What types of Chihuahuas are there: photos, descriptions, common features and differences + the most popular colors of dogs of this breed

The Chihuahua is considered the smallest dog breed in the world.

These tiny dogs are popular as loyal, devoted and affectionate lap dogs.

Due to the fact that the breed is considered fashionable and prestigious, breeders have bred many varieties of Chihuahuas, as they say, to suit any, most sophisticated taste.

From this article you will find out. what varieties of this breed are there, what are their similarities and differences, read their names and descriptions, and also see photos.

History of the breed

The Chihuahua is considered one of the oldest breeds in the world. Researchers suggest that dogs similar to modern short-haired Chihuahuas appeared in Mexico at the end of the Paleozoic. These were small dogs, among which there were both dogs with fairly long hair and those completely hairless.


Among the inhabitants of Mesoamerica, the ancestors of the Chihuahua were considered sacred animals. They were kept at temples and were often sacrificed to the gods. There was also a widespread custom of burying dogs with their owners, as the Aztecs believed that a Chihuahua would help a person find a way to the afterlife, which they called Mictlan.

The Spaniards, who saw Chihuahuas during the conquest of Mexico in the 16th century, mentioned them more than once in their chronicles, however, by that time these dogs were no longer sacred animals - the Aztecs ate them and considered them the most ordinary dogs.

The conquistadors destroyed temples and palaces, which had an extremely negative impact on the number of Chihuahuas. Many of these dogs ran into the jungle and became wild.

Only in the middle of the 19th century did Europeans rediscover this amazing breed, which later received its name from the Mexican state where it was discovered.

The National Breed Club in the USA was founded in 1923, at the same time the first standard appeared, according to which Chihuahuas could only be short-haired. And only in 1954, in Britain, a standard was developed for the long-haired breed variety.

Read more about the history of the Chihuahua breed here.

Currently, both types of breed are popular in the world, but short-haired dogs are still more common.

Interesting Facts

Before you get a little pet, you should find out as much as possible about it:

  • The dog easily finds a common language with the family, but remains most devoted to one person. He gets along only with his own breed, but is aggressive towards others.
  • The smallest Chihuahua in the world, named Brandy, is 15.2 cm long from nose to tail.
  • Compared to the body, such an animal has the largest brain size among other breeds.
  • According to one version, Christopher Columbus is associated with the appearance of animals in Mexico, who in a letter to the king spoke about unusual crumbs.

Character traits

Chihuahuas are energetic and playful. When properly raised, they make affectionate and obedient pets. They are affectionate and most often friendly towards people, although they can be somewhat distrustful of strangers.

However, these dogs also have character traits such as selfishness and willfulness, which are fully manifested if the owner pays little attention to the pet and does not educate or train it.

In addition, Chihuahuas can be very jealous, do not tolerate loneliness well, and tend to choose only one owner for themselves, whom they treat as their property.

These dogs are quite capable of getting along with other pets in the house, but only if they do not encroach on the attention of their personal owner.

Owning a Chihuahua is not recommended for children. Firstly, these dogs do not tolerate rough treatment and noisy games, and, secondly, a child can inadvertently harm the pet by dropping it or pressing it hard.


The dog is not capricious, does not require much attention, but if the owner gives her a minute of time, she will be infinitely happy. The Chihuahua looks funny and can be dressed up in fashionable costumes. The pet does not like to bathe.

The baby eats only natural food (turkey meat, cottage cheese, vegetables). For a treat, a Chihuahua is willing to endure having its nails trimmed. Prefers to sit in his arms and lie on a warm rug. The dog cannot tolerate cold and cold.

The dog loves attention and often begs for treats. Children love to play with the baby, but you need to be careful that they do not harm her. Chihuahuas are difficult to toilet train and require a lot of time to convince them to defecate in the diaper.

The Chihuahua is a pocket dog originally from Mexico. Body weight does not exceed 3 kg. Caring for babies is not difficult, they do not bring much trouble, they are distinguished by affection, playfulness and endless devotion to their owner.

Accepted standard

The Chihuahua is a small, graceful, well-proportioned dog. For males, a square body format is preferable, while for females a slightly higher elongation index is acceptable.

The head is rounded, with a pronounced transition from the forehead to a rather short muzzle, tapering towards the nose.

The ears are large, erect, triangular in shape, widely spaced and turned forward.

The eyes are large, round, and their most preferred shade is dark brown.

The color of the nose can be either black or the same color as the main color.

The neck is quite thin and long, but not excessively. The back line is straight, the croup is slightly sloping. The chest is deep, with convex ribs, the stomach is tucked.

The limbs are straight, set parallel, with the hind legs slightly longer than the front.

The tail is undocked, medium length, set high. As a rule, it is carried slightly above the line of the back. The long-haired Chihuahua is abundantly covered with decorative long hair.


Despite its small size, the Chihuahua should not look frail - it has well-defined muscles on the hind legs and body.

Types depending on size

Here are the types of Chihuahuas that vary in weight and size.


The weight of a standard Chihuahua is 1.5-3 kg.

This is the healthiest and longest-living size variety of this breed.

Standard-sized Chihuahuas are small enough to get along in even the smallest apartments and to become constant companions for their owners during shopping trips or travel.

At the same time, these dogs are devoid of signs of dwarfism, since when breeding standard Chihuahuas, there was no provision for a tendency to reduce the size of the animal.


The weight of such dogs ranges from 1 to 1.5 kg. At the same time, in appearance, minis do not differ too much from standard individuals in terms of physique, although some of them may show signs of dwarfism.

Mini Chihuahuas
are generally in good health, but are more prone to injury.


Micro Chihuahuas are tiny dogs whose weight is 0.5-1 kg. They can be predisposed to a number of diseases inherent in dwarf breeds, such as hydrocephalus, and also have an accelerated metabolism, which makes such Chihuahuas very vulnerable to both cold and heat.

Only standard-sized bitches are suitable for breeding, since for a mini-sized Chihuahua girl, and especially micro-sized, bearing offspring, giving birth and feeding puppies is an unbearable burden and can cost her life.


The best time for chihuahua offspring is when the female is three years old. But the dog has a hard time with pregnancy and childbirth. The optimal breeding period for a dog varies between 3-8 years.

Useful article: Pregnancy and childbirth in Chihuahuas: details by day

Expert opinion
Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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Before breeding, your dog should be examined by a veterinarian. A female Chihuahua must have excellent health, just like a male. Mating takes place on the 10-14th day of estrus. The first time, things often don’t work out, especially if the bitch doesn’t like the male. But then everything goes without problems.

At first, it is difficult to determine if a Chihuahua is pregnant, as the dog behaves as usual. But later the animal becomes calmer, eats more and sleeps a lot. Then the dog’s belly grows and its weight increases. 2 weeks before giving birth, you can test Chihuahua puppies.

The animal's pregnancy lasts approximately 2 months. A caesarean section under general anesthesia is often required. 1-3 puppies are born. It may be higher in a large female who has given birth several times. Chihuahua babies usually weigh from 70 to 150 g and are 10 cm tall.

The next mating is possible 6-8 months after birth. The animal needs to get stronger and recover.

Varieties according to body shape

Here are described the varieties of the breed, the differences of which are in the shape of the body.


Representatives of this type have a rather stocky and dense build. They have a large head with a convex forehead and a shortened muzzle, widely spaced large and at the same time bulging eyes. The ears of these dogs are relatively small and widely spaced.

The neck is strong and muscular, the back is strong and wide enough for an animal of such small size. The chest is deep, wide and powerful. The preferred tail for a cobby is saber-shaped, not thin and not too long.

The limbs should also not be long; they are strong and well-muscled, with well-defined angles of articulation. The movements of representatives of this type should express the strength and energy inherent in the Cobby Chihuahua.


This type of build is often called “deer build.” Deer-type Chihuahuas are more refined and sophisticated than Cobby-type dogs.

They have a medium-sized and rather narrow head with an elongated muzzle and a less convex forehead. The ears are large and set quite high.

The physique is neither powerful nor muscular - the back is narrower, the chest is also not so deep and not so wide.

The limbs are less muscular, thinner and visually look longer than those of the Cobby. The tail is long and thin. Such a dog moves easily, as if barely touching the ground; there is almost no sense of strength or power in its movements.


Although many breeders prefer to breed Cobby-type dogs, most modern Chihuahuas are neither of this type nor of the Deer variety, but are something in between.

How to choose a puppy

After it has become clear what types of Chihuahuas there are, you need to decide where to buy a puppy. You should only purchase a pet from trusted breeders or nurseries with an excellent reputation. It is imperative to pay attention to the appearance of the animals. If they eat low-quality food, they will not be able to bear healthy offspring. It is imperative to inspect the cages; the presence of feces or scraps of fur in them is regarded as a possibility that the baby may develop parasites or intestinal disorders.

A good breeder will have no secrets from the buyer, so upon first request he will provide the baby’s pedigree and all the documentation for him. If the customer is interested in this, the chia's parents or one of them will be presented and their documents shown. A veterinary passport with vaccination notes must be issued for the baby.

There should not be more than 5 puppies in the litter, since the pet will be weakened. If a person wants Chia to take part in dog shows, then he needs to purchase a nine-month-old puppy. It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the initial character of the dog does not change throughout its life. If you want to train a dog, it is better to pay attention to the one that follows the movements of its fingers; it is distinguished by attentiveness and purposefulness.

Chihuahuas can be purebred and pedigree, or have some deviations from the standard. It is worth remembering that even a dwarf animal without a pedigree can become an excellent friend for its owner. In order for chia to live long, you need to take into account all its features and take proper care of it. Each animal is individual, so you need to decide what types of Chihuahua breeds there are in order to clarify their characteristics, but they will all respond with loyalty and boundless love.

Types by coat type

Here you will get acquainted with the types of Chihuahuas with different types of coats.


The coat is smooth, close to the body, soft and silky with poorly developed or even completely absent undercoat.


The coat is thin, soft and quite long. Can be straight or slightly wavy. The undercoat may be either developed or completely absent.

The coat of long-haired Chihuahuas forms beautiful fringes in the form of a “collar” on the neck, “pants” on the hind legs, as well as fringe along the edges of the ears.


Sometimes there are transitional type Chihuahuas whose coat is longer than that of the smooth-haired variety, but shorter than that of the long-haired variety.

Due to the fact that the breed standard allows only two types of coat, such dogs are considered a defect in the breed and are not allowed for breeding or exhibitions.


Hairless Chihuahuas have always existed since the appearance of this breed.

Chihuahuas without hair look very unusual - their skin, usually one of beige or grayish-blue shades, looks perfectly smooth, which makes these animals look like elegant porcelain figurines .


It should be remembered that a hairless Chihuahua, especially if it is mini or micro, needs especially careful care and careful attention to its health.

Possible diseases and methods of treating them

The eyes are the most vulnerable place on a Chihuahua's body. It is prone to souring and tearing. If you do not wash them regularly, an infection may appear that settles on the mucous membrane. The result is eye pathologies, such as cataracts. In this case, drops can help. Only a veterinarian can prescribe them.

Also, a representative of the breed may have digestive problems, especially if he has eaten something missing or of poor quality. In this case, he will suffer from diarrhea, vomiting, nausea and weakness. Sorbent medications will help him. They will absorb toxins that enter his body with food and introduce them naturally. Alternatively, you can give your dog Atoxil. The dosage will be calculated by a specialist.

What do the varieties have in common?

The common features that unite all varieties of Chihuahua into one breed are the character traits inherent in them:

  • intelligence;
  • loyalty to the owner;
  • affectionateness;
  • courage and even cockiness towards other dogs.

They are also united by the fact that all varieties of Chihuahua, regardless of their build type, coat length or size, are ideal as a pet and get along well even in the smallest apartments. They do not need long walks, and they do not require complex care.

All representatives of this breed must be handled with care and caution, which is why Chihuahuas are recommended as pets for the elderly, but should not be bought as a gift for children.

Reproduction and lifespan

Chihuahuas are long-lived dogs. If you feed your dog properly and always take care of him, he will serve you faithfully for at least 16 years. There were representatives of the breed who lived up to 18 years! Not every domestic dog, even a very healthy one, can boast such a long life.

Bitches reach sexual maturity at approximately 9 months of age. But you shouldn’t think that at this age they can be paired with male dogs. Of course, a young female has every chance of becoming pregnant, however, she definitely will not give birth to full-fledged puppies. We recommend breeding representatives of the breed after they are 2-3 years old.

Also, older individuals, older than 9-10 years, are not suitable for reproduction. Dogs are bred after 3 days have passed since the start of menstruation for the bitch. The male hears the smell of heat and the corresponding instinct is triggered. Experts advise knitting them on its territory.

Due to the absence of genetic defects, childbirth in a female Chihuahua usually occurs without complications. They can be taken at home, but if you have not previously had such experience, it is better to invite a veterinarian. He will take appropriate action if complications arise.

What is the difference?

The size of the dog and the type of its build not least determine its health and life expectancy. Minis and micros live shorter lives than standard-sized Chihuahuas.

And short-haired individuals, more than long-haired ones, need to wear warm clothes even in cool weather.

Cobby type dogs are generally more hardy and strong than dire type dogs, which tend to be overly lightweight.

Where to buy a Chihuahua?

Miniature dog breeds have recently been in great demand, since you can have them even under modest living conditions. To purchase a Chihuahua, you don’t need to conduct a long search - nurseries specializing in this breed are available in almost every Russian region.

Due to their popularity, Chihuahuas are a desirable breed for many breeders.

Basic colors

For a Chihuahua, any color, solid or mixed, is considered acceptable.

The most popular colors for these dogs currently are:

  • white;
  • cream;
  • sable;
  • chocolate;
  • black;
  • bluish-gray;
  • wolfish;
  • brindle;
  • reddish.

Two-color and three-color color types are also very popular.

Fawn or cream colored dogs may have a darkening on their face called a mask. Its size varies from a slight blackening around the nose, to a mask reaching almost to the level of the forehead.

Photo gallery

These cute dogs, which you will see in the photo below, have a very fragile musculoskeletal system, due to which there is a high probability of suffering a fracture or dislocation of the limbs.

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