Breed standard Bulgarian (or Karakachan) Shepherd dog, its features

Greetings dog lovers? We continue the series “Wolfhounds of the World”. Next up - Bulgarian or Karakachan dog

. This is an excellent watchdog, has an easy-going character and is extremely loyal. The history of the origin of the Karachan goes back to Bulgaria, where it was bred as a watchman. The Bulgarian Shepherd dog constantly accompanied the Karakachan tribes, which is why it got its name.

The “Karakachans” grazed sheep and protected them from wolves.

Bulgarian Shepherds are distinguished by their large and strong body with a massive chest and pronounced muscles. The dog has thick and long hair. Representatives of the subgenus reach 65 cm at the withers. You can immediately distinguish whether the Karakachan Shepherd Dog in front of us is a female or a male: males have their right ear cropped, and females have their left.


The Karakachan dog has some character traits that distinguish it from other breeds, I highlight the following: firstly, they have a developed territorial instinct, they are excellent watchdogs, they cannot stand strangers on their territory; strong distrust of strangers and wariness. A dog can love children only if they grew up together; it still won’t tolerate pranks.

There is pride and a tendency to dominate, the dog cannot get along with other pets, does not like children's pampering; devotion and affection to the owner, the dog chooses its owner and always listens to him unquestioningly, considers other family members to be secondary.

Attitude towards animals

Bulgarian Shepherds rarely find a common language with other animals living in the house. This is understandable. They quite rightly consider the protected area to be their property; it is not easy for them to understand that a cat that appears in the house, for example, is also part of the family. Therefore, it is more advisable to exclude this dog from living in the same territory as fighting dogs or cats.

And one more detail - these dogs tend to be dominant, so they can show aggression towards animals of the same sex.

Maintenance and care

The Karakachan wolfhound needs a spacious territory and regular physical activity. She will not be able to feel free in a small apartment. It is advisable to place the Bulgarian Shepherd in the courtyard of a private house or a spacious enclosure, but even this cannot cancel regular and long-term training with the owner.

When caring for an animal, you need to regularly visit the veterinarian, monitor the length of the claws, cleanliness of the teeth and ears. Get vaccinated. The thick coat requires regular brushing, at least twice a week. There is no need to bathe your pet; just wash its paws after a walk. The Karakachan dog does not tolerate restrictions in its freedom; it cannot be put on a chain, otherwise the animal will become extremely aggressive.

A dog’s complete nutrition will be ensured if you give it the following foods: lean meat; cereals; vegetables; fish; cottage cheese or kefir is suitable for puppies. It is strictly forbidden to give your pet: smoked and salty foods; sweets; baked goods; fat. You can feed your dog dry, ready-made food.

The Karakachan dog requires social adaptation

Training should be started as early as possible so as not to end up with an aggressive and uncontrollable dog. During the training process, it is advisable to use the services of a dog handler, because the dog does not tolerate a gentle attitude during training. The Bulgarian Shepherd perfectly remembers commands and carries them out with pleasure if the process is structured correctly. The Karakachan dog often serves in the police or customs. Remember that every dog ​​is individual, the behavior of the animal, first of all, depends on its owner.

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An absolutely unique animal. This is not said for the sake of saying something nice. The dog is distinguished by good health and a stern character.

The shepherd dog is a primitive breed. Primitive in the sense that it was practically not affected by selection changes. The animal is little known outside its homeland. In Bulgaria she has no equal in terms of working qualities.

Origin of the breed

Among breeders of the breed there are several theories regarding the origin of the dog.

One of them says that the Bulgarian Shepherd Dog was used by the inhabitants of the country already in the 5th century. At the same time, the first breed standard was approved. Very different from the usual FCI standard.

“The dog accompanying the flock must be large. Have a massive head and strong legs. The dog's color is spotted. The wool is long." — Excerpt from the regulations established by Ruler Sandilkh. The regulations describe the Karakachan Shepherd Dog. Modern dogs are almost no different from those described by Sandilkh.

The second version is more logical. The roots of the Bulgarian Shepherd go back to ancient times. In those days when the Thracians inhabited Bulgaria and part of Turkey. Numerous tribes left behind a legacy: Thracian horses and dogs. Hence the second name of the breed - Karakachan. The second name of the Thracian tribes.

These tribes were engaged in sheep breeding. In the summer we lived in the Rhodope Mountains, located on the territory of Bulgaria. They needed strong and brave dogs. Those that are not picky about natural and living conditions have developed protective qualities.

Strong and hardy Karakachan shepherd dogs began to be used to guard sheep

According to the third version, the roots of the breed go back to Turkey. This is explained by the fact that Bulgaria was a Turkish part for some time.

Stefan Popov is a breeder of Bulgarian Shepherds. He lives in the town of Pazardzhik. And he claims that this city became the birthplace of the breed. At the beginning of the 20th century, sheep farming in Bulgaria began to die out. Shepherd dogs were out of work. Their numbers have declined sharply. And only at the end of the 20th and beginning of the 21st centuries was it possible to revive the breed. Stefan was one of those who contributed to this.

Outside of its homeland, the Karakachan Shepherd Dog is not particularly popular. You can purchase a puppy in Russia only from one nursery. The cost of a baby starts from 45 thousand rubles.

Breed standard

The Shepherd Shepherd is not recognized by the FCI. There is only one standard, adopted in 2005 by Bulgaria. Description of the breed according to the standard:

  • General form
    . Tall, well built dog. The articles are proportional, the backbone is strong. The muscles are powerful.
  • The minimum height for a male is 65 cm. For females - 63 cm. The upper height limit for males is 78 cm, for females - 75 cm. The weight category for males is from 45 to 60 kg. Bitches are lighter - from 40 to 55 kg.
  • Head
    . The skull is massive and wide. The muzzle widens towards the base, the cheekbones are almost undeveloped. The line of the head and the line of the muzzle are parallel to each other. The ears are hanging, low set, lying close to the head. Small eyes set deep. Eye color is dark brown. The nose is large with wide nostrils. The jaws are well developed and very strong. Number of teeth - 42 pieces. 20 in the upper jaw, 22 in the lower jaw. Short and powerful neck.
  • Torso
    . The withers are developed and muscular. The chest is wide, well developed, round in shape. The back is straight and long. The stomach is taut. The croup is rounded and wide. The tail is hook-shaped, length to the knee joint.
  • Limbs
    . The shoulder is massive and wide, the front legs are rounded. The fingers are tightly clenched, the claws are strong. The thighs are muscular and wide. The hind legs are long and massive. Often there are 1-2 extra toes on the hind legs.
  • Wool
    . There are long-haired and short-haired representatives of the breed. In the first case, the length of the coat is more than 12 cm. In the second, it is from 9 to 12 cm. The undercoat is well developed.
  • Color
    . Bicolor: dark or red oblong spots on a main light background. Large, clearly defined.
  • Any deviation from the standard is a fault of the breed.

The Bulgarian Shepherd breed standard is accepted only in Bulgaria itself

IMPORTANT!!! The Bulgarian dog has been known since ancient times. Its standard is not accepted by the FCI.

Character of the Bulgarian Shepherd

Dogs of one owner. Representatives of the breed are loyal to all family members. They tolerate the people around them. They love only the owner and are loyal only to him.

A characteristic feature of the breed: the Karakachan dog does not like to be touched. He tolerates affection from his owner, but with difficulty. He does not allow others to approach him, let alone allow himself to be stroked.

Bulgarian Shepherds must be able to work among their own kind. They are taught this from childhood. Non-conflict with other members of the pack is the main principle of successful work. All adult dogs get along well with each other. If a small puppy refuses to accept the general rules, he is mercilessly culled. This is cruel, but this is the position of the breeders. Bulgarian Shepherds are bred for herding work, and the characteristics of the animals must correspond to this.

Qualities required for herding dogs:

  • distrust of strangers;
  • loyal attitude towards livestock and other dogs from their pack;
  • obedience to the owner;
  • courage;
  • the ability to protect one’s territory;
  • protective qualities.

This is how Ivan Sharkov describes the true Bulgarian Shepherd. The son of the legendary breed breeder Hristo Sharkov, he is a fan of his work. The attitude towards the breed and its own representatives is very reverent. Ivan believes that the Bulgarian dog breed is intellectually developed. He understands everything perfectly. She doesn't have to say it twice. In fields where flocks of sheep graze, repetition is not appropriate. Sometimes it can be a matter of life and death literally.

Bulgarian Shepherd guards a flock of sheep

Courage is a distinctive character trait of Karakachan dogs. Sharo, Ivan's dog, recently confirmed this. He saved the owner from the bear. He himself was seriously injured, but survived.

These dogs are loyal to children. They tolerate their caresses, although they themselves do not reciprocate. Representatives of the breed cannot be called nannies.

Attitude towards children

The Bulgarian Shepherd (reviews confirm this) can become an excellent family dog ​​if it is adopted as a puppy or teenager. Growing up with the owner's child, she will consider him a member of her family and become a devoted friend to him. At the same time, she does not tolerate familiar attitudes and not very friendly games of small children and will even be able to fight back. Therefore, you should not consider these dogs as nannies.

Having grown up with children, Bulgarian Shepherds become very attached to their little owners. This is explained by the “folk selection” of this breed - often the children of shepherds grew up with these large dogs. The dog, growling at the child, was mercilessly destroyed.

Karakachan dog: features of the Bulgarian Shepherd

Bulgarian kucho (translated from Bulgarian as a dog) have a number of features:

  • Bitches protect flocks from wolves and jackals.
  • The task of male dogs is to protect them from people.
  • Bitches are more aggressive and courageous. Their disadvantage is weakness.
  • Males are strong and physically resilient. The significant drawback is that they are quite lazy.
  • Animals have one ear cropped. This is done so that from a distance it is clear whether the person in front of him is a male or a female. For females, part of the left ear is cut off, for males - the right. The procedure is carried out during puppyhood. Its roots go back to the distant past. Previously, this was how domestic dogs were distinguished from stray dogs. Now there are no homeless Bulgarian Shepherds, ear cropping has been preserved.


The Bulgarian Shepherd can have different colors, but the most common color is white, with red or dark spots. Animals of the original “red nose” color are much less common. They are distinguished by red spots, a meaty nose and bright amber eyes. This dog looks very impressive and is valued by connoisseurs of this breed.

Security qualities

Absorbed with mother's milk. Ideal watchmen. Able to resist wolves, jackals and bears. They will defend the flock from strangers.

The Bulgarian Shepherd is loyal only to its owner; it perceives the rest of the family as an object of protection

If some person, out of inexperience, decides to approach a shepherd with a Bulgarian Shepherd, he will be met with loud barking and attempts to bite. He understood and walked away; the dog would immediately lose interest in the stranger. He will stop barking and will just watch. The warning turned out to be useless, the man continues to move towards the owner. A sharp and powerful push will knock him off his feet. Without the shepherd's command, the animal will not bite; it will simply pin the slow-witted and persistent stranger to the ground.

Where to buy a puppy

On the territory of the Russian Federation this idea is difficult to implement. The only kennel that breeds Bulgarian Shepherds is located in Moscow. She is the official representative of the Bulgarian nursery Ticho Elit.

Puppies are easy to train

Puppies are purchased when they are 2 months old. At this age, babies already have the necessary vaccinations, are examined by a veterinarian and weaned from their mother.

Training and education

Famous Bulgarian breeders Ivan Sharkov and Stefan Popov consider Bulgarian dogs to be very smart. They are easy to train.

It all starts in childhood, when the baby is taught to live among other representatives of the breed. First they are littermates, then they become adults. In addition to social adaptation, education begins. The puppy needs to learn to obey its owner and obey him. Without obedience, good teamwork is impossible.

Puppies are accustomed to flocks and other livestock from childhood. They see it every day, it becomes part of life once and forever.

Care and feeding

Bulgarian Shepherds easily adapt to their environment. They are not whimsical. These dogs need a spacious enclosure and fresh air. Living in an apartment is torture for them.

Before 2 months, you should not separate puppies from their mother to gain strong immunity.

Representatives of the breed are fed either natural food or dry food. The following products are allowed:

  • boiled lean meat;
  • cereals: rice, buckwheat, oatmeal;
  • vegetables: carrots, zucchini, boiled cabbage;
  • fruits: apples;
  • dairy products: low-fat kefir, cottage cheese, low-fat and mild cheese, milk for puppies up to 3 months;
  • chicken eggs: up to 2 pieces per week;
  • boiled sugar seeds. No more than twice a month;
  • boiled fish, removed from the bones.

It is forbidden to mix natural food and dry food. The latter should be super premium or holistic.


The easiest way is to choose ready-made extra-class or holistic food, which provides the necessary microelements and a balanced menu. If you decide to feed natural food, follow some rules. There is no need to give fatty, floury, spicy, salty and sweet foods. The dog should not experience problems with the stomach, teeth and heart.

The best options are boiled lean meat and boneless fish, as well as cereal porridge in broth with the addition of vegetable oil. Include more dairy products, it is good for bones. Give vitamins and fiber in the form of vegetables. Potatoes and pasta are allowed no more than once a week. Sometimes you can have a raw egg or fruit.

Don't forget to pamper your pet with a large bone. Regarding nutrition, consult your veterinarian, he will help you create a balanced diet.

An important rule that should never be broken - the water bowl must always be clean and filled


The Bulgarian Shepherd was bred to guard sheep and urban conditions are not a good option for it.

The low popularity of the dog outside of Bulgaria gives rise to an almost complete lack of reviews about the breed. Those who are lucky enough to have such a dog at home characterize it like this:

  • the puppy at five months knew almost all commands and willingly obeyed;
  • the dog is extremely sociable;
  • very strong and balanced character;
  • she needs regular walks. We walked at least 10 kilometers at a time;
  • Absolutely not a city dog.

The reviews once again confirm the words of the breed breeders.

IMPORTANT!!! Dogs are not whimsical in their maintenance. They live long enough.

Among Bulgarian Shepherd breeders the popular words are: “It is not the person who chooses the shepherd dog, but the shepherd dog who chooses him.” Looking at Bulgarian Shepherds, one can believe that this is so.

One of the oldest herding dogs in Europe settled in the Balkans. Her ancestors were Greek shepherd dogs, Croatian and Karasian shepherd dogs. Large and strong dogs that guarded the flocks of sheep of the Karakachan people received the name Bulgarian Shepherd-Karachan or Karakachan dog. Hardy animals not only protected livestock from wolves, but also faithfully defended their owners from enemy attacks, showing great courage and devotion.

General information

Scientists believe that shepherd dogs first appeared in Asia, among nomadic tribes. There they performed particularly dangerous work: protecting livestock from bears and predatory cats. Together with the Roman conquerors, these brave dogs walked along the Eurasian continent and ended up in Europe.

Here, farmers decided that size is not the most important thing for a shepherd: the dog should stand out among predators with its bright color. Selection began: combining local breeds with imported Asian giants. Now the FCI has registered more than 20 breeds of shepherd dogs with different origins. They vary in size, color, and type of cover.

In different countries, shepherd dogs were created and raised differently, but the quality criteria remained the same:

  • Endurance, efficiency, ability to serve around the clock without sleep or rest;
  • Thick two-layer wool that protects from cold, heat, moisture and snow;
  • Minimally developed hunting instinct so that the dog is not distracted during service;
  • Developed protective reflexes, territorial instinct;
  • Fearlessness, strength (to defeat the enemy);
  • High intelligence for remembering commands, raising a herd.

Depending on the climate and landscape conditions, certain qualities were brought up and strengthened in shepherd dogs. For example, Anatolian Shepherds (Kangals) tolerate heat well and navigate mountainous terrain.

Description of the breed

Bulgarian Shepherds are not yet recognized by the FCI (Fédération Cynologique Internationale), but a breed standard was adopted in 2005. The impressive size of the animal speaks of great strength. The shepherd's body is muscular, its back is straight, its chest is wide, its paws are straight and strong. The shape of the body tends to be square. Dimensions of adults:

  • height 58 – 65 cm at the withers;
  • weight 45 – 55 kg.

The head is massive, the forehead is wide. The nose is black or dark red. The eyes are almond-shaped, set close to each other. The color of the iris in red and brown individuals is amber.

The bite is correct, scissor-shaped. The ears are small, triangle-shaped, and set low. Among Bulgarians, it is customary to crop one ear of an animal to make it easier to determine the sex; a female dog’s right ear is shortened, and a dog’s left ear is shortened. The neck of the Karachan is powerful and muscular; the presence of skin folds is not allowed. The tail is fluffy, medium in size, set high, and does not curl into a ring.

The coat of representatives of the breed is long (at least 7-8 cm), hard, and has a thick and dense undercoat. The color of shepherd dogs is quite varied; a combination of 2 and 3 shades is often found. The spots must have clear outlines and contrast with the main color. The most common color is black and white.

The most valuable individuals of the Karakachan breed are considered to be white dogs with bright red (brick) color markings, and their eyes are bright yellow. This color is called red nose. Such puppies are much more expensive than their counterparts with a different color.


The Bulgarian Shepherd has a calm and balanced character. These are calm, even aristocratic animals. Most often, the dog can be observed calmly lying on a hill, from where a view of the entire territory opens, and as if dozing. In fact, Karachan is carefully observing the situation. While everything is calm, the dog is relaxed and does not show itself in any way. As soon as the dog notices the danger, all serenity instantly disappears, a menacing booming roar warns the enemy about the guard.

The Bulgarian Shepherd is distinguished by its innate distrust of strangers, although it does not show pronounced aggression towards them. Loyal only to its owner, the dog is always wary of house guests; it is better not to leave them alone.

Attitude towards children

Bulgarian Shepherds are indifferent to children; they will not happily play with children, run after a stick or chase a ball. An adult dog will not offend a child; he will simply leave if the child, having played out, begins to cause concern to the dog. But the puppy is not very patient and may bite the child in response to tugging on the tail or ears. Dog owners should take this feature into account and not leave the puppy alone with children.

Relationships with other animals

The Bulgarian Shepherd does not make friends with other dogs; it is a pronounced loner. Since childhood, he has been unfriendly towards cats and other small animals. With intensive training, you can achieve a neutral attitude between dogs and cats, provided that the kittens and puppy are raised together.


Representatives of the breed have a strong character, strong leadership qualities and a sharp mind. In order not to have problems in the future with an uncontrollable animal, it is necessary to raise a pet from 2-3 months. The puppy is taught to use basic commands early and is taught to be calm around cats. The most important thing for the owner of a Bulgarian Shepherd is to gain the authority and respect of the pet. An independent dog will obey only a strong-willed person.


The Briard is a French herding dog breed. It is quite large in size - up to 65 cm at the withers, and its weight reaches 35 kg. Briards have a very long, dense coat that covers the eyes and requires regular brushing. They are playful and cheerful by nature, but sometimes stubborn and capricious. Excellent for protecting both small and large livestock. Briards have their ears cropped - this is done to avoid injury during a fight with wild animals.

Despite their outward sloppiness, these dogs look attractive - their coat color is beautiful, noble shades. Briards are real French gentlemen: they behave with dignity when walking and do not rush at cats and small dogs. High intelligence, agility and courage are constant behavioral traits of Briards. These dogs are overly loyal to their owner - so they can sometimes experience feelings of jealousy. Briard gets along very well with children and is an excellent nanny for them, who will always watch over the child and protect him.

For comfortable maintenance, in addition to regular brushing with a stiff brush, Briards need a large space where they can frolic - therefore it is not recommended to keep them in small city apartments. Briards are unpretentious in food, but do not overfeed them: this can cause digestive problems.

Did you know? Briards were actively used during the First World War - both as cargo haulers and for guarding supplies.

Care and maintenance

Representatives of the breed are brightly grown guards and shepherds who need large territories and serious physical activity. In a city apartment, the dog is cramped and there is not enough movement. If you get a shepherd dog in such conditions, you will have to spend at least 2-3 hours walking with your pet every day. Suitable conditions for a Karakachan dog are a spacious enclosure or a yard in a private house. The animal can easily withstand frost and heat and can live outside all year round.

A spacious enclosure does not replace the need for walks and exercises with the dog. Bulgarian Shepherds need early socialization and training, otherwise the owner risks having an uncontrollable dog. An unruly, large and strong animal is a real danger to the owner and people around him.

A wooden platform is equipped in the dog’s enclosure, on which the dog can lie while observing the territory. Sometimes the animal chooses its own booth as an observation post, settling on the roof.

Caring for a Bulgarian Shepherd consists of regular visits to the veterinary clinic and vaccinations. It is necessary to monitor the length of the claws, cleanliness of the pet’s ears and teeth. The dog's thick coat requires combing with a wide-tooth comb every 3-4 days. It is not recommended to bathe your pet; it is enough to wash its paws after a walk if the animal is kept in an apartment.

The diet of the Karakachan Shepherd is no different from that of other dogs. These are lean meats and offal, fish, vegetables and cereals:

  1. Meat, preferably coarse and sinewy (beef, horse meat, goat meat) makes up at least 60% of the animal’s diet.
  2. Cereals (buckwheat, rice, oatmeal) are boiled until crumbly. Steamed vegetables (carrots, pumpkin, beets) and vegetable oil are added to the porridge.
  3. It is useful to give puppies low-fat cottage cheese and kefir to enrich the body with calcium and improve digestion.

Products prohibited for dogs include: smoked meats, salty foods, baked goods and sweets, tubular bones, fat.

Shepherd puppies are fed at least 4 times a day. By the time a dog is one year old, the number of feedings is reduced to 2. You can give your dog ready-made dry food, which is enriched with all the vitamins and other elements the animal needs. For the owner, this method of feeding is the most convenient; it is enough to pour dry granules into a bowl and provide clean water. Of the ready-made dog foods on the market, it is recommended to choose at least premium class (Acana, Hills, Royal Canin).

Bulgarian Shepherds are distinguished by good health and unpretentiousness. No genetic diseases have been identified in representatives of the breed. With proper care, dogs will live at least 14 years.

How to buy a Bulgarian Shepherd

Today in Russia you can buy a Karachan puppy from your own hands or from a nursery. The price of a dog from a private breeder will be low, only about 6,000 - 8,000 rubles. For comparison, the cost of a puppy from a kennel starts at $800. When buying a baby without documents, even seeing his purebred parents, there is a risk of purchasing a dog from an unscheduled litter - simply a mixed breed.

In Bulgaria, many kennels breed the Karakachan dog. The Ticho Elit nursery is especially popular. Owner Stefan Popov has devoted more than 40 years to preserving and improving the Bulgarian Shepherd breed. In our country, purebred representatives of the breed are bought from the Jasper Palace nursery in Moscow.

Characteristics of the breed - pros and cons

The table below contains the main advantages of Bulgarian Shepherds and their disadvantages:

The Bulgarian Shepherd is an excellent working dog that has retained its qualities to this day. She will become a valuable assistant to the farmer, a vigilant guard of the country house.

Excellent security guardSocialization and training are necessary as the dog has a strong character
Balanced psycheNot suitable for apartment living
Unpretentiousness and good health


Since the breed is a creation of nature, it enjoys good health. Naturally, the Bulgarian Shepherd is not immune from distemper and rabies, which are typical for all dogs, so the puppy must be vaccinated. Dysplasia, characteristic of many breeds, was not detected in the Bulgarian Shepherd, although many attribute this to insufficient research. To date, no diseases specific to this dog breed have been identified.

If you keep the Bulgarian Shepherd correctly, it will live 13-15 years.

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