French bulldog dog. Description, features, care, maintenance and price of the breed

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Dogs of the French bulldog breed bear little resemblance to the clumsy and phlegmatic English bulldogs .

Compact and agile, with straight paws and expressive dark eyes, Frenchie puppies are very inquisitive and friendly.

The desire to purchase a snub-nosed miracle as a pet is quite understandable, especially since representatives of this breed feel great even in the smallest apartment.

But the potential owner of a French bulldog must know the basics of choosing, raising and raising a pet, so that a true friend can live next to him for ten or more years.

Baby sleeps sweetly with his favorite teddy bear

  • 2 Accustoming to neatness
  • 3 Feeding a French Bulldog puppy
  • 4 Caring for a French Bulldog Puppy
  • 5 Raising a puppy
  • 6 Vaccinations

Description and features

The dog's appearance is so expressive that it is easy to recognize the breed the first time. Bulldog of medium size, compact build. Weight 8-14 kg, height 24-35 cm. A wide chest and strong body indicate a fighting past in a lap dog.

The French Bulldog's paws are small, round, and the toes are well separated. The neck is short, with two folds at the throat. Due to its compactness, the animal can live even in a small apartment.

The short muzzle on the large head has an offended expression due to the sharp transition from the forehead to the nose, sad eyes separated by a deep furrow. Unlike its English relatives, it is short, without transition to the forehead. The eyes are beautifully shaped, slightly protruding, widely spaced, and set low. The whites of the eyes are not visible if the dog is looking forward.

The French Bulldog's ears are erect and rounded at the top. The cute appearance of a decorative dog sinks into the soul. A small-format animal with solid bones and a muscular appearance. The tail is naturally short, with a characteristic bend, so it is not required to be docked.

The lively animal looks sleek and shiny. The coat is short, without undercoat. The hair is hard and dense. The colors of the French bulldog are varied: fawn, spotted (white-fawn), brindle, black and white. Face masks are allowed.

The spotting usually covers the chest, belly, and sometimes the sides. Other colors are not recognized by official canine federations and are classified as breed defects. Owners of blue-gray, chocolate, marbled, and Isabella bulldogs should be aware of this.

The cream color is popular in America, but is also not recognized as a breed standard. The pedigree of such dogs is issued with a note about breeding marriage, which imposes a ban on participation in exhibitions and breeding. In America, this tradition is being violated, thereby contributing to the disappearance of purebred French bulldogs.

The blue French bulldog has gained particular love among famous people . Once upon a time, royalty, princes, and later world celebrities Yves Saint Laurent and Elton John kept puppies of this exact breed and color. Decorative pets have become the pets of many dog ​​lovers.

The main advantages of the breed are the compactness of the dogs, the natural intelligence of the animals, and their lively character. Ability to adapt to any conditions. With proper upbringing, the dog becomes a loyal friend and protector of the owner and his family.

Those who want to get a French bulldog need to know about the breed’s characteristics of periodic salivation, snoring, and emitting gas during sleep. These factors are associated with the anatomical structure and problems in the digestive system of animals. In families with small children, this factor may be undesirable.

Reviews of the French Bulldog

  • Marina, Omsk. I am sure that this is the cutest breed of dog on Earth. This is simply the best option for those who have wanted to have a dog in their apartment all their life, but still haven’t gotten around to it. The dog goes to the litter tray, he was toilet trained in just a week. I recommend this dog breed to everyone!
  • Maxim, Perm. We spent a long time deciding what kind of dog to get, then we accidentally met a “Frenchman” on the street and realized who we needed. No regrets. This is the perfect dog for us. The only downside is the tendency to allergies, but if you choose the right food and don’t give anything from the table, then everything will be fine.
  • Love, Krasnokamsk. Good dogs if you buy yourself a dog “for the soul” and that’s all. We wanted to start breeding, but it’s unlikely. It is very difficult for them to give birth on their own; almost all of them require a caesarean section. After the stress we have experienced, we will probably not dare to repeat this experience again.


The calm dog gets along well in a family with all members of the household. A stable psyche allows you to get along with children and be patient if the owner is busy. But the sociable nature of dogs requires a lot of attention to the pet.

Games, entertainment, and walks together reveal the courage and intelligence of the French bulldog. A dog with a serious look turns out to be the most cheerful companion, not allowing anyone to get bored.

Fearless defenders do not know panic or fear. They have excellent reactions and are wary of unfamiliar people. Dogs rarely bark; this requires a special reason. In case of danger they will always give a voice.

Attachment to the owner is manifested in obedience and the ability to feel the mood. Owners value pets for their talent to recognize a person’s sad state, their ability to dispel their melancholy with their attention and positive attitude.

The French Bulldog is a proud dog that requires respect. Does not tolerate spanking, bullying, or any aggression. Violence towards a pet causes a response. The dog can bite the enemy and harbor a grudge.

If the punishment was undeserved or cruel, the dog will take revenge when the opportunity arises. It should be noted that the pet will willingly accept the desire to reconcile if it feels sincerity and friendliness. Communication on equal terms is a guarantee of true friendship and devotion of the French Bulldog.

The attitude towards other animals in the house is contradictory. If the pets grew up together, then the bulldog will not harass another puppy or cat. But he will perceive the appearance of a new inhabitant jealously, will stubbornly fight for increased attention, and show aggression towards the newcomer. Meeting other dogs on walks does not arouse the bulldog's reciprocal sympathy; only proper education will help restrain his fighting impulses.

The dog's disadvantages include stubbornness and laziness. The extent to which French bulldog puppies will develop these qualities depends on the owner. If the pet owner does not devote enough time to training and does not show persistence in training, then the dog will not show the best natural inclinations.


The main task of breeders is to breed genetically healthy individuals for subsequent reproduction. Attempts by dog ​​handlers to create a related breed with a new color result in the birth of dogs with developmental defects. The French Bulldog breed is represented exclusively by brindle and fawn colors, recognized by the FCI.

Solid and spotted color options are allowed. The brindle color is considered more traditional; fawn was recognized in 1995. Shades of coat color in a wide range: from light to dark brown. The fawn base is combined with a black mask on the dog's face.

There is a variant of the black and brindle color allowed by the standard. The French bulldog is black only at first glance from a distance. In fact, fawn hairs are visible or visible spots appear in the sun.

Decorative bulldogs are initially small in size and come in two types: standard and mini. The first variety is the result of selection work, purebred individuals for exhibitions and procreation. The second is dwarf creatures for indoor pastime.

The mini French bulldog loves to sleep on a pillow; he is naturally lazy. A dog needs physical activity to stay fit and improve health. The pet will need to be involved in games so that the dog does not suffer from obesity.

Fans of dwarf varieties should be careful when buying a dog, since sick, underfed individuals are often sold under the guise of mini dogs. The mini bulldog is the result of selection based on the dwarfism gene, although the breed standard does not allow such deviations.

Factors influencing development

A puppy can develop behind or ahead of the average. This is due to the following:

  • Hereditary predisposition. There is a high probability that large parents will have rather large bulldog children. Small mothers and fathers rarely give birth to animals of impressive size.
  • Gender. Female French Bulldogs are traditionally smaller than males.
  • Individual characteristics. Just like people, dogs can be prone to being overweight or having a dystrophic, lean physique.
  • Nutrition. Animals that eat in a timely manner and have a good appetite rarely lag behind their peers in development. They grow faster and become large representatives of the breed.
  • Birth defects, hormonal diseases. Lagging behind or overtaking fellow developmental peers may have pathological reasons. A veterinarian can determine them based on laboratory tests and the results of complex diagnostics.

The puppy’s development is affected not only by the period of feeding with mother’s milk, but also by the correct diet in the new home. Feeding a puppy more often, more in the hope of raising a large bulldog, is wrong. This dog is prone to gaining excess weight - without proper physical activity, what he eats will not do any good, but will be deposited in fatty tissues.

Care and maintenance

The small size of the dog does not create problems for keeping a pet in an apartment. A corner with a small bed, a little space for games - everything a Frenchie needs for a comfortable stay. The place for the dog should not be near heating sources or in a draft. Keeping in enclosures is prohibited.

Short hair does not create maintenance problems. Puppies should be taught to brush themselves as early as possible. No special equipment is required - just a comb is enough. The wool does not have a specific odor and rarely gets dirty, so bathing your pet 2-3 times a year will be enough.

Dog fur is a kind of health indicator. Shiny fur indicates good health. It is recommended to completely avoid swimming in reservoirs in summer due to the anatomical features of the structure - the bulldog is a poor swimmer. The risk of a wet dog catching a cold in nature is also high.

The French Bulldog does not need intense physical activity; short walks a couple of times a day allow it to stay in good shape. You can involve your pet in active games only if he wishes. You should not force puppies to climb high steps or jump over bars, so as not to overload the spine.

The pet is vulnerable to cold winds, frosts, high humidity, and sunlight due to its light coat. Warm overalls in winter, light ones - needed in summer to protect a lap dog.

Any aggression towards street animals should be stopped and restraint should be cultivated. Well-trained dogs walk without a leash and never leave their owner on their own impulse.

The folds on the muzzle and the tail adjacent to the body require special care - daily inspection, wet cleaning to prevent inflammation. Eyes and ears undergo the same care. If purulent discharge is suspected, a veterinarian examination is required.

Keeping your dog clean is the main condition for maintaining his health. Washing paws after a walk, massaging with a brush, combing out dead hairs, trimming nails if necessary will simultaneously bring the joy of communicating with the family pet.


If you don’t brush your pet’s teeth at all, by the age of 2-3 years he will have: Tartar, tooth damage, gum disease, periodontitis and much more.

Brush your teeth 1-2 times a week, and then this will have a positive effect on the condition of your pet’s teeth. Use a comfortable, soft brush recommended by veterinarians.


The diet of the French bulldog differs little from the diet of other decorative dogs. It is important to decide right away what type of feeding will be the main one - dry food or natural food. The first option is more rational, since premium food is initially balanced and does not cause allergies in dogs. Constant access to clean water is required for any diet.

The bowl should be placed at chest level. As the puppy grows, the height should be adjusted. Monitoring your pet's weight will tell you whether to increase or decrease portions. Small bulldogs are prone to overeating.

It is known that pets are eternal beggars. You should not give in to a pitying look for the sake of your pet’s health; never feed it from the table. Compliance with the feeding regime develops discipline in the animal. Puppies up to 2 months are supposed to eat 4-6 times a day, then as they grow older - 3 times, from 10 months of age - in the morning and in the evening.

Natural feeding includes only good quality products - the pet’s digestion is sensitive to any negative factor. Half of the diet is lean meat - boiled beef, rabbit, lamb. The second half - vegetables, fruits, with the exception of citrus fruits, grapes. Rice and buckwheat porridge and eggs are healthy. You should add fermented milk products and herbs. You should not give sweets, salty, spicy foods.

By-products are allowed only in boiled form. The fish must be sea fish, without bones. The appearance of a rash, peeling skin, and hair loss signal that you need to change foods in your diet. Teeth cleaning is indicated with special treats with a cleansing effect.

Appearance of French Bulldogs

Dimensions. These are not the largest, one might even say compact pets. Adult bulldogs reach a body weight of 10-15 kilograms, and females - 9-12. Their height at the withers is most often no more than 25-35 cm.

  • The coat of this breed is incredibly smooth, thin and shimmers in the sun; there is no undercoat.
  • Torso. The back and hind legs are very muscular, the build is square.
  • Paws. The front legs are slightly shorter than the hind legs, so from the outside it may seem that the dog is stooped. That's why these pets run so interestingly - with their hind legs stretched back.
  • Head. Wide and square, so dogs tend to bite. Sometimes puppies are born with a cleft palate; this nuance is important to consider when buying a puppy.
  • Muzzle. Wrinkles are well defined on the forehead, gradually moving to the center of the face, they are concentrated into large folds, the face is short. The small nose is flattened and raised upward. The eyes are large, the look is friendly. Breathing is almost always difficult, similar to slight grunting.
  • The ears are quite large, erect, their edges are rounded.

Reproduction and lifespan

Breeding French bulldogs is a difficult task due to the low productivity of natural mating and complex births of females. The gestation period for puppies is 63 days.

Bulldogs undergo caesarean sections due to the puppies' very large heads. Without the help of a veterinarian, she may die. You should take care of a preliminary ultrasound to know how many newborns to expect. There were cases of difficult births when puppies remained in the uterus and died.

It is advisable for owners of French bulldogs to decide in advance whether they will deal with the issue of their pet’s offspring. Please note that during puberty, puppies become more irritable. Sterilization of animals restores peace and balance. The life expectancy of dogs is 10-12 years, if you take care of your pet's health and provide proper care.

Color options

  • Yellow-whitish,
  • White,
  • brindle,
  • Black,
  • Spotted,
  • Light beige,
  • Milky creamy.

You can look at a photo of a French bulldog to see in detail what these cute creatures look like.


Buying a French Bulldog pet is possible on the Internet, in special nurseries, and from private breeders. The fashion for this breed is not going away, since the dog is ideal as a companion for a lonely person and is appropriate in the family circle.

A pet without a noble pedigree, with minor deviations, can be purchased for 20,000-30,000 rubles. As a rule, such puppies belonging to the pet class are sterilized in a timely manner. A French bulldog kennel will sell a puppy with a guarantee of healthy condition for 35,000-45,000 rubles. For procreation, they buy babies of breeding class.

The cost of the future champion, with documents confirming compliance with the standard, pedigree, is the highest - 30,000 - 80,000 rubles. a show-class French bulldog

Before purchasing, it is recommended to visit the nursery and meet the breeder. The French bulldog in the photo for sale may be attractive for purchase, but live communication with the animal will show how much you like each other. Advertisements for the sale of purebred puppies for 3,000 rubles, as a rule, come from scammers.

The history of the appearance of the French

The French Bulldog is a relatively young breed. It began to be introduced only towards the end of the nineteenth century. If we put together all the information about the breed, then, according to many experts, the ancestors of the Frenchman are English bulldogs, Spanish Alans and pugs. Perhaps this explains the external similarity of the listed breeds.

Previously, people used bulldogs for their own entertainment and organized dog fights. After all, the breed was considered a fighting breed. Even the name “bulldog” literally means “bull dog”, “bull dog”. Sometimes dogs were allowed to fight a bull (a kind of bullfight). But, fortunately, very soon such cruelty was banned, and bulldogs began to be perceived by people as domestic dogs. It is in France that the fighting dog is made into a domestic dog.

Now the French are popular literally everywhere. This funny French dog with huge ears is so friendly and sweet that it’s hard to imagine her in the fighting ring.


The natural intelligence of animals, ingenuity, and attentiveness give every chance to raise an obedient dog. It is better to engage in training during games and direct communication. Smart dogs can remember up to 40 commands.

The activity of puppies is very high - they are constantly gnawing and dragging something. Mobility needs to be directed towards completing assignments and assignments. Teaching discipline and obedience requires patience. Aggression and shouting are not allowed - the animal gets offended and takes revenge.

Even children who also need to develop persistence in achieving a goal and be patient can work with a pet. The mental abilities of bulldogs are manifested in socialization - the ability to sense the owner’s mood and behave correctly among strangers and animals.

Possible diseases and methods of treating them

The health of French bulldogs cannot be called strong, although with good care many problems can be avoided. The special anatomical structure of the nose, eyes, and body is associated with typical diseases of dogs:

  • food allergies;
  • dermatitis;
  • obesity;
  • stones in the kidneys;
  • myositis;
  • hip dysplasia.

When the French Bulldog breed's paws fail, it is necessary to immediately contact a veterinarian. Missed time for treatment threatens the dog with a complete loss of the ability to walk. Vaccinations and preventive examinations will prevent the development of serious diseases. Despite certain difficulties in caring for pets, owners never regret the time and effort spent communicating with their wonderful four-legged friend.

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