Giving birth to a French bulldog - how long do pregnant women walk, pregnancy by day, how do bulldogs give birth

Pregnancy and childbirth are a difficult period for French bulldogs. This is due not only to hormonal changes in the bitch’s body, but also to the anatomical features of representatives of this breed - they have a narrow, low-lying pelvis and a brachycephalic skull, and the puppies have rather large heads. This is why these dogs often require a caesarean section, which should be taken into account by anyone planning to breed the breed.

At what age are bulldogs ready for pregnancy and childbirth?

In female French bulldogs, puberty is completed at 6-8 months, while in males it is at 12-15 months. During this period, the bitch develops a strong need to mate and begins to show an active interest in male dogs. This behavior is accompanied by frequent anxiety.

But a female Frenchie is ready for pregnancy and childbirth only at the age of 1.5-2 years. Bulldogs cannot be mated before this date.

During heat, it is recommended to distract the dog with active games, long walks outside and treats.

Course of pregnancy

The entire pregnancy can be divided into several periods, but it lasts only 2 months. As a rule, it is difficult to calculate the exact date, but this can be done if you keep a calendar of heats and other things. If you do not want to go into these details, knowing the mating date and observing the pet will help you cope with keeping the dog “excellent”.

In the first days you will be able to observe how a pregnant bulldog behaves, usually nothing special happens and for 5 days you will remain in the dark.

Remember the basic truth - do not create additional stress for the dog; after mating, she needs to get a full night's sleep and rest. She may start eating more, don't stop her from doing so.

Take her for a walk, let the dog walk in the fresh air more often, this will help her adjust her body to healthy bearing of puppies. Say “no” to walks in the cold and in the heat - the French bulldog does not tolerate such experiments. And it may not have the best effect on pregnancy. In general, maintain contact with your dog, feed properly, do not shout, and take more care of the dog.

From about the 15th day of pregnancy, the bulldog shows a change in behavior, the dog often sleeps, and is generally reluctant to go outside. In general, she doesn’t want to move, give her the opportunity to sleep. Take him outside for a very short time; during this period, overexertion is extremely undesirable, both physical and mental. Don't be alarmed if the dog starts to refuse food, give more often what the dog likes. If you are forced to eat, toxicosis may occur, resulting in dehydration. You can do an ultrasound, which will help to more reliably assess the situation.

25 days can already indicate whether the dog has puppies in the womb, and an experienced veterinarian will probe and determine their number.

Next comes the second half of pregnancy, from the 30th day exclude:

  • Jumping, sudden movements;
  • Hypothermia or heat;
  • Unnecessary foods, give more animal protein (meat or fish);
  • Stress and extra workload;
  • Overfeeding.

Talk to your veterinarian about which supplements are best for your French Bulldog. Add them to your food, because you need to replenish your body with calcium and other vitamins. During this period, the tummy begins to round and soon the bitch will become completely clumsy. Be careful around a pregnant woman. After all, it is also difficult for her to move on short legs, do not allow overfeeding and too much weight gain.

The most interesting period begins when the dog begins to look for shelter, or rather a place where he can give birth to puppies. Help her in these desperate attempts - build a cozy nest out of a box. Place soft material there, so the dog will feel calmer while waiting for the puppies. This happens approximately 40-50 days. Build the house on a hill about 10-15 cm from the floor so that the bitch does not catch a cold.

The last period is the most difficult for the bitch; there is twice as much care for her. A week before giving birth, appetite may disappear, nipples may swell, and colostrum may be released. Now you need to remove proteins from your diet so as not to create additional stress. Now is the time to talk to your veterinarian about how the birth will go.

The presence of a doctor is highly desirable, especially if this is your first time delivering a baby. Leave your phone in a visible place so you can call him and ask questions, or invite him home. He will also tell you about the necessary ingredients that need to be prepared in advance, but we’ll talk about that too.

And most importantly, it is French bulldogs who most often undergo cesarean section, and consider it your duty to prepare and discuss the operation in advance. It's all about the hormonal system of animals, which does not produce enough substances that make them feel better during childbirth, plus a large head adds difficulties when passing through the birth canal.

All this complicates the process and the presence of a doctor is simply necessary. You also need constant monitoring at a veterinary clinic, even if you did an ultrasound, sometimes puppies can die in the womb, and only an experienced veterinarian can determine this.

Signs of pregnancy in a dog

Bulldog pregnancy may go unnoticed at the initial stage. The first subtle signs may be decreased immunity and irritability of the dog. She begins to react sharply to various external stimuli. In addition, the bulldog begins to be selective about food or refuses it altogether.

Day by day, a French Bulldog's pregnancy develops quite quickly. The birth calendar for a French bulldog is as follows:

  1. In the first seven days there are no signs of pregnancy yet. Attachment of the embryos to the uterus occurs on days 7-16, which is accompanied by morning vomiting - toxicosis (the dog vomits foam).
  2. In the second week, the signs still remain subtle. But if you suspect pregnancy, you should stop taking antiparasitic drugs and other medications.
  3. During the third and fourth weeks, the French Bulldog's behavior changes even more. The female begins to sleep more, walk and play less.
  4. In the fifth week, the bitch's belly grows. Behavior becomes calm, appetite improves and becomes good.
  5. In the sixth week, the female's belly becomes even larger.
  6. By the end of the seventh week, the bulldog is preparing to give birth. She looks for a secluded place, refuses food, and becomes anxious.

Diagnosis, signs

Pregnancy in the early stages is not accompanied by pronounced symptoms. The fact that the mating was successful and after some time it will be necessary to prepare for the arrival of puppies is indicated by a decrease in the dog’s immunity, an increase in its sensitivity to surrounding odors and a change in taste preferences or a complete refusal to eat. Also, 7 to 16 days after fertilization, the bitch may experience morning sickness with foam.

All these signs cannot be called reliable, since in a healthy French bulldog bitch that does not have problems with the kidneys or liver, toxicosis may not appear at all, and her appetite will remain the same or even improve.

You can accurately find out about the onset of pregnancy approximately 3 weeks after mating through an ultrasound.

This will also allow you to determine the number of puppies and find out about the condition of the bitch’s internal organs.

It is also possible to determine pregnancy by palpation: at the beginning of the 4th week, you can feel small lumps located on both sides of the abdomen - these are the embryos of the puppies. This method provides less information than ultrasound and is only possible for bitches with a small layer of fat. Also, with the onset of pregnancy, the dog’s behavior may change: it becomes apathetic, clumsy, and sleeps a lot.

Palpation can only be carried out by a veterinarian or an experienced breeder, otherwise there is a risk of harm to future puppies.


Despite the fact that the first heat, indicating the beginning of puberty, in French bulldogs begins at approximately 6 months, at this age the dog is not ready for pregnancy and childbirth. A six-month-old bitch is not yet fully formed, her body is too weak and will not be able to bear healthy offspring, so it is recommended to carry out the first mating no earlier than the dog is 15 months old. There are no distinctive signs specific to the first pregnancy. The only caveat is a possible later enlargement of the abdomen, due to strong and strong abdominal muscles.

False and frozen

A false pregnancy is the manifestation of all signs of pregnancy in a bitch that has not been bred. Approximately 2 months after estrus, the dog exhibits the following symptoms:

  • she sets up a “nest”;
  • transfers maternal instinct to inanimate objects;
  • behaves irritably and restlessly;
  • her stomach and mammary glands enlarge, milk is produced;
  • Some individuals experience simulated childbirth.

As a rule, this condition is observed in dogs that are not regularly involved in breeding. If the symptoms do not go away on their own, the veterinarian will prescribe sedatives and recommend stopping feeding the dog dairy products and increasing the number and duration of walks. A failed pregnancy is often called false. Despite the similar symptoms, these are different concepts, since in the latter case, signs of pregnancy appear in mated bitches.

A frozen pregnancy can be judged by the absence of movement in the puppies at 8 weeks and the high temperature of the bitch at this time. If these symptoms occur, you should immediately contact your veterinarian.

Deworming should be carried out 14 days before mating, and vaccination 1 month before.

Signs of a false pregnancy in a bulldog

French bulldogs and other dog breeds can experience an imaginary, or in other words, false pregnancy. This condition is characteristic of females who mate irregularly or do not mate at all.

Symptoms of false pregnancy in the French are:

  • restless behavior of the dog, an attempt to find a nest for future offspring;
  • increased irritability, severe anxiety;
  • The Frenchman begins to bring various objects (usually soft toys) to the bed. The female mistakes them for puppies, licks them and even tries to feed them;
  • enlargement of the abdomen and swelling of the mammary glands. Sometimes milk comes out of the nipples;
  • Rarely, but it is possible to simulate childbirth in a French bulldog.

The presence of these symptoms requires contacting a veterinarian. The veterinarian examines the dog and prescribes a dairy-free diet and sedatives. Additionally, you need to walk the dog more often and play with it.

After mating, some French bulldogs experience a phenomenon called frozen pregnancy. Recognizing it is quite simple: at about the eighth week of gestation, the bitch’s temperature rises and there is no movement in the abdomen.

All about knitting

To successfully conceive, you need to properly match the male and female dogs, prepare them for mating, and take care of the dogs after the “date.” But the main thing is to accurately determine the time of ovulation.

When is the best time to breed?

When the estrus begins and the pet is ready for mating, it is determined by several signs:

  • bloody discharge;
  • increasing the loop;
  • the dog becomes affectionate, intrusive, and characteristically crouches.

French bulldogs are mated one day before ovulation. It falls on the 11th – 14th day of estrus. At this time, the discharge will decrease, become discolored, and the loop will lose its elasticity.

Ovulation may be delayed by several days. The exact timing is determined by smear analysis.

A day later, on the 12th - 15th day of estrus, mating is repeated - this will ensure the success of conception. The male must be the same.

Preparation for mating

Both the female and the partner are prepared for mating. Need to:

  • give anthelmintic tablets 1.5 months before French bulldogs come into heat;
  • give more protein foods;
  • introduce vitamin preparations containing calcium, vitamins B, A, E;
  • 5 – 7 days before mating, add 1 tsp to the male’s daily portion. vegetable oil, 5 – 6 drops of liquid vitamin A;
  • eliminate stressful situations;
  • immediately before knitting, wash the loop with an antiseptic solution.

Pets are bred in the male territory - males are more confident at home. Dogs are fed 3 hours before the “date”. Afterwards, the dogs are walked and introduced to them in a neutral zone.

The dog for mating and the bitch must be healthy, without signs of exhaustion or obesity, and vaccinated according to schedule.

Both owners show before mating:

  • certificate of the pet’s physical condition;
  • veterinary passport with notes on vaccinations and antiparasitic treatments;
  • documents confirming breeding value - pedigrees, certificates of prizes at exhibitions, breeding permits.

Carrying out mating

There are 2 types of French Bulldog mating: freestyle and manual. In the first case, the dogs mate themselves; in the second, the owners help.

Hand knitting is practiced when:

  • the male for mating is lower or much larger than the female, which is why he cannot mount and get into the loop;
  • the male is inexperienced;
  • The bitch is not interested in a partner and is aggressive.

With the manual type of mating, they put a muzzle on the bitch, hold it by the throat and lift its rear, placing a knee under its belly. The male is held by the croup and guided.

You cannot touch a male dog’s penis - he will refuse to mate.

Regardless of the type of mating, both owners are present at the mating. The help of an experienced breeder is desirable, because... Complications are possible with both types of mating.

Mating is considered successful when the male freezes after several intense thrusts, and his penis is tightly squeezed by the vagina. This is a lock or gluing. It occurs due to swelling of the dogs' genitals from the rush of blood during mating. Lasts from 5 – 20 minutes to an hour.

If a castle does not form, it is imitated by holding the pets in place. A day later, re-mating is carried out.

During mating, breaks are taken so that the pets can rest. The bitch is taken to the next room for 10 - 15 minutes. There is no need to worry, even when mating is stalled. The feelings will be transferred to the dogs, which will complicate the process.

The mating date is marked on a calendar to determine the onset of pregnancy.

After mating, the dogs are walked for 20-30 minutes, fed and allowed to rest. If the male's penis has not shrunk, it is washed with cool water or cold lotions are applied. Sometimes the edges of the prepuce bend inward - they need to be carefully straightened.

Sometimes, after mating, dogs experience a false pregnancy - when conception has not occurred, but there are all the signs, including an enlarged abdomen and the release of colostrum.

How to care for a bitch during pregnancy?

In order for the bulldog to give birth without complications and the puppies to be healthy, it is important to properly care for the pregnant girl. And the basic requirements are imposed on her diet. Until the fourth week, the French bulldog's menu has not yet changed, but it is already prohibited to treat it for parasites. Starting from the fourth week, you need to reduce the dog’s level of physical activity. At the same time, the Frenchman’s diet gradually changes:

  1. To begin with, the bulldog's menu includes more protein foods. This is lean meat, fish, homemade cottage cheese. You can add greens to porridges and soups.
  2. From the sixth week, the amount of incoming carbohydrates is reduced. That is, cereals, vegetables or bran should be given less often. Raw vegetables or fruits should be finely chopped before serving, or even better, grated. The frequency of feeding increases to three times a day.
  3. From the seventh week, feeding occurs four times a day. Heavy foods that are difficult to digest in the stomach are excluded from the diet. The meat is temporarily exchanged for ocean fish (on the basis that 100 grams of meat are equivalent to 150 grams of fish).
  4. One week before your female French Bulldog gives birth, remove any potential allergens from her diet. Feeding frequency is five times a day, while the total calorie content of the entire menu is reduced. You can give the girl vitamin and mineral supplements.

Despite the long period, it is impossible to completely give up physical activity. This threatens the French Bulldog with obesity and muscle weakness. Subsequently, this leads to difficult childbirth. You need to continue walking the dog, you just need to avoid excessively intense exercise, and especially jumping. In addition, swimming (in open reservoirs) and walking in the cold or heat are prohibited.

The closer the birth is, the more often you need to take your French bulldog outside. Due to the enlargement of the uterus, the dog begins to have a frequent urge to urinate.

How many puppies does a bulldog give birth to?

This question cannot be answered precisely, since the number of newborn puppies may vary with each pregnancy. The birth of small French bulldogs is in any case a great joy.

The number of puppies depends on many factors:

  • age of parents;
  • the health status of the giving birth dog;
  • heredity;
  • conditions of detention and proper care of parents.

Typically, young (1.5 to 2 years old) French bulldogs have 3-5 cubs, but this figure is quite approximate. Bitches over two years old can give birth to 6-7 puppies at once. But this is only possible with proper and careful care for the expectant mother.

A French Bulldog's fertility can be judged by her first litter. If a girl gives birth to few puppies, then in the future she will give birth to about the same number. But there are exceptions to this rule. If you choose the right partner for mating, the size of the litter can be increased. Usually few puppies are born from young males. Therefore, it is better to choose male French bulldogs from two years old and older, with excellent heredity and excellent health.

Signs of impending labor in a bitch

Harbingers of imminent labor in a French bulldog at different stages of pregnancy are:

  • per week: sagging abdomen, hollow sides;
  • within five days: white discharge appears from the loop. This is the exit of the mucus plug;
  • in one or two days: swelling of the nipples, release of colostrum;
  • per day: frequent urination, loss of water;
  • within 8-12 hours: decrease in body temperature (to 36.6 degrees).

Before giving birth, the Frenchman's behavior changes dramatically. The dog completely refuses to eat and settles down in a pre-equipped nest. During contractions, the dog feels severe pain, so it whines loudly and worries. Girls who give birth for the first time worry the most. They begin to drink a lot of water and rush around the apartment from corner to corner. During contractions, the Frenchman's breathing quickens and his heart rate increases. If you place your hand on your French Bulldog's tummy, you can feel the uterus tense and relax.

When there are 30-60 minutes left before the birth of the puppies, and the pregnancy period has come to an end, the Frenchie bitch squats and arches her back, while stretching her front legs forward. Before giving birth, the female French bulldog lies on her side.

Why is there no heat

Sometimes estrus in female French bulldogs is delayed or goes unnoticed. This is a reason to contact a veterinarian, who will conduct an examination and identify the problem (if there is one).

Possible reasons for the absence of heat in a French bulldog bitch:

If you suspect such pathologies in a French bulldog, you need to undergo diagnosis and treatment.

Important! The interval between estrus can be set in the first 2-3 estrus. If this interval is more than 8-10 months, then you need to have your female French Bulldog checked by a veterinarian. The same should be done when sexual heat occurs earlier than after 5 months.

Giving birth to a French bulldog

First of all, the owner of a French bulldog needs to prepare for childbirth. The first thing you need to do is arrange an ideal place for the birth of future puppies. For a pregnant female you need to have a convenient box (or drawer). She will give birth in it. The size of the box is determined as follows: it is necessary that the female can easily rest her back and paws against the walls. This body position will make it easier for her to endure pushing. An oilcloth and an old warm blanket are placed at the bottom of the box.

The room where the French bulldog will give birth should be light, clean and warm. The female Frenchie is pre-washed with warm water and hypoallergenic soap. Then the dog is rinsed with slightly diluted potassium permanganate. The hair in the area of ​​the nipples and loops should be cut off.

During the birth of a French bulldog, the owner should have the following things on hand:

  • gauze, disposable diapers, towels. Everything must be clean and sterile;
  • oilcloth;
  • potassium permanganate solution;
  • alcohol;
  • iodine;
  • Vaseline oil;
  • thermometer and room thermometer (to monitor the temperature in the room);
  • syringes;
  • sterile cotton wool;
  • special scissors with curved tips;
  • sterile and strong cotton thread;
  • electronic balance;
  • a bowl of clean water;
  • Oxytocin ampoules;
  • notepad, pen.

The birth of pregnant French bulldogs consists of two stages - preparation and the birth itself. The preparatory stage of childbirth lasts from six to thirty hours. It is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • opening of the birth canal;
  • contractions of the uterus.

If the female’s temperature rises to 39 degrees, bloody or purulent discharge from the loop, or constipation appear, this indicates a complicated course of labor.

After the preparatory stage of childbirth, pushing begins. Puppies are born at intervals of 10 to 60 minutes. If two hours have passed since the birth of the last baby, labor can be considered completed. And then the Frenchman needs to be injected with Oxytocin.

Usually, the French bulldog independently bites off the umbilical cord after birth, frees the babies from the placenta and licks them. But if the girl is tired, then the owner must take on part of the work. By the way, there is no need to prohibit the Frenchie from eating the placenta after giving birth - it contains many nutritional components for the dog. But you should not give the girl more than two fetal sacs, otherwise she will experience digestive upset.

Preparing for the birth of a dog, what you will need

Even if your dog is still 50 days pregnant, it is never too late to make all the preparations for the birth. You need to stock up on healthy foods, because the whelping bitch will need proper nutrition. Just like before, the dog will need fresh greens. You haven’t forgotten about raspberry leaves, which many dog ​​breeders traditionally give to pregnant French women, have you?

The new mother will need to eat often and eat the healthiest thing that can be offered to the dog. Immediately after childbirth, warm tea with milk or semi-liquid porridge with milk will help restore strength. And in the following days, be sure to give your French bulldog cottage cheese and kefir; these products should be low-fat, since the colostrum that the dog will feed the puppies contains a lot of fat. There are special foods for bitches who have given birth to puppies; ask your veterinary pharmacy about this food and it is better to take it for French bulldogs.

You should also purchase the following products at a store or pharmacy:

  • Gauze and towels;
  • Manganese;
  • Syringes, alcohol, iodine;
  • Petrolatum;
  • Oilcloth fabric;
  • Cotton wool, sticks, discs;
  • Scales to weigh puppies;
  • Pen and notepad;
  • Oxytocin – ampoules;
  • Scissors are sharp with rounded edges;
  • Colored woolen threads, white strong threads (to tie the umbilical cord);

You will also need a large box, preferably a wooden one; perhaps you have already prepared it and are accustoming it to the new room, in this case the “prenatal ward”. And this is good - this way the dog will understand that it is necessary to give birth in a box, and not on your bed or another corner of the apartment. By the way, make this most important corner of the room the warmest and quietest for her. It is advisable that this place be dark and calm.

For puppies, you also need a box, but a smaller one, and it should be placed inside a large house. The large box should not have a roof, and the dog should freely pass through the door of its room. Prepare a thermometer, you will measure the temperature in the room, it is advisable to maintain a temperature of 28 degrees, this will keep the puppies warm, but the mother will have to be patient just a little bit. You will use a scale to weigh the puppies, and a notepad and pen to record all the data.

Cover the boxes with a large tarpaulin or oilcloth the day before the birth. Insulate the house and prepare a warm soapy solution, rags, towels, and cut the gauze. Make a solution of potassium permanganate to wash the dog's genitals before and after birth.

How to properly deliver a bitch?

Since most French Bulldog owners give birth at home, you need to know a few basic rules:

  1. You can't leave the dog alone. She needs her owner's support.
  2. If the amniotic sac did not rupture at the birth of the puppy, you need to do it yourself. After this, use a gauze napkin to wipe the baby’s mouth from the accumulated viscous mucus. If this is not done, the puppy will suffocate. Then you need to tie the umbilical cord with a strong, clean thread. This is done at a distance of 1-2 centimeters from the puppy’s tummy. The umbilical cord is then cut with sterile scissors slightly higher than the thread. The edge of the umbilical cord should be treated with iodine and the baby should be given to the mother.
  3. Already born puppies should be placed in a pre-prepared box, which will contain a heating pad.
  4. After birth, each baby must be weighed and the result recorded. To avoid confusion, puppies are marked with multi-colored ribbons.
  5. In between the births of cubs, you need to give the female a drink of water and wash her tummy with a solution of potassium permanganate.
  6. Any deviations from the normal course of labor and obvious complications require urgent contact with a veterinarian.

If the owner thinks that he cannot cope, it is better to give birth to a French bulldog with an assistant or a veterinarian.

When should you breed a bitch?

mating of dogs should occur no earlier than 9-14 days after the start of estrus; everything about mating dogs can be clarified either from an experienced breeder or from a veterinarian

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Possible complications during labor

French bulldogs, unfortunately, often carry offspring and give birth with complications. Common pathological conditions include:

  • false pregnancy;
  • fading of pregnancy, which leads to the death of offspring;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • insufficient intensity of uterine contractions during pushing;
  • infection of the birth canal (often purulent);
  • mastitis. This is an infection of the mammary glands in a Frenchman, which is characterized by an inflammatory process, discharge of pus and high temperature.
  • lack of colostrum after the birth of puppies.
  • large fruits or their incorrect position. This is the main indication for a cesarean section.
  • tetany is a serious complication in which the level of calcium in the blood of a Frenchman decreases to a critical minimum. Symptoms include tremors, partial paralysis and severe weakness.
  • eclampsia (a form of late toxicosis). A condition in which a female's blood pressure rises critically. Can be deadly.
  • mother's refusal of puppies.

French bulldog after birth: care and nutrition

Proper care for a female Frenchie after giving birth is the key to a quick recovery of the dog’s body. Especially if the birth was complicated. And the key here again is nutrition. In the first week after birth, the animal should be given:

  • liquid porridge;
  • boiled fish;
  • sour milk;
  • lean beef and chicken.

In the second and third weeks after birth, plant products and meat by-products are introduced into the French menu. As an addition - bone meal and ascorbic acid. In order for the bitch to produce more milk, she is given strawberry leaves, honey and walnuts. In this case, the feeding frequency is 3-4 times a day.

It is important to monitor not only the mother’s nutrition, but also the puppies’ nutrition after birth. They are placed one by one on the bulldog's nipples. In the first week after birth, they eat 12 times a day. In the second week - 8 times, and subsequently - 4-5 times. If the Frenchie does not have milk, then the owner needs to feed the newborn puppies on his own.

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