Shorthaired Pointer is a hunting dog. Description, features, character, care and price of the breed

The Kurzhaar is a breed of hunting pointing dog bred in Germany and then spreading first across Europe and then throughout the world. Currently, the Shorthaired Pointer, along with the Drathaar, is the most popular and most common breed of hunting dog in our country. In the USA, the Shorthaired Pointer is called the German Shorthaired Pointer, in Russia – the German Shorthaired Pointer. The closest relatives of the shorthaired pointer are the drathaar and langhaar. Let's tell you more about this wonderful breed of dog.

Description and features

The shorthaired pointer dog is one of the oldest pointing dogs. It appeared in Germany in the second half of the 19th century. At that time, greyhounds, which were intended for killing and baiting animals, were in great demand in Europe. Therefore, the charming cop did not gain enormous popularity right away.

However, hunters of the time noted that he had first-class instincts and endurance. The main task of such a dog was and is to hunt birds. He “worked” in tandem with his owner. To get as many birds as possible, the animal found the location of the flock by smell, lay down in a shelter and waited for the owner. He, in turn, silently crept up to the birds and carefully threw a net over them.

Interesting fact! The expression “cops” first appeared in Germany. It literally means “to lie down in front of the hunted object.”

Thanks to its unique working talent, or rather the ability to silently sneak up on birds, this dog was nicknamed the “German bird dog.” His behavior was greatly influenced by the proliferation of firearms. This became the basis for expanding the working potential of the animal.

Thus, the use of a gun by a hunter led to a new style of hunting with the German pointer. The dog began to literally chase game at the armed man, and he shot it. Previously, she hid in a shelter and determined the best moment to exit.

The shorthaired pointer is the most famous dog among hunting breeds

Hunting with shorthaired pointer is productive and interesting. The dog is able to get game not only on land, but also on water. Can dive into the river for a pike or turtle. Then it will crawl ashore and shake off excess moisture. Designed for hunting birds, rabbits, rodents, wild boars, foxes and even deer.

The dog's good-natured disposition and agility made him a good companion. He is infinitely devoted to his owner, respects and loves his household. Well, he loves children. Will never hurt a child. If he hurts the shorthaired pointer, he will leave silently, but will not snap back.

This breed is full of vitality and enthusiasm! He will never get tired of a fun game; on the contrary, once he gets the taste, he will cheerfully invite everyone to join. Strongly needs sports activities. He will be happy to keep his owner company while jogging or swimming. Loves the game “fetch the stick”.

As a guard, the Shorthaired Pointer is ineffective. He is overwhelmed with kindness and love for people, he is devoid of observation. However, it may perceive small animals trying to enter its territory as potential prey. Friendly towards strangers. Often makes noise for any reason. Noisy and fussy.

History of the origin of shorthaired pointers

Shorthaired Pointers were bred from crossing Mediterranean pointers, with which they hunted birds. At the same time, special attention was paid to fine sense and good endurance. The animals found the game, stayed nearby, and the hunters threw a net over it. The fact that the dogs lay down next to the found game was the reason for the name - cops.

Interesting fact: These animals appeared in Germany in the 15th-14th centuries. When crossing with local dogs, the emphasis was on universal qualities. After the advent of firearms and their use in hunting, packs of dogs were no longer needed.

In addition to the Old Spanish and Old German shorthaired pointers, pointers were used to improve the breed to improve the characteristic stance and other characteristics of the pointers. In addition, these dogs were crossed with foxhounds to give them agility and bloodhounds to improve their sense of smell.

The breed standard in Germany arose in the sixties of the 19th century. Shorthaired Pointers were recorded in the German canine community in 1872. At first they were called Old German Württemberg Pointers. The best representatives were noted in the breeding records. Since the appearance of dogs from different regions differed, the breed standard was adopted in 1879. Shorthaired Pointers are known as good swimmers, hunting dogs with excellent working qualities and a stable psyche.

Over the next thirty years, the standard was adjusted as the animals improved. During this time, the dog became lighter, more agile, and more resilient. Improvement of the breed continues to this day. The breed began to gain its popularity around the world in the twenties of the last century. European admirers of the breed call the Shorthaired Pointer a German Bracket, while American fans call it a Shorthaired Pointer.

Breed standard

The shorthaired pointer breed is medium in weight and size. Its adult representative weighs from 21 to 28 kg. The weight of the bitches is slightly less. It grows up to 58-63 cm. The dog has a rectangular, slightly elongated body. Like all cops, her stomach is tucked, and her sternum is voluminous and protruding. The back is flat, the lumbar region is pronounced, its center is convex. The animal has strong, stable legs, with well-developed thigh muscles.

His fingers are pressed tightly together, his claws are sharp and fast-growing. Shorthaired Pointer puppies are born with long, thin tails. But it is customary for them to crop this part of the body in the first months of life. It is believed that a pointing dog with a docked tail is more successful in hunting. They have very dense skin that does not fold on the body and does not form wrinkles.

The dog has a medium-sized head with an elongated muzzle. The forehead is convex. He also has a very powerful jaw, which allows him to grab game and hold it firmly. A full row of snow-white teeth. The hooked nose at the edge of the muzzle is pigmented in the main shade of the coat. Movable wide nostrils. Dense eyelids, wide eye sockets.

Most often, shorthaired pointers are born with a light brown iris. According to the standard, their pupils cannot be white or yellow. The ears of these dogs are large and long. Set high on the crown, hanging down. Regarding the dog's fur. It is rough to the touch and short in length. Reminds me of a rough brush. The shorter coat is in the head area.

How to choose a puppy

It is better to purchase a puppy from an officially registered nursery. A purebred baby will meet the breed standard both physically and psychologically. If you buy a chicken second-hand, there is a high risk of getting a mixed breed or a sick animal. In the first months of life, it is impossible to evaluate the exterior. This makes it easier for scammers.

To select a puppy from a litter, you need to pay attention to the following:

  • living conditions and place organization;
  • activity (lethargy, like hyperactivity, is not the norm);
  • interaction with other puppies;
  • condition of ears, eyes, teeth, fur, skin, joints;
  • absence/presence of discharge from the nose and eyes;
  • mother's appearance;
  • attitude towards strangers;
  • availability of documents.

It is recommended to visit several nurseries and take a specialist for inspection. He will notice even minor flaws and help you make the right choice.

Nicknames for the boy: Zur, Skif, Romulus, Remus, Thunder, Marco, Matt, Chaco, Charlie, Quint, Willie. Names for girls: Ami, Argo, Wisla, Gerda, Bella, Marta, Tilda, Eva, Margot, Gretchen.


The shorthaired pointer is a hunting breed that has been standardized as a separate breed. It is not divided into subtypes. However, breeders took care to produce several colors of such dogs, they are:

Black Shorthaired Pointer

— Brown shorthaired pointer

— Spotted (brown and white) shorthaired pointer

The last variety is considered the most popular.

Interesting ! Breeders of this breed claim that if yellow markings are visible on the body of an individual, it will become excellent at finding game based on its bloody trail.

Popular colors of shorthaired pointers

This breed has short, coarse hair that covers the entire body. On the head, ears, and lower part of the tail it is softer and shorter. The leather is wrinkle-free and fits well. The color of the shorthaired pointer can be variable.

According to breed description standards, the following are acceptable:

  • Plain brown;
  • Brown with slight white spots and speckling on chest and legs;
  • Dark brown with specks and a brown head, the back of the tail and paws are lighter;
  • Light brown with specks, brown head, brown spots all over the body;
  • White with brown specks and the same markings on the head;
  • Black with identical options as brown colors.

Considered acceptable in the breed standard:

  • Tan with yellowness;
  • There may be a white patch on the forehead;
  • Small spots or specks on the lips.

The nose is brown. Black earlobe color is allowed in dogs with black or black-roan hair. In individuals with a basic white coloration, flesh-colored or unpainted lobe color is acceptable.

During the breeding of the breed, more attention is paid to hunting qualities, developed muscles, and sense of smell, but deviations in color will reduce its value for participation in exhibitions and for breeding. A pedigree for such a dog can only be issued with special notes.


For many centuries, the German Shorthaired Pointer hunted terrestrial and aquatic inhabitants. He always tried to win the favor and love of his owner, living side by side with him. This practice could not but affect the character of the animal. Yes, his main passion will always be hunting, but at heart he is an affectionate and sensitive pet.

The modern representative of the breed is very friendly. People are friends and toys for him. He is ready to play with anyone who smiles at him. Having grown up in a favorable atmosphere, Shorthaired Pointers are filled with love. They are ready to share it with any person, even sad or angry.

These are quite smart dogs, accustomed to trusting their owners. They understand when they joke with them and happily respond in kind. They can imitate any emotion, even aggression. Just don’t be afraid of cute shorthaired pointers, they are absolutely harmless.

Shorthaired Pointers have a very active and restless character.

Such pets are good nannies. They treat children patiently and responsibly, love to play with them, and allow any pranks with them. But, we do not recommend that parents of small children leave them alone with a representative of the breed, as they may accidentally hurt him. In this case, the dog will silently leave the offending child and may be afraid to be alone with him in the future.

This is a very loyal dog that will not serve a second owner. If she becomes attached to a person and begins to trust him, she will never leave him. Constantly demands attention. Vulnerable and sensitive. Shorthaired Pointer females are more gentle than males. They can lie next to their household members for hours, lick them and look reverently into their eyes.

This breed does not tolerate loneliness very well. Regular contact with the owners is vital for him. It is important that they pet and talk to the pet every day. Only in this case will he feel happy.

It is extremely important for him to systematically be in nature, ideally to hunt. When a dog sees a collar or a gun, he becomes truly delighted, as he understands that these objects are associated with hunting. At this moment, he allows the owner to put on a collar with a leash so that he can take him to the forest as quickly as possible.

Advice ! If the shorthaired pointer rarely exercises or hunts, it may become skittish or joyless. Therefore, it is recommended to go with him to the stadium or to the forest as often as possible.

It should be noted that males of this breed often strive to gain the upper hand over their owner and refuse to obey his commands. That is why they should be raised correctly, and it should start early.

Such a pet requires a strong-willed owner with enormous fortitude. He will agree to follow him and will respect him. The owner of this dog also needs to be aware of his hyperenergy. He will run around the yard, play, track down insects and animals, in a word, spend his time actively.

He loves to train. Naturally intelligent, the shorthaired pointer is an excellent student. He always tries to please his owner with good behavior and obedience, so difficulties in his training arise extremely rarely.

Can a representative of the breed in question get along with other pets? It definitely can, but it should be borne in mind that he is, first of all, a hunting hunter, so he may perceive small animals, for example, rats and rabbits, as his prey.


  • The German Shorthaired Pointer is a highly energetic breed. She needs one hour of activity daily, running without a leash. And that's the minimum.
  • Without activity, she becomes stressed and develops behavioral and health problems.
  • They love people and do not like to be left alone, especially for a long time. They are smart and can find entertainment while you are away. And you won't like it.
  • They bark quite a lot. They are distrustful of strangers and can be good guard dogs. However, they lack aggressiveness.
  • Bitches tend to be highly protective of their puppies and are generally more dominant.
  • They love children, but puppies are extremely active and can accidentally knock over small children.
  • This is an excellent hunting dog that can be versatile.

Care and maintenance

It is better to live with a Shorthaired Pointer in a private house rather than in an apartment. Why? Firstly, in the yard he will find many interesting activities for himself, for example, digging in the ground or chasing cats. Secondly, on the street the dog will have round-the-clock access to fresh air. And, finally, thirdly, he will be much more comfortable there, because he is an energetic hunter.

If you still plan to live with him in an apartment, you must arrange his sleeping place. The dog will need a bedding on the floor or a large bed. Allowing her to sleep with people on the bed is not recommended. In the second case, you will have to walk the animal at least 3-4 times a day. The minimum duration of the walk is 1 hour.

Shorthaired Pointers are good-natured towards children

We advise you to always keep your pet on a leash so that he does not run off into the distance, smelling game, for example, a squirrel. When you go for a walk with your pet, do not forget to give him the opportunity to actively relax. A great option is to go jogging together. You can also throw bottles or sticks at him.

Such an animal needs to be bathed every month. Fortunately, he loves this procedure very much. It is important to ensure that soapy water does not get into his eyes. After the procedure, be sure to clean your pet’s ears and sinuses of wax. If there are yellow marks on his teeth, you can be sure that this is plaque. A toothbrush will help get rid of it.


Any deviation from the above points should be considered as a deficiency, the assessment of which should be in strict accordance with the degree of deviation.

  • Defects in appearance, defects characteristic of the gender type (characteristic only for a male and only for a female)
  • muzzle too short
  • lips that are too thick or too thin
  • absence of 2 teeth in total (P1 and M3), i.e. out of all 4 P1 and 2 M3, a maximum of 2 teeth can be missing
  • too light eyes, light yellow eyes of a bird of prey
  • Ears too long, too short, too heavy, too narrow or tube ears
  • loose, loose skin on the throat
  • slightly hunched back
  • croup too short
  • sunken chest
  • the tail is set too high above the line of the back or is very curved
  • twisted elbows or markings. Clenched or unclenched nails (pads), pressed too close to the ground or set too high above the ground.
  • steep (straight) hind legs
  • slight barrel build, light cowhide or narrow-set paws


An active and energetic shorthaired pointer should be fed twice a day. Three meals a day are welcome, but in this case the portions should be reduced. Such a dog should consume about 600-700 grams of food per day. It is better to give puppies natural foods, this will allow them to fully develop. Their diet should consist of:

  • Chicken by-products.
  • Fresh meat.
  • Dairy products.
  • Vegetables and fruits.

But giving sweets and smoked foods to cop kids is contraindicated. Poor nutrition at this age can cause food allergies in the future. It is better to give a mature dog dry food, about 300 grams at a time.

Between meals, he can be given a “snack”. Hunting dogs love to chew dried pig's ear. You can purchase such a product at any pet store. Be sure to change the water in your dog's bowl daily. Make sure he always has access to it.


Puberty in female Shorthaired Pointers occurs at approximately 7-8 months, in males - 1-1.5 months later. At this time, strong physiological changes occur in the dog’s body, and behavior changes. Dogs may become more aggressive.

  • During the period of estrus, females have noticeable red discharge. The pet will pay a lot of attention to other people's marks and worry in the presence of other females. Having noticed such changes occurring in the dog, you can begin mating.
  • It is better to choose a quiet place for mating. If you decide to hold it in an apartment, then you need to arrange a separate room, from which it is better to remove all the furniture. It is better to carry out mating in a freer place - a street, a lawn. The dogs will be able to play first and get to know each other better.
  • Before mating, dogs need to be given a good walk. Preferably alone.
  • To get puppies, you need to choose the right day for mating. Usually this is 12-13 days after the appearance of discharge. To check if your pet is ready for mating, you need to put your hand on her rump. An indicator of readiness is the tail pulled to the side.
  • The knitting itself begins with the so-called “hook”. Cable puts his head on the bitch's withers. So he constrains her movements. And if the female does not resist the cable, she makes a “sit”. First, he pinches her in the lower back with his front paws.
  • Then the bitch must move her tail so that the male can get into the loop with his genitals. After several frictions, the genitals begin to swell, which leads to a “lock.” The grip will be strong. The “lock” lasts approximately 5-30 minutes, and ejaculation occurs throughout this time. Therefore, it is better not to touch the dogs at this time.
  • At the end of the process, the dogs will separate themselves.

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Breeders advise doing a control mating every other day.

There are also failures in mating. If there are several attempts, the animals may get tired. Then it is better to separate them into different rooms and let them rest for at least 2-3 hours or even a day.

Lifespan and reproduction

German cops live for about 13 years, of course, with good care. If you don’t vaccinate them and feed them poorly, they can serve no more than 10 years. Remember that the lifespan of a pet dog depends entirely on how well it is cared for.

A Shorthaired Pointer bitch is introduced to an adult male on the 3rd day from the start of her heat. During this period, their sexual instinct becomes more acute, so the chance of conceiving offspring is higher. If the female is pregnant, she should be given more protein (milk, cheese, cottage cheese).

By the way, her round tummy testifies to this position. He becomes like this within a week after mating. On average, pregnancy in Shorthaired Pointers lasts 65-70 days. There can be from 1 to 8 puppies in a litter, more often 4 or 6 are born. The sex of the dogs can be accurately determined after a couple of weeks.

Disqualifying faults

  • Gross deviations from the sexual type
  • absence of more than 2 of all 4 P1 and 2 M3.
  • Absence of one tooth or several teeth (except P1 and M3).
  • Teeth that are not visible are considered missing unless the German Shorthaired Pointer Club confirms their presence at a previous show or test.
  • overshot, undershot, crossbite and all their transitional forms.
  • extra teeth outside the row of teeth and more than 6 incisors in the lower and upper jaw
  • dental crevices and gaps between lips
  • eyelids that are strongly not adjacent to the eye, ectropia, entropia, distichias (double row of eyelashes).
  • severely sagging back. Rachiocampsis.
  • deformed chest (eg, "displaced breast").
  • wolf fingers and wolf claws
  • any type of manifestation of weakness in the behavioral qualities of the breed
  • Note: Males must have two apparently normally developed seminal testicles located in the scrotum.


This is an elite breed of dogs from the expensive segment. Fortunately, there are her nurseries in many Russian cities, including Moscow and St. Petersburg. The cost of cops varies. It depends on their class. Individuals of the lower class are sold from 15 to 25 thousand rubles.

Dogs with an excellent pedigree are much more expensive, on average 50 thousand rubles. The price of a shorthaired pointer from hand is from 5 to 12 thousand rubles. Be sure to inspect the puppy before purchasing! He must be strong, inquisitive and agile.

In the photo there is a shorthaired pointer puppy

Major diseases

This breed is characterized by good health , however, it is also prone to some diseases. Most diseases are hereditary:

  • Dysplasia,
  • Eye diseases,
  • Dermatitis,
  • Epilepsy.

Dog handlers note that all these diseases occur quite rarely.

Shorthaired Pointers are prone to bloating if not fed properly, but this can easily be avoided if you leave a little time between feeding and walking.

Bitches can develop oncological lesions of the mammary gland, but when dogs are sterilized, the risks decrease significantly.

The lifespan of a dog is 12 years ; one dog out of 8 lives more than 15 years. The longest recorded lifespan of a shorthaired pointer is 17 years .

Education and training

There is no need to train a German cop to hunt foxes, birds or rabbits. He is a born hunter with corresponding instincts. But you will definitely have to train him to work in tandem with you. In order for a dog to become an efficient breadwinner, you must first teach him to trust. He will be most successful if he becomes the student of one person, preferably a professional hunter.

Initially, the dog should be taught the classical rules of behavior. She must know her own name well and always respond to it. So repeat it when she is around. The second important point - do not allow her to jump on people in a fit of joy, and it doesn’t matter who exactly, guests or household members.

If you miss this moment, she will become spoiled and decide that she can do whatever she wants. Scold a pet that jumps on a person or push him away with your hand. By the way, physical punishment against a pet is unacceptable.

Difficulty in training a shorthaired pointer may arise due to its inherent confusion. During training, the dog will become distracted by any noise or movement. The main thing is to learn to concentrate his attention on yourself. We recommend using finger snapping.

This manipulation will create a sound that the dog will pay attention to. After that, look him in the eye and repeat the command. Teaching a representative of the breed in question basic commands is very simple. Start training him at 2.5 months.

Do not allow your pet:

  1. Sleeping with people in the same bed.
  2. Stealing food from the table.
  3. Tormenting objects in the house.
  4. Relieve yourself on the carpet.
  5. Jump on people.

A dog who does any of the above feels like he is the boss in the house and does not respect his household members. To gain his trust, scold him as soon as you catch him “in the act.”

In raising a German cop, the carrot method should also be used. The breed is in great need of regular encouragement from its owner. If you often praise him deservedly, he will be more successful and efficient.

Shorthaired Pointers have good endurance health provided they are active every day


The Shorthaired Pointer dog has a balanced, reserved, not nervous, not timid or aggressive character.

The shorthaired pointer has a tendency to dominate, the owner of such a dog must be a strong-willed person, with a strong character, capable of establishing and maintaining his leadership over the shorthaired pointer; if the owner cannot become a leader for his dog, then such a dog can get out of control and become unmanageable.

The shorthaired pointer constantly needs intellectual and physical work, without this the dog will get bored and throw out its unspent energy in the house.

An adult, well-bred shorthaired pointer is a friendly dog ​​that gets along well with children, even small ones. School-age children are the Shorthaired Pointer's best friends in active games.

The shorthaired pointer is strongly attached not only to its owner, but also to all members of his family. The shorthaired pointer must be aware of its own importance, feel needed, loved, and a full-fledged member of a friendly pack. In a critical situation, the shorthaired pointer is able to stand up both for itself and for any other member of its flock.

The shorthaired pointer has good guarding qualities; it is an excellent watchman and protector. A wary attitude towards strangers can lead to aggression, then the shorthaired pointer barks loudly at the stranger until its owner approaches. It is not recommended to develop too strong a protective instinct in a shorthaired pointer, as it can lead to a distortion in the dog’s psyche.

In order for a shorthaired pointer to get along well with other dogs, it must undergo socialization in its youth and learn to have an even attitude towards other dogs.

It is not recommended to keep cats and other pets in the house where the shorthaired pointer lives; after all, the shorthaired pointer is a hunting dog; its strong hunting instinct can turn on at any time, which will lead to dire consequences for other domestic animals.

Possible diseases and methods of treating them

The shorthaired pointer in the photo is a healthy and strong dog with excellent physical characteristics. He rarely gets sick and feels unwell. However, he is prone to some genetic defects. One of them is the so-called cleft palate.

Pathology is an expansion of the palate. According to experts, the main reason a dog develops a cleft palate is improper feeding in childhood. Most often, it is possible to get rid of the pathology using the surgical method.

Also, epilepsy and food allergies are often observed in representatives of the breed in question. Each of these ailments must be treated by a veterinarian. They are also “not immune” from eye diseases, such as cataracts.

We recommend purchasing dogs from kennels rather than from private owners. Thanks to this, you will be on the safe side and will definitely become the owner of a completely healthy pet that will serve you faithfully for many years.


* We invite you to watch a video about the Shorthaired Pointer . In fact, in front of you is a playlist in which you can select and watch any of 20 videos about a given dog breed by simply clicking on the button in the upper right corner of the window. In addition, the material contains quite a lot of photos. By looking at them you can find out what Kurzhaar looks like.

In this article:
  • History of the origin of shorthaired pointers
  • Shorthaired Pointer - description of the breed
  • Popular colors of shorthaired pointers
  • Character and habits of shorthaired pointers
  • Interesting facts about shorthaired pointers
  • Pros and cons of shorthaired pointers
  • Breeding Shorthaired Pointers
  • Caring for Shorthaired Pointers
  • Shorthaired Pointer diet
  • Diseases and health problems
  • Kurzhaar - price and how to buy correctly
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