Everything you need to know about dogs in English: breeds, nicknames, idioms

If you believe social networks, then English dog names are the most popular in the world. This is explained not only by the fact that this language is the most common. Loving owners choose such names for their pets because of their brevity, conciseness, and euphony. You can find a beautiful or cool nickname for the puppy, or “assign” the name of a celebrity or geographical feature. Complex nicknames in English also sound very harmonious.

Little Aidan:

Tips for choosing dog names in English

A nickname is a kind of sound code, a command that the dog remembers first. The name allows you to attract the pet’s attention, communicate with it, and gives individuality.

Many people recommend not choosing a name in advance; it is better to decide on a nickname after meeting the puppy.

Dog handlers advise making a choice based on the following rules:

  • take into account the size, breed, origin, gender of the dog;
  • avoid consonance with commands (Pound - “Fu”, Cindy - “Sit”, Fars - “Fas”, etc.);
  • pay attention to the clarity and sonority of the name - it is difficult for tailed people to perceive dull, hissing sounds, words longer than 2-3 syllables;
  • the nickname must be clearly visible at a distance of more than 30 m;
  • the word should be easy to pronounce;
  • find out the translation of the nickname so as not to blush in the future due to an annoying mistake.

Many people recommend not choosing a name in advance. After meeting the puppy, it may turn out that the nickname is completely inappropriate for the puppy’s temperament, habits, or simply “doesn’t suit.”

How to teach a dog a name

After much debate and searching, a name was chosen for the puppy. Now you need to accustom your baby to his nickname. This is an important stage of education, only after it can you begin training the baby: teaching the first basic commands, walks and socialization. In the process of habituation, a close relationship is established with the owner, and the baby begins to feel like a “person.”

Training rules:

  1. They start almost from the first days of staying in a new home, from 2-2.5 months. The baby is given several days to get comfortable in the new space. You shouldn’t wait any longer; at the age of 3-4 months, the dog is already able to master the first commands;
  2. If an adult dog comes into the house and its name is unknown, training begins immediately. Adult dogs are able to get used to a new name in a short time;
  3. The nickname is pronounced several times, achieving the moment when the dog raises its head and makes eye contact with the owner. Repeat several times;
  4. In the process, no diminutive nicknames are used, only the full form of the name;
  5. In the future, interaction with the dog will take place according to the formula “name = attention”; there is no point in knocking the pet down;
  6. All actions are carried out in a confined space so that nothing distracts the puppy from the process;
  7. Reinforcement is given only after attracting attention and then after following a command.

Dog names in English with translation

English nicknames are the most popular in the world. When naming, owners often resort to indicating color, size, and specific features of appearance and character. For such purposes, words in English with a translation according to their meaning are suitable.

When choosing a nickname in English, you can rely on the size of the dog, color or temperament.

For boysFor girls
Evil is a villain

Bally – impatient, bully

Iron – strong, iron

King - king

Minx – coquette, minx

Shiny – bright, sunny

Some names (Lucky, Angel) are universal and can be used for dogs regardless of gender.

Famous nicknames

When choosing a nickname for your kitten, you can also pay attention to the names of British celebrities:

  • Elton John is a legendary performer of the twentieth century.
  • Lady Di is Princess Diana of Wales.
  • John Lennon is the most famous musician from the Beatles group.
  • Paul McCartney is another popular member of the Beatles.
  • George Harrison is another member of the Fab Four, the “quiet Beatle.”
  • Ringo Starr is the drummer of the Beatles.
  • Mig Jagger is one of the founders and vocalist of the Rolling Stones.
  • James Bond - Agent 007 of the British Secret Service from the film of the same name.
  • Sean Connery is one of the actors who played James Bond.
  • Ozzy Osbourne is the extraordinary vocalist of Black Sabbath.
  • David Bowie - actor, songwriter.
  • Mr. Bean is the main character of the series of the same name.
  • Adele is an English singer and songwriter.
  • David Beckham is one of the best British footballers.

English Cocker Spaniel Ozzy:

In the photo - Ringo:


This breed is considered one of the most terrible and evil in the whole world .
Such dogs tend to establish relationships with only one person, and after getting closer, trusting another owner will be problematic. The Rottweiler originated in Germany. The original intention of creating the breed was spectacle and pleasure. The dogs were released into stadiums where they ran cross-country, after which they also began to be used for fights.

Beautiful and funny nicknames for dogs in English

In any breed, you can choose a nickname that will sound elegant and refined. The category of such names includes derivatives from the names of currencies, large companies, brands, prestigious awards, pseudonyms and surnames of star people.

Suitable names for a fashionista dog are: Bucks, Barbie, Oscar or Madonna.

For boysFor girls

Funny nicknames

“Cool” English names are suitable for funny and cheerful dogs:

  • Big Ben is the famous clock of the Palace of Westminster in London.
  • Nessie is a cute nickname for the Loch Ness Monster.
  • Lady is a noble title.
  • Telly is the name of television in English slang.
  • Thatcher is a woman who was the country's prime minister in 1979-1990.
  • King, Queen - king and queen.
  • Prince, Princess - the prince and princess.
  • Pasti is the name of a cookie.
  • Chip – chips, french fries.
  • Guinness is a dark beer popular in Great Britain.
  • Posh – fantastic, chic.
  • Doji is a cunning one.
  • Paddington is a bear cub, a film character, found at London Paddington station.

English bulldog puppy Telly:

Difficult dog names in English

Complex dog names appear for various reasons. Perhaps most often such names are born in disputes between family members over what to name a pet. Reluctance to choose between two options leads to merging into one, but longer one. In addition, two-part nicknames appear from associative thinking, love for beautiful combinations, and some celebrities.

Many breeders and clubs use complex nicknames, for example: Smiling Queen, Erective Lady, Crystal Melody.

This technique is used by clubs to put names on documents. Sometimes more complex situations arise. Some breeders literally require that one part of the name consist of the name of the kennel, the name of the father or mother of the puppy.

This is how, for example, Orange Light (Orange Light), Snow Drop (Snowdrop), Jay Z, J Lo, Justin Bieber, Smiling Queen (Smiling Queen), Mona Lisa, Vernon Priest, Sweet Candy, Erective Lady, Allready Ready, Crystal Melody, Young Foreve and others.

IMPORTANT. If the documents already have a complex nickname, this does not mean that the dog must be called that. Most owners use generic names only for exhibitions, diplomas and passports. For everyday life, the tailed friend is given a simpler nickname.

Nicknames for small dogs

Small dogs often have a complex character, grace and stateliness. Appearance and breed are an excellent guide for choosing options:

  • miniature (toy terriers, chihuahuas, Yorkshire terriers) - Busya, Slimmy, Finny, Grace, Minnie, Sandy;
  • small (pugs, French bulldogs, corgis, Pekingese, Pomeranians) - Pony, Donut, Zephyr, Vana, Garda, Plyukha, Plushi, Grunya, Lizzie, Gerdy, Keri, Silky;
  • medium (shar peis, miniature schnauzers) - Gracie, Plusha, Porty, Greta, Mona, Missy, Martha, Mozzie, Daisy, Donnie, Derry.

Recommendations on what not to call a dog in English

Striving for originality, do not forget about reason, respect for others and your tailed friend.

You should not choose a nickname that may sound offensive.

You should not choose nicknames related to:

  • insults (Agli - Freak);
  • indications of religiosity, political views and nation (Jesus - Jesus, Nazi, Niger);
  • emphasizing aggression (Killer, Zombie);
  • names of cities and countries;
  • abusive words (Fak).

It is worth noting that soft nicknames will look absurd on fighting, hunting, guard breeds, or any large dogs. Meanwhile, decorative dogs will come in handy.

It is considered bad form to call a new pet the same as a deceased one. Some dog breeders are convinced that this is how the fate of the previous animal is passed on.

Dog handlers also advise paying attention to the frequency of use of nicknames. A name that is too common will confuse your pet on walks.

The choice of nicknames for dogs is huge, look at what else you can call your four-legged friend:

When choosing a nickname in English, you should think especially carefully. For all their euphony, foreign words can carry pitfalls of hidden meaning, not always positive.

An error of this kind is difficult to correct. If a person can change his name at the registry office or passport office at his first request, then it will be almost impossible to retrain the dog.

When choosing a nickname, remember that the name should suit the pet both in external qualities and in character.

The most important rule of any owner is to choose a nickname for your pet with respect. It must be remembered that a sense of humor and stubbornness are not always appropriate in such a responsible matter. Every dog ​​deserves to wear its name proudly.

A small pet has appeared in the house, but you don’t want to call it by ordinary Russian nicknames? Then it’s worth considering foreign, for example, English names that will become pretty good nicknames for dogs. In addition to the usual male and female names, we have also collected English dog names, which residents of the UK and USA most often call their pets.

Geographic nicknames

Another option for an original, unusual name for a dog is to look at the names of cities in Great Britain and choose a harmonious option:

  • London;
  • Glasgow;
  • Leeds;
  • Manchester;
  • Liverpool;
  • Bristol;
  • Belfast;
  • Cardiff;
  • Brighton;
  • Plymouth;
  • Leicester;
  • Brighton;
  • Hove;
  • Derby;
  • Swansea;
  • York;
  • Oxford;

English bulldog Lester:

  • Dundee;
  • Gloucester;
  • Cambridge;
  • Preston;
  • Worcester;
  • Lincoln;
  • Wales;
  • Durham;
  • Perth;
  • Winchester;
  • Sterling;
  • Bangor;
  • Ripon;
  • Armagh;
  • Carlisle;
  • Newry;
  • Lisburn;
  • Aberdeen.

English Pointer Armagh:

Name of a purebred pet

When you purchase a purebred puppy (no matter from a breeder or a kennel club), remember that he already has a “passport” name. As a rule, it is quite long, compiled according to certain rules of canine associations, and is not suitable for use in everyday life. It is unlikely that you will be able to call your pet Visconti Dog North Arlington or Ereysad de le Benhamien every time. Club nicknames are used only for exhibitions and other official events, but based on them you can “generate” beautiful names for a male puppy. So, Visconti dog North Arlington may well receive the nickname Whiskey, North or Nord, Arly, Tone, and Ereysad de le Benhamien will become Benei, Ray or Khan.

Light and beautiful

A girl of any breed, be it an Alabai, a Rottweiler or a Chihuahua, first of all needs a beautiful and easy name. It should be simple, but beautiful and memorable.

Most often, these include nicknames that have long become popular, but no less beautiful:

  • Vesta;
  • Greta;
  • Deina;
  • Delta;
  • Martha;
  • Kelly;
  • Verna;
  • Polly;
  • Sherry;
  • Mila;
  • Iris;
  • Frida;
  • Finny;
  • Rosie;
  • Rinny.

Such names are universal and will suit a girl of any size.

English dog names for boys

Let's start with nicknames for boys' dogs - consider simple and easy names, popular nicknames, as well as complex double names in English. Go.

English names for boys

#1 : Armstrong, Barton, Bobby, Webster, Isaac, Cambridge, Colin, Lancelot, Maxwell, Nigel, Spencer, Rigby, Thatcher, Wilson, Sherlock, Sherman, Wesley, Charles, Watson, Rochester, Alex, Andrew, Arthur, Barry , Billy, Brian, Bud, Kelvin.

#2 : David, Derek, Donald, Dustin, Edgar, Elton, Felix, Frank, Harry, Gordon, Harold, Howard, Jake, Leo, Matthew, Nathan, Oscar, Patrick, Raymond, Robert, Roy, Stephen, Thomas, William , Austin, Fuller, Carlos, Charlie, Curtis, Danny.

Dog names in English with translation

  • Max - Max;
  • Charlie - Charlie;
  • Rocky - Rocky;
  • Buddy - Buddy (buddy);
  • Cooper - Cooper;
  • Duke - Duke (Duke);
  • Bear - Bear (bear);
  • Zeus - Zeus;
  • Bentley - Bentley;
  • Toby - Toby.

These are the ten most popular dog names in America (according to a 2014 survey).

A dog named Ares, photo by Biser Todorov.

Difficult dog names in English

Double nicknames for dogs in English are usually written down only in documents, and at home, owners call their pets by abbreviated names.

Literary nicknames

Great Britain has been famous throughout the centuries for its writers, poets and their immortal works. In the literature you can find wonderful options for names for your pet:

  • Geoffrey Chaucer is the author of The Canterbury Tales, the “father” of English literature.
  • George Orwell is one of the famous British writers of the twentieth century.
  • King Arthur is the hero of a whole cycle of medieval legends, the ruler who defended Britain from the Saxons.
  • William Shakespeare is the most famous English writer and poet.
  • Camelot is the royal court, the castle of the legendary Arthur.
  • Guinevere is the name of Arthur's wife.
  • Excalibur is the name of King Arthur's sword.
  • Lancelot is the “Knight of the Round Table” from the same legends about Arthur.
  • Charles Dickens - writer, critic of the Victorian era.
  • Jane Austen is a famous English writer of the 19th century.
  • Hamlet is the main character of William Shakespeare's play of the same name.
  • Emma is the title of a novel written by Jane Austen in 1815.
  • Pip is the hero of one of Charles Dickens's novels.
  • Virginia Woolf was a British modernist writer who worked in the twentieth century.
  • Bridget Jones is the heroine of Bridget Jones's Diary, a popular modern book.

Modern Hamlet:

Speaking about English literature, one cannot help but recall the Harry Potter Universe, created by the British writer J. K. Rowling. The names of her characters are an excellent option for pets of Potter fans:

  • Harry Potter;
  • Severus Snape;
  • Hermione;
  • Voldemort;
  • Draco Malfoy;
  • Ron Weasley;
  • Albus Dumbledore;
  • Dobby;
  • Rubeus;
  • Sirius Black;
  • Luna;
  • Neville;
  • Remus Lupin;
  • Minerva;
  • Nymphadora;
  • Dolores;
  • Hedwig;
  • Newt;
  • Fleur;
  • Nagini;
  • Lily;
  • Alastor;
  • Percy;
  • Sibyl;
  • Penny;
  • Dean;
  • Cram;
  • Peeves;
  • Lucius;
  • Dudley;
  • Argus;
  • Filius;
  • Curls;
  • Winky;
  • Seamus;
  • Cormac;
  • Charity.

Why not Ron Weasley?

English dog names for girls

Well, we’ve looked at names for boys dogs, now let’s move on to the opposite sex and give you ideas on how to name a girl dog. As always, first easy, and then difficult double nicknames.

English names for girls

#1 : Adele, Amanda, Buffy, Betsy, Bridget, Bella, Becky, Wendy, Vivienne, Gloria, Grace, Daphne, Delsie, Jessie, Judy, Doris, Casey, Christy, Courtney, Linda, Lizzie, Lorrie, Maggie, Lana , Mindy, Molly, Kaylee, Jane, Melissa, Angie, Shannon, Maddie.

#2: Nika, Audrey, Nancy, Paris, Peggy, Sabrina, Celeste, Pamella, Rachel, Scully, Stacy, Scarlet, Susan, Sandy, Sally, Tracy, Tilda, Rebecca, Whitney, Fanny, Phoebe, Fiona, Francis, Chloe , Helen, Hannah, Chacey, Charlotte, Sharon, Emma, ​​Sheila.

Dog names in English with translation

Among Americans, the most popular dog names for girls are:

  • Bella - Bella;
  • Daisy - Daisy (Daisy);
  • Lucy - Lucy;
  • Sadie - Sadie;
  • Molly - Molly;
  • Lola - Lola;
  • Sophie - Sophie;
  • Zoey - Zoey;
  • Luna - Moon;
  • Chloe - Chloe.

Photo by Randall Pugh.

Difficult dog names in English

  • Arabian Jasmine (Indian jasmine);
  • Beautyful Girl ("beautiful girl");
  • Queen Elizabeth;
  • Long Kiss (Long Kiss - “long kiss”);
  • Namba One (Number One - “number one”);
  • Purple Heart (purple heart, flower name);
  • Platinum Blonde ("very light blonde");
  • Pretty Baby (Pretty Baby - “pretty child”);
  • Saga Begins (Saga Begins - “beginning of the saga”);
  • Sleeping Beauty - “sleeping beauty”;
  • Seven Heaven (Seventh Heaven);
  • Fest Lady (First Lady)
  • Fo Love (For Love - “for love”);
  • Angel Ice (Angels Eyes - “angel eyes”);
  • Heaven's Gate - "gate of heaven";
  • Spice Girl ("nice girl").

This concludes our selection of English names for dogs; we hope you were able to choose what to name your pet. If yes, don't forget to share your choice in the comments below.

  • Beautiful nicknames for dogs (boys and girls)
  • Food for large breed puppies (quality comparisons)
  • How to stop a dog from littering the house

On the pages of our website you will find information about dog breeds, treatment for diseases, care recommendations, reviews of ready-made food and feedback on them, as well as much other equally useful and interesting things!

The phonetics of a nickname shapes the pet’s disposition—this is the conclusion reached by the French zoologist K. Cuvier. The scientist believes that dogs are highly susceptible to sounds, because they have sensitive hearing. Of course, this is a theory for now, but the owner cannot do without a good name for his four-legged friend.

Difficult nicknames

Animals with a pedigree often have to choose double nicknames. For such cases, there are interesting options in English. For boys:

  • Teddy Beer is a teddy bear.
  • Darth Maul - Star Wars character.
  • Colonel Golden - for a golden-colored leader dog.
  • Scotty Boy is a cheerful and active puppy.
  • Harper Lee is an English author who wrote To Kill a Mockingbird.
  • Chuck Norris is an excellent name for a “ninja dog.”
  • Augie Doggy is a cartoon character.
  • Blue Boy is a famous painting by the painter Thomas Gainsborough.
  • Sir George is a noble name.
  • Buddy Boy is a great buddy.
  • Bourbon Street is a street in New Orleans.
  • Air Buddy is a cartoon dog-athlete.
  • Diggy Smalls - "little digger."
  • Jean-Luc is a captain from Star Trek.

English Mastiff Buddy Boy:

Next are double names with meanings for girls:

  • Nola Gumbo is the name of a spicy soup popular in Louisiana.
  • Won-Ton - egg rolls.
  • Windy Dog is a “windy dog”.
  • Pom-Pom is a fluffy little ball.
  • Lady Bird is the wife of US President Lyndon B. Johnson.
  • Princess Leia is the heroine of Star Wars.
  • Tinker Bell is a name for a "Christmas puppy."
  • Skippy-Roo literally translates to “kangaroo bush.”
  • Chai-Chai is the name of a spicy tea drink.
  • Maggie May is one of the songs of the legendary Beatles.
  • Lilly Belle is one of the Disney Parks rides, named after Lillian, Walt Disney's wife.
  • Mother Teresa is a famous religious figure.
  • Daisy May is a comic book character.
  • Emmy Lou is a performer and songwriter.
  • Miss Daisy is the name of the main character in Driving Miss Daisy.
  • Anabel Lee is one of the famous poems of Edgar Poe.
  • Ginger Snap is a delicious gingerbread cookie.
  • Sasha Rae is the name of the dog from Alice's Restaurant.

Bulldog Daisy May:

The phonetics of a nickname shapes the pet’s disposition—this is the conclusion reached by the French zoologist K. Cuvier. The scientist believes that dogs are highly susceptible to sounds, because they have sensitive hearing. Of course, this is a theory for now, but the owner cannot do without a good name for his four-legged friend.

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Where to begin

Focus on the characteristics of the breed, appearance, and behavioral manners of the pet.

  1. The correct name sounds clear and loud - animals do not perceive dull, hissing sounds well. Consonance with commands, for example, Port - Aport, is unacceptable.
  2. Correct translation - the dog should receive the correct nickname, and not an option related to profanity.
  3. English dog names are recommended for breeds from America and England - these lucky ones are supposed to have similar names (golden retriever, bobtail, fox terrier, American pit bull terrier). If desired, a nickname is assigned to a mongrel dog.

American Bulldog

This breed originated at the beginning of the 17th century.
The American Bulldog is intended for driving and guarding livestock. But since this breed was too rough, and there were often attacks on animals, they decided to give it to fights and street shows. The American Bulldog chased bulls, rams and goats with the goal of killing the victim. The outcome was different: either the dog died or was injured, or the livestock became the victim.

Double and complex dog names with translation

A beautiful, sonorous, meaningful phrase is included in the documents of purebred puppies. Russian breeders write it in transliteration. A competent specialist's nickname echoes the name of the nursery. One letter is used for a litter: the first offspring receives a nickname with “A”, the next with “B”, etc. Later, the owner comes up with a short, domestic version.

Double English names for dogs - word combination. The noun and adjective form a meaningful link, combining perfectly with each other.

Interesting! Check the adjective: part of the name must match the breed, the puppy. It is incorrect to call a black dog as a red one, or a small one as a big one.

Best options with translation:

  • Night Magic - night magic;
  • Baby Love - beloved baby;
  • Sunny Smile - sunny smile;
  • Happy Day - happy day;
  • North Star - northern star;
  • New Star - new star;
  • Almond Cookies - almond cookies;
  • Queen of the Night - queen of the night;
  • Starry Sky - starry sky;
  • Sweet Orange - sweet orange;
  • Milky Way - milky way;
  • Charming Baby - a charming child;
  • Lovely Girl - beloved girl;
  • Galaxy Freedom - free galaxy;
  • Hot Pepper - hot pepper;
  • Iron Man - iron man;
  • Diamond Dust - diamond dust;
  • Pink Flower - pink flower;
  • Fresh Wind - a refreshing breeze;
  • White Angel - white angel;
  • Cotton Candy - cotton candy.

Names for unique dogs

Each dog is individual. Its special features will help you choose the best nickname.

When the pet is small and daring

Funny English names are suitable for decorative, small breeds, designed to cheer up. The owners prefer those that are converted into a diminutive form. In turn, pets easily perceive calls consisting of 2-3 sounds.

English nicknames for small breeds:

  • Small, Little, Baby Kiddy, Child - for the smallest puppy;
  • Toots is a cute nickname for a cranky, barking dog;
  • Rudy - small, proud;
  • Bubu - often barking at passers-by;
  • Drop - small, like a drop of water;
  • Boombot is a nickname for a small, fast runner;
  • Dots - to a dog as tiny as a dot;
  • Griffin - if it is a small, cute boy puppy.

For a serious massive friend

Large, working breeds require solid nicknames that facilitate better training. Dog handlers do not recommend giving puppies too simple nicknames derived from people's names. The appeal should be short and sonorous.

List for large purebred dogs:

  • Tall, Rocky - a tall puppy;
  • Big, Bear - large;
  • Major - a massive, beautiful pet;
  • Goodly, Maximum - impressive;
  • Heavy, Hulk - powerful, heavy;
  • Tank - the largest;
  • Duke is an English nickname for a noble dog.

Interesting! The dog sensitively picks up the intonation with which the nickname is pronounced. A strict tone causes guilt, an affectionate, positive tone causes happiness.

Nicknames for people

At least 20% of pets are named after people. It looks strange, but it can be original and fresh. The most popular English names for boys' dogs: Charlie, Murphy, Marley, Shona, Luca.

The female puppies are named Bella, Zoya, Lizzie, Lola. Dogs that show leadership traits are given the nickname Winston. Cooper is suitable for the hounds, Jake is suitable for the active ones.

Nickname to match the color

The selection criterion is the color of the pet.

Dog names in English according to color (with translation):

  • Yellow - yellow (chosen for golden, light beige puppies);
  • Blue - blue (suitable for Great Danes, French bulldogs, dogs with blue eyes);
  • Copper, Fire - copper, fiery (when there is a red puppy in the house);
  • Keys, Zebra (translation: keys, zebra) - choice for black and white breeds;
  • White, Snow - white, snowball;
  • Dark, Black - dark, black;
  • Brown, Gray - chestnut, gray.


There are some fun ideas for pop culture fans. Use English names if you come across a cheerful, unusual puppy with behavioral characteristics.

Nicknames for any breeds with a play on words:

  • Vinny - a male “plush” like a bear has settled at home;
  • Santa - a festive boy puppy;
  • Jimmy Choo is an English nickname for a shoe chewer;
  • Lipton is a nickname for a funny, powerful pet;
  • Mob - suitable for a bully;
  • Muffin, Toffee, Candy (translation: cupcake, toffee, candy) - to a sweet, sweet-loving medium breed dog;
  • Pinocchio - if the boy has a long nose.
  • Kludi (cloud) - a furry pet.

By the names of famous characters

Nicknames drawn from books, TV series, and cartoons are trending. The popular English name can be found for dogs of any breed.

Top best ideas for puppies:

  1. Boys: Frodo, Yoda, Elmo, Khal; Simba, Sherlock, Watson, Pumbaa.
  2. Girls: Sirena, Bella, Nala.

Carefully observe your pet, its character and behavior in the first days. Then you can easily choose a nickname that suits him, to which the dog will happily respond.


The nickname Luna was recognized as the most popular nickname for puppies and kittens in the UK in 2022, according to a study by British insurance company (MORE THAN), which also deals with pet insurance.

The company says the number of puppies named Luna has skyrocketed over the past year, increasing by 28%, and the number of kittens with that name has increased by 31%. Next in the ranking of popular nicknames for puppies and kittens is the nickname Milo, which is in fourth and seventh places, respectively.

Dog-owning Britons appear to have fallen out of love with the nickname Snoopy, as it has plummeted from sixth to 347th in the rankings over the past year.

According to the ranking, the number of puppies named Boris has more than doubled compared to last year (+108%), rising from 128th to 74th place in the list of the most common dog names, and has almost tripled since 2022 (+197%). The name Boris, meanwhile, made it into the top 50 cat names for the first time. Since December 2022, the number of cats named this way has grown by 131%, climbing the ranking from 123rd to 48th place.

The insurance company also reports that the number of puppies named Stormzy has tripled since 2022 (+235%). The trend was sparked by British rapper Stormzy, who headlined the iconic Glastonbury music festival last year.

“The list continues to be dominated by the more traditional names of yesteryear such as Luna, Lola, Bella when it comes to new pets. But we are also seeing a phenomenal increase in the number of animals named Milo, according to our statistics. The meaning of the name is "merciful" or "soldier" - which probably explains why it has proved so popular," said head of pet insurance Graham Nicholls.

In 2022, the number of people who own pets has increased dramatically. Almost half of all Brits who currently own a pet adopted at least one new furry friend during the first lockdown.

“Dogs and cats have provided comfort to millions of Britons during this difficult year, and for many new pet owners they have provided much-needed companionship to lift their spirits,” continues Graham Nicholls. “People who have pets see the fact that they are now forced to spend more time at home as an opportunity to be closer to them.”

Top 100 dog names

Top 100 cat names

1. Luna1. Luna
2. Milo2. Milo
3. Bella3. Nala
4. Teddy4. Simba
5. Buddy - friend5. Loki
6. Lola6. Bella
7. Coco7. Coco
8. Bailey8. Willow - willow
9. Poppy (Poppy) - poppy9. Leo
10. Willow (Willow) - willow10. Oreo
11. Daisy - daisy11. Lola
12. Max12. Teddy
13. Reggie13. Charlie
14. Nala14. Daisy - daisy
15. Ruby15. Cat (Cat) - cat
16. Hugo16. Oscar
17. Bear (Bear) - bear17. Monty
18. Charlie18. Tilly
19. Cooper19. Jasper
20. Alfie20. Ziggy
21. Rosie21. Rosie
22. Bonnie22. Blue - blue
23. Molly23. Shadow (Shadow) - shadow
24. Ralph24. Poppy - poppy
25. Archie25. Gizmo
26. Bertie26. Max
27. Winnie27. Cleo
28. Mabel28. Pepper - pepper
29. Dexter29. Smudge - stain
30. Barney30. Molly
31. Loki31. Misty
32. Monty32. Cookie (Cookie) - cookies
33. Millie33. George
34. Frank34. Lily
35. Bruno35. Alfie
36. Oscar36. Bob
37. Frankie37. Belle
38. Chester38. Mia
39. Tilly39. Millie
40. Freddie40. Buddy - friend
41. Rocco41. Merlin
42. Roxy42. Bear (Bear) - bear
43. Marley43. Reggie
44. Murphy44. Tigger - tiger
45. Toby45. Mabel
46. ​​Stanley46. ​​Bertie
47. Benji47. Freddie
48. Rocky48. Toby
49. Dog49. Dexter
50. Winston50. Kitty - kitten
51. Blue - blue51. Boris
52. Bruce52. Archie
53. Skye53. Chester
54. Maggie54. Arlo
55. Woody55. Kiki
56. Ted56. Hugo
57. Arlo57. Tiger - tiger
58. Jasper58. Bobby
59. Otis59. Mittens - mitten, mitten
60. Harley60. Ruby
61. Rolo61. Ralph
62. Ronnie62. Bonnie
63. Beau63. Boo (Boo) - baby
64. Rex64. Winnie
65. Lottie65. Minnie
66. Honey (Honey) - sweetheart, dear66. Rocky
67. Leo67. Winston
68. Bobby68. Smokey - smoke
69. Belle69. Olivia (Olive)
70. George70. Binx
71. Penny71. Marley
72. Ziggy72. Fluffy - fluffy
73. Ollie73. Dave
74. Bob74. Storm - hurricane
75. Betty75. Phoebe
76. Dolly - doll76. Harry
77. Dave77. Maggie
78. Lexi78. Pablo
79. Buster79. Ollie
80. Henry80. Ozzy
81. Boris81. Theo
82. Pepper - pepper82. Casper
83. Nellie83. Salem
84. Pippa84. Socks - socks
85. Simba85. Billy
86. Pablo86. Fred
87. Lily87. Skye
88. Zeus88. Pixie - elf, fairy
89. Maisie89. Frankie
90. Olivia90. Ronnie
91. Finn91. Otis
92. Ozzy92. Peanut - peanut, nut
93. Kobe93. Cosmo
94. Minnie94. Maisie
95. Peggy95. Pumpkin - pumpkin
96. Cookie (Cookie) - cookies96. Percy
97. Louie97. Frank
98. Kip98. Oliver
99. Betsy99. Zeus
100. Rufus100. Biscuit - cookies


There is a joyful event in the house - a puppy has appeared! You have already chosen a nickname for him from our list. Do you know how to feed him? How to toilet train? How to train a puppy? Features of his breed? When to get vaccinated?

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Rate this article: Total votes 94, average score 3.8

Nicknames in alphabetical order

Below is a table of nicknames for girls' dogs, distributed by letter of the alphabet. Perhaps you can find one suitable for your pet. Or maybe you’ll just come up with it yourself and it will be unique and unique.

AAbra, Akulina, Aika, Ayana, Ariel, Aiza, Aidana, Abris, Addie, Akona, Arika, Amira, Amina, Adika, Asta, Aroka, Anisa, Assa.
BBaina, Brizol, Bista, Beveri, Bevvie, Bessie, Besta, Yurenda, Baxi, Bandi, Bally, Balti, Bonnie, Buckley, Birdie, Bonna, Berta, Boxie, Blackie.
INWanda, Verda, Vesta, Voxy, Virta, Verka, Varna, Vicky, Venta, Vexy, Vega, Valley, Valli, Vinnie, Viol, Victoria, Vanza, Violetta, Whoopi, Venda, Valley.
GGali, Duchess, Greta, Gonzi, Gonti, Giselle, Grisella, Grace, Gerda, Gerti, Gotta, Gana, Gizi, Gabi, Geza, Gremmy, Harpy, Goppy, Gertrude, Gulya, Hera, Gella, Guka.
DGemma, Dora, Dori, Doriana, Darla, Dani, Daniel, Desi, Desiree, Dizi, Dira, Dosya, Dokki, Dinny, Dina, Donny, Darkie, Dolly, Deri, Delya, Dusya, Dusel, Demini.
EEshka, Eat, Ekka, Emka, Emfira, Elli, Elka, Egoza, Enka, Evgenia, Elva, Ezzi, Ezel, Europe, Yeri, Emana, Ekata, Enda, Ekata.
YoYoffie, Yorka, Yomata, Yokka, Yokato, Yonni, Yotta, Yoffie.
ANDZhanette, Zhanna, Giselle, Zhizi, Zhanel, Zhoka, Zhenni, Zhazi, Zhadi, Zhulba, Zherma, Zherminie, Zhala, Zhuzha, Zheli, Zhenya, Jessie, Zhessika, Zhulba.
ZZura, Zerida, Zoya, zoey, Zenda, Zerka, Zarina, Zerina, Zamara, Zara, Zlata, Zoka, Bunny, Zoina, Zagira Zigheta, Zita, Zira, Winter, Zaria, Zilta, Ziggy, Zista, Zami.
ANDIvika, Isidora, Issa, Inika, Ira, Inka, Inna, Idira, Indira, Iveka, Istoma, Irona, Irika, Iriska, Iman, Ilana, Ilona, ​​Ithaca, Irasa, Inda, Oriole.
YJolanta, Yoko, Yoki, Yonda, Josta.
TOCary, Casandra, Kasi, Cassie, Creta, Chrissy, Christina, Krista, Kirsten, Kinna, Connie, Kadri, Korda, Kendra, Komi, Cuddy, Corgi, Krusty, Costa, Kami, Kamka, Kurdi, Kumka, Cruella, Kledi, Kashmina, Kashmira, Kashtanka, Kashti.
LLana, Lady, Lena, Lusti, Losti, Lassie, Lemi, Lemira, Lanta, Landy, Lorri, Lassi, Lada, Ladoga, Ladina, Ledora, Laffey, Lira, Lustina, Lussi, Loretta, Laura, Lega, Lita, Legend, Lorta, Paw, Sweetie, Luca, Luca, Lottie.
MMarie, Manya, Masya Missy, Maki, Mona, Mary, Mindy, Mansi, Marika, Marona, Marina, Mishida, Mirina, Mira, Mirka, Mina, Mocha, Morty, Martina, Marita, Mariela, Makara, Monaco, Mikado, Milena , Mickey, Mini, Mika, Mista, Minka, Mask, Menka, Bowl.
NNana, Nerida, Neri, Nori, Noda, Nyuda, Nyura, Nuka, Nissa, Nonna, Thread, Nettie, Nama, Nala, Nozzie, Nika, Nicolette, Niki, Nicole, Narda, Nordi, Nessie, Namina, Sockeye Salmon, Nimka, Naomi, Nelly, Ninel, Noxie.
ABOUTOprah, Ozzy, Ondra, Okta, Oxy, Oman, Omika, Omina, Austin, Onyx, Omita, Organa, Ollie, Olesya, Olinda, Olendra, Otrini, Odesi, Olita, Orry, Oreo, Ovvi, Ovina, Ozika, Ofira, Omaha, Orasa, Oreste.
PPansy, Paka, Petti, Pansy, Picol, Picoletta, Piroli, Pikki, Panda, Parlita, Pacita, Prika, POMMI, Patricia, Patricia, Patti, Priti, Pinny, Possi, Pitti, Peach, Peach, Poncha, Donut, Spanking, Peila, Ponka, Pomka, Fir, Prima.
RRaisi, Rusty, Rona, Ronda, Randy, Remi, Rakka, Rima, Rita, Rina, Rika, Rooney, Rucola, Rista, Rolly, Rocky, Rodi, Rhoda, Radina, Rinata, Rikona, Risa, Rena, Rika, Rixa, Rinka.
WITHSarah, Sari, Sarita, Sendi, Saki, Sarka, Sima, Simona, Simura, Smoren, Sammy, Solite, Serena, Seni, Sita, Grid, Satura, Samara, Salty, Sytima, Semika, Sammi, Semi, Salt, Samura.
TTata, Terry, Tonya, Tonne, Tosya, Temi, Turley, Toki, Tomite, Ta bita, Tabi, Trinity, Truni, Tori, Torita, Tirana, Tigra, Travi, Tanya Teni, Tuvinki, Tolly, Tiksi, Tisha, Trosha, Truny, Trixie, Trixie, Tom.
UUma, Umka, Umami, Ezzi, Yoffie, Ursula, Una, Unita, Urana, Ulli, Ulya, Ulyana, Ondine, Luck, Umbrella, Umika, Umirka, Ulita, Unina.
FFaina, Fanya, Fira, Fora, Flora, Fixie, Fara, Fortuna, Violet, Fanny, Farita, Famina, Fommi, Finita, Farisa, Frida, Feldi, Phoebe, Fabiana.
XHanya, Hani, Chloe, Harita, Hizzy, Chimera, Himona, Hotti, Harri, Havana, Honka, Helmi, Honti, Honisa, Heathrow, Hilary, Hannah.
CKings, Tsilya, Tsina, Tsunami, Tsilda, Tsimari, Flower, Cerra, Celda, Tsaski, Tsona, Cercea, Ceria, Tsorcia, Tsanna, Cyclomena.
HCharity, Chara, Chani, Chivi, Chappie, Chessa, Chasity, Charity, Chonny, Chaquita, Charina, Chopra, Chonka, Chinni, Choira, Chilestina, Chessy, Changa, Chilona.
ShShani, Sheri, Chevy, Shanka, Sharita, Shinni, Shoksi, Sherka, Shimora, Shorty, Shimaka, Shandi, Shumka, Shumari, Shummi, Shitake, Shintra, Shinota, Shina.
SCHShchenni, Shchanny, Shchenta, Pike, Shchuna, Shchera.
EEnda, Erica, Ellie, Eloise, Ezzy, Evoka, Erona, Erri, Erita, Emina, Emmy, Etty, Eggie, Evita, Emozi, Eroka.
YUYuta, Yuna, Yula, Julia, Yulita, Juno, Yuroka, Yulisa, Yumila, Yusaka, Yumila, Yukki, Yully, Yunika, Yuddy, Yuzha, Yuzhika.
IYana, Yanina, Yarita, Yavona, Yavvi, Yassi, Yasita, Yanon, Yazona, Yakata, Yandiga, Yamika, Yadora, Yavari, Yalina, Yatika.

Whatever option you choose, make your girl an address book with a nickname and phone number, microchip her. Such measures will help you avoid trouble.

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