Description of the “Small Poodle” breed: photos of dogs, accepted standard, character, care features and reviews from owners

The poodle breed is one of the few whose standard includes as many as four varieties: large, small, miniature and toy.

Despite their size, all representatives of the breed are distinguished by excellent obedience and are aimed at working together with humans. However, some nuances in varieties, in addition to size, still exist. Small poodles will be discussed further.

History of origin

Most scientists insist that the breeding of the small poodle took place in France, although the supposed countries of origin of this breed also include Hungary and Northern Germany.

This breed was first mentioned in the 1st millennium BC - drawings of dogs resembling poodles . Active breeding of these animals began in the 15-16th century, but the crossing was quite chaotic, so long-haired pointers, griffins and spaniels are noted among the ancestors of small poodles.


In the Middle Ages, many aristocrats considered it their duty to own a poodle, and Queen Marie Antoinette was no exception. It is she who is credited with the authorship of such a haircut for poodles as the “classic lion”.

Over time, the breed gained even more fans, which forced the owners of small poodles to unite into clubs. As a result, in 1886 the first standard was adopted in Great Britain. And already in 1887 the breed was recognized by the American Kennel Club.

In 1936, uniform standards were adopted for all varieties of this breed. Poodles began to be bred en masse in the 60s of the 20th century.

Interesting facts about toy poodles

The toy poodle is a thinking dog, and such an unusual quality for a pet should be developed and encouraged in every possible way. To do this, the owner needs to communicate a lot with the dog, constantly explain and comment on his actions.

If you don’t raise your toy poodle at all, then there will be nothing good in it. After all, an ill-mannered dog who has no concept of subordination will most likely consider himself the main member of the family and will demonstrate his disobedience in every possible way.

The owner of a toy poodle should think carefully before taking the pet into his bed, because even after the first time it will not be possible to wean the dog from sleeping together.

Reliable facts about the origin of these dogs have not been found, however, as a result of an investigation, canine specialist from Switzerland Rosa Engler expressed a reasonable assumption that the homeland of miniature poodles is Central Asia, or more precisely, Phenicia.

Initially, toy poodles were called differently. At first the breed was called “barbet”, then “mini-poodle”, and in the twentieth century the modern name took root. Excellent memory and a keen sense of smell, inherited from hunting dogs, help the toy poodle to accurately find his way home, even if he gets lost and runs far enough.

Toy poodles are the longest-living dog breed. Their average life expectancy is 15-18 years.

These dogs eat very little, which is a definite plus. However, they are very desperate beggars. After all, in order to get a tasty treat, the toy poodle will dance, fulfill all commands, and look pleadingly into the owner’s eyes.

The Toy Poodle is a very social dog. Growing up in a family, a pet literally becomes humanized, beginning to take a direct part in all household and family affairs.

Description of the breed

The breed is of medium size, height at the withers does not exceed 45 cm, maximum weight is 12 kg. The body is muscular, lean, the length is almost the same as the height. The withers and croup are almost on the same line.

The paws are placed parallel to each other, the joints are quite strong, and the pads are springy. The tail is located at the level of the waist, and looks up at an oblique angle during movement.

The neck has no dewlap, the scruff is strong, the head is set high. They have an elongated muzzle, the color of the nose depends on the color of the coat.

The ears are placed almost in line with the eyes; according to the standard, their length should reach the tip of the nose. The ears are elongated, slightly rounded at the ends, and covered with hair.

The eyes are located under the frontal lobe, medium in size, almond-shaped, and may have a slight slant. Color ranges from light brown to dark brown.

The coat is medium length with a thick undercoat.

The following coat colors are available:

  • white;
  • cream;
  • beige;
  • apricot;
  • chocolate;
  • black;
  • redhead;
  • silver

Performance evaluation and information

  • Country : France.
  • Size: medium.
  • Weight : 8-15 kg.
  • Height : from 35 to 45 cm.
  • Coat : long, curly or corded.
  • Shedding: practically absent.
  • Coat color: white, silver, red, black, apricot, black with a blue tint.
  • Life expectancy: up to 15 years.
  • Litter: average of six puppies.
  • Group: decorative.
  • Purpose : companion.
  • Recognition: CKC, FCI, AKC, UKC, ANKC, NKC, NZKC, APRI, ACR.
  • Advantages : high intelligence, excellent learning ability, friendliness, loyalty.
  • Disadvantages : Can't stand being alone.

Did you know? In the famous literary work “Faust,” it was in the guise of a black poodle that the tempter Mephistopheles appeared to Doctor Faust. Bulgakov in his work “The Master and Margarita” decorated Woland’s cane with the head of a black poodle. The image of a black poodle, symbolizing Lucifer, appeared on many canvases, for example, in Landseer’s engraving “The Acceptance of the Law.”

Character traits

The Small Poodle is an extremely social animal. They are very friendly, so they do not show aggression towards strangers or other pets without proper reason. The animals are loyal, patient, and playful, which makes them suitable for families with small children. These small poodles are highly intelligent and quick-witted.

Dogs need exercise, so they need to be walked daily. They have excellent memory, which improves the learning process during training. Trying to get the owner’s praise, they involuntarily copy his movements and actions, which makes you think that small poodles have a certain sense of humor.

Despite their friendliness, if the owner is in danger, these dogs become real protectors.

This breed of dog needs constant communication, so if the animal is left alone for a long time, it can get sick from boredom.

Many owners of small poodles note the animal’s highly developed intuition. Because this little pet anticipates what command the owner will give him.

Despite their sociability, these animals cannot be called annoying. They feel when the owner wants to be alone, and try not to cause him unnecessary trouble.

Expert opinion

Kozhevin Semyon Kirillovich

Expert dog handler.

Small poodles are quite sociable and friendly, the only animal with which a pet can have a conflict is a cat, but here, too, everything depends on the breed of the latter. Dogs simply love to play with small children, and they especially enjoy active pastimes, such as playing with a ball in the water. The animals are very obedient, and following commands even gives them pleasure.

Breeding Toy Poodles

Toy poodles reach puberty quite early. Females become ready to breed at 7-8 months, and males at 12-18 months. Since already at this time dogs begin to strive for copulation, they need to be closely monitored and protected from unwanted mating, especially for females.

It is also worth knowing that it is unreasonable to start breeding precisely at the onset of puberty, because the animals must still get stronger physically. Thus, it is quite logical to allow females to breed from 18 months, and males from 24 months.

As for the female’s sexual cycle, this event occurs twice during the year with a frequency of 6 months. Accordingly, each sexual cycle ends with estrus

At this time, the female’s external genitalia and mammary glands enlarge and bloody discharge appears, the smell of which serves to convey information about the female’s readiness for mating. It is important for the owner of a female to know that the smell of heat spreads over long distances, attracting males from all over the area, so she needs to be watched closely at this time

There are two ways of knitting: hand and freestyle. The manual method is usually used when mating a young, restless female with a more experienced male. They put a muzzle on the female, hold her by the collar and belly, and also encourage her in every possible way.

When freestyle mating, the bitch and dog are left alone for some time. Typically, this method is used with more experienced females and with a clear interest in the opposite sex on their part.

Mating is usually carried out in the morning, after a preliminary walk and before feeding. It is impossible to separate animals during the act of mating. The second mating (control) is carried out under the same conditions a couple of days after the first.

Advantages and disadvantages

The small poodle dog breed has a number of disadvantages:

  • The need for careful pet care. Poodles are among the very clean dogs, so their owner will have to devote a lot of time to keeping their pet clean. In this case, we are talking not only about bathing, but also about cleaning the ears, eyes, and trimming the nails. This also includes regular brushing of your pet and monthly haircuts.
  • Requires regular physical activity. The Miniature Poodle is a very active dog and will require daily walks.
  • If a cat lives in the house, then conflicts are practically unavoidable.

But all these disadvantages are completely offset by a number of advantages:

  • The animals are friendly and loyal. They never attack and practically do not bark at strangers unless they pose a danger to their owner.
  • Get along well with small children. They are happy to participate in their games, especially if they involve a ball or require swimming.
  • They are highly trainable. Thanks to their good memory and complaisance, animals not only quickly remember commands, but also execute them almost at lightning speed.
  • The coat of small poodles is hypoallergenic.

Behavior and skills

Dogs of this breed are characterized by tirelessness and activity. At the same time, miniature poodles are incredibly elegant and full of self-esteem. If you immediately begin to instill in them the necessary skills, then the animals are particularly attentive and obedient.

Kids are very sensitive to their owner’s emotions and are unobtrusive. Puppies quickly adapt to the interests, routine and rhythm of life of the family.

Accepted standard

The standard of the small poodle breed specifies the following characteristics of the animal:

  • the length of the muzzle is 9/10 of the length of the entire skull;
  • the length of the body is slightly greater than the height of the animal at the withers;
  • the head is proportional to the body;
  • the width of the skull is less than ½ the length of the head: oval along the longitudinal axis, slightly convex in profile;
  • there is a smooth transition from the forehead to the muzzle;
  • developed nose, when viewed from the side – vertical;
  • lips of medium thickness, the upper one lies on the lower one, but does not overlap it;
  • scissor bite;
  • eyes – almond-shaped, black or dark brown;
  • the ears are long, falling along the cheekbones;
  • strong neck with a slightly convex nape line;
  • the body is proportional.

Interesting facts from the life of dogs

Toy poodles are incredibly smart - they are one of the top five smartest dogs in the world. Historical data confirms that the breed has enjoyed well-deserved popularity in all eras.

  1. The fashion for the famous lion haircut has appeared since the time of Marie Antoinette. It is believed that the Queen personally invented it for her pet. The owner dressed the dog in expensive clothes and jewelry.
  2. Prince Rupert of the Rhine's poodle, named Boy, was his owner's real mascot. The famous commander did not suffer a single serious defeat in battle until the dog, his constant companion, died from a bullet at the Battle of Marston Moor. Enemies considered this dog a demon helping its owner.
  3. In 1931, in the USA (New York), the poodle Toby became a millionaire: the deceased owner bequeathed 15 million dollars to the pet.
  4. Among the representatives of the breed there are many gifted actors. Dogs have often become heroes in the plots of books and films.
  5. Beethoven's Elegy (1787) is about the death of a poodle.
  6. Winston Churchill himself was a fan of this dog breed. The dog named Rufus often accompanied his owner, so his image is captured in photographs. In addition, the friends were united by a common love for chocolates.

The poodle breed is very ancient and popular at all times, so interesting facts about the life of such dogs can be cited endlessly.

Photos of colors

There are several different color variations of small poodles, but the most common colors are:

  • Black . Classic color option. The fur of such animals is perfectly black, without brown or gray patches. The skin is gray with a slight blue tint. The nose and claws are black, the eyes are brown.
  • White . Quite a common color option. Puppies are born with apricot or cream fur on the chest, ears, and legs, but as they grow older the fur becomes white. Skin is pinkish.
  • Apricot . Poodles have coats that come in a variety of shades of apricot, but should not be anything close to dark brown or white. The color of the ears is slightly darker than the rest of the coat. Puppies are born darker, but within 2 years their coat becomes lighter. Eyes – brown.
  • Silver . The norm is gray wool, which in its shade is not close to white or black. This coloring is considered complex and takes 2-3 years to form. Puppies are born black, but gradually lighten. Already at the age of 1.5 months, a silvery tint of the muzzle and legs can be observed.

What to feed?

Small poodles in general are not prone to food allergies, but light-colored poodles may develop stained tear ducts due to individual intolerance to certain foods. Most often it is chicken, corn or sweets.

Which dry food to choose?

Also, you should not give light-colored poodles food that contains beet pulp, as this can cause the coat to turn pink.

But for apricot color, such food, on the contrary, is desirable - they give this shade depth and brightness. Apricot wool looks most beautiful on feed from Eukanuba and ProPlan.

There are no specific lines for small black poodles; it is enough to choose high-quality holistic or super-premium food.

Particular attention can be paid to the trace elements of iodine (for example, seaweed). This component gives richness to the pigments in the wool and makes the color darker, and also prevents fading in the sun.

Attitude towards children and pets

Small poodles get along well with children and take part in their games with pleasure. Pets are patient, so even if a child hurts the dog a little, it will not bite him.

Regarding relationships with other pets, the poodle gets along well with other breeds of dogs, birds, and rodents.

Relationships with cats directly depend on the breed of the latter, since if the cat does not provoke the poodle into conflict, then they can even become friends.

Which owner is it suitable for?

The poodle is ideal for families with children; he is ready to tolerate any pranks and get involved in all games.

With his ability to empathize, he is the best companion for older owners. The dog may feel unwell and will definitely settle down next to you. Lonely people will find an attentive listener in him.

With lovers of outdoor activities, the dog will be happy to go for morning runs, swim, walk in the forest, play ball or with a Frisbee.

Unsociable and lazy owners are better off finding another breed.

How to properly care?

Due to the average height of the small poodle, it is quite possible to keep it in an apartment. The main thing is that the pet has its own place. To do this, soft bedding is laid for him closer to the owners’ resting place and away from drafts and radiators.

Representatives of this breed do not shed, but daily brushing is considered an essential part of caring for your pet. These dogs have delicate skin that is prone to irritation, so buy a brush made from natural materials and with soft bristles.

To perform a regular hygienic haircut, you can purchase a machine.


If you want to get a professional haircut of the “lion” or “modern” type, you need to contact a hairdresser.

The ears are regularly inspected, after which their insides are cleaned of dirt using special means. If you have wax plugs, it is recommended to contact your veterinarian.

Small poodles suffer from tearing, so veterinarians advise purchasing special medicinal drops for these dogs.

Dogs' teeth are brushed 2 times a week using a special dog paste. Small poodles are prone to the formation of stones on their teeth, so occasionally you need to take your dog to a professional to prevent the development of an inflammatory process in the oral cavity and prevent tooth loss.

To care for claws, you can purchase nail clippers, trimmers and nail files at any pet store. The frequency of pruning is 2 times a month.

Since dogs have long hair that is prone to getting dirty, the animal is bathed twice a month using special dog shampoos. To dry the wool, it is dried with a hairdryer.

Difficulties of care

The poodle is one of the most unpretentious breeds. But the special structure of the coat needs care and will require grooming skills from the owner.

Bathing a dog

Poodles' coat cleans itself, so there is no need to systematically wash your dog. You can bathe with shampoo if the dog is very dirty in something. For washing, you can only use special shampoo for dogs. A little shampoo needs to be diluted in warm water and whipped into foam. This foam is used to wash the dog’s fur and skin. Next, you need to rinse off the shampoo thoroughly and dry your pet thoroughly with a towel and hairdryer.

How to care for ears, eyes and claws

The ears are the weak point of the breed. The owner of a poodle will have to learn a new skill - plucking. This is required by the hair on the inside of the poodle's ear. If you do not pluck these hairs, earwax accumulates on them and pathogenic microorganisms actively multiply. After plucking, the surface of the ear must be treated with special powder or aqueous chlorhexidine.

In order not to bother with the ears yourself, you can contact a groomer - a dog hairdresser. For the owners of this breed, the groomer is, in principle, the best friend and assistant, because the coat of poodles does not shed, which means it requires frequent haircuts.

Taking care of your eyes is not difficult. Once every two days, you just need to wipe your eyes with a special lotion and remove the crusts.

Important! Tea leaves cannot be used as eye lotion! It can stain the fur, and the dog may also develop allergies. In addition, the tea leaves are not sterile and may contain pathogenic microorganisms.

Normally, a dog wears down its claws when walking. But if the dog leads a sedentary lifestyle, then paw care falls on the shoulders of the owners. Is the dog clicking on the floor? So it's time to trim your claws.

Dogs with white nails usually have a pink part visible at the base of the nail. This is a vessel that should not be touched when cutting. You should cut at an angle of 45° exactly to this pink part. If after trimming the nail there is bleeding, you need to cauterize the area with dry potassium permanganate or apply a cotton swab with hydrogen peroxide.

If your dog has black claws, cut off the claw in small sections. You need to trim the claws until a black dot appears in the center - this is the beginning of the sensitive zone of the claw, next to the vessel.

Life expectancy and illness

How long do small poodles live? The lifespan of these dogs is from 12 to 15 years.

Most often, animals suffer from the influence of fleas and worms. When considering genetic diseases, a predisposition to fusion of the nasal passages is distinguished. The pathology manifests itself in the form of regular snoring and snoring. The problem is corrected surgically.


Congenital pathologies also include a disease such as cleft palate.

In addition, a pet of this breed may suffer from the following diseases:

  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • ascites;
  • epilepsy;
  • postpartum tetany;
  • cataract.


Poodles are easy to train. No wonder they are so often used in circus shows and productions. Possessing quick wit and a sharp mind, these dogs have no trouble learning basic commands. You need to start training from puppyhood. When training, it is worth using a reward model. Brute force should not be used on a dog.

Note! The main difficulty may be the poodle's cunning. They may shirk learning. In this case, the owner must be persistent and offer the dog a treat as an incentive.

Nutritional Features

The pet’s diet directly depends on the type of feeding; if you plan to use food, you should opt for premium products. These foods contain natural ingredients, mineral and vitamin supplements.

When using natural food, the diet must include the following components:

  • lean boiled meat;
  • beef or chicken liver;
  • boiled eggs;
  • kefir and cottage cheese;
  • various cereals;
  • varieties of fish that do not have bones;
  • finely chopped fruits and vegetables.

There are a number of strictly prohibited products:

  • fried, spicy, smoked dishes;
  • legumes;
  • mushrooms;
  • sour cream;
  • dried grapes with seeds;
  • baking


Puppies of this breed are fed 3 times a day; when the dog reaches 8 months, the feeding frequency is reduced to 2 times a day.

Character and habits of the miniature poodle

These four-legged pets are characterized by curiosity, a sharp mind (it’s not for nothing that they rank second in intelligence after the border collie), receptivity and a cheerful, gentle disposition. They are obedient, want to be the center of attention and cannot stand being alone. They learn easily, become strongly attached to people, and can be very dependent on the emotions of the owner.

Children and other pets, such as cats, usually find poodles to be kind and sociable (even if the cat itself is not happy about it), but some dogs can be very jealous or overly excitable. The poodle's sensitivity means that if he is offended, the four-legged friend's behavior will become destructive until the owner apologizes.

The poodle can exhibit guarding qualities to protect its owner, but is more often limited to loud barking without attacking. In general, young poodles like the sound of their own voice, which is why they can become annoying with frequent barking. Although this will pass with age, you should not let it become a habit for your dog.

Among strangers, a mini-poodle behaves distrustfully and warily, just as a cat acts nervous among strangers. However, you should not think that he can easily get lost: these dogs are hardy and, thanks to their excellent sense of smell and memory, they can easily find the shortest path to home, even if they are far from it.

Approximate daily diet

The diet of small poodles can be varied, but the most optimal option is presented in the table below:

Breakfast100 grams of any porridge (preferably rolled oats) or calcined cottage cheese, 4 crackers, previously soaked in milk.
Dinner4 tablespoons of chopped meat mixed with 2 tablespoons of vegetables (potatoes, carrots, beets).
Dinner5-7 tablespoons of shredded chicken or beef mixed with 3 tablespoons of vegetables.

Types of haircuts

The following popular haircuts for small poodles for boys and girls are:

  • Pappy clip . The muzzle is cut short, and the hair on the body and paws is only slightly shortened. The pants have a clear border with a short-cropped foot.
  • Under the lion. The muzzle, cheeks and 2/3 of the throat are trimmed to zero. The hair on the hind legs, outer thigh, and groin is trimmed.
  • Modern. The fur is completely removed from the face, paws, throat, cheeks and belly.
  • Puppy . Almost identical to the modern haircut, but does not create a mane.
  • Anglo-Saxon . At the front, the haircut is done in a “lion-like” manner. Hair 1-2 cm long is left on the lower back, groin and rump.

Buy | sell

matingKhabarovskJanuary 23, 2021

Toy terrier poodle Archie (age 3 years old), looking for a bitch for mating.

buyKrasnoyarskOctober 14, 2020

Call 89135632485

1 Rostov-on-DonNovember 18, 2019

I am selling a toy poodle puppy Phantom. Vaccinated Trained to use the toilet outside. Parents are champions. Brand. Documentation.

60000 Moscow23 April 2019

The Gently Born kennel offers for sale high-pedigree toy and miniature poodle puppies of exclusive color black and tan phantom, parents…

60000 Moscow23 April 2019

The Gently Born kennel offers for sale high-pedigree toy and miniature poodle puppies of an exclusive white-black harlequin color, parents are Champions...

I'll give it to good hands Moscow April 19, 2019

Moscow and Moscow Region (we will consider other options if there are any) We need a special owner for the poodle Chili! Chile is currently around 14 years old. ...

30000 March 25, 2019

Poodle kennel “Leggero Danzatori” offers large royal poodle puppies with an interesting origin and RKF pedigree (parents…

Kazan26 February 2019

I am selling a miniature male Miniature Poodle, silver-blue color. The baby is very affectionate and obedient, litter box trained, has a passport and...

Moscow26 February 2019

I sell high-breed red Toy Poodle puppies. An adult dog is up to 26 cm tall and weighs about 2.5 kg. The kids are perfectly raised on farms...

February 26, 2019

I sell super miniature puppies of the smallest of the Toy Poodles, red color. The kids are well raised, vaccinated, litter trained, have…

12000 Rostov-on-DonDecember 26, 2018

Toy poodle puppies from white parents. Parents are purebred, father has a pedigree.

5000 buy Krasnoturinsk November 13, 2018

I'll buy a toy poodle not expensive

50000 St. PetersburgNovember 12, 2018

A promising small silver poodle puppy (girl 3.5 months) for sale! Charming puppy “Show class” from titled parents: father -…

15000 Rostov-on-Don21 September 2018

Miniature/Toy Poodle puppies for sale and Toy Poodle puppies available. Girls and boys of white, cream, peach and black colors...

matingUlan-UdeSeptember 10, 2018

A beautiful miniature poodle, color Red (red), is looking for a bride for mating. Lives in the village. Tarbagatay, but may come to the city on a date. Age 2 years. ...

50000 September 4, 2018

Adorable maltipoo puppies. Bright colors. They don't shed! Wonderful character, excellent health. The weight of an adult dog is 2-4 kg. , get along well with children,...

23000 Moscow19 August 2018

Miniature and Toy Poodle puppies for sale, black and brown, girls and boys. Vaccinated, vet. passport, accustomed to the diaper tray. PRICES…

45000 Tula15 August 2018

Super mini toy poodle puppies for sale. Up to 20 cm at the withers. Color – silver. Pedigree of RKF. Dad is Russian Champion, RKF Champion. Happiness is in the palm of your hand...

25000 Tula15 August 2018

Toy poodle puppies for sale. Color – silver. Age – 2 months. Boys. Pedigree of RKF. Titled parents. Dad is the champion of Russia, the champion...

13000 Arkhangelsk30 July 2018

I sell toy poodle (mini) puppies, black, vaccinated, odorless, do not shed, do not cause allergies. tel.

30000 July 28, 2018

Puppies (males) are black and brown (small toy). One black one is for home and love (it’s cheaper). Father is brown toy InterChampion, mothers are black (excellent, CR, ChNKP)…

15000 Rostov-on-DonJuly 24, 2018

Toy poodle puppies, a boy and a girl, were born on June 17, mom is a white toy poodle and dad is a black toy poodle, 1500 and 2000, affectionate, kind, playful, will take the sea...

mating Simferopol July 1, 2018

Poodle boy looking for a girl. 4 years old, gray miniature poodle

matingKaluga5 June 2018
matingKaluga5 June 2018
30000 May 29, 2018

Kennel “Collection of Russia” offers toy and miniature poodle puppies, classic color: black, from 2 months, height from 25 cm, puppies…

20000 May 29, 2018

Kennel "Collection of Russia" offers toy and toy poodle puppies, black color, from 2 months, height from 25 cm, puppies vaccinated, branded, for show...

35000 May 23, 2018

I sell beautiful, healthy Miniature Poodle puppies of rare silver color for home use and for show. The babies are well raised, vaccinated,...

buyVolgogradMarch 27, 2018

I will accept as a gift or buy at a reasonable price a small poodle.

Miniature Poodle

15000 Chelyabinsk February 26, 2018

Buy joy for yourself and your loved ones! The last boy left, born January 7, 2022, apricot color (no documents). The Poodle is an ideal companion for the elderly...

How to cut your own hair?

To groom a small poodle, you need to prepare a number of tools:

  • a brush made on a rubber base;
  • comb with large teeth;
  • Puffer with a soft curve;
  • tangle cutter;
  • hairdresser's scisors.

The haircut is performed according to this plan:

  1. Trim after preliminary bathing and thoroughly drying the coat. Before bathing, the animal is combed with a sparse comb and then with a slicker brush. The tangles are sorted out by hand; if they are very dense, then they are trimmed vertically.
  2. After the wool has dried, the silhouette defined by the standard is cut with scissors.
  3. A comb is used for periodic combing of wool.
  4. All parts of the body on which it is necessary to completely remove hair are treated with a machine.

History of the origin of the Miniature Poodle breed

Dwarf representatives of the breed were bred only in the 19th century, although large poodles have been known since ancient times. These dogs helped people hunt, they were used in patrol and search service, and in war. But gradually, due to their attractive appearance, they increasingly began to be kept as a decorative pet. They became popular among rich people.

But the standard poodle is too tall, so breeders developed a dwarf version of the breed. The emphasis was not on working qualities, but on appearance. The mini-version was bred by the Swiss scientist Shaitlin. The first breed standard was approved in France in 1880.

This variety became popular only in the 20th century. Although during the Second World War, interest in dwarf dogs faded. But in the 60s, breeders began breeding again, and at that time representatives of the breed appeared in Russia. Nowadays, toy poodles are one of the most popular decorative dogs.

How to choose a puppy?

When choosing small poodle puppies, you need to pay attention to the following points :

  • the puppy must be active;
  • there is no discharge or traces of shed tears in the eyes;
  • there is no rash or redness on the skin;
  • there should be no matted fur under the tail, otherwise the puppy will have digestive problems;
  • when choosing a bitch you need to look at her character, she is calm, easily makes contact with people;
  • the male must be more temperamental and active;
  • the mother of the puppies should be calm and not show aggression;
  • Documents for animals and their pedigree must be present.

Colors, coat types

In addition to height varieties, poodles differ in coat type. It can be curly or corded. The most common are dogs with curly hair, consisting of neat curls of different sizes that spring back when pressed with your hand.

As for color, according to the breed standard there are six of them:

  • white;
  • black;
  • red (recognized only in 2007);
  • brown (chocolate);
  • apricot (peach);
  • silver (gray).

Among non-standard combinations, black and tan, sable, and harlequin are allowed. The brindle color is considered unrecognized. Merle (marble) coat color is absent in the genotype of poodles.

Nurseries in Russia and the CIS

The following well-known nurseries are distinguished in Russia and the CIS countries:

  • "Empire Viktel" - Moscow;
  • "Charm" - Moscow;
  • “Snowy Lapland” – Moscow;
  • “Leggero Dantazori” – Yaroslavl, Novorossiysk;
  • “Tender Angel” – Odessa;
  • “Sunny Babies” – Krivoy Rog.

The cost of small poodle puppies ranges from 30 to 60 thousand rubles.


The poodle is built very proportionally, has a graceful and fairly muscular body, and long legs. The head is harmoniously related to the body and has an elongated, graceful shape.

Important! The breed standard includes a general description for all varieties of that breed. The only differences are in the size and weight of the pets.

A small poodle weighs approximately 8 – 14 kg, depending on the gender of the dog and the conditions under which it is kept. The height at the withers is approximately 35 - 45 cm. They have a very dense and thick coat, distinguished by ornate pile. The poodle requires careful grooming with regular visits to the groomer or combing and trimming at home.

Experts at exhibitions carefully examine the animal for non-compliance with the standard. In particular, the animal’s teeth are examined. They should be strong and white, with a scissor bite.

The dog moves very easily and quickly. The gait literally resembles a dance. The poodle moves naturally, demonstrating the muscularity of its hind limbs and the beauty of its body. Experts in the show ring carefully monitor the dog's ease of movement and ability to listen to the commands of the owner or handler.

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