare a decoction, you can use chamomile, mint or linden. Prepare a decoction according to one recipe - 1 tbsp. Pour a glass of boiling water over the crushed, pre-dried ingredient and leave the drink to steep until it cools, strain. You can give the decoction to your cat in its pure form or add it to food or water. It is especially effective to pour the decoction into the animal’s mouth at night; the soothing effect of the herbs will help the cat fall asleep.
  2. When the cat begins to have another attack of strong screaming, you can dip its butt in cool water and hold it in it for several minutes. Albeit not for long, but this measure will help calm down the wandering murka.
  3. You can bathe your cat in the shower. After the water procedure, your pet will be busy only licking its fur for 4-5 hours and will simply not have time to meow. It is best to carry out the water procedure late in the evening, then the owners will have the opportunity to get a good night's sleep.
  4. A weak solution of vinegar is an effective, proven way to calm a walking cat to rest for a while. Dilute the vinegar with water to make a slightly sour-tasting liquid, and pour a small amount into the animal’s mouth.
  5. To distract your cat from her heat, you can apply a small amount of butter to her face. As with the shower, the animal will be busy cleaning itself up for a long time afterward.
  6. You can calm your pet with a drink of milk and soda. There should be a little soda: no more than on the tip of a knife.
  7. If a cat keeps you awake all night with its heart-rending screams, it is recommended that you forcefully pour 50 g of vodka into its mouth in the evening. An intoxicated and calm animal will sleep all night.
  8. For a day, a walking animal will be calmed by this recipe - crush ¼ tablet of Diphenhydramine and a whole tablet of valerian, mix the powders together and give to the cat. You can add a mixture of crushed drugs to food.
  9. Another way to distract an animal in pain is to give a closed jar of valerian; such a toy will amuse the cat for a long time.
  10. Experienced cat owners recommend putting a copper plate in a bowl of water; it should lie in the water until the estrus period passes.

There are plenty of ways to calm a screaming pet during heat. Each owner can choose the most suitable and acceptable option for himself. During the period of heat, it is important to give the cat maximum attention, constantly walk with her, play, and frolic. The more exhausted a cat is from outdoor games during the evening, the better she will sleep, and with her, her owners will be able to relax in silence.

Medication methods

Before feeding your pet hormonal drugs, you need to try safer methods. One of the simplest, cheapest and safest methods is herbal infusions. For each breed, a certain type of herb is effective. It is best to purchase several types in small quantities from a pet store and give them a try. The grass that the cat likes most should be purchased in large quantities.

Before using the medicine, the owner will need to carefully read the instructions and understand how many drops should be rubbed into the cat's fur. You must act strictly according to the instructions, because excess is addictive and over time the herbal infusion will stop working. But a lack of solution may not give results.

If these methods do not help, then you can relieve the cat’s physical activity with mild sedatives. They are based on herbs and pheromones. They act as a sedative, so they are safer for the cat than hormonal drugs. The most popular are:

  1. Cat Baiyun.
  2. Suprastin.
  3. Stop stress.
  4. Feliway. One of its biggest disadvantages is its duration; it begins to act only after 2 weeks. Therefore, its diffuser must be connected at the end of winter, so that at the time of estrus the pheromone already begins to act and can calm the pet.

If the owner wishes, hormonal medications can also be given. The most popular are Stop Sex, Contrasex and others. Before using hormonal drugs, consult a veterinarian.

Expert advice

What about hormonal drugs? We haven't forgotten about them, of course. However, following the advice of veterinarians, we recommend using them only in exceptional cases. It should be understood that regular use of them causes metabolic disorders in animals. And it already manifests itself in the form:

  • inflammation in the organs of the reproductive system;
  • problematic pregnancy;
  • weak or sick offspring;
  • difficult births leading to caesarean sections;
  • tumors of the mammary glands and uterus, including malignant ones.

This is why responsible specialists prefer sterilization when owners don’t want to hear about furry children. The advantages of this option for solving the problem of offspring are obvious: you save yourself and your pet from suffering, prevent the dangerous consequences of using hormonal drugs and, in the end, reduce the number of useless defenseless lumps. In addition to the usual hormonal drugs in the form of injections or tablets, there are also chips containing the hormone, which are injected subcutaneously and, if necessary, removed.

However, having decided to sterilize your pet, you should remember that before the operation, they usually need an examination by an experienced veterinarian, and after that - competent and caring care. You also need to find out what she should be vaccinated with. If everything is done professionally and with love, your cat will not be in a state of chaleur, warming the house with its love for many, many years.

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What is estrus, how does it occur and how often does it happen?

Estrus, or estrus, is a special state of the female’s reproductive system when she is maximally positioned to conceive offspring. At such a moment, the next portion of eggs matures in the animal’s body, ready to be released from the follicles. To start the process, a special luteinizing hormone (LH) is required. In cats, it is produced only during sexual intercourse. Until enough LH accumulates in the body, the mature follicles of the female will continue to synthesize estrogen in huge quantities, which affects the behavior of the animal and forces it to look for a sexual partner.

Domestic cats come into heat 2-3 times a year, and domestic cats even more often. For both, the period of greatest reproductive activity occurs in spring-summer, although there are exceptions dictated by the living conditions of the animal.

Photo gallery

Photo 1. Scratching a cat's neck

Photo 2. Close-up of catnip

Photo 3. A rare period of calm during estrus

Complex drugs

Such products include several active ingredients. The drug for contraception and regulation of sexual behavior "Ovostop" gives a prolonged effect (up to 6 months, depending on the length of daylight hours).

  • Megestrol acetate. Promotes the transition of proestrus immediately to the stage of sexual rest without estrus and the stage after it.
  • Proroksan. Thanks to its effect on the receptors responsible for the behavioral manifestations of estrus, it blocks the unpleasant manifestations of estrus: excessive vocalization, search for a sexual partner, aggressive behavior, and the development of stress. Does not directly affect the reproductive system.
  • Melatonin. The adaptogen hormone is responsible for the seasonal and daily rhythms of the body. The use of melatonin is especially recommended in cats that are constantly exposed to artificial lighting, which delays the timing of estrus and seasonal molting. Helps improve wool quality and normalize shedding. This active substance also helps slow down the aging process of the body and has a sedative effect.

The advantage of the drug "Ovostop" is the comfortable form of spot-on - drops on the withers. The three-component composition made it possible to reduce the dose of the progestogen component (megestrol).

Strict adherence to the instructions will help to avoid unpleasant signs of heat in your cat. To select the optimal product, consult a specialist.

Causes of prolonged estrus in cats

Various factors can provoke disruption of cycles. But the main reasons for the development of prolonged estrus in a cat are:

  • hormonal imbalance while taking specific hormonal medications;
  • violation of animal care;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • lack of normal lighting in the house;
  • problems in the functioning of the thyroid gland - hypothyroidism, characterized by reduced production of hormonal substances;
  • disorders in the reproductive system - underdevelopment of the ovaries or their absence;
  • pathologies in the ovarian area - malignant neoplasms or cysts.

Signs that a cat needs a cat

The animal starts screaming very loudly all day long, so you won’t confuse this fact with anything. Signs of heat:

Loud screams. The first time it will be strange, but the next time you will immediately understand what is going on

The pet meows very loudly and thereby attracts attention. This is a natural instinct;

Appearance of marks

It is not clear whether she does this on purpose, since during this period she experiences heavy discharge; Constantly crawls underfoot, rubs and bends; A decrease in appetite is also characteristic of this period; Increased urination;

Increased caress. She begins to constantly rub against her owners and meow loudly. However, in some cases, aggression occurs in the animal.

Symptoms of estrus

It's impossible not to notice when a cat asks you to take the cat for a walk. Signs that your pet is in heat:

  1. The cat screams and meows for a long time at full speed. Some owners are scared - they think she is sick. But in reality this is a natural process. The loud cry of a kitten attracts potential suitors.
  2. When a cat asks for a cat, she leaves marks at home. It is unknown whether he does this intentionally or not. The fact is that when hunting, special mucous secretions are released from the vulva. In nature, its smell attracts cats.
  3. The cat becomes very affectionate, gentle, constantly rubs against the owner’s paws and purrs. In rare cases, the cat behaves in the opposite way - it becomes irritable and aggressive.
  4. The urge to urinate becomes more frequent.
  5. When a cat asks a cat, it adopts a characteristic posture: an arched back and a raised back. The tail is laid aside. In this way, the female shows the male that she is ready to mate.
  6. It is easy to understand that a cat wants a cat due to loss of appetite. The kitten rarely goes to the food bowl and eats little. Some people generally lose interest in food and even give up their favorite treat.

Don't worry about your cat's well-being during this period - when the heat passes, everything will return to normal. The behavior will become habitual, an appetite will develop, and the animal will stop behaving inappropriately.

Treatment with hormonal drugs

The heavy artillery in the fight against basic instinct is hormonal drugs. Such medications can be purchased at a pet pharmacy without a prescription or at a veterinary clinic. It is advisable to consult a doctor before consuming such serious drugs. Hormonal drugs are quite dangerous, and if taken regularly, the risks of developing chronic diseases increase.

Many experts say that drugs in this category are not the best way to solve the problem of how to calm a cat. The thing is that hormonal pills and drops do not always act effectively and quickly. An alternative option is injections. Injections will definitely silence the cat, but at the same time they are even more dangerous for the pet’s health. It is worth noting that the cost of injections is quite high.

What period of time is it?

The estrus cycle consists of four stages:

  • proestrus. Lasts 1-2 days, the cat shows anxiety, but does not allow the cat to come near it;
  • estrus – estrus itself, expressed by frequent urination and loss of appetite, lasts 5-7 days;
  • metestrus, extinction of the reproductive instinct, lasts up to 8 days;
  • anestrus - a period of rest that occurs if mating does not occur, lasts until the beginning of the next cycle

Thus, the average duration of estrus reaches two weeks. At the same time, the “hunting” time increases with age.

One way to solve the problem of a restless cat who wants to procreate is to mate with a male cat. Despite its apparent simplicity, this process requires serious preparation.

The first mating can be carried out no earlier than the cat reaches the age of one and a half years, when the body is fully formed and the animal has received all the necessary vaccinations. Early pregnancy in cats often ends in failure, creating a risk to the health of the animal.

Mating a cat and a cat requires a thorough approach from the owners

The cat meets its partner on the 3rd-5th day of estrus, although in some breeds favorable days begin only in the second week. An animal that finds itself in a foreign territory for mating must be provided with comfortable living conditions; you can take with you a sleeping place, a tray, a bowl, or a favorite toy. This will ensure a reduction in stress levels.

The cat's readiness can be guessed by its characteristic flirting with the cat. Mating does not always occur on the first try; in case the animal becomes agitated, the owner needs to be nearby in order to be able to calm it down.

Unfortunately, mating is not always successful; the reason may be both psychological and physical incompatibility of partners. In this case, you can contact a specialist breeder or find another partner for the cat.

The practice of mating is also known not for the purpose of giving birth to kittens, but to satisfy the cat’s sexual instinct. In this case, a castrated cat is used, fertilization cannot occur, and the cat may not experience sexual desire for up to two months.

There are pills that can calm a cat that is calling.

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