White Doberman Albino and other colors of dogs of this breed

Thanks to the cinema and show industry with popular clips not so long ago, most people associate the image of a Doberman exclusively with black color. Meanwhile, even the standard does not regard the black coat color of these dogs as the only acceptable color. What color options exist for Dobermans, which of these color variations should be considered the breed standard, and which should be attributed to breeding? Below is their description and photo.

According to standard

According to the breed standard adopted by the FCI, only two color variations of the Doberman Pinscher are allowed:

  1. Black and tan with clearly demarcated tan markings.
  2. Dark brown and tan.

In this case, the scorch marks should not be located in a chaotic order. The standard clearly defines their correct location. Doberman dogs should have tan on the face, above the eyebrows, on the neck, on the chest, on the underside of the paws, on the inside of the thighs, under the tail and on the ischial tuberosities.

The standard does not allow darkening or lightening of tan, the presence of white marks, or tan in any other places except those listed above.

Doberman character

The Doberman is a one-owner dog. She will love, obey and protect all family members, but the main thing in his life will be only the owner. The one who raises and trains the puppy is the “leader” for the dog. With proper upbringing, the owner is allowed absolutely everything.

Individual qualities

The breed was bred as a service breed, so the Doberman’s “firmware” includes the desire to protect and protect. But with innate wariness towards strangers, a properly trained dog is invariably patient and forgiving towards family members. The temperament is often choleric - dogs are easily excitable and active. It is important for them to be good for their owner; they need approval and attention. Sometimes they can be obsessive or jealous.

It is worth paying close attention to raising a puppy in the first year of his life, and you will get a loyal and reliable friend and protector for his entire life. These dogs are very sensitive. With good contact with the owner, the dog “tunes in” to the owner; by its behavior, you can guess the person’s mood. Dobermans will protect, comfort and cheer and make wonderful companions.

It is believed that females are usually more attuned to their owner, and in Dobermans, males are also more attuned to their owner. This is a like-minded dog, a one-love dog

Dogs of this breed are distinguished by such features as:

  • intelligence
  • self-esteem
  • devotion
  • energy
  • learning ability
  • attention to nuances - voice timbre, intonation, gestures, facial expressions, host’s mood
  • courage
  • lightning-fast reaction
  • cunning

Should you get a Doberman?

Dobermans are intelligent, but they are a large and strong temperamental dog. It's not for everyone. It is recommended for experienced dog owners, people with knowledge about the breed, upbringing, and training to own one. Owning a Doberman is a huge responsibility; it’s not for nothing that they have been compared to firearms. They definitely need to be educated and trained, but they learn easily and quickly. A well-mannered animal will obediently and patiently endure provoking stimuli and will not forget to carry out the given command.

The famous poem by Sergei Yesenin “Give me a paw, Jim, for luck…” is dedicated to the Doberman of actor Kachalov

The Doberman is patient and gentle with children. Photo: Silvia Living in a family, the Doberman will not offend other pets. They are patient, caring, and attentive to the children in their family. They can be trusted with a baby, a nimble preschooler, or a teenager. Despite their considerable height, weight and choleric temperament, they restrain themselves for fear of accidentally causing harm. They tolerate strangers, try to ignore them, but are still always on guard.

Who shouldn't get this dog?

This breed is not suitable:

  • for inexperienced dog owners
  • unorganized people
  • busy or inactive people;
  • nervous people

A Doberman without proper training can cause trouble. Photo: Chris Lester When getting such a dog, you need to take into account that it will require a lot of time, attention, effort and investment, especially in the first year of life. You will have to move a lot, walking and training, monitoring and correcting behavior. It is impossible to let the upbringing of such a serious breed take its course. There have been cases when Dobermans raised like “pocket” dogs would bite without a command, rush at cats, not let their owners leave the apartment, or pull during a walk like a good KamAZ truck. And all because “unexpectedly” for the careless owners, the trembling fawn, which a Doberman puppy usually looks like, grew up and suddenly turned into a powerful, uncontrollable, nervous dog.

Who is the Doberman best suited for?

The breed will fit very well into the life of a sporty, active, organized person who loves outdoor activities. A properly raised Doberman is perfect for a family with children, a teenager, a student, or an athlete.


White color in dogs is associated with the albinism gene and is quite rare. Outwardly, these dogs look original: their white or light cream coat is combined with blue eyes that are unusual for the breed and a pink or flesh-colored nose. In the recent past, white dogs of this breed were considered rare and highly valued. But later it was found that the absence of pigment in them may be genetically associated with a number of diseases and pathologies.

For example, among white Dobermans there are animals suffering from congenital deafness or vision problems. In addition, they are too sensitive to ultraviolet radiation and have weaker immunity than colored dogs.

White albino Dobermans are characterized by unpredictability of behavior, increased nervousness, and sometimes cowardice.

It is believed that they are less suitable for service use than dogs of other colors, since they are not very healthy and often have mental problems.

Basic rules of care

In order for the Doberman to live a long and happy life in your family or in your service, you need to follow some rules:

  • Choose only expensive and proven premium food. If you choose natural food for your pet, then prepare it correctly so that it is balanced. The dog must receive all nutrients;
  • Daily physical and mental exercise. Without them, the dog will wither away;
  • The dog’s place should be where no one will disturb him from resting;
  • The dog's tail must be docked. If the owner wishes, this procedure can also be done with the ears;
  • Dobermans should be bathed no more than once a month;
  • The breed's ears are cleaned 2-3 times a month, and it is also necessary to wash the eyes from time to time;
  • Nails also need to be trimmed, but if the dog leads an active lifestyle, they grind down on their own;
  • Inspect the paw pads after a walk for the absence of calluses, wounds and cracks;
  • During the winter season, you should not walk your dog for too long. If walking is necessary, then you need to buy special shoes and overalls for it.

Blue and Isabella

These colors were once considered standard, but later dogs with this coat color were excluded from breeding. This was primarily due to the fact that the weakened black gene makes animals of blue or isabella color predisposed to diseases such as dermatitis, allergies and demodicosis. In addition, animals with lightened colors often have low immunity. Because of this, they are more susceptible to infections.

Not all breeders have abandoned their breeding, since the unusual appearance and rarity of such dogs currently make blue and Isabella Dobermans a real exclusive.

The blue color can vary from silver-gray to dark lead. It has reddish or reddish markings.

The Isabella coat color of representatives of this breed can be described as beige-blue. Often a pinkish or lilac tint is also noticeable. Tan is also present, but may be lighter than the standard black and tan or brown and tan colors.


How long your dog will live depends only on you. It is important to choose the right food, give your dog all vaccinations on time, and take proper care of your pet.

For Dobermanns, it is necessary that they receive a certain dose of physical training every day - this will keep their muscles and brain in good shape..

If you comply with all the necessary conditions, and the dog lives with you without needing anything, then in this case the life expectancy will be maximum.


Healthy and well-groomed Dobermans live 12-15 years.

With poor maintenance and nutrition, the number of years of life can be significantly reduced.

All black

True black Dobermans are almost never found. Dogs that appear black usually just have very dark tan that blends in with the base coat color. Dobermans without tan marks are recognized as a breeding marriage based on color. They are not allowed to participate in exhibitions or for breeding.

It is extremely rare, but Dobermans still have a true black color. It is presumably an atavism that they inherited from the Great Danes.


Second suit recognized by the FCI. Brown or, as it is also called, red color somewhat softens the harsh appearance of the Doberman and visually enlarges it.

Dogs that are the color of dark chocolate and have bright tan look the most impressive. The eyes of an animal of this color should also be brown, but a lighter shade is allowed. Another nuance of this color is that it can fade in the sun. Otherwise, brown dogs are no different from black and tan dogs.


Infrequently, you can also see a Doberman of black or brown color, which has white spots of various sizes and shapes scattered on the main background. There are also Dobermans, whose color is surprisingly similar to the color of the coat of Great Danes or Dalmatians. On a white background there are small colored markings, usually brown or black. With this color, tan may be present, located in the places provided for by the standard.

Spotted Dobermans are a breeding match whether they have a tan or not. White markings of any size on these dogs are absolutely not allowed by the standard.

What diseases are they susceptible to?

Dogs, like all living beings, are susceptible to diseases. This also applies to Dobermans. There is a certain list of diseases that have the greatest impact on them.

The risk that your Doberman will exhibit these pathologies is very high.:

  • Cardiomyopathy . Damage to the heart muscles, which is characterized by expansion of the heart muscle and chambers, which ultimately leads to heart failure;
  • Bloating (dilation of the stomach, torsion) . This disease is better known as volvulus. Dogs are susceptible to it early in life;
  • Hypothyroidism . This is a deficiency of thyroid function. The disease manifests itself in the appearance of bald patches on the dog’s fur, as well as excessive shedding, after which almost no hair remains;
  • Von Willebrand's disease and von Willebrand-Jurgens syndrome . This is a hereditary disease, which consists in the fact that the blood loses its ability to clot;
  • Wobbler syndrome (cervical spondylopathy-spondylolisthesis, cervical syndrome). This is instability of the cervical vertebrae, which manifests itself in adult dogs.
  • Narcolepsy . This is a disease of the nervous system that cannot be cured, only somehow alleviated. The dog in this state falls into immobility, it can be brought out of it by loud noise or stroking. It is believed to be hereditary, but the exact causes are unknown.

Most diseases can be avoided if you carefully monitor your dog's condition and show it to the veterinarian on time.


This color can be described as reddish brown. It comes in different intensities. From light brownish coat with a red sheen to black and burgundy main color background. With this color, Dobermans have tan marks located in the places provided for by the standard.

Red color with tan is considered a variant of the standard brown. Such dogs are allowed to exhibit and participate in breeding.

They are distinguished from ordinary dark brown Dobermans only by a more or less pronounced reddish tint of their coat.


A strong, graceful figure with an athletic and muscular structure is familiar to many amateurs. A proud and unapproachable character, an amazing color pattern combined with eye color is the calling card of the Doberman breed.

The height and weight of a pet depends on gender. As a rule, males are larger and taller than females. On average, the height of a male dog reaches 72-75cm, and weight 40-45kg.

In terms of intellectual and instinctive characteristics, females and males are equal. Females have a calmer and more measured disposition.

Interesting Facts

  • This is the only breed that has its name in honor of its creator
  • The dog runs very fast. Back in 1925, a dog named Zaur chased the enemy for 160 km. This news blew up the world press.
  • There is a memorial monument to this breed. It is located on the island of Guam. The monument commemorates the 25 dogs who served in the US Marine Corps and died in the line of duty.
  • In 1907, a regimental kennel for military field dogs was opened in Peterhof. During the First World War, 300 animals performed guard functions and were good helpers in establishing communications.
  • Dobermans became known in Russia in 1902. They were purchased for police service. The dogs quickly showed their professional suitability for detective work, and the dog named Tref became a legend, about whom many Russian newspapers wrote.

Doberman - Full Breed Description

What to look for when choosing a puppy

If you are completely satisfied with the conversation with the breeder, you can move on to the last step - examining the puppy. Please pay attention to the following details:

  • the sanitary condition of the enclosure where the puppies are kept. Any self-respecting breeder will provide almost perfect cleanliness for their dogs;
  • the puppy should not be separated from its mother before 8 weeks of age;
  • the coat should be shiny, the eyes should be bright, the temperament should be inquisitive and attentive to its surroundings;
  • all preventive vaccinations must be carried out with all relevant documentation, including a card of the animal’s condition;
  • There must be documents confirming purebredness and thoroughbred.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that each puppy must be sold through a purchase and sale agreement, which must include a clause regarding the possible return of the puppy to the kennel. If for some reason the breeder does not include such a clause in the contract, you should choose a Doberman puppy elsewhere.


Choosing a nickname

For Dobermans, nicknames should be chosen based on their appearance. These are beautiful, intelligent dogs that are often recruited to serve in the army or police. The Doberman makes a wonderful protector.

The following names are suitable for boys of this breed:

  1. Emphasizing their strength and physical development: Atlas, Opal, Sunset, Zeus, Pharaoh, Caesar, Hercules, Achilles, Vulcan, Ararat, Sultan, Conan, Gloom, Circassian, Titan, Sherkhan, Elbrus;
  2. Nicknames that focus on color: Chocolate, Walnut, Ash, Black, Coal, Amber, Yakhont, Truffle;
  3. Nicknames that echo German names: Albert, Hans, Askold, Karl, Oscar, Jan, Nicholas, Rudolf, Theodor, Schultz, Richard, Jurgen, Max, Michael, Jurgen;
  4. Nicknames that emphasize the qualities of temperament (after all, how many dogs have so many characters): Rogue, Golden, Friend, Wind, Tango, Cyclone, Miracle, Glorious, Frisky, Fakir, Fire, Mars, Leader, Success, Hurricane, Champion, Romeo, Pilot, Indigo, Storm, Bulldog.

The following nicknames are suitable for girls of the Doberman breed:

  1. The most aristocratic nicknames that will emphasize the elegant, beautiful and graceful appearance of your dog: Hera, Ariadne, Star, Melisa, Roxy, Liana, Venus, Diva, Bagheera, Aelita, Naomi, Shelly, Stephanie, Yasmin, Aurora, Giselle, Luna, Paula, Camellia.
  2. To emphasize the temperament of your pet, give the following nicknames: Aida, Love, Verona, Gloria, Clear, Audrey, Oda, Blizzard, Fun, Muse, Night, Sonata, Melody, Doll, Prima, Fairy, Fortune, Charade, Ethiopian, Riddle, Rocket.


The creator of this breed had the goal of obtaining a dog that would become an ideal bodyguard and security guard for its owner, which could withstand any opponent. It was in this dog that these qualities came together, and after its mass distribution, many got such a dog precisely for the purpose of protection.

It is believed that the ancestors of this breed were mountain and cattle dogs, so their ancestor is also excellent at this task. In the modern world, when the need for constant personal protection has significantly decreased, a black Doberman is kept as a pet, which has high intelligence and is capable of love for a person.

Distinctive features of the breed

The Doberman breed stands out for its elegant and proud appearance. This is a fearless, muscular and intelligent dog - qualities that allow the Doberman to be used as a guard and watchman. A developed sense of smell contributes to the fact that the Doberman is considered an unrivaled bloodhound. The dog becomes strongly attached to the owner and members of his family, does not trust strangers, and is moderately aggressive. If these qualities are developed through training, then the Doberman will become an excellent guide dog.

Smiling dogs

When you mention a smiling dog, interest and many questions immediately arise: is this possible?

In fact, your four-legged friend cannot smile by nature, but there are several factors that make pets smile. Firstly, it is imitation of your cheerful and smiling owner, who shows interest in the dog. Secondly, the pet still tries to show love to its owner, and it can do this through a kind of smile.

You can tell if your pet is really smiling with these signs:

  1. His upper lip is raised, but he does not growl, but grins.
  2. The dog wags its tail, expressing joy.
  3. If, on top of everything else, he snorts or sneezes, there is no doubt – the pet is smiling at you.

There are several breeds that are able to show cordiality and smile:

  • Dalmatian;
  • Staffordshire Terrier;
  • Yorkshire Terrier;
  • Samoyed husky;
  • welsh corgi;
  • Golden retriever;
  • Spitz

These breeds are quite famous on the Internet and simply from the lips of dog lovers. A smile flashes on the faces of these breeds more often than on others. For example, the retriever is quite famous for its face, on which a smile shines almost constantly. Perhaps she was never even seen without a smile.

The Welsh Corgi and Spitz breeds are famous all over the Internet thanks to videos of them smiling. These dogs show patience and cordiality towards their owners; their loud barking often fills the house, but this barking does not speak of the pet’s anger, but of its tireless desire to play and enjoy life.

Animals that smile are very popular, because in a world where there are so many troubles and misfortunes, a person is not always able to find something bright and pleasant, something that will make you smile. But here she is, a dog, your best four-legged friend, jumping out of the room and even giving a peculiar smile and joy in her glowing eyes.

How to choose?

It should be remembered that it will not be possible to find a blue Doberman with documents of origin in Russia. This means that the future owner of such a pet will have to either buy a puppy without registration, or go to a foreign kennel to get the dog.


Buying a puppy without documents is always fraught with the risk that the baby may have health problems or an unstable psyche.

If the decision to adopt a dog of this particular color is finally made, then you need to try to find a baby from dogs that have medical certificates.

When choosing a future pet, you need to give preference to a baby who does not show signs of cowardice or, conversely, aggression.


Black Dobermans have a sharp mind and a gentle character, making them easy to train. During the training process, dog handlers recommend following the rule of the “golden mean” - behaving confidently and giving commands in a gentle tone. At the same time, do not encourage self-indulgence and disobedience. The dog should feel your love and dominance over him.


Adult height: males 69-71 cm, females 62-67 cm. Weight: males 41-45 kg, females 31-35 kg. The characteristic color of the Doberman is completely pure black, dark brown. Coat length: short, smooth. Life expectancy: 11-16 years. Advantages: dedicated guard. Difficulties of the breed: time consuming. Average price of a black Doberman: $600-800. Classification: large dogs, mountain, cattle, companion, guard, bodyguard.

Historical reference

The white Doberman was artificially bred in the 70s of the 20th century.

For the first time, a female of the usual dark brown color gave birth to an albino puppy in 1976. Once the puppy reached reproductive age, attempts were made to cross the born albino bitch with a Doberman male of normal color. The experiment was not a success: the puppy was born brown.

White Dobermans are considered very rare.

Subsequently, an albino puppy was nevertheless born after mating a white mother with her normal-colored son.

All white representatives of the breed in the United States are descendants of the first albino bitch. Therefore, white people are considered an incomplete albino.

History of the breed

The breed was developed by the German tax collector Friedrich Louis Dobermann at the end of the 19th century.

Friedrich's position was fraught with danger, and he needed an aggressive dog that could protect him, but at the same time did not require special care. Dobermann was the owner of a shelter for homeless dogs, so it was not difficult for him to realize his plans. Having crossed dog breeds characterized by aggressiveness, endurance and high watchdog qualities - German pinscher, Rottweiler, Manchester terrier and pointer, Dobermann in a short time developed the type of dog he needed. Subsequently, the bred breed was named after its owner and became known as the Doberman.

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