Dogs for beginners - choosing a breed, rating suitable ones

Everyone knows that a dog is man's best friend. However, along with joy, it also brings a lot of trouble. And some breeds, in addition to this, may demonstrate additional whimsicality to living conditions, disobedience and even aggressiveness. Fortunately, there are also pets that will delight owners with their unpretentiousness and ease of maintenance. These dog breeds will be the best solution for novice dog breeders.

Corgi - the favorite of the Queen of England

What criteria should a dog breed meet for novice dog breeders?

First of all, it is important to decide for what purpose you are getting a dog.
For example, to go hunting with her, entrust the security of an apartment, or simply make a loyal friend for a child. Based on this, you should consider which dogs are most suitable for beginners. Having acquired the necessary experience, you can already choose from a more extensive list. Remember! If there are children in the family, it is important to find out how a particular dog treats them.
Often, “killer” Staffords are more reliable nannies than miniature Chihuahuas. It will also be great if the dog meets the requirements listed in the list:

  • ease of care,
  • lack of habit of dominance,
  • obedience,
  • low level of aggression.

Then the risk that you will regret purchasing a purebred dog is reduced to a minimum.

General rules for choosing a pet

When choosing a dog for children for an apartment, consider it:

  • breed (the character of the pet depends on this);
  • size;
  • functional features (can it be used as a watchdog).

Smooth-haired breeds

Large breeds of dogs, for example, German and Caucasian shepherds, St. Bernards, are not suitable for small spaces. The rules are:

  • the smaller the living space, the smaller the pet should be;
  • If the apartment has carpeted floors, a lot of furniture, and open shelves for clothes, then you should avoid long-haired breeds.

Important! Some dogs bark louder and more often than others. The neighbors will be unhappy.

With huskies and huskies you will have to not just walk, but spend at least 2-3 hours outside at any time of the year, while actively moving around and allowing the dog to do this. Lack of physical activity can cause the development of various diseases.

Longhaired Cocker Spaniel

Suitable Dogs for Inexperienced Owners

To further facilitate the choice, dog experts have compiled a TOP list of dog breeds for beginners. They certainly won’t disappoint any animal lover.

Well, how can I resist here?


This is a very cute, cheerful and smart dog that adults, children and old people will love. There is no need to walk him a lot - the dog prefers to spend time at home, for example, lying on the sofa.

They are unpretentious in food, and grooming does not take much time - you just need to regularly comb the fur and make sure that the muzzle is clean - due to the structure of the skull, their eyes often water.

Golden Retriever

One of the most popular dogs in the world due to its sharp mind, calm character, and loyalty. It is relatively unpretentious in care - it eats what is given. True, you will have to comb it regularly so that the wool does not lie all over the house. On the other hand, it will be much easier to collect it with a vacuum cleaner than hair from a pug.

Attention! It needs physical activity, so at least once a day the dog should have the opportunity to run around to its heart’s content.

Irish Setter

A good choice for a family whose head is fond of hunting. Very smart, easy to train and never shows aggression - always trying to please the owner.

Adults and children will definitely love it. But when getting a setter, it is important to remember that it needs to be brushed regularly. And in food it is necessary to monitor the calorie content - a gluttonous dog may well gain excess weight if overfed.

Cocker Spaniel

A dog that looks like a real princess (or prince), but at the same time can also become an excellent hunting assistant. Very smart, loyal and always a little sad, she will be an excellent choice for both a large family and a single owner.

He remembers basic commands literally on the fly, and he will learn additional ones with pleasure, just to please his friend and leader.

The whole family will love the Cocker Spaniel

Bernese Mountain Dog

Despite its impressive size, this dog is a good nanny and a devoted friend. In general, it was originally bred as a herding dog, but later also occupied the niche of a companion.

An important advantage is love for all family members - the Mountain Dog does not have the habit of singling out one person and serving only him. It is better not to leave him alone for a long time - the dog really misses his owners.


The full name of the breed is Pembroke Welsh Corgi. Loves all owners without exception. I’m ready to run for hours with the children or sit in the park with the old man, looking around. He is very smart - he quickly remembers even complex commands.

When feeding, it is important to be moderate - gluttonous corgis can gain excess weight.

Fact! Queen Elizabeth II of England is very fond of corgis - during her life she kept about three dozen dogs.


Despite the long hair, the dog is hypoallergenic, for which it is highly valued by many experts. In addition, many kennel clubs classify the poodle as one of the smartest breeds.

Alas, caring for them is quite complicated - you will have to comb the hair at least a couple of times a week and go to the hairdresser 3-4 times a year or cut your pet’s hair at home.


Poodles have a reputation for being very intelligent and affectionate dogs, making them extremely popular as apartment pets. They also have a wide selection of colors and sizes: from a toy poodle (height only 25 cm) to a large poodle (60 cm at the withers).

Poodle. Photo; Living in Monrovia These dogs are not prone to heavy shedding and do not have a specific odor, but require periodic grooming and bathing.

Dog size

Another question that the breeder will have to find the answer to on his own. After all, everything depends on the conditions of detention.

Small dogs

It is best to buy a small dog if you live in a city, in a small apartment. But don’t think that all miniature dogs are suitable for children. On the contrary, a Toy Terrier or Chihuahua can pose a greater danger than a massive St. Bernard or Mountain Dog.

Medium dogs

A good compromise for those who want a large dog, but live in a cramped apartment. In addition, in this case the choice is greatest - even the most picky breeder can easily select a pet that will suit him in all respects.

However, it is worth remembering that it is the medium-sized dogs that usually need the most activity - you will have to walk them more often and for longer than others.

Large dogs

People living in private houses can also get a large dog. They are almost always calm, do not show unnecessary aggression (although there are exceptions here) and at the same time they are confident in themselves and can protect the owner and his property. True, it’s worth thinking in advance whether it will be possible to provide your pet with a nutritious diet - it obviously won’t last on pasta and cereal alone.

Important! Large dogs often suffer from joint dysplasia; it is important to adjust their diet to reduce the risk of the disease.

In addition, large dogs are more likely to have health problems and, unfortunately, live shorter lives than medium and small dogs.

The Sennenhund is majestic and beautiful

Where to begin?

Before you bring a puppy home, you need to understand that any animal requires a lot of attention, care and love. Small puppies need this most urgently. The character and habits of an adult dog will directly depend on how much effort and time you spend on raising it.

Decide with your household who you would like to see in your home: a small puppy or an older dog? Perhaps an adult pet that has already been trained and socialized will suit you?

When purchasing a dog, be prepared to take care of it for the next 10-15 years, and subsequently care for an elderly or perhaps sick animal.

Buying any pet is a big responsibility. And this applies primarily to dogs. Indeed, among the many breeds, especially among service breeds, there are also very complex and difficult to train ones. Only experienced dog handlers can train such dogs. In the family of a novice dog breeder, such a dog can grow up disobedient, and in some cases even aggressive.

Dogs really need attention and frequent contact with people, so if everyone in your family works and there is no one at home all day, then it is better to think about some other pet.

In order to enjoy communicating with a dog, and not experience daily stress, a beginner should pay attention to breeds that have the following characteristics:

  • Small size. Children will be glad to have a little friend who can be cuddled and carried in their arms, and a compact dog is easier for parents to manage. Just imagine some naughty Great Dane on a walk, dragging away not only a child, but also an adult owner. Miniature dogs feel free in an apartment of any size, even the most modest one. This is a good choice for those who do not want to part with their pet and are ready to take it with them everywhere.
  • Flexibility and learning ability. If you dream of a large dog, then choose breeds with a balanced and calm character that are easy to train. Very sociable and easy to train Labradors, Border Collies, Royal Poodles.
  • Easy care. The less care a dog requires (coat, ears, eyes, etc.), the easier it is to deal with it.

When planning to purchase a dog, keep in mind that breed characteristics are only a rough estimate. All dogs within the breed have their own individual character, and its manifestations will largely depend on the owner.

Important! Before buying a puppy, be sure to make sure that all family members do not have an allergic reaction to dogs.

From the first day your dog stays in your home, begin to actively communicate with him, play, pet him, feed him. Learn commands, practice rules of behavior on the street, master all the wisdom together step by step. And then you won’t have to wait long - very soon your dog will surprise and charm everyone around.

If you have problems with training or obedience, do not hesitate to contact a specialist.

Energy level

Some dogs are ready to nap on the couch all day, only occasionally being distracted by a short game and a hearty lunch. And others are the embodiment of energy - constantly running and jumping. Of course, when choosing a dog, you should not forget about this. Some are suitable for active people, while others are suitable for homebodies or those who are always away from home.

It is important to remember that when getting a dog, a person takes on a huge responsibility. However, the time, effort and money spent are fully repaid by the love and joy that man’s best friends bring to the house.

Briefly about the main thing

  1. You need to choose a dog for an apartment based on the size, area of ​​the room and personal preferences.
  2. Best small breeds: Chihuahua, Shih Tzu, Jack Russell Terrier, Yorkshire Terrier, Italian Greyhound.
  3. Medium-sized dogs: Basenji, husky, Samoyed, poodle, pit bull.
  4. Large dogs can also be kept in the apartment. Examples: Newfoundland, Labrador, Doberman, Boxer, German Shepherd.

What breeds do you think are suitable for an apartment? Share your opinion in the comments.

#5 – Greyhound

Another large breed, greyhounds are actually much more likely to take your spot on the couch than you might imagine. They are incredibly docile animals that love to sleep.

Of course, they need regular exercise and will make excellent running companions.

But greyhounds are probably one of the most low-maintenance breeds in the world, and that includes the activity department!

Research the greyhound breed

Buy a hound, greyhound puppy

The most obedient

A selection of humble breeds for an apartment for inexperienced owners:

Golden retriever

Despite its size, it is a fairly obedient and flexible dog that will serve as an excellent companion for you and your family. It was brought to the CIS countries in the 1950s of the 20th century and during this time it became completely accustomed to environmental conditions. She completely adopts the owner’s character and does not contradict him.

Can guard the house and babysit children . Does not bark at cats or fight with other dogs, does not make noise at night and does not bother the owner if he sees that he is busy or out of sorts. Quickly learns new commands and discipline rules. To anger him you need to try hard, but at the slightest threat to the owner, he will always come to the rescue, using his powerful paws and fangs .

Russian toy terrier

Also belongs to the decorative class, has an extraordinary hairstyle, which is a distinctive feature of the breed. It requires moderate care and combing, which will only bring pleasure, because there is not a lot of hair . Bathing is also a quick and simple procedure.

This breed is highly trainable and can know up to 15 commands. At night it behaves quietly and usually adopts the lifestyle of its owner. In addition, he is loyal and flexible: the dog will train well and recognize the seniority of the owner when raising in exchange for love and affection.


A short dog with a slightly elongated body and erect ears. This breed is somewhat reminiscent of a fox. As a rule, dogs' tails are docked. This is a kind of breed standard.

The coat is medium length and has a downy undercoat. Can vary between straight and curly, with some dogs having fluffy fur on their ears.

Corgis are smart dogs; they pick up commands literally on the fly. They can be taught basic commands in just a couple of weeks, starting in the 2nd month of life. It is better to start learning at a young age.

Dogs are friendly and optimistic. They love their owners and get along well with children. You can always trust a corgi with your baby.

If you have slippery floors in your apartment, your corgi's paws may come apart. Experts advise covering the apartment with a special covering.

Toys for puppies should be made of solid rubber, and it is also recommended to let them play with tree branches. Your puppy needs something to chew on for proper dental development.

The dog needs to be brushed daily, and its ears trimmed and cleaned monthly. Experts do not recommend frequent use of shampoo. The soap composition removes the fatty layer from the coat, and it takes about 3 days to restore it.

Who is it suitable for? Suitable for children, gets along easily with other pets.

Who can't?

  1. This includes expensive and exotic breeds, such as husky, Akita inu. For these dogs, the climatic conditions of the CIS will be very unusual, since their natural homeland of origin is located at a great distance.

    Pharaoh Hound

  2. Chow chow, Tibetan mastiff, pharaoh hound will be quite demanding and expensive to maintain (in particular, care and cosmetic procedures).
  • Pit Bull and Staffordshire Terrier can cause a lot of trouble, especially if you accept them into the family as adults. Fighting dog breeds are trained for fighting and guarding territory, and you may not be able to train them to distinguish between enemies and friends. Although if you take them as puppies, then the chance of successful adaptation is much higher.

    Pit bull

  • Dalmatians and beagle dogs may not be the best choice because they require high levels of exercise every day , including long walks in open spaces. Out of habit, you may not be able to maintain such a pace, but at home, dogs will simply become bored, despondent and tormented.
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#10 – Shetland Sheepdog (Sheltie)

Although their coat may look intimidating to the first owner, Shelties are very easy dogs to care for.

They require regular grooming, but are wonderful companions for everyone.

Shelties are small dogs with a ton of personality, and they excel at many dog ​​sports!

Dogs of the same breed can vary widely in personality and needs, but your chances of finding a good dog for a beginner among the breeds below are better than among the breeds that are completely unsuitable for new dog owners.

Explore the Sheltie breed

Buy a Sheltie puppy

#3 – Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

Cavaliers are adorable little couch potatoes who love to curl up and relax with you any time of the day.

They are great for a first owner because they are relatively lazy dogs, although they do require regular grooming for their long coat.

Cavaliers are very sweet and love to be with their people wherever they go.

Explore the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel breed

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