How to name a Shar Pei: a list of nicknames for boys and girls

Shar Pei is an unusual breed of dog that appeared back in 206 BC in the territory of Ancient China. Wrinkled skin is the main feature of dogs of this breed, but despite this, such dogs are popular among modern animal lovers, including celebrities. Of course, a Shar Pei needs a beautiful and sonorous name that will reflect its character and external characteristics, as well as show the owner’s attitude towards the pet.

Shar Pei Dick and Tony: a dog with a sandy skin

Top popular Russian nicknames

Writer Ernest Seton-Thompson said: “If you love me, love my dog. The bond between man and dog can only disappear with life.” And indeed it is. According to statistics, dogs live in 70% of houses, which confirms the incredible love people have for these animals. Celebrities are also not indifferent to representatives of this breed:

  • Pasha is Vanessa Mae's dog;
  • Nikko is a favorite of singer Jonathan Knight.

The most popular nicknames for Shar Pei girls in Russia include the following:

  • Daisy;
  • Lucy;
  • Sadie;
  • Sophie;
  • Princess;
  • Bella;
  • Angel;
  • Coco;
  • Samantha;
  • Rosie;
  • Katie;
  • Sonya;
  • Martha;
  • Tasha;
  • Pussy;
  • Linda;
  • Clara;
  • Musya (Mosya);
  • Stasya;
  • Palm.

But for a boy, the most common options will be the following:

  • Zeus;
  • Winston;
  • Oscar;
  • Max;
  • Bailey;
  • Buddy;
  • Jack;
  • Samson;
  • Lucky;
  • Grow;
  • Harley;
  • Alex;
  • Duke;
  • Toby;
  • Charlie;
  • Charlie;
  • Palermo;
  • Matt;
  • Typhoon;
  • Loki;
  • Hard;
  • Maine.

When choosing a name for a dog, there are many factors to consider, such as personality, color, and pronunciation. Pronunciation is of no small importance, since it is unlikely to be convenient to shout “Excellency” several times on the street. Therefore, the name should be short, laconic, sweet-sounding and, of course, have a sacred meaning known to the owner.

Interesting! One of the most original ways to choose a name for a dog, known since Ancient Rome, is to name the animal in honor of the most recently deceased relative. These are the traditions.

General recommendations for choosing a name for a dog

In the pedigree, the dog may even be listed as Henry VIII, but if you have to call him on the street with this name, both the pet and passers-by will be extremely perplexed. Hence the first rule: the nickname should be short and simple so that the animal can react to it instantly. One or two syllables - no more.

You should also not give your new pet the name of an animal that no longer lives in the family. The reason doesn't matter - the past is best left in the past. Each dog is unique, which means that a new four-legged friend will not be 100% similar to the old one.

Important! Even kennels do not use one nickname for about 30 years after the last dog named it.

You also need to take into account the size, color, and character of the pet. So, calling the huge Tibetan mastiff Sharik is like cracking nuts with the royal seal, just like in the famous fairy tale. Let the nickname be majestic and even a little formidable.

A pet feels and knows much more than it seems, so it must have a worthy name.

But let’s move on to the Shar-Pei and find out what these noble dogs will like.

Traditional Chinese names

Shar Pei is a Chinese dog breed, so you can pay tribute to tradition and borrow a name for your pet in Chinese culture. What is typical for China is that all names, including the names of people, have a translation and a hidden meaning. Therefore, in China it is customary to call animals by any name that characterizes a specific animal with reference to color (sand), breed, height, parameters (for example, wrinkled skin) or to the characteristics of animals of this species in general (tail, whiskers, barking).

The most popular Chinese nicknames for Shar Pei girls and boys include the following:

  • dear, prosperous - Wangai;
  • vociferous, barking - Van;
  • sand (regarding color) – Gin;
  • slender - Lan;
  • cute, attractive - Yun;
  • strong, plump - Wei;

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Isn't he adorable (sounds like Shu in Chinese).

  • red-haired - Zhenzhi;
  • snow-white - Xue or Bai;
  • friendly - Ay;
  • honest, open - Cheng;
  • lucky - Ah Fook;
  • smart, quick-witted - Moon or Lee;
  • warm, gentle - Nuan;

The real royal dog is “June”.

  • faithful, reliable - Zhong;
  • peace-loving, calm – Ming;
  • strong - Gang;
  • fast, active - Sai Hu;
  • confused or playful - Ben-Ben.

Dog Hua (translated from Chinese as magnificent)

Useful video

From the video you will learn everything about the Shar Pei dog breed:

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For those who become the happy owners of a Shar Pei baby, it is sometimes difficult to choose a suitable name for the pet - he seems so cute and versatile. A selection of beautiful, funny, popular nicknames for these dogs will help you make your choice. Other options are names with meaning, Chinese nicknames.

Doggie Mars:

Nickname in honor of a literary hero

Often, when choosing a property for a dog, girl or boy, owners turn to literature, favorite films or cartoons. And this is interesting, because by naming a pet, the owner already puts into it those traits that, in his understanding, are characteristic of this or that character.

Chinese names for Shar Peis related to literature and cinema:

  • Mulan is a brave cartoon heroine;
  • Fushi – god of Happiness;
  • Yu Di - Emperor of China;
  • Zhao Wei is a famous Chinese actress;
  • Jackie Chan is a world famous actor;
  • Eason Chan is a singer from China.

Playful handsome Sammy, who is happy about Friday:

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Let's turn to European and Russian literature and film culture:

  • Don Quixote;
  • Sancho;
  • Ella;
  • Snowwhite;
  • Onegin;
  • Chekhov;
  • Karamazov;
  • Margarita;
  • Master;
  • Achilles;
  • Cassandra;
  • Lyudmila;
  • Roksolana;
  • Ariel;
  • Requiem;
  • Lemme;
  • Elena;
  • Plato;
  • Colombo;
  • Sherlock.

In order to choose a nickname in honor of a literary hero, just open your favorite book and find the name of the writer or choose one of the heroes of the story. Very often they resort to the names of famous political and historical figures, such as:

  • Bush;
  • Churchill;
  • Napoleon;
  • Lincoln;
  • Buddha;
  • Monroe;
  • Adams;
  • Zhingizkhan;
  • Dark;
  • Galileo;
  • Einstein;
  • Newton;
  • Moses;
  • Darwin;
  • Confucius;
  • Faraday;
  • Marx;
  • Smith;
  • Cortes;
  • Rousseau;
  • Kennedy.

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The spitting image of Napoleon

In the near future, for sure, more and more dogs and cats will be named after one of the richest and smartest personalities of our time - Elon Musk. You can be one of the first to name your favorite Shar Pei this way.

What to name a girl

Beautiful names

As surprising as it may be, many Chinese poets praise the virtues of the breed, citing comparisons with anything else.

Therefore, there is no doubt about the diversity of names:

  • Aurora, Adele, Aisha, Aigul, Alba, Anika, Arima, Aurika;
  • Crimson, Benta, Biyanka, Bonnie, Bridget, Becky, Bassie;
  • Vanessa, Venice, Venus, Veyna, Wilma, Vetti;
  • Gabby, Gabriella, Gaina, Gerda, Glady, Gretta, Grace;
  • Dara, Deborah, Delta, Josephine, Diva, Dinga, Donna, Dolce;
  • Esika;
  • Zara, Zeya, Zlata, Zolda;
  • Isolde, Ilga, Ilona, ​​Infiniti, Ista;
  • Kaira, Cameo, Camilla, Cassie, Kathleen, Christy, Carrie, Katherine;
  • Lavender, Laina, Lucky, Lady, Liberty, Lita, Lyana;
  • Mana, May, Marquise, Medea, Merlina, Muse, Magi;
  • Naira, Narsi, Natti, Naiad, Nellie, Nymph, Nyuta;
  • Patty, Penny, Petra, Paris;
  • Tyra, Thea, Tofi;
  • Hatika, Helena, Hattie.

The Chinese themselves describe the breed so exotically that there is even a saying among the French: “If you go on a visit and accidentally take a Shar Pei with you, then don’t be surprised if they suddenly don’t even notice you.”.

This is not surprising if even a dog’s ear is compared to a sea mollusk shell, and its neck to a bison’s neck. Just as strong and powerful.

The tail is like a wire, and the limbs, especially the front ones, are like a dragon. Therefore, such colorful and poetic names will not only be suitable for a Shar Pei, but will also emphasize its advantages.

Also among the girls there are many proud ladies who would be suitable for the names of Greek and other goddesses:

  • Aglaya, Artemis, Athena;
  • Harmony, Gaia;
  • Venus;
  • Diana, Demeter;
  • Iris;
  • Cybele;
  • Nemesis;
  • Persephone;
  • Selena;
  • Themis.


Funny and original names that will highlight the delicate features of your pet:

  • Vanilla, Cherry;
  • Diva, Dunya;
  • Ju-ju;
  • Toffee, Sparkle;
  • Caramel, Hummingbird;
  • Wrinkle, Pug;
  • Nezha, Nyusha;
  • Pixie, Plush, Pusha;
  • Ranetka;
  • Siren;
  • Chocolate;
  • Fanta, Furia;
  • Charka, Chiquita;
  • Hrosya.

Do not forget that girls can be even more vulnerable than boys, so the choice of name should not serve as a mockery of the pet.

With meaning and meaning

Chinese names with unusual and secret meanings:

  • Ai (beloved);
  • Biyu (jasper);
  • Wenling (jade, mineral);
  • Jing (prosperity, golden shower), Jingua (wealth, excess), Ju (chrysanthemum flowers), Deyu (black jade, mineral);
  • Kiang (rose flowers), Kiu (autumn);
  • ing (calm), Namlan (dawn), Nasan (life), Nomin (emerald, precious stone), Norbo (treasure);
  • Oshon (sparkle);
  • Pagma (queen, mistress);
  • Solongo (rainbow), Seseg (flower);
  • Rowe (sensitive, reverent);
  • Cerigma (healer).

The Shar Pei breed literally means: “sand skin” . Or in an artistic version: “sand dog”.

Geographic nicknames

When choosing geographical names as nicknames, you need to be extremely careful, since experts remind you that the character and behavior of the dog largely depend on the name of the Shar Pei. In this case, you don’t really want to think about what the house will look like after the little puppy named Typhoon stays in the apartment.

The most favorite names include:

This is what a typhoon might look like

  • Everest;
  • Cuba;
  • Etna;
  • Apalachee;
  • Sydney;
  • Montana;
  • Arizona;
  • York;
  • Wales;
  • Guinea;
  • Bali.

The funniest nicknames

Fantasy knows no limits. Nicknames can be funny because of their pronunciation or because of their translation into Russian. The top funny nicknames for Shar Peis are the following:

  • Bagel;
  • Broom;
  • Anchovy;
  • Hook (obviously a fishing nickname);
  • Barmaley;
  • Valenok;
  • Gosha;
  • Gadzilla;
  • Joker;
  • Rogue;
  • Emelya;
  • Kwiki;
  • Pita;
  • Casanova;
  • Pencil;
  • Patriot;
  • Parmesan;
  • Othello;
  • Mymrik.

Interesting! One of the most popular Shar Pei dogs online today is a boy named Paddington, whose owner is finding more and more ways to glorify her pet by posting posts of the dog dressed in sweaters, funny hats, or just photographs of the cutest sleeping pet.

Paddington himself

Diseases and treatment

Among other breeds, Shar-Peis are distinguished by their immunity. These dogs rarely get sick. The table will tell you about the most common ailments and their symptoms.

Table - Common Shar Pei diseases and their symptoms

Allergic reaction— Changes in the skin; - hair loss; - temperature increase; - loss of appetite; - vomit; - swelling — Contact with an allergen; - unhealthy diet; - wrong choice of food
Eye diseases- The appearance of discharge from the mucous membranes; - swelling of the eyelids; - blurred vision — Inflammatory process due to pollution; - eye injury
Ear infections- Accumulation of secretions in the ears; - scabies; - regular shaking of the ears; - hearing impairment Poor hearing hygiene
Entropy (inversion of eyelids)Rubbing the cornea with overhanging folds of skinGenetic predisposition

If the breeder sees that folds of skin are injuring the puppy’s eye, he performs a simple but effective operation. The duration of the surgical intervention is no more than ten minutes. As a result, special braces appear on the dog’s eyes that prevent the skin from affecting the cornea.

Nicknames for a real fighter

Initially, Shar Pei belonged to the fighting breeds, but over time the dogs became kinder and now look more like a person’s dear friends than a zealous hunter. Therefore, these babies are readily purchased by families with children.

For fighting dogs, nicknames are chosen that in every possible way characterize the ferocity and seriousness of the representative of the breed. It is unlikely that in this category you can find a Shar Pei nicknamed “Snarky”, but the following selection will ideally highlight the characteristics of a fighting dog:

  • Hard;
  • Sharp;
  • Strong;
  • Champion;
  • Bull;
  • Gong;
  • Boxing;
  • Hercules;
  • Danai;
  • Tryphon;
  • Roland.

Men's list of nicknames for Shar Pei

Lubomira lionLumiere

The Shar Pei deserves a unique name. We hope this list of names takes you one step closer to finding the perfect name for your dog.

Famous Shar Peis

The popularity of the breed began to develop especially strongly in 1979, when Shar Peis began to appear on television screens - in cartoons and movies. Namely:

  • the dog Hobo from the Disney cartoon;
  • Barta is a dog from the cartoon “The Simpsons”;
  • Pickles from the movie Animal Kingdom;
  • Fu Dog is a Chinese Shar Pei from the cartoon American Dragon.

Another representative of this funny breed has become the star of an advertisement for Garnier, which actively advertises its anti-wrinkle products.

The popularity of the breed is growing every day thanks to dog owners who willingly distribute photos and videos of their pets online. What funny and amusing dog names do you know?

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