How to name a Labrador puppy: name options for boys and girls

Labradors have won millions of hearts with their pleasant appearance and friendly character. They make excellent friends and companions, beloved family members and reliable protectors.

It is not surprising that choosing a name for such a dog can be difficult. After all, the owners want the nickname to be original, describe the character of the animal, sound beautiful and carry a deep meaning.

Nicknames for Labrador boys

Dog names should be simple for pets to better understand them . It is desirable that they contain the letters “P” or “L”, and also consist of 1-2 syllables. If you choose a beautiful long nickname, then you need to take care of its shortened version.

  • For boys of the Labrador breed, human ones are often used as a name, often English, as a tribute to their origin, for example, Jerry, Harley, Chester, Mark, Harry , but typically Russian ones can also be used.
  • A comparison with the appearance of a male dog and its dimensions is also used: a large male can be called by the Old Testament name Goliath or Maxim (great, largest), a boy with a fragile build - Weenie (tiny).
  • A friendly dog ​​will be nicknamed Amigo , a good-natured one - Smile (smile) or Hart (heart), a positive one - Joy (fun), and a hooligan - the pirate John Silver .

You can encode the time of birth of the puppy in the name, for example: August, March, Octus.

Inappropriate nicknames

When deciding on a nickname, you need to evaluate the appearance not of the puppy, but of the future adult dog, its size. If we are talking about a Labrador, then the pet is unlikely to have a name like the neighbor’s toy terrier. Busya, Zhuzha, Donut, Zaya are excluded. Frivolous options are best left for small breed animals.

Read the article: Tips for choosing a Labrador puppy: development by month

This is interesting: Expert advice on training Labradors

If dog names seem unacceptable to the owner, you can get out of the situation by calling your furry companion Mike, George.

To avoid funny situations, you should not give your dog a name that is common in its native country.

Name for a special dog - Labrador

It is difficult to imagine a dog that would be endowed with such diverse talents and as devoted to its owner as the Labrador Retriever. Strong, strong and stately, they have a lively mind and a huge noble heart, full of love, compassion and a sincere desire to help people. Labradors make excellent guide dogs for the blind and canine therapists, especially for children with special needs. Dogs of this breed successfully work in the police, search and rescue services.

The famous Labrador named Dorado saved his blind owner during the terrorist attack on September 11, 2001

Labradors are honest, sincere, true friends of man. And the nickname must correspond to the image of this wonderful dog. After all, a pet’s name, like a person’s, is given only once in order to always accompany it throughout life. Take your choice with maximum responsibility.

In most cases, at the time of purchasing a purebred puppy, the issue of its name has already been resolved - breeders give the babies nicknames for a certain letter assigned to the entire litter. The potential owner, by agreement, can offer his own options if he has reserved a Labrador in advance - in a specific nursery and from specific parents. Then, by the time the litter is registered, the future owner will have the opportunity to name his puppy himself - but the name will only have to begin with a specific letter, which the breeder will announce in advance.

However, practice shows that the “official” names of dogs often remain only on paper - in the puppy’s birth certificate, and then in the pedigree. Most of these names are too complex or pretentious to be used every day, in everyday life. Therefore, many owners themselves come up with a second nickname for the baby - the puppy easily gets used to it, and this already becomes his real name, and the first one, given by the breeder, is remembered only at exhibitions.

Nicknames for dogs of different colors

The original, traditional breed color of Labradors was anthracite-black. The remaining colors and their shades were obtained as a result of selection. The standard allows for three colors in this breed - solid, without white spots:

  • black;
  • brown;
  • fawn (yellowish).

Labradors got their name from the resin-black, iridescent, like a raven's wing, semi-precious labradorite stone, which in ancient times was attributed magical properties.

The nicknames of many dogs are in one way or another connected with their appearance, so Labradors are often given names based on the color of the puppy’s coat.

You can name your pet depending on its color

Nicknames for boys:

  • Black, Congo, Moor, Schwartz, Nero - for black dogs;
  • Brown, Mocha, Dark, Snickers, Kurai - for brown dogs;
  • Gold, Helios, Light, Fire, Amber - for fawn dogs.

Nicknames for girls:

  • Blackie, Naomi, Mavra, Kara, Irenga - for black dogs;
  • Brownie, Chocolate, Bounty, Giza, Layla - for brown dogs;
  • Golda, Monroe, Zlata, Reda, Mimosa - for fawn dogs.

Names for Labradors with meaning

A dog's name can not only be beautiful and sonorous, but also contain hidden meaning. The meaning of the dog's name in such cases becomes a code for good luck and a happy life for it.

Nicknames for boys:

  • Michiko is handsome;
  • Arif - philosopher;
  • Bimo - brave;
  • Kuvat - strongman;
  • Lucky is lucky;
  • Beyo - happy;
  • Raden is an aristocrat;
  • Jolly is a funny guy;
  • Jocko - forever young;
  • Miyako is a wonderful child;
  • Friendly - friendly;
  • Topan - strong, swift;
  • Daisuke is a reliable assistant;
  • Ungul is the best.

Nicknames for girls:

  • Aika is a favorite;
  • Aria - protector;
  • Ratu - princess;
  • Daiti is smart;
  • Inda - beautiful;
  • Karna - obedient;
  • Linda is a beauty;
  • Bisma - brave;
  • Grace - graceful;
  • Akira - unusual beauty;
  • Vivienne - cheerful;
  • Pratama is the best;
  • Takara - jewel;
  • Katsu is the winner.

Small Labradors are often named after famous representatives of the breed who have become heroes of films and books - there are plenty of such Labradors:

  • Luas is one of the characters in the book “The Incredible Journey” by Sheila Barnoford and the film “The Way Home”, based on this book;
  • Ned is the main character in Brian Jakes's The Boy with the Dog series;
  • Buddy is a Labrador from the movie "Hero of the Air";
  • Dan is the Labrador of the writer James Herriot, the owner dedicated the book “Dog Stories” to his pet;
  • Trison is a guide dog, the main character of Mikhail Samarsky’s story “A Rainbow for a Friend”;
  • Chernysh is a black Labrador from Rex Stout's novel "Everyone but the Dog, Call the Police."

The hero of the book is a labrador named Trison who helps the boy Sasha, who was blinded in a car accident.

Beautiful nicknames for Labradors

Beautiful and majestic names are very suitable for Labradors. Keep in mind that the sound of the nickname has not only an aesthetic, but also a purely utilitarian meaning. The dog, even from a distance, will hear the well-known combination of “growling and whistling” sounds - and will run up to the owner’s call. But hissing consonants in a name are undesirable from this point of view; a dog’s hearing does not perceive them well.

Nicknames for boys:

  • Lord;
  • Chester;
  • Boss;
  • Zeus;
  • Nice.

Nicknames for girls:

  • Aurora;
  • Stella;
  • Elsa;
  • Assol;
  • Gretta.

Rare names for Labradors

Choose not too common, unusual names for your beloved dog - otherwise almost half of the dog park where you walk your pet will respond to its name.

Nicknames for boys:

  • Morpheus;
  • Quantum;
  • Poirot;
  • Sherlock;
  • Qigong.

Nicknames for girls:

  • Charisma;
  • Lavender;
  • Kenya;
  • Hilary;
  • Galaxy (Gala).

Funny nicknames for Labradors

Labradors are a wonderful breed in every way. In addition to many other advantages, they are not short of charm, a cheerful disposition and a sense of humor. So it’s quite appropriate to choose a cool nickname that will highlight the appearance or character traits of your handsome guy.

Nicknames for boys:

  • Porthos;
  • Pound (Funtik);
  • Smile (Smiley);
  • Bender;
  • Churchill.

Nicknames for girls:

  • Skoda;
  • Fanta;
  • Tuchka;
  • Nyasha;
  • Zulfiya.

Tips for choosing nicknames for boys and girls

When buying a puppy with a pedigree from a kennel, the question of choosing a nickname disappears. It has already been assigned to the baby. Breeders give their four-legged charges names that contain several of the same letters as in the nickname of the dog’s parents. Individuals from the same litter are given the same letter. The name of the nursery where the four-legged friend comes from is automatically attached.

Such nicknames can be complex, difficult to pronounce, and not always beautiful. Owners have to give their pet an additional name - pet. Organizers of exhibitions and competitions take this calmly. Two nicknames are included in the participation document - from the metrics and unofficial.

It’s good when owners have the opportunity to name the dog themselves. It is better to do this after getting to know the baby closely.

The nickname chosen in advance may not correspond to the habits.

Therefore, you first need to take into account the gender of the individual and the character of the boy or girl. The first ones are more cocky, the second ones are flexible and affectionate. Differences in appearance are also noticeable. The male is larger than the female. Based on this, the name for a Labrabor boy should symbolize power, strength, and confidence. And it is preferable to choose a gentle, sophisticated name for a girl’s dog, which will emphasize the feminine principle.

This is interesting: Does color affect the character of a Labrador?

It is possible to choose a universal option that is equally suitable for both sexes. By coat color.

Sometimes, when choosing a name, the external characteristics of the dog are taken into account, for example, based on its color; a white dog is called Snowball.

Dog fur colorNickname
BlackAngus, Imp, Black, Raven, Ash, Onyx, Panther, Tar, Night, Shadow, Ember, Darkness
WhiteArctic, Diamond, White, Snow, Storm, Zephyr, Casper, Ice, Glacier, Morgan, Fog
SpottedBad, Leo, Freckle, Doty, Marble, Spot, Dot, Pockmarked
BrownBob, Bono, Brownie, Brown, Brown, Chestnut, Mars, Mocha, Choco, Choco
Pale yellowBanana, Loaf, Blonde, Gold, Gold, Lemon, Amber
GingerBronze, Lingonberry, Garnet, Flame, Copper, Lava, Copper, Red, Rose, Fire
GreyGranite, Ghost, Flint, Ash, Silver, Smokey, Steele, Smoke

These are the most popular names that focus attention on the shade of the dog’s coat.

In honor of famous heroes

Each yard has several pets named after popular characters from movies, TV series, and literary works. This line of thinking when choosing a nickname is common.

Names of dogs - heroes:

  1. Labrador girls are often called Ava. This was the nickname of the dog in the film “Aibolit-66”.
  2. I-kor is suitable for a male dog - based on the novel by M. Bulgakov.
  3. Pongo and Lucky are characters known from the children's movie 101 Dalmatians.
  4. Mack, King - shepherds "By 9 or dog work."
  5. Hachiko and Beethoven are the heroes of the films of the same name.
  6. Bimbo is the name of the puppy from “The Kid and Carlson.”
  7. Bodger, Luas - dogs from the book “The Incredible Journey”, S. Barnoford.
  8. Beck from the literary work “The Call of the Wild.”
  9. Brandy is a character from A Dog's Tale by D. Herriot.
  10. Booster is singer Jennifer Lopez's Labrador.
  11. Vita is a Great Dane who played the hero of the Baskervilles K. Doyle.
  12. Boots from the story “Your humble servant the dog Boots”, R. Kipling.
  13. Garm is a dog from Scandinavian mythology.
  14. Hector from the novel “The Dog That Doesn’t Bark,” by A. Christie.
  15. Grizzly is a pet from the movie Problem Child. The nickname is often given to dogs with a fawn-colored coat.
  16. Goofy is the hero of the Disney cartoon of the same name.
  17. Jerry, who became a favorite character in D. London's story about an islander.
  18. Dingo is a dog from the movie “The 15-Year-Old Captain”, J. Verne.
  19. Kashtanka from the story of the same name by A. Chekhov.
  20. Pirate is a guard dog from the cartoon “Notes of a Pirate.” An ideal nickname for a black dog.
  21. Pluto is Mickey Mouse's favorite.

The list of nicknames is endless. Dog owners often strive to transfer the name of their favorite character onto their pet.

By time of birth

Sometimes dog owners manage to reflect the period of their birth in their pet's name. Some take the time of year as a basis, others - the month when the dog was born.

Name options by season:

  • Summer, Heat;
  • Autumn, Gold, Shower, Fog, Rain;
  • Spring, Capel;
  • Winter, Wind, Blizzard, Frost, Cold;

Nicknames by month of birth:

  • February;
  • Martha;
  • May;
  • Mayan;
  • August.

It all depends on the owner’s imagination. Sometimes particularly inventive people choose non-standard nicknames for their pets.

With meaning

Behind every word lies its own essence. Therefore, it is important to make sure that the meaning of the chosen option does not carry anything negative for the pet.

Nicknames for Labradors:

AbayCareful. This is what large breed dogs are called
AikoThe ringleader. Universal name, suitable for animals of any gender
AmigoA friend who cannot let his owner down
ArchieOverly energetic
LeopardPredator. Will not cause harm to the family, but may cause problems for strangers
BarkhanQuick sand. Dogs have a complex temperament and only recognize their owner.
HaroldCommand. Willful, stubborn, self-confident
IcarusDedicated to the moon. A dog with such a nickname would make an excellent watchman
KinFast, agile, efficient
MorganBright, obedient, loving to others
NouaSlow. This nickname is suitable for a phlegmatic creature
OscarGod. Proud, looking down on everyone
HartHard. Easy to train, strong, brave

The letters that make up the name play a big role.

The meaning of nicknames starting with a letter:

  • A – intellectual;
  • B – companion;
  • B – easy to learn;
  • G – disgusting;
  • C – original;
  • T – energetic;
  • F – proud;
  • X – receptive;
  • Ш – cold-blooded;
  • I am confident.

Experts do not claim that these qualities will be prevalent in dogs, but they are convinced that they are characteristic of the pet.

Nicknames for Labrador girls

For girls, the same selection rules exist as for boys. The only difference is that the nicknames should be softer, more feminine, and well reflect their character.

  • You can choose human names, such as English Hannah, Betty, Irene, Gina, Wanda ; beautiful Japanese ones are often used, for example, Michiko (child of beauty), Yuki (snow).
  • Vera is suitable for a devoted dog , Rada Zena for a protector .
  • If you rely on the data of the exterior and behavior, you can choose the following nicknames: Grace (graceful), Vivienne (lively, active).
  • According to the time of birth, such names as Winter, May, July, Martha .

Funny nicknames

When choosing nicknames for your favorite pets, it is worth remembering that they should be sonorous, easy to remember and pronounce. For a dog as large as a Labrador, funny nicknames like Lucky, Butch, Kai, Bucks, Luke or Bingo are great.

The nicknames that owners come up with, taking into account the taste preferences of their pet or their own, sound very unusual and even funny. For example, you can call it Cupcake, Toffee, Marshmallow, Bounty, Cheburek, Truffle, Donut or Twix. In addition, funny nicknames such as Pepper, Raisin, Lime, Fire, Honey, Fox or Golden are suitable for a puppy of this breed. You can also name your puppy after your favorite drink. For example, Whiskey, Latte, Fresh, Tarragon or Smoothie.

Such an original nickname as Gulliver is quite suitable for a Labrador boy. Or you can name it after some natural stone or mineral

It is important to take into account its color. For example, for black dogs, options such as Agate, Opal, Onyx or Sapphire are suitable

A light-colored puppy can be named Diamond or Opal.

If your pet is the real king of your home and shows leadership qualities, then he can be called Favorite, Captain or even Tsar. For a cheerful and playful baby, options such as Horn or Klaxon are suitable. For a gluttonous baby, you can choose the name Loaf, Pie or Termite. For the thoughtful intellectual, options such as Einstein, Spinoza, Freud or Jobs are perfect.

In the age of modern technology, you can name a puppy with such an unusual name as iPhone, Flash, Scan, Electron or Android. Major is an excellent option for a dog of a breed such as Labrador.

General recommendations for choosing a name for a dog

If the dog has a pedigree, then the name will already be indicated in the documents. In good nurseries, breeders give puppies nicknames that are consonant with the names of their parents in order to highlight a separate family branch of dogs.

Pedigree animals usually do not have simple names. The banal Sharik is unlikely to suit a noble Labrador.

The owners can give the puppy a different nickname to use at home. At exhibitions two names are sometimes indicated:

  • official (recorded in the passport);
  • home (the one that the dog responds to).

All changes in documents must be certified by specialists to avoid confusion and possible troubles.

It is not recommended to give your puppy a pre-conceived name. First you need to get to know him, find out his character, try different options for nicknames and watch how the dog reacts to them.

Important! The nickname should not be too complicated, since when communicating with the dog it will have to be said out loud often.

Features of choosing a name for Labradors

Before choosing a name for your Labrador, you need to know everything about this breed. Use these tips to help you choose the right name for your pet.

  1. It is important to discuss options with all family members.
  2. You should not choose too long names, otherwise you need to come up with a shortened version. A nickname of two or three syllables is considered the most acceptable for an animal - this will make it easier for the pet to get used to it.
  3. Don't give your Labrador children's nicknames. Remember that the cute puppy will grow up to be a big and strong dog. “Musya”, “Zhuzha”, “Lelya” are more suitable for small breeds.
  4. To avoid awkward situations, it is better not to use human names that are common in your region.

By coat color

One of the most common options when choosing a nickname is focusing on the color of the dog. If we consider the most popular among Labradors, we can highlight the following:

  • For fawns : Amber, Sandy, Goldie/Golden, Sunny, Albina/Albus, White, Icecream, Jasmine, Whitey, Zlata, Mimosa, Diamond, Zephyr, Shuga (Sugar), Orion, North, Samer, Barbie, Sheila, Coconut.
  • For blacks : Black/Blackie, Zorro, Bagheera, Knox, Raven, Smokey, Connie, Moor, Noir, Chernysh, Dark, Nero, Sirius, Hades, Onyx, Schwartz, Karai, Giza, Knight, Leila.
  • For chocolate : Brownie, Choco, Latte, Mocha, Mars, Snickers, Bruno, Chestnut, Toffee, Chocky, Toffee.

Beautiful nicknames

Cute Labrador boys will have euphonious nicknames for every taste and color:

  • Archie;
  • Sam;
  • Badi;
  • Otis;
  • Kobe;
  • Oli;
  • Finn;
  • Marley;
  • Jake;
  • Harry;
  • Ben;
  • Rocky;
  • Charlie;
  • Rugby;
  • Oscar;
  • Scott;
  • Cute;
  • Whale;
  • Jackie;
  • Rex;
  • Fluffy;
  • Scout;
  • Brown;
  • Sparky;
  • Black;
  • Baxter;
  • Drake;
  • Gangster;
  • Pixie;

Little Fluffy:

  • Suga;
  • Skittles;
  • Arno;
  • Connor;
  • Tanker;
  • Titus;
  • Ajax;
  • Conan;
  • Ferri;
  • Thomas;
  • Lucas;
  • Evan;
  • Dylan;
  • Carter;
  • Asher;
  • Douglas;
  • Alistair;
  • Gilbert;
  • Keanu;
  • Benedict;
  • Klaus;
  • Moss;
  • One;
  • Fisher;
  • Sterling;
  • Smokey;
  • Rio;
  • Charon;
  • Kennedy;
  • Neo;
  • Torro;
  • Orion;
  • Astro;
  • Nitro;
  • Yeti;
  • Quint;
  • Cowboy;
  • Wolf;
  • Fox;

Boy Lucas:

  • Buffalo;
  • Norman;
  • Theodore;
  • Benjamin;
  • Set;
  • George;
  • Darwin;
  • Logan;
  • Wombat;
  • Cheeto;
  • Rocket;
  • Biggie;
  • Hunter;
  • Atlas;
  • Virtus;
  • Everest;
  • Groot;
  • Orson;
  • Ontario;
  • Berg;
  • Elbrus;
  • Frodo;
  • Kerwin;
  • Atom;
  • The Beatles;
  • Sirius;
  • Armstrong;
  • Nelson;
  • Marley;
  • Vincent;
  • Floor;
  • Gray;
  • Zuma;
  • Yoda;
  • Vicki;
  • Sky;
  • Bali.

Saffron is one of the successful nicknames for fawn puppies:

Bottom line

In order to choose a nickname for a Labrador dog, if it does not have documents and a name, you need to take into account many factors: behavior, character and habits; or color, height, weight, gender of the pet.

If your eye falls on a certain nickname, check it on the dog. If she or he begins to respond to her, it means the right choice was made. Good luck in choosing a name and may Google and Yandex be with you.

In the end, we ask you to share your personal experience in choosing a name for a Labrador puppy. You can send photos or videos of your pets. Share opinions and knowledge on this issue. Amateurs and professional dog breeders - go to battle! Let's have an interesting discussion on the topic of Labradors. Maybe this will help someone choose a nickname for their pet.

Tips from dog handlers

Experts believe that a successful click is one to which the pet responds well.
Experts recommend taking into account the preferences of the pet itself. It is believed that dogs prefer short, clear and understandable names with a predominance of the letter “r”, as well as hissing ones. They also like repetition of consonants. Take a closer look at nicknames like Rassie, Grazer, Bella, Jimmy, Jasper, Ringo, Farlaf, Hannah, Betty.

The ideal name consists of 2 syllables and ends with a vowel. This nickname is easy to pronounce, it does not need abbreviations, the pet quickly and willingly remembers the word to which it should respond. Try repeating your chosen name several times. If you keep stumbling or the resulting design sounds ridiculous, look for another nickname.

Many owners call dogs by human names. It is advisable that they are not in tune with those worn by household members, neighbors, and friends. Remember that some people may be offended. It is much better to “translate” the name you like into a foreign language. For example, a dog can be named Irene or Erin in honor of Irina, Helen in memory of Elena. The list of popular and almost human names includes Sandro or Sandra, Johnny, Valerie, Mary, Annie, Barbara (Barbie), Basil, Sergio, Dan (Danny), Mikey, Nigel.

Once you have chosen a name, offer it to your dog. Experienced specialists believe that she will definitely respond to a successful nickname: she will come up, start wagging her tail and express her affection in every possible way. Some dog handlers believe that an animal’s nickname can also influence its fate, so it should bring only positive emotions.


Foreign nicknames

When choosing a foreign nickname, you can rely on one of the following options:

  1. Use of names of famous people (historical figures, actors, singers, composers, athletes, scientists): Monroe, Beckham, Elvis, Nero, Freud, Churchill, Brutus, Jean-Claude, Mozart, Gucci, Galileo, Jackson, Amadeus, Tyson, Fidel , Guy, Russo, Ringo;
  2. Application of geographical names (cities, rivers, countries, etc.): Marseille, Dakota, Seine, Neva, Montana, Verona, Brooklyn;
  3. Using the names of constellations and stars : Altair, Orion, Lyra, Vega, Antares, etc.

Intelligent nicknames

If your girl is very calm and intelligent, you can choose an appropriate nickname for her. As an interesting option, we offer the names of famous women scientists:

  • Ada - in honor of the English mathematician Ada Lovelace;
  • Mary - after the British fossil collector Mary Anning;
  • Lisa - in honor of the Austrian chemist and radiophysicist Lise Meitner;
  • Sofya - in honor of the Russian mathematician and mechanic Sofia Kovalevskaya;
  • Gertrude - in honor of the American biochemist and pharmacologist Gertrude Elion;
  • Jennifer - in honor of the American biochemist and geneticist Jennifer Daudna;
  • Hypatia - in honor of the ancient philosopher Hypatia;
  • Caroline - in honor of the Anglo-German astronomer Caroline Herschel;
  • Laura - in honor of the Italian physicist Laura Bassi;
  • Bluma - in honor of the Soviet psychologist Bluma Zeigarnik;
  • Pelageya - in honor of the Soviet astronomer and teacher Pelageya Shine;
  • Nettie - in honor of the American geneticist Nettie Stevens;
  • Henrietta - in honor of the American astronomer Henrietta Swan Leavitt.

Intelligent Gertrude.


Problems of raising and caring for Labradors are often discussed on Internet forums. Among the list of topics, there is also the problem of choosing a nickname. Each person has his own hobbies or professional characteristics. In this regard, interesting and funny options appear. Among them are Ampere, Atom, Aum, Bucks, Wood, Ruble, Twister, Fant, Feint, Pound, Clyde, Dive, Ricochet, Tenor, Colt, etc. Simple and at the same time “aimed” nicknames are increasingly common: Faithful, Hero, Good Man, Coal (for black Labrador boys).

Nicknames with meaning

The breed was bred in Newfoundland, Canada - in this country not only English, but also French is popular. Therefore, puppies are often given names with a meaning in this euphonious dialect:

  • Ami - beloved;
  • Alen – handsome;
  • Basil - of royal origin;
  • Bonifas is a wonderful fate;
  • Vivien – energetic, lively;
  • Gautier – head, leader;
  • Didier - long-awaited;
  • Jean – good-natured;
  • Kamil – guard, keeper;
  • Lucien – “easy-going”;
  • Matis - “gift from heaven”;
  • Narsis – vision, dream, dream;
  • Noel – appeared, born on Christmas;
  • Auguste - respected, venerable;
  • Pascal - born on Easter;
  • Raul - smart, sophisticated;
  • Raphael - “life for the glory of God”;
  • Renard – smart and strong;
  • Roland – “the one who will become famous”;
  • Solomon - who came in peace;
  • Theo is a gift from God;
  • Stefan - noble, crowned;
  • Timothy - reverent;
  • Thibault – brave, amazingly brave;
  • Fernand – ready for adventure;
  • Emil is a strong competitor;
  • Etienne – crown, imperial wreath;
  • Yudo is a small child;
  • Hubert lives in the city.

Labrador Theo:

Nicknames from your favorite heroes and characters

The names of favorite characters are very common as dog names. Labradors can be recommended to choose based on the following classification:

  • Characters of myths and legends : Apollo, Ares, Zeus, Hercules, Hermes, Ajax, Lancelot, Odin, Merlin, Hera, etc.
  • Elven names and characters from Tolkien's books: Aldar, Darin, Anar, Aragorn, Noma, Rana, Varda, Frodo, Radagast, Ragnor, Thorin, Valinor;
  • Movie characters : Marley, Asterix, Albus, Butler, Bilbo, Bond, Aramis, Rambo.
  • Cartoon characters : Homer, Simba, Snoopy, Pikachu, Bart, Casper, Goofy, Sponge;
  • Comics heroes : Joker, Batman, Loki, Flash, Harley Quinn, Thor, Thanos, Mongul, Rocket, Groot, Jarvis;
  • book characters : Romeo, Juliet, Watson, Moby, Sherlock, Odysseus, Ratmir, Hamlet;
  • Names and characters of musical works: Tosca, Carmen, Aida, Werther, Siegfried. Cool, funny and original

You can give your favorite Labrador an original or funny name, for example: Mr. Bean, Geisha, Adjika, Vasya, Buckwheat, Emelya, Madonna, Bullet, Mamai, Fury, Halva, Artist, Hippopotamus, Bourgeois, Warrior, Tiktak, Gigolo, Cool, T-rex, Mister X, Truffle, Hobbit, Rook, Atom, Twister, Tenor.

Where to look for nickname ideas

We are looking for an idea for a nickname.

  • You can remember your favorite books and films, and look for variations in them, among the names of the characters.
  • You can take a geographic atlas and look for beautiful place names there.
  • A source of ideas can be a star atlas, with its long list of names of celestial bodies.
  • A treasure trove of interesting names can be found in the myths of the peoples of the world.
  • A nickname can be a word from professional slang.
  • Quite often, dog names are found among people's names. These are usually foreign or obsolete names, but not necessarily so. True, for some reason it is believed that calling a dog by a human name is bad manners. You can call a cow Masha, a cat Vaska or a pig Borka, but for some reason it is indecent to call a dog Anton. But there are no strict rules, so the decision on what to name the dog, a Labrador boy, is left to your discretion.
  • The most inexhaustible source of nicknames is foreign languages ​​and an online translator. It is enough to make a list of words that may be related to your dog, describe its character, appearance, color, and then look for the translation of these words into the languages ​​of the world.

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To give the first impetus to your imagination, we offer a small list of nicknames that may suit your puppy.

For a black Labrador, you can offer nicknames that are semantically related to black or dark color, darkness of night, blackness of coal or other minerals:

Name for a black puppy.

  • “Black” in different languages ​​sounds like Schwartz, Karay/Kara, Feket, Ater, Musti, Noir, Svart, Shakhor, Nero, Shem, Niro, Irenga.
  • Dunkel, Duane, Darky, Kurai, Giza, Skummi, Erret, Dork - if you translate these words into Russian, it will be the adjective “dark”.
  • Translations of the words “darkness” and “night” will give the following nicknames: Noxie, Find, Nictus, Lyle, Alat, Abal, Lanvit, Shenni, Venga.
  • “Coal” in different languages ​​of the world sounds like this: Pakhman, Varo, Anglis, Kul,

Let us also remember the names of different peoples, one way or another associated with the color black: Bran, Vran - raven, Muris - Moor.

For a fawn Labrador, nicknames that are reminiscent of light, sun, gold, amber, flame, yellow and red are suitable. You can take as a nickname the names of the sun gods from the mythology of different nations. This will give us the following nicknames:

  • Amber (Amber) - amber, Citrine - a shining yellow gem, Topaz, so similar to the color of our pet’s eyes;
  • Light, Flame, Fire, Fi, Aili - fire, light, flame;
  • Tan, Ina, Spark, Dif, Nar, Spark, Neysti - sparks, flames;
  • everything associated with the color red, orange, yellow or ginger in names and words of other languages: Ginger, Reddy, Rufus, Ramat, Rudy, Rodrik, Ruta, Lali, Gorri, Koch, Rossi, Ulan, Ash, Kira, Sari, Kollan, Rumen, Lero, Gel, Vanga, Sionna, Amarel, Xant, Altyn, Oira, Rena, Tilki, Shual, Zoltan, Jakkal, Goldie, Auris, Uri, Aran, Okros, Jinto, Ora, Dora, Kiprus, Bakri, Copper, Rez, Vaski, Brass, Dongo, Hulk, Tam, Tamri, Varisa, Florida, Bakara, Brand.

What will you call us?

Pantheon of mythological gods and heroes

In the geographical atlas there are hundreds of potential nicknames. For example: Rhine, Berlin, Baikal, Volga, Delhi, Dakar, Biscay, Elbe, Arno, Lyon, Le Havre, Marseille, Bonn, Amur, Yenisei, Garonne, Versailles, Reims, Rome, Milan, Malta, Jamaica and others.

You can also try making an anagram using the letters in your family members' names or your last name. Ivanov - Vivona, Lena + Igor + Pasha + Sveta = Lips or Plis.

Another way is to name your puppy a name that is reminiscent of the month or time of year when he arrived at your home. Martha, May, Spring, Summer, Winter, June, Jenuer.

Useful tips and reviews

Ekaterina Ivleeva: “For a long time we couldn’t decide on the name of the Labrador puppy. We turned to dog handlers. On their advice, they chose a short nickname starting with a vowel. The baby quickly got used to it.”

Ivan Yakushev: “I named the dog Bax, a colleague recommended. Previous pets were named after superheroes from films: Blade, Zorro. It looked stylish and suited our favorites.”

Elena Titova: “The best option for choosing a dog’s name is dictionaries. Of the dozens of names, there will probably be at least a few worthwhile ones. The advantage is that in the book you can immediately find out their meaning.”

Choosing a name for a dog is not easy. It should suit her appearance and character. Therefore, before settling on any option, it is better to observe the pet and its habits.

Does a nickname affect a dog's fate?

It is generally accepted that a name leaves an imprint on a person’s life. It can bring good luck or attract trouble. Experts are confident that the situation with animals is similar. Therefore, before settling on a certain nickname, it is advisable to study its meaning.

There are unambiguous options, the essence of which is clear without dictionaries. A friend characterizes a positive dog. Dracula makes you doubt your pet's good character. Many people choose neutral nicknames, which cannot be used to guess the animal’s temperament.

Dog handlers believe that names contain sounds that program dogs for specific behavior. Therefore, it is possible that choosing a pet’s nickname influences its temperament and destiny.

Light and short

A dog's name can be simple and easy to use. If the owner chooses this method, then the following options exist:

  • Bucks;
  • Bingo;
  • Max;
  • Leo;
  • Lars;
  • Charlie;
  • Sean;
  • Vesta;
  • Zoe;
  • Zita;
  • Nika;
  • Tessa;
  • Eve;
  • Bath;
  • Archie;
  • Buddy;
  • Butch;
  • Jack;
  • Kai;
  • Cody;
  • Lucky;
  • Luke.

"Delicious" name

It's no secret that Labradors love to eat. Therefore, a pet with an excellent appetite will have a “delicious” nickname at the right time.

Muffin resting on a sunbed

  • Barney
  • Bacardi
  • Julienne
  • Marshmallow
  • Bagel
  • Pie
  • Schnitzel
  • loaf
  • Kefir
  • Compote
  • Donut
  • Angus
  • Waffles
  • Lime
  • Wasabi
  • Bounty
  • fondant
  • Muffin
  • Brownie
  • Cake
  • Potato
  • Cheesecake
  • Truffle
  • Ganache
  • Snickers

Interesting fact! Only Labradors have webbed toes. This feature makes them unsurpassed swimmers.

  • Crumble
  • Kupat
  • Almond
  • Cheese
  • Pudding
  • Mousse
  • Fudge
  • Fuji
  • Souffle
  • Picnic
  • Mars
  • Tiktak
  • Nut
  • Bouillon
  • Little bit
  • Bigus
  • Saute
  • Croquet
  • Terrine
  • Pate
  • Belyash
  • Tart
  • Khanum
  • Kissel
  • Punch
  • Biscuit
  • Syrup
  • Candied fruit
  • Sherbet
  • Eclair

Names that reflect character

Naming your pet after a specific dog personality trait is not a bad idea. This will emphasize individuality and, to some extent, may even correct the character.

How to name a boy Labrador:

  • Amigo;
  • Fighter;
  • Thunder;
  • Joy;
  • Sturdy;
  • Lucky;
  • Smile.

How to name a Labrador girl:

  • Belle;
  • Dusty;
  • Glad;
  • Sweetie, Sonya;
  • Happy.

Ideas for nicknames

You can find a unique nickname for your Labrador in a variety of sources:

  • Popular English surnames: Jackson, Kingsley, Harrison, Breuer, Franklin, Fletcher, Thatcher, Carter.
  • Celebrity names: Bowie, Sheen, Diesel, Beckham, Pitt, Presley, Caprio.
  • Historical names: Pasteur, Tesla, Churchill, Galileo, Lincoln.
  • Names of literary characters: Sherlock, Thorin, Darcy, Gulliver, Morse, Twist, Edmund.
  • Names of creative personalities (writers, musicians, composers, painters): Beethoven, Austin, Wilde, Shakespeare, Mozart, Pushkin.
  • Superhero names: Thor, Gambit, Storm, Elektra, Flash, Godzilla, Batman, Joker.
  • Cartoon names: Thomas, Donnie, Bob, Bing, Peter, Ezra, George.
  • Names of animals and plants: Iris, Ivy, Peony, Heather, Dahlia.
  • Titles, honorary titles: Count, Boss, Captain, Duke, Prince, Boatswain, Lord, Cardinal, Pilot, Kaiser, Chancellor.
  • Ancient, now no longer used names: Frank, Walter, Ronald, Ernest, Roger.
  • Hunting nicknames: Ace, Winchester, Tank, Radar, Bullet, Remmy, Ranger, Ice, Admiral, Chief, Tito, Caesar, Goliath, Hulk, Vinny, Rambo, Duck, Spike, Bruiser.

Labrador Retriever Thomas:

Pet named Gambit:

The most beautiful and stately names

For unusually beautiful, promising Labradors who are preparing to grow up to be stars of the show rings or queens of the court, luxurious and stately names are suitable.

You should choose from the following nicknames: Cleopatra, Caesar, Dobrynya, Peresvet, Lyubomir, Adonis, Lancelot, Napoleon, Margaret, Lady Di, Sergio, Osiris, Goliath, Aurora, Madeleine, Athena, Jazz, Blues, Salvador, Santiago, Byron, Paris , Scheherazade, William, Caliph, Baron, Felix, Andromeda, Titan, Kant, Armani, Benedict.

Beautiful names

Sweet-sounding names are very suitable for Labrador girls:

  • Clancy;
  • Charlie;
  • Murphy;
  • Toby;
  • Addie;
  • Ariel;
  • Betsy;
  • Bella;
  • Chica;
  • Dottie;
  • Ellie;
  • Zhizhi;
  • Gracie;
  • Lucy;
  • Lola;
  • Maisie;
  • Mimi;
  • Olivia;
  • Rosie;
  • Roxy;
  • Sydney;
  • Stewie;
  • Trudy;
  • Violet;
  • Daphne;
  • Clover;
  • Baby;
  • Percy;
  • Lucky;
  • Ernie;
  • Bark.

Little Sydney:


Labrador is a beautiful, large dog. It is important that the dog’s name reflects the nobility of the breed. A video was made about this.

Is it possible to change the nickname

Changing the dog's name is possible. However, it must be taken into account that this will cause discomfort to the dog. At first, she will respond to words that are consonant with her previous nickname. On average, it will take from 2 to 6 months to get used to it.

When teaching a new word, the animal must be actively praised and encouraged with treats. Positive associations will benefit him and will reduce the time it takes to adopt a name.

It is also allowed to make changes to documents. But any edits must be certified by the seal of a relevant specialist, so that there are no complications in the future.

Nickname by color

Many owners prefer to name their pet based on the color of the animal. This can be either a translation of the name of the shade into other languages ​​(for example, white - White, Blank), or the names of objects that have a similar shade. The most beautiful and original nicknames for Labradors based on the color of their coat are presented in the table:

The chosen name should be harmonious and please not only the owner, but also his dog.

How to name a girl cat - beautiful and original nicknames

Popular nicknames

A selection of the most common Labrador names:

  • Biscuit;
  • Wispa;
  • Ruby;
  • Topaz;
  • Poppy;
  • May;
  • Toby;
  • Cooper;
  • Lucky;
  • Teddy;
  • Wagner;
  • Chester;
  • Zeus;
  • Jasper;
  • Ice;
  • Blue;
  • Arlo;
  • Leo;
  • Griffin;
  • Browser;
  • Cache;
  • Cosmo;
  • Luke;
  • Rhine;
  • Kelly;
  • Jinx;
  • Blues;
  • Zeke;
  • Til;

Puppy Arlo:

  • William;
  • Stanley;
  • Brown;
  • Matte;
  • Sawyer;
  • Rollo;
  • Rudy;
  • Riley;
  • Ozzy;
  • Orion;
  • Newton;
  • Murphy;
  • Monty;
  • Max;
  • Jed;
  • Kenzo;
  • Moor;
  • Hugh;
  • Iggy;
  • Hudson;
  • Harvey;
  • Harry;
  • Freddie;
  • Django;
  • The battle;
  • Duffy;
  • Dart;
  • Colby;
  • Chance;
  • Bruno;
  • Chevrolet;
  • Bruce;
  • Bailey.

Dog Hudson:

Slow process

Some owners make the unforgivable mistake of brainstorming a puppy name long before the golden baby arrives in the house. Choosing a nickname is a pressing issue, but you shouldn’t go to extremes and rush too much. Experienced dog handlers recommend naming a Golden Retriever only after meeting, during communication.
Observing the baby, studying his appearance, disposition, and temperament will have a positive impact on the correct selection of a nickname and will help to avoid annoying mistakes. Professional breeders advise you to communicate more with the puppy and listen to the beating of your own heart: it is this that suggests the most correct and ideal name for the dog.

Nickname or fate?

Whatever you name the ship, that’s how it will sail. This statement is probably familiar to everyone. And it may well be applied to choosing a pet name. A suitable nickname for a Labrador boy in this vein: Amigo, Bambino, Bandit or Hooligan. Everything will depend on who the owner wants to see next to him: a friend, a child or an independent dog capable of taking care not only of himself, but also of the house.

Sometimes nicknames are born by themselves and are associated with a certain history of the puppy. So, if he came to his owner from a nursery or was miraculously saved from an unpleasant situation, then it would be logical to name such a lucky one Lucky (Luck) or Happen (Chance).

Elven mythology

Labrador Retrievers are intelligent, noble animals distinguished by grace and elegance. Therefore, a nickname chosen from elven mythology is ideal for them. Such nicknames have a special meaning.

Elvish names for a boy:

AldarOwner of the forest
Amon SulHill name
Amor ErebusThe place where Denethor died
AnarGolden flame
AranrootWeapons of Tigol
DaeronGuardian of Knowledge
DorlasRuler of the forest people
HelionRiver name
LyndonMusical country
Daranielquiet lake
RamodenAutumn leaf
LesitatBrave warrior
CorvielRay of sunshine
KalliasGreat Chief
OennerHero of Legends

Elvish names for girls:

Such nicknames are distinguished by their beauty and ease of pronunciation. The puppy will quickly get used to this nickname and will respond to it. With such a special name, the pet will not get confused in the company of other dogs, for example, at a dog show.

Best nicknames

The first selection contains the best nicknames for golden retrievers according to the website Name options for boys:

  • Buddy is a friend, a best friend.
  • A leaf is a leaf, part of a plant.
  • Charlie is a free spirit.
  • Barley is barley, a golden-colored grain.
  • Scout - scout.
  • Blake is a light, pale color.
  • Enzo - Enzo, lord, master of the house.
  • Sashi - Moonbeam.
  • Max - Maximum, big, huge, greatest.
  • Duke - Duke, leader.
  • Whiskey - whiskey, alcoholic drink, “water of life.”
  • Copper is copper, a red-brown metal.
  • Leo is a Leo and has a brave heart.
  • Cooper is a cooper and barrel maker.
  • Harley - wood colors.

Boy Duke:

Now - names for girls:

  • Goldie - golden, golden.
  • Bella is beautiful and pretty.
  • Donna is a lady, my beloved.
  • Molly is a rebellious spirit.
  • Stella is a star.
  • Pearl is a pearl.
  • Amaris is the child of the Moon.
  • Lucy - born from a ray of light.
  • Sadie is a princess.
  • Selena - Moon.
  • Penny is a bronze coin.
  • Sophie is wise and smart.
  • Nala - beloved, sweet.
  • Ginger is a yellow-reddish ginger.
  • Cookie - cookie, biscuit.

Girl Selena:

Japanese culture

For those owners who want to choose original nicknames for their pets that have a special meaning, Japanese names are suitable.

The most popular nicknames for a male Labrador:

TsukikoMoon child
MichikoBeautiful baby
NatsumiWonderful summer
HoshikoBaby from the Star
KaoriPleasant aroma
HonteFirst, leader
HarukiShining, shining
MidoriGreenery, green color
HarukoSpring boy
EtsukoChild of Joy

Classification of names

If the question arises of what to name a boy’s Labrador, then here you can pay attention to foreign names, for example, Austin, Tom, Jerry, Jack. As for girls, the most commonly used nicknames are Janie, Michonne, and Shawl.

A nickname for a dog can be inspired by characters from movies, cartoons, and they can also be found in the geography atlas, for example, Vistula, Tula, Marne and others.

Nicknames given in honor of famous people such as Churchill and Spartak sound unusual and interesting. If the dog is active, energetic and playful, it can be called Smerch, Tornado, Mercury.

We suggest you read: How to name a Bengal kitten boy, name for a Bengal cat. How to choose a name for such a cat? Nicknames of Bengal cats in our article.

Worth knowing! Names that carry a hidden meaning include Lucky, Hart, Roger, Lorna and others.

What to name the girl?

Choosing a name for a Labrador girl should also not be a problem.


The breed is distinguished by its beauty, grace and strength; at the same time, we must not forget that the girl’s name should also emphasize her femininity.

Let's consider possible nicknames for Labrador girls, by analogy with boys.

By coat color

Names for black girls can be as follows : Bagheera; Blackie; Star; Kara; Moon; Myra; Panther; Stella; Sheila.

These nicknames are suitable for chocolate representatives of the breed : Aurora; Bertha; Bettany; Becky; Naomi; Sierra; Sherry; Shakira.

And white (fawn) Labrador girls can be called like this : Barbie; Betsy; Blondie; Bonya; Bruna; Wanda; Snowstorm; Goldie; Gina; Komeya; Bark; Lily; Blizzard; Sally; Edna; Sheila.

Mythological names

For girls of the Labrador breed, you can choose the following mythological names : Aida; Athena; Aphrodite; Hera; Demeter; Xena; Siren.


You can use the following foreign names as nicknames : Assol; Aster; Becky; Betty; Blassie; Bonya; Brita; Vanilla; Wendy; Snowstorm; Gamma; Gerda; Glory; Dakota; Daphne; Jena; Dixie; Dolly; Dora; Jasmine; Georgina; Zoe; Ash; Kandy; Lyme; Linda; Lola; Moon; Madeleine; Martha; Mystic; Monroe; Naomi; Nessa; Nika; Nicole; Nora; Roxy; Sarah; Smokey; Susie; Tara; Florence; Holi; Charmy; Erika; Jasper.

Favorite heroes and characters

If you really like a movie heroine or actress, you can name your favorite by her name, for example : Ariel; Assol; Barbara; Gayla; Hermione; Leila; Smurfy.


Labrador girls can also be called by an old Russian name, here are the possible options : Zlata; Vasilisa; Radna; Ulyana; Yaroslavna.

Light and short

For Labrador girls there are many simple and easy names to remember and pronounce, here are some of them : Bath; Vesta; Eve; Zita; Zoe; Nika; Tessa.

The nature

In order to emphasize the character traits of your pet, you can choose the following nicknames : Bounty; Spark; Lucky; Glad; Sweetie; Sonya; Umka.

Original names with special meaning

For a girl, it would be a good option to choose a mysterious and beautiful name with a special meaning, here are the possible options:

  • Annael is a girl from the tribe;
  • Arda is the kingdom of Earth;
  • Vana – forever young;
  • Varda - star lady;
  • Izil – radiance;
  • Karpil - star;
  • Lalayt – laughing;
  • Niniel is a crying girl;
  • Noma – wise;
  • Rana is wayward;
  • Yavanna – fruit giver.

Most popular names

In boys

The popular and most common nicknames for boys of the Labrador breed are : Alan; Amigo; Amur; Henri; Aslan; Barty; Golden eagle; Brooklyn; Bruno; Walter; Loyal; Harry; Henry; Hero; Dariel; Jack; Joker; Don; Gerard; Zeus; Zorro; Hidalgo; Figs; Kaiser; Concord; Court; Larry; Leroy; Lord; Marquis; Narzan; Noir; Origami; Orpheus; Austin; Paris; Perrault; Ralph; Richie; Saturn; Senior; Tarzan; Tommy; Triplet; Ulf; Ferrari; Kharas; Harris; Caesar; Shelgar; Enrico; Young; Jupiter; Yamal; Yar.

The following nicknames are considered the most beautiful : Adam; Bing; Bruce; Watson; Hector; Derek; Zeus; Kevin; Leicester; Merlin; Monty; Nathan; Oscar; Patrick; Simon; Trevor; Phoenix; Cesium.

For girls

The popular and most common nicknames for girls of the Labrador breed are : Iris; Ariel; Barbara; Bertha; Verona; Gabriella; Greta; Donna; Dinara; Fidget; Jasmine; Georgette; Zara; Zarina; Irene; Christie; Carrie; Leonard; Lorena; Marquise; Michelle; Monica; Naida; Oji; Pella; Frisky; Rune; Siren; Terra; Luck; Feona; Frank; Charisma; Cunning; Cicada; Chelsea; Minx; Shari; Hellas; Erika; Yuna; Jurmala; Jamaica; Jasper.

The most beautiful names for Labrador girls are : Athena; Belle; Grace; Daisy; Quincy; Kira; Cleo; Lisbeth; Linda; Megan; Mystic; Dewdrop; Sabina.

It is impossible not to get confused in all the variety of possible nicknames for your pet Labrador.


In this matter, trust your feelings and inner voice.

Sometimes the pets themselves, with their external characteristics, habits and behavior, suggest the right name; be attentive to details.

What should you not call your dog?

Of course, choosing a dog's name is the complete privilege of the owner. It depends on the personal preferences of the owner, attitude towards the pet and many other factors.

However, there are recommendations from experts on what you shouldn’t call your pet, let’s list them:

  • You should not call a Labrador puppy by the names of its parents:
  • do not choose nicknames that have bad associations, for example: Thief, Tornado, Hurricane, etc.;
  • do not name the puppy after a previously deceased pet;
  • do not give your Labrador puppy nicknames typical of mongrels: Zhuchka, Tuchka, Sharik, Tuzik, etc.;
  • do not call your pet words that are difficult to pronounce;
  • do not choose a nickname with a lot of growling sounds that provoke aggression and anger in animals;
  • do not use the names of people from the country where you live;
  • do not give a name whose meaning you do not know.

Choosing a nickname for a Labrador puppy

Let's look at how to choose a beautiful name for a Labrador:

You can name a boy's Labrador in an original way in honor of any famous brand:

Tuborg, Amstel, Boeing, Pixar, Intel, Mercedes, Harley, Sony, Lipton. For girls, you can also choose a name according to the same principle: Nivea, Fuji, Yamaha, Honda, Nokia, Londa, Vella, Ikea;

Labradors are funny dogs, and they will undoubtedly have funny nicknames.

Names for Labrador dogs may be given in honor of someone.

A boy, for example, can be named after a dog from a cartoon or movie: Balto, Bim, Gromit, Tramp, Dino, Odie, Pluto, Rintintin, Scooby-Doo, Snoopy. The beautiful Labrador can be given the name of a mythological character: Morgana, Iele, Nymph, Oceanid, Siren, Naiad, Phoenix, Dryad, Gorgon. You can also experiment with the first and last names of writers (Chekhov, Shakespeare, Dumas, Barto, Teffi), heroes of books (Onegin, Frodo, Sherlock), films (Joker, Indiana, Corleone), pop stars (Shakira, Gaga, Dalida), actresses (Knightley, Furrow, Dietrich, Marceau, Adjani), and perhaps even politicians;

Service nicknames

Labradors bred to help in hunting deserve a special “service” nickname.

The corporal found a stick that fit

  • Polkan
  • Major
  • Sergeant Major
  • Rank
  • Lieutenant
  • Commander
  • San
  • Corporal
  • Sheriff
  • Esaul
  • Uryadnik
  • Prelate
  • Leader
  • Leader
  • Spartacus
  • Fuhrer
  • Voivode
  • Regent
  • Chief
  • Combat
  • Centurion
  • Cartridge
  • Boss
  • Magnum
  • Revolver
  • Pugach
  • Browning
  • Trunk
  • Mauser
  • Bulat

The most “tender” nicknames

The motto of Labradors is: “if only a beloved owner would be nearby, but nothing else is needed.” These dogs are ready to steadfastly overcome any adversity, except loneliness. Tender names for boys:

  • Amur
  • Angel
  • Buddy
  • Bunny
  • Cappuccino
  • Buttercup
  • Muffin
  • Bun
  • Donut
  • Miracle

Tender names for girls:

  • Jasmine
  • Fun
  • Marshmallow
  • Zlata
  • Sweetie
  • Weasel
  • Favorite
  • Baby
  • Mila
  • Mouse
  • Sissy
  • Fantasy
  • Violet

Agate, Delfin and their sister Jessie

Nicknames from the natural world

Black Labrador is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful and noble creations of nature. Names in honor of black precious stones and inhabitants of the water element are suitable for him:

  • Agate
  • Diamond
  • Beaver
  • Wave
  • Otter
  • Jet
  • Dolphin
  • Marlin
  • Morion
  • Obsidian
  • Muskrat
  • Onyx
  • sailboat
  • Sapphire
  • Tourmaline

The appearance of a black Labrador makes you want to award him with some unusual, mystical nickname: Lucifer, Witch, Magic. However, some superstitious owners believe that such nicknames can have negative consequences for both the dog and its owner. Do you believe in such a mystical influence of an unusual name?

Funny nicknames

It’s hard not to notice Labradors’ love for tricks. A funny name will suit a playful friend.

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Kaif loves to walk in nature

  • Chatterbox
  • Aladdin
  • Aspirin
  • Bucks
  • Screwtape
  • Crossbow
  • Hook
  • Barmaley
  • Wulf
  • Jack
  • Bouncer
  • Dandy
  • Esaul
  • Zhdun
  • Zinger
  • A tan
  • X
  • Bliss
  • Krosh
  • Lapis
  • Buttercup
  • Mamai
  • Mixer
  • Cartoon
  • Nise
  • Optimus
  • Pixel
  • Piggy
  • Cricket
  • Elephant
  • Slipper
  • Tyapa
  • Cynic
  • weirdo
  • cabin boy
  • Yandex
  • Einstein
  • Klopik
  • Rotten
  • Shpuntik
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