Weimaraner dog - breed description, character and FCI standards

One of the most beautiful coat colors of any dog ​​is gray, but not all dog breeds can display this color. Those that do can come in a variety of shades and shades, either as a solid color or as part of a pattern. For this reason, many people want to look into gray dog ​​species to see if they can adopt one into their family.

HowMeow shares this list of different types of gray dogs, but we do so with one condition. While gray dogs can be beautiful, their coat color should not be a priority when considering which dog to adopt. What's more important is their character and whether you are in the best position to care for them. We break down the gray list of dogs in large, medium and small breeds to help you find out which one might be for you.

History of the breed

Silver Ghost Cop
The breeding of the Weimar dog with its unsurpassed working qualities began in the Duchy of Saxe-Weimar in eastern Germany. According to legend, these amazing dogs with an excellent sense of smell were brought by Louis IX, nicknamed the Saint, and they came to the country after the Crusade of 1254.

It is believed that the Weinmeyer dog breed originated from these long-legged, gray, graceful dogs, which immediately won the love and recognition of the nobility. At first, only persons related to the king were allowed to breed them, and then to their close associates.

There is another version, according to which the Weimaraner is a dog that descended from the Bracco hunting breed, which was widespread in European territory. They were distinguished by the unsurpassed qualities of bloodhounds, the ability to follow the scent of prey, which is very much valued by hunters.

In the first half of the 19th century, the name of the Weimar cop breed was assigned to them, and breed standards were determined. Previously, both smooth-haired and long-haired Weimaraners were classified as German hounds.

Since 1896, the weimaraner began to take part in dog shows. Hunters from other countries began to pay attention to his working qualities. But becoming the owner of this beauty was not so easy. The gray dog ​​could only belong to people who were members of a hunting club in Germany.

Only at the beginning of the twentieth century, an American citizen managed to become a member of this club, acquire ownership of several amazing gray dogs with blue eyes, take them to his homeland, where he began breeding and promoting them.
For reference! In the fifties of the last century, a real boom in this gray beauty began. Not only hunters, but also simply animal lovers wanted to buy it to keep them in apartments and their own houses as pets.

Weinmeyer breed standard

Catahoula Leopard Dog

  • Height: from 51 to 66 cm
  • Weight: from 23 to 43 kg
  • Life expectancy: 10 to 14 years

This is the only purebred dog breed that originated in Louisiana. The name “Catahoula” was given to it by the Choctaw people; from Indian it is translated as “sacred lake” . Available in an incredible variety of coat colors, the Catahoula Leopard Dog is almost always adorned with unusual markings throughout its body, similar to those of a leopard print. What also adds to her charm are her magnificent blue eyes, which their owners describe as human and very friendly.

These dogs are bred primarily for herding, although they also make good family dogs. They are gentle, affectionate and friendly. Although, like all domestic dogs, this breed requires regular training, socialization, mental stimulation and exercise to be happy, healthy and well-rounded.

Description of the breed

First of all, the Weinminer dog has a beautiful, harmoniously built body. Along with her persistent, strong character, she lacks aggressiveness and is easy to control.

Description of the Weimaraner breed:

  • skull - flat, wide, muzzle - elongated;
  • nose - slightly protruding beyond the lower jaw, has a dark or gray lobe;
  • jaw - strong with a scissor bite;
  • eyes - slightly slanted, small, bluish in color at an early age, becoming amber in color as the dog grows older;
  • ears - high set, hanging, slightly rounded at the bottom;
  • paws - dry, high, strong, with well-developed muscles.

The Weinmeyer is a medium-sized dog with a proportional build. The height of a male dog at the withers is 60-70 centimeters and weighs 30-40 kilograms. Bitches are slightly shorter, their height barely reaches 65 centimeters, and their weight is no more than 35 kilograms.

Weinmeyer in the rack

Bull type terriers

Selected breeds of dogs of the “Terrier” group, with accentuated fighting qualities.

Bull Terrier

Short-haired, stocky dog. The height of the individual is 53-55 cm, average weight is 27 kg. Appearance is noticeable: the head is elongated, shaped like an egg; the neck is elongated, the body is squat, taut. The dog is characterized by high intelligence, a fighting character, and great physical strength. Puppy price: 20-60 thousand rubles.

Miniature Bull Terrier

In appearance and character it is similar to an ordinary bull terrier, but its height at the withers cannot exceed 35.5 cm.

American Staffordshire Terrier

A muscular fighter with instant reaction and a tenacious grip. It grows up to 50 cm and weighs about 30 kg. The fur is smooth and dense, the skin stretches, protecting against lacerations in battle. Dogs are smart, loyal to their owners, balanced, but require proper training and a lot of physical activity. Puppies of this breed are valued at 20-40 thousand rubles.

Staffordshire Bull Terrier

A strict guard, a reliable rescuer, a devoted companion. The physique is powerful, height at withers 38 cm, weight 17 kg. Dogs are active, brave, determined, with high intelligence. They love their family and are vigilant towards strangers. The cost of an individual is 30,000-70,000 rubles.

Features of character and behavior

The breed is completely non-aggressive towards people and is endlessly devoted to its owner. The dog is easy to train and quickly learns commands. She can be flexible and gentle, it all depends on the mood of the Weimaraner, now she loves everyone, but after a while the expression on her face changes, and she no longer wants to see anyone around.

The dog's characteristics do not allow him to shout at him or raise his voice. A sensitive dog remembers grievances well and remembers them for a long time.

And although Weimaraners are taken as pets, we should not forget that this is still a hunting dog that needs a lot of exercise. Therefore, the best place for her would be a country house, where she can run around to her heart's content.

Important! You need to walk your dog 3 times a day for at least an hour. And you don’t just stand still, breathe the air, you have to run, jump, overcome obstacles, and ride a bike with it.

A poorly walked Weimaraner dog can destroy everything in the apartment, chew furniture and shoes of the owners, open the window and go for an independent walk.

Dog on a walk


  • Height: from 56 to 61 cm
  • Weight: from 16 to 32 kg
  • Life expectancy: 10 to 13 years

Dalmatians are one of the most popular spotted dog breeds and the only breed with this unique pattern. These energetic dogs are not only famous for starring in one of Disney's most entertaining animated films, but also for being the unofficial mascot of the fire department .

Fun fact: Originally from Croatia, Dalmatians were originally bred as hunting dogs. However, soon, due to their attractive appearance and proud posture, Dalmatians changed their role, becoming prestigious carriage dogs, intended to accompany elite carriages and protect them during the absence of their owners. Later they turned into loyal and affectionate companion dogs.

When it comes to spotted breeds, no dog can compete with the Dalmatian. This dog is one of a kind with perfectly spaced spots all over its body. And while Dalmatians are primarily famous for their black and white coats, many also have brown spots.

Advantages and disadvantages

The Weimar Pointer is very dependent on its owner. This is an immensely loyal dog that absolutely cannot stand loneliness. She will accompany her owner everywhere he goes: to the kitchen, bedroom, bathroom, yard, and will follow him on the way to work.

On the one hand, such devotion is a plus of the breed, on the other hand, it is a big minus. Since it is absolutely impossible to leave a dog alone in the house. She begins to get bored, whine, howl, and it takes a lot of work to wean her off of this. In this case, it is better to have two pets of this breed at once.

The advantage of a Weimaraner dog is that it easily adapts to life in a new family if family members treat it well. With proper attention, she quickly begins to feel like she belongs in her new home and does not miss her old home.

Sad blue-eyed dog

Gray hybrids

While all of the above dogs are beautiful, remember that there are also mixed gray dogs that are solid gray or mixed with white. For this reason, we recommend that you visit the shelters and associations closest to your place of residence to adopt a mongrel gray dog. This way, you'll be giving a second chance to a dog who will thank you for the rest of his life and fight against abuse and abandonment...

If you have adopted a gray dog ​​into your family, you may be wondering what to name it. Luckily, our list of over 150 gray dog ​​names can provide some help.


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Color variations and appearance

Shorthaired Weimaraners have a fairly thick coat that lies close to the skin, with little or no undercoat. Dogs born with long hair were initially culled.

It was only after the 1935 international dog show in Germany, which featured dogs of varying coat lengths, that the long-haired breeds were recognized by the FCI (Federation Cynologique Internationale) and allowed to breed, but they are still rarely seen. Mostly shaggy Weinmeiers are common in Germany, Australia and England. In the United States of America, long-haired dogs have never gained recognition.

Long-haired representative of the breed


Long-haired dogs have very soft, silky hair up to 5 centimeters in size. The long, slightly wavy coat is unevenly distributed over the body. It mainly predominates in the abdomen, chest, lower neck, and on the back of the front legs.

The longest hair is on the tail. On the ears it alternates with a short one, thereby forming a kind of fringe. The presence of a soft undercoat is not necessary; it may or may not be present.


There are officially recognized 2 dog coat colors: mouse, silver-gray and their shades. But this only applies to the gray color of the breed. In addition to these colors, there are black, brown, and blue Weimaraners.

Note! A small number of white spots present on the dog’s paws and chest are not a breed defect.

Toy Terriers

The last type of terrier in the official classification is the toy variety.

Yorkshire Terrier

A decorative terrier dog that has received the greatest recognition in the world. It is impossible not to love these sweet companions, because they become attached to their owners from the first day. Yorkies are active, inquisitive, restless, and love to communicate. Based on height, there are three types of individuals: standard, mini and super-mini. The price of a puppy starts from 15,000 and goes up to 60,000.

Australian Silky Terrier (Silky)

A stocky dog ​​with fine silky hair, the length of which reaches 15 cm. The height of an adult is 23 cm, weight - 5 kg. Silky is considered a good-natured companion: he takes training well, obediently follows commands, and loves affection. But the dog is not averse to fighting with its relatives, so the upbringing must be correct. Puppies are sold for 15 thousand rubles or more.

English toy terrier

A rare species with an elegant build and miniature dimensions (height 25-30 cm; weight 3.5 kg). The temperament of individuals is peculiar, but not capricious. The price starts from 30,000 rubles.

Attitude towards children

Dogs of this breed are good watchdogs. They always bark to warn of the approach of a stranger, and will never offend either the owner himself or members of his family. In order for a dog to get along well with children, it needs early socialization.

Despite the fact that the Weimaraner dog has a kind character, the appearance of children in the house who will pull at its paws, tail and ears will not please you. Of course, she won’t bite anyone to death, but she won’t give herself offense either.

English bulldog

  • Height: from 31 to 40 cm
  • Weight: from 18 to 25 kg
  • Life expectancy: 8 to 10 years

English bulldogs are hard to miss. Their stocky bodies, flattened faces and lazy dispositions make them ideal pets for easy-going owners who enjoy spending time in a quiet home environment.

This breed is available in a wide range of coat types and colors, and one of them is the unique piebald coat that brings the English Bulldog to our list. The spots may be scattered throughout the body or only on the limbs and lower abdomen.

While we love the low-key English Bulldog, it is important for owners to remember that this dog is susceptible to some serious health problems. Due to their flattened skull and skeletal development, English Bulldogs may be susceptible to brachycephalic syndrome and bone and joint problems.

Attitude towards pets

Friendly relationships with pets are possible if they grow up together and know each other from an early age. When keeping several dogs in one family at once, the Weimaraner accepts only the dogs of its pack.

Relationships with dogs running past may not be friendly at all. On a walk or at the dog park, dogs of this breed establish excellent relationships with other brothers if they are first introduced to each other.

Friendly family

Breton epañol

  • Height: from 46 to 52 cm
  • Weight: from 14 to 18 kg
  • Life expectancy: 12 to 15 years

This hunting dog comes from Brittany, the largest French peninsula. The Breton Epagnole is intelligent, agile, affectionate, good-natured and friendly. It is best suited for active owners and families with children and other pets.

Many Breton Spaniards have large colored markings on the back and smaller markings on the legs, face and belly. Breton Spaniels are available in a wide range of colors, including brown and white, black and white, roan, orange and white and tri-color.

Care and maintenance

For keeping a silver ghost dog, its own home with a spacious fenced area is more suitable, where it can satisfy its need for high physical activity.

Attention! Limited movement, coupled with the willfulness inherent in this breed of dog, can make your pet an unhappy animal. The Weimaraner's character will begin to deteriorate sharply; he will stop obeying and refuse to follow learned commands.

You can keep your pet in an enclosure only during the warm season. In cold weather it must be transferred to a warm room. His wool does not provide adequate warmth for living outside in the cold. In an apartment, a dog can only be kept by a person who has a lot of free time for long walks in the fresh air.

Brushing, bathing

This dog breed is not difficult to care for. Shedding occurs once a year, as does all dogs, except those that have no hair at all. Their coat does not have a specific dog smell, which is important for apartment living.

The dog does not require frequent washing. Wash it as it gets dirty, maybe once every six months with special dog shampoos. Frequent bathing washes away the natural lubricant from the coat, the skin becomes dry, irritated, and begins to itch.

It is enough to brush the Weimaraner once a week with a comb or a glove with rubber spikes. Once a week you should pay attention to cleaning your ears and teeth. The eyes are washed with chamomile infusion as they sour. A dog's overgrown claws, if they do not wear down naturally during walks, are trimmed with special clippers.

Training and education

The Weimar Pointer is easy to train. This smart dog loves training and easily remembers commands for the rest of its life. It usually takes only 3 weeks to learn all the commands, even for a six-month-old puppy.

Dogs make excellent athletes; in cani-cross they have no equal in speed. For sporting competitions, the tallest individuals are chosen.

For reference! Their hunting qualities are incomparable. This is a versatile hunter that can work in any terrain, on land and in water, before and after the shot.

Dog while overcoming obstacles

Features of caring for dogs with folds on the body

The presence of folds on the dog’s body and head requires certain care. The fact is that water, dirt, sweat can accumulate in such wrinkles, and the temperature in these places is also elevated. This promotes the active proliferation of pathogenic flora, which causes fungal dermatitis or skin inflammation (intertrigo).

Dogs do not know how to clean their folds themselves, so this is the responsibility of the owners.

To avoid skin problems, owners need to wipe the folds daily (gently stretch them, treat them first with a disinfectant solution, and then dry them thoroughly with a dry cloth or towel). After being exposed to rain or washing your dog, you also need to remove excess moisture from the wrinkles.

Life expectancy and major diseases

In general, Weimaraners have good immunity and are not susceptible to frequent diseases. But like any dog, they have hereditary diseases. First of all, problems with the gastrointestinal tract. They often experience intestinal volvulus and stomach twisting, which are accompanied by pain and vomiting.

Note! If timely assistance is not provided, the outcome can be fatal.

Dogs of this breed can suffer from cancer:

  • histiocytosis, which manifests itself as ulcers and nodular seals on the skin with metastases in the lungs;
  • sarcoma of the mammary glands with metastases in all parts of the body.

A sharp loss of fur, scales and roughness of the skin indicate disorders of the endocrine system, in particular a malfunction of the thyroid gland. The disease is accompanied by poor appetite, a decrease or increase in body weight, apathy, sometimes vomiting and even fainting.

Cloudiness of the lens due to cataracts can lead to blindness. Corneal dystrophy contributes to visual impairment, and iris erosion leads to pain and watery eyes.

The life expectancy of a cop with proper care is 12-15 years.

Australian Cattle Dog

  • Height: from 43 to 51 cm
  • Weight: from 14 to 20 kg
  • Life expectancy: 13 to 15 years

The Australian Cattle Dog, also known as the Blue Heeler , is considered one of the smartest dogs in the world. This famous herding dog comes from Australia. It comes in red and blue colors, but almost always has spots and patterns on its coat. At the same time, some dogs have coat coloring that resembles the skin of a leopard.

Although Australian Cattle Dogs are quite intelligent , they are usually difficult to keep for first-time dog owners. They require regular mental stimulation and consistent exercise and are best suited for experienced dog owners. They also do well in homes with large, securely fenced yards where they can run and play freely.


When a puppy is weaned from its mother, it stops receiving the initial immunity that was passed on to it through its mother's milk. In the first year of a baby’s life, all of his internal organs and systems develop, and his health improves.

During this period, he needs help in maintaining a good immune system, which will determine the strength of his health for the rest of his life. Timely vaccination provides significant assistance in this regard.

The first vaccination is carried out at the age of 2-3 months. The formation of immunity and susceptibility to many diseases largely depend on it. A comprehensive vaccination provides protection against several diseases that most often affect Weimaraner puppies.

These are plague, viral hepatitis, enteritis, a group of infectious agents called adenoviruses, and the infectious disease leptospirosis. After 3 weeks, the complex vaccination is repeated, which includes vaccination against rabies.

After 10 days, when the vaccinated puppy develops antibodies to pathogens, it can be taken out for a walk. Further, vaccination against infections is carried out regularly once a year. You should visit a veterinarian once every 6 months and a week before scheduled vaccination.

Healthy babies

German dog

  • Height: from 71 to 86 cm
  • Weight: from 45 to 90 kg
  • Life expectancy: 8 to 10 years

This massive dog is considered the largest dog breed in the whole world, reaching a height of 86 cm and a weight of 90.7 kg. What else could make a Great Dane look more impressive? Spotted coat, of course!

Great Danes have a short, smooth coat that can come in a variety of colors and patterns, but when a Great Dane is born with a spotted coat, those spots are usually black or brown.

Considered gentle giants , Great Danes make excellent family dogs. Despite their large size, they are friendly, affectionate and sweet, and they do not require much exercise. On the other hand, Great Danes can be too bulky for small spaces and intimidating for very young children. They are also susceptible to serious health problems, especially when it comes to their bones, joints and muscles.

How is pregnancy going?

Although the first estrus in females occurs at the age of 6-9 months, she is not yet ready to bear offspring. Mating can be carried out only with the onset of the third heat, which on average lasts from 2 weeks to a month every six months.


The most favorable days for mating are considered to be 9-14 days from the start of estrus. During this period, the dog becomes very excited. There are some mating rules that should be followed.

  • Before you start mating, you need to take your pet for a good walk.
  • Usually the female is brought to the male's territory, but neutral territory is also acceptable.
  • The process itself takes several minutes, but crossing, during which the male’s seed enters the female’s uterus through the genital tract, lasts 20 minutes. Therefore, separation of partners immediately after mating can negatively affect fertilization.


The Weimaraner female's pregnancy lasts 60-70 days. At this time, there is a heavy load on all the internal organs of the dog. The pet should be protected from heavy stress, not allowed to worry, and protected from all kinds of noise.

Attention! If the bitch starts bleeding or refuses to eat, you should immediately call a veterinarian.

Minor mucous discharge in the second half of pregnancy is considered normal. An abundance of yellow or greenish discharge indicates that the time for childbirth is approaching. At this time, the expectant mother refuses to eat, whines, and drinks a lot.


  • Height: from 25 to 33 cm
  • Weight: from 11 to 17 kg
  • Life expectancy: 12 to 15 years

We bet you weren't expecting to find a corgi on our list! But these short-legged dogs may actually be piebald. However, the spotted coat is more common on the Cardigan Welsh Corgi, which is a lesser-known cousin of the Pembroke Welsh Corgi. Many Cardigan Welsh Corgis are covered in a gorgeous spotted pattern from almost head to toe.

They are energetic and agile herding dogs known for their lively temperament and intelligence. They are quite active and do best with more experienced owners. They need plenty of mental stimulation, exercise and attention to grow into happy, healthy pets. Unfortunately, the Cardigan Welsh Corgi can suffer from several ailments caused by their elongated spine and very short legs.

How to choose a puppy

The Weimaraner is a rather rare breed of dog, and when purchased through advertisements, they may sell you a mestizo instead of a purebred dog. Therefore, you should only buy from trusted breeders with a good reputation. In addition, deviations in the standard will forever block the pet’s path to the exhibition area.

Before buying a puppy, you need to pay attention to its appearance. His coat should be silky, uniform, without bald spots or rashes on the skin.

The puppy should not have an unpleasant odor. There should be no bumps on the ribs, which indicate the early stage of rickets. There should be no inguinal or umbilical hernias on the abdomen. The puppy should also be active, moderately well-fed, and not cower in corners out of fear.

Active puppies

Unofficial varieties of terriers

Finally, there are many species not recognized by the federation. Regarding terriers specifically, the following unofficial breeds are most often called:

  • American Pit Bull Terrier;
  • Patterdale Terrier;
  • American Hairless Terrier;
  • American Toy Fox Terrier;
  • Biewer Yorkshire Terrier;
  • Irish Staffordshire Terrier;
  • Plummer Terrier;
  • Old English Terrier;
  • Rat Terrier;
  • Teddy Roosevelt Terrier;
  • Tenterfield Terrier;
  • Toy Fox Terrier.

The Siberian and Dock Terriers are also sometimes mentioned, as well as other types of selection. But their distribution halo is insignificant, so we will focus on the top 50 representatives of the Terrier group.

Briefly about the main thing

  1. Smooth-haired dog breeds are easy to care for; there are no tangles left on the body, and shedding occurs to a lesser extent.
  2. All smooth-haired dogs can be divided into three groups according to size: small, medium and large.
  3. When choosing a dog to keep, it is important to take into account the characteristics of the breed, your needs and living conditions.
  4. Many smooth-haired dogs need clothing when walking in winter; street keeping is not recommended due to the lack of a pronounced undercoat.

What is the best breed of smooth-haired dog? Share your opinion in the comments to the article.


Podenco Ibicenco breed (Ibizan Greyhound)

A powerful and muscular dog requires a lot of energy. Therefore, due attention should be paid to creating a daily diet. Recommendations for nutrition are as follows:

  • Dry food with a balanced composition is best suited. They contain the proper amount of carbohydrates, microelements and vitamins.
  • A strange superstition concerns that a dog should be fed exclusively meat. Experts recommend including 20% ​​cereals and 20% vegetables in your diet.
  • Most often, beef and chicken are chosen as the main food. In some cases, it is possible to add sea fish fillets. You can add cottage cheese and sour cream.

The puppy is given his own daily diet. In most cases, it is represented by special food that is rich in useful microelements.

Bull Terrier nutrition


  • Height: from 15 to 25 cm
  • Weight: from 1.8 to 2.7 kg
  • Life expectancy: 12 to 20 years

The Chihuahua is considered the smallest purebred dog in the world. But hidden within their tiny bodies is a brave and daring protector , which likely helped the breed survive in difficult Mexican conditions.

Interesting fact: the Chihuahua is the national dog of Mexico, named after the Mexican state of the same name, where the breed was first discovered in the mid-19th century.

Chihuahuas are known to be somewhat temperamental and impatient, and are not an ideal dog for families with small children. They do not tolerate being played with or treated too harshly. Chihuahuas may claw a child if they feel threatened or afraid. Many owners also report that these dogs prefer to be the only pet in the house . They like to be the center of the family and set the tone.

Based on materials from: www.yourdogadvisor.com


Known for its loud bark and unrivaled sense of smell, the Bloodhound also has such distinctive features as plenty of skin, drooping ears and an impressively sized muzzle.

The strong sense of smell of these dogs makes them indispensable assistants during search and rescue operations, as well as operations to detect narcotic substances.

Bloodhounds are suitable for family life, but owners should take into account that these pets are somewhat lazy and can be stubborn.

Bull Terrier

Representatives of the breed are popular family dogs due to their unusual appearance - a football-shaped head and an animated facial expression. Both Miniature and Standard Bull Terriers have high energy levels and do well with active owners whose lifestyle suits the dog's needs.

These animals are very affectionate and can melt the ice in anyone's heart.

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