What an Irish Water Spaniel looks like: characteristics of pets and the basics of proper care + reviews from owners

Spaniels are the common name for a large group of breeds.

It includes breeds such as the Cocker Spaniel, Russian Spaniel, King Charles Spaniel, English Springer Spaniel, German Wachtelhund and, of course, the Irish Water Spaniel, which will be discussed in the article.

The Irish Water Spaniel is a rather rare breed of dog, distinguished by its strength and kind character.

These dogs are quite large, muscular and agile.

This breed is intended for hunting ducks, geese and other waterfowl, but is now often used as a pet.

Origin story and what it looks like in the photo

The Irish Water Spaniel breed is considered the ancestor of poodles and was known back in the 12th century. Then it was actively used exclusively for hunting purposes.

However, it acquired its modern appearance in the middle of the 19th century, thanks to British dog breeders, and in 1862 it was officially registered as a hunting dog . Ireland is considered the birthplace of the breed.

The ancestor of modern Irish water spaniels is a dog named Bosun, who was presented at exhibitions as a standard example.

Towards the end of the 19th century, the popularity of this breed began to decline, giving way to Labrador retrievers.

The Irish Water Spaniel is now considered a rarity..

Purpose of the breed and training

American Cocker Spaniels have firmly taken their place as pets and companions, but have not lost their hunting instincts. We said above that cockers are a gun breed, the purpose of which is to bring shot game, in particular poultry. The animal easily learns both to bring prey and to raise birds from hiding, but long hair will prevent the cocker spaniel from making its way through grass, bushes or swamps. Therefore, show dogs do not participate in hunting; if a pet is purchased in order to walk under the gun, the owner must provide a comfortable length of fur for it.

American Cocker Spaniel on the hunt

To train an animal to be useful in hunting, it is worth taking special training courses with it. Training cockers includes several stages that are practiced until complete mastery: standing, reaching, intimidating and bringing in game. The dog will also be taught to work with a clicker or whistle, introduced to different types of game, and taught that the bird should be handed over to the owner, and not feasted on alone. But, before you go for training, you need to go through a basic training course with your puppy.

As the name implies, this course includes basic skills for every dog: the ability to walk next to the owner’s leg, come when called, learning the commands “Sit!”, “Lie down!”, “Stand!” and others. Basic training is very important for American Spaniels, because they are restless by nature, and their hunting instincts awaken at the most inopportune moments. A responsible owner who wants to achieve mutual understanding with the dog and learn how to manage it competently will definitely take group or individual classes with a dog handler.

Any active activity will be a joy for a cocker spaniel

If the owner of an American Cocker Spaniel does not intend to take the animal hunting, you can choose other sports where the dog can burn off energy and enjoy movement and working together with the owner.

Thus, American cockers perform well in agility. This is a sport involving the interaction between dog and owner. The pet’s task is to accurately and in the shortest period of time go through a course with obstacles, such as a “snake”, barriers of various configurations, tunnels, logs (booms), swings and the like. At the same time, the dog is in “free flight”; it should not be wearing a collar, much less a leash.

Cockers perform well in frisbee - competitions for catching a flying saucer. Another sport in which a cocker spaniel can warm up and even get tired is coursing. Coursing is fun for dogs with hunting skills. A mechanism is installed in a certain area that moves an artificial hare along a selected trajectory. In this case, the “prey” may unexpectedly change direction, freeze or accelerate. Coursing is good because the animal not only realizes its hunting potential, but also learns to make decisions, not get lost in unexpected situations, and in general gets physical exercise.

American Spaniels are active and energetic dogs.

You can also do tracking work with representatives of the breed - the hunter's instinct greatly helps cockers in this. An excellent sense of smell allows American Cocker Spaniels to be very useful. Dogs of this breed work to search for missing people and help police officers search for drugs. What is especially convenient for operatives is that spaniels are small in size and have a calm, friendly character. This allows dogs to work in crowded places: airports, train stations, without scaring others. Also, with spaniels they check public transport that crosses borders - trains and buses, and their compact size allows the animal to easily work in narrow passages and cramped spaces.

American Cocker Spaniels are worked with by rescue workers and volunteers focused on searching for people. The spaniel works well in both wooded or field areas, as well as rubble (stone and snow). Small size and weight also play an important role in the search abilities of spaniels. Firstly, the animal can maneuver between trees, overcome various obstacles and go through many places without the risk of falling through. Secondly, the handler can carry a small dog for some time in order to deliver it to the right place, avoiding a dangerous area.

Interesting Facts

Interesting facts about Irish water spaniels:

  1. The dog's coat is waterproof, so it can swim and retrieve game from a pond in any weather conditions.
  2. The dog calmly withstands a 15-hour hunting marathon, after which it remains cheerful and cheerful.
  3. It is believed that the ancestors of this breed were Portuguese water dogs, brought to Ireland by sailors back in the 6th-7th centuries AD.
  4. Relatives of the Irish Water Spaniels include the following extinct dog species: the English Water Spaniel, the Northern Water Spaniel and the Southern Water Spaniel.

Medium Spaniels

Medium-sized pets are 39-41 centimeters tall. They are small, compact and energetic animals. Previously, they were bred exclusively for hunting. Now these breeds with long floppy ears have a different purpose. They are bred by people who lead an active lifestyle or have middle-aged children in their families.

Pets love to frolic and play. Animals are cheerful and friendly.

English cocker spaniel

An ideal hunting dog who loves to swim. The English Cocker Spaniel is 41 centimeters tall and weighs 14 kilograms. The animal has excellent muscles. An active dog. The coat is soft, not too long, curly. Color red or black.

Athletic and very energetic animal. He has an excellent sense of smell and eyesight. These dogs need to be walked frequently. Sometimes they like to bark loudly. They get along well with children and are not aggressive.

The English are sometimes difficult to educate. They can be stubborn. While walking, they may chase a cat or bird. If you don't walk your pet regularly, it can become very fat. The dog is very sociable, cannot stand loneliness, and always tries to be near people. Usually a pet becomes attached to the family member who feeds it. This is an affectionate dog.

Sussex Spaniel

All varieties of the spaniel breed are primarily hunting dogs. The Sussex Spaniel is a representative of the rarest English species, bred in the county of Sussex. Initially, dogs were used for hunting. They could pull game out of any thicket. Now they are companions who will not let their owner get bored.

This is an endangered spaniel species. They are rarely bred. Unlike other species, it calls out when it finds game. Height - 41 centimeters, weight - 23 kilograms.

This dog has a slightly elongated, strong body. The coat is thick, not too long, sandy or chocolate in color. Ears are floppy. The dog has a phlegmatic character. The Sussex Spaniel can be used as a bloodhound. He gets along well with people and animals and serves his owner devotedly.

American Cocker Spaniel

Another type of cocker breed was bred in America. A dog with preserved hunting instincts. Modern cocker varieties have not lost their professional properties. However, they are rarely used for their intended purpose. Americans are friendly and cheerful, love to play with children, and are non-aggressive.

This breed has long, thick hair on its body, which requires constant grooming. Height - 39 centimeters, weight - 14 kilograms. Color: white, brown or black (solid or multi-color). A lively and active dog, constantly looking for entertainment.

Description of the breed

The body format of the Irish Water Spaniel is close to square, while the dog has strong bones and developed muscles.

The head of such a pet is set quite high, and the skull is dome-shaped. The dog's muzzle is rectangular, elongated, with a pronounced transition from the forehead to the muzzle.

The nose is large, wide, reddish-brown or chocolate in color. The Irish Water Spaniel's eyes are dark, almond-shaped, and their color is almost always brown.

The ears of such a dog are drooping, covered with thick curly hair..

The coat is a thick, small curl that protects the dog from any weather. The paws are powerful, muscular and very strong. Moreover, the hind limbs are stronger than the front ones, thanks to this it is easier for the dog to push off while running and swim.

Possible health problems

Athletes such as water spaniels are distinguished by good health. True, sometimes they have dysplasia and ear problems.

To avoid joint problems, do not overuse your dog while he is actively growing, make sure he does not gain weight, and monitor the amount of food he eats. Symptoms of this condition include lameness and pain when walking. To avoid problems with your ears, it is enough to clean them regularly. If a dog has an ear pain, he starts shaking it and tries to scratch it, leaning on the problem side.

Infectious diseases can have serious consequences. to which all dogs, without exception of breed, are susceptible. There is a good measure to prevent and reduce complications called vaccination. And, of course, regular deworming. In addition, take your dog for walks in the fresh air more often and carefully monitor its diet.

Character traits

The Irish Water Spaniel is distinguished by its kindness and high intelligence. With proper upbringing, the dog is perfectly trainable and will be docile and obedient. In addition, such a dog is infinitely devoted to its owner and is very attached to him.

It is also worth saying that the Irish can sometimes be stubborn and does not always respond to commands, although he understands them perfectly.

In addition, such dogs love water very much and do not miss a single body of water so as not to swim, so it is better to walk the dog outside the city.

Another feature of Irish Water Spaniels is their strength and activity. The dog just needs daily walks and exercise, otherwise it can cause serious damage to furniture and things.

With proper upbringing, a puppy can be raised into a good hunting assistant and devoted companion..

A reign of cowardice or aggression in Irish Water Spaniels is considered a deviation from the standard.

Expert opinion

Kozhevin Semyon Kirillovich

Expert dog handler.

“Usually there are no problems with Irish Water Spaniel dogs. As a rule, they respond well to training and follow commands with pleasure. These dogs are so smart that constant repetition of the same commands can get boring for them and they stop obeying. To prevent this from happening, the dog needs frequent changes of activity and environment.”

Personality of the Irish Water Spaniel

Individuals of this breed are very affectionate and friendly. They adore their owners and are unquestioningly loyal to them. They love water spaniels and other family members.

Dogs have a calm temperament. They are restrained in expressing their feelings. If a pet is offended by a person, it will not show aggression or dissatisfaction. The dog will simply step aside and quietly suffer the injustice.

“ Giants are very friendly, so they take small children calmly. Good-natured pets will gladly take part in outdoor games with a child and will not offend him if the latter pulls his hair.

In relation to older family members or even the owner, dogs sometimes behave very intrusively. They try to accompany a person everywhere, demanding attention.

The Irish are quite friendly towards other pets. But do not forget that this is a hunting dog. Because of this, living with cats, birds or rodents in the same room can lead to certain problems.

But the dog gets along well with his relatives.

Advantages and disadvantages

Advantages of the breed:

  • Excellent security and guard qualities.
  • High intelligence, the dog is easy to train.
  • Good nature. The dog is calm with children and pets.
  • Remarkable qualities of a hunter.
  • Love for water procedures. The dog tolerates bathing well and is always happy to swim in a nearby body of water.


  • Difficult coat care.
  • The dog requires a lot of attention and long walks, as well as physical activity.
  • Tendency to bone cancer.
  • Excessive activity. The dog is not suitable for living in an apartment.
  • Tendency to allergic reactions.
  • Stubbornness.

Care and maintenance

The curly hair of the Water Spaniel requires careful, even painstaking care. In order for such a dog to have the right appearance, you need to move apart its curls, which often get tangled. But such a coat also has its advantages.

These dogs are suitable for people with allergies as they do not shed. Lost hair is held tightly in curls rather than fluttering in the air and remains on carpets and upholstered furniture.

A shaggy hat can be combed for beauty. When caring for your fur, do not forget about the fleas that tend to become infected in it, and if necessary, remove them using convenient methods. Spaniel ears require special attention. They should be checked and cleaned frequently.

A country house is the best choice for such an active and energetic dog. And if it is located near a reservoir, such conditions are generally ideal. Water spaniels are not just that name. They just love to swim. and water hunting is their profession. These instincts should be encouraged and the dog should be allowed to practice hunting skills as often as possible by throwing objects into the water and kicking ducks.

If we get a spaniel like this, the first thing we should do is teach him to ask him to go outside to pee. Also remember to take long daily walks. The leash should be released in a place that is inaccessible and away from cars, so that the dog does not accidentally jump out onto the road while playing.

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Breed standard

Requirements of the official breed standard:

  1. The body of the Irish Water Spaniel should be strong, muscular, and adapted to hunting waterfowl.
  2. The breed is distinguished by its intelligence, endurance, and efficiency.
  3. The head is quite voluminous.
  4. The skull is convex, dome-shaped.
  5. The muzzle is elongated, strong with square outlines.
  6. The nose is quite large, brown and well developed.
  7. The eyes are small, almond-shaped, predominantly brown in color, the expression of the eyes is friendly and good-natured.
  8. The neck is strong, high-set and quite long.
  9. The front legs are straight, compact, the hind legs are muscular with long lower legs and low-set colonies.
  10. The bite can be straight or scissor.
  11. The tail is short, thick and straight.
  12. The Irish have a thick coat with small, steep curls, and large curls or wavy hair are considered a defect.

Standard and appearance

Large dog breeds include: Canary, Caucasian Shepherd, Spanish Mastiff, Weimaraner, Sakhalin Husky, Argentine Dane, Bullmastiff and Richnauzer.

The eyes are medium in size, almond-shaped and color, and come in different shades of brown. The ears are fairly long, drooping and pendulous. The tail is thick at the base, tapering towards the end and long.

This limb, which serves as a rudder when swimming, resembles a rat's tail and has features different from the usual woolen coat: there are still dense curls at the base, but straight, coarse hairs are observed towards the end.

Because of this feature, they are also called rat spaniels or long-tailed spaniels.

This breed belongs to long-haired dogs, and its representatives have a general curly coat, a scoop of thick woolen curls on the head in the form of a “cap” or so-called wigs and a characteristic growing “beard” in the form of a narrow strip.

Long-haired dogs include breeds such as Langhaar, Shih Tzu, Schipper, Iranian Spitz, Lhasa Apso, Yorkshire Terrier, Black Russian Terrier, Labradoodle and Afghan Shark.

However, on the front of the face, on the neck (in the shape of an inverted triangle) and on the tail, this water spaniel breed replaces the soft and curly hair with short, close-lying hair.

The innate color of this dog varies in all shades of brown (it can be warm chocolate, chestnut and others). The Irish Water Spaniel has strong muscles, a long neck that blends smoothly into the shoulder blades, a deep chest and a short loin.

Important! Because of its distinctive “hat” or “wig,” this breed is often called the “masked clown spaniel” or “family clown spaniel.”

Below we will look at the main characteristics of this breed in the form of a short list, all dogs are designated according to their composition:

  • Country of origin: Ireland.
  • Litter: from 3 to 8 puppies.
  • International name: Irish Water Spaniel.
  • Service life: from 10 to 14 years.
  • Height at withers (height): from 56 to 61 cm (males), from 53 to 58 cm (females).
  • Body weight: from 25 to 30 kg (males), from 20 to 28 kg (females).
  • Hair type: thick, curly.
  • Color scheme: burgundy, liver, liver sausage, warm chocolate, similar shades of brown.
  • Hair color: None.
  • Distinctive features: Wet fur, interesting tail, cap, beard.
  • Recognition of breed, group, section, standard: Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI), ¹¹ group - 8 (retrievers, domestic dogs, "water dogs"), ¹ section - 3 (water dogs), ¹ standard - 124.
  • Size: large.
  • Coat length: long.

How to properly care?

First of all, it is worth saying that this breed is not intended to be kept in a city apartment . Only a country house with a large garden plot will suit her. This is due to the fact that the animal is quite large and loves to play and run.

Another important aspect is the wool; it requires careful care. The dog must be combed 2-3 times a week, and bathed at least once a month using special shampoos for long-haired breeds.

In addition, the dog should be trimmed regularly to keep its coat neat and aesthetically pleasing.

Your pet's ears also need regular and careful care . They should be inspected daily and cleaned once a week with a cotton pad and antiseptic lotion.

If you have the slightest suspicion of inflammation of the ears, you should contact your veterinarian.


The dog requires daily walks of 1.5-2 hours, including physical activity.

If there is a body of water nearby, then you need to charmingly give your pet the opportunity to swim.

The spaniel's eyes are also examined daily for discharge and wiped with weak tea leaves once a week..

The dog's teeth are brushed at least once a week using a special brush that fits on your finger and a special paste for dogs.

The pet's nails are trimmed once every 2-3 weeks using a nail clipper, which can be purchased at any veterinary pharmacy or pet store.

Dog names

The names of puppies purchased from the kennel are already listed on the birth certificates at the time of purchase and will be added to the pedigrees upon exchange. If there are no puppies available and you are in line for a pet, you now have the opportunity to come up with a name yourself. Here are some naming options to help you with this:

  • For men: Anwar, Celt, Burton, Doubloon, Kaiser, Curlin, Larson, Roger, Ronnie, Telmar and so on;
  • For women: Atika, Bayra, Dina, Katrice, Lala, Maggie, Oji, Sammy, Tina and others.

How long do they live? Health and major diseases

The average life expectancy of this breed is 12-15 years.

Major diseases:

  • Follicular dysplasia.
  • Entropy.
  • Distichiasis.
  • Epilepsy.
  • Paronychia.
  • Congenital hip dislocation.
  • Cataract.

A distinctive feature of the breed is its tendency to develop osteosarcoma (bone cancer), and this disease has neither gender nor age prerequisites..

The risk increases if the pet has suffered a closed pearl.

The second feature is a tendency to allergic reactions, as well as sensitivity to medications.

Nutritional features - what is best to feed?

Most breeders recommend feeding Irish Water Spaniels natural food, but dry food is also acceptable.

If you prefer to feed your dog dry food, you need to choose a product that is at least premium, designed for dogs prone to allergies..

You should also choose food taking into account the age, gender, health and activity of the dog.

If you find a suitable food, then you should stick with it, since frequent changes of food can have a bad effect on your pet’s health.

As for natural products, the Irish diet must include::

  • Boneless meat (beef, veal, lamb) 300-400 grams per day.
  • Poultry (chicken, turkey).
  • By-products (liver, heart, lung).
  • Fermented milk products (yogurt, kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese).
  • Vegetables (stewed or raw).
  • Fruits (apple, melon, watermelon, raspberries, strawberries, etc.).
  • Boiled eggs (1-2 times a week).
  • Boiled sea fish without bones.
  • Porridge (oatmeal, buckwheat, rice).

It is also worth saying that an adult dog is fed 2 times a day without snacks or treats from the owner’s table.

Features of feeding and diet

Despite the fact that the Irishman perfectly accepts both natural and industrial diets, veterinarians and breeders give preference to the first type of nutrition. This is explained not only by the fact that fairly large individuals are able to eat more than a standard portion at a time. A natural, properly balanced diet has a good effect on the health of your four-legged friend and his coat.

However, industrially produced dry food can also be introduced into the Irish diet. This is possible if the owner does not have time to prepare food. When purchasing dry food, you should give preference only to super-premium or holistic-class products.

With a natural menu, the basis of the diet should be protein in the form of meat products and offal. In addition, the spaniel can be given:

  • cereals (buckwheat, rice, oatmeal);
  • sea ​​fish (no more than once every 2 weeks);
  • vegetables (boiled or raw, chopped).

Adding vegetable oil or fish oil will have a good effect on the appearance of the animal's coat.

But sweets, salty or smoked foods, citrus fruits, baked goods and river fish contribute to the deterioration of the pet’s health, and, accordingly, the quality of its unusual hair.

Sample menu for the week


  1. Breakfast - boiled veal with stewed zucchini.
  2. Dinner : oatmeal with yogurt.


  1. Breakfast - boiled chicken with stewed beets.
  2. Dinner - rice porridge with egg.


  1. Breakfast – turkey with buckwheat porridge.
  2. Dinner – a piece of fish with stewed cabbage.


  1. Breakfast - a piece of beef with fresh carrots.
  2. Dinner – egg with baked pumpkin.


  1. Breakfast – chicken with stewed cabbage.
  2. Dinner – yogurt or cottage cheese.


  1. Breakfast - scalded liver with stewed zucchini.
  2. Dinner – baked beets with buckwheat.


  1. Breakfast – Boiled turkey with carrots.
  2. Dinner – Oatmeal with apple.

How to train correctly? What needs to be taught?

Raising an Irishman should begin from the first days of his arrival in your home. And it begins with memorizing a nickname and reacting to it.

This is followed by accustoming to the place, the diet, and the rules of behavior in the family..

If the dog is planned to be used for hunting, then it should be configured to search for prey. This is done with the help of games.

How many rules exist for training dogs of this breed?:

  1. Irish Water Spaniels do not like frequent repetitions of commands; they quickly get bored with them and stop obeying. Therefore, try to diversify your activities and finish them as soon as your pet gets tired of them.
  2. The earlier you start, the greater results you will achieve. You can start training from the age of one month.
  3. For correct execution of commands, the dog must be rewarded with treats.
  4. Under no circumstances should you use harshness or physical force on your dog. Also, you should not yell at the dog or react too emotionally to its antics.
  5. The future hunter is taught to be patient; for this purpose, a bowl of food is placed in front of him, but he is not allowed to eat without a command.

Education and training

Socialization of the Water Spaniel should begin immediately after it arrives in its new home. Since the Irishman is highly intelligent, there will be no problems in learning his name and simple orders. The animal quickly understands and remembers commands, especially if learning is accompanied by encouragement and praise.

To develop the dog's hunting abilities, special games should be used. They will set the dog up to search for the beast. Here it is important to accustom your pet to self-control and calm behavior, which will come in handy when observing prey. Natural intelligence allows you to quickly achieve good results from the eared hunter.

However, there are several rules that the owner of an Irish Water Spaniel must remember during training:

  • Frequent repetition of the same command should be avoided;
  • monotonous training tires the dog and gives little results;
  • training in the form of a game can begin from the age of 2 months;
  • affection and encouragement will help you achieve the desired results much faster.

Like other living beings, spaniels should not be treated with rudeness or violence. Pets are very emotional and intellectually developed, so they can not only get upset, but also be offended. And if the punishments are repeated, then the relationship between the dog and the person will deteriorate forever.

How to choose?

Before choosing a puppy , you need to decide what you need the dog for, how much you are willing to pay for it, and whether the conditions allow you to have an Irish water spaniel .

It is also worth thinking about whether you can pay enough attention to the dog and provide him with everything he needs.


Before making a purchase, you need to carefully examine the baby to make sure that he is healthy and meets the breed standards.

It is also worth paying attention to the conditions in which the animals are kept in the kennel, as well as to the standing of the puppy’s parents.

To understand what gender to buy a dog, you should ask yourself: what is the purpose of the purchase?

If you need a companion, then it is better to choose a female, as they are more flexible and obedient . If the goal is exhibitions, then the best option is a male, because males look more impressive and more often take prizes.

If you plan to go hunting with your dog, then animals of both sexes are suitable for you, since both of them cope well with this task.

Tips for choosing a puppy

Irish Water Spaniel puppies should only be purchased from trusted kennels. There are very few of them in Russia, but there are still some that offer purebred babies of this breed.

It is best to take puppies at least 2 months old. The baby should be active, inquisitive and have a good appetite. You should check with the breeder about the water spaniel’s diet, check for vaccinations and pedigree.

It is also worth getting to know the puppy's parents. This will help form an idea of ​​what the baby will be like in the future.

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