How much movement does your pet need: the most active dog breeds

When choosing a pet, you should focus not only on appearance, but also on character. Otherwise, your current lifestyle may not change for the better.

One of the most common problems is the need for long and frequent walks, regardless of weather conditions. It is needed by active dog breeds that hate sitting in one place. Without regular exercise in the fresh air, these four-legged animals can easily turn your apartment upside down - or fall into deep depression.

Lagotto Romagnolo

This dog breed originated in the Romagna region of Italy, hence the name. The Lagotto Romagnolo is a hunting dog with natural retriever instincts. The breed has a unique feature - a nose for truffles.

This intelligent dog is easy to train and loves to please its owners, but when working, the Lagotto Romagnolo becomes so focused that it may not even hear your commands. It's not that he doesn't want to answer, it's just that the dog is concerned about completing the task.

The Lagotto Romagnolo is one of the rarest dog breeds in the world. In addition, it is considered a very athletic dog, requiring vigorous daily exercise. In addition, the Lagotto Romagnolo loves to do something useful, otherwise he is overcome by boredom.

Pembroke Welsh Corgi

This small breed is also known as a "dwarf dog", but the Pembroke Welsh Corgi will feel insulted if you call it a lap dog. He is too active to just sit and do nothing. On rare occasions, the Pembroke Welsh Corgi may want to sit and cuddle, but this behavior is unlikely to become a habit.

These dogs were originally bred for herding purposes. They have an innate instinct for herding animals, and despite their short legs, they are very athletic and lightning fast. This may have something to do with their high energy levels. If you are looking for a very active and capable small dog, the Pembroke Welsh Corgi may be the perfect choice for you.

miniature pinscher

If the miniature pinscher lacks anything, it certainly more than makes up for it in energy. These dogs are fast, playful and very curious, and are called “perpetual motion machines.” The size of these dogs makes them quite suitable for apartment living, but plenty of playtime and daily walks must be provided to compensate for their need for activity.

Tibetan Terrier

Tibetan Terriers are one of the most active dogs in the medium and small breed category. This breed is over 2,000 years old. She was originally brought out to guard monasteries and warn Tibetan monks about potential intruders. Tibetan Terriers love the outdoors and will happily accompany you anywhere. You can rely on the agility and instincts of Tibetan Terriers, especially when hiking in snowy terrain.

They are also confident climbers, well suited to living in areas with rough terrain. This is because Tibetan Terriers were bred to survive in harsh environments. They have a natural instinct as a herding dog for herding sheep.

These multi-talented dogs are also considered excellent watchdogs and good luck charms. So the Tibetan Terrier can do more than just be your companion on outdoor adventures, it can even bring you a little luck.

German Shorthaired Pointer

German Shorthaired Pointers are another very active dog breed. They have a lot of energy and love to participate in outdoor activities. They are intelligent and versatile dogs that are highly trainable and excel at activities such as searching and tracking.

They are widely used as hunting dogs for grouse, wood grouse, pheasants, quail, waterfowl, deer, opossum and raccoons. Regardless of the type of hunt, German Shorthaired Pointers cope well with the task and quickly understand what is expected of them.

Bernese Mountain Dog

This breed was created to conquer mountainous areas. The Bernese Mountain Dog is a very active dog that will happily go for walks along rocky trails with you. This natural climber feels at home in such an environment.

The Bernese Mountain Dog is one of the best choices for hikers and climbers because they love adventure and are good for hiking. These are strong dogs that really enjoy active outdoor activities. They can even carry your backpack for you without expending much energy. You won't have to fiddle with a leash because this highly intelligent dog is easy to train and obediently obeys any command.

75 to 80 minutes

16. The Arboreal Coonhound, or Walker's Arboreal Coonhound, spends an average of 77.31 minutes per day active.

15. Dalmatians move about 77.85 minutes per day.

14. The German Shepherd releases its pent-up energy on average for 79.31 minutes per day.

13. Pointers will not be able to sit still all day; they will run and jump for about 79.73 minutes.

12. The speckled blue coonhound is quite well ahead of its fellow species (item 24 in our rating). His “active time” is 79.88 minutes per day on average.

11. The Bloodhound moves about 80.23 minutes per day.

Portuguese water dog

Portuguese Water Dogs were bred to breed fish, as strange as that may sound. They love the water and are the master swimmers of the dog world. Portuguese water dogs were also used as floating couriers, for example to deliver nets to fishermen. If you're into surfing, your Portuguese Water Dog will jump right into the water and join in on your activities. She is fearless when it comes to water activities. In addition to this, Portuguese Water Dogs are natural hunting dogs.

These dogs are smart and easy to train. In terms of temperament, Portuguese Water Dogs are affectionate towards their owners and love to show their affection. Your dog will not feel comfortable until you are in his sight.

Top 12 small dog breeds for apartments

Small dog breeds for apartments up to 30 centimeters in size are considered small. They are compact and do not require much space in the apartment. Such dogs are most often distinguished by their friendly character and easy disposition. Moreover, they are easily accustomed to a tray or diaper and do not require daily walking.

Yorkshire Terrier

Terriers are cheerful and easy-to-keep dogs. Their weight does not exceed 3 kilograms, height – 15-20 centimeters. Dogs are distinguished by long, soft hair, but they hardly shed.

Yorkies are easy to train and can get used to any living conditions. Suitable for frequent travelers - thanks to their compactness and adaptability, they will become good travel companions.

These dogs do not need to be walked every day - they are trained to go to the toilet in a diaper or in a litter tray. Yorkshire Terriers require constant attention and careful monitoring of their health.

Pomeranian Spitz

These small dogs look like fluffballs. They make you fall in love with their unusual appearance and easy-going character.

Spitz dogs can be trained, learn basic commands, and get used to the way of life of their owners. They are loyal, hardy, and adapt to any climate. Dogs get along easily with other pets and people.

The long fluffy coat of Spitz dogs requires careful care and regular brushing, especially during periods of heavy shedding. In addition, they often bark loudly, and if the apartment is not soundproofed, this can lead to complaints from neighbors.


Pugs are charismatic and cheerful decorative dogs for apartments. They easily learn commands and are distinguished by their intelligence and intelligence.

Pugs can become good friends - they subtly sense the emotions of their owner and show compassion. They are well suited to living in confined spaces because they do not like activity, rarely run and tend to have a quiet lifestyle. Because of this, you need to carefully monitor their diet to prevent obesity.

Pugs also need to be examined regularly by a veterinarian - they are not in very good health.

Bichon Frize

Dogs of this breed are distinguished by their unusual appearance - they have thick white hair, especially pronounced on the head and tail. Because of this, their muzzle looks voluminous.

They adapt well to life in a confined space, but prefer an active lifestyle and run a lot. They don't remember commands well, but they get used to the rhythm of life and listen to their owners. They love children and tolerate travel well.

The Bichon's coat requires careful grooming, cutting, combing, and bathing. You need to regularly examine your ears and eyes, trim your nails, and brush your teeth with special sticks.

French Bulldog

French bulldogs are compact dogs with a height of 25-30 centimeters. They have a flattened nose and cute folds around the eyes and nose. A strong physique and proportional voice provide the bulldog with an attractive appearance.

These dogs are very smart and loyal, quickly become attached to their owner, and accompany him on trips and travels. They do not require daily walking and are litter trained, but need walks every 2-3 days.

Bulldogs need to be regularly bathed, brushed and the condition of their nails, eyes and ears monitored. They should not be allowed to run around too much - due to the structure of their nose they have breathing problems.


The Pekingese is a dog with a cheerful, balanced character and funny appearance. They have long thick hair and a small funny face. They get along well in an apartment and are easily accustomed to a tray and a diaper.

Often you should only walk with them in spring and autumn at a temperature of 20-25 degrees, otherwise they may overheat or catch a cold. Their long hair needs to be carefully combed and trimmed. Claws and hairs between the toes also require trimming.

Pekingese do not get along with other pets and children; they often bark loudly and make a mess in the apartment.


Chihuahuas are dogs with a funny and balanced character. Their size does not exceed 25 centimeters, their body is proportional, and their hair is short.

They play with children with pleasure, become attached to their owners and do not require constant attention. Sneezers do not need a lot of space, but they must have their own territory - a small mattress or bed in a quiet corner.

They are not prone to excessive activity and can stay at home for several days, but once every 3-4 days they must go outside. During walks, you need to carefully watch the dog - carry it in your hands through puddles, stairs, and high curbs.

Boston Terrier

Bostonians are cute, smart dogs bred specifically for city life. They get along in a confined space, are not afraid of street noise, and rarely run away during walks.

They have short hair and a strong, proportional build, making the dogs look respectable. This breed has a cheerful and cheerful character, so Boston Terriers love activity. If you don't walk them twice a day, they can wreak havoc in your apartment.

But if the dogs have enough walks, then at home they behave quite calmly. Terriers are not aggressive and react calmly to other dogs and children.


Dachshund is one of the most popular decorative breeds. She earned this title thanks to her cheerful character, funny appearance and developed intelligence.

The long dog easily learns basic commands and intuitively understands what the owner wants. Dachshunds are active and love to walk and play a lot. It is imperative to provide them with toys while they are alone at home, otherwise damage to things cannot be avoided.

Dachshunds are easy to care for, but require increased attention to nutrition. These dogs love sweets and are prone to obesity. Dachshunds need to be clothed on winter walks because their low chest position can cause them to become cold and develop pneumonia.

Toy Terrier

Toy terriers, or Russian terriers, are graceful miniature dogs suitable for keeping in city apartments. Their height does not exceed 22-25 centimeters, and their attractive appearance is ensured by long hair on the ears and a neat muzzle with expressive large eyes.

Toy terriers prefer to have fun at home rather than outside, so they need a warm sleeping place and plenty of toys. You can go for a walk once every 3-4 days, but in winter, time outside should be reduced to a minimum to avoid hypothermia.

Dogs easily establish contact with other pets and children. But they should not be kept with aggressive cats - they can damage delicate eyes.

Italian Greyhound

Italian Greyhound is one of the oldest decorative dog breeds. They are distinguished by a sophisticated, graceful body with short hair and an elongated, neat muzzle. Its height does not exceed 30 centimeters, its maximum weight reaches 4 kg.

Italian Greyhounds have an affectionate and flexible character. They easily adapt to the rhythm of life of their owners: with active ones they will be cheerful and active, with homebodies they will be quiet and calm. Italian Greyhounds can be trained, learn commands, and remember how to behave.

These graceful dogs should not be left alone for a long time and deprived of attention. Their health is good, but special attention needs to be paid to their eyes and ears.

Miniature Poodle

A miniature poodle is a dog that looks like a cute plush toy. It is distinguished by its dwarf size – up to 30 centimeters in height. The breed standard includes a large number of colors. The coat is long, curly, and shorter on the face and ears.

The character is kind, gentle, calm, which makes keeping them in an apartment problem-free. The dog can be trained to use a litter tray and take him for walks every 2-3 days.

He doesn't like company and is unlikely to make friends with other pets. Poodles require careful health monitoring, as well as regular haircuts and brushing.

Shetland Sheepdog

Shetland Sheepdogs are known as one of the smartest dog breeds in the world. They are very easy to train and have a natural shepherding instinct. They enjoy working with the flock and almost seem to smile as they chase down lost sheep and bring them back to their places.

The Shetland Sheepdog is a very active dog that loves to run in wide open spaces and requires vigorous daily exercise. This breed doesn't mind hard work because when you do what you love, it's not really work for you.

You can't accuse Shetland Sheepdogs of being lazy. If they have nothing to do, they become bored, which negatively affects their well-being. So don't leave your Shetland Sheepdog unattended, especially since this playful dog loves to interact with his family and learn new tricks.

Up to 70 minutes a day

43. Dog. On average, he moves 67.24 minutes per day.

42. Airedale Terrier. Active activities take about 67.26 minutes per day.

41. The Rat Terrier, also known as the Pied Piper Terrier, moves on average 67.42 minutes per day.

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40. For normal well-being, a pit bull needs activity for 67.74 minutes per day.

39. The Catahoula Leopard Dog is willing to play and run for approximately 67.88 minutes per day.

38. Plott hound owners can observe the active activity of their pets for 67.97 minutes per day.

37. The Boston Terrier loves to run and play, which takes him about 68.42 minutes a day.

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36. A miniature (dwarf) dachshund will have fun on average 68.93 minutes per day.

35. The Boxer (or German Boxer) is a breed whose representatives spend approximately 69.15 minutes a day on active activities.

34. Despite being considered the toughest sled dogs, Alaskan Huskies are willing to run for about 69.27 minutes per day.

33. Redborn Coonhoud is a little more mobile. Representatives of the breed are active on average 69.45 minutes per day.

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32. The Maltese is a small dog that will move about 69.6 minutes per day.

31. A dog with the unusual name Bichon Frize will not sit still for approximately 69.61 minutes a day.

30. A standard schnauzer will please its owners with its mobility for an average of 69.98 minutes per day.

Hungarian Vizsla

This breed excels at jumping, overcoming obstacles, and achieving impressive speeds while running. The Hungarian Vizsla is one of the most active, hardy and energetic breeds on the planet. They are exceptionally intelligent dogs that are easy to train and love to explore or learn new things.

For members of the canine world, they have an amazing ability to stay focused. The Hungarian Vizsla makes an excellent running partner, especially since she loves to exercise. These dogs need a daily dose of vigorous exercise to stay fit and healthy. Therefore, if you are into fitness and are looking for a loyal companion, then the Hungarian Vizsla could be your ideal pet.


When we think of Dalmatians, two things come to mind: Sparky the fiery dog ​​and the children's cartoon 101 Dalmatians. These lean and muscular dogs are capable of competing with horses at the races. In fact, they are an iconic symbol of the fire department. In centuries past, they ran ahead of the old-fashioned fire carriages before the advent of automobiles. Their task was to clear the way for the fire brigade, which could freely travel to the place where the fire was being extinguished.

This is a very energetic dog that loves to run. Dalmatians make an ideal companion for sprinters and long-distance runners. In addition, they fiercely protect their loved ones, so together with a hardy athletic partner you will get a reliable bodyguard.

Doberman Pinscher

This breed has an intimidating appearance, but the appearance does not match the personality of the Doberman Pinscher. In reality, these are affectionate and friendly dogs, but they will never offend their family and will fiercely look after their loved ones. Doberman Pinschers are large dogs with a lean build and amazing muscles.

These dogs have the heart of a lion, they are fearless and fierce in anger, but the breed is easy to train and very obedient to their owners. Doberman Pinschers do not require much grooming due to their smooth coat. In addition, they like to run. This makes them good candidates to accompany you on your daily run.

Australian Cattle Dog

Australian Cattle Dogs get their name for a reason. They have natural instincts when it comes to herding. These dogs are very smart and quick-witted, which is not uncommon for herding dogs. They are skilled at keeping the herd in line. But even living in urban environments, Australian Cattle Dogs are mindful of their nature, so be prepared to be herded and knocked down if you're not careful.

This breed is naturally strong and full of energy. Australian Cattle Dogs are also fiercely protective of those in their care. They form strong bonds with their owners and make wonderful pets.

These dogs prefer wide open spaces where they can run at full speed from time to time. They perform their physical abilities best when they have a daily job to do. So you better keep your Australian Cattle Dog busy and active, otherwise he won't be happy.

Causes of hyperactive behavior in dogs

Hyperactive behavior in a dog is a condition that manifests itself in mild agitation from any, even the most insignificant stimuli. In some cases, this behavior is normal, such as in puppies and young dogs. Adults of some breeds can also behave energetically. High emotional and physical activity can manifest itself in different ways; each breed has its own characteristics.

However, for most dogs, hyperactivity is a mental disorder that requires correction by the owner or specialist. Overactive dogs cannot calmly perceive their surroundings, focus their attention and respond adequately to external stimuli. In addition, the behavior of a hyperactive dog can cause a lot of trouble for the owner.

The main causes of hyperactive canine behavior are as follows:

  • genetic predisposition of the breed;
  • failure in the hormonal system;
  • improper upbringing;
  • failure to comply with pet maintenance standards;
  • lack of the right environment for the dog;
  • lack of attention;
  • lack of physical and physical activity;
  • disruptions in the functioning of the nervous system (neuralgia);
  • rough violent education;
  • lack of daily routine;
  • diabetes;
  • psychical deviations;
  • emotional stress;
  • poor nutrition, lack of vitamins and minerals in food;
  • disturbance of sleep and rest.

In addition to the symptoms described above, hyperactivity in a pet can be caused by a number of diseases, for example, the presence of neoplasms, ectoparasites, and emotional turmoil.

Jack Russell Terrier

Jack Russell Terriers are a small breed of dog with an endless source of energy. These funny little pets can run for a long time without a break. Don’t let their compact size fool you, they will definitely not leave you behind while jogging, and you can’t blame them for cowardice, they are ready to rush to protect their home and family at any moment.

These dogs are affectionate towards their neighbors, but sometimes have problems with other dogs trying to get their owners' attention. Expect a little jealousy and competition if you have another pet.

Jack Russell Terriers are intelligent dogs that are easy to train, but it is best to keep them on a leash during their daily runs because they love to chase smaller animals for fun.

Hunting breeds

The most energetic dogs are hunting dogs. This group includes greyhounds, hounds, burrows, gundogs and huskies.


Due to the poorly developed fat layer, it needs warm and comfortable conditions. He has a special love for running, so it is recommended to use the whippet’s energy in coursing and other sports disciplines. In the family circle he is very affectionate and loving, but is not inclined to tolerate children's pranks.

“ All about the whippet

Russian greyhound

She is not demanding of space, but will most likely prefer the owner's sofa instead of a lounger. Delicate and peaceful even with strangers. Outside of hunting and walking, she is quiet and passive, which prevents damage to things due to boredom.

“ All about the Russian dog


Needs free walking in a private home. Incredibly active and often directs unspent energy during the day to various pranks. In addition to damaging things, the lack of regular physical activity is fraught with complete disregard for prohibitions and open disobedience to the owner.

“ All about the Dalmatian

Rhodesian Ridgeback

Provided frequent walks, it easily adapts to any living conditions. Has developed security and hunting instincts. For this reason, it is not recommended to keep the Rhodesian Ridgeback with other pets or walk it without a leash.

Jack Russell Terrier

Despite its compact size, the Jack Russell Terrier is too active to live in a city apartment. With not enough training, it can destroy all your belongings and recently made renovations. A long and meaningful walk for the Jack Russell Terrier is a necessity that will have to be accepted. If you need to go somewhere for a couple of hours, be sure to take your pet for a walk, even if you did it in the morning.

Despite its destructiveness, the Jack Russell Terrier captivates with its friendly disposition and inexhaustible charge of positivity. In addition to physical activities, he is very enthusiastic about mental ones, which makes his training much easier.

“ All about the Jack Russell Terrier

Fox terrier

It is unpretentious to living conditions and is intended for burrow hunting. He has enormous leadership potential and needs an experienced owner who can show who is boss in the house. He is famous for his curiosity and constantly strives to stick his nose into any suspicious crevice, which makes it difficult to close the doors in the house for the purpose of privacy.

“ All about the Fox Terrier


In addition to walking, the Weimaraner respects swimming. To maintain sufficient activity, it should be taken to lakes or other accessible bodies of water. It is better not to buy this dog for living in the city. The only exception is the presence of special areas or a forest park where the four-legged dog can run without a leash.

The Weimaraner needs constant human contact. If you are often absent from work, then you should not be surprised at the holes in the sofa and the indignation of the neighbors, whom your dog will certainly pester with barking and whining.

“ All about the Weimaraner


Easily becomes attached to all family members and absolutely cannot stand loneliness. He gets along well with children and is ready to play with them all day long, allowing even the tightest hugs and piggyback rides. It feels uncomfortable in a confined space, so it is recommended to take the shorthaired pointer to a spacious country house.

“ All about shorthaired pointer

Labrador Retriever

Unlike the Golden Retriever, the Labrador is more active and mobile. Having played too much, he can easily turn everything upside down or pester his busy owner for hours. Despite this, the Labrador is a very friendly dog ​​that is hard not to fall in love with. He is often involved in canistherapy, working with the visually impaired, and rescuing people on the water.

“ All about Labrador

West Siberian Laika

It easily tolerates Russian frosts and is suitable for aviary keeping. Famous for its talkativeness, curiosity, playfulness and extraordinary mobility. Laika is a pet for real hunters, since it is extremely difficult for ordinary city residents to satisfy its need for physical activity.

“ All about the West Siberian Laika

Rat Terrier

The breed originated in the United States of America. They were originally bred for use as hunting and farm dogs. They were highly regarded for their ability to track and destroy small pests, including rats, mice and other agricultural pests.

Nowadays, Rat Terriers are highly valued as pets. They still retain a natural instinct to hunt house pests and can give any cat a run for their money when it comes to catching mice. This is a versatile pet that will happily snuggle up on the couch at home, go on a hike, or get in a good workout with his family.

Rat Terriers are very agile, agile and fast dogs when it comes to chasing prey. They are easy to train and make very obedient pets.

Rhodesian Ridgeback

This breed was created for hunting African lions. Rhodesian Ridgebacks are very athletic dogs, renowned for their speed and energy. They are easy to care for due to their short-haired and unpretentious coat. It also gives them extra endurance when running in hot weather.

In addition to being athletic dogs with high physical performance, Rhodesian Ridgebacks get along very well with people. They are affectionate towards their owners and get along well with most people. If you live in a hot climate and are looking for a running partner, the Rhodesian Ridgeback is a good option for you.

Russian hound

The dog's strong and calm character is admirable. She clearly delineates the lines of behavior. You can sit quietly with a Russian hound by the crackling fireplace. For some time the dog will give up any pranks. But hunting is a completely different matter. Every creature on four legs becomes prey for a gambling animal. The Russian Hound will chase stray cats and small toy dogs while walking with its owner around the neighborhood. A dog cannot be a watchman; he loves to hunt in an exciting way. The Russian hound will calmly ignore all other dog duties.

Australian Shepherd

This herding breed is remarkably similar to the Australian Cattle Dog in temperament and skills. Australian Shepherds are very intelligent dogs that prefer to work or play rather than idle. These active dogs are happiest when they have daily exercise. They are born with a natural herding instinct and, as family pets, will try to herd children and adults even from a young age. It is their nature to bite arms, legs and sensitive spots on the stomach and ribs.

They know how to get your attention. Australian Shepherds have a large, muscular rump and have a unique talent for jumping high and swinging their butts to attract the attention of the person or animals they herd. But don't worry, these smart dogs learn quickly and it's easy to teach them that such behavior towards people is unacceptable.

These sporting dogs are hardy and suitable for walking. Australian Shepherds are amazing pets with excellent people skills that not only love to be active, but also demand it.

Belgian Malinois

The shepherd is very smart. She quickly understands what her beloved owner wants. The Belgian Malinois lived back in the Middle Ages.

The dog respects only an authoritative owner with a strong character who knows how to develop and guide. The dog needs to constantly move; it is an eternal worker who loves to be useful. Walking with the owner for two hours is a pleasure for a Malinois. The shepherd dog just doesn’t like to run; he prefers interactive games and physical exercise. Homebodies have nothing to do with her.


They are versatile large dogs capable of many impressive tasks. Weimaraners are known to get violent at times due to the high energy levels they naturally possess. This is a good indicator, which makes them especially valuable among hunters. Weimaraners are also good at navigating and running on uneven and rough terrain, making them excellent running companions.

Weimaraners are easy to groom because their coat is short and unpretentious. They only need daily activity and vigorous exercise. This is one of the qualities that makes Weimaraners an ideal hiking partner. They are ghostly gray in color and have a coat well suited to hot or warm climates.

Siberian Husky

This is one of the most beautiful breeds in the dog world. Siberian Huskies are also considered to be very independent dogs with a lot of energy and muscular strength. They boast incredible resistance to cold temperatures, thanks to their thick, fluffy coats that provide them with plenty of insulation.

Siberian Huskies are capable of pulling heavy sleds with ease and have become renowned as the best sled dogs for the famous Iditarod race held across the frozen tundra. They are definitely some of the most active dogs in the world. They make great running and hiking companions, and they can even carry your backpack. If you live in a cold climate and are looking for a healthy dog ​​breed, you should consider getting a Siberian Husky.

Labrador Retriever

The Labrador Retriever is renowned for its energetic approach to everyday life. He is one of the most impatient dogs and this applies to learning, pleasing his owners and seeking out new adventures. They are brilliant hunters who are weatherproof when it comes to catching game for their hunting partners. They don't mind wet or cold weather, they are just happy to do something outside.

This good-natured dog is one of the most valuable dog breeds in the world. The Labrador Retriever is not only an excellent hunter, but also an excellent pet. He gets along well with people, is loyal to his family and loves to play.

Border Collie

Border collies are herding dogs by nature. This is a skill that they don't need to be taught because they just seem to instinctively know what they need to do. They are one of the smartest dog breeds, but what they are most famous for is their diligence and amazing work ethic. The Border Collie never gives up!

Like an experienced herder, the Border Collie is stubborn and will not stop until its job is done. These are loyal and devoted dogs with amazing endurance. They make wonderful running and hiking partners and good pets.


Airedale Terriers are brave, playful and adventurous and will become companions and protectors. They are reliable, good house dogs, but require a firm hand when training as they can get bored easily. Because of their intelligence and energy, Airedale Terriers can handle a lot of mental and physical exercise every day.

English Springer Spaniel

This is a gorgeous dog breed with long floppy ears and large expressive eyes that can melt anyone's heart. English Springer Spaniels are intelligent dogs that are so eager to please their owners that they will keep trying until they receive praise.

They make wonderful family dogs because they get along so well with people. English Springer Spaniels are loving and affectionate dogs towards their family members. They are highly prized for their natural hunting skills and, in particular, for their stamina and energy, which allows them to continue their journey regardless of the weather.

Once they catch the scent of their prey, these tenacious sporting dogs become so focused that they barely notice anything around them. If you are an avid hunter and are looking for an equal partner, the English Springer Spaniel is a tough nut to crack and will keep up with you every step of the way. If you're looking for a running partner, he's up to the job too. Just make sure you have a strong leash in case your English Springer Spaniel smells a new scent.

What means?

When choosing a companion dog, you need to clearly understand that there are some criteria that do not depend on the breed of dog. You must take into account the living conditions where you will bring a new family member, be it a spacious or cramped apartment, or maybe a private house. Based on this, you need to decide on the size of the dog. You also need to decide how much free time you will have for your dog, because it requires constant care and activities. Let's look at the sizes of dogs:

  1. Small dogs are those that weigh up to 10 kg . Surprisingly, small dogs are perhaps our greatest friends. Their appearance can vary from a fluffy little lump the size of your palm to a strong, muscular specimen. But in any case, you can take them with you anywhere.
  2. Medium - these are breeds from 10 to 20 kg . Medium-sized dogs are the most popular. Of course, they don’t capture the imagination of the public as much as small glamorous dogs, or like large ones that scare passers-by with their appearance, but they fit into the life of a family more well.
  3. Those who weigh 20-40 kg large . This size of dogs is more numerous. Today, most large dogs are companion dogs.
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