Will Eurican for dogs protect against plague, rabies and other diseases?

Today, every caring pet owner knows how important it is to vaccinate their pet on time against diseases dangerous to its body. Ignoring the benefits of vaccination for dogs can cost your pet not only health, but also life. Therefore, the question of the feasibility of vaccinations, their quality and safety is currently very relevant. Veterinarians around the world actively recommend vaccinating pets, and at the same time advise using Eurican as one of the best on the world market.

Eurikan is a complex drug of French origin for the prevention of many canine infectious diseases, which allows the animal to develop stable antibodies that protect it from damage by pathogens of deadly diseases. Provided that the vaccinated animal does get sick, you can be sure that it will survive the disease in a mild form and without any complications. There are two modifications of the vaccine: version L and LR. Among the indications for the use of the prophylactic drug Eurikan DHPPI2-L, canine infections such as canine distemper, parvovirus, adenovirus, and parainfluenza should be highlighted. It also allows you to develop immunity against leptospirosis, and its extended version Eurican DHPPI2 (LR version) provides, among other things, protection against rabies. Eurican for dogs is a clear liquid in appearance, packaged in glass bottles of 1 ml of active ingredient. One of them contains a dry, lyophilized component, and the other contains a suspension. Each such bottle must be provided with a label indicating the manufacturer, its trademark, name of the product, its quantity, as well as recommendations regarding the method of administration, expiration date of the product and serial number. This prophylactic product should be stored in a dark, dry place at an air temperature of 2 to 80 C.

Description of the complex vaccine

Manufacturer and purpose

The drug belongs to vaccines against distemper and rabies, intended for dogs of various breeds. It was created by a company from France called Merial.

The medication is available in the form of a suspension for injection. Consists of 2 components – lyophilized (DHPPI2-L) and liquid (LR).

The vaccine is intended to build immunity in dogs against certain types of diseases such as plague, infectious hepatitis, parvovirus, parainfluenza, adenovirus infection, and rabies.

The drug has no harmful effects. Not intended for treatment.

Vaccination is carried out only in healthy animals that do not suffer from a parasitic infection.

DHPPI2, L and LR

There are 2 types of medication - L and LR. The first type of vaccine acts as a prophylactic against carnivore distemper, parvovirus, adenovirus and parainfluenza. It also helps develop immunity against leptospirosis.

LR is considered an extended version of Eurikan. This vaccine helps prevent the development of rabies.

A vaccine called Eurican R has not yet been developed.


Eurican Primo is a high titer monovalent vaccine designed to protect puppies against parvovirus enteritis. Its effect is aimed at overcoming the barrier created by maternal antibodies and reducing the immune gap.


You can now view the current price of the drug and buy it right here from Yandex Market with fast delivery:

The price of Eurikan depends on the type of vaccine:

  • the cost of one dose of Eurican DHPPI2-LR (2 bottles) – from 400 to 480 rubles;
  • the cost of one dose of Eurican DHPPI2-L is from 340 to 360 rubles.

And although the product can be ordered online, it is better to make the purchase at a clinic or the nearest veterinary pharmacy, since the vaccine can only be stored and transported at low temperatures.

Composition and expiration date

Eurikan has 2 components. The first of them is produced in dry form and resembles a porous mass . Characterized by a yellowish or beige tint. The composition includes strains of dangerous infections: parvovirus, adenovirus, plague and parainfluenza of the second type.

Also, the dry component consists of polypeptides and glucides, which act as stabilizers.

The second component is the liquid component . Available in the form of a cloudy solution. After long-term storage it becomes transparent, and sediment forms at the bottom.

Leptospire has been added to the liquid. If the LR option is presented, then the drug is enriched with rabies viruses.

The components of the medication are packaged in different bottles. Their volume is 1 ml. Before vaccination they are mixed with each other.

The medicine is stored at a temperature of +2...+8°C in a dry and dark place. Eurican is valid for 2 years from the date of manufacture.

How to prepare a puppy/dog

In order for the procedure to be successful and not cause a negative reaction after the first vaccination, you must adhere to some rules:

  1. It is recommended to perform vaccination only in specialized institutions. Vaccinations made must be included in the dog’s veterinary passport, which will not create any difficulties in the future when traveling abroad.

  2. Injections are only allowed on animals without pathological abnormalities. If your pet is unwell, the procedure will have to be postponed. Immunization is also not recommended during puppy teething.
  3. Approximately 14 days before the procedure, the animal is dewormed and treated for fleas. This measure is necessary, since the parasites present in the animal’s body, capable of releasing toxic substances, weaken the protective functions of the four-legged animal.
  4. The drug can trigger the development of allergies, so the dog needs to be given a drug of the anti-allergy group. This could be Suprastin, Diphenhydramine, etc.

3-4 hours before vaccination it is necessary to measure the animal’s body temperature. In a healthy state, indicators should be within +37…+39 °C.

Instructions for use

Scheme and dosages

The vaccine is administered to puppies in an amount of 1 ml, regardless of weight and age. After the first injection, the drug is used again after 3-5 weeks. After this, vaccination is recommended every year. Animals under 7 weeks of age are administered the drug Eurican DHPPI2-L.

A vaccine containing the rabies virus is given to pets older than 3 months. If the first option was chosen, then the rabies vaccination is given after 6 months.

When using the vaccine, you must adhere to some rules:

  1. The liquid part of the drug is shaken in the bottle.
  2. After this, the rubber stopper is pierced with a syringe and a needle, and the liquid component is drawn into it.
  3. The suspension is introduced into the bottle containing the dry contents. You cannot open the cork, just make a puncture.
  4. Shake well until the components are completely dissolved. The prepared composition is drawn into the syringe.

Vaccination is carried out every year. Skipping vaccinations is not recommended.

How and where to inject?

The injection is administered subcutaneously into the scapular region or intramuscularly into the femoral region. The injection site is first treated with ethyl alcohol.

Food intake does not affect the administration of the drug, so the pet can be fed before vaccination.

Storage rules

According to the instructions for use, Eurikan for dogs is considered a harmless vaccine, but to preserve its biological properties and safety, storage conditions must be observed:

  1. The storage temperature must be strictly between 2 and 8˚C, so the vaccine is usually placed in the refrigerator on a separate shelf so that it does not come into contact with food.
  2. Avoid contact with direct sunlight.
  3. After opening the bottle, the vaccine can be used within half an hour. If the product has not been used during this time, it must be disposed of, but first disinfected by boiling for 30 minutes.
  4. Freezing is strictly prohibited.

In order not to harm the animal, you should stop using Eurican in the following cases:

  • the liquid component was frozen;
  • foreign impurities have appeared in the bottle;
  • the seal of the packaging is broken;
  • the vaccine was stored incorrectly;
  • there is no marking on the bottle and its origin is unknown;
  • expiration date has expired.

It is also necessary to follow storage rules when transporting the product. Otherwise it may cause complications.

Reviews from owners and veterinarian

Elena, spaniel owner, Zheleznogorsk:

“My daughter has wanted a dog for a long time. But I knew that the pet needed special care. I bought a spaniel puppy from a friend. At 12 weeks, the Eurican vaccine with rabies viruses was used for the first time. No side effects were observed. Now we vaccinate our pets every year.”

Victor, owner of a French bulldog, Kaluga:

“The dog is already 5 years old. For the first time, Nobivak was used for immunization. When the next vaccination came, the drug was not available in either the pharmacy or the veterinary clinic. They suggested Eurikan LR, which contains rabies viruses.

After 2 days, a large lump appeared at the injection site. The dog could not walk, so he slept constantly. Everything went away in just 1.5 weeks.”

Ulyana Petrovna, veterinarian, Vladivostok:

“I believe that Eurican is one of the best drugs for vaccinating an animal against dangerous viruses. Vaccinations begin in early childhood, and then continue every year. Side effects are rare. Always on sale."

Operating principle

The principle of action of the drug is based on the ability of its constituent components to stimulate the development of stable immunity against a number of infectious diseases in pets. Eurikan contains the following strains of pathogens of dangerous diseases:

  • plague;
  • adenovirus type 2;
  • parainfluenza virus type 2;
  • leptospirosis;
  • parvovirus;
  • rabies (version of the Eurikan vaccine for dogs DHPPI2-LR).

Read. Vaccine "Kokav"

This remedy promotes the development of stable immunity against the listed pathogens within two weeks. This immune protection lasts for a year. Therefore, after 12 months, revaccination is mandatory.

What's better instead?


The Nobivak vaccine has several types:

  1. Nobivak Puppy DP . Protects against plague and parvovirus enteritis. Used for puppies at 6 weeks.
  2. Nobivac DHPPi . Intended for vaccination of adult and small dogs over 10 weeks of age.
  3. Nobivak for rabies and leptospirosis . Often used in combination.
  4. Nobivak KS . Helps against parainfluenza and bordetellosis.

Immunization is carried out annually. The drug is administered in a dosage of 1 ml, regardless of the weight and age of the pet. The medicine will cost 190-210 rubles. The price is less than its analogue.

Nobivak is an effective remedy, but it is becoming more difficult to find in pharmacies. Therefore, the choice often stops at Eurikan. It is not recommended to mix components with each other. But if one vaccine is not suitable, next time it can be replaced with another.


Rabizin is a non-live vaccine and is intended for prevention against rabies. Available in the form of a clear solution. Does not require mixing with other components. 14-21 days after the injection, the dog develops full immunity, which lasts for 3 years.

Rabisin is better than Eurikan in that it is used for the prevention of dogs during pregnancy and lactation. The minimum age for the first vaccination is 12 weeks.

Rabizin is cheaper than Eurican. The price for a bottle with 1 dose is 140 rubles. But Eurikan allows you to avoid infection with plague viruses, enteritis, and adenovirus.

Mixing medications is not recommended, as the risk of side effects increases.

Other analogues

Eurikan has other analogues:

  1. Rubix. A cheap product, the cost of which is 40-50 rubles. Protects against rabies. Immunization is carried out once every 3 years.
  2. Biocan R. Refers to complex drugs, as it protects against rabies and leptospirosis. The immune response occurs after 40 days. It is prohibited to give injections to dogs with elevated temperatures, injuries or parasitic infestations. The average cost is 370 rubles.
  3. Multikan-8. Refers to structural analogues of Eurikan. Protects against plague, adenovirus, coronavirus, rabies and leptospirosis. It has 2 components - dry and liquid substances. The volume of the injected solution is 3 ml. Prescribed intramuscularly. Price – 252 rubles.

Which drug to choose is worth asking your veterinarian . The choice depends on the individual characteristics of the animal.

Eurican is an effective and inexpensive remedy for preventing the development of dangerous pathologies in dogs. The medication is well tolerated by both puppies and adult dogs. Injections are given to pets of different breeds. Preventive manipulations must be carried out in a veterinary clinic under the supervision of a doctor.

Answers to frequently asked questions

Is it possible to vaccinate a dog with Eurican yourself?

No, any vaccinations can only be administered by a veterinarian. You yourself cannot be sure of the quality of the serum, its correct administration, or the absence of infectious diseases in your pet.

Is it allowed to vaccinate a dog at home?

Yes, if it is done by a veterinarian. At the same time, he must bring the vaccine in a cooling box: in the heat, the serum loses its properties.

This is my first time giving this vaccine to a puppy/dog. I'm afraid of an allergic reaction. How can it be prevented?

The simplest preventive measure is to give an injection with an antihistamine before administering the serum. But usually this is not necessary: ​​Eurican is well tolerated, and minor allergic reactions go away on their own. If you are afraid of anaphylactic shock, sit in the clinic lobby for 30 minutes: if alarming symptoms do not appear during this time, they will not appear in the future. And if acute conditions develop, the doctor will be able to quickly respond and stop them.

Is it necessary to treat a dog for parasites before vaccination? How to do this correctly?

Yes, since helminths, ticks and fleas carry dangerous diseases, can infect the animal, and reduce immunity. For preventive purposes, dogs are treated once 10 days before vaccination, for therapeutic purposes - twice with an interval of 7-10 days, the last treatment is carried out no later than 1.5 weeks before vaccination. They use medications against ticks and insects together with anthelmintic tablets or complex products.

When should you refuse vaccination?

Despite the fact that Eurican is considered a safe drug, after its use the development of a number of side effects cannot be ruled out, due to which the drug has a number of limitations.

The medicine is absolutely contraindicated in the following situations:

  • individual intolerance to components;

  • the period of gestation of puppies, regardless of the stage of pregnancy;
  • if less than ten days have passed after treatment for worms;
  • age up to three months in case of introduction of the LR version, or up to seven weeks when using the drug with the L mark.

Dogs that are severely emaciated due to an acute or chronic pathological process are not allowed to be vaccinated, since during this period the animal is severely weakened. Also, vaccinations should not be given immediately after viral infections, even in the absence of characteristic clinical manifestations.

Immunization should be refused if the drug is expired or sediment and foreign impurities are found in it.

One dose of suspension contains:

Active substances:

Inactivated Leptospira strains.

The vaccine is filled into type I glass containers

, closed with a chlorobutyl stopper and sealed with an aluminum cap. The choice of vaccine strains is justified by clinical trials. The inactivation process and detection limit of the inactivation control test are correctly confirmed.

The product is an established dosage form and its development is adequately described in accordance with the relevant European guidelines.

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