Tricolor cat: features, signs and character

Ginger cats are very popular. And it’s not surprising - this common cat color pleases the eye and lifts the mood. “Ryzhiki” are often found on the streets, but they can also be seen at any cat show. Red (more precisely, red) color is allowed by the standards of many breeds, although it is not the only “signature” color for any breed.

And yet this is a special color. Most colors of cat fur coats are determined by the black pigment gene. And the red color is determined by the “personal” red pigment gene, which has some interesting properties.

Firstly, most ginger cats are males. The pigment genes are localized on the sex X chromosome, and since the cat has only one (received from the mother), his chances of being born red are higher. A cat has two X chromosomes and will only be born red if it receives the red pigment gene from both parents.

Secondly, there are no red cats without a pattern. The fact is that some cats (including red ones) have a special gene called “non-agouti”, which does not allow the pattern (tabby) to appear. However, the red pigment gene “neutralizes” the effect of the non-agouti gene, so there are always at least traces of tabby on a red cat’s coat.

So it seems that a red cat without any signs of stripes, stains and spots cannot have the red pigment gene. Most likely, its color is cinnamon, and this is the work of the black pigment gene.

The remarkable red coloration is often found in the following breeds.

British (shorthair and longhair)

A nice, strong body, a cheeky muzzle and thick plush fur are for some reason associated with blue or chinchilla colors. In fact, the standard allows for almost all colors, and the red Briton is an impressive sight!

At one time, Persians were used for breeding by the British, so the birth of long-haired kittens was common. The “heavy Persian heritage” has long been considered a breed defect. Only recently have enthusiasts managed to achieve recognition of a new breed - the British Longhair.

Don Sphynx and St. Petersburg Sphynx (Peterbald)

The calling card of both breeds is the absence of hair. The standards of both allow any colors. Both Donchaks and Peterbalds come from the same cat, born in Rostov-on-Don in the late 80s. They equally love heat and hearty food. How are they different from each other?

Build and character. Donchaks are strong, muscular cats, with a wedge-shaped head with wide cheekbones and large ears set high and wide. They have a friendly, sociable character. Peterbalds are much more graceful - a slender body on thin high legs, a long tail, an elongated head and huge ears. Being descendants of Orientals and Siamese, Peterbalds are very active, talkative and affectionate.

Maine Coon

This breed is one of the favorites among cat lovers. Unlike other cats, Maine Coons are fully formed and reach their final size only by 3-5 years, while other cats - by 1-2 years. Representatives of the breed are distinguished by their impressive size, but at the same time they retain mobility, playfulness and energy, remaining kittens at heart until old age.

The coloring of the animals resembles a lynx and a raccoon in appearance, so the second name of the breed is often used - the Maine raccoon cat. Red Maine Coons have a calm, friendly character. They lack aggression, but the animals behave warily towards strangers. But with family members and brothers living in the house, Maine Coons are friendly, kind and affectionate.

Cats of this American breed are intelligent, but are not always ready to obey, so problems in education are possible. But Maine Coons become so attached to their owner that they are ready to follow him literally on his heels, sleep in the same bed, and do not even want to be left alone for a moment. Cat lovers often compare this affection to the devotion of a dog.

The kindest and most affectionate cat breeds in the world

Turkish Angora

An elegant large cat with a wedge-shaped head, long soft hair with virtually no undercoat is considered one hundred percent blonde. But in fact, the angora can have different colors, including red.

Other breeds whose standards allow red color: Siberian, Norwegian Forest, Oriental, Devon Rex, Selkirk Rex, La Perm, Canadian Sphynx.

The popularity of ginger cats is associated not only with their “joyful” appearance. According to legend, they bring success and protect the owners from the negative energy of bad people.

Red-colored male and female cats are not uncommon. However, this coat color is most often found among yard dwellers. This is due to the fact that street animals do not experience any particular difficulties with mating and do not depend on the plans of the breeders.

In this article we will tell you: which gene is responsible for the red pigment, which color variations are most common and among which breeds.


The color of the coat is not important if you have a warm relationship with your pet. The animal must be fed, washed and provided with everything necessary. In this case, the cat will repay the owner with love and affection. Here's another nice video:

Tags: Denis Dementyev, Signs

About the author: Denis Dementyev

For me, esotericism is the key to the heart, spiritual practice. This is the desire to look behind the screen of the world and find there the abyss of the divine. Wake up. During your lifetime, step into the fire that opens the gates of immortality and find true freedom.

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Features of ginger cats

Felinologists call the red coat color red. This color is found in different breeds, but it cannot be called the calling card of any of them.

The color of the coat is determined by the black pigment gene. The red pigment gene is responsible for the red color. It is interesting that among felines, mostly cats have red fur coats. In addition, a mandatory attribute of the red color is the tabby pattern. There are no monochromatic fire coats in nature. Stripes, spots, marble patterns are often combined with white and black colors.

At birth, kittens receive one chromosome each from their mother and father. Females have two sets of colors - on the “X” chromosome (XX), and males - on the “X” and “Y” chromosomes. If the parent pair has the red pigment gene, then the entire litter will be red.

If the father has the black pigment gene, the mother will give birth to tortoiseshell girls and red-haired boys. If both parents have the gene for black pigment, the offspring will turn out black. If the father is a carrier of the red pigment gene, the litter will contain tortoiseshell cats and black seals.

Tortoiseshell cats - a box with a surprise. A mother of this color gives birth to kittens of any color. Black cats can produce tortoiseshell or black girls, red and black boys. From ginger cats, tortoiseshell and ginger cats, black and ginger cats are born.

Reference. Knowing the color of the parent pair, you can calculate the probability of the appearance of red kittens, taking into account gender.


It seems to non-professionals that coat color has nothing to do with the character, habits, mental abilities and temperament of cats. Experts, in turn, note that ginger cats are distinguished by ingenuity, cunning, audacity, independence and a lively mind. It is the sunny fluffies that are better trained than other felines. They are playful, inquisitive and active.

Orange kittens show increased interest in humans and are distinguished by enviable obedience. Animals with sun-colored fur coats are kind and forgiving towards children. Purrs generously forgive pranks and do not harbor resentment in their hearts.

The character of cats also depends on the breed. Persian beauties are affectionate, soft, and compliant. The British are individualists and snobs. Siberian cats have an easy-going character and a gentle disposition. Abyssinians are curious creatures who love to poke their nose into every corner.


It is almost impossible to describe such pets in a few words. After all, a ginger kitten can be as affectionate and gentle as a dandelion, and as fast as a fiery tornado. Their behavior is so unpredictable that the owner will never cease to be surprised by new manifestations of character. A cat especially attracts attention when he is still small. At this time, the animals are quite playful and literally do not sit in one place.

In addition, they love to play with children, regardless of whether it is a boy or a girl. Cats forgive their little owners a lot, and they, in turn, are drawn to them.

In addition, red-haired beauties easily get along with other pets that live in the house.

Color options

Other tones that descendants inherit from their ancestors also participate in the formation of coat shades. All attempts by breeders to create a uniform color were unsuccessful. Any red color looks patterned.

  1. White and tan is the most popular option. The white gene in this color combination is dominant and suppresses the white spotting of solid colors.
  2. Gray-red appears if one of the parents has the D gene, which is responsible for color intensity. The most spectacular combination is red, white and gray. This color is often found among outbred cats.
  3. A red tabby or tabby appears as fine lines, a clear outline of the upper and lower eyelids, and an "M" shape on the animal's forehead.
  4. The red tabby is a very varied and interesting color that looks like a shaded tabby. Contrast comes in different intensities.
  5. Black and red - tortoiseshell. Its carriers are cats. The color is often found in Persians and Maine Coons.

Tortoiseshell color (black and red)

Possible eye colors

In red cats, the iris seems especially bright and contrasts favorably with the coat color. The most attractive combination is a red fur coat and green eyes. However, eye color can be of any color: green, orange, yellow, blue of varying intensity.

Top best breeds of red cats

The top most popular breeds of ginger cats are headed by Persians, followed by the British and Scots. Exotics and Bengals are gaining popularity. Purebred Maine Coons attract attention with charming tassels on their ears and long silky fur. In addition, the list of popular breeds includes: Abyssinian and Siberian cats, Kurilian Bobtail, Turkish Van, Cymric, Savannah, Toyger, Somalia.


When you mention the Persians, your imagination pictures a well-fed, fluffy ginger cat. The red color of representatives of this breed is not too bright, it is rather creamy. Persians are loving and sociable. They easily find a common language with all family members.

The fur is thick, long, soft, and easily tangled. A lush collar adorns the neck, shoulders and chest. Such a fur coat requires careful care, and first of all, daily combing.


The British cat is associated with the color blue, but saffron milk caps are also common among representatives of this breed. The sunny shade is very rich and bright, and in combination with plush fur it looks amazing. The breed standard allows for 250 color combinations, but more or less solid colors are preferred.

Sunny Britons have coarser guard hairs, so the animals look larger due to the protruding hairs. The undercoat and guard hairs should be of the same tone without inclusions. The chin, tip of the tail and belly may be lighter.

Scottish lop-eared

The distinctive feature of the Scottish Fold is its round, ball-like head, flattened muzzle and drooping ears. The wool is fluffy, “cloudy”, very soft and pleasant to the touch. There are 1-3 folds on the ears.

Red color is rare. It is considered real luck to have a charming red-haired Scot. There is a pattern on a red background, most often a tabby.


An intelligent and energetic Abyssinian has a strong and muscular body, long limbs and tail, a long neck, a wedge-shaped head, and large ears. The coat is thin, shiny, and harsh to the touch.

Representatives of this breed are flexible, independent, curious, loyal, and sociable. The red color of the coat is dark, rich, closer to copper, the tips of the guard hairs are dark in color.

Kurilian Bobtail

The Kuril Bobtail is a rare breed native to the Kuril Islands.

There are two varieties - short-haired and long-haired. A distinctive feature of the breed is its short tail. The body is strong and muscular, slightly tilted forward, the paws are large, the head is wedge-shaped, and the eyes are large.

Cats skillfully have a free character. They are affectionate, loving, inquisitive, and quickly become attached to people.

Orange color mixed with white and tabby is quite common.


Exot is a close relative of the Persian. The animal has the same flattened muzzle and snub nose, strong build and square body. The coat is short and plush. One of the colors is red.

By nature, exotics are calm and good-natured. They are smart, playful and cheerful.


Siberians are brave, loyal cats, born hunters. The animals have luxurious, long hair and a thick double undercoat. The iris of a rich orange-amber color evokes the admiration of connoisseurs of this breed.

The chic fur coat has light stripes and white inserts on the paws and shirtfront.

Maine Coon

The Maine Coon is a bright, presentable cat that resembles a lynx. Despite its serious appearance, it is a peaceful, responsive animal that can get along with all family members.

The most common color is white and red. Depending on the combination of tones, the following types are distinguished:

  • bicolor - 50/50 white and red;
  • harlequin - several red spots on the body;
  • van - red head and ears;
  • white tuxedo - against the background of the red color there is a white spot on the chest and white socks on the paws.

Turkish van

The Turkish Van is a semi-longhaired cat without undercoat. Red or chestnut spots with ring inserts at the base of the ears, on the body and tail stand out against the main white background.

Wool does not allow water to pass through, allowing Vans to swim to their heart's content.


The Somali cat is a beauty with copper fur. Abyssinian is its closest relative. The Somali has a thick, long coat. The fluffy tail looks especially impressive.

There are dark spots on the head and tail. The iris is bright green. Representatives of the breed are smart, tactful, calm, patient and very sociable.


Cymrik is a very calm, highly intelligent, people-oriented cat. Representatives of the breed were nicknamed little bear cubs due to their long, thick fur, compact build, rounded muzzle and small tail. Colors: tortoiseshell, white marble on a red background.

American Curl

The American Curl is a young breed of cat with curled ears. Animals are very calm and reasonable, have a balanced character. The coat is thin and soft, long or short.

Norwegian forest

The long and thick fur of the Norwegian forest cat has water-repellent properties, and the thick undercoat warms the animal in the cold season. Representatives of the breed are distinguished by their agility, natural strength and gentle temperament. Norwegian forest animals reach full development only at the age of 5 years.

These cats are suitable for both single people and families with children. Throughout their lives they remain playful, active and energetic. Animals are able to easily climb to the highest place in the house, and thanks to the power of hunting instincts, they can cope with small rodents.

When interacting with humans, cats are friendly and loyal, but do not tolerate being picked up, cuddled or kissed. All they need to be happy is to sit next to their owner, curled up. Norwegian cats are very attached to all family members, but behave very reservedly with strangers and rarely visiting guests.

Exotic cat

Exotics are one of the descendants of Persian cats; they are distinguished by the universally recognizable flattened muzzle with a snub nose and drooping ears.

Exotics get along well with children and pets. Animals of this breed are active and completely non-aggressive. They are very devoted to their owners, so you should not leave your pet with strangers while you are away.

You should watch out for:

  1. Breathing problems due to the structure of the nose.
  2. Tearfulness , which requires daily eye care.
  3. Exotic cats should be combed at least once a week .

Cats should be fed only premium and super-premium food to avoid health problems.

Kittens of this breed are sold by both nurseries and breeders. The cost of a kitten is 7-50 thousand rubles (depending on pedigree, color and several other factors).

Exotic cat

Cats, like people, have unique personalities and unique characteristics. Decide whether your pet will comfortably coexist with you and whether he will not feel lonely if you are often not at home. Or maybe on the contrary, the cat will have too much of you.

The best breeds of red cats are presented to your attention, think about it and choose your favorite. And remember, it is important not just to choose a cat, but also to love him.

Breeds of long-haired red cats

The British cat can be short-haired or long-haired. The second option was obtained by crossing the British with Somalis and Persians. Representatives of the breed look great in white and red color.

The list of long-haired breeds with the red color gene also includes:

  • Maine Coon;
  • Somalia;
  • Persian;
  • Scottish lop-eared;
  • van;
  • exotic;
  • angora;
  • Siberian cat;
  • American Curl;
  • Napoleon.


List of shorthaired ginger cats:

  • Abyssinian cat;
  • Kurilian Bobtail;
  • Cymric;
  • savannah;
  • toyger;
  • Bengal;
  • wild cat - caracal;
  • Ural rex.

Nuances of care

There are no special rules for caring for red cats. When choosing grooming products, owners should focus on the type of coat and its length. To comb long-haired breeds, slicker brushes, fine-tooth combs and stiff brushes are used. For short-haired breeds with a thick undercoat, furminators are suitable, as they perfectly remove dead hairs and do not injure the guard hairs.

Bath days are held no more than once every six months, unless the cat herself doesn’t mind taking a bath. Famous water lovers include Bengals, Maine Coons and Turkish Vans. For example, the Scots and British are terrified of water and hate swimming.

Characteristic diseases

The relationship between coat color and the health of cats has not been established. It is known for certain that animals with a red color are more predisposed to allergic diseases and tolerate anesthesia less well.

Interesting facts and signs about ginger cats

Red cats often become heroes of films, comics, cartoons, and TV series. The most famous movie characters are the plump red cat Garfield and Puss in Boots from the cartoon “Shrek.” Red-haired beasts made a splash at the Disney film company! This includes Thomas O'Malley from the cartoon "The Aristocats" and the Cheshire Cat from "Alice in Wonderland."

Fans of Audrey Hepburn will remember the red cat in the movie Breakfast at Tiffany's. Potter lovers will not forget Crookshanks, Hermione’s unusual friend (pictured below).

If in ancient times black cats were feared and considered fiends of hell, then red furry cats were revered and called amulets, fearless defenders of the home.

There is an opinion that if a ginger cat takes care of a sick person, it means that recovery will come soon.

They used to believe that if a ginger cat comes into a house, it brings warmth and harmony. A fiery red cat in a person’s home means wealth.

Cats are excellent diagnosticians and healers. They are placed on the sore spot, and after a while the person notices that the pain and discomfort go away.

To improve family relationships, people adopted a sunny kitten.

Reference. Sometimes owners love their pets so much that they bequeath entire fortunes to them. A cat named Blackie is considered the richest cat in the world. The owner bequeathed her 15 million pounds sterling.

There are some signs associated with the behavior of red cats. For example, if an animal greets a guest warily, then most likely the person has bad thoughts.

If the cat does not lag behind the owner and asks to be held, perhaps it feels negative energy and is trying to remove it.

If a ginger cat crosses the owner's path from left to right before a trip, it is better to reschedule plans or delay them for half an hour.

Beliefs about tricolor cats in different countries

Interestingly, tricolor cats are treated differently not only in our country. By studying the traditions of different countries, you can learn a lot of interesting things.

Great Britain. In Foggy Albion, like here, a tricolor cat is adopted as a symbol of peace and grace in the family.

Eastern countries. In Muslim countries, cats are treated with special reverence. But not every four-legged pet is allowed into their home. And tricolor cats are allowed in because they believe that they protect the house from fire.

Japan. Residents of the Land of the Rising Sun treat cats of the “harlequin” color with special reverence. It is believed that such four-legged creatures bring good luck. For example, if such a cat scratches its ear with its paw in a store, you can expect a generous buyer. It is not surprising that in Japanese shops you can see a cat figurine at the entrance as a symbol of profit.

Important! Sailors treat cats with special respect. In the old days, each ship had its own, often a tricolor cat. It was believed that the purr on board was a talisman that promised a successful voyage and protected the crew from losses during a strong storm.

Perhaps you didn’t even realize what an amazing furry creature lives in your home? Take care of your tricolor cats, take care of them and treat them like full members of the family. In this case, your four-legged pet will become a real talisman and amulet for you!

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