Asian Shepherd (Alabai) - breed standard, habits, training, puppy price

Powerful, stately, selflessly devoted to its owners, the Asian Shepherd is a real dream for many dog ​​lovers. But is it so easy to get along with such a pet in everyday life? You should answer this question in advance, since the Alabai breed, or in other words the Central Asian Shepherd Dog, has a unique character. Today's review will tell you everything a responsible owner needs to know.

History of the Alabai breed

Experts believe that the age of the Alabai breed is from 3 to 6 thousand years. This is one of the most ancient dogs that have retained their original appearance to this day. Confirmation can be provided by a terracotta figurine found during excavations of a Bronze Age settlement and dating back to approximately 2000 BC. e. Interestingly, the dog’s tail and ears are cropped.

Alabai puppy

The differences in the names - Turkmen Alabai, Kazakh wolfhound - are due to the fact that the breed was originally formed over a fairly vast territory - from the Caspian Sea and the Southern Urals in the west and north to the foothills of the Dzungarian Alatau and Pamirs in the east and south, where several states are located today. From a geographical point of view, the most accurate name would be “Central Asian Shepherd Dog”, under which the breed is registered.

Descendants of ancient Molossians and Great Danes, Alabais were originally bred for herding and guard work. Nomadic tribes needed a dog that would have enormous strength, fearlessness, endurance and unpretentiousness. All these features were embodied in a gigantic animal with graceful, almost cat-like movements and a proud look.

The spread of Alabais outside Central Asia began approximately in the 30s of the last century, and professional breeding of the breed in kennel clubs started even later. Maybe this is for the better - man simply did not have enough time to spoil what was inherent in this amazing dog through thousands of years of natural selection.

In the summer of 1990, the State Agricultural Industry of the Turkmen SSR approved the breed standard “Turkmen Alabai”. On the territory of the Russian Federation, FCI standard No. 335, published in January 1989, is applied. According to this classification, the breed is called “Central Asian Shepherd Dog”. Since then, no changes have been made to the standard. The purebred Turkmen wolfhound is recognized as a national treasure of Turkmenistan (along with Akhal-Teke horses) and is prohibited from being exported from the country.



The Alabay (Central Asian Shepherd Dog) is a multi-purpose working dog native to Russia and the former Soviet republics of Central Asia. The breed is used for livestock protection, dog fighting, personal and property protection, and military work. The Central Asian Shepherd is one of the most popular breeds in the region of its origin. Alabai is a large and strong pet. It can not only survive, but also thrive in the harshest conditions found on Earth.

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The Alabai dog is shown in the photo.

Appearance of the Central Asian Shepherd

Impressive size, strong constitution and thick coat are the key characteristics of the Alabai’s exterior.


The height at the withers of a male is at least 70 cm, of a female - 65 cm. More significant growth is encouraged while maintaining a harmonious build.


An adult Alabai male weighs from 50 kg, a female – from 40 kg.


Alabai muzzle

Massive in proportion to the overall texture of the body, the shape of the head (side and top views) is close to rectangular. The skull is flat, long, with a well-developed occipital protuberance. Stop – moderate.


Blunt, medium length, almost not tapering towards the nose. The back is usually straight, although a slight hump is allowed. The chin is well defined. The nose is large, but does not protrude beyond the general contour of the head. The color of the lobe is black; in white and fawn Alabais it can be lightened. Lips preferably have black pigmentation; the upper lip covers the lower jaw with closed teeth. The jaws are wide and strong, the teeth are white, even, and the bite is scissor-shaped.


Alabai's eyes are oval-shaped and medium in size. Widely spaced. Color – from light to dark brown. The eyelids, regardless of color, are always black.


Low set, triangular in shape, hanging. Ears are cropped in the countries of origin or where the law does not prohibit this.


The Alabai neck is of medium length and muscular. As a special feature of the Central Asian Shepherd Dog, the dewlap stands out.


Adult male Alabai

Straight, wide, with well-developed muscles. The loin is short, slightly convex, powerful.


Deep, wide and quite long, widening towards the back. The lower part of the chest is lowered to the level of the elbows, and sometimes lower.


The tail of the Alabai is set high and quite thick at the base. Before docking, it is crescent-shaped. Sometimes in the last third of the length it can be rolled into a ring. Both options are equally acceptable - a docked or natural tail.

Front legs

Straight, parallel. The backbone is strong.

hind legs

Straight, parallel with strong bones. Set slightly wider than the front ones.


Large, round, collected in a lump. Claw color - any.


The Alabai has coarse, straight and thick fur. The undercoat is well developed. There are short-haired Alabais (hair length 3-5 cm) and dogs with longer hair (5-7 cm). Asians of the second type are characterized by a small mane on the neck, feathering behind the ears, on the limbs and tail.


Any except blue, brown and black.

Faults, defects and disqualifying characteristics are determined by experts depending on the severity and severity of certain deviations from the CAO breed standard.

Are boys different from girls?

During the first 6 months of life, the exterior of Alabai dogs is identical in males and females, and it is impossible to determine the gender of a puppy just by looking at it.

When dogs reach the age of 9-10 months, their exterior differences are already pronounced. The male's height at the withers reaches 80 cm, he weighs about 70 kg and has a massive overweight body and a bear-like large head. the girl, in turn, has a more graceful silhouette, she grows up to 70 cm at the withers and weighs 60 kg.

Character of Alabai

The type of higher nervous activity of the Alabai can be classified as balanced and calm. The balance of mental processes is manifested in the following behavioral reactions: dogs are calm and not subject to fussiness. Compared to males, the psyche of females is more dynamic.

The President of Turkmenistan presented Putin with an alabai

The character of the Alabai is self-possessed, proud and independent. The dog is distinguished by self-confidence and even some mystery. In relation to strangers, the animal behaves distrustfully and warily, at the same time showing amazing sensitivity to the mood of the owner. The way of life of the ancestors did not leave the imprint of simplicity and rudeness on the behavior of the Alabai; this dog is rather characterized by a serious attitude to life with a touch of slight arrogance.

The Central Asian Shepherd is prone to rapid social adaptation and will easily find its place in a human family. The attitude of the Alabai towards other members of the “pack” can be described as peaceful. They also react calmly to pets living with them under the same roof. Asians treat children very well, and the difference between “friend and foe” in this case is not taken into account by the dog.

A true Central Asian Shepherd dog will restrainedly show its distrust of a stranger - it will give vent to its protective instincts only in case of obvious provocation from a stranger. The active defensive reaction of the Alabai has its own characteristics. He will very jealously guard the territory, showing aggression only if the border he has established is violated. In the “neutral zone” the dog will react to other animals or strangers rather with arrogant indifference.

Alabais usually behave calmly during walks, not wasting time on trifles and not reacting to loudly barking mosquitoes, although a strong leash is still necessary when walking the dog in crowded places.

Gender differences are manifested not only in the appearance of dogs, but also in their behavior. A male dog attacks a stranger when trying to trespass without any warning; a female dog attacks as a last resort, trying to solve the problem by barking warningly and blocking the road.

An interesting fact is that the nomads of Central Asia immediately rejected and shot dogs that showed unjustified aggression towards humans, so if, when buying an Alabai, you want to get an angry dog, then you are on the wrong track. Anger as a character trait in a true Asian is absent at the genetic level. To cripple the psyche of this magnificent dog, trying to raise an evil monster out of him, is simply a crime.

If you want to have a reliable security guard and an unspoiled friend in your home, then Alabai is the best choice!

Dream Interpretation

Many people are interested in: why do you dream about Alabai? In general, the dog has always been considered a symbol of friendship and loyalty. A dream with alabai portends news from your friend.

The color of the pet also matters:

  • Black: Beware of your friend. Perhaps he is planning something against you.
  • White color: Be confident in your close friend.
  • Red color: means your boyfriend, husband or wife.

Remember the behavior of Alabai in a dream. The dog grins at you - beware of your friend. You are running away from an animal - beware of the pitfalls in life. You play with your pet - good news awaits you. A dog that barks, growls, attacks - scandals and insults will soon await you.

Education and training

Owners of Central Asian Shepherds must clearly understand that training and proper education for such a strong animal, which also exhibits pronounced defensive reactions, are necessary by definition.

Another important principle is systematic training. They should be carried out daily and last at least 20-30 minutes. It is very good if the process takes place with the participation of all members of the owner’s family. By the age of seven months, your pet should follow the basic simplest commands: “Come to me!”, “Sit!”, “Place!”, “Ugh!” and so on.

It should be remembered that Alabai is quite capricious and is unlikely to immediately obey you. You can achieve results only by showing a fair amount of patience and finding ways to interest your Asian in the learning process.

Don't forget to reward your big friend for the correct execution of the command, and simply for good behavior. A tidbit, a friendly stroking of the neck, an affectionate kind word will be a good incentive for your pet. One should treat with understanding and patience such character traits of the Alabai as the desire to independently understand the world around him, curiosity, and excessive persistence in achieving a goal (which is often known only to him).

As an Asian grows up, he becomes very attached to his “pack” and to his place of residence, which is typical for guard-type dogs. You should carefully monitor your shepherd's behavior towards strangers. When communicating with “your own”, you should also not allow much familiarity. Stop your dog from pouncing on people in your household. While Alabai is a puppy, it still looks funny, but standing on his feet when an adult dog begins to show his feelings in this way is already problematic.

As for gender differences in relation to the training process, males learn much easier. Girls are much more subtle and cunning; they have much more tricks in their arsenal to avoid obeying the “teacher.”

A lot depends on the quality of training an Alabai puppy, so you can only trust this important process to professionals. Only a competent specialist can turn a clumsy plush puppy into a real guard dog, realizing the main purpose of the Central Asian Shepherd Dog.

Alabai puppies


The female's pregnancy lasts 56-64 days. A week before the expected date, choose a place for birth. A pregnant Alabai bitch should get to know him.

It is advisable to prepare disposable diapers, cloths, medicines, a baby box, warm water and scales.

Signs of labor are as follows:

  • The girl is losing hair in the nipple area.
  • The pet became restless.
  • Immediately before giving birth, the girl begins to experience intermittent breathing. One gets the feeling that the dog does not have enough air after running.
  • A day before giving birth, a plug comes out (this is a blood clot that blocked the cervix).

Since Alabai are strong dogs, they usually give birth on their own. But still, you must control the situation and stock up on the veterinarian’s number in advance.

The bitch gives birth to 9 to 12 puppies. Their weight is 500-700 grams. Monitor your dog after birth. She can “torture” kids with her love.

Care and maintenance

Alabaev cannot be classified as a spoiled breed of dog. Their ancestors lived in very difficult conditions and passed on their unpretentiousness to today's Asians. But this does not mean at all that the owner does not need to organize proper care for his pet.

This large dog is not well suited for living in a city apartment; the best option would be to live on the territory of your country house, where you can arrange a spacious fenced enclosure with a booth for keeping the dog. This applies more to an older dog, and it is advisable to keep the Alabai baby in the house at first, giving him a place away from heating appliances and windows. The puppy should have the opportunity to rest peacefully, away from the hustle and bustle of home. A stronger, matured dog can be transferred to a permanent place of residence in an enclosure. If you are a typical city dweller, then remember the need to walk your pet twice a day, and the duration of each exercise should be at least two hours. While the Alabai may not be on a leash in the enclosure, then for walks you will definitely need a leash (preferably made of tarpaulin tape) and a muzzle.

It is necessary to systematically examine the animal's mouth, ears and eyes. Alabai's eyes can be washed with cotton wool soaked in strong tea leaves, and it is better to treat the ears with special products applied to a cotton swab. Do not use ear sticks under any circumstances!

These dogs are bathed once a month or less, and after washing the pet should be dried thoroughly.

Coat care consists of systematic combing, it is especially important not to forget about this during active spring molting.

Alabais love cleanliness very much, so do not forget to wash the bedding at least a couple of times a month, but you can vacuum it or shake it out thoroughly every day.

Feeding such a large dog has its own characteristics: up to two-thirds of the diet should be meat. It should be lean (beef, veal) and always fresh. If there are problems with the preparation of fresh meat, it is permissible to use high-quality ready-made feed. Your pet's size and lifestyle will influence your menu choices. You cannot feed Alabai with dry mixtures for small breeds of dogs.

Pickles, sweets, flour dishes, spices, and long bones of poultry are contraindicated for the Central Asian Shepherd Dog. Porridge (preferably buckwheat, rice or oatmeal), low-fat sea fish, fresh vegetables and fruits, eggs, and low-fat dairy products are welcome in the diet.

A balanced diet, which must contain the required amount of vitamins and microelements, and a sufficient (but in no case excessive) amount of food, are the main rules for organizing the feeding of Alabai. Clean water should be available to the dog at all times.

Proper care is the key to your pet's good condition.

Interesting Facts

  • Alabais are the eighth largest dogs in the world.
  • The record holder for size is an animal named Bulldozer. The largest Alabai in the world lives in Russia. The weight of the largest dog reaches 125 kilograms.
  • The word alabai means “motley” or pockmarked.”
  • As a protest, the pet may relieve itself in the most unexpected place.
  • In some countries it is prohibited to keep the breed, as it is considered aggressive.
  • You can see Alabai in such films as “Makar the Pathfinder”, “Boatswain”, “Okhlamon”.
  • The Uzbeks call the dogs Buribassars, which literally means “wolfhound.”
  • Many people wonder: why does the little Alabai bite? This is due to his built-in hunting instincts. You need to explain to your pet in time that you shouldn’t do this.
  • Is Alabai dangerous for humans? Of course, if you are a stranger who has entered his territory.
  • There is a variety of the breed called the Turkish Alabai Kangal. According to the myth, the dog was given to the Ottoman padishah. He was delighted with the strength of the dog, which was able to kill the lion. The photo shows a Turkish Alabai dog.

Health and diseases of Alabai

Being a descendant of dogs that have accompanied nomadic tribes in Central Asia since time immemorial, Alabai inherited good health and good immunity to various diseases.
But this does not mean that your pet is absolutely immune from health problems. Some of them may be due to genetic problems, and some are a consequence of improper maintenance. As with all large dogs, diseases of the musculoskeletal system come first. The large weight of the animal leads to increased stress, which is associated with a high risk of dysplasia of the hip and knee joints. Walking for a limited time can cause the dog to become obese, and this will certainly lead to various forms of arthritis or arthrosis, and your “giant” will suffer from severe pain. The best prevention in this case will be the organization of a balanced diet with a high content of calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and other microelements in the feed, and high physical activity.

Be sure to deworm your dog twice a year with proven and effective means. This is all the more relevant given that some types of helminths pose a serious danger to humans. Symptoms of a dog being infected with parasites include lethargy along with poor appetite, loose bowel movements, and weight loss. Timely measures taken will prevent the problem from occurring.

Metabolic disorders, which can lead to diabetes, are also a consequence of poor nutrition. Remember, food from your table is not suitable for your dog! Salt, spices, and sweets in the Alabai diet are a direct path to health problems. Allergic reactions are also possible when using “dog” food, so it is worth paying enough attention to the proper nutrition of your pet.

To combat fleas and ticks, the most effective way is to wear a special collar. It will be much more difficult to cure demodicosis, which occurs quite often among Alabais. This disease is caused by microscopic mites and causes redness, severe itching, and hair loss in the dog. Remedies for this disease are toxic, so it is very important to calculate the correct dose specifically for your pet. Only a veterinarian can do this correctly.

Attentive attitude towards the dog, timely vaccination, proper maintenance and balanced nutrition are the main conditions for preserving and maintaining the good health of a large and devoted friend.

Alabaev color

Turkmen Alabais are covered with straight and slightly rough hair with a thick undercoat. The breed standard allows for a wide range of colors:

  • White Alabai has a solid, monochromatic color, which is why it resembles a polar bear. Spotted colors are acceptable, when black, red or gray marks are randomly scattered across the body;
  • Red dogs' fur can be any shade - from golden to brown. Spots on the chest, belly, muzzle and limbs are not considered a fault;
  • black alabai is distinguished by a coal-black color, both uniform and diluted with markings;
  • Alabai can be black and white - this is one of the most common colors. There are two options: dark spots are present on a white background or light spots on a dark one;
  • The fawn color of the Alabai resembles river sand. On the underside of the body the shade is slightly lighter; there is a dark mask on the muzzle;
  • The Central Asian Shepherd Dog of brindle color has thin black stripes scattered over a brown, fawn, yellow or gray background. Sometimes there are so many of them that the animal is mistakenly considered piebald;
  • The gray Alabai is covered with hair with a light, pigment-free band, which divides it into several zones. At the base the fur is light, then there are colored areas. The tip can be either light or dark.

The most valuable are black, tiger and white alabai. Genetic brown or blue coloring are disqualifying faults.

How to choose a puppy

It is better to purchase an Alabai puppy from a nursery or from breeders of this breed. This will give you certain guarantees of the purity of the breed and the health of the dog, both physical and mental. When choosing a baby, experts recommend paying attention to the following points.

  • Puppy age. It is better to take a Central Asian Shepherd dog at least two months old. By this time, the animal has already completed the necessary vaccination course and the activation procedure, which is provided for by law.
  • Mother's age. The healthiest offspring are obtained from bitches between the ages of two and eight years. The previous birth must have taken place at least a year ago.
  • Number of babies in the litter. Experts say that the optimal number of puppies is six.
  • Floor. Girls are more inquisitive and active, but are not as confident in their abilities as males. But if you have small children in the house, then it is better to give preference to the young lady.
  • Puppy behavior. Alabai is a strong animal by nature, a leader dog. These qualities should also be seen in children. Drop a book on the floor or tap your hand on the enclosure net - the puppy who is immediately interested in new sounds is definitely suitable to be your friend.

Don’t forget to evaluate the appearance of the shepherd. A healthy baby is active, eats with appetite, has a shiny coat and clear skin. The nose is moist, the ears and eyes are clean. There are no signs of indigestion under the tail. The Alabaika should be of medium (compared to other puppies in the litter) size; small and overly large puppies should be culled immediately.

Pay attention to the wool too. The little dog's one is plush and short. Long hair indicates that one of his ancestors “sinned” with the Caucasian Shepherd Dog.

But the most important thing is that before buying a puppy you must be sure that it is the Alabai that you need.


There are several kennels in Moscow where Central Asian Shepherds are bred. There they monitor their health, weight, nutrition, etc. We recommend making a purchase at such an institution.

The price of an Alabai from a breeding Moscow nursery for 2022 is 35-40 thousand rubles. Private dog breeders sell puppies of this breed much cheaper, from 5 to 20 thousand rubles.

Before you take the animal home, evaluate its appearance. He must be strong, curious and cheerful. A 2-month-old Central Asian Shepherd puppy must remain stable. If he falls while walking or running, he probably doesn't have enough calcium in his body. You shouldn't buy such a dog.

How much does alabai cost?

There are a number of objective and subjective factors that determine the cost of an Alabai puppy. These include:

  • exterior. Experts distinguish between excellent, good, simple and very simple. The price gradation is directly proportional to the assessment;
  • signs (or lack thereof) of tribal marriage. This should be of greater concern to those who plan to participate in exhibitions or want to become a breeder. A dog with a plembrace is not suitable for this application. And don’t even doubt that he can become just a good friend and a reliable guard for you;
  • puppy coat color. White alabai will cost much more.

The cost may also be affected by where the breeder lives. Statistics show that in Moscow and the region prices are higher than in the periphery.

Contrary to popular belief, the size of the puppy does not particularly affect the price. Nature alone knows what exactly your pet will be like as an adult.

The average prices for small Alabais start from 15 thousand rubles - most often these dogs have a breed, puppies of a simple exterior will cost in the range of 15-20 thousand rubles, for an Asian “with a future” you will have to pay at least 30 thousand rubles.

Remember that the puppy must have correct registration documents. Without them, it’s just a dog that looks like an Alabai. If you just love animals and want to make a loyal friend, then this warning is not for you. In the end, the degree of love, affection and loyalty has never been measured by the presence of this or that, even the most important, paper.

Vaccination schedule

AgeThe drug and its purpose
3-4 weeks (optional vaccination)Nobivac Puppy DP – vaccine against canine distemper and parvovirus enteritis
8-10 weeksNobivac DHPPi + Lepto – against canine distemper, infectious hepatitis, parvovirus enteritis, parainfluenza and leptospirosis
10-13 weeksNobivac DHPPi + Lepto + Rabies – against canine distemper, infectious hepatitis, parvovirus enteritis, parainfluenza, leptospirosis, rabies
6-8 months (after teeth change)Nobivac DHPPi + Lepto + Rabies – against canine distemper, infectious hepatitis, parvovirus enteritis, parainfluenza, leptospirosis, rabies

In the future, vaccinations must be carried out annually at the same time.

In addition to the Nobivac drug, Eurican, Primodog, and Duramune vaccines are popular.


Only a healthy dog ​​can be vaccinated; deworming must be done 10-14 days before vaccination.

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