What should a pug's coat be like: reasons for heavy shedding and proper dog care

The Pug is a short-haired dog breed and its coat is easy to care for.

But in order for it to look perfect, you should follow some rules regarding both coat care and general pet care.

In addition, the dog’s health also greatly affects the quality of its hair.

What should be the proper care for a pug’s fur and what should be done to ensure that your pet’s fur is always in perfect condition?

What does a healthy coat look like?

According to the requirements of the standard, a pug should have short, smooth and close-fitting hair that feels soft, delicate and quite thin to the touch.

The healthy coat of these dogs has a natural shine, most clearly visible in black pugs. The guard hair is short and soft enough, but not too light and blown by the wind.

Dark-colored dogs have less dense hair, but the hair is stiffer.

The pug's coat should be shiny, but not look greasy and feel oily to the touch..

brief information

The homeland of these four-legged animals is China. The head is round, relative to the body it can be called large. The muzzle is flattened and has symmetrical wrinkles.

Pugs' eyes are large, slightly convex, and dark in color.

The ears are set high and fit tightly to the head; there are two types:

  • Rose – in this case they are small in size and fit tightly to the head, with an open inside.
  • Buttons are laid forward, their edges are pressed tightly to the head, the hole is closed.

The dog's body is short, stocky, with well-developed muscles.

Pug coat black fawn

The character of the pets is cheerful, balanced, the dog is devoted to the owner and the whole family.

Read more about what a pug looks like here.

What care is required?

There is an opinion that pug fur does not require any care.

But this is far from true, because it is not easy for the dog itself, with its short muzzle and stocky build, to take care of itself, which means that its owner has to do this.

In order for a pug's coat to look shiny, it needs to be properly cared for, with basic care coming down to regular brushing, bathing and, during the shedding period, removing dead hair using a furminator or a soft brush for shedding dogs..

In order to prevent dust, dirt and small debris from clinging to the animal’s fur during walks, before going outside it is better to put on a jumpsuit or other clothing that fits it in size.

Expert opinion

Kozhevin Semyon Kirillovich

Expert dog handler.

“Caring for a pug’s coat is not difficult, but it must be done regularly. Normally, your dog should be brushed with a natural bristle brush about once a week. During the shedding period, you should comb out dead hair daily with a special mitten for shedding dogs. You can also use a furminator, but it should be used less often: 2-3 times a week during molting and once every 2-3 weeks during normal times. Pugs are bathed infrequently and only when necessary, otherwise there is a risk of washing off the protective film from the coat and drying it out.”

So as not to fall out too much

The following preventive measures will help you avoid severe, unplanned molting:

  • Regularly treat your pet with antiparasitic drugs.
  • Disinfection of all bowls, beds and clothes of the pug after detected parasitosis.
  • Carefully monitor your dog's diet. A balanced diet will help avoid shedding.
  • Supporting the animal's immune system.
  • Timely and complete vaccination.
  • Inspect the animal's skin after each walk.
  • During shedding, be sure to comb out the dead undercoat, otherwise inflammation and dermatitis may occur.
  • Avoid frequent bathing of your pug, as this will also negatively affect the condition of the animal’s coat.

Causes of severe shedding

Sometimes it happens that the dog begins to shed heavily or, even worse, the shedding began outside of normal hours.

Dogs can lose hair for a variety of reasons, the most common of which are::

  • Improper maintenance and care.
  • Unbalanced diet.
  • Health problems: allergies, dermatitis, other skin ailments, as well as various diseases that affect the general health of the animal, including the quality of its coat.
  • Hormonal imbalances.
  • Stressful situations.
  • Age-related changes. For example, puppies may begin to change their "baby" coat to a "adult" coat before or after the shedding season, and this is completely normal.
  • Often the coat is completely or almost completely replaced in bitches that have carried and nursed another litter.
  • External parasites.

Excessive shedding, especially if it began suddenly in winter or summer, may be one of the first signs of serious health problems for your pet..

Why in bitches during the end of lactation?

It is completely normal if, in this case, the dog begins to shed again. This happens for the reason that, being lactating, the bitch’s level of vitamins in the body decreases. You should worry if the shedding is on a larger scale, this indicates that the dog is not eating balanced food, that is, in an inappropriate way.

Her diet should be reconsidered. In such situations, it is recommended to add products of animal origin containing vitamins of categories A and B. Or, after consulting with a specialist, buy vitamins intended for dogs at a veterinary pharmacy.

What to do if your pet begins to shed heavily?

The first thing you should do when heavy shedding begins is to show your pet to a veterinarian.

If during the examination any health problems are discovered, treatment should be started immediately..

If it turns out that the problem is due to improper feeding, then you need to try to make the pug’s diet more complete and varied: increase the amount of foods that have a positive effect on the condition of the coat, such as vegetable oils and fresh vegetables and fruits.

It is also useful to start adding special supplements to the food to improve the quality of the coat.


It happens that the cause of excessive shedding may be incorrectly selected store-bought food.

In this case, you can recommend trying to change the brand of industrial food or even switch your pet to natural feeding.

It may also make sense to change your shampoo and other grooming products. The same applies to incorrectly selected brushes and combs: they need to be replaced with others suitable specifically for pugs.

In case of severe shedding and even focal hair loss, self-medication is unacceptable: all ointments, shampoos and vaccines should be used only on the recommendation of a veterinarian after a full medical examination has been carried out.

Why does it come out in clumps?

First of all, the pug owner should review the dog’s diet and visit a veterinarian.
Severe shedding and the formation of bald spots can be symptoms of serious diseases. Important! Bald spots with red skin that appear on the back are a reason to immediately consult a doctor.
This is how ringworm manifests itself - a disease that is potentially dangerous to humans. A common cause of hair loss in clumps is hormonal imbalances, including:

  • disruption of somatotropin production;
  • Cushing's syndrome;
  • excess or lack of estrogen;
  • hypothyroidism

The most common cause of excessive shedding in pugs is allergies. Hair falls out locally, the areas around the eyes, ears, and belly of the dog are most affected.

How to help?

The owner can alleviate the situation of the pet in 2 ways:

  1. Timely conduct courses of taking vitamins that have a general focus.
  2. Carry out grooming - this procedure will allow both the owner and the pet to get rid of the hassle. Grooming is carried out using a clipper with a special attachment that effectively removes excess hair. The haircut is carried out along the entire body, in the direction of hair growth. During the cutting process, 3-5 mm of wool is removed.

How to bathe correctly and what products to use

You can bathe pugs no more than once a month, but in general, it is better not to do this unless necessary, since any detergent, even one specifically designed for animals and at the same time the most gentle, washes away the protective fatty film that covers every hair of the dog’s fur.

If it is possible to get by with partial washing of dirty areas or washing without soap, then you should not neglect it: bathing in plain water does not degrease and dry the coat as much as washing with soap or shampoo.

In order to wash a pug, you need to put it in a bathtub or other large enough container, wet its fur with water and, if necessary, lather it with a special shampoo.

After washing the contaminated areas, the detergent should be rinsed off thoroughly and the dog should be rinsed, since soap remaining on the skin can cause irritation.

After bathing your pug, it is recommended to thoroughly wipe and dry its fur..

If the dog needs to be washed with soap, preference should be given to special hypoallergenic products intended for dogs.


You should not bathe pugs with human shampoos, especially those with the addition of oils from exotic plants: such detergents can cause severe allergies in pugs.

As a last resort, if there is no shampoo for dogs, and you need to wash your pet urgently, you can use baby liquid soap, bathing gel or shampoo intended for newborns.

How long does it last

The average duration of molting is from 7 to 14 days. It all depends, firstly, on the breed of the pet. The longer and thicker the coat, the longer it will take to change the coat. Secondly, animals that live in an apartment or house all year round cease to react sharply to temperature changes. Therefore, their molting can continue all year, only slightly intensifying in spring and autumn.

The described process refers to natural or planned molting.

It is impossible to avoid it or influence its speed, so during such periods it is important to help your pet by brushing it daily. The condition of a dog’s coat is an indicator of its health

Ideally, the coat should be smooth, silky and shiny. If you notice that every day your hair becomes duller, hair constantly falls out, bald spots appear or looks sloppy, immediately contact a specialist. The sooner you diagnose the cause of the illness, the sooner you can begin treatment

The condition of a dog's coat is an indicator of its health. Ideally, the coat should be smooth, silky and shiny. If you notice that every day your hair becomes duller, hair constantly falls out, bald spots appear or looks sloppy, immediately contact a specialist. The sooner you diagnose the cause of the illness, the sooner you can begin treatment.

How to comb?

The pug's coat should be carefully combed with a metal comb with fine rounded pet teeth. In normal times, this procedure should be done once a week, during molting - daily.

The coat should be combed in the direction of hair growth . Combing movements should be smooth, but at the same time confident.

Do not run a comb over the animal's skin, as there is a risk of scratching it.

Usually dogs of this breed are not cut, but if the hair is a little bristly in some places, you can put it in order by trimming it with scissors or a clipper..

This will help create a clear silhouette and give the pet a beautiful and well-groomed appearance.

Description and characteristics of a black pug

Pugs are decorative compact dogs. The motto of this breed is “a lot in a little.” The dog has a square format, this square also includes a large head. Breed standards include:

  • physique – stocky, muscular, short;
  • height – 30-35 centimeters;
  • weight – up to 9 kg;
  • height at withers – no higher than 25 cm;
  • chest – powerful, wide;

Pug family

Using a furminator

Furminator will help solve the problem of shedding in pugs, when dead fur sticks to furniture, clothes and other household items.

This tool, which looks like a small rake and, in fact, is an improved version of a comb for dogs, will help get rid of dead, but lingering undercoat in the fur, without affecting or damaging the coat..

For pugs, small furminators are suitable, designed for short-haired medium-sized dogs, with a working surface length of approximately 4-5 cm and fairly short teeth.

When choosing a furminator for a pug, you should give preference to products from well-known companies rather than their cheaper and, often, lower quality analogues.

You need to use the furminator in the same way as a regular comb: calmly and slowly, without pressure or jerky movements, comb your pug with it, which it is advisable to wash and dry before using this tool, and clean and disassemble all places with tangled or matted hair by hand or with using a regular comb.

It is unacceptable to pull the furminator or try to comb matted fur with it: this not only causes discomfort to the pet, but can also lead to damage and breakage of the tool..

Causes of scabies

Pugs are prone to allergies, and therefore allergic mange is not uncommon among them. Dermatitis and other skin diseases can also cause itching, causing your dog to scratch incessantly.

Another very common problem that causes scabies is external parasites, such as fleas, lice or lice..

It is not difficult to notice them on the skin and fur of an animal, and, having discovered them, it is necessary to begin eliminating them as soon as possible.

In order to rid your pet of external parasites, you can resort to the help of a variety of means: drops on the withers, flea collars, flea shampoos and even tablets for internal and external parasites.


Experts recommend first killing fleas using anti-parasitic shampoos and washing them off, then for prevention, apply drops to the pet’s withers or put an anti-flea collar on it.

It is also necessary to treat the dog’s bed, its toys and care items with special products.

Scabies in pugs is often caused by microscopic itch mites, the presence of which, in addition to skin itching, is also indicated by the fact that the pet often shakes its head and scratches its ears.

In case of these symptoms, the dog should be taken to the veterinarian as soon as possible so that he can develop an individual course of treatment for it..


A wonderful procedure that allows you to get rid of the hassle for both the owner and the pet. Grooming is done with special equipment, which is a trimming machine.

This operation can be performed only once every 2 months. But then you won’t have to constantly pick up scraps of wool from sofas and carpets.

As a result, we can draw the following conclusion. Like all domestic dogs of one kind or another, pugs require proper attention and grooming. For some, upbringing outweighs other aspects of care, for some it’s nutrition, and for others it’s shedding.

Principles of healthy eating

The overall health of the pug, including the quality of its coat, depends on proper feeding.

In order for it to look beautiful and healthy, the dog needs to be fed fully and variedly, not limited to just meat and porridge, but also given products that help improve the quality of the hair.

First of all, this applies to various fats, such as sunflower, olive and flaxseed vegetable oils, rich in vitamins.

It is advisable to add them to food in small quantities (1-2 teaspoons) at each feeding. Fresh greens, chopped vegetables and fruits, as well as drinking yeast added to food also help improve the quality of your pet's coat.

The more varied (of course, within reasonable limits) the pet’s diet is, the more vitamins and microelements that improve the condition of the coat, it will receive.

But it is advisable to avoid foods such as spices, sugar and honey . After all, apart from allergies and health problems, they will not give anything to the pug.

If your dog eats commercial food, you need to make sure that the food is appropriate for its age, activity and health status.

It is unacceptable, for example, to feed puppies with food intended for adult animals or to give a perfectly healthy dog ​​food intended for dogs with digestive problems.

You should also not mix homemade food and store-bought food..

The pug's coat should be soft, short and smooth. But in order for it to look beautiful and healthy, proper dog care and a nutritious diet are necessary.

Pugs should not be washed too often, as this worsens the condition of their coat, but at the same time, they must be brushed regularly and remove loose dead undercoat during shedding.

The quality of a dog's coat is one of the signs that it is healthy and well-groomed, so if there are any problems with the dog's coat, be it excessive shedding or mange, it is necessary to show the pug to a veterinarian as soon as possible.

Character Cons

It seems that pugs have just the perfect character, but there are still disadvantages. Although there are few disadvantages, the future owner should know them:

  • Kindness, trustfulness. A pug loves any person, so he can easily be offended or stolen. A stranger can lure the dog and he will happily run after him.
  • Stubbornness. Sometimes pugs show truly asinine stubbornness; it is difficult to force them to do anything against their will. Therefore, if you want your dog to follow commands, you need to teach it obedience from childhood.
  • Cunning. Pugs always try to achieve what they want, using charm to achieve this, pretending to be sick and unhappy. But it is worth showing firmness and being able to refuse, otherwise this may have a bad effect on the health of the cunning person.

Pugs do not tolerate loneliness well. If a dog is left alone for a long time, then out of boredom it may start doing small things. If from the first moment a puppy appears in the house you are involved in its upbringing, then these disadvantages can be avoided.

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