Origin of the species and description Photo: Malayan bear The Malayan bear is a distant relative of the familiar ones
These little furry rodents are ranked 8th in popularity of pets around the world.
The wood or black ferret, as well as the common, dark or black ferret - all of these
Diet of squirrels in the wild, at home, in parks and gardens. Products,
The article describes: Features and habitat of deer in Altai Types of deer Character and
Wild animals >> Mammals Nosuha is a small, cute mammal. They were so called because
Wild animals >> Mammals An animal such as a fallow deer (lat. Dama) belongs to the deer family.
Rats, dolphins, elephants, pigs - dozens of different animals claim to be the smartest. But
Wild animals >> Mammals Hippopotamus is one of the largest animals on earth. He
After a new pet arrives in the house, the first thing you need to do is come up with a name for it.