Characteristics of beagle puppies, how to choose a dog and how much does it cost?

The character of a dog depends on heredity and breed characteristics, but proper upbringing and training is also of no small importance. In this article we will tell you about the natural characteristics of the breed and how to properly start raising and training your pet.

The Beagle is one of the ancient dog breeds. Initially, they were bred to help hunters. They are considered excellent rabbit hunters. Modern beagles are not only good hunters, but also excellent companions.

  1. Country of origin : UK
  2. Height at withers : male: 36–41 cm, female: 33–38 cm
  3. Weight : male: 10–11 kg, female: 9–10 kg
  4. Lifespan : 12-15 years
  5. Use : Hunting, Companion Dog
  6. Other names : English beagle


  • The main character traits of a beagle: female or male?
  • Beagle character
  • Basic commands
  • Raising a dog

In this article you will learn what features of character and behavior are inherent in the beagle. By studying this information about the temperament and disposition of beagles at different ages, you will get an idea about the breed. Find out how the character of a bitch differs from the behavior of a dog. We hope our article will help you figure out which gender of puppy is best for you.

The main character traits of a beagle: female or male?

The beagle puppy is an active and restless pet. If you take care of and train your puppy, you can avoid pampering. Constant damage to things does not indicate the baby’s bad character, he is just very active and needs somewhere to throw out his energy. You can buy toys for him, he will be active with them, direct his energy to playing with them. Already from 3-4 months (the time of socialization), he is able to perceive the general rules of education. At this time, it is important to begin socializing and training the dog.

Bitch: character

There is an opinion that beagle females have a more submissive and gentle character. But experts believe that character largely depends on heredity and individual characteristics. There are always exceptions, bitches with a very difficult character, and there are males with an easy-going and submissive character. But still, there is a difference in the behavior of the sexes. There are advantages and disadvantages for female and male genders.


  • Strong relationship with owner and home
  • Emotionally sensitive perception
  • Girls are smarter and smarter than boys
  • Accepts training tasks well
  • During walks, he runs less in the bushes
  • Doesn't rush at strangers
  • The breed is ideal for breeding, just one assessment from the exhibition is enough


  • Sly
  • Periodic menstruation

What is the price?

The cost of this dog is not cheap, but may vary depending on the pet’s pedigree and documents.

  1. Females usually cost more.
  2. Also, the price depends on the age of the dog; a large dog costs less than a small puppy.
  3. The title status of the parents also plays an important role; here the price automatically increases.
  4. A cross breed is cheaper than a purebred dog.
  5. A passport, pedigree and veterinary card will increase the price of the dog.
  6. You can buy a puppy cheaper on the outskirts than in the city.

Price in rubles:

  • Approximately, a pet-class beagle costs about 5,000 rubles.
  • You can get it for 10,000 rubles.
  • If you want a show-class dog, the cost starts from 20,000 rubles.

Cost with pedigree

Depending on the region, the cost may vary . Let's say:

  1. In the Kaliningrad region, the cost of beagle puppies with titled champion parents will be 25,000 rubles.
  2. In Moscow, using the same parameters, you can find a price for a puppy of 30,000 rubles. Show class – 40,000 – 50,000 rubles.

Without document

The cost of a Beagle without a pedigree may vary. If you do a good search on the Internet for such puppies, you can buy them from 1,000 to 20,000 rubles.

But quite often they write in social groups that they do not recommend purchasing a dog based on a photograph without the appropriate documents and pedigree, and also at a very low cost. Such a puppy will not be able to participate in exhibitions.

Male: character


  • High performance, very durable
  • Solid appearance, a big plus for exhibitions
  • Persistence in achieving results in the learning process


  • Independent and more stubborn than a girl. Requires more strict training than a girl.
  • To fulfill your physical and natural needs, you need a longer time for walks. According to physiology, he is not capable of quickly emptying the bladder.
  • Can run away from its owner if it smells a female in heat.
  • During the period of estrus in females, fights with other males are possible.


Beagles by nature have strong immunity and, with proper care, remain in good physical shape until old age. However, there are diseases that most often affect representatives of this breed:

  • Spinal diseases, in particular intervertebral deformities
  • Curvature of the front paws
  • Thyroid diseases
  • Congenital baldness
  • Heart diseases
  • Eye diseases
  • Diabetes
  • Epilepsy

Important! Visit your veterinarian at least once a year! Only an experienced doctor will be able to make the correct diagnosis and promptly prescribe treatment for your four-legged friend’s diseases.

Is it possible to influence and correct the character of the Beagle?

Raising and training a beagle is of great importance, as soon as you bring him into your home. Do not allow people to chew things, stop attempts to pester strangers while walking, do not allow them to eat from someone else’s hands, pick up food from the floor, or beg for food from you while eating. It is forbidden to jump on and bite people, even to show your love. Only training and proper upbringing will change a dog’s character for the better. The puppy training process is based on the method of motivation, encouragement and praise. It is prohibited and unacceptable to treat the dog harshly during training.

How to raise a beagle puppy

If you train your pet correctly, then over time you will get an obedient dog that will follow all commands and delight you every day. Experts believe that several factors may influence the beagle's receptivity to following various commands:

  • pet's temperament - the speed of the pet's reaction to stimuli, both positive and negative;
  • character - how exactly the dog resists various unpleasant influences;
  • obedience - the dog’s ability to accept human leadership;
  • vigilance - the speed with which the dog notices potential danger, both in relation to itself and in relation to the owner;
  • aggressiveness - the pet’s ability to react hostilely to potential danger;
  • curiosity - interest that is developed when a dog feels, hears and sees something;
  • sociability - the ability to interact with people;
  • possessiveness is the interest shown by animals in certain objects, for example toys.

How quickly your dog will learn commands depends on which traits predominate in the character of a beagle puppy. By paying attention to the character traits of your animal, you can find an approach to it and adjust its behavior in certain situations.

  • Eagerness will get you nowhere . You should not try to teach your beagle puppy all the commands at the same time; you need to learn the commands one at a time. You need to have patience and act methodically. You should not scold your pet at the moment when he makes mistakes, and when he succeeds in something, then the pet should be encouraged.
  • Don't hit . It is prohibited to use physical punishment against a pet. You should limit yourself to variable intonation, but avoid shouting. After the Beagle puppy is three months old, it is allowed to use a light spank as punishment while saying the phrase “Ew.” It is necessary to punish immediately when the animal commits an offense, and not after it, since the animal simply will not understand what exactly it was punished for.
  • Subsequence . The main goal is to ensure that the pet follows the command the first time. Commands should be pronounced clearly and in an even voice so that the dog understands and obeys you. All family members should be involved in raising the dog, but they must act together. It is forbidden to allow situations in which you scold the puppy, and another family member praises him or simply does not pay attention.
  • Pamper . Remember to reward your Beagle puppy with a variety of treats and praise when he has done what is asked of him.

Basic commands

You will use some commands more often, others less often. But they will still come in handy to easily interact with your beagle and even keep him safe in various situations.

  • Aport. One of the most difficult teams. Many people perceive it as very easy and simple, but with many dogs you will have to work hard. This skill is used for other exercises: searching, searching, selecting an item and many others. Usually they are all used in service. When working out a command, “Aport” and “Give” are used, and a gesture is also used.
  • Give. On the command “Give” the dog must give up the object.
  • Lie. A connecting command that needs to be learned for other commands. In addition, it will not interfere at home or on the street.
  • To me. You will need to use this command quite often. So start with it immediately after your beagle puppy has learned his name. Never call the dog to punish, and do not scold if it comes on its own, even after mischievousness before it. This behavior on your part may alienate the animal.
  • Place. A puppy or an adult dog must clearly know where his place is located. He can sleep anywhere, if you allow it, of course, but he must know this command. You can use it outside the home, marking the place with a leash or your favorite toy.
  • Near. It is possible to teach your pet the “Near” command at any age, be it an adult dog or a small puppy. When you move to a new home, you should immediately think about training your puppy.
  • Sit. One of the very first commands that a beagle puppy should learn.
  • Stand. The command is useful in everyday life, for example, for combing a dog.
  • . The prohibiting command is one of the most mandatory and taming it begins from the first day the puppy appears in the house. Requiring the command “Fu!”, “No!”, “No!” - immediately stop the unwanted action.

Breed standards

The standards of the Federation Cynologique Internationale are used in judging beagles..

This is an organization that works in the field of dog breeding development. The Federation provides high standards for purebred dogs at the international level.

FCI group standard for beagles :

  • Anatomical features of the muzzle . The length of the head between the back of the head and the tip of the nose is divided in half by the stop very symmetrically. The height to the elbow is approximately equal to half the height at the withers. At the same time, the dog’s head is powerful, without folds or wrinkles, and the skull is dome-shaped and of medium width; a small bump appears on the back of the head. Beagles have a wide, black nose. The lips droop, but not much. They are characterized by powerful jaws with a scissor bite. Beagles' eyes are large, dark brown, and shallow-set. The ears should be rounded at the ends and, if extended, they will reach almost to the tip of the nose. The slightly curved neck has a slight dewlap.
  • Case features . The topline should be straight and level and the loin should be short but strong and well balanced. The chest falls below the elbow as standard, and the ribs have good bend and volume. The hemline doesn't have any extra lift. As for the tail, it should be straight and not droop, that is, not curl over the back. At the same time, he is strong, with thick hair.
  • Forelegs . There is no tension in the shoulders, they are laid back. There should be no unevenness in the forearms, they are vertical under the hound and do not taper towards the end. The elbows are strong and have no curvature. Pastern short. The pads on strong paws are tightly packed.
  • The hind limbs of the breed are also distinguished by their strong structure. The upper thighs are muscular, the knees bend at a distinct angle. The short metatarsus are parallel.
  • Gait . She also has her own standards. When moving, the dog's back does not hunch. The beagle should walk freely, without jumping and raising its paws far forward. The gait is confident.
  • Coat type . By standard it is short and thick. It is also waterproof.
  • Shade and color standard . A combination of two or three colors: combinations of white, black, badger motley, blue, red, red, lemon. Or the beagle may be solid white. The tip of the tail is also white.

It is desirable that the minimum height at the withers of the breed be 33 cm, and the maximum - 40 cm.

Read more about beagle sizes here.

It is worth keeping in mind that any deviation from these accepted norms is a defect or shortcoming, based on the degree of severity. You also need to remember that there is no breed of mini-beagles - it is exclusively a breeding marriage with problematic health.

Raising a dog

Education is the process of shaping beagle behavior acceptable to the owner, when this behavior is not regulated by commands.
During upbringing, a dog develops relationships with its owner, family members, passers-by, behavior in the house, on the street, and relationships with other dogs. The training process begins immediately when the dog first appears in the house and continues throughout the dog’s life. Regardless of the dog's breed, it must be trained. Just as people do not like ill-mannered people, dogs should also know what is allowed and what is not allowed. Raising a dog is a rather complex process, which is not limited to learning just a few commands. The main goal of education is that the dog should become pleasant to talk to. In addition, it must be manageable at some points, otherwise it will be very difficult for the dog owner. In the broadest sense of the word, dog training is about teaching the dog commands such as “Bad” and “No”. But besides this, the dog must know what is good and what is bad, even in those moments when the owner is not around. Some believe that the beagle only understands commands, but cannot generalize. Only those who, as a rule, never had dogs, and studied them only in laboratory conditions, in which dogs were not able to show their full potential, are convinced of this, as well as those who, due to their personal qualities, were unable to establish a relationship with pet. In real life, the beagle is a pack animal and therefore, like any other pack animal, needs to communicate with members of its family. In this situation, the dog’s family members are people. It is quite stupid to think that if a dog caresses you, this means that his skin is itching. In order for a dog’s nervous system to function normally, it needs affection, love, communication, and praise. In addition, so-called “inhibiting factors” are required, because if the dog is allowed everything, then this will not lead to anything good. When raising a beagle puppy, you should pay attention to the genetic characteristics of the breed. A family is a pack in which there must be a leader, in this case the leader is a person. The leader punishes, plays, feeds, caresses, praises and scolds. All other members of the owner's family are ranked by rank. At that moment, while the puppy is small, all other family members are senior to him. However, in the process of growing up, around the age of one year, the dog begins to look for its place in the hierarchical pyramid. Naturally, she will try to take the step that is as high as possible. She can do this with the help of force, in the case of large dogs, or with the help of cunning, as small dogs do. The more ill-mannered the dog is, the more difficult this process will be. If the owner from the first days shows his pet that the one who has the power is right, then he will turn out to be a frail neurotic or an evil beast with whom you will hardly communicate with joy. A beagle puppy must understand that he must obey people, since they love him, feed him, and raise him. Understand that prohibitions are not the whim of the owner, but a way to protect everyone from trouble. The main influence on the dog should be the voice. From the first days of being in your home, the puppy must realize that you love him, and if you raise your voice, then this means that he is doing something wrong. One of the best incentives for a pet is considered to be a treat, which should be given out for good behavior and listening to commands. Beagle character: who is better to take a bitch or a dog?

Characteristics of puppies and their photos

Great Britain is the country where the Beagle breed was developed, which is a hunting breed . These dogs are medium in size, there is a slight resemblance to the Foxhound breed in appearance.

Only newborns, as well as at 1, 2, 3 months and older


When puppies are born, a huge responsibility is placed on the owner. First you need to check the well-being of the puppies and mother. If everything is fine, then it is necessary to monitor the process to ensure that the puppies are sucking milk and feeding. The mother has enough milk to support the life of the puppies.

Lack of milk can cause death. Moreover, it is not necessary that the presence of milk is directly proportional to the development of the maternal instinct; there are mother dogs who do not have milk, but they warm the puppies and encourage them to feed.

If the puppies do not have enough food, they will be able to endure a certain period of severe dehydration and weakness. At first they will cry, but gradually calm down. If you take a fold in the skin with two fingers, it will not straighten out for a long time, although in a healthy puppy this part straightens out instantly.

In the absence of milk, artificial feeding or supplementary feeding is necessary . Also, when the litter is large, it is recommended to monitor the feeding process of newborn puppies.

Healthy puppies can grow up on substitutes, but it is, of course, recommended that the mother dog feed the pups herself. The start of life for newborn puppies is very important. Their vision and hearing are completely absent, thermoregulation can be called weak. The main thing here is colostrum, this food is considered very special, available within 48 hours after birth for puppies.

Each drop can be called truly priceless, since immunity is transmitted from the mother with this substance. After three days, the puppy's umbilical cord will fall off .

To feed puppies, you can use the following ingredients: a glass of milk, separate the yolk from the white in the egg and add the raw yolk. To improve intestinal motility, it is recommended to add a few drops of lemon juice to this mixture. If ready-made adapted milk substitutes are not available, then this recipe can be used. The usefulness and simplicity of such a mixture has been proven by scientists.

Infant formula is not suitable because it is adapted for a woman’s milk; the protein here is 5 times less than that of a bitch’s milk. Cow's milk for puppies is also a low-nutrient milk.

The main signs for the vital activity of puppies are the following factors:

  • the bitch is healthy;
  • the bitch actively takes care of the children;
  • puppies suck mother's milk well;
  • puppies sleep for 1.5 hours.

For 3 weeks, you must follow some recommendations:

  • regular walks for the bitch up to 5 times a day, regardless of whether the dog wants it;
  • nutritious nutrition for the mother;
  • eating small portions;
  • purity.

If the dog shows aggression and does not want to go for a walk, it still needs to be taken out for a walk. Normally, the bitch feeds the puppies for up to three weeks. The puppies' weight should double within the first 10 days . This indicator can be attributed to normal development.

If puppies develop diarrhea or constipation, which occurs in rare cases, it is recommended to monitor the mother's diet. Under no circumstances should you give your bitch liver. In case of diarrhea, it is recommended to consult a specialist.

Constipation may also occur, but this is much more difficult to notice: signs of the puppy appearing tearful, lack of appetite, and a tight belly. This is dangerous and the puppy could be in danger of dying.

On the 14th day, it is necessary for the puppy to drink an anthelmintic suspension.

On the 15th day, as a rule, the puppy begins to see, he becomes interested in the world around him. For a puppy, life is interesting, full of communication, you need to pick them up, play with them, communicate. This is very important for the socialization of the puppy.

When 3 weeks have passed, the puppy runs and plays, teeth begin to erupt . It would be great to provide a place or playpen for the puppies to live. Dividing the space into a toileting and play area will help discipline dogs. Regarding nutrition, the puppies still suck the bitch, but they also need to be fed something additional.

1 month

The puppy must develop fully. Milk teeth appear, complementary feeding is required.


Puppies feed on their own. It is necessary to get vaccinated, we must not forget about this . The period when puppies need vaccination is the sixth, seventh or eighth week. The vaccine is selected with the help of a specialist.


The puppy shows maximum activity. The curiosity of this animal knows no bounds. Here you should not lose attention when puppies begin the process of changing teeth. Like humans, dogs have baby teeth, which are replaced by molars over time.


It is recommended that a grown puppy include some lungs, liver, and scars in his diet . Protein should be 70%. The presence of cottage cheese, lean lamb and turkey in the diet is also welcome. You can add cereals and fruits.

Breed weight and height chart

Puppy ageHeightWeight
Newborn18-20 cm250-450 gr.
1-2 months22-25 cm3-4 kg
2-3 months28-30 cm5-6 kg
3-4 months30-32 cm7-8 kg
4-5 months32-34 cm8-10 kg
5 months – six months33-35 cm9-12 kg
7-8 months35-37 cm10-13 kg
8-9 months35.4-37.3 cm10.5-14 kg
9-10 months35.6-37.5 cm10.8-15 kg
10-11 months36-38 cm11-16 kg
11 months-year37-39 cm12-17 kg

To what age do they grow?

If we talk about the intensity of growth, then puppies grow to a maximum of six months. Further growth gradually slows down, until the dog is 1 year old. After this period, growth practically stops. The dog is maturing and developing.

To what size?

On average, a male dog weighs about 11 kg, sometimes 18 kg . This is the norm for this type of dog. If we talk about a female dog, the maximum weight is 17 kg with a mobile and active lifestyle. The maximum height for a female is 38 cm, for a male – 40 cm.

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