How to show your cat that you love her: 10 proven ways

Many owners contact the editors of the Murkotiki website with the question of how you can show a cat that you love it, and do cats feel the love of their owner? There are techniques that can be used for this purpose. They involve the use of a cat's "language". However, every owner must come to terms with the fact that cats understand love differently than humans. For them this is a special disposition, trust, affection towards someone. This is exactly what we will show our pet.

Creating an atmosphere of safety

First of all, a loving owner should know that the pet will begin to fully interact with new people only if it feels safe. Therefore, first of all, comfort and the so-called “cotification” of the home - and only secondly, social interaction. Cats are territorial creatures, not pack creatures. Therefore, it is very important for them to first feel at ease. The “catification” of space involves, first of all, equipping a cat base camp. We talk about what this is and how to arrange it as part of the course at the Lapa.Expert School of Happy Cat and Dog Owners.

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Games with a cat

And playing together is a wonderful expression of friendliness, love,

recognition as a family member. Even the most respectable in age and sedate in character cats excitedly run after candy wrappers on a string, clearly preferring them to expensive toys, because you need to play with an artificial mouse alone, and a piece of paper on a string is in the hands of the owner. Some cats, like dogs, are happy to fetch a thrown ball or stick.

If your pet is forced to stay alone for a long time, find time to play with him before leaving home, and create conditions so that he can have fun on his own in your absence: leave the toys, provide the opportunity to watch what is happening outside the window.

By the way, cats, creatures, in general, are self-sufficient, nevertheless, they really need respect and gratitude. Don’t forget about this when you see that your well-groomed, clean cat proudly brought a mouse or bird he caught from the street and put it on the doorstep or even “bred it to bed” - they say, “I’m treating you, master!” Don’t scold the cat, but praise him for his “feat”: the mouse is already in the house anyway, and if you yell at your pet, you will undeservedly offend him. The cat showed concern, brought fresh game, knowing that you yourself were unable to get such exotic food, and for some reason you scolded it...

Soft touch

In humans, love is expressed through kisses and tight hugs, but in cats it is different. They have their own signs. If you speak cat language, you can easily show your pet that you love him. First of all, he should not be grabbed, squeezed or subjected to strong hugs. There is no need to come up and hang on top - it is better to sit down to the cat’s level or lower. In cat language, hovering and squeezing mean a threat and an attack by a large predator on the prey. What kind of love can we talk about then?

Instead, you need to caress the animal gently, stroking the places it exposes. Pay special attention to this. For example, dominant cats hate being stroked on the head from above: it is better for them to scratch their neck. And some cats love it. You need to learn your pet's "erogenous zones" and use only them if you want to give him pleasure.

How to show your cat your love?

Kitten adoption does not include instructions on how to love cats. So how can you show your cats that you love them? As a responsible cat owner, look for the best way to show your kitties how much you love them.

© shutterstock

  1. Love cats with special attention . Special attention may be given to any or a combination of the following ingredients, as well as a variety of other ingredients specific to your special feline pet. It could be as simple as cuddling in your lap every night or laying on your bed at night. Sitting quietly with a cat looking adoringly across the room speaks volumes.
  2. Cats love massage . Simply stroking your cat from nose to tail provides a general massage that lowers your cat's blood pressure and yours. Pay special attention to the areas he likes best, such as the base of his tail and under his cheeks. Touching, petting, and massaging your cat also serves to check its health for any fur mats, lumps, lumps, or sores that require medical attention.
  3. Love your cats through training . These days, cats rarely earn their living. Many of them are tired of everyday life. We end up with crazy cats swinging from the curtains and playing gravity experiments with small breakable objects on the mantelpiece, getting into fights with other cats, clawing and bashing furniture with urine, etc. Think of training as fun, a challenge and opportunities to celebrate your pets' natural abilities and reward them by unlocking their full potential.
  4. Cat communication . Learn to understand what your cat is telling you with its meows, its tail, its ears, etc. How do you feel when someone ignores your attempts to tell them something? Your cat knows you love him and responds by purring when you respond to his tongue accordingly.
  5. Cat care . Cats spend half their waking hours grooming themselves. Some people cope with grooming, but most need help staying smart. Not only does the comb/brush feel great, like a massage all over your body, but it also clears fur from your skin, reduces hairballs, and serves as a bond between you and your cats. A good way to show your love for your cat.
  6. Correct introduction . Cats are creatures of habit, and a new pet entering the home may make your cat question your love. With the right introduction, your cat may agree that the new kitten/dog/cat/bunny was a loving gift after all.
  7. Treats for cats . Treats are a great way to “love” your pets because animals have no choice; they all have to eat. Although tastes vary, you can usually find something your cat will like. The ideal treat is tiny, smelly, unique (different from the usual) and rare (which makes it special).
  8. Cat mint . This harmless herb gives energy and a pleasant “high” to many cats. Combine catnip with a special toy and you will truly get more enjoyment out of your pet. Cats will love you back if you give them catnip.
  9. Cat game . Every pet has a favorite game. Interactive play strengthens your bond, builds confidence with shy pets, and keeps home pests at bay. Some cats enjoy puzzle toys where you hide treats because it allows them to use their brain, teeth and nose. Cat halls with climbing opportunities, claw areas and hiding spots will delight active cats. Empty paper bags or a wad of paper thrown into an empty bathtub are a source of pleasure for many felines.
  10. Stress relief . So many cats turn their tails because of changes in their world. Enriching the environment with cat trees, adding a bird feeder outside the window, or simply playing calming music helps a lot.

So, my final tip on how to show your cat that you love her is to accept her affection.

Let your cat wrap her arms around your legs and rub as much as she wants.

When you're trying to express your love for a cat, you have to be careful not to spoil it too much.

Remember to reward any behavior you want your cat to repeat and don't give in to your cat's every whim.

Featured by: Amy Shojai Amy Shojai is an animal behavior expert and award-winning writer with over 25 years of hands-on experience training and caring for cats and dogs. She has written 27 books on animal care and was named Writer of the Year.


In cats, licking means caring. If you start licking your cat (yes, some people do!), she will most likely interpret this sign of affection as kindness. But keep in mind that dominant cats, on the contrary, do not like this, because... among cats, it is accepted that licking is caring for a weaker member of the family by a stronger one. One owner even invented a special device to imitate licking without the help of his own tongue, because you don’t really want to eat bacteria and fur.

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Irishman Jason O'Mara has created a plastic tongue that can be used to lick a cat.

Trust is the basis of any relationship

If you want to show your cat that you love her, don't shoo her away when she settles down at your feet for the night. During sleep, animals are defenseless, therefore, by settling down to sleep next to them, the cat demonstrates complete trust

, and by accepting it, you show that you love her. But if you are categorically against co-sleeping, teach your pet from the very beginning that the bedroom is taboo and should not be entered there.

If a cat rolls over onto its back and doesn’t mind having its belly stroked, this is a sign of the highest degree of trust, since the animal’s belly is the most vulnerable part of the body. This behavior is characteristic of cats only in relation to close people, but this favor must be used with caution.

Many animals, and cats are no exception, do not like to be looked into the eyes for a long time and intently. But if you slowly close and open your eyes, the cat will perceive such a leisurely blink as a sign of trust and love.

And then your pet will certainly answer you with the same “air kiss”.

These are, in fact, all the ways to show your cat that you are attached to her, love her and care about her. And care is not only friendly communication and signs of love, but also high-quality food, and always fresh water in the drinking bowl, and a comfortable place to rest, and scratching posts, and toys... Of course, with such a life, the cat will feel happy.

Respect for personal space

There are cats that cannot tolerate affection in any form. This does not mean that they do not love their owner. They just have that kind of character. Then you need to understand that the connection between the cat and you is not only affection, but also words, glances, spending time together playing and sleeping, feeding, a feeling of affection from being with each other, not necessarily in the form of hugs and caresses. Respect your cat's personal space and independence. Believe me, he will appreciate this attitude very highly.

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How to understand a cat's behavior?

Teeth clinking is found in the language of cats, but they use it mainly when hunting. Newborn kittens do not have a full range of sounds, so they express their needs with the same sounds, even by crying.

If a person communicates with his pet for a very long time, he tries to understand his facial expressions, gestures and behavior. The owner understands or tries to understand every request of the animal. For example, when a cat wants to eat, she not only meows, but can also show the owner where to go - to the kitchen, to the refrigerator.

You can simply ask what the cat wants. And she will take you where she wants, it could be the toilet, the kitchen, or the bathroom - to drink water.

Not “meow”, but “meow”, okay?

Cats are very independent animals, so they are much more difficult to understand than, for example, dogs, Gary Weitzman writes in his book. At the same time, cats can reproduce a hundred different sounds, 16 of which are meowing.

Gary Weitzman

Photo: Lenny Ignelzi/AP

Mostly cats meow if there are people nearby: they prefer not to “meow” among themselves, but to communicate in other ways. So, one might say, they only meow in public. Once upon a time, cats learned that with the help of meowing they can get what they need from a person. Now they are trying to convey their desires (and unwillingnesses) to their owners in this very way. “Feed me”, “let me out into the street”, “get out of here” - and all this is “meow”, but in different keys.

Watch my tail, man

Of course, cats communicate with people non-verbally. The main tools for expressing emotions are the tail, eyes and whiskers.

“Blinking is the cat’s equivalent of a kiss,” says Weitzman.

A zoologist believes that when a cat blinks slowly while looking into its owner's eyes, it is a declaration of love. He suggests trying to blink back just as slowly to respond like a cat: “I like you too.”

When a cat is happy and calm, the veterinarian believes, its whiskers cheerfully stick out in different directions.

Photo: Safron Golikov / Kommersant

A triumphantly raised tail signifies a friendly attitude and good mood.

“A raised tail is the cat world's equivalent of a handshake,” says the author of How to Speak Cat.

But flattened ears, on the contrary, do not bode well for others - a sign that the cat is scared or even preparing for a fight.

Cats lick you or chew your clothes

Is your cat licking your skin and hair, chewing or slobbering on your clothes? There is no doubt - she is very attached to you. This way the pet not only shows its feelings, but also makes notes that you belong to it.

Cats are always happy to show their love and affection. Give them attention more often, and they will thank you with gentle purrs.

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Cats roll around on the floor showing their bellies

Children tend to roll on the floor during a tantrum. But in a cat, such a reaction means that she is very happy to see you. Cats may approach or run up to you and immediately roll over on their back in greeting. Such rolling upside down is also a sign of special trust in you, as well as an invitation to play.

Akimasa Harada

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