Australian Shepherd dog. Description, features, care and price of the breed

Description of the Aussie breed

Popularity 153rd among 263 dog breeds


13-15 years old

Breed group:



males: 52-58 cm, females: 46-53 cm

Country of origin:


Average price:

60 thousand rubles


males: 25-30 kg, females: 18-25 kg
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Unfortunately, in Russia there are few representatives of this wonderful herding breed, or rather no more than 90-100. Most private traders sell ordinary tricolor mongrels under the guise of Australian Shepherds. Often this is even a poorly disguised deception.

The main sign by which you can identify a high-breed shepherd dog from a mongrel or mixed breed is that the color of its nose matches the main tone of the coat. For example, in animals whose body color is dominant brown, the nose will be the same.

The average price of an Australian Shepherd in the Russian Federation is 35-40 thousand rubles. If the puppy’s parents are dogs with diplomas or titles, then its cost can reach up to 50 thousand rubles.

Key facts

The country of origin of the Aussie is called the United States of America - despite the full name of the breed (Australian Shepherd). The dog's endearing appearance hides in it a strong protector of its family. The dog will cheer you up with funny antics and inexhaustible optimism.

As for the “technical” characteristics of the Aussie breed, the weight of the dogs varies from 18 to 30 kg, and the height at the withers of the male reaches 58 cm, the female – 53 cm. The maximum life expectancy of the Aussie is 15 years. It happens that individuals live longer.

Dogs learn so well and quickly that they are taken into service as “furry soldiers” or used as guide dogs.

Due to their easy-going and cheerful nature, Aussies get along well with other animals, especially dogs. Due to their good-natured appearance, it may seem that Australian Shepherds are useless against aggressors, but this is not the case. Aussies are capable of protecting their owner, his family and home.

The breed is accustomed to an active lifestyle, so to keep your pet in good shape, exercise him for at least an hour every day. Of course, during walks.

It is difficult to keep a furry giant in an apartment due to the ubiquity of wool. If you love walks with your four-legged pet, then you will experience the unpleasant consequences of shedding.

The description of the Aussie breed emphasizes its hyper-responsibility. Leave her in charge and ask her to look after the baby or the cat that lives in the house - rest assured, your order will be carried out with great pleasure.

Owners observe a noticeable difference between boys and girls among Aussies: it manifests itself both in the size of the dogs and in their character. For example, females have less long hair and thick hair, while representatives of the stronger sex have a dense physique and impressive volumes. The Aussie man is jealous of his possessions - you only have to look at his stature and his regal posture to understand this. Ladies will not once again enter into a dispute over territory.

"American Australians" are found in different coat colors - black, red and blue merle, in combination with red and white colors. With age, the coat darkens.

Characteristics of Australian Shepherds

The Australian Shepherd is an ideal companion, loyal friend and devoted protector. This is a cheerful, active dog that can infect everyone around with its optimism. She can even smile. Therefore, it is often used for canistherapy; communication with this amazing dog helps people cope with neuroses, anxiety disorders, and depression.

These dogs have several characteristic qualities due to which their popularity is growing all over the world.

  • Aussies are among the top ten smartest dogs. Their uniqueness is that they can think and find a solution on their own. Owners especially often note their ability to overcome obstacles, open valves, and climb over fences. They can climb into a closet, open a bag, take food out of the refrigerator.
  • Aussies are very friendly and peaceful. They get along with other animals, dogs. They are never the first to get into a fight, and they never bark for no reason.
  • Aussies are shepherd dogs and have a very strong herding instinct. They love all animals and will herd and care for cats and hamsters. During the walk, the dog makes sure that no one lags behind.
  • An Aussie can be a good nanny for a child. She will never offend the baby and will not harm him during any game. They are patient with hugs; even if the child hurts her, the Aussie will not show aggression. They simply adore children, they are ready to look after them all day, participate in games, and protect them.
  • These are very active dogs and will never become a couch potato. Aussies cannot sit idle, they are curious. They need to take part in all the affairs of the owner and accompany him. Often they are so protective of a person that they can be intrusive. But with an Aussie you can walk in the park, ride a bike, or go hiking.
  • These are loyal and loyal dogs. They become very attached to their owner and his family members and get bored when alone. Change of owners is not handled well. They are sensitive, understand the change in mood of the owner and are able to support him. This peace-loving, kind dog does not tolerate scandals and quarrels, and will try to reconcile people.

The inconsistency and uniqueness of these dogs is that they are good-natured, love people, but have strong protective instincts and a sense of ownership. Most often, they are indifferent to strangers, do not show aggression, and easily come into contact. But in case of danger, they boldly defend their family members and territory. In such a situation, the dog does not wait for a command, but makes its own decision.

Education and training

These dogs are smart, easy to train, capable of performing various tricks and making independent decisions. Therefore, they are often used for business purposes. The Australian Shepherd is the best guide, companion, and nanny for a child. They are used in search and rescue, police, and to search for drugs and illegal substances.

But for this dog to be obedient, it must be trained correctly. Representatives of the breed require early socialization. Without training, an Aussie can become uncontrollable, even aggressive. If she does not see the owner as a leader, she begins to dominate and acts as she sees fit. And because of the pronounced herding instincts, an ill-mannered shepherd will chase everything that moves.

Therefore, from the first days of arrival in the house, you need to show the puppy who is in charge. He must immediately learn the rules of behavior and understand what not to do. Already at 2-3 months, a puppy can learn the words “place”, “to me”, “no”, “fu”, “sit”. Gradually, you can teach the dog more complex commands: “near”, “fetch”, “give me a paw”, “search”, “fetch”, “circle” and others.

These dogs need constant mental exercise. Aussies cannot sit idle; they are inquisitive and active. To keep your pet from getting bored, he needs mental stimulation. These could be games of hide and seek or searching for objects, or interactive toys. Australians love ball games, Frisbee, and agility. They are interested in performing difficult tricks.

The Australian Shepherd does not like monotony. She will quickly get bored with training with repeated commands. Therefore, the main condition for effective training is that it should take place in the form of a game. If the dog fails to do something, it is better to try another time. Motivation is needed to successfully assimilate a command. Aussies only need affection or treats. You cannot scold or hit the dog.

During training, you need to take into account the peculiarities of these dogs. The Australian Shepherd is very resilient and often does not pay attention to pain and discomfort. Therefore, she will continue to run and follow commands, even if she gets hurt or is very hot.

Interesting photos of representatives of the breed complement their characteristics:

Aussie Origin History

Despite the name of the breed, experts say that it was bred in America. Why then is the shepherd Australian?

In the 19th century, Merino sheep began to be widely bred in Australia, producing soft, delicate and very warm wool. To protect their herds, shepherds brought in local dogs - tigers. Translated into modern language, these are German Shepherds and the ancestors of Aussies.

According to another assumption, the ancestors of Aussies were not tigers, but coolies and kelpies, bred to guard livestock. The dogs were strong, resilient and so smart that they made decisions without the owner’s instructions. At the same time, the four-legged shepherds did not touch the cattle.

Wool from Australian sheep became popular in America at the end of the 19th century. Aussies were also brought into the country along with wool, and local cattle breeders appreciated the dogs’ abilities and quickly put them to work.

The first breeder's name is Juanita Eli, she brought the ancestors of the shepherds from Australia. Then farmer Jay Sisler began breeding dogs for rodeo performances. Three furry performers - Queenie, Stubby and Shorty - aroused such public interest that the Walt Disney Company invited them to shoot films. After the release of the films, many people wanted to buy cute Australian Shepherd puppies. The breed was officially registered in 1977.

Reproduction and lifespan

The shepherd dog is endowed with excellent working potential. He is responsible, agile and resilient. The breeder of the breed must ensure that the puppies in the litter inherit the entire set of these qualities. That is why the responsibility for the correct selection of candidates for mating falls on him. So, an Australian Shepherd suitable for breeding should be:

  • Sexually mature.
  • Not very old, less than 7 years old.
  • Hardy.
  • Slender, not overfed.
  • Psychologically adequate.
  • Fully comply with the breed standard.

Starting from the 3rd day of the shepherd bitch's heat, she can be taken to the territory where mating is planned. It is not advisable for a female to meet a male on her territory, since she will feel too confident being at home, so she may simply not let him near her. Her puppies are born approximately 70 days after breeding. They are noisy, active and quickly become independent.

Aussie appearance

General impression

The Aussie acquired harmonious body proportions not so long ago - the first representatives looked rather rough. The appearance has changed over the centuries. The dog is described as a mix of Border Collie, Heeler and Pyrenean Shepherd. You may hear Aussies called "Ossie" (English manner). From the first impression it is clear that the dog is smart and loyal. Even an inexperienced dog breeder will notice at first glance at a photo of an Aussie that the breed was bred to help shepherds.


The shepherd's head is large, proportional to the body, with a rounded skull and flat forehead.
There may be a small bump on the back of the head. The muzzle is elongated and narrowed. On the nose there is a pronounced pigment in the color of the main color. Blue and black dogs can have a black nose, while red dogs can have a brown nose. The ears are rounded-triangular, sometimes broken and directed forward, not docked or drooping.

The look is wary, but friendly. The eyes are almond-shaped and can be green, brown, blue and amber. There are dogs with irises of different colors, and this is normal.

The jaws are pincer-shaped and consist of 42 teeth - 20 on top and 22 on the bottom.


The Aussie's neck is arched, neither long nor short, sits firmly on the shoulders and is muscular.


The breed is long-haired and has a wide body, but the thick coat hides muscles rather than excess weight. The chest is deep and prominent, the stomach is tucked. The dog stands perpendicular to the ground.


The breed's shoulder blades are located close to the withers at an angle of 45 degrees. The elbow is located exactly between the surface and the withers. The paws are strong with oval feet ending in curved toes.

Hind limbs

The knees are well defined and arched. The thigh and pelvis are located perpendicular to each other. If you look at an Aussie from behind, you can see that the dog's legs are parallel to each other and perpendicular to the ground. There are no hind toes on the paws and the pads are thick-skinned.


Puppies are born with a short tail. If not, then it is customary to stop it. Initially, the breed had a long tail covered with fluffy hair.


The shepherd moves with sweeping steps, the step is fast and light. The Aussie does not hunch his back while running – he keeps his back straight. She is agile and changes direction with lightning speed as she moves.


The coat is double and hard, changes twice a year, slightly wavy. In cold conditions, the undercoat thickens, and vice versa. On the head and ears the hair is short and smooth, and on the back of the leg the hair is feather-like in length. Males have a fur collar and an almost lion's mane.


Aussies come in graphite, brindle, sable and even golden colors. But pets of these colors do not participate in exhibitions. The standard recognized only four colors: black, marbled blue, marbled red, red. As the dog grows, the coat darkens. It’s up to you to choose what color you want to buy, but when purchasing, pay attention that the predominant color should be found around the dog’s eyes.


When standing, an Aussie boy reaches 58 cm at the withers. Aussie girls are shorter - about 46-53 cm, and their weight is much less than that of males, so they look fragile and feminine. The weight of an Aussie does not exceed 30 kg. Anyway. In general, shepherd dogs do not look very large, but a little massive due to their thick coat. The size of the Aussie allows it to be classified as a large breed dog.

Aussie character

Conditions of detention:

Daily physical activity and frequent walks outside are required.
Suitable for:
Experienced owners.
How they differ from other breeds:
they can smile.

This breed will awaken emotions even in the most callous owner. It's a rare dog who can smile, and with all 42 teeth. Aussies have inherited from their ancestors the habit of keeping an eye on the herd, which will manifest itself during family outings. The pet will be able to keep an eye on even fidgety children.

Shepherd dogs are so positive and friendly that they also approach other pets on a first-name basis, be it a parrot or a chinchilla. You will not be embarrassed for barking for no reason, like the owners of other breeds - the genetic upbringing is so impeccable that the dog will not be the first to bully anyone in the world. But as soon as he feels a threat to himself or his loved ones, do not expect mercy, both his excellent physical form and the death grip of his sharp teeth will be demonstrated.

An adult dog may not greet your acquaintances when they meet you on the street, as they are loyal to you. And the puppy, besides the owner, is jealous of toys and food.

If you have a pet, then give it an outlet for its energy, otherwise life in the apartment will turn into hell - the dog behaves well at home only if it is tired outside. In the heat, your four-legged friend will get tired quickly, and in winter, due to his thick double coat, he can walk for a long time.

How to buy an Australian Shepherd puppy

A purebred Aussie puppy can only be purchased from a large nursery. This is still a rare breed in Russia, but its popularity is growing rapidly. It is expensive - 40-60 thousand rubles. The price of a show class dog is even higher - from 70 thousand. A puppy with a defect can be bought for 20-30 thousand. But in this case, there is a possibility that he will develop genetic diseases.

The breeder must provide all the necessary documents, a veterinary passport. It is important to study the conditions in which the animals are kept and examine the puppies. It is recommended to choose the most active, cheerful and inquisitive person. The puppy should be of average build, with smooth shiny coat, clear eyes, and a soft belly.

Photos complement the description of Aussie puppies:

Before you decide to get an Aussie dog, you should watch a video about their features, pros and cons, and difficulties in keeping them:

Video: Australian Shepherd. Pros and cons of the Aussie breed

Video: Australian Shepherd (Aussie). Breed Features

Video: All about the Australian Shepherd (Aussie)

Australian Shepherds are amazingly intelligent dogs. They are sociable, cheerful, affectionate and loyal. But they are only suitable for an experienced owner, as they are prone to dominance and independent decision-making. This is a rather active and restless pet. Those who cannot give the dog enough physical and mental exercise and devote a lot of time should not get it. But with proper upbringing and the creation of favorable conditions, the Aussie will become a loyal friend and full-fledged member of the family.

Education and training

Due to the protective function inherent in nature, a pet can overly aggressively defend its territory. This indicates a lack of education and training for the Aussie. Deviations also include such a quality as cowardice.

Start explaining to your pet the norms of behavior when it first appears in the house. Show authority - a well-mannered dog should know who is boss in the house.

Aussies are easy to train, as they are generously gifted with intelligence. Just 30-40 exercises - and you have a well-trained dog. Start with commands that will help your four-legged friend feel safe - calling and “Ugh!” Motivate your shepherd with treats and start with home lessons and then practice outside. In summer and spring, do not train in the heat, and in autumn and winter, train in any adequate weather. Let the student do his chores and walk around first, and then start his lessons.

Is it possible to use rough methods when training? Under no circumstances - otherwise the dog will turn from a guard into a timid animal. With the right approach, problems with raising an “Australian” will not arise.

Aussie health and illness

Possible diseases

Dogs of this breed need to have a set of vaccinations at an early age to avoid health risks. This is Lyme disease, rabies, carnivore plague. “Shepherds” are also susceptible to eye diseases - cataracts, poor vision, epilepsy.

To avoid possible total deafness and blindness, do not crossbreed two merle colored dogs.

But over the course of a lifetime, all the diseases on this small list can bypass a dog. Health largely depends on care: clean your pet’s ears, teeth, and fur. Dock the tail and periodically take it to the vet for a full checkup.

Obesity occurs when dogs are overfed and malnourished, move little and are confined to an enclosure or apartment. Take care of proper nutrition; in some cases, you will need to consult a veterinarian.

Reproductive health

If you have a girl and you decide to do without childbirth and offspring, then sterilization should be carried out between the first heats. To breed puppies, you need to find a suitable male partner and breed the dogs under supervision. The first mating usually takes place when dogs of both breeds reach one year of age. In a bitch this should happen during her second or third heat.

Features of feeding and diet

Feed your Aussie porridge - oatmeal, rice, buckwheat - and chicken, turkey, beef, and lean fish. Diversify your diet with vegetables and fruits. Raw and boiled carrots, turnips, pumpkin, zucchini and apples will help you prepare for the cold season.

If you don’t have time to cook, choose premium dry food without a lot of protein. What food to give and how to feed it is up to you, but remember the golden rule - combining homemade food with ready-made store-bought food is highly undesirable. Ideally, you should contact your breeder or veterinarian for advice.

It is forbidden to treat your Aussie with raw eggs, alcohol, soda, or coffee. Do not feed fried or table foods, long bones, fruits with pits, river fish or chocolate. Avoid raw meat, bones, mushrooms, nuts and citrus fruits.

Puppy Feeding Guide

Mix cottage cheese with kefir and feed the baby. Milk porridge and quail eggs can be used. A one-month-old puppy eats every three hours. At six months, feeding is reduced to three times.

Adult Feeding Guide

If your pet does not get used to the new feeding regime, then do not deprive him of three meals a day for up to 14 months. Feed your dog small portions, pieces of meat and fish. How much to feed - norms are calculated not by age, but by body weight, but no more than 1.5 kg per day for the largest individuals.

Monitor the temperature of the food and consistency - it should be warm and not burn your fingers, the texture of thick sour cream. Remove food that your pet has not eaten 15 minutes after the start of the meal.


The Australian Shepherd is completely unpretentious in its diet. Both dry food, selected taking into account the breed and age of the dog, and natural food are suitable. When feeding on dry food, you should take a responsible approach to choosing the manufacturer. Many cheap foods are bean-based, which is contraindicated for dogs.

When eating natural food, it is necessary to properly adhere to a balanced diet. Aussies eat porridge, lean meat, and any kind of vegetables well. Don’t forget about the drinking regime, it is always necessary.

You can give your Aussie milk, but introduce it into the diet gradually and do not pour it often. In addition, you should limit your dog's consumption of chicken eggs, seafood and other potentially dangerous foods that can cause an allergic reaction.

They should be introduced carefully and gradually. It is also recommended to add various vitamin supplements designed for dogs to their food. Vitamins and feed additives are especially important in the autumn-spring period.

Two Aussie friends on the field in summer

It is not advisable to feed your Australian Shepherd from your table. It is not recommended to mix dry food with natural food, as this threatens the pet with the development of gastrointestinal diseases.

Care and maintenance

Don't expect your Australian Shepherd to spend hours lying on your lap on a cozy sofa. Look at the photo of the Aussie, how lively and muscular he is! With such a rare specimen, you will have to walk two hours a day - otherwise forget about good behavior and obedience.

In summer, do not let your pet suffer from heat; go outside in the morning and evening when it is cool. Aussies are workaholics and are ready to carry out their owner’s commands with pleasure, despite their health. You may not realize that the dog is feeling unwell and even injured - he will run until he falls. The responsibility is on you - be attentive to your friend and do not push him.

Do not chain your shepherd and leave him alone. Choose a place to lay your bed away from drafts and radiators. Place a drinking bowl with clean water nearby. Ventilate the room, otherwise you will face eternal molting.

A long-haired breed should not be allowed to breed. Make it a habit to brush every other day, and daily when shedding.

If this is not done, then the home will not only drown in fur, which is not so bad, but the pet may develop dermatitis or parasites on the skin. Choose a metal brush with wide teeth. Carry out washing once every two months. Keeping and caring for an Aussie is not much of a hassle if the dog is accustomed to hygiene procedures from childhood.

Nail care occurs naturally. For example, when a dog walks on stones and asphalt, grinding its claws. If you don’t pamper your Australian with frequent walks, trim his nails yourself once every two weeks. Otherwise, they may grow in or become damaged and fester.

For the oral cavity, purchase brushes and pastes, bones from the pet store to remove plaque from the teeth.

Wipe your eyes with tea leaves. Clean your ears twice a week with cotton swabs and pads. Place a 3% peroxide solution in your ear and remove the wax after half a minute.

Aussie-Human Relationships

One of the Aussie breeders once said that the dog lives its life to share yours. This is a very subtle observation - indeed, this breed is ideal as a companion for farmers, hunters, fishermen and other lovers of active pastime. For those who value home comfort more, the Australian Shepherd is absolutely not suitable - sitting on the sofa depresses it.

There are a lot of references to the fact that Aussies adore children - this is an ideal company for them for active games, sports and other outdoor entertainment. It is important to remember that Aussies need affection - this dog is ready to spend hours at your feet just so that you can pet him or cuddle him once again.

In relationships with other animals, these dogs are generally friendly - however, in order to achieve mutual understanding with cats, you should start by growing up together, then there will be no problems.

If you live in a private house with a plot of land, the dog will definitely like it there - after all, this is not just a large area where you can frolic to your heart's content, but also an object that needs protection from strangers. Thus, the dog will always be busy - at any moment there will be something to do to walk around the property and check the situation.

Tips for choosing a puppy

Seek advice from professionals: a specialist consultation will guide you on the price and characteristics of the animal.

Healthy Aussie puppies resemble a plush toy, and their fur is free of bald spots and tangles. Examine the abdomen - the skin should be clean, without rashes or hernias.

Clubfoot in babies is a sign of defective breeders from the breeder, so decide for yourself whether to take a dog with deviations from the standards, and at a rather high price.

Choose trusted breeders, and watch videos and pictures of puppies before your trip. Learn about screening dogs for eye and other diseases.

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