How much does a Tibetan mastiff cost in Russia and China? Records and reasons

Tibetan Mastiffs are highly valued in China. According to the ancient legends of the Celestial Empire, such famous people as Buddha, Genghis Khan and Queen Victoria had such dogs. They are one of the oldest dog breeds; these animals guarded Tibetan monasteries and helped nomads move and live in the Himalayas. Over the past years, the price for such pets has been growing steadily and by March-April 2011 it had risen to $1.48 million in the Asian region.

In addition, the color red in China symbolizes happiness, and red mastiffs in general in this country are sacred creatures that bestow happiness, prosperity and security on their owners. Old sages living in Tibet believe that these dogs are the embodiment of the souls of monks who lead an insufficiently righteous lifestyle.

Hong Dong is a red Tibetan mastiff.


First, let's make a small rating of the most expensive dogs of this breed. More precisely, let there be only three places in this nomination.

So, in third place is a dog bought in 2009 by a certain rich Chinese woman for $607,000. The price is significant, but not the highest.

In second place is an 11-month-old puppy, who in 2011 was listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the most expensive dog - he cost his owner $1,500,000. A Chinese oligarch from the industrial coal mining sector purchased a red puppy for himself. The name of the buyer and the animal were not released to the general public. If there are people willing to send their bitch on a “date” with this guy, they will have to pay at least 15 thousand dollars for the meeting. And how much a puppy from such a dad would cost... it’s scary to even imagine.

However, the 2014 fair made changes to the Book of Records - it was then that the most expensive Tibetan mastiff was sold. The one-year-old teenager has already cost the owner $2 million. This dog was purchased by a 59-year-old breeder from China. So we can expect even more expensive puppies to appear soon.

Anonymous Chinese buyer.

The owner of the dog, with a record value of 1.5 million (10 million yuan or £945,000), was a multimillionaire industrialist involved in coal mining in southern China. The transaction was recorded on March 12, 2011 in the city of Qingdao.

The name of the new owner is kept secret for security reasons, since he will be an excellent target for both journalists and criminals. Hong Dong (this is the dog's Chinese name) went to his new home, accompanied by several guards, but his owner was very pleased with his pet. Not surprising, because one mating of any female with a Big Splash will cost her owners $15,000 . And the amount of income from this dog’s puppies is generally difficult to predict, but some people are already ready to pay at least $100,000 for a puppy from this dog...

Price in China

An adult mastiff in China can cost on average 15-30 thousand dollars. Although it is difficult to talk about the price of a dog of this breed, especially in its native country. The fact is that the cost consists of various components, such as the territory of birth, titles of parents, color, upbringing scheme, age, pedigree, titles of the puppy itself, expert assessment, and so on. In particular, in China there are individuals that are prohibited from sale by government order. These dogs are priceless. Tibetan Mastiff puppies will cost around $3,000.

Declining popularity and cheaper prices

It would seem that after record sales of puppies for millions of dollars, their popularity and value in the dog market should only increase. But something went wrong.

The Chinese boom in Tibetan mastiffs appears to be over. Already in 2018-2019, the average price for one individual is about $2,000. And some breeders are ready to sell them for next to nothing. And there is an explanation for this too.

During the peak of popularity for this breed, some dishonest breeders began to mate purebred Tibetan mastiffs with other breeds in order to make a quick profit. And this greed led to the opposite effect - rich buyers refused to purchase “defective” dogs. And those who are poorer simply did not have such large sums to buy the desired pet.

In addition, mixed individuals lost all the advantages of the good character of purebred mastiffs. They were no longer so kind and loyal; owners began to complain about aggression and abandon their pets. All these problems led to the fact that the peak of popularity for the breed ended.

Price in Russia

In our country, prices for puppies of this breed are much lower. Although it would be hard to call them short. Yes, the price cannot be low, because just keeping a dog is very, very expensive. Therefore, the cost of a puppy is actually not always able to cover even the costs of maintaining, feeding and feeding its pregnant mother.

An adult Tibetan mastiff in our country costs on average about 30 thousand rubles. No research has been conducted, but, according to a review of sales advertisements, the most expensive dog of this breed in our country was sold in 2014 for 62 thousand rubles. Modest, isn't it? And, perhaps, the price indicates that these puppies are not high enough, otherwise there would be much more zeros in the price. However, if you compare photographs of puppies exported from China with puppies raised in Russia, the difference in price becomes clear.

History of the origin of Tibetan mastiffs

Genetic analyzes suggested that the first representatives of the breed could have appeared 40,000 – 60,000 years ago. Archaeologists have found bones of mastiff ancestors in Bronze and Stone Age settlements. Dogs have been mentioned in famous works since the beginning of the 12th century. One of the texts includes a description of hunting dogs, reminiscent of mastiffs, given to the Chinese emperor in 1121.

In Tibet, animals were used for protection. Mastiffs worked in tandem with spaniels, which served as alarms. Large animals were released mainly at night. The habit of the first owners was reflected in the lifestyle of modern mastiffs.

Marco Polo wrote about giant dogs superior to pack donkeys. Until the middle of the 19th century. Tibetan mastiffs rarely left their homeland. European experts created an association that controls breed standards in 1931. Mastiffs came to the USA only in 1950 - a massive pet was given to Dwight Eisenhower. But the Americans did not appreciate the breed when they first met.

As the popularity of Tibetan mastiffs grew, China became actively involved in breeding. Some fans of the breed note that breeders from China have created their own subspecies, benefiting from the promotion of the original “brand”. At the same time, they exaggerated some features to please buyers, turning the mastiff through crossbreeding into a large version of the chow chow.

Mastiffs abroad

Foreigners do not look at how much a Tibetan mastiff costs in Russia. Quite the contrary. Among world breeders, those dogs that cost as much as possible are more popular. The Chinese themselves consider the presence of a mastiff to be a sign of the owner’s wealth.

Rich Europeans often buy these dogs. Tibetan Mastiff puppies, especially those bred in the Himalayas, are very expensive, thereby attracting many who want to strengthen their social status. And considering how incredibly difficult it is to obtain permission to export such a dog from the country, the main contenders for them can only be really rich people.

In such cases, the expression that the end justifies the means is fully confirmed - this dog is so interesting in itself that no matter what price the owner pays for it, every dollar is well spent. Their habits can simply evoke a whirlwind of incredible emotions in the owner. It's almost impossible not to fall in love with these puppies. Looking at them, you instantly forget how much a Tibetan mastiff costs in Russia or even abroad. The main thing is to get this treasure.

The most expensive dog in the world

Although, perhaps such a friend is worth it. Tibetan Mastiffs are one of the 14 oldest dog breeds that are closest in genes to wolves. Asians love this breed very much for its powerful and unusual appearance. The Mastiff has come a long way from being a guardian of Nepalese and Tibetan residents to probably the most status dog in Russia and the world.

In China, the breed developed and gradually became a sign of the highest status of its owner. In ancient times, it was also highly valued for its unsurpassed protective qualities. It is known for certain that a mastiff can repel the attack of a leopard or wolf.

Despite the difficulties in raising and maintaining such a large dog, the breed is popular all over the world, and in China the Tibetan Mastiff has become almost a totem animal. The growth in popularity has been greatly facilitated by the fact that puppies of this breed have been sold for record amounts in the past few years.

All the first 3 places in the ranking of the most expensive dogs are occupied by Tibetan mastiffs and all of them were sold in China.

This price race started in 2009, when a Chinese businesswoman purchased a puppy for $500,000. The male was named Yang Tzu No. 2. Then this price created a sensation; the puppy was purchased at the prestigious annual Chinese exhibition of Tibetan mastiffs.

Every year in China there is an exhibition where the best representatives of the breed are shown, where you can buy a puppy or stand in line for one of the planned litters in the future.

The same exhibition in northern China showed the world the next record value in 2011. A Tibetan mastiff named Hong Dong was sold for $1.5 million. The 11-month-old puppy at the time of sale weighed 90 kg, was 80 cm at the withers and continued to grow. From Chinese the name of the animal is translated as “Big Flash” or “Big Splash”. It was bought by a coal magnate.

The “golden puppy” went to his new home, accompanied by guards. His owner is already calculating the expected profit that the most expensive dog in the world will bring. After all, the desire of dog breeders to breed their dogs with Hong Dong will be indescribable. And for this you will have to pay at least 15 thousand dollars. But it’s hard to even imagine what the profit from puppies will be. Occasionally they write about the dog that he eats exclusively fresh meat, and he has his own servant. We can assume that this is the wealthiest dog. However, now the owner of Hong Dong will have to be very careful. After all, he became an excellent target for both the press and blackmailers. This is why the name of the owner of the Tibetan Mastiff is not published.

Breeder Lu Liang has already warned Hong Dong's owner that the dog's menu must be special. Before moving to a new place of residence, the puppy ate selected beef and chicken, and for afternoon snacks he received exotic Chinese delicacies - abalone and sea cucumber.

In 2013, the record holder was the puppy Emperor, who was valued at $1.6 million.

And more recently, in 2014, the most expensive dog on earth went under the hammer: a Tibetan mastiff for $1,950,000. The puppy was sold by a breeder who had previously exhibited dogs for astronomical sums.

All the dogs sold for such sums were males with red coat color, this is the color that is considered elite. Breeders even resort to inbreeding to achieve color intensity. The special expression of the muzzle with slightly protruding brow ridges, as if hanging over the eyes, is also very much appreciated. In China, there are known cases where puppies even tried to have plastic surgery on their faces. Unfortunately, despite the fact that such an operation costs from 50 to 100 thousand dollars, in 70% of cases it ends in death.

In addition to the dog’s exterior and parents, a lot of additional factors that are incomprehensible to Westerners play a big role, for example, the puppy’s zodiac sign and year of birth according to the Eastern calendar.

Tibetan mastiffs are treated differently in China. This is one of the oldest working breeds. It was they who guarded the monasteries of Tibet, and also helped the nomads in the Himalayas. According to legend, Genghis Khan and even Buddha had mastiffs.

The Chinese say:

“Gold has a price, but the Tibetan Mastiff is priceless.”



The issue of price is very important for most people. Therefore, if you have firmly decided on the breed, you need to consider some issues. Decide whether it is important to you to have a pedigree, a long line of titled ancestors, an exceptional history, an original character, and so on. Or do you agree to get a puppy without breed confirmation until the 25th generation? In the end, it is simply impossible to confuse the breed with another, so you can buy a real Tibetan Mastiff, simply born at the wrong time, for only $300.

But if you have decided, after weighing all the pros and cons, to buy a good puppy, then you should not think about how much a Tibetan mastiff costs in Russia. Instead, find a good kennel, study the pedigrees of both parents, observe the puppies from birth, choose the one you like, and try to please him. And then the dog will delight you for a long time, looking with its amazing eyes from under its shaggy mane.

Breed Features

A lion's thick mane, a massive body, a large head and an absolutely pretty look: in front of you is a dog from which it is impossible to take your eyes off - the Tibetan Mastiff. The oldest type of breed that served as a guard in Tibetan monasteries. A calm, kind dog who can be part of a friendly family, treat his owners and children kindly, and guard the house with dignity.

Thanks to its dense coat, the mastiff can live freely on the street and easily tolerate low temperatures even without a kennel. Unlike other dogs, a mastiff is unlikely to run fervently to catch a thrown ball or stick: he is independent of his owner, although he is loyal to him. This breed was bred to protect humans and their homes, so the dog prefers to stay awake at night and sleep peacefully during the day.

The mastiff is smart, majestic, reacts adequately to other people’s aggression, but requires respect for one’s own person and an understanding of canine psychology. If you have never owned a dog, then you should prepare to raise this breed: a mastiff will grow up to be a wonderful dog with systematic training and proper attention to the process of its socialization. Otherwise, the dog becomes unpredictable and suspicious of strangers.

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