How to name Dalmatian boys and girls: the most beautiful names

This breed is one of the most famous in the world. Largely thanks to the animated series, comics and the feature film “101 Dalmatians”. Such dogs are a real decoration because of the wonderful coloring of their fur. Moreover, each Dalmatian has a unique spotty pattern that is not repeated in anyone.

Dalmatians are an affectionate, friendly, calm, cheerful and active breed. These dogs love hiking, swimming, and playing sports with their owner.

Wonderful animals need equally wonderful names. And the choice of nicknames for them is really large: beautiful and popular, with interesting meanings, from cartoons and movies.

Argo Puppy:

Best nicknames

The best names for Dalmatians according to fans of the breed:

  • Alaska;
  • Alba;
  • Adra;
  • Alma;
  • Aron;
  • Anji;
  • Argo;
  • Artemis;
  • Belkan;
  • Bora;
  • Bonnie;
  • Button;
  • Brando;
  • Briza;
  • Bruno;
  • Chloe;
  • Kairo;
  • Congo;
  • Dakota;
  • Dana;
  • Dory;
  • Duke;
  • Ducky;
  • Emma;
  • Elvis;
  • Frida;
  • Frodo;
  • Greta;
  • Hannah;
  • Hector;
  • Hera;
  • Hercules;
  • Icarus;
  • Kyle;
  • Kiara;
  • Kira;

In the photo - Elvis:

  • Kobe;
  • Lana;
  • Moon;
  • Lupita;
  • Mani;
  • Marlin;
  • Nachos;
  • Nala;
  • Nikita;
  • Niko;
  • Nux;
  • Otto;
  • Odette;
  • Pearl;
  • Pin;
  • Polly;
  • Poppins;
  • Romeo;
  • Ringo;
  • Scar;
  • Simba;
  • Truffle;
  • Ulysses;
  • Iago;
  • Yako;
  • Zara.

Photo of Zara:

Popular nicknames

The most famous nicknames for Dalmatians on social networks:

  • Xila;
  • Groucho;
  • Coco;
  • Monty;
  • Tasha;
  • Benji;
  • Dottie;
  • Charlie;
  • Bark;
  • Abel;
  • Marie;
  • Opie;
  • Cleo;
  • Lennon;
  • Lucy;
  • Shadow;
  • Camilla;
  • Volume;
  • Aero;
  • Smudge;
  • Mila;
  • Richard;
  • Doris;
  • Levi;
  • Vienne;
  • Quintus;
  • Bella;
  • Jasper;
  • Mindy;
  • Cosmo.

Photo of Lucy:

Possible options

You can come up with a suitable nickname yourself, or if you’ve run out of options, use the table below.

Nicknames for Dalmatians starting with the letter:Nicknames for Dalmatian boysNames for girls
AHenri Archie Almaz Albert Ajax Arthur Artist Iron CupidAsya Alisa Alma Adele Abbi Aza Aiza Astra Anita
BBuddy Bucks Bond Baron Beam Blade Blanche Byron (Bai) Buff Billy Bob Brooklyn Benji Brad Bobby BariBayra Bonya Betty Berta Britney Basya Becky Basta Barbie Basie Blackie Bazzy Badie Becky Bless Brenda
INVolt Willie Wesley White Vert VulcanVesta Wiki Vita Venta Vista Valerie
GHans Hermann Gray Hera Count Glenn Henry Hardy Grace (Gracie)Greta Hera Grace Gerda Gerta Gabi Glory Gilsa Gloria
DJeff Dante Dingo Jim Dallas Diamond Jam Jack Dick Joker Jas (Jasper) Don Johnny Dale Dennis John Darrin JimmyDaisy Dakota Jessie Jess Delta Daly Dina Dolly Jeta Dana Dora Jolie Jude(s) Dixie Gina Dora Dizzy Juna
EJerzy Yeni ErmakEva Elsa Elana
ANDJustin Gerard JacksonZhulya Jessie Zhuzha
ZZaire Zephyr Zidane ZachZema Zara Zena Zosya
I, JIrwin Ethan Icarus IndyIndie Irma Yosya Ingrid
TOKurt King Cox Kai Kevin Colt Casper KimCora Koda Keda Chris Kate Cleo Kat Candy
LLord Lucky Lot Leo Louis Lantz Larry LucasLika Lima Leta Linda Loya Luna Lola Laurie
MMartin Michael Martel Max Mikey Marcel Mike Mile Mark Manu Marvy Marcy Mason MitchMelly Motya Margot Mary Molly Miranda Miley Maya Malta Mary Maggie Melanie Magda Mara
NNick Nero Nels NevilleNika Nora Nana Naida
ABOUTOscar Oxy OzzyAudrey Olivia (Olive) Ohara
PPaul the Pirate Prince Peter Pablo Perrot PacoPeddy Panda Peppy Palma Prada Pandora Paula
RRay Richie Rocky Rick Rem Raf Ronald Reich Roni Rudy Ron Rock RichardRitsa Rufi Rosie (Rozzi) Rita Rachel Rada Rice Rafi Roxy Rossi Reggae Ressi Rima
WITHSam Spike Simba Skiff Snickers Sally Sandy Sky Steven Sparky SteveSuri Sonya Sophie Stela Sarah Sofa Scully Cessil Sally Samba Salma
TTim Tyler Toby Tony Ted Tagore TimmyTerry Tori Thea Tina Trish Trixie Tevi
UWinston Urry Urfene WalkerUna Ursi Whitney Ulya
FFloyd Fred Freddie Fox PhilFora Phoebe Fabi Fanta Freya
XHard Hike HuntChloe (and) Honey Hannah
CCaesar CentCesi Cesi
HChip Charlie CharlesChupa Chaka Chara
ShShah Shell Shimon ShammiSheri Sheila Shiva Sherr
EAshley Erwin Elton Edwin Eric Emil Early Ernie Eddie EliotAlice Esther Elsa Abby Alice Amy Emma Elma Emmy Ava
YUYuji Eustace EugeneUtah Yusta Yumi
IYard YamirJasper Yassi

Nicknames for boys

Interesting names for little Dalmatians:

  • Ado;
  • Alex;
  • Allen;
  • Gigolo;
  • Andelko;
  • Antek;
  • Bartol;
  • Belimir;
  • Borislav;
  • Bertie;
  • Borko;
  • Borna;
  • Vaclav;
  • Dalibor;
  • Damir;
  • Darko;
  • Danimir;
  • Davor;
  • Donat;
  • Drago;
  • Drazen;
  • Disco;
  • Franjo;
  • Goran;
  • Gordan;
  • Or me;
  • Ilko;
  • Yanko;
  • Josip;
  • Crecy;

Dalmatian Drago:

  • Ladislav;
  • Lucian;
  • Luke;
  • Marin;
  • Matko;
  • Milan;
  • Mirko;
  • Milenko;
  • Miro;
  • Mislav;
  • Nikola;
  • Ozren;
  • Petar;
  • Pravdan;
  • Rocko;
  • Stanko;
  • Stribor;
  • Svebor;
  • Tihomir;
  • Vedran;
  • Velimir;
  • Vlado;
  • Vinko;
  • Vlatko;
  • Zarco;
  • Zoltan;
  • Zoran.

Boy Darko:

Nicknames for girls

Cute Names for Dalmatians:

  • Anika;
  • Andela;
  • Alenka;
  • Andrina;
  • Barika;
  • Bead;
  • Blessed;
  • Branca;
  • Brigid;
  • Danica;
  • Darika;
  • Dina;
  • Darka;
  • Donka;
  • Divna;
  • Dorica;
  • Dredge;
  • Dragana;
  • Ela;
  • Erika;
  • Goranka;
  • Gordana;
  • Inca;
  • Irena;
  • Ivna;
  • Yakovik;
  • Yasmina;
  • Yasna;
  • Josipa;
  • Carmela;
  • Leda;
  • Lovorka;

Dalmatian Erica:

  • Lucia;
  • Mayan;
  • Madder;
  • Mila;
  • Milka;
  • Milena;
  • Militsa;
  • Mirka;
  • Myrna;
  • Nana;
  • Natka;
  • Nera;
  • Nevena;
  • Radmila;
  • Raina;
  • Rina;
  • Ruza;
  • Tiana;
  • Van;
  • Vedrana;
  • Velina;
  • Spring;
  • Zorka;
  • Zlatka.

Girl Nana:

Nicknames with meanings

Names with meaning are interesting - here you can choose a nickname that can reflect the unique features of any pet. Options for boys:

  • Freckles - spots on the fur, so similar to freckles in humans.
  • Scout - scout, observer. Dalmatians have sharp eyesight and amazingly fast reactions.
  • Gunnar is a warrior. Dalmatians take first place in fights and competitions.
  • Chaos is a random distribution of spots on the fur. An excellent name for an active dog that knows no rest.
  • Giraud - “spear power”. For strong and active representatives of the breed.
  • Baxter is "baker", a funny and unusual name.
  • Bonner is a “good citizen.” An excellent nickname for obedient Dalmatians.
  • Patches - “spot”. A name for the spotted creature itself.
  • Amigo - "friend". Dalmatians are faithful and devoted companions to humans.
  • Mayer is “exceptional.” The short version is Mayor.
  • Caesar is a Roman name meaning "long-haired."
  • Andreas - “courageous”, “strong”. A nickname for a Dalmatian who tirelessly keeps order in the house.
  • Oreo is the constellation Orion. And black and white Oreo cookies that match the color of your pet’s fur.

This is Amigo:

Now - a selection of wonderful nicknames with meanings for girls:

  • Astra - "star". For Dalmatians who illuminate any place with their presence.
  • Nila is an Indian name meaning "gem".
  • Heidi - noble, sublime.
  • Tala is a Basque name that translates to “she-wolf.”
  • Iris means “rainbow” in Hebrew.
  • Queenie - "queen".
  • Tinkerbell is the name of the fairy from the cartoon about Peter Pan.
  • Nena - derived from Magdalene. Suitable for gentle and cute dogs.
  • Parisa - “angelic face” from Persian.
  • Jessica is “the one who will be rich,” “an aristocratic person.”
  • Risa - “smile”, “laughter”.
  • Nalini means “peace of heaven” in Sanskrit.
  • Maggie is “pearl” in English.

In the photo - Queenie:


Dalmatian puppies, like adults, are very clean. They will never step into a puddle or mud. Representatives of this breed require minimal, standard care.

The puppy's coat should be brushed daily with a stiff brush or a special glove.

Important! Dalmatians shed small amounts year-round, so this procedure is necessary to prevent hair from shedding throughout the house.

Owners of puppies need to regularly examine their pets' mouths to monitor the eruption of molars. If baby teeth are an obstacle to the appearance of permanent teeth, they must be removed. This can be done at home without causing discomfort to your pet.

To do this, you need to put a bandage on the tooth and gently loosen it with two fingers and pull it out.

Puppy ears should be cleaned regularly with a cotton swab dipped in an antiseptic solution.

Important! Often the amount of wax formed in the ears, its color and smell indicate the presence of diseases in the Dalmatian. Therefore, it is necessary to constantly examine the puppy for the presence of ear discharge. If they are in doubt, you should contact your veterinarian.

Dalmatian babies need to be taught to have their nails trimmed. You can do this yourself with a nail clipper or trust a specialist. The procedure must be carried out once a month to prevent ingrown claws and inflammation. After trimming, the claws need to be filed so that they do not peel off.

Dalmatian puppies, like adults, do not have a specific dog smell, so they do not need frequent bathing. It will be enough to bathe your pet once a year.

Disney nicknames

A large selection of interesting nicknames for Dalmatians and all other cute puppies - in Disney cartoons:

  • Pluto, Pluto is Mickey Mouse's faithful dog.
  • Goofy is a friend of Donald Duck and Mickey Mouse.
  • Max is Goofy's son in one of the cartoons.
  • Lady is the main character of the cartoon Lady and the Tramp.
  • Scamp is the son of Tramp and Lady.
  • Jock is a Scottish terrier from the same cartoon "Lady and the Tramp".
  • Koper is the main character of The Fox and the Hound.
  • Bolt is a wonderful character from the 2008 movie of the same name.
  • Bruno is Cinderella's faithful dog.
  • Georgette is the crazy poodle from Oliver and Company.
  • Nana is a Newfoundland who takes care of the children in Peter Pan.
  • Percy is an arrogant pug from the cartoon Pocahontas.

Namesake Lady:


Up to two months, a Dalmatian puppy is protected by immunity transmitted from its mother. However, it does not protect the baby from all diseases, so it is better not to walk him outside before vaccination.

Only a completely healthy puppy can be vaccinated. Therefore, before the procedure, it is necessary to ensure his health and carry out deworming.

It is recommended to contact a veterinarian for vaccination, but you can do it yourself.

Dalmatian puppy vaccination scheme:

Injections are given intramuscularly into the thigh. You need to repeat the course of vaccinations after a complete change of dentition. Then once a year you should do disease prevention.

After vaccination, you need to monitor the puppy so that he does not become hypothermic. You cannot bathe your baby until the quarantine period has passed. Often after vaccinations, puppies experience temporary lethargy and decreased appetite.

Nicknames from 101 Dalmatians

When coming up with a name for a small pet, you can remember the heroes of the popular cartoon about black and white dogs. The most famous nicknames from the cartoon “101 Dalmatians”:

  • Pongo is the father of 101 black and white puppies.
  • Perdita is a happy mother of a large family, Pongo’s “wife”.
  • Patch is the noisiest kitten in the litter.
  • Penny is a sweet and smart girl.
  • Lucky is the luckiest puppy in the litter (due to the horseshoe-shaped spot on his back).
  • Rolly is a Dalmatian who loves food more than anything else.
  • Pepper is a puppy with small spots that resemble a scattering of black pepper.
  • Freckles is a little kitten who most loves to sit on daddy's head.

And other interesting names from 101 Dalmatians:

  • Yo-yo;
  • Whizzer;
  • Viti;
  • Tu-Ton;
  • Tiger;
  • Thunder;
  • Swifty;
  • Spotty;
  • Speedy;
  • Spark;
  • Spanky;
  • Smokey;
  • Sleepy;
  • Poodles;
  • Pocky;
  • Nosy;
  • Lenny;
  • Jolly;
  • Flapper;
  • Fidget;
  • Dot;
  • Dipstick;
  • Dipper;
  • Corky;
  • Cadpig;
  • Balgi;
  • Bravo;
  • Blot;
  • Blob;
  • Blackie.

Photo of Lucky:

Description and characteristics of newborn puppies

A newborn Dalmatian puppy weighs 350–450 grams. In the first days of their life, babies do not see or hear anything, and cannot control their body temperature. They receive milk and warmth from their mother. At first, the puppies only sleep and eat.

After two weeks, their eyes and ears open and they try to stand on their paws. When there is not enough mother's milk for all the puppies, breeders begin supplementary feeding. The kittens get acquainted with new food and learn to feed themselves.

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