English Shepherd dog. Description, features, types, character, care and price of the breed

Photo of an English Shepherd

Origin:North American continent
Usage:security guard; companion dog
Color:red and white; black with brown markings; black and white; tricolor combination of black, red and brown; brown with white and black
Dimensions:height at withers 45-60 cm, weight 25-30 kg
Lifespan:on average 13-15 years

The English Shepherd is an obedient and friendly dog. The genetically inherent instinct of a guard is surprisingly combined with a sociable character. Distinguished by its friendliness and complaisance, the pet is ready to defend its beloved owner in case of danger.

Breed standard

It's a shame that the English Shepherd is not recognized by any canine federation in the world. The only club that has registered this breed as working group is the British Kennel Club. The Englishman has no official standards. There is only a general characteristic that corresponds to varying degrees to the appearance of the shepherd dog.

HeadElongated shape.
MuzzleWedge-shaped, tapering towards the nose.
EarsSoft, hanging forward, triangular in shape.
EyesDark brown color.
FramePowerful, with a straight back.
PawsDeveloped fore and hind limbs, round pads, toes tightly pressed to each other.
TailLong, straight, slightly curled upward at the end.
WoolSoft, long. There is undercoat. The hair on the back of the paws and around the ears is longer than on the rest of the body.
ColorsBlack-and-white. Tricolor: black with red and white; two-color: dark brown and white, red and white, black and white. The base is a saddle cloth of one of the listed colors, usually black or dark brown. White or red colors complement the main color.
MovementsUniform trot.

Interesting Facts

  • These shepherds are able to surprise with a rare feature - they move through trees. In the middle of the last century, advertising brochures were published in the USA, where this extraordinary dog ​​was depicted climbing a tree after some animal. At the bottom there was a caption: “An English Shepherd will get anything and anyone even from a tree.”
  • In Russia and the countries of the former CIS, the English Shepherd appeared towards the end of the 90s of the last century, but has not yet achieved great popularity. It is not included in the RKF classification. However, a suitable nursery can be found. For example, in Moscow, Kyiv and Minsk.
  • These dogs are allergic to medications for a reason. Recent research at Washington State University has shown that 15% of all English Shepherds may have a disorder in the MDR1 (membrane protein, glycoprotein) gene. This results in an inappropriate response to some medications used to treat dogs. The consequence may be impaired movement, coordination, trembling, vomiting, disorientation, even death of the animal. A simple cheek swab test is required to test for the mutation.
  • To better imagine what the character of the English Shepherd is, you can recall the film “Shaggy Christmas Trees”. There, one of the characters, the dog Pirate, is played by a border collie. Loyalty, dedication, affection, ingenuity, endurance - all these qualities were passed on from the “Scots” to their descendants, the English Shepherds.


The best time to socialize a puppy is between 4 and 8 weeks of age. It is at this age that babies are taken away from their mother. The puppy is already quite brave and shows curiosity about everything new. During the period of socialization, English Shepherd puppies have a high ability to learn. They enjoy learning new commands, memorizing them instantly. If some commands make it difficult for your baby to follow, do not insist. It is better to postpone fixing them until the next day.

Patience, affection and demandingness of the owner are the basis for raising and getting used to a puppy’s new home. Walking on the puppy playground in the company of the same tomboys will allow the baby to learn an equal attitude towards them. Without such communication, the dog will grow up to be cowardly and aggressive.

Description of the English Shepherd

The British Shepherd has proven itself to be a truly universal and multifunctional working breed, which not only performs herding duties, but is also used to guard private property, as a guide for blind and visually impaired people, as well as in service in the police, army and for various rescue operations.

Breed standard

The English Shepherd is a lean, agile, harmoniously built, medium-sized dog with strong massive bones and a well-developed muscular corset. The body is elongated with a powerful straight back, a deep, voluminous sternum reaching to the elbows, a long strong loin and a slightly tucked belly line.

The English Shepherd is a not very large dog, but beautifully and harmoniously built

  • Medium-sized, slightly angular, dryish head with a rounded, wide skull and an elongated cone-shaped muzzle, set on a slightly curved, muscular neck. Stop moderate.
  • Narrow jaws in a regular scissor bite. The lips are tightly closed.
  • Small almond-shaped eyes have a medium set (neither far nor close). The iris is dark brown. The look is smart and lively.
  • Small, triangular, drooping ears are located high, hanging on cartilage.
  • A free-hanging tail of medium length, the tip curved.
  • The limbs are long, parallel, well developed with rounded pads and fingers gathered into a dense ball.
  • Height at the withers: for bitches - 46–56 cm (preferably 48–51 cm);
  • for males - 48–58 cm (preferably 51–53 cm).
  • Body mass:
      in females - 18–23 kg;
  • for males - 20–27 kg.
  • The Englishwoman moves easily and smoothly, if necessary, instantly changing the direction of movement without effort or body roll.

    The coat is thick, of medium length with a densely packed undercoat. The guard hair is often straight, but can be wavy and even curly. There is a mane on the neck, feathers on the legs, and a thick plumb on the tail. The head, ears, and the front of the legs are covered with smooth and short hair.

    The following colors are acceptable:

    • tricolor (white, black and tan);
    • black and tan;
    • white-red;
    • black and white;
    • white and sable.

    Most often, English Shepherds have a tri-color color.

    The reasons for disqualification will be:

    • cryptorchidism (unilateral and bilateral);
    • shyness or anger;
    • albinism;
    • non-standard colors (full white, merle, full red, white markings more than 1/3 of the body).

    How to choose a puppy

    When choosing a puppy, you should not rely on the pedigree and titles of the parents, because they cannot exist. If a seller offers an English Shepherd puppy, showing the documents of titled parents, then you should know that this is a scammer. The main requirement is that the puppy must be healthy. The eyes, ears and nose should be clean and free of any discharge.

    The baby's activity manifests itself in the desire to run up and sniff the stranger, to get to know him better. Cowardly puppies will huddle close to their mother. It is undesirable to adopt such a pet: cowardice can lead to uncontrollable aggression. At the time of moving to a new home, the puppy must have age-appropriate vaccinations, as evidenced by a standard document.


    Mating of pets can be either breeding or regular. It all depends on the pedigree of the dogs. Of course, if a bitch or a dog has any status and the necessary documents, then the mating must take place officially. To do this, the owners of the bitch need to obtain a special certificate from the kennel and find a suitable male. The mating date is agreed upon in advance.

    1. Until the female reaches 20-25 months, she cannot be bred.
    2. The first heat can occur at 8-10 months, but during this period the girl is still too weak to bear and give birth to healthy offspring.
    3. Usually the bitch is untied on the 13-15th day of the third heat, when the discharge becomes light and bloody, and the loop swells.

    These dogs need a lot of space. The girl is brought to the territory of the male dog. You can walk the animals together to introduce them. If the male was able to mount, you need to help both pets start the process correctly. To do this, the female is held by the head and under the belly, and the male is directed into the noose. The act together with the castle lasts 15-20 minutes. Mating is repeated after 2 days.

    Features of maintenance and care

    English Shepherds are attractive to novice breeders, those people who have no experience in communicating with dogs. This is facilitated by ease of care and maintenance. The dog will be able to live in the yard - in a kennel or in an enclosure; its thick coat and dense undercoat will protect it from severe cold. Shedding occurs twice a year - in spring and autumn. Standard combing procedures will help quickly renew the coat. If the pet is intended for apartment keeping, then the owner must provide physical activity: long walks, ball games, practicing fetch commands.


    The long, thick coat adorns the shepherd and protects against cold and skin damage. Needs simple care. During shedding, frequent brushing is recommended using a special medium-hard brush.

    Ear care is important in the spring and summer, especially if the dog is outdoors most of the time. It is necessary to inspect the inner and outer surfaces of the ears for the presence of blood-sucking parasites. If a tick is found, remove it immediately.

    Shepherd's teeth do not require special care and cleaning. By nature they are endowed with natural whiteness. To prevent plaque, from time to time the dog is offered to chew on bones and cartilage.


    The English Shepherd, like many dogs, loves to swim in open water. In the warm season, this is enough for the pet to maintain a neat appearance. In winter, the dog is bathed as it gets dirty. It is enough to wash your four-legged friend with animal shampoo once a month. If the weather is slushy outside, then upon arriving home, the paws and belly are washed, dried, and the dog is left indoors without drafts.


    These animals are herding dogs by nature and historical purpose. Natural instincts are inherent in this breed. It is advisable to walk your dog at least twice a day. To give an outlet for energy, the owner must provide the pet with feasible physical activity. The Englishman is happy to take long walks and long hikes. With pleasure accompanies the owner on outings into nature. For a passive or lazy person, it is better to get a pet of a different breed.


    The character of the English Shepherd is perhaps the most important defining quality for these dogs. They have a highly developed intelligence, they are real good friends for everyone living in the house. Moreover, their kindness is developed so strongly that it extends to both people and animals.

    They easily adapt to different circumstances and conditions, and quickly learn everyday work. How employees show themselves to be independent and hardworking. They are usually wary of strangers, and their affection and loyalty belong to one owner. However, if strangers or animals are accepted by its owners in the house, the dog shows condescension and some friendliness towards them.

    Excessive independence, stubbornness and rebellion sometimes appear in her character. To suppress these qualities or direct them in the right direction, the owner must be a strong and confident leader for the dog, otherwise the dog may get out of control and commit an undesirable act.

    But in conditions where quick thinking, decision-making and ingenuity are required, the English Shepherd dog shows itself in the best possible way. If a dog has the opportunity to work in its own professional areas, it will very quickly master all everyday activities and will act and act practically independently, even without special training.

    Although some training and guidance would certainly benefit her. The English Shepherd, as already mentioned, is not just a shepherd, but also a guardian of the home and farm, as well as an excellent game hunter. One can only wonder how she determines which bird needs to be hunted and which to protect.

    Her rare sense of smell allows her to track down not only raccoons and squirrels, but also mice, rats, ferrets and other pests. Dogs will quickly drive rodents away from your territory. They are used in rescue work, in canistherapy (treatment with dogs), as well as in various competitions and exhibitions.

    The quickest way to tell an English Shepherd from a Border Collie is to stand them up. Border collies generally need to see game before they do a slanted stance. English Shepherds always stand upright with their mouths slightly open. And they, unlike the previous ones, can work with all types of animals, from the most fearsome bulls to small chickens.

    Their personality at work is a mixture of caring and stern as required. This dog is very sensitive to the mood of all living beings, so it can be safely called an empathic family dog. But, while walking in the park, control her desire to lead; they often try to establish their leadership among other dogs.


    The food plan is selected by the owner based on his employment. The shepherd dog does not have any special health problems that depend on nutrition. But this does not mean that English Shepherds should eat leftovers from the master's table.

    When feeding dry food, strictly follow the instructions on the packaging and observe the recommended feeding dose. Dry food is convenient because you don’t have to waste time preparing soups and cereals for your pet. The granules contain all the necessary nutrients, microelements and vitamins that satisfy the animal’s needs. If the dog is on dry food, there should be no restriction in liquid! Fresh, clean water should be available at all times. When choosing a natural diet, an English shepherd dog should receive the necessary daily intake of fats, proteins, carbohydrates and microelements that allow it to lead normal life activities. It is necessary to undergo a course of vitamin therapy once every three months.

    List of permitted products:

    • Cereals.
    • Lean meats.
    • White fish.
    • Offal.
    • Fresh vegetables and fruits.
    • Large bones.

    List of prohibited products:

    • Smoked meats.
    • Pickles.
    • Bakery.
    • Confectionery.
    • Tubular bird bones.

    History of the origin of the species

    There is a legend that the ancestors of the English Shepherd came to Europe along with Roman legionnaires. The dogs herded the herds necessary to feed the army of Julius Caesar. During one of the campaigns, some of the animals remained on the territory of the British Isles. Since those times, their appearance has changed little. Over the course of several centuries, shepherds crossed with collies and other herding dogs. This is how the formation of a new breed took place.

    At the end of the 19th century, its representatives arrived on the North American continent . Farmers appreciated their working qualities. And the breeders crossed the imported dogs with border collies and got hardy, hardworking dogs capable of herding huge herds without human control. The official breed standard was approved in 1934.


    We recommend reading:

    1. An enclosure for a dog: how to make a beautiful warm outdoor enclosure with a winter road with your own hands - drawings, sizes, photos, projects, tips on how to build it yourself
    2. DIY dog house, design of a beautiful large dog house with a veranda, kennel in the apartment
    3. Caring for a dog's fur: how and what to comb properly, combs for long, short-haired, smooth-haired dogs, how to comb tangles, products - shampoo, spray
    4. Knitted clothes for small dogs - knitting patterns


    Adult height: males 58-61 cm, females 46-61 cm. Weight: 18-32 kg. Characteristic color : white-black, red, tricolor. Coat length: medium length with thick undercoat. Life expectancy: 12-15 years. Advantages of the breed: obedient, friendly. Difficulty of the breed: almost non-existent. Average price: $50. Classification: medium breed, guard, hunting, companion dog.


    The English Shepherd is prone to hip and elbow dysplasia. Some dogs inherit a gene that makes them sensitive to drugs. Some medications can be fatal, so your English Shepherd should only be treated by an experienced veterinarian and avoid self-medication.

    In general, we can say that the breed was created in natural conditions without the intervention of breeders, so the dog is in good health. The dog does not suffer from chronic diseases.


    It is important to socialize the dog from an early age: it is good if this is carried out by an experienced dog handler. The owner should be demanding and quite strict, but at the same time fair, so that the bobtail becomes a really good guide, companion and assistant.

    Clumber Spaniel

    Main characteristics:

    1. Height: 45-50 cm.
    2. Weight: 25-34 kg.
    3. Coat and Color: The abundant, silky coat is white with lemon or orange markings.
    4. Personal qualities: calm, funny, obedient.
    5. Life expectancy: 10-12 years.

    Such a character description hardly corresponds to a first-class hunting dog. However, Clumber Spaniels are among the best in the business.

    Clumbers were the favorite assistants of the English kings in their endless hunting fun.

    Clumber's history begins in the late 1700s in Nottinghamshire. The Duke spent a lot of effort breeding the ideal hunting companion for his estate, called Clumber Park (from which the breed took its name).

    These spaniels quickly became a favorite among bird hunters, especially among British royalty. And since then, Clumber Spaniels have served as hunting companions to Edward VII, George V and many other greats of this world.

    Like most English elite breeds, Clumbers retain grace, nobility and pride. But, given such a cute and funny appearance, you should expect that dogs are mischievous and very playful in a home environment. In addition, they can be quite stubborn.

    Interesting Facts:

    1. The history of Clumber Spaniels is unclear. One theory is that the dogs were smuggled from France to England during the French Revolution.
    2. Most historians believe that Clumber Spaniels are the result of crossing a Basset Hound with an Alpine Spaniel.

    Best nicknames

    When choosing a nickname for a German Shepherd, you should take into account its large size and serious character.

    Choosing a name for your four-legged pet is a question that every animal owner should decide. At the same time, the nickname given to the German Shepherd should be easy to pronounce and liked by both the owner and his ward.

    Table: names and nicknames for German shepherds - boys and girls

    Category of namesFor boyFor girl
    German names with meaning
    • Felix - giver of happiness;
    • Henry - head;
    • Peter - reliable;
    • Ralph is a wise wolf;
    • Lucas is the light.
    • Alma - apple tree;
    • Amalia - work;
    • Bertha - beautiful;
    • Wilda - wild;
    • Gretta is a pearl.
    • Jake;
    • Jory;
    • Maurice;
    • Raul;
    • Rafe.
    • Lara;
    • Sand;
    • Tera;
    • Hera;
    • Mira.
    Russian names are rare and ancient
    • Kuzma;
    • Filat;
    • Dobrynya;
    • Milad;
    • Klim.
    • Varvara;
    • Vasilisa;
    • Rogneda;
    • Marfa.
    • Hercules;
    • Zeus;
    • Odysseus.
    • Fairy;
    • Uma;
    • Athena.
    • Archie;
    • Best;
    • Watson;
    • Joker;
    • Prince.
    • Gerda;
    • Jesse;
    • Nika;
    • Alice;
    • Chara.
    Names of cartoon characters, books, in honor of famous dogs of any breed
    • Julbars;
    • Scarlet;
    • Dick.
    • Lassie;
    • Alice;
    • Yume;
    • Jerry.
    According to the predominant coat color:
    • black;
    • brown;
    • redhead.
    • Black, Onyx;
    • Bruno, Shock;
    • Zoltan, Fox.
    • Darkness, Night;
    • Cola, Runa;
    • Zlata, Ruta.
    • Bug;
    • Piston;
    • Fruit;
    • Goat;
    • Ushastik.
    • Mafia;
    • Flash drive;
    • Abba;
    • Lady;
    • Chucha.
    Serious names (for security guards)
    • Sherlock;
    • Athos;
    • Spartacus;
    • Typhoon;
    • Vortex.
    • Cobra;
    • Lynx;
    • Panther.
    By month of birth
    • Aries;
    • Scorpion;
    • April.
    • Juna;
    • Julia;
    • Martha.
    • Frank;
    • Buddy;
    • Rex;
    • Trezor.
    • Becky;
    • Alma;
    • Jesse;
    • Naida.


    It is very difficult to purchase a puppy of a rare breed in Russia; it is better to look for a pet from breeders in Europe or the USA. It is worth excluding the search for dogs in markets and from private owners. External resemblance to a pedigree dog does not guarantee the development of working qualities or manifestations of a benevolent character in an animal.

    In a specialized nursery, information about the pedigree and vaccinations at the time of sale must be prepared for each puppy. It is recommended to pay attention to the degree of relationship between the parents, as this is the cause of genetic abnormalities in the offspring. The price of an English Shepherd cannot be low; it averages 40,000 rubles.

    Buying a puppy for exhibition purposes or sports competitions can cost twice as much. The price is influenced by many factors, including the age of the dog, the type of color, the purity of the parent's breed, the health of the puppy, even the popularity of the kennel. The main features of the pet that you should pay attention to:

    • clean fur;
    • a good appetite;
    • mobility, activity, manifestations of curiosity;
    • shiny eyes, wet nose;
    • sensitive hearing (to check, you can drop the keys nearby).

    Puppies, when introduced, happily make contact with any person. If a dog is cowardly, then it is no longer suitable for a guard. Aggressive manifestations will cause many problems later. The first observations of a puppy's behavior provide important information.

    Heeler (Australian Cattle Dog)

    The breed originated from long-term crossbreeding of various dogs, including dingoes. Thus, a smart but stubborn heeler dog was born, which can cope with the most difficult tasks. In emergency situations, the dog is able to make independent decisions. The Australian Shepherd has a highly developed flock instinct. This is a dog of short stature and strong build, which works harmoniously in the company of its own kind. Take a look at what an Australian Cattle Dog looks like in the photo.

    Heelers are distinguished by their unusual, spotted, pockmarked color. The breeding kennel is located in the Moscow region, the price of a puppy with RKF documents is 40-60 thousand rubles.


    Although the breed is quite friendly, they require regular training. You can raise a champion from a puppy. The dog needs early socialization and training. It is advisable to walk him on training grounds. A six-month-old puppy begins to be trained. The baby quickly learns standard commands and is very obedient. Teaching your dog more complex commands will require patience.

    For more successful training, the puppy needs to be rewarded with treats.

    You should not hit or humiliate an English Shepherd. She has a good memory, she will not respect or obey the person who offended her. After self-training, it is recommended to take a general obedience course from a canine specialist. If you can’t teach your dog commands, you can trust professional dog handlers and practice the skills yourself while walking.

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