Tricolor cat. Description, features, signs and breeds of tricolor cats

Since ancient times, tri-colored cats have been considered a symbol of success, patrons of new families and harbingers of soon fulfillment of desires in many cultures. This is most often due to the fact that the three-colored cat is a rarity, which is why it has a special value in human eyes.
At the same time, even many modern people, knowing about the signs about tricolor cats, ask the question - are there tricolor cats that are boys?

It is believed that this “lucky” color is worn exclusively by females, but in reality this is not the case.

Description and features

When nature dyes a cat's fur, it does things differently. Maybe the cat's hair is not dyed at all, then the cat becomes pure white. Can use two colors: black and orange. They are part of melanin, a chemical compound that colors wool. Mixing the black and orange components of melanin gives all the different colors of cats.

Black pigment often gives rise to its derivatives: brown, blue, purple, etc. Orange pigment can manifest itself as red, red, cream colors. Not only the colors are varied, but also their geometric implementation. A solid color is possible, it is called solid. Cat stripes and circles give a color called tabby. In this version, each hair is partially colored in one or another color.

A tortoiseshell color is often found - black and orange (red, red) spots of uncertain shape throughout the body. When tortoiseshell is placed on a white background, the resulting color combination is called calico. This name comes from the name of calico fabric, invented in India, the city of Calicut (now called Kozhikode).

Animals with this color are often called simply: tricolor cats. The color scheme is often called tricolor. The names don't end there. Often the tricolor color is called patchwork, calico, brindle. Spots of three colors fit into colors in which a white background predominates:

  • harlequin - the white background should occupy 5/6 of the total area;

  • van - spots in small quantities may be present on the head and tail, the rest of the animal is pure white.

In addition, the colored spots may have a pattern typical of a tabby. That is, the color is tricolor tabby. Owners consider tricolor cats to be especially affectionate, trusting, and playful. Positive character traits are noticeable not because of the colored spots on the cat’s fur, but because of the attitude of the owners towards the animals. All misdeeds of a creature that brings good luck and prosperity to the house will seem like a slight prank, a manifestation of playfulness.

Tricolor color standards

Since the tricolor color of a cat is not a sign of a specific breed, it is either recognized as a standard or not. In the first case, standard rules apply to such cats: animals with white in the color code are supplemented with the numbers 01, 02 and 03 - van, harlequin and bicolor, respectively - and the letter color designation.

Van color implies a maximum of white color

Table: letter code of tricolor cat color

gblue-cream, blue-tortieblue-cream, blue-tortoiseshell
hchocolate-tortiechocolate tortoiseshell
jlilac-tortielilac tortoiseshell
qsorrel tortiered-brown tortoiseshell
rbeige fawn cakeyellow-brown tortoiseshell

Then the most interesting part begins: since the standard allows for the harlequin color, the same rules apply as for any other “harlequin”: from half to 5/6 white fur, white “socks”, chest and neck, fully colored tail, colored “hat” with a colored ear and spots on the back. Accordingly, a cat with a 5/6 Van color will be white with the obligatory colored tail and buttocks and a couple of marks on the face.

And, as you might guess, tricolor bicolors will be distinguished by a white collar, chest, belly, part of the face and the inside of the paws (from 1/3 to 1/2 color in the color) and a colored “cloak” covering the head, back and tail.

Photo gallery: tricolor cats of Van, Harlequin and Bicolor colors

Color black tortoiseshell van f 01 - almost white cat with large and sparse colored spots

Chocolate tortoiseshell bicolor is coded h 03

The harlequin color cat is coded f 02

Black tortoiseshell bicolor is designated by code f 03

Color blue tortoiseshell van coded g 01

Calico standard cat of harlequin color is coded h 02

As for eye color, this is a strictly individual question. In addition to the breed nuances themselves, which allow or do not allow this or that color (for example, black “British women” with green eyes are not allowed by the standard and are considered a breeding marriage, and in some breeds only one iris color is allowed), the color of a cat’s eyes depends genetically on the color of the animal.

The nose and paw pads of cats will definitely be the color that is present in the color of the animal.

Calico cat breeds

The patches of three colors on an animal's fur are not a characteristic of one or more breeds. special breed of calico cat . These can be any purebred or outbred cats. Considering the fame of cats with the Calico color, breeders are directing their efforts to consolidate this trait.

Unfortunately or fortunately, the appearance of a cat with spots of white, black and orange is a random event and not very common. Most breed standards allow the Calico color. This is first of all:

  • shorthaired British and American cats;
  • bobtails, Kuril and Japanese;
  • Persian and Siberian cats;
  • Manx;
  • Maine Coon;
  • masquerade cats;
  • Turkish van;
  • and others.

In all cases, it looks fresh and original. Especially in Persian, Siberian and other long-haired cats. In some cases, the edges of the spots are blurred, as if created with watercolor paint. Short-haired tricolor cats in the photo with this color look very elegant.

Wild colors of cats: a little history

Once upon a time, wild cats lived in Europe and Africa, which did not differ in a wide variety of colors. For example, European forest cats had mostly grayish coats with the addition of ocher. The steppe cat had stripes “painted” on its fur of a sandy or grayish tint. Sometimes stripes replaced spots. That's probably all the diversity. So where did modern colors come from?

About five thousand years ago, the cat was domesticated by humans. Animals traveled around the world on ships, settled in different places, and experienced many mutations, as a result of which their color changed. Selection was of great importance. Some breeders are still working on unusual colors for pets. For example, for lovers of wild animals, cats similar to a panther or jaguar were bred. However, they have a docile nature as pets.


Everyone reacts the same way to a black cat that gets in the way of a person. It’s better to go back, go around the place where the cat ran, otherwise there will be no way. With a calico cat it's the other way around. If such an animal comes across to a person, expect good luck, you will soon be lucky, especially in matters related to money. The sign is old, tested, and works flawlessly.

When it comes to signs associated with cats, one of the first to come to mind is the belief that the cat should be the first to enter a new house and look around. She will bring peace to your home and deal with otherworldly forces.

If the cat is tricolor, then along with well-being, good luck and luck will settle in the house. A cat with a patchwork color living in the house is a source of luck. People did not limit themselves to a generalized statement.

The luck that a cat brings is detailed by color:

  • orange spots are responsible for wealth,
  • black spots are aimed at fighting dark otherworldly forces,
  • white color governs kindness and purity of thoughts.

Signs of tricolor cats often take on specific forms:

  • a patchwork cat protects the house in which it lives from fire;
  • a Calico cat that came into the house by chance and strayed is a harbinger of an imminent wedding;
  • a tricolor animal crossing the path of the wedding procession is a sure sign of a happy, large marriage;
  • a calico cat with blue eyes had a special function - it protected family members from the evil eye, gossip and slander;
  • a calico cat portends a person receiving good news, in the direction in which it is drawn;
  • A wart rubbed with the tip of a Calico cat's tail should, according to knowledgeable people, soon disappear.

Japan is a country with a unique culture. Signs and beliefs associated with cats are not uncommon; they are certainly believed in even in our century. may not always live in the house But every Japanese wants to get their piece of luck from her. For this occasion, there is a porcelain figurine - a cat with a raised paw.

His name sounds like Maneki-neko. The color is mostly white, with black and orange spots. This money cat is found in offices, shops, apartments, ensuring the financial well-being of employees, visitors and residents. The Japanese act rationally: instead of an animal that requires care, they acquire its porcelain embodiment.

Are there tricolor male cats and how often can you find a tortoiseshell cat?

Since ancient times, tri-colored cats have been considered a symbol of success, patrons of new families and harbingers of soon fulfillment of desires in many cultures. This is most often due to the fact that the three-colored cat is a rarity, which is why it has a special value in human eyes.

At the same time, even many modern people, knowing about the signs about tricolor cats, ask the question - are there tricolor cats that are boys?

It is believed that this “lucky” color is worn exclusively by females, but in reality this is not the case.

Only cats or cats can be tri-colored

If you come across a calico-colored animal on the way, with a 99.9% probability we can say that it is a cat, that is, a female. Calico cats are a rare phenomenon. The connection between color and the sex of the animal itself seems surprising. Scientists cannot yet explain why nature realized the opportunity to be painted in three colors for cats, but rejected it for cats.

Genetics explains this fact, but does not reveal the natural design. The cells of the male body are equipped with X and Y chromosomes, while female cells have two X chromosomes. It is the X chromosomes that determine which pigment will manifest itself in the color of the cat. The orange color comes from the pigment pheomelanin, the black color from eumelanin.

The X chromosome can only activate one pigment: either orange or black. The female has two X chromosomes, one can give rise to orange, the other - black pigment. Males have one X chromosome, which means the color of the spots can also be one: black or orange.

There are exceptions. Sometimes males are born with an XXY set of chromosomes (the so-called Klinefelter syndrome). Such males can become tricolored. Or have a two-tone, tortoiseshell color. Very few tricolor males are born. In addition, due to the presence of two X chromosomes, they do not produce offspring.

In everyday life, it is not necessary to remember the names of pigments, which chromosomes store the genes responsible for cat color. It is enough to know that only cats are full tricolor . Cats with the same color are flawed: there are very few of them, and they cannot give birth.

If a breeder plans to breed cats with patchwork colors, he will have to become more familiar with the basics of genetics and the peculiarities of the appearance of tricolor spots. After which the idea of ​​​​breeding tri-colored short-haired or long-haired animals will come to naught. The good thing about tricolor cats is that it is impossible to predict their birth.

Gender and genetics

In nature, cats' primary coat colors are black and red. Each type of pigment is linked to only one gene, which corresponds to sex and is located on the X chromosome.

White is considered a non-gender color and is found in two-colored cats, such as black and white or white and tan. The chromosome set of females is XX, and that of males is XY. The kitten gets chromosomes from each parent. From the mother cat - X, from the cat - either X or Y.

The table below shows possible colors depending on the set of chromosomes.

CatCatPossible variations
TricolorGingerRed, tri-color, blackRed, black, two-tone
TricolorBlackTricolor, black
BlackGingerBlack, black and white
RedheadBlackRed, white and red

What to name a tricolor cat

When deciding what to name a tricolor cat , owners are guided by several motives:

  • Associations caused by the color of a cat. In this section, the name Chubais is the leader among cats with large red spots.
  • The first manifestations of character in a kitten. Often this is Sonya, Shustrik, Marsik (warlike kitten), Beda (in the sense of troublesome).
  • Events or circumstances due to which the kitten appeared in the house. For example, Prize, Winter, Storm, Gift, Chief.
  • Most often, a kitten is named spontaneously.

The names for tricolor cats differ little from the names of animals of other colors. The entire list of popular calico cat names looks impressive.

  • Ava, Agata, Aya, Agnia, Aida, Anita, Anka, Ariadne, Ars, Artem, Astra;
  • Barbie, Basya, Bella, Black, Lingonberry, Borya, Bob, Betty, Bertha, Bambi, Buka, Storm;
  • Varna, Vanda, Varya, Vasilisa, Cornflower, Vasya, Venus, Viola, Willy, Vlasta, Vesta, Volya;
  • Galya, Glafira, Glasha, Hera, Greta, Glafira, Gloria, Gerta, Golub;
  • Dio, Gina, Julie, Deutsche, Dekabrina;
  • Eva, Evdokinia, Elizabeth, Efim;
  • Zhanna, Julia, Zhuzha, Georges;
  • Zlata, Zimka, Zarya, Zarina, Beast;
  • Ivanna, Isabella, Jonah, Isolde, Ipa, Isis, Irma, Iskra;
  • Capa, Drop. Coco, Carolina, Clara, Constance, Cleo, Ksyunya;
  • Lana, Lesya, Lina, Lu, Lulu, Lilu, Lina, Lily, Lilia;
  • Mavra, Mara, Mars, Marusya, Maggi, Magda, Madeleine, Malvinka, Margot, Martha, Marfa, Matilda, Matryoshka, Mila, Milana, Milya, Mimi, Mia, Molly, Muse, Mura;
  • Nana, Nata, Nessie, Nelly, Nefertiti, Ninel, Nina, Novella, Nora, Note, Nochka, Nate, Nyusha, Nyasha;
  • Ori, Octava, Oktyabrina, Olympia, Osya;
  • Pavlina, Panna, Paula, Panda, Praskovya, Panochka, Pans;
  • Rada, Rimma, Rosa, Ruslan;
  • Solomeya, Svoboda, North, Severina, Serafima, Sendy, Simon, Sophia, Susanna, Suzy, Susan, Styopa;
  • Taiga, Tasha, Tosha, Trisha, Taira, Tess;
  • Ulya, Ustya;
  • Faina, Fanya, Fina, Fima, Fiona, Frau, Felicia, Flora;
  • Eureka, Elsa, Emma, ​​Eric;
  • Julia, Juno, Utah, Yuna;
  • Yarik, Yars.

High-breed kittens go to the owner's house with a name, which is formed according to special rules. The first letter is the same for all kittens of the same litter. The nickname must contain the name of the nursery or the name of the breeder. Some nurseries assign a word (toponym, surname, title, etc.) to themselves, which serves as an integral part of the nicknames of all kittens.

In the case of a kitten of high origin, the owner has to think about how to shorten the name to make it simpler and more memorable. The kitten quickly learns its name; it is advisable that it has no more than three syllables, then there will be no problems with memorization.

Does breed matter?

The breed of the animal does not affect the future color. This color is least common among the British and Scots due to the predominance of the smoky type in colors.

Among purebred animals, tortoiseshell and calico cats are most often born in Persian litters. But the highest percentage of such animals is among outbreds.

This might be interesting

There are a great variety of cat colors.

Even for representatives of the same breed, several typical colors are allowed, what can we say about pets without a pedigree.


Why do you dream about a tricolor cat?

The appearance of a calico cat in a dream is not always interpreted as the onset of happy, successful times. Much depends on the mise-en-scène. Unlike reality, the spotted creature that appeared in the kingdom of Morpheus does not make a person a priori lucky, but makes him think.

A dream in which a calico cat scratches near the door foreshadows for men a meeting with a woman who should please them. But this woman's intentions may not be entirely benign. The old established life order may change not for the better. For women, such a dream indicates an imminent clash with a rival.

After a dream in which a calico cat lies on a person’s body, it is a good idea to consult a doctor. Pay close attention to your health, listen to the organs on which the cat lies down.

There are dreams in which a cat with a calico color rubs at a person’s feet. In this case, it is impossible to avoid conflicts with someone close to you. If in a dream you were able to discern which color prevails in a cat’s fur, you can predict the nature of the disagreement. With the predominant color red (orange), the opponent will be cunning and two-faced. If black takes over, the opponent will be rude but straightforward.

Colors of ticked cats

The so-called ticked colors are very diverse. Each fur of these animals is divided into several shades: darker turns into light, then again into dark. Ticking is the result of the action of a dominant A gene called agouti. It acts in such a way that in the first stages of wool growth the pigment is released very strongly, then decreases. Alternation occurs several times, and sections of the hair are painted in different shades. When the animal moves, its fur seems to shimmer.

Breeders are very keen on breeding cats of these colors, as they believe that this is not an easy, but very interesting task.

Interesting Facts

On the main Japanese island of Honshu there is the Kii Peninsula. A railroad runs through it. The 14 km line connects the capital of Wakayama with the village of Kishigawa. Few people used the railway and it was decided to close it in 2007 as unprofitable.

A tricolor cat Tama lived at the station. After the line was closed, the cat automatically became homeless. Residents of other cities located along the railway began to visit Kishigawa just to look at the cat and have time to pet it for good luck. The cat brought good luck not only to passengers, but to the railway department - the flow of passengers increased. For this she was made an honorary station commander.

It turned out that besides the cat, there are many remarkable places in the area. Tourists and residents of neighboring regions have flocked to Wakayama Prefecture. The cat prevented the bankruptcy of the railway line and boosted the development of the tourism business. Over the past 7 years of work, the “honorary station master” tricolor Tama has brought 1.1 billion yen to the railway ticket office.

A fact indirectly related to calico cats, but very impressive. The online journal Nature reported in April 2022 that scientists from the University of California were able to read and voice human thoughts.

Sensors mounted on the head detected electromagnetic waves generated by the brain. The computer deciphered and reproduced the thought. The first mental phrase that received a sound embodiment was: “Get a calico cat, and the rodents will go away.”

In Krasnoyarsk there is a children's technology park "Tvori-Gora". One of the activities of which is educational work. That is, there are a lot of visitors. All of them are met and accompanied by the tricolor cat Florida. This was reported in March 2022 by the online publication “City News” from Krasnoyarsk. The cat is included in the staff and receives a salary with food and affection.

Tabby colors

Tabbies are colors with a specific pattern: circles, stripes, spots on a ticked coat. For this purpose, the T gene is required. Due to the fact that some areas of the fur coat are painted, while others are not, a pattern appears.

For example, the T gene is responsible for the brindle color. For the Abyssinian color, when there are stripes only on the face, and ticked hairs are located throughout the fur coat - Ta.

Cats' fur coats can be not only brindle, but have the most bizarre patterns.

Owner reviews

It is probably not unreasonable to believe that together with a tricolor cat you bring happiness to your home. This fluffy miracle will create an atmosphere of joy, and soon you will notice: everyone in the family begins to smile much more often! And also... your brownie will definitely like this cat - even if you don’t believe in him at all.

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