How to stop a dog from barking at other dogs: 10 tips and tricks

The dog must behave well at home and on walks, treat people adequately and react calmly to other animals, without showing aggression without a reason. The character and behavior of our little brothers largely depends on proper upbringing and systematic training. We will look at how to stop a dog from barking at other dogs. We will give recommendations and advice from dog handlers that will help in solving this problem.

Reasons for dogs barking on the street

How does your dog treat other animals? Perhaps the pet happily runs up and sniffs other dogs, wanting to get to know each other, or, on the contrary, barks at everyone who walks on four legs? If you constantly keep your dog on a leash and try to notice other animals before it, such walks are not a joy. Dogs should be able to walk without a leash, of course, under your strict control.

But if a dog constantly barks at other dogs and reacts inappropriately to his relatives, he can provoke a fight. Aggressiveness, depending on the size of the animal, will harm its health or other dogs. And dog breeders will not be delighted with such manners, especially if you have a large or medium breed dog.

If a dog barks at other animals or people for no reason, it can lead to serious consequences. A dog that barks hysterically is difficult to control . To avoid problems, let’s find out the reasons for this behavior in a puppy or adult dog.

Important! Barking is not a manifestation of aggression towards dogs, animals, or humans. This is a canine language characteristic of all breeds and ages, a communicative means through which the dog expresses its emotions, mood, and communicates with its owner and its relatives.

Causes of dog barking:

  • fear, aggression, fright, irritation;
  • attraction of attention, lack of communication, separation;
  • strong emotional arousal;
  • danger warning;
  • call for games;
  • improper socialization, errors in education.

Dogs bark to defend their territory, warning other animals about a possible conflict with a loud, intermittent, assertive bark.

Barking is a warning signal and a sign for other animals if the dog senses danger.

  • An inappropriate reaction to other dogs, accompanied by barking, often signals that the dog is afraid, very scared or feeling aggressive. Barking is accompanied by gestures of submission. The dog licks its lips, stretches its neck forward, and hides behind its owner.
  • Barking is a means of attracting attention if the dog is bored or calls for play. It is known that our little brothers are not only inquisitive, but also build their relationships and determine their social position through play. If the pet wants to play with another dog, the barking will be short and intermittent. The dog energetically wags its tail, sits down on its front paws, raising its croup, or brings sticks and toys to its fellow dog.
  • There is a category of dogs that do not get along with their relatives and assert themselves through loud, menacing barking, which is accompanied by growling. If the dog bares its teeth, wags its tail, or takes on intimidating poses, be prepared for the fact that it may attack the dog . Therefore, carefully monitor his behavior and put him on a leash.
  • Dogs often bark at other animals while behind a fence. The dog does not so much protect its territory, but experiences irritation, uncertainty and even fear. A barrier, the inability to overcome an obstacle provokes the release of adrenaline. The pet becomes overexcited, barking hysterically loudly. Aggression is directed at everything outside the fence.

The loudest breeds

Although barking is considered the prerogative of any dog, there are breeds that express their emotions in this way to varying degrees.

For example, the Basenji - an African non-barking dog - makes only chest rumbling sounds, and then only in case of extreme excitement. But there are also breeds whose “loudness” can cause headaches not only for their owners, but also for those around them.

One of the most common stereotypes - the larger the dog, the louder it barks - is not always true. It is not uncommon for small dogs to produce sounds that are many times stronger than the barking of large breeds.

However, the volume of the chest (and therefore the lungs) and the size of the muzzle also affect the volume of barking. The loudest breeds are considered to be:

  • husky
  • german shepherds
  • Alaskan Malamutes
  • retrievers
  • doberman pinscher
  • some types of terriers (Jack Russell, Toy)
  • Pekingese
  • fox terriers

It is important to understand that the volume of a dog's bark does not affect its frequency. Even the “loudest” breeds can vocalize extremely rarely and only in emergency situations.

Teaching your puppy to respond appropriately to dogs

Every dog ​​is unique. Even within the same breed, no dogs are identical in temperament and character. Some dogs are calmer and phlegmatic, others have an active psyche and react more emotionally to various stimuli.

To raise an adequately obedient dog, proper socialization of the pet in society and systematic training are very important. Basic commands can be taught at the age of 3-3.5 months, and correct manners should be instilled immediately after the end of the adaptation period.

Important! All dogs, regardless of breed and age, can be trained and trained. There are no dogs that cannot be taught proper manners. But training adult dogs will take longer and must be systematic. You are required to have perseverance and patience.

If the puppy reacts inappropriately to dogs, people, or other animals on its first walks, stop such behavior in a stern tone. Don't let bad manners become a habit. From an early age, a dog must understand what is allowed and what is not.

Vocal cord cutting

Perhaps the most undesirable way to deal with barking. Such operations are most often the result of complaints from neighbors that have escalated into lawsuits. In addition to the obvious danger to the pet’s life, this procedure has many disadvantages:

  • the need to use anesthesia, which can negatively affect the functioning of organs;
  • difficult recovery period;
  • risk of laryngeal edema;
  • the likelihood of scarring making it difficult to breathe and eat.

How to stop an adult dog from barking at other dogs

There is no doubt that proper manners should be taught to pets at an early age. But if the moment of education was missed or you got an adult dog that is not obedient, act firmly, but consistently. In the case of a completely uncontrollable pet, entrust its training to a dog handler.

Advice! A grown puppy or adult dog can wear a strict collar. It is better to use one, but strong stimulus than to constantly jerk the dog with a regular collar.

If your dog barks at dogs on the street or reacts angrily to other animals, do not let your pet off the leash. As soon as the dog craps on his fellow dog, in a stern tone give the command “No”, “Fu” and pull the leash firmly. Lightly spank your pet with a twig or rolled up newspaper.

Repeat similar actions until the dog begins to calmly perceive his relatives. If the neighbor’s dog or other dogs in the walking area are barking and you know that your dog will “voice” if he is not on a leash, call him to you, turn your attention away from the source of irritation.

Using aids

If there is not enough time for training, or if the dog is highly excitable, you can resort to alternative means:

Sedatives - tablets, drops or treats with the addition of sedative herbs and mixtures - valerian, lemon balm or mint. Their use should be clearly limited by instructions and dosage.

Special collars are equipped with special sensors that respond to movements of the larynx and send irritating signals (electric discharge, mechanical vibration, ultrasonic signal). Such means are not always effective.

In some cases, dogs, frightened by the sudden impact, begin to bark even louder. In addition, the pet will not understand what he is doing wrong, which means he will not be able to correct his behavior.

What not to do: basic mistakes and tips from dog handlers

To ensure that your pet is well-mannered and obedient, properly organize the educational process. Pay attention to your pet's socialization. After the end of quarantine, do not walk with your puppy without a leash in public walking areas. The dog must get used to the street, new smells and sounds.

  • Never pit dogs against each other, even as a joke. Feeling its advantage, the pet will suppress its relatives, which can end disastrously if the dog does not calculate its strength.
  • Never hit, scream or use physical violence against a dog using a leash or other available means. Rough treatment will give the opposite reaction, develop anger, provoke aggression. If the dog is wrong, spank him lightly with a rolled-up newspaper or a thin twig, but not with your hand. Impact should be minimal.

  • If your puppy is shy, don't focus his attention on other dogs. Get used to communicating with your relatives gradually. The baby should be kept company by calm and friendly dogs. Hold representatives of small breeds near dog walking areas.
  • Some owners make the mistake of starting to walk a small puppy with older dogs. Males often attack puppies and young males. Fights break out between dogs.
  • Don't encourage your puppy to yelp at other animals. The dog will grow up and it will not be easy to wean him from this habit. Breeders of decorative breeds also make a similar mistake, allowing their pets to crap on large and adult dogs. Annoying, hysterical barking for no reason will cause discontent and aggression even in a balanced dog, and your pet may suffer.
  • Do not encourage overly emotional games that provoke increased excitement. If your dog starts barking while playing, calm him down and put him on a leash.
  • You can teach a dog to treat its relatives adequately at almost any age. Act consistently but persistently. The dog must understand and complete the assigned tasks.

Briefly about the main thing

  1. Dog barking is your pet’s natural reaction to the reality around him.
  2. The frequency and intensity of barking does not depend in any way on the size of the dog.
  3. The reasons for barking can be both physiological factors (fear, reaction to pain, excess energy) and psycho-emotional moments (an attempt to attract attention, the desire to protect territory, joy, etc.).
  4. Without correctly identifying the cause of barking, it is pointless to start training.
  5. Any training should be based on patience and care. The use of intimidation or brute force is strongly discouraged. The correct actions of the pet must be encouraged.
  6. The most effective way to combat barking is to switch the dog’s attention. To perform already known commands, a favorite toy, etc.
  7. The use of additional measures - medications, collars - is permissible only if all other methods have proven ineffective.
  8. Surgical intervention is an extreme and undesirable measure that poses a serious threat to the life and health of the pet.

Each dog is a four-legged individual with its own character, habits, level of adaptation, etc. The recommendations presented in the article are general in nature. Each individual case may have its own nuances. Send your questions and tips in the comments. Perhaps your life experience will help someone find the right solution to a problem.

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Be a leader

Earlier it was said not only about the owner’s ability as a leader to cope with difficult situations, but also about the dog’s confidence in his actions. It comes from training, spending time together, setting boundaries, and appreciating behavior that pleases the owner.

Controlled walks and games, accompanied by the commands “sit”, “lie”, “near”, turn the pet into a friend who feels attention and care and sees no reason to make noise without a reason. This creates an atmosphere of trust and confidence that allows the dog to know when it can and should bark , as well as when it can be calm.

Think carefully before you ignore the noise of a dog. It’s easier to reconfigure the animal’s behavior in the right direction than to wait for the problem to go away on its own.

Additionally, check out this short video on how to stop a dog from barking at everyone, other dogs and people:

What to do if it's quiet?

  • If she doesn't bark much. This may be due to the fact that the animal simply has such a character and temperament. Or - heredity. Also, it may depend on the breed of the dog. Or from training. It is possible to retrain a dog, but it doesn’t make much sense: in a stressful situation, it will still act in the way that is most comfortable for it.
  • Doesn't bark at strangers. This depends on many factors: genetic predisposition; natural trait or timidity. In order to develop defensive reactions in a dog, you need to educate it and teach it commands.
  • Doesn't bark at all. You need to wait for the right moment when the dog barks, and then immediately praise it. And then start teaching the “Voice” command. Be sure to accompany this with tasty rewards.
  • She used to bark, but now she has stopped. The dog could have gotten sick. Also, she could be very scared. Small dogs may stop barking due to instability in the cervical spine. In any case, be sure to consult a doctor!

When does it start?

At what age do puppies start barking? This usually happens at 3-4 months. But, of course, first of all, it depends on the characteristics of the breed, the puppy itself and the conditions of detention. There are talkative bell dogs: they bark a lot and with pleasure. Silent animals are reserved and taciturn and bark only in extreme cases.

By the way, when you do a lot with your puppy, play, train him, then in the heat of passion (completely unexpected for you!) he can go and bark!

In general, dogs really love to imitate and adopt certain behavior patterns. If your baby has someone to follow an example from (he often communicates with other dogs and hears their barking), then he himself learns to bark before his peers.

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