How many dog ​​breeds are there in the world: exact number

What affects the cost

Regardless of the breed, all puppies are divided into three main classes:

  • “breeding” is designed for breeding reproduction of the breed, when the parents produce ideal offspring for further breeding;
  • “show”, when the dog is ideal for exhibitions, demonstrating the best qualities, characteristics, and competition;
  • “Pet” are inexpensive representatives who have minor problems with color, health, and behavior.

The last class is the so-called “culling”, which significantly reduces the cost of a puppy, allowing you to purchase a dog “for yourself”, without relying on future offspring.

Another factor is the fashion for a certain group of breeds. It is noted that every 5 years, ideas among “dog owners” about one direction or another in keeping dogs change. Today it is common to have small dogs that do not require care, are obedient, and know how to entertain. You don’t have to go for walks with them; they perform all hygiene procedures at home.

Each dog involves expenses:

  • arrangement of a convenient place for a bed or a comfortable booth;
  • bowls for drinking, feeding;
  • high-quality, varied nutrition to stay fit;
  • toys;
  • veterinary care: preventive examinations, vaccinations, treatment of diseases.

This immediately eliminates those who are unable to take care of a pet. The price tag is sometimes deliberately artificially increased to ensure that the dog is fully provided for.

6th place: Pomeranian Spitz

Pomeranian Spitz (dwarf Spitz) is a decorative breed of miniature dogs originally from Germany. Images of these dogs are often found on ancient Greek and Roman coins, vases and other monuments of antiquity. In 1870, during the reign of Queen Victoria, who was very fond of this breed, Spitz came to England, where work began on creating a miniature form and improving its appearance. The Pomeranian Spitz has a cheerful disposition and loyal character, is distinguished by intelligence and intelligence, and is easy to train. In recent years, Pomeranians have been gaining great popularity, and some representatives of the breed are real stars, such as Spitz Boo from the USA and Spitz Shunsuke from Japan. The cost of puppies of this breed can range from $700 to $4,000.

The most inexpensive dog breeds


From the "terrier" class. This is a small hunter, distinguished by its miniature size, silky fur, and ringing voice. Initially intended for hunting small rodents, especially rats and mice. He is able to crawl into the narrowest spaces, attack and choke first. During the selection process, two additional subgroups appeared: small, miniature.

Among the advantages of the breed, the following are emphasized:

  • calm attitude towards transportation;
  • ease of learning;
  • the opportunity to create creative images, dress beautifully, purchase accessories and outfits.

One of the difficulties for owners is external care. A Yorkshire Terrier without trimming looks like a little devil. It looks terrible and scary. They require special cutting of hair, nails, trimming of bangs, mustache and beard.

The fashion for the breed led to a large number of dogs. The once artificially inflated price decreased, and the process of dumping began. If 5-6 years ago the cost seemed unrealistic, now you can buy it inexpensively. For a puppy aged 4-5 months. with vaccinations they ask from 200 USD.


A serious hunting breed with a difficult character. Breeders managed to achieve three subspecies, differing in coat length. Through selection, representatives differing in size were created:

  • standard;
  • average;
  • miniature.

The dachshund is a dog that doesn’t stand still. She is constantly on the move, “catching” the trail, catching up, biting. She digs holes at home and on the street - something that is inherent in her instincts. The nimble dog hates screams and noise. She treats children who seem dangerous to her with caution and some malice. Very distrustful of strangers, does not recognize strangers.

Cute dachshund puppies are sold for 100 USD. without documents. It is difficult to confuse them with another breed, their appearance is too characteristic. They charge more for long-haired standard dachshunds because of their beautiful exterior. The most inexpensive is the out-of-fashion, poorly trained dwarf variety. The demand for a medium-sized wire-haired dachshund is 2-3 times higher due to its rare occurrence among Russian pets.

Basset Hound

If we go back to the 19th century, the owner of this breed was considered rich nobility. Keeping basset dogs means having large hunting grounds. They were kept in large kennels and used for hunting large or medium-sized wild animals. The puppies cost incredible amounts of money; only avid fans of the breed could afford to keep them. The specific appearance of hounds is recognizable:

  • elongated body;
  • short stature;
  • feet with eversion;
  • muscular body covered with numerous skin folds.

All these signs allow you to protect from wounds and dodge. The trumpet, sonorous howl of the basset can be heard from afar. Long ears and stretched skin on the face make the dog a kind of “professor” or a thoughtful “philosopher”.

Today it is an inexpensive breed, since there is almost no place to use its natural abilities. The character is stubborn, persistent. It is difficult for them to get along in urban conditions. A puppy for exhibitions costs no more than 400-500 USD. If breeding is planned, then the price tag will be the same. There are few lovers of this dog.

Labrador Retriever

The breed quickly gained popularity, although it was originally a hunting breed. Now he is a companion dog. She will respond with devotion, sincerity, and give emotions.

The breed is distinguished by the following characteristics:

  • The weight and height of an adult dog is significant, more than 40 kg. and above 45 cm at the withers;
  • medium-sized coat with a small undercoat, lying close to the body. It has water-repellent properties and does not get wet easily. The dirt dries and does not stick;
  • funny face with floppy V-shaped ears;
  • large nose with a pronounced lobe and beautiful, intelligent eyes;
  • muscular, powerful body.

Labradors are not prone to diseases other than obesity. They love to eat and are considered omnivorous hunters.

An inexpensive dog that will cost 500 USD. and higher. It all depends on the choice of class and gender. Additional facts - color. Beige ones are cheaper than chocolate or black ones.


Japanese Imperial Dog, bred for protection. She is distinguished by her small size, rich fur, and clear voice. The cute-looking dog is not as simple as it might seem. She knows how to stand up for herself, attack first, and bite when in danger. Any noise or extraneous sound is a signal of approaching trouble. Therefore, sometimes he behaves very hysterically, trying to show the world that everything around him is very difficult.

It is ideal for a leisurely lifestyle. He is calm about grooming, bathing, and haircuts. Loves affection and care. Recognizes only one family member as the owner.

This type of dog is popular with pensioners and elderly ladies. They will walk, enjoy the air and not be in a hurry. Security qualities will not allow you to get close to the owner. Suitable for keeping in a small apartment. The dog's height is no higher than 25 cm at the withers. The wool does not shed much and does not have a specific odor.

The main costs are for care products (shampoo, hair conditioners). Disadvantage: loud snoring during sleep due to the specific structure of the muzzle.

Exhibition copies cost no more than $400. The most inexpensive is the rejected option, when the puppy does not fit into the breed standard due to color, teeth bite, and foot turn.


A large, oversized dog with a stupid character. Literally 30 years ago, representatives of the breed were brought from abroad. Lovers could not imagine that it would be possible to purchase a puppy for little money.

A brave, brave dog of high stature is suitable for keeping in large apartments and country cottages. He needs long walks and physical activity. Differs from other service dogs in the following characteristics:

  • specific structure of the body, when the sternum and neck are strengthened;
  • the body is taut, slightly elongated;
  • ears and tail are docked;
  • elongated muzzle;
  • color black or chocolate with tan marks on the chest, paws, and belly.

Muscular limbs allow you to develop enormous speed, overcome distances, fences. High jumping is a specific skill of the Doberman.

A pet-class representative is inexpensive, especially if purchased in small towns. The price tag starts from 200 USD.

Border Collie

The inexpensive breed is recognized as the most intelligent dog in the world. Originally from Great Britain, where it has been known since the Middle Ages. Shepherd genes are inherent in nature. The dog will watch his surroundings, even if it is not necessary. Protecting and following a person’s heels are his virtues. He quickly learns commands, remembers words, voice, and understands intonations.

Size is medium. Males grow no higher than 53 cm, females - a little less. The colors are different, mostly a combination of white with black spots, or brown shades. In recent years, there have been more and more merle borderers with blue eyes. Partially in appearance they resemble a Scottish Shepherd with a less elongated muzzle, erect ears, and an elegant body.

Captivates the hearts of breed lovers:

  • inquisitive mind, curiosity;
  • sensitive sense of smell, hearing;
  • attentiveness, responsiveness;
  • agility, mobility.

She knows how to “make” funny faces and listen. Sometimes it seems that he takes part in conversations.

The cost of a border puppy in Russia starts from 400 USD. Dogs for exhibitions will cost more, on average they set a price of about 800 USD.


A funny little dog, whose height is no higher than 25 cm in males, is named after a butterfly. Large ears and paws are covered with long axial hair. While running, they develop and are similar to the flapping of the wings of an insect. The French breed wins the hearts of lovers of decorative dogs with its funny behavior and small size.

The dog does not require much attention and does not need specialized salon care. Unpretentious to food and surroundings. Knows how to make friends with other pets. Despite its small size, it is a brave dog, ready to stand up for itself in different situations.

A ringing voice will warn of danger, scare away trespassers, and notify in cases of strangers coming. The dog is capable of desperately attacking first, biting, barking.

In comfortable conditions he feels relaxed, loves to lie around and cuddle with his owner. Very devoted to people, suitable for anyone who has no experience in dog breeding. One of the disadvantages is the congenital tendency to injure the knee and wrist. You should not be allowed to jump from heights or play too actively. The spread is large, the cost ranges from 250 to 400 USD. Due to the large number of Papillon representatives at exhibitions, demand may decrease. An inexpensive dog is a wonderful gift for elderly parents and preschool children. A good, caring companion, for whom the main thing is to be the center of attention.

Toy Terrier

A miniature dog that fits easily into a large pocket. It will be a pleasure to sit there and watch those around you. The body is fragile, the legs are thin, the body is lean. The muzzle is small and funny. Large protruding eyes make the dog look like a toy. Weighing about 3 kg, the height is only 28 cm. This breed was bred in Russia and quickly gained popularity not only in its homeland, but also abroad.

Among the nobility in the 19th century, it was customary to take a dog with you to social events, receptions, and balls. After the revolution of 1917, they were exterminated en masse as a “luxury of the bourgeoisie.” The restoration of the livestock began in the late 50s. Through selection, two varieties have emerged, differing in coat length and with different colors. The classic version is black with red tan.

Now you can buy a dog inexpensively, which is popular with both women and men. Small sizes are convenient, but it should be borne in mind that the ancestors were rat-catching dogs. Genetically determined:

  • protective instincts, distinguished by flair, scent;
  • excessive emotionality, especially manifested in danger;
  • the ability to attack first, bite.

If the toy detects extraneous sounds, smells, or unfamiliar noise, it will notify everyone around it with a ringing bark.

At home, he is a tireless player, ready to have fun with toys all day long, run, jump, and complete tasks. You can teach how to handle hygiene needs at home and not go out for walks.

The price for a puppy or a grown-up dog is not higher than 200 USD.

French Bulldog

There is nothing funnier than watching a little bulldog sleep or play. Due to the specific structure of the muzzle, their breathing is difficult. Outwardly similar to a small piglet, which is constantly on the move.

“The Frenchman” in his heart considers himself a huge, brave dog. There are no barriers for him in movement, games, attack. Feels great in the company of big dogs, loves to run after small dogs, catch up and chase. Its true purpose is to catch small animals and protect the home, so it gives special pleasure to chase the chosen “victim” and attack them.

The owner will definitely not have peace at home. The Bulldog seems to be created for small apartments. It is convenient to start it for entertainment, long walks, and fun. Activity requires attention, so you will have to walk for a long time in order to somehow drain the dog’s energy.

The height of an adult male is about a quarter of a meter. But the weight can reach more than 12 kg. The breed is prone to obesity, eats well, and the owner will not have problems with feeding. Rather, you need to take care of a special diet so that the dog does not develop obesity or diabetes.

The dog will suit everyone, without exception, and will give moments of joy and enjoyment from the game. Does not require any care other than cosmetic care (washing paws, trimming nails, wiping ears, eyes). The short coat sheds imperceptibly throughout the year. In winter you will have to walk in a suit to avoid frostbite. The cost of buying a puppy in Moscow is 300 conventional units.


A cute dog with a dark muzzle, bulging eyes and a flattened nose. The indigenous Chinese breed, which was not subject to selective selection, belonged to the imperial dynasties. A pug puppy quickly learns commands and easily finds a common language with other pets.

The dog gained particular popularity after the release of the blockbuster “Men in Black.” The films present all the advantages:

  • small, compact size;
  • short hair;
  • smart, lively eyes;
  • ability to listen to the owner.

Looks like an alien from another planet. The only thing a pug can't do is talk like a human. Otherwise he is considered an intelligent, good-natured dog with no signs of aggression.

The pug is not considered a rare breed, so you can buy it for a price of 100 USD. Dogs of “high” categories are more expensive. Participants in breeding will cost 800-1000 USD if purchased in large cities.

An inexpensive dog is suitable for anyone who does not have canine experience. For older people, she will become a true friend who values ​​care, love, and affection. If you like to walk, then the pug will be happy to take part in travel. One of the restrictions when purchasing that you need to know is health problems. She does not tolerate heat well and does not feel comfortable in the cold.

Top 3 small

As for the ranking of the most expensive small dogs in the world, here the situation is like this:

  • 1st place: Cavalier King Charles Spaniel (up to $14,000)
  • 2nd place: Levchen (up to $6500)
  • 3rd place: Toy Poodle, also known nowadays as the Japanese Miniature Poodle (from $4,000)

We have already talked about the first two leaders of this top; as for the toy poodle, recently these dogs have become incredibly fashionable in Asian countries, and poodles of apricot, white and cream colors are especially popular.

Poodles, regardless of size, are very smart animals, they even understand human speech well and “know” up to 80 words!

THIS IS INTERESTING! Professional groomers in Japan and South Korea are developing new, absolutely incredible hairstyles for toy poodles. One of the latest trends is the fashion for “round” and “cubic” haircuts for these dogs.

How is the price of puppies determined?

It is believed that breeders reduce the price of offspring due to sexual dimorphism. Bitches are more expensive, especially if they continue to have a successful generation for sale. To make a dog inexpensive, it is worth considering the following factors:

  • number of children in the litter (the more there are, the cheaper);
  • nursery rating, its reputation;
  • lack of awards and regalia from the puppy’s parents;
  • sales region.

In capital cities, the cost coefficient is artificially inflated for reasons of demand, in order to avoid dumping. A dog is a commodity. Breeders invest in it and make a profit. The “law of the market” works when demand gives rise to many offers. A larger metropolitan area has a more varied selection.

The value of a dog is influenced by art. Demonstration of certain qualities in popular cartoons and films automatically raises the breed's rating. An example is the almost unknown Akita Inu in Russia. As soon as the film with the participation of the “Japanese” was released, the market demand for a puppy automatically increased, and numerous nurseries appeared, vying with each other to offer the purchase of a difficult-to-raise pet.

Another factor is age. Grown-up or adult dogs are sold inexpensively. The older the puppy, the cheaper it will be. This is explained by the fact that unclaimed offspring need to be sold off quickly. The breeder's expenses for food and care increase many times over. An excellent option for those who want to save money is to adopt a dog “as an acquaintance.” The law of the “spine” still works in Russia when there are acquaintances. All you have to do is call them, recommend them and buy a puppy cheaper.

Existing types of classifications

The canine organization FCI (Federation Cynologique Internationale), or FCI (International Canine Federation), is responsible for the development of uniform international standards. It consists of 98 member countries, including Russia. It also performs other important tasks:

  • regularly updates approved standards;
  • coordinates international dog shows and processes their results;
  • confirms championship titles and selects the judges who award them;
  • develops all international documents related to the protection and popularization of cynology.

FCI was created in 1911, so it cannot be called the oldest. Until this point, classification was carried out in England, the USA and Canada, but strictly at the national level.

The largest organizations in these countries include the following:

  1. ACC (English Kennel Club)

    . The oldest canine organization, founded in 1873 to develop uniform rules for dog shows and field trials. Actively involved in charity work.

  2. AKC (American Kennel Club)

    . Founded in 1884 for the breeding of purebred animals. Unlike ACC, AKC pays more attention to the purity of the pedigree, rather than upbringing and training.

  3. KKS (Canadian Kennel Club)

    . Registered in 1888 to maintain registers of canine pedigrees and protect the interests of owners of four-legged dogs. Imposes a strict ban on the breeding, purchase and sale of unrecognized breeds.

In Russia, similar issues are dealt with by the RKF, or Russian Cynological Federation. It received official registration only in 1996 and is the youngest representative among the listed organizations. Despite the fact that ACC, AKC and KKS are not part of the FCI, the RKF recognizes the breeds approved by them.

Cynological federations and clubs are, of course, very important, but when choosing a future pet, many owners take into account not purebred. Most often, the first place is given to the features of maintenance and care that suit the lifestyle and size of the apartment.

If breeding and participation in exhibitions do not play a big role, then before purchasing a four-legged family member, you should take a closer look at 3 more classifications, taking into account the purpose, weight and type of coat.

Comparison of prices for different breeds of dogs

An inexpensive dog, especially if it is a popular breed, is sold at a price of 100 USD. If you take dogs from any category, then prices depend on the class of the breed, the number of puppies in the litter, and gender characteristics.

The cheapest ones are those that have a lot of representatives. The fewer individuals there are in the city or country where you live, the more expensive the pet will be. For example, the once “fashionable” breed of toy terrier just a few years ago cost an average of 500 USD. Now the price has dropped sharply due to falling demand.

The older the puppy, the cheaper it sells. The age factor influences pricing policy significantly. They offer to adopt an adult dog for free or under special conditions.

Small dogs are always interesting for dog handlers. Often them. Thus, the French Papillon was once only brought to the Russian Federation. For a mature dog they asked for up to 1.5 thousand. At the moment, representatives are often given away for a symbolic price.

Large and medium dogs will cost on average from 200 USD. If we take into account the creation of special conditions for maintenance and feeding, then their value is actually higher and the costs are higher. Therefore, there are many inexpensive dogs; it is important to decide on the breed and its characteristics.


The most expensive dog collar in the world is Amour Amour, which costs more than $3,000,000. It is made by hand from white gold and encrusted with more than 1600 diamonds.

The developer of this dog collar model is the American company I Love Dogs Diamonds, which is a generally recognized leader among manufacturers of the most expensive accessories for pets.

Where is the best place to look for puppies?


Considered one of the best places to buy an inexpensive dog. In addition to various positive characteristics, there are factors to consider.

  1. This place contains several species. Large dogs are raised in enclosures where there is no opportunity for full physical development.
  2. The owner is not always honest. Resellers take them to the nursery for sale. They negotiate a lower price with the owner of the offspring, but charge an exorbitant price.
  3. Often, already grown up junior puppies are offered, which turned out to be unclaimed.

There is no guarantee that it will look like a genuine dog, but that it will grow up to be an ordinary mongrel.

Professional breeders

They value their reputation, engage in monobreeding, monitor the genetic purity of the lines, and rarely allow inbreeding.

The breeder knows exactly which of the puppies is the best and how well developed they are. There is always a so-called “culling” according to standards in the offspring. There are various “mistakes of nature” that are not acceptable. Then the owner himself offers to buy a dog with a slight defect inexpensively, understanding that the future owner is taking it only for himself, without the conditions of exhibitions and obtaining offspring.

Pet Shop

It’s a sad sight when cute dogs are sad and bored in a cage for sale. Prices are always inflated due to renting premises, feeding, care. The last resort is to purchase a dog from a specialized department. It is better to find those who are professional breeders.

By advertisement from hand

Such a purchase is fraught with many dangerous factors:

  • there is no guarantee of the purity of the breed;
  • there are fraudulent schemes;
  • The price tag is artificially reduced, because This is a kind of “bait” for gullible buyers, when there is no confidence that the offer is genuine, without deception.

Popular ad services vie with each other to offer options. Finding a purebred dog is possible, but difficult. The exceptions are adult individuals, who are given away free of charge or for a nominal fee. In this case, it is necessary to establish the true reason for such a “gift” in order to avoid problems with education and health.

Landseer care

Keeping a Landseer is not an easy and inexpensive pleasure. This dog needs personal territory, operational space, and constant contact with the owner. Are you sure you can combine three in one? Then get a Landseer.


Every Molosser needs a predominantly protein diet to maintain good shape and sufficient muscle mass; Landseer is no exception. And since a dog’s diet must be well-balanced and include many other components besides proteins, many owners opt for ready-made high-quality food, including, for example, the following:

  • Brit Care Adult Large Breed Lamb and Rice;

    Brit Care Adult Large Breed Lamb and Rice - complete hypoallergenic food with lamb and rice for adult dogs of large breeds (over 25 kg)

  • Hill's SP Canine Adult Large Breed Chicken;
  • Nature's Protection Dog Maxi Adult;
  • Brit Care Dog Show Champion;
  • Dog Chow Adult Large Breed Turkey.

The diet should ensure that dogs are in good physical shape, but not overweight.

If you still remain an adherent of natural food for your dog, discuss its daily menu with a veterinarian or an experienced breeder - a Landseer, especially during the period of active growth, will definitely need both properly selected vitamin and mineral supplements and high-quality, well-composed “main courses”. What foods must be in your dog’s bowl:

  • meat - beef or lean lamb;
  • poultry - boneless chicken, preferably lightly cooked;
  • offal - liver, kidneys, beef tripe;
  • sea ​​fish - boiled and deboned;
  • eggs - chicken can be used, but quail is better;
  • cottage cheese - low-fat, preference should be given to homemade;
  • vegetables, fruits, herbs;
  • porridge - in a minimal amount.

What should not be given to a Landseer, as well as any other dog:

  • "human" dishes;
  • fried, fatty, spicy and smoked foods;
  • flour and sweet products;
  • legumes and citrus fruits in any form;
  • boiled bones, especially tubular ones.


You definitely won't have any problems bathing your Landseer - these dogs simply love water and seem ready to swim all day long. So don’t deny your pet the pleasure that will only benefit his fur. But remember that salt water dries out the coat; after swimming in the sea or ocean, it is better to rinse the Landseer out of the shower.

Landseer swims and dives well

But bathing with shampoo should not be too frequent, so as not to disturb the natural balance of the skin and not spoil the hair - one bath procedure per quarter is enough. With the exception, of course, of preparing for an exhibition or those cases when the dog managed to get fantastically dirty.

By the way, Landseers are famous slobs; they will not calmly walk past the dirtiest puddle and will definitely plop into it if you are not vigilant in time.

The need for constant care for thick and highly shedding fur makes it difficult to keep Landseers in a city apartment. They need to be brushed daily, and when the dog sheds, then several times a day. Otherwise, everything is the same as with other dogs, the usual hygiene procedures:

  • clean your eyes daily;
  • Gently clean your ears and teeth once a week;
  • trim your nails as needed.


Even if a Landseer lives in a private house with free range in a spacious courtyard, this does not solve the problem of his exercise. The dog must be walked for at least an hour twice a day. In addition to mutually beneficial contact with the owner, this makes it possible to “walk” the paws - all Molosser owners know how important such a procedure is.

What could be more beautiful than a walk with your beloved dog?

Strong physical activity is an emotional delight, great muscular joy and no less practical benefit for the Landseer, whose muscles must be in good tone.

Landseer may well play outdoor games with a child - this will be useful for both of them


The main difficulty in raising a Landseer is its natural qualities, such as independence and stubbornness - this is due to the centuries-old behavioral heritage of its ancestors, water rescuers. These dogs are ready to make independent decisions in an extreme situation; they are not so much stubborn as they are convinced of the correctness of their well-thought-out behavior. Linear training methods limited to reward and punishment, as with classic breeds, do not work here.

For successful parenting, the main thing is good contact with the owner.

Unfortunately, both Landseers and Newfies can rarely be found on training grounds - and this is not because the owners are lazy in raising their pets: the big problem is to find a dog handler who understands the psychology of the breeds, knows the approaches to them and has effective training skills. You need to work with Landseer not by pressure, but by persuasion. These are highly intelligent dogs, and they must understand what and why the owner wants from them.

If you are lucky and have found a good trainer for your little Landseer, do not rush to start regular training - let the baby mature enough for this. Dogs of this breed take a long time to develop and finally mature only by the age of three. Therefore, the optimal moment for the first trip to dog school is six months of age, and for a male dog even a little later.

Content Features

To many ignorant people, these dogs may seem overly calm, slow and even phlegmatic. In fact, they are very emotional and temperamental, they love to play active noisy games with their owner. Find time and suitable places for this - nothing strengthens the true friendship between dog and person.

Landseers are very fond of noisy outdoor games.

Landseer owners most often get dogs of this breed for joint hikes, travel and sports, especially on the water. This is a very correct decision - a Newfoundland dog should definitely be allowed to swim, at least sometimes.

Landseers feel confident in the water; swimming together will only strengthen the friendship between dog and owner

Briefly about the main thing

  1. The cost of a puppy depends on factors of popularity, conditions of keeping the pet, including care and feeding.
  2. One “fashionable” breed is immediately replaced by another. At the same time, ideas about size change dramatically.
  3. If a dog is sold inexpensively, it may be without documents, pedigree, with slight deviations in standards. Ideal in cases where you take it for yourself.
  4. Before purchasing, you need to study the history of the breed, its characteristics, living conditions, nutrition, and walks.
  5. Appreciate your real capabilities and choose the dog that will be comfortable in your home.
  6. It is better to purchase from breeders who are professionally engaged in monobreed breeding.

9th place: Norfolk Terrier

The Norfolk Terrier (also known as the Norfolk Terrier) is a breed of hunting dog native to Norfolk, England. For about a hundred years, Norwich Terriers and Norfolk Terriers belonged to the same breed (the difference between them was the position of the ears), but in 1964 it was decided to separate them. They decided to call dogs with floppy ears Norfolk Terriers. These well-built animals are very energetic, courageous and resilient. They have a balanced and calm character, are friendly and get along well with children. The cost of Norfolk Terrier puppies is $1000-2500.

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