Central Asian Shepherd Dog (Alabai) - external characteristics, choosing a puppy, maintenance and care, diet, dog diseases + 74 photos

The Central Asian Shepherd is a breed that emerged from Central Asia through natural selection.

Since ancient times, these brave and playful dogs have guarded huge flocks of small ruminants and protected pastures.

Modern Alabai faithfully perform guard and escort service, having established themselves as a strong and balanced breed.

Breed characteristics

Short description
Origin:middle Asia
Conditions of detention:Private house or large enclosure with a booth
Purpose:Protection of sheep from attacks by predatory animals, protection of enterprises and residential buildings
Color:Grey, black, white, straw, red, brindle. Marriage - blue, black and brown.
Wool length:Average
Adult dog size:The height of the female is from 65 to 70 cm at the withers, the male is from 70 to 75 cm. The weight of the female is from 62 to 65 kg, the male is from 70 to 75 kg.
Average life expectancy:11-15 years
Walk:Mandatory, at least twice a day
Physical activity needs:Average
Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FIC) classification:Group 2 Pinscher, Schnauzer, Molosser, Mountain and Swiss Cattle Dogs; Section 2 Molossians
Puppy price:The price of a baby from professional breeders varies from 15 thousand and above. An Alabai puppy without a pedigree can be purchased for 5-10 thousand rubles.

Rehabilitation period

The places where the cuts were made must be treated with an antiseptic for 14 days. The procedure should be repeated daily, even if it seems to the owner that the damaged area has completely healed.

Note! During the rehabilitation period, you need to change the puppy’s bedding every day. This is necessary to avoid infection, which can cause tissue necrosis.

The puppy must be isolated from its mother; it is brought to her only for feeding, but the process is constantly monitored. If you leave them alone, the adult dog will begin to lick the puppy, which can damage the ears and prevent them from healing quickly.

When the ears and tail of Alabai puppies that are already two weeks old are cropped, stitches are required. They are removed 15 days after surgery. Throughout the entire rehabilitation period, the sections are treated with a bactericidal composition.

During the rehabilitation period, puppies are isolated from their mother

History of the origin of the species

Alabai is one of the oldest breeds, existing more than 4,000 years ago. She was known by the name Turkmen wolfhound . The breed was first described by the writer Yuat in 1845. In his work, he called it a Tibetan Great Dane and noted that it is a very large and strong animal, with a wide muzzle and pronounced folds on its frontal part.

It is believed that the progenitor of the breed are wolf-like dogs.

From Tibet, dogs spread to the region of Central Asia and Mesopotamia. These strong dogs helped people herd livestock, protecting them from predators, and also kept property and housing safe. They had to survive in difficult conditions, fighting to the death in battles with wolves, experiencing food deprivation and working hard. All this affected the animal’s endurance, allowed it to strengthen its character and found expression in its appearance.

Animals of this breed appeared in the Soviet Union after 1930. They wanted to be used to ensure the safety of important and large objects. But, because Representatives of this breed are difficult to train, and it was not possible to carry out the plan.

Interesting Facts:

  • It is prohibited to export Central Asian Shepherd dogs outside of Turkmenistan, where they are considered a national treasure of the country.
  • In Uzbekistan, Alabai are called Buribasar, which means “wolfhound”.
  • In Kazakhstan, the SAO is called tobet, which in translation sounds like “a dog on the top of a mountain.” They are actively used by shepherds to herd sheep and protect their flocks from wolves.


The Turkmen Alabai is an excellent protector and watchman. He will carefully guard the territory entrusted to him from any encroachment. The dog will not let strangers through.

It is better not to enter the giant's domain without the owner's permission. Representatives of the breed are equally good at guarding large objects and small private farms - their security qualities are comparable to the Moscow watchdog .

If a dog recognizes a person as a leader, it will protect him from any attacks by enemies. The wolfhound will not allow its owner to be harmed.

Little teddy bears will soon turn into real strong bears

Distinctive features

The distinctive characteristics of the Central Asian Shepherd are:

  • The head of these dogs is massive, large, and shaped like a rectangle. The stop is smooth, the muzzle does not taper towards the lobe. The nasal mucosa is black or deep brown. There are pronounced brow ridges.
  • The eyes are round, not very large, set wide apart, and the color is brown.
  • The ears are in the shape of a triangle, drooping from birth. They are usually stopped in the very first days of life.
  • bite . Teeth with snow-white enamel, large, strong, fit well, 42 pieces in total. Large and powerful jaws.
  • The neck is strong and of moderate length.
  • The paws are straight, strictly parallel, powerful, with strong bones, set wide apart.
  • The body is not long, with pronounced muscles. A slightly pronounced high rear is allowed (the height at the withers is 2-3 cm greater than at the rump).
  • The chest is broad, with well-developed muscles.
  • The abdomen is slightly tucked.
  • The coat can be short (from 3 to 4 cm) and long (from 7 to 8 cm), smooth, soft to the touch, with a thick undercoat.
  • The tail is saber-shaped, thick at the base, set high, docked.

What do natural alabai look like with ears and a tail?

According to the standard, the ears of the Alabai are hanging, triangular in shape and low set (approximately at eye level).
The tail is wide, set high, carried down, and curled into a ring in the lower third. An undocked dog's tail is usually bushy and long.

This is exactly what alabai looks like in its natural form. And it’s worth saying that some dog breeders prefer this type, considering it the most natural.

Others, on the contrary, say that the undocked Alabai resembles a mestizo or mongrel, does not meet the breed standards and looks rather strange.

Photo of an adult dog

Photos of puppies

Features of character and behavior

These shepherds are distinguished by their calm, flexible and balanced character. SAO (Central Asian Shepherd Dog) are proud but obedient creatures. Strangers may be treated with distrust and aggression. They feel very well the slightest changes in the mood of their beloved owner.

As a rule, females are distinguished by caution and prudence in all their actions. They are more flexible than males.


Worthy character qualities of an Alabai:

  1. Courage;
  2. Curiosity;
  3. Independence;
  4. Equanimity;
  5. Pride;
  6. Patience;
  7. Equilibrium.

Alabai treats all family members well, he loves and protects everyone. With children, the dog tries to behave smoothly, without pampering, without causing harm to them. It is worth clarifying that we are now talking about well-mannered and trained dogs.

Shepherd dogs that have not received proper training can behave unpredictably and dangerously towards people and animals.


Breeders identify the following negative character and behavior traits:

  • The disadvantage of the Alabai is that it is intolerant of other animals, especially dogs . If he chases someone, it will be very difficult to stop him.
  • Can easily kill a foreign animal . Therefore, it is important to properly raise and train your pet. So that the animal understands and listens to its owner in emergency situations. Otherwise, if contact is lost, the CAO will simply ignore the owner’s commands.
  • He is often very stubborn. May not obey the owner or even demonstrate aggressive behavior. This requires consultation with a veterinarian and dog trainer.
  • It is not recommended to keep Alabai within an apartment with an urban setting or on a chain in a private house . Because the animal needs space to walk. A sedentary lifestyle has a bad effect on the dog’s physical and mental health.

Veterinarians' opinion

Many veterinarians are against docking Alabais. The only exceptions may be medical indications. Often specialists refuse to perform such operations, especially if the animal is already a month old. In such a situation, general anesthesia is necessary, and this negatively affects the puppy’s health.

Docking Alabais is not a mandatory procedure. Veterinarians say that it should only be done in cases of extreme necessity. Alabai without cropped ears can also claim victory in the exhibition, like his cropped brother.

*Prices are as of November 2022.

Care and maintenance

How to properly care for a Central Asian Shepherd? What should I pay more attention to? All these questions often worry owners of this breed. Proper management plus good care will help your dog live a long, happy and healthy life.


Good, plentiful and balanced nutrition is essential for CAO.

The Alabai menu must include:

  • Meat, the best is beef, horse meat and lamb (pork is very poorly absorbed by the body of the Central Asian Shepherd Dog);
  • Dairy products;
  • Boiled cereals;
  • Eggs;
  • By-products;
  • Dairy products;
  • Sea fish;
  • Vegetables (everything except potatoes, boiled or raw);
  • Wheat bran.

Be sure to watch your dog's stool. If difficulties arise, you should find out the cause and cancel those elements that provoke them.

Puppies need to be fed 4-5 times a day. Then gradually reduce meals to 3 times. Adult dogs are fed twice a day at specific times.

Rules for feeding the Central Asian Shepherd:

  • Food is served at strictly specified hours.
  • The temperature of the products should be at room temperature, not higher than 30 degrees.
  • If the puppy has not finished eating, then the food must be removed after 10-15 minutes.
  • The dog's food should always be of high quality and not spoiled.
  • Make sure your dog always has a bowl of clean, fresh water.

It is prohibited to give your pet the following foods:

  • bones (the dog can get hurt, or a bone can get stuck in the throat);
  • sweets;
  • spices;
  • alcohol;
  • smoked meats

These products can cause health problems in the dog, and sometimes even its death.


The Central Asian Shepherd is a large and healthy dog . She is one of those who can boast of excellent health. But she also needs proper care and nutrition, as well as timely vaccinations.


Rabies, plague and other dangerous diseases after vaccination are not scary for your pet. It is important to carry out the procedure on time:

  • The first vaccination must be given by the breeder, then 2 weeks later a second vaccination is given. The main thing is to deworm the Central Asian Shepherd within a week.
  • The first vaccination is carried out at 2 months . After vaccination, you cannot walk your pet for at least 3 weeks .
  • Repeated vaccination is carried out every year .

If the animal has any health difficulties at the time of vaccination, it is better to refrain from vaccination until it is completely cured.


The most common diseases among Alabais are difficulties with the joints of the limbs. Besides:

  • Hip dysplasia, arthritis, arthrosis will not keep you waiting if the animal is not provided with long walks and good, nutritious nutrition.
  • Due to a sedentary lifestyle, your pet may experience problems with the cardiovascular system.
  • Digestive problems in animals arise due to poor lifestyle and nutrition.
  • Allergies, various skin diseases and parasites also occur due to poor nutrition and poor care of the pet.


CAO requires long walks and runs every day. The usual half-hour quiet walk along the alley is not suitable for them.

For the full development of the dog, its transformation into a graceful and powerful animal without various joint problems, you need to follow the walking recommendations:

  • You need to walk for about 2 hours;
  • Walk at least 5 km;
  • It is necessary to provide a good load, for example, climbs, descents and runs are vital for the pet.
  • The animal must be walked at least 2 times a day.


The beautiful and shiny coat of the Alabai is the result of good care. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully care for your dog's coat.

  • It is not necessary to wash the animal frequently, because the pet's fur is resistant to dirt, but it is necessary to comb and remove dead hairs with a brush with medium-hard bristles periodically.
  • You need to start combing from the neck and back. Then move to the stomach, then to the chest and paws.
  • During shedding, you need to increase the amount of brushing.


Alabai has thick and short fur. Usually it does not roll down and tangles do not form. To maintain a neat appearance of the animal, one brushing per week is enough. After a walk, you need to select small debris, branches and burrs from the animal’s fur.

The giant alabai looks more like a bear

However, during the molting period, the amount of scratching should be significantly increased. Alabai sheds profusely, during this period a furminator . In 1 period, the shed wool is enough to knit a warm sweater for an adult. Many housewives really put their pet's hair to work.

Advice! An animal should be taught to comb from childhood. If you postpone lessons until later, an attempt at grooming may cause a protest from the animal.


The mating of two Alabais has some nuances. Therefore, it is important to know them:

  • Puberty occurs in females at 10-12 months , in males - at 14-16 months .
  • Females come into heat once or once a year or twice . Typically in early spring.
  • need to mate a female with a male for the 3rd heat . Because by this time the dog’s body is fully formed, and it is ready to give birth to healthy and strong offspring.
  • Males should start breeding at 2 years of age.
  • Early mating can have a negative impact on the dog's health. In addition, after early mating, weak and sick offspring are usually born.
  • Estrus in females usually lasts 20-25 days. Mucus mixed with blood is released from the vagina. Mating of the Central Asian Shepherd is carried out 8-12 days from the date of the start of estrus.
  • The behavior of Alabais changes at this time. If previously the dog was calm and balanced, then here it shows excessive activity.
  • Before mating, you need to introduce the animals. It is best to do this in the male's territory, because the female can behave aggressively in her territory.
  • The mating process is repeated after 2 days. This is necessary to ensure a positive result.
  • Usually from 5 to 10 puppies are born in one litter , depending on the health of the animal, the quality of maintenance and feeding.

Behavioral specificity

The Turkmen wolfhound has a number of other behavioral features. It would seem that a character formed in the vast expanses of mountains, deserts and semi-deserts should be particularly aggressive. In these open spaces, people and livestock were in danger from natural disasters, the fangs of other predators, and most importantly, from other people. After all, in these parts there have long been robbers who traded not only in the theft of livestock and property, but also in the slave trade.

However, this dark past strangely affected the character of the Alabais, especially the Turkmen ones. If these dogs are close to the flock and their owners, then an approaching stranger will be stopped by a moderate, non-aggressive bark. This is just a warning that continues until the owner finds out what the person came with. If the situation is peaceful, then the Alabai will never show aggression towards a new person, allowing him to be in the given territory unhindered.

So these dogs have a generally positive attitude towards people. However, only until the person came to them in peace.

It’s another matter if these Alabai do not have a nearby object of protection and the will of the owner to guide them. In small Turkmen villages, where it is not customary to keep chain dogs, Alabais gather in packs and begin to guard the village itself, controlling its perimeter.

If suddenly, under the cover of darkness, when the inhabitants of the village are sleeping, a random traveler enters this territory, then the Alabai will receive him in their own way. A well-coordinated flock surrounds such a person, trying to get behind him. If the traveler’s nerves are strong and he does not run, then a characteristic carousel will form. The man, turning to face each of the dogs, constantly spins in place. Each dog, trying to get behind his back, is forced to run in a circle all the time. We must give these dogs their due, such a carousel does not last long. If it turns out that a person has strong nerves, does not use weapons, does not call for help, then the pack, with a sense of fulfilled duty, runs away on its security duties.

Key points of training

Successful CAO training depends on several factors:

  • Patience of the owner;
  • Professional training of the trainer;
  • Alabai's ability to learn.

Alabai is a stubborn animal, so during the training process it is important not to give up and ensure that all given commands are compulsorily followed. Otherwise, the dog will think that it does not have to obey and obey the requirements.

You can start training as early as 2 months of age. Ideally, immediately after the puppy appears in the house. It is important to be confident and calm during training. For good behavior, the dog should be rewarded with something tasty or simply praised. You cannot shout at the dog, much less hit it. Otherwise, there is a risk of losing the respect of the animal.

If punishment is necessary, you need to carefully take the puppy by the withers, shake it slightly, then say in a stern voice: “You can’t!” or “Ugh!”

Basic commands needed to train a dog:

  • "Place!";
  • "Lie!";
  • "Near!";
  • "Sit!";
  • "To me!";

They are studied gradually; there is no need to try to master everything at once. Alabai need more time to master commands.

Read about how to properly train a dog in the article: “Training a puppy: effective methods from dog handlers, learning commands at home.”


You should start raising a puppy from day one. The owner must immediately gain authority from the dog, otherwise it will be difficult to achieve obedience. Willful and freedom-loving, they demand respect and patience.

Alabai are offended by injustice; they perceive undeserved punishment as violence and become angry. Education should be based on trust, respect and authority of a person.

They love to test their owner for weakness and try to dominate. Therefore, it is important to maintain discipline by being persistent and consistent in education. The dog must unquestioningly follow all commands of the owner. A soft person should not have a dog of this breed.

From the age of three months, the puppy is taught the first commands. Dog training should be entrusted to an experienced professional.

How to choose a puppy

It is better to buy a baby of this breed in a reliable place - in a trusted nursery or from a breeder with a good reputation. This is the only guarantee of the physical and mental health of the future pet, its breed and balance.

You should buy a pet after at least 2 months of age. By this age, the puppy should already have received basic vaccinations.

One of the main criteria when choosing a suitable pet in a litter is healthy appearance. The main indicators of this parameter:

  • Clean wool, not felted, with a characteristic shine;
  • Eyes, ears, skin without signs of contamination;
  • Testing negative for an abdominal hernia;
  • Wet nose;
  • Great appetite.

It is also worth paying attention to the puppy’s behavior. He should not be afraid of extraneous sounds.

You can test your pet's leadership qualities in this way: throw a bunch of keys in the direction of the puppies and observe. The animal that is not afraid and approaches an unknown object has the makings of a leader. He will grow up to be a brave and friendly dog. Provided she is raised properly.

Alabai is a reliable friend and protector . But in order to achieve complete submission and obedience, you need to establish interaction with the dog. It is necessary to immediately show who occupies a dominant position in the house. If everything is done correctly, the dog will faithfully serve its owner all its life.

Alabai menu

Despite the fact that the breed is large, the shepherd dog does not eat that much. You should not overfeed your dog - this will lead to obesity, which provokes dangerous diseases of the joints and heart.

It is better, if possible, to avoid dry food and tubular bones; offer your dog natural food - meat, vegetables and even fruits. It is necessary to include special vitamins in the diet.

If you still have to feed your dog dry food, it is wise to choose an extra-premium product for large breeds, and until the puppy is three years old, you need to take food with a strengthened composition.

Who is stronger: Alabai or Caucasian Shepherd

Fans of huge, large dogs often ask the question: “Who is stronger and more powerful: the Alabai or the Caucasian Shepherd?” The answer is simple - both dogs are quite strong. They both have very capricious characters at times.

  • The Caucasian Shepherd is an independent, stubborn, balanced dog. Her calling is to protect sheep from attacks by predatory animals. She is extremely wary of strangers. This animal, as a rule, has no fear.
  • The Caucasian requires a lot of attention from the owner. She will faithfully serve her master and adore the whole family. She treats children very kindly.

The main thing is to properly raise and train your pet. After all, if there is insufficient upbringing, the dog will take advantage of the owner’s weaknesses, and perhaps it will want to dominate. Training should begin from puppyhood.

Caucasian and Central Asian Shepherds are similar in many ways. Therefore, when choosing, it is better to be guided by personal preferences, and not by the strength and endurance of animals. After all, each animal is individual.

2.9 / 5 ( 23 voices)


The Turkmen Alabai needs daily physical activity. The animal is not suitable for keeping in an apartment. But even living in the open air and the ability to freely walk around the yard does not compensate for the dog’s need to walk. The owner must devote at least 2 hours daily to walks with the pet.

A dog always doesn't mind playing with its owner

Advice! You can diversify your time with your dog. It is not necessary to follow a step all the way. You can go for a run with the Alabai, play ball, or combine a walk with learning new elements of training.

You should not let your dog go for a walk alone. While defending territory, alabai can be dangerous to outsiders. In addition, representatives of the breed are prone to wandering. By letting the dog go free swimming, the owner risks losing it.

It is worth keeping your pet on a leash using a special dog harness .

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