STRONGHOLD - drops on the withers for cats and dogs against fleas, ticks and other parasites

In the review: I will thoroughly analyze Stronghold drops for dogs, based on my personal experience with the drug and the experience of my colleagues in the workshop.

Now every second owner does not believe that his dog has fleas or does not understand the seriousness of the situation. Meanwhile, these small pests can cause various diseases not only in animals, but also in humans, and can also transmit helminths. There are a large number of treatment products against ectoparasites on the veterinary drug market. That's why I've collected stronghold analogues that may be better suited for your dog.

Release forms and dosage

Stronghold is a safe and effective complex drug from Pfizer for the antiparasitic treatment of cats and dogs. Produced in pipettes with different dosages depending on the type of animal and its weight. As an active ingredient, pipettes with a 6% solution contain 60 mg of selamectin in 1 ml, and pipettes with a 12% solution contain 120 mg of selamectin in 1 ml.

Dog weight, kg.Dosage and pipette volumeprice, rub.
up to 2.5 kgStronghold 6% 0.25 ml490
up to 7.5 kg6% 0.75 ml570
2.6-5 kg12% 0.25 ml525
5,1-1012% 0.5 ml576
10-2012% 1 ml650
20- 4012% 2 ml862

Analogs are cheaper

Analogues of the drug Stronghold are Bars Spot-On for cats (about 180 rubles), Inspector Total K (about 420 rubles), Advantage (about 210 rubles), In-Up complex (about 240 rubles) and Lawyer (pack of 3 pipettes for the price 1500 rubles).

Note! You can replace the drug with an analogue only after agreement with your veterinarian, since all drugs have specific contraindications and can cause adverse reactions when used independently.

How to apply

Simple instructions for use. Remove the pipette from the packaging and, holding it vertically, press on the colored cap. Now it can be removed. Apply the preparation to the withers (on dry skin between the shoulder blades at the base of the neck, spreading the hair well). It is necessary to drop all the liquid from the pipette into one place. It is better to remove it compressed to prevent the drug from being absorbed back.



The main contraindications to the use of Strongold for cats are increased individual sensitivity to the antiparasitic drug and a weakened condition after a long illness. The product is not used for the prevention and treatment of kittens under six weeks of age, as well as in animals during periods of severe infectious diseases.

This is interesting! The process of complete absorption of Stronghold takes no more than a couple of hours, but during this entire time you cannot bathe the animal or pet the areas that have undergone antiparasitic treatment.

Stronghold, based on semi-synthetic avermectin, is categorically not suitable for antiparasitic measures in convalescent pets. Among other things, you cannot use an insectoacaricidal drug for internal or injection use and direct injection into the animal’s ear canal. The product is not recommended for use on wet skin.

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The principle of action of the drug

The active substance - selamectin - is absorbed into the systemic bloodstream through the skin and, spreading throughout the body, binds to the receptors of the cells of the muscle and nervous tissue of the parasites, leading to the blockade of these cells and the rapid death of arthropods and roundworms. This substance is safe for animals because selamectin does not pass through the blood-brain barrier and, accordingly, cannot affect the central nervous system of a dog or cat.

1. To get rid of fleas , as a rule, a single use of Stronghold is sufficient; for further prevention, do not forget to treat your cat or dog once a month.

2. When treating otodectosis or sarcoptic mange in dogs, not one treatment may be required, but a whole course with a certain period of time. It is better to clarify this question with your veterinarian.

3. To prevent dirofilariasis, the drug must be used a month before the start of mosquito flight, do monthly treatments throughout all warm months, the last treatment is carried out a month after the end of mosquito flight.

Cases of prescribing a veterinary drug

Stronghold can be used both as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent.

Cases of prescribing the drug:

  • ear scabies;
  • flea dermatitis;
  • helminthiases caused by roundworms of the genus Toxocara;
  • sarcoptic mange (a disease caused by mites of the genus Sarcoptes);
  • hookworm (helminthiasis caused by roundworms of the genus Ancylostoma).

In areas where cases of the spread of filamentous helminths of the genus Dirofilaria immiti (heartworms) are recorded, animals can be prevented using Stronghold.

Stronghold is only effective against roundworms.

Soloshek M. L, veterinarian

Advantages and disadvantages


  • easy to apply
  • does not leave any oily residue and is quickly absorbed
  • Suitable for all breeds of dogs, including pregnant and lactating bitches
  • the animal can be bathed after 2 hours
  • maximum effect after 12 hours
  • protection for a month
  • has a registration certificate


  • does not affect flatworms
  • does not affect ixodid ticks
  • evaporates quickly from an open pipette

Customer reviews:

I found a lot of reviews about stronghold on forums. Basically they correspond to my working practice and the practice of my colleagues. The drug is worthy!

  1. We picked up a puppy from the street, he was constantly shaking his ears. We went to the doctor, he took a scraping from the ear and said that our dog had otodectosis, he prescribed Stronghold. We bought it, the drug is not cheap, we dripped it onto the withers, and not into the ears, as happens with cheaper products. Within a few days, the itching decreased significantly, and after two weeks, a second smear revealed that all the mites had died. A good product, the animal was cured in just one application! It also has a wide spectrum of action, not only against fleas and ticks, but also against roundworms.
  2. We adopted a puppy from a shelter, they told us that he was treated for helminths, but just in case, we treated him with Stronghold for puppies. After the first application, literally a whole lump of helminths fell out! The result is obvious, so to speak. It was disgusting, but the clinic told us that puppies can have a large number of parasites inside, so it is important to treat them once a month.
  3. My dog ​​developed a receding hairline on his stomach that only grew larger over time. The pet store advised me to treat my dog ​​for fleas with Stronghold. I didn’t do the treatment quite right, the dog ingested the drug and then ran around the house foaming at the mouth. But the remedy really worked - the tummy was completely overgrown in two weeks.
  4. We were treated at the clinic for dog scabies for a very long time. The dog was constantly given some kind of painful injections, but she still constantly scratched herself until she bled and became almost completely bald! It’s good that another clinic prescribed Stronghold. We did not hope, but the effect appeared within a few days - the endless itching disappeared. A month later, the fur began to grow back.

special instructions

Cat owners should read special instructions. They will help to avoid unwanted consequences and achieve maximum results from applying the medication:

  1. After applying the drops, do not allow the animal to be near a fire or operating stove. The wool must be completely dry.
  2. When treating leather, do not smoke, drink alcohol, or eat food - the substance is poisonous.
  3. After applying the drops, be sure to wash your hands thoroughly with soap.
  4. Within 2 hours after using the medicine, the animal should not come into contact with small children. Prohibit children from petting, washing or kissing the cat.
  5. If the product comes into contact with human skin, rinse the affected area thoroughly with clean water.
  6. After using the product, empty pipettes should not be used in everyday life. Containers should be thrown away.

Answers on questions

Write questions in the comments, the section is constantly updated with information.

How long does the drug last?

The effect of Stronghold lasts for a month.

What analogues are there?

Analogs are better than Stronghold*:

A drugWhy is it better?Price, rub
InspectorCan be used from 3 weeks.
Works against internal and external parasites, including ixodid ticks. Great option!
From 300 to 500 per pipette depending on weight.
AdvantixA wide range of protection against external parasites - in addition to fleas and ticks, ixodid ticks, mosquitoes and mosquitoes are added to this list. This is the best choice if you want to treat your animal only for ectoparasites. Does not work against helminths. 350-550
AdvocateIt differs from stronghold only in more modern active ingredients.450-700
Frontline Three ActProtects against 18 types of external parasites, is safe when licked and overdoses more than 5 times. A good product if you want to focus on flea and tick treatment. Does not work on helminths. 480-730

Required reading:

Review of 30 drugs for ear mites

Review of 17 deciduous for dogs

Analogues are worse*:

A drugWhy is it worse?Price, rub
Fiprist Spot itDoes not affect internal parasites; the spectrum of action on external parasites is very narrow.250-500 rubles per pipette depending on weight
Celandine BioIt contains a composition of essential oils, which does not work against parasites in principle; the purpose of this drug is to calm the owner.80
Dironet Spot itDespite a fairly wide spectrum of action on internal and external parasites, we do not think it is a safe drug, since it contains outdated active ingredients.95

* subjective opinion based on personal work experience.

When can I wash it?

Stronghold acts through the systemic circulation and is not distributed throughout the lipid layer of the skin. Approximately 30 minutes after application, the drug is completely absorbed into the blood, so you can safely wash your dog or cat without losing the effect of the product after two hours.

Indications for use

Experts recommend using Stronghold drops to treat:

  • Entomosis, which occurs against the background of exposure to fleas, lice and lice. Some symptoms may indicate that an animal is affected by entomosis:
  • refusal of food;
  • manifestations of anxiety during sleep;
  • systematic scratching of the skin and gnawing.

In addition, parasites can be seen with the naked eye on the cat’s body.

If timely treatment is not started, the animal will suffer from anemia, exhaustion and an allergic reaction to bites. Also, parasites that carry various infectious diseases can cause infection in your pet.

  • Dirofilariasis is a disease that develops due to exposure to Dirofilariasis nematodes. The eggs and larvae of the parasites penetrate the lungs and heart muscle of the animal after it is bitten by mosquitoes. The development of the disease is indicated by manifestations of lethargy, shortness of breath, and cyanosis of the mucous membrane. The cat may lose hair. If you do not start timely treatment, your four-legged friend risks dying. The cause of death will be intoxication with waste products.
  • Otodectic mange is a disease caused by the bites of the ear mite Otodectes cynotis. Parasites can live in the ear canals, pinnas, and in some cases reach the eardrums. After infection, the cat is diagnosed with fever, severe itching and purulent discharge from the ears. Timely treatment can prevent mites from penetrating the brain, which can lead to the death of the cat.
  • Sarcoptic mange , which occurs against the background of damage to the body by subcutaneous Sarcoptes mites. Infection of a pet is accompanied by itching, scratching of the skin to deep wounds, alopecia, refusal to eat, weight loss, dry inflamed skin on which a hard crust forms. Sarcoptic mange causes the development of sepsis.
  • Hookworm infection is a helminthic infestation that develops against the background of damage to the body by the worms Ancylostoma tubaeforme. When sick, a fluffy purr loses weight, the skin becomes inflamed, and the fur looks unkempt. Hookworm infection may be accompanied by anemia.
  • Toxocariasis is worms that accumulate in the intestines, liver and heart muscle. Sick cats develop intestinal disorders and cough. The coat becomes dull. When there are a large number of helminths, the pet's belly swells.

When not to use Stronghold

The use of Strongholdot flea drops is not recommended for animals that are hypersensitive to the active ingredient. Also, the product is contraindicated for weak pets, kittens and puppies under 1.5 months of age who are weak or infected with infectious diseases. In this case, you can choose other drops:

  • Barrier;
  • Dana Ultra Neo;
  • Blokhnet;
  • Inspector;
  • Leopard;
  • Celandine.

Stronghold drops for fleas Correctly selected dosage and compliance with the rules of use usually do not cause side effects.

Precautionary measures

When working with Stronghold for cats, you should strictly follow all generally accepted safety and personal hygiene rules, which are stipulated by the requirements for working with medicinal products for animals. All empty pipettes are strictly prohibited for domestic use and must therefore be placed in a plastic bag for further disposal. After carrying out work, wash your hands thoroughly with plenty of water and detergent.

If the drug gets on the mucous membranes, they are washed with running water . To store Stronghold, a dry and sufficiently dark place is allocated, inaccessible to children and other pets, which should be located away from heating or heating devices, as well as open flames. The antiparasitic drug should be stored separately from food, at a temperature within 28-30°C. The standard shelf life of insectoacaricidal preparations is three years.

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Side effects

If dosage rules are not followed or there are contraindications, the following negative consequences may occur:

  • allergic reactions;
  • itching;
  • burning in the area where the drug is applied;
  • convulsions;
  • dilated pupils;

  • breathing problems;
  • foaming from the mouth.

If such symptoms are observed, the animal urgently requires veterinary attention.


Stronghold has long established itself as an excellent drug for fighting parasites. Veterinarians and professional breeders in their reviews also emphasize the rare and useful function of the medicine - the ability to destroy worms . Although the drops only affect young individuals, they at least signal such a problem.

Ordinary owners, leaving their reviews, agree on an unequivocally positive assessment of the effect of the drug both as a preventive and as a treatment.

Moreover, many note that Stronghold helps in advanced cases, after using other means. There are practically no complaints of allergies, and side effects appear only in cases of severe overdose or used in parallel with other drugs.


The drug Stronghold for dogs has several advantages, which can be considered below:

  • High level of efficiency. The use of the substance on infected dogs allows you to get rid of parasites in one treatment. In case of severe infections, a repeat procedure is possible; it is carried out no earlier than a month later.
  • Safety. The drug is safe for humans and animals. The thing is that the active component affects the insect at the cellular level, and since people and animals have a completely different structure, it does not pose a danger. The only thing to avoid is getting the medicine into your mouth. This can cause negative consequences in the form of diarrhea.
  • Versatility. One medicine can rid and protect your dog from many external and internal parasites.
  • Prolonged action. This way you can protect your dog from harmful insects for a month.
  • Without smell. It’s also a big advantage because you don’t have to worry about your dog rubbing against clothes or furniture and leaving an unpleasant odor trail.
  • Easy to use. The medicine is packaged in pipettes, which are easy and convenient to use. There is no need to prepare any solutions, force them to swallow pills, which they don’t like so much, or give vaccinations, which are very scary for dogs.

Regarding the disadvantages, it is certainly worth noting that the medicine is ineffective against the ixodid tick. Another disadvantage is the cost, which cannot be called low, but the effectiveness and reliability of the drug absolutely justify it.

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