Pharaoh's Hound. Description, features, types, care, maintenance and price of the breed

There are two versions of the origin of pharaoh dogs. According to one of them, Malta is considered to be their homeland, and another says that dogs of this breed appeared 4 thousand years before the birth of Christ in Egypt. Today, the real homeland of the Pharaoh Hound is Malta.

Initially, these dogs were hunting dogs. They hunted, as a rule, rabbits. Even now, the inhabitants of Malta have a holiday called the “rabbit riot”, in which the whole country walks, and attention is focused on the kings of the holiday - the pharaoh dogs.

This breed came to Europe only in the 20s of the twentieth century, and gained its popularity fifty years later. The main character traits of the pharaohs can be safely called willfulness and independence . As a rule, in a family they choose one person and obey only him. Despite this, they cannot stand loneliness and love active games. The Pharaoh Hound is not aggressive unless you make it angry.

Without exception, all pharaoh dogs can blush . This is due to the structural features of the blood vessels. When a dog is embarrassed or happy, its nose and ears turn pink.

They have excellent health . But sometimes puppies are born with congenital diseases: dislocations of the knee joints, allergic reactions, volvulus of the stomach or intestines. It is important to understand the fact that almost all pharaoh dogs are allergic, and self-treatment can be fatal; they need qualified veterinary care.

They are also unpretentious in care. They are self-sufficient and clean. A mandatory procedure is regular brushing of the coat, because dogs of this breed shed all year round.

Thus, the breed rating is as follows:

  • Security qualities: 3/5.
  • Character: 4/5.
  • Health: 4/5.
  • Care: 5/5.
  • Personality: 4/5.

Pharaoh dogs sense their owner and all changes in his mood. With due attention and patience, they learn quickly, so only you can make a loyal friend and helper out of her.

Description and features

The Pharaoh Hound is a very talented hunter. Even in the ancient world, it was used to kill gazelles. Bloodthirstiness is not characteristic of such a dog, but the desire to gain the master's approval is, on the contrary. For many years, the Maltese suffered from rabbit raids on their pastures.

These animals ate the year's crop reserves, dooming people to starvation. Action had to be taken. The handsome dog quickly caught the nimble rabbits, not giving them the opportunity to get out. His breeding was a salvation for the Maltese. Today, the dog is less often used as a hunting dog. She has a truly inviting disposition, so she is treated as a companion and friend.

“Pharaohs” are very faithful and gentle pets, greatly in need of the love of their owners. They accompany them everywhere and are very upset if they are left alone. Separation from household members is what this animal fears most.

It gets used to people quickly, especially to those who raise it. The owner of the dog will be a person who helps him get acquainted with the outside world. For him, he is the main teacher, protector and friend. It is unlikely that he can be used as a watchman or bodyguard, since he is kind by nature.

The Pharaoh Hound is one of the rarest, but very ancient breeds

But, in some unstable situations it becomes suspicious, for example, if the owner is not around, and strangers are trying to enter the territory of the house. It is distinguished by its artistry. Likes to be “under the gun” of photos and video cameras.

He often appears in dog food commercials. Tends to be obedient, easy to raise and train. Has good intellectual potential. Modern representatives of the breed have not lost their passion for hunting. They are as strong, resilient and fast as they were centuries ago.

All over the world and in their homeland, Malta, they are actively exploited for hunting not only rabbits, but also partridges. Pharaoh hounds are very energetic. They experience happiness only when they are in motion. They really need systematic exercise. Without training and activities, they become bored and sad.

Important ! If you are not sure that you can spend at least 1 hour with such a pet at a sports stadium, you should not get one. It is considered one of the rarest breeds.


As mentioned earlier, the Pharaoh Hound has a stable nervous system. There will be no problems with delivery if you take a responsible approach to the delivery method and choice of courier company.

Delivery within the Russian Federation is available in three different ways: by plane, train and courier delivery. The most gentle method is courier delivery using a specially equipped vehicle, which is also the most profitable. If you decide to use other modes of transport, you will need a number of documents and certificates.

Documents for transporting animals by plane/train in Russia:

  1. Veterinary passport.
  2. Veterinary examination certificate no later than 5 days (for air transportation)

Documents for transporting animals by plane from other countries:

  • Presence of a microchip.
  • Veterinary passport.
  • Special EC veterinary passport.
  • Veterinary certificate No. 1.
  • Certificate of veterinary examination no later than 5 days.

If you decide to buy a dog in their homeland - Malta, be prepared for the fact that the cost of puppies starts from 2,500 euros and can reach up to 4,000 euros . In addition to the basic cost, you will need to pay for veterinary certificates and the animal’s flight itself.

Breed standard

The Pharaoh Hound breed is medium in weight and height. With her entire appearance she radiates lightness and strength. Also, its representatives are characterized by endurance, grace and aristocratic elegance. The height at the withers of an adult female is 52-56 cm, and that of a male is 55-62 cm. The body weight of the first is up to 18 kg, and of the second – up to 25 kg.

The physique of the “pharaohs” is proportional and very muscular. The animal has a flat and elongated back. The chest is well expressed. It is narrow, but sticks out a little forward. The abdomen is noticeably sunken. The skin fits the body very tightly. According to the standard, ribs should be visible on the sides of the dog.

He has long and thin legs, the hind legs are stronger. The hind limbs have strong muscles that allow you to quickly push off and increase speed. The dog's legs are placed symmetrically. The Pharaoh Hound in the photo is slender, fit and graceful. In her movement there is a clear feeling of lightness and lack of haste. She walks smoothly and runs gracefully. This is a very flexible and agile animal!

Long thin tail with a high waist. Hangs down. According to the standard, it is not docked. This part of the body does not prevent the dog from hunting at all; on the contrary, it helps to maneuver. His neck is long and thin. The head is small. One of the most prominent parts of the “Pharaoh’s” body is his ears.

They are large, stand high on the top of the head, pointed at the tips. The shape of the ears is triangular. When a dog is surprised or concentrated, they rise higher. It's interesting to watch her ears move. The dog has a noticeably elongated muzzle, at the edge of which there is a large nose. Most often it is pigmented in the same color as the coat.

The setting of small eyes is deep. According to the standard, they should have a rich amber hue. These dogs have short hair. She is bright and shiny. It must shimmer in the light. If you do not see clear highlights on the Pharaoh Hound’s body, especially when the sun’s rays hit it, rest assured that it is not purebred.

The colors of the dog, in most cases, range from reddish to brown tones. It can have a rich red, light red, bright brown tint. Another common color among pharaoh dogs is melted chocolate.

Important ! It is preferable to have a small light mark on the pharaoh's chest and face. It is also not considered a deviation from the standard if there is a white spot on its nose or tail.

Breed characteristics and character

Translated from the Maltese language, the Pharaoh Hound means “rabbit dog”, and according to the International Canine Federation it is classified as primitive. But it happens that she is classified as a greyhound. The animal is the national breed of Malta and does not have ancient Egyptian roots, which are sometimes attributed to it due to its resemblance to the god of the underworld Anubis.

The Pharaoh Hound looks majestic and luxurious

European expansion began in the 1920s, when the British took several golden-red puppies from the island. But the breed did not take root in England, and then the breeders decided to embellish the history of the dog’s origin, attributing its roots to ancient Egypt.

Despite the fact that the revelation came quite quickly (special DNA tests were carried out to prove that the animals were not of African origin), the breed was finally examined. And today in Europe quite often you can meet a person on whose estate a pharaoh is frolicking. But for some reason, pharaoh dogs are not yet very common in Russia.

The Pharaoh Hound in the photo has a very representative and menacing appearance, but in life it is completely different: affectionate, playful and kind. The animal is very mobile and needs a lot of physical activity, which can be provided by long stays in nature.

Pharaoh Hound is an excellent runner

Such a dog will be an excellent companion, very attached to the family. Children will find a play partner in it, and other pets, if any, will accept the dog, since it is completely non-conflicting. At the same time, pharaohs are excellent hunters and can easily get lost in pursuit of a teasing bird or a hare that has wandered in from nowhere.

This breed is extremely sensitive and is characterized by increased sentimentality. Under no circumstances should you leave her unattended, especially alone. Due to prolonged stress, the dog can weaken and get sick. At the same time, the dog is very careful towards strangers, extremely suspicious, and it will take a lot of time to gain its trust.

But breeders should know that she will not make a guard anyway: the dog is simply devoid of aggressive qualities towards humans. However, despite the listed advantages and obvious flexibility, there are also disadvantages - a very strong character, bordering on stubbornness, and his own opinion.

Pharaoh Hound on a walk in summer

The dog will not blindly carry out absolutely all the owner’s commands and dance to his tune. Therefore, it is very important to start training an animal from an early age. This way you can avoid most omissions. The breed is famous for its intelligence and intelligence, and then training them will not be too expensive in terms of nerves and time. But you can’t force or force someone to do something.

Some breeders note that the dog is very conscientious. And if by chance a young inexperienced dog harms his owner, he will be ashamed of what he has done, hiding his muzzle in his paws and quietly waiting out the storm in the darkest corner of the room. In addition to their characteristic features, they also experience pangs of conscience on a physical level, literally blushing with shame: their ears and nose begin to burn.


The character of the Pharaoh Hound is very flexible. She is considered one of the kindest among dogs. Such a dog is gentle, loving, very sweet. Needs caring attitude from all household members. Loves active recreation and fun. Enjoys interacting with other pets, including dogs and cats.

Willing to make contact. Sociable and friendly. This pet has one unique feature - it turns red when embarrassed. Of course, the skin does not change color, but the nose and eyes do. Every time the “pharaoh” meets someone, be it man or beast, he politely lowers his reddened head down, thus demonstrating his respect.

Note! Before showing respect to the “interlocutor”, any dog ​​sniffs him. This is what the representative of the breed in question does.

He never skimps on showing emotions. Openly expresses affection and interest to people. But he avoids rude people. He rarely demonstrates antipathy. Prefers not to get involved in conflict. We can say that the Pharaoh Hound is completely harmless.

She loves when owners pick her up to take pictures. He even tries to pose. A very artistic animal. Needs a lot of attention. They get upset if the owner ignores them or is busy and cannot pay attention to them.

This beautiful and sweet dog will find an approach to every person or animal. Even the formidable Alabai cannot resist his charm. It cannot be called harmful or vindictive. It seems that “Pharaoh” consists solely of virtues. Is it really? No, unfortunately, it has disadvantages.

For example, such a dog is quite shy and vulnerable. He will probably be upset by the absence of the owner at home, a rude word spoken to him, tasteless food and any little thing. He can change his mood dramatically and often goes to extremes. Many owners consider such a pet to be a contrasting pet.

The second drawback is poor adaptation. It is extremely difficult for him to re-socialize. If a dog fell in love with its owner, but for some reason he left her, he might even die of melancholy. She will not get used to a new person and will remain unhappy next to him. You may also become stressed when changing your place of residence.

The Pharaoh Hound is sociable and becomes very attached to humans.

The Pharaoh Hound bitch is a very gentle mother and nanny. It treats with love not only its own brood, but also the owner’s children. He has fun with them and makes sure they don't get into trouble. Males are also distinguished by their loving attitude towards human children. Therefore, the Pharaoh Hound is well suited for large families.

Since he is a very active dog, he may accidentally knock things over while running around the house. Also, due to an excess of energy, she can begin to spoil things, for example, chewing shoes or taking dishes off the table. Therefore, it is very important to correct her behavior from childhood. This dog is unique in its ability to empathize. He always understands his master's mood and is ready to console him at any moment.

Related breeds

Basenji, other names for this breed are Congo Terrier, Bush Dog, Yum Yum Terrier and many others. The dog is small in size and is perfect to become a good companion.

Basenji dogs have a unique feature - they do not bark.

When speaking about the pet’s character, owners talk about boundless devotion and obedience, high intelligence, cheerfulness, but at the same time independence. The temperament of a dog of this breed is not easy, so you need to treat it with extreme care.

The Basenji is distinguished by emotional restraint. They will not rage for no reason, bark, run with delight, panic, or pester their owner.

Care and maintenance

A Pharaoh Hound must have its own place in the house. You can live with her in an apartment. It is important to set up a secluded place for her, where she can be alone. A soft lounger from a pet store or a large sofa cushion will do.

Also, such a pet should have personal toys. Dogs rarely share them with each other. The energetic “Pharaoh” will like rubber or plush toys that he can throw forward and torment. By the way, such a pastime can replace hunting for him.

Make sure your pet has 2 medium-sized bowls, for water and food. They should be washed daily. In addition, he will need a long leash for walking. If you live with such a dog in an apartment, be prepared to walk it 2-3 times a day. She needs sports training.

The simplest option is to invite her to run a couple of laps at the stadium. The small and charming dog is unlikely to scare anyone, so you can work with him without a leash. But, if your pet has not yet established a close emotional connection with you and can run away, it is better not to let him go far from you.

The ideal life option for him is a country house. There the dog will have plenty of room to maneuver and run. He will also be able to regularly interact with birds and insects, which is very important for representatives of hunting breeds. There is no need to put him in an enclosure or, especially, on a chain. The animal needs free movement.

Caring for such a pet is as simple as possible. It follows:

  • Bath once a month.
  • Brush once a week.
  • Feed twice a day.
  • Wash weekly.

When walking, the dog must be kept on a leash; it may chase a cat or another dog.

Also, be sure to wipe the animal’s ears with a cotton swab or damp cloth to prevent wax from collecting in them. It is better to brush his teeth with a separate toothbrush. Dirt between the fingers is removed as it accumulates. If your pet, who has been walking outside in rainy weather, wants to come into the house, do not rush to let him in. First, wipe his dirty paws with a rag soaked in soapy water.

Features of the “Egyptian” character

Despite the apparent arrogance in their behavior, the dogs of the Egyptian pharaohs are quite peaceful, gentle and sociable animals, capable of finding a “common language” with everyone around them, including cats, a crowd of unexpected guests and the owner’s annoying children.

They are delicate, unobtrusive and conflict-free. However, brave and confident “pharaohs”, sensing danger, can always protect themselves and their owner. Not having the habit of barking for no reason, Pharaoh breed dogs are quite silent.

  • Pharaoh dogs are quite agile, temperamental and active.
  • They are attracted to speed and hunting games. Lightning fast in reaction and sharp in movements.
  • But all this is observed only during a walk, during training and when participating in competitions.
  • At home, these pets show the best examples of education and tact. Moreover, furniture and household items are not subjected to pogroms and sabotage.


There are 2 ways of feeding purebred greyhounds - natural and commercial. The first involves organizing a balanced diet, in other words, selecting the foods that people eat. This method is more budget-friendly, but risky. It is important to know what is allowed to be given to the animal as food and what is not.

Pharaoh Hound puppies are very active and should be fed a high carbohydrate diet. They also desperately need protein and fat, primarily for gaining weight. All these substances are found in chicken eggs, meat, milk, cottage cheese and cereals.

Additional products:

  • Vegetable soup.
  • Borsch.
  • Lean boneless fish.
  • Bone flour.
  • Meat cartilage.
  • Wiry soft bones.

But you should be careful when giving greyhounds sausage, burgers, seaweed, raw potatoes or beets, honey or chocolate. Their consumption of such food can lead to allergies.

Advice ! To keep your pet healthy, treat him to fresh vegetables and fruits during their flowering season. For example, it is better to give him cucumbers and tomatoes in the summer, and potatoes in the winter and autumn.

Commercial feeding involves the dog eating food, either wet or dry. The recommended daily intake of this product for “Pharaoh” is 500 grams.

History of the Pharaoh Hound breed

Based on the exotic name of the breed, it is logical to assume that its ancestors were from the banks of the Nile. In fact, the external resemblance of representatives of this family to the hero of ancient Egyptian mythology, Anubis, is absolutely coincidental. Moreover, the homeland of dogs is Malta. According to legend, the animals were brought to these regions by the Phoenicians, where they lived for thousands of years in relative isolation without the opportunity to interbreed with other breeds. At the same time, on the island greyhounds were called “kelb tal-fenek”, which translated meant “rabbit dog”.

Pharaoh dogs entered European countries at the beginning of the 20th century, and by the 30s, English breeders received the first individuals. It took the animals almost thirty years to gain the trust of Old World dog breeders. Moreover, the British General Bloch and his wife Pauline especially contributed to awakening interest in the “pharaohs”. The couple professionally bred rabbit greyhounds and founded their own kennel, which subsequently produced 90% of the British Anubis hound population.

In 1977, FCI breeding specialists became interested in the breed and even decided to bring its representatives to a single standard. True, it soon became clear that the name “Pharaoh Hound” in the stud books was occupied by another four-legged family that originated from the island of Ibiza. To avoid interbreed confusion in the future, the dogs from Malta were nevertheless given “pharaonic status”, and the dogs from Ibiza were urgently renamed Ibizan greyhounds.

Reproduction and lifespan

Pharaoh Hound can live up to 16-18 years! But, if you do not take good care of it and feed it properly, its service life will be no more than 10 years. Representatives of this breed are considered long-livers.

Competence is required from a breeder planning to breed purebred greyhounds. He must understand that only adult dogs that are not blood relatives are allowed to breed.

It is better to carry out the “procedure” after the female starts estrus, because this way she will definitely become pregnant. The ideal option is a veterinary examination of the male and female before mating. This will eliminate the possibility of various pathologies developing in future puppies.

How to choose a puppy

A healthy purebred pharaoh puppy has a flexible body, a straight topline, and a well-formed shin. Muscular paws, strong pads. Tight stomach, deep chest, strong neck. The color of the nose is the same as the color of the body, yellow, deep-set eyes. If there are deviations from the approved FCI standard, this is a breed defect.

It's worth mentioning how much a pharaoh's hound costs. The cost of puppies of this breed is quite high. Without a pedigree it is more than 1 thousand dollars, and with a pedigree it is 1500-5000 dollars.


Pharaoh dogs are perfect for active and active people who love to get new experiences from life. Unfortunately, there are very few of them in Russia. Accordingly, the chance of purchasing a purebred representative of this breed here is low. The price of a pharaoh hound is from 40 to 80 thousand rubles. Some prestigious nurseries offer show-class puppies for 100-110 thousand rubles.

Pharaoh Hound puppy

Pharaoh Hound Price

Despite the fact that in Russia there are few kennels engaged in breeding pharaoh dogs and registered with the RKF, it is better to purchase puppies from them. Only in this case there is a chance to get a healthy baby with an impeccable pedigree. The standard price tag for small “Anubises” is 45,000 – 50,000 rubles. A little less common are “exclusive offers” - offspring from parents with inter-championship diplomas and grown-up individuals who have undergone primary training in coursing. The cost of such animals is at least 70,000 - 110,000 rubles, which is due to both the costs of the breeders for the pet and the impeccable exterior of the dog. But it is better to immediately dismiss tempting advertisements from unknown sellers who are ready to part with a greyhound for a symbolic 10,000 - 15,000 rubles. There is a high probability of spending money on a breed, or even on a mongrel creature, diligently disguised as a pharaoh’s hound.

Education and training

The owner of such a pet must control its socialization. It is necessary to help him learn to feel completely safe. Therefore, remember the most important rule of communicating with him - no physical or psychological violence.

Relationships with a naturally vulnerable dog should be built progressively. Yes, they should be hierarchical. The main person in the life of a four-legged friend is the one who is involved in his upbringing. Prove to your pet that you are his owner and patron. Protect him if he encounters a bully dog ​​on the way.

He should feel comfortable being around you. The first thing he should start remembering is his own nickname. Say it when you call your dog to you. Give him a good-natured pat on the head when he responds. This will allow you to consolidate your success.

Secondly, from the first day try to teach the “pharaoh” to go to the toilet in a litter tray (if you keep him in an apartment). If he lives in your country house, there will be no problems with the toilet. The animal will simply ask to go outside when it feels the need. If he urinated on the carpet, scold him, but not too much, so as not to frighten him.

Increase the difficulty of the workouts gradually. Start with simple exercises and then move on to more complex ones. He will show his main talent in hunting. Train your pet on certain forest animals so that it hunts them.

In this matter, it would be useful to seek the help of a professional, that is, a dog handler. Help your dog on the hunt, don't leave him alone. It is designed for pair work. Praise her as much as possible. The carrot method is much more effective than the stick method. Proven by practice!

Difficult “Pharaoh” training

It seems that the elitism of the breed and innate aristocracy played a cruel joke on the “pharaohs” in terms of study and training. Their pride does not allow them to succumb to the harshness of the educational process, so training a Pharaoh Hound takes several times longer than for other purebred pets.

The only way out is to use less complex tasks and programs, replacing them with simpler ones. Of course, this requires a teaching style that is as gentle as possible.

But despite all the difficulties of training and education, the “Pharaohs” can boast of a phenomenal memory. Once they learn a lesson or command, they will remember it for years to come.

They become toilet trained very quickly. Here their natural aristocracy turned out to be very useful, because neatness is an invariable sign of belonging to the elite.

Possible diseases and methods of treating them

Pharaoh dogs have strong immunity. But even they are not immune from some genetic diseases. The most common is dysplasia. Only a professional can treat it. Due to weak joints, especially the knees, such dogs often suffer dislocations or fractures of their paws, especially those used for hunting.

In this case, it is necessary to apply a splint to the injured animal, and then hospitalize it. Some representatives of the breed are prone to food allergies. Therefore, it is important not to feed them sweets and smoked foods. The best option is to switch your pet to food.

Domestic dogs are often plagued by parasites, especially worms and fleas. You can help your pets get rid of them with medication. The veterinarian will prescribe the appropriate medication and determine its dosage, taking into account the dog’s weight.


With proper care, pharaoh dogs live from 10 to 15 years, but their activity does not fade with age. As for diseases, many are inherited at the genetic level. This happens due to the fact that the crossing of closely related individuals has been going on for quite a long time.

Pharaoh Hounds love to live in a large family.

Hereditary ailments include joint dysplasia, both elbow and hip. It becomes more common with age and leads to chronic pain even during light physical activity. Dislocations are also common among congenital diseases, and the knees suffer more often due to improperly developed and weak ligaments.

Even if such a dog looks quite healthy in appearance, pathology can manifest itself more than once during its life. In rare cases, surgery can be avoided. The third ailment is volvulus of the intestines or stomach. Injury occurs due to weakening ligaments that support organs.

The most obvious sign is a bloated stomach. To help your pet, you should not try to eliminate the disease using traditional methods. This can lead to serious problems, even death. It is better to trust the veterinarian, and as soon as possible.

Peach colored pharaoh hound

Among other things, the breed is considered very susceptible to allergies, primarily to chemicals. Therefore, in order to rid your dog of fleas, you must first figure out how not to harm it.

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