Height and weight of a husky: the size of an adult dog and how a puppy develops by month

Huskies were originally created to race across the icy expanses of the Far North, outrunning the wind.

Not surprisingly, the correct height to weight ratio is extremely important for these dogs.

After all, an overweight working husky would become exhausted too quickly, and a dog with excessively low body weight does not have sufficient strength and endurance.

A harmonious ratio of height and weight is extremely important for show dogs, since animals whose sizes do not correspond to the standard will not be highly appreciated in the ring and will not receive permission for breeding.

Height and weight

The weight of males should be from 20.5 to 28 kg, and that of females from 15.5 to 23 kg.

Height at the withers in adult representatives of the breed should be from 53.5 to 60 cm in males and from 50.5 to 56 cm in females.

The neck circumference of a husky is from 43 to 51 cm.

Considering that the body format of these dogs is only slightly stretched, the length of their body should exceed the height at the withers by no more than 1-3 cm.

Expert opinion

Tolkachev Andrey Mikhailovich


“The Husky's weight must be in the correct proportion to weight and within the standard range. Not all owners of these dogs feed their pets correctly and at the same time do not provide them with the necessary exercise. As a result, the husky quickly gains excess weight, which negatively affects not only his appearance, but also his health. "Obese dogs are more susceptible to diseases such as diabetes or heart disease, and for female dogs, being overweight can cause complications during pregnancy and childbirth."

Breed standard

The Siberian Husky is a medium-sized working dog. For hundreds of years it was used as a riding vehicle. Today this breed is very popular, and this is not surprising. Despite her powerful appearance, she is kind to children, affectionate, and very faithful to her owner.

An adult dog has a muscular body and strong bones. Males are seasoned and hardy, but are not distinguished by rudeness, females are graceful, although they have developed muscles.

What are the breed standards?

In dogs that are black, red and gray in color, the nose is black, in dogs of a copper shade it is chestnut, in snow-white dogs it is flesh-colored. The muzzle is average in length and width, becoming narrower closer to the ears. The lips are pigmented and fit tightly. The slightly slanted eyes of the husky are mesmerizing. Eye colors are brown and blue. The look of a dog of this breed is piercing, but friendly and not without a hint of mischief. The ears are medium in size, stand vertically upward, are close to each other, and have a triangular shape.

During the stance, the husky holds his head proudly raised. The beautiful curved neck gives the dog a proud posture. The back is straight. The tail is of the “fox” type, equally pubescent on all sides. When the dog is tense, the tail is raised and resembles a sickle. The coat is “double” of medium length. The coat is dense, but not long. When the dog moves, the tail does not curl to the side. Colors are allowed from black to snow-white. There may be markings and various patterns on the head.

Similar article: How to choose or make the right harness for a husky

So, the main characteristics of the breed:

  • the average size;
  • proportionate strong body;
  • correct tail;
  • dense and coarse coat;
  • friendly character;
  • high degree of endurance.

Puppy weight and sizes from 1 to 12 months

The table shows the average size of a husky puppy by month.

Husky puppy ageWeightHeight
1 monthWeight - about 3 kgHeight - not measured
2 monthsWeight - 5-6 kg kgHeight - 31 cm
3 monthsWeight - 11.5 kgHeight - 43 cm
4 monthsWeight - 12-15 kgHeight - 47-48 cm
5 monthsWeight - 13-18 kgHeight - 48-52 cm
6 monthsWeight - 15.5-20.5 kgHeight - 49-54 cm
7 monthsWeight - 16.6-24 kgHeight - 51-57 cm
8 monthsWeight - 17.5-25 kgHeight - 53-58 cm
9 monthsWeight - 18.5-26.5 kgHeight - 53-58 cm
10 monthsWeight - 20-27 kgHeight - 53-58 cm
11 monthsWeight - 21-27.5 kgHeight - 54-59 cm
1 yearWeight - 23-28 kgHeight - 54-59 cm

How much do husky puppies cost?

Prices vary from 20 to 80 thousand, depending on various factors.

How to choose?

You should choose for the soul, and not for external qualities. The puppy must suit your personality.

At what age should I take it?

A few days after the puppy becomes completely independent of its mother's milk. Usually this is 4–6 weeks.

How to determine age?

Based on a set of factors, such as height, weight, physique, behavior. From them you can roughly determine the age of the puppy.

Where is the best place to buy?

From trusted breeders on a personal visit. Where it is possible to determine living conditions, quality of food and treatment of animals. Find out more and see the puppy's mom and dad.

Who is better?

The best pet is the one that is loved. Girls are more active. They are more cunning and wayward than boys. Boys, on the contrary, are calmer and more devoted to their owner.

Price depending on type

There are only 5 types of huskies:

  • Alaskan Husky (25–50 thousand rubles);
  • Mini-husky (from 60 thousand rubles);
  • Sakhalin Husky (20-30 thousand rubles);
  • Siberian Husky (20-80 thousand rubles);
  • Japanese husky (from 70 thousand rubles).

Purity of the breed

Determined by the absence of any defects and full compliance with the standard.

How to determine whether a husky or a crossbreed?

A purebred dog can be easily identified by its build, eye color, coat color and pedigree traits. Such as ear placement, tail position, etc.

How much does a purebred puppy cost?

A purebred puppy costs from 30 thousand rubles. and higher. The cost of a mixed breed usually does not exceed 20 thousand rubles.

Eye color

The breed is characterized by blue-eyed individuals. It is not uncommon to see dogs with different eyes . Also acceptable eye colors for the breed are amber, gray, and black.

Price with pedigree

The price tag for an individual with a pedigree starts from 50 thousand rubles, if there are titled parents. A puppy without documents will cost less than 20 thousand rubles .

average price

The average price for a representative of this breed in Russia is higher than abroad.

When choosing a husky, you should study in detail all the features of the breed, understand, first of all, for yourself, whether it suits your rhythm of life and whether you can satisfy all its needs, and not decide to take such a serious step just because of fashion.

How to measure correctly?

Height should be measured by placing the pet on a flat, hard surface . It is very important that the husky stands still during measurements.

To do this, if the pet has already been trained for this, you can put it in a show rack or attract its attention by showing it a treat or toy.

Moreover, if the second method is chosen, then it is better to resort to the help of assistants from among relatives, since it will be difficult to independently hold the dog’s attention and measure it at the same time.

Next, you need to take a measuring tape or a special device for measuring a dog’s height, made from a long ruler and a limiter that can be moved along the entire length.

The centimeter must be applied with the edge with the smallest divisions to the animal’s withers, then pull the edge of the tape to the floor and mark the desired value below.

A height meter made from a ruler should be placed with one edge on the floor, and then the stop should be raised to the level of the pet’s withers.

It is more convenient to measure the growth of small puppies up to about three months of age on a table, but you need to make sure that the baby does not fall off it or jump onto the floor.


It is the most important condition for a good dog. It is the competent upbringing of the puppy that will determine in the future whether the dog will bring you only joy or vice versa.

How to educate correctly?

There is no single instruction on how to properly raise puppies. Everyone needs their own approach. It all depends on the character of the dog itself, and not on whether the desired object of education is a girl or a boy.

When to start?

The sooner you start training, the better for you and easier for the puppy. Conscious and more difficult commands or behaviors should begin to be taught after the pet learns its name.

What to teach before 3 months?

Within three months of birth, you can learn basic behavior with a husky puppy:

  • do not rush at the owner;
  • sleep at night and not wake up;
  • wait patiently for food;
  • run down the street at the feet of the owner;
  • start training the basic commands: “Ugh!”, “Come to me!”, “Sit!”.

What should a 4-month-old pet be able to do?

Must be trained in all of the above manners and unquestioningly follow the commands: “Come to me!”, “Sit!”, “You can!”.

How to stop a husky from littering the house?

Since it is not permissible to let puppies go outside until they are four months old, and you don’t want to put up with puddles, it is necessary to train them to a litter box. You need to understand that the puppy physically cannot endure it. Scolding and punishing a dog will achieve nothing, because all its actions occur at the level of reflexes.

REFERENCE. To calculate the frequency of puppy relief to the age (in months), add 1, the result in hours.

How to toilet train?

Where the pet relieves itself, we put a newspaper in that place. After wetting it, we put it in a tray and put it in the place where the puppy did these things most often. We use absorbent diapers to place them in other popular places, and from week to week we reduce the number of diapers.

On the street

It is worth accustoming after 6 months. Take him out for walks an hour after eating and wait until the dog finishes all his work. It may not work the first time, and the puppy will endure it all the way home. Next time you should take soaked newspaper with you and increase the duration of your walk.

How to stop biting?

It is important to understand that biting the owner or family members on the legs in puppies under 4 months of age is normal behavior and will go away on its own over time. But you shouldn’t encourage him in this either. It is necessary to point out from an early age that he is not the leader here. If an animal shows aggression, demonstrate force, but under no circumstances hit. It is enough to pull the collar so that his muzzle is as close to the floor as possible, and hold in this position for several seconds. Then defiantly ignore the puppy for a few more minutes. Such procedures should be carried out regularly if circumstances so require.

Why does a puppy howl and how to wean it off?

For a husky, howling is a means of communication with the outside world, a way to convey emotions. He can howl both from grief and joy, or simply to attract attention. It is impossible to completely wean off this habit. You can only understand the reasons and reduce the frequency of these incidents.

We teach the kitten to talk

Not every individual can imitate human sounds. But such simple words as “mom”, “yum-yum” can be used by almost any pet. It is necessary to sing the sound, so the dog recognizes speech better, and train it with treats.

How to punish?

Punishment is a lack of praise. It is unacceptable to use physical force; it can have a detrimental effect on the puppy’s psyche. Not strong, but strict pats on the pelvis or clicks on the nose - this will be enough for an adequate dog to realize guilt. Stern voice and ignoring for the period of punishment.

At what age can you wear a harness?

There is no age limit for the harness. There are restrictions on the type of harness. For a husky puppy, only a walking harness is used.

Leash training

If you teach it from infancy, there shouldn’t be any serious problems. This breed has harnessing in its blood, so it takes a leash for granted. If the puppy rushes forward and pulls the leash, you should pull it back with one sharp movement and stop, and then continue moving.

To what age do they grow?

Until six months of age, all puppies of this breed grow at approximately the same rate, but later their development acquires some differences, depending on the gender of the pet.

Bitches grow actively until about 8 months, after which the final growth spurt continues for up to a year . Weight and muscle mass continue to increase until approximately 2 years of age - until the dog is fully formed.

In males, the active growth phase is somewhat longer - up to approximately 9 months. Then, up to 1.5 years, the dog continues to develop, and is finally formed only by 2-3 years.

The bitch's growth may slow down with the onset of her first heat , but later it most often recovers and continues for several more months .


Husky is considered one of the easiest dogs to care for. The main feature of caring for an adult husky in an apartment is the provision of constant physical activity. In other words, the more tired a dog is on the street, the easier it is to care for it at home. Another feature is the coat; it requires brushing several times a week, and when shedding, several times a day.

For a newborn puppy

If there is a mother, minimal care is required for the newborn puppy. You just need to provide comfortable conditions for the puppy to grow. Weigh yourself daily. On day 9, it is necessary to trim the tips of the claws, then repeat this procedure weekly.

At 1 month

It is recommended to feed 6 times a day with special food for puppies. At this age, the character of the future dog is established, so it is worth starting to educate him. Also, a husky puppy should know its place and its things:

  • toy,
  • two bowls,
  • collar,
  • special rug.

At 2 months

Vaccinations against distemper, rabies and other diseases are given. At this age, they usually begin to actively train the puppy. Periodically comb his fur and trim his nails. The puppy should eat often and drink a lot.

Is it possible to wash a puppy?

It is not recommended to bathe your puppy until his latest vaccinations have been completed. Only if absolutely necessary, but not advisable.

From what age?

The earliest time allowed by veterinarians is 4 months if the puppy is very dirty or for any other reason.

How to bathe?

Bathing is not done in hot or very cold water (about 28 degrees). The paws should be on a hard, rubberized surface. First, lather with a special puppy shampoo, and then rinse with water, avoiding getting water into the puppy’s ears and eyes. Then thoroughly dry with a towel until the undercoat is completely dry. It is recommended to avoid drafts for a few more hours. The procedure is carried out no more than 3-4 times a year.

Ear care

If there are any visible symptoms, brown discharge, swelling or strange behavior of the puppy itself, you should immediately contact a veterinarian .

Does it need to be cleaned?

If everything is fine with your ears, then you can carry out the cleaning procedure once every two weeks. Apply a special ear lotion, massage the ears for a few minutes and wipe off the released wax with a napkin. The depths of the ear should not be cleaned.

When do your ears stand up?

If the puppy’s ears do not stand up until six months of age, then this is a reason to go to the veterinary clinic. It is difficult to talk about more precise limits, because much depends on the number of puppies in the litter, the quality of food and the uniqueness of the animal.

Why don't they get up?

A common reason for ears not standing up is a lack of vitamins and calcium in the body. It is necessary to diversify your diet. External plumpness of a puppy does not always indicate good health.

Reference. The purebredness of the breed is expressed in erect ears.

My ear fell - what to do?

If this occurs before 6 months of age, the cause is most likely either tooth growth or limb development. There is nothing wrong with this, it’s just that these processes are very demanding on the presence of calcium. It is necessary to give your pet vitamins, and soon the ears will be on top again.

Why do puppies get into the refrigerator?

Huskies are northern dogs, and their ancestors are wolves that live in harsh climatic conditions. Therefore, it is not surprising if the puppy climbs into the refrigerator. He is simply more comfortable there.

When can you start walking?

You can go for full walks with your puppy no earlier than quarantine after the last vaccination. Until this time, you can go outside for a short time, holding the baby in your arms. At the same time, preventing other dogs and people from approaching the puppy.

How many walks per day?

After all age-appropriate vaccinations have been completed and the quarantine period has been completed, you can go for a real walk. During the first walks, the puppy must be on a leash. Otherwise he might run away. It is better to walk several times a day for an hour. You should not overload the dog if he is tired, it is better to give him a rest and return home.

Husky in winter

Winter walks are the most unforgettable for huskies, because snow is their homeland. The puppy will be happy to give a ride to a light skier. But don’t expect him to drag the whole family on a sled. Up to 10 months, puppies have not yet fully strengthened bones and joints; such walks run the risk of injuring them.

What affects the parameters?

The height and weight of a husky puppy can depend on several reasons.:

  • Heredity . It is she who determines to what age and how intensively the puppy will grow. In females, in addition, the age at which the first estrus occurs depends on the characteristics of the genotype - the period when active growth slows down or even stops, as happens in representatives of some lines.
  • Quality of cultivation . How well the babies will grow and what size they will reach by the time of sale depends on what conditions were provided in the breeder’s home for the pregnant bitch and puppies.
  • Feeding in a new home . For normal growth and weight gain, what and how correctly the new owner feeds his pet is of great importance. If the owner provides the baby with all the products he needs through natural feeding or feeds the puppy with high-quality complete food, he will grow well and gain weight. However, it should be taken into account that puppies raised on natural food initially grow at a faster rate than those fed with ready-made food.
  • Conditions of detention. Puppies kept outdoors usually gain growth quite quickly, but due to the fact that they are constantly on the move, they can weigh less than dogs living in an apartment and not receiving intense physical exercise.
  • Past illnesses . Those puppies who suffered from serious infectious diseases at an early age grow and gain weight worse than their peers.
  • Physical activity . With increased physical activity, huskies gain less weight, but grow well in height. If growing puppies lead an inactive lifestyle, they may lag behind their peers in height, but at the same time have significantly more weight.

The rate of growth and weight gain may not depend on any of the above reasons and may be associated solely with the individual developmental characteristics of a particular puppy.

Features of puppy development

When choosing a kitten, future owners pay attention to important characteristics:

It should be taken into account that during the first moult the animal’s color may change. Dogs' eye color often darkens as they age.

Choosing the largest puppies in the litter is not the best option. The animal may be overfed and have developmental abnormalities. It is best if the kitten meets the standard indicators for its age.

Photos of white huskies:

Further, the full development of the baby largely depends on the new owners. The most important thing here is good nutrition. Babies a few weeks old are offered special canned puppy food, dry food soaked in liquid kefir.

The main product in the diet of a raised puppy is meat: lean veal, beef. The product is scalded, boiled - there is no need to remove layers of fat, cartilage, films. Animals will not refuse pink salmon and salmon - the fish is boiled and boned.

25-30% of a dog’s diet is vegetables: cucumbers, carrots, cauliflower. Many dogs love fresh fruit. They love raw chicken and quail eggs - up to 2-3 pieces per week.

Already at 3-4 months they begin to fully educate and train the dog. By this time, all vaccinations have been completed - the husky can be walked on a leash and trained on the playground. The owner spends at least 2 hours a day on activities with the dog (running, playing, following commands, swimming) every day. Full development of a husky is impossible without appropriate systematic physical activity.

What to do if your weight is below normal

It should be noted that the tables usually show the average height and weight characteristic of a particular age, and therefore there is no need to consider these parameters mandatory.

Therefore, if the puppy’s weight lags behind them by no more than 10%, then such an imaginary underweight should be considered a variant of the norm.


In the same case, if there is a significant lag in weight, you need to try to quickly find out the reason for this.

Perhaps nothing terrible is happening and the lack of weight is due to the individual characteristics of the puppy. The baby simply grows very quickly in height and at the same time is distinguished by great mobility, which is why there is a lack of body weight.

In this case, you do not need to do anything, you just need to wait until the end of the active growth phase, after which the young dog will quickly gain the required weight.

The same applies to cases where underweight is due to heredity, when dogs from different lines grow faster or slower.

If underweight is associated with an incorrectly selected diet, then it is recommended to increase the amount of proteins and fats during natural feeding, and if the pet receives ready-made food, then try to choose a different brand for it with a higher nutritional value.

Vitamin and mineral supplements can also help, which, due to the beneficial microelements they contain, have an overall beneficial effect on the animal’s body..

In any case, before giving your husky any supplements, you should consult your veterinarian.

If we are talking not about puppies, but about adult dogs, then the problem of underweight can be solved by increasing the duration of walks and increased physical activity, including working in a harness.

Useful video

From the video you will learn everything about the Husky dog ​​breed:

The correct height to weight ratio is of particular importance for Siberian Husky dogs. If a person's four-legged friend suffers from excess body weight, then he will not be able to perform his main work duties. The same applies to dogs whose weight does not reach the normal level. In addition, lack of height and weight may indicate that the dog is sick. She may not be allowed to further breed and participate in the exhibition.

After a year

In a year, the formation of the husky is still ongoing. A fully formed pet can be observed between two and three years. The weight of an adult dog ranges from 15 to 28 kg. It is clear that a bitch should be more graceful than a dog. The height at the withers is 50.5–62 cm, and the length along the back to the base of the tail is 50–60 cm.

Husky average weight table by week.

The owner needs to take into account that the weight and height of a husky are average, so only significant deviations from the norm should be of concern.

Ultimately, the size of the dog will depend on feeding, health, and genetics. Note that proper nutrition and care in the first year of a puppy’s life determines how healthy the four-legged friend will be in the future.

When do the eyes open?

Puppies are born blind, their eyelids are underdeveloped. When do puppies open their eyes after birth?

Most puppies open their eyes at 10-14 days.

This may happen a little earlier or with a delay of several days, but does not in any way affect the physical, mental or reflex development of the dog.

More often, both eyes open at once, sometimes with a difference of a day or two. This is normal and not a pathology. At first, the dog only distinguishes between light and dark. Babies will begin to fully navigate by sight and hearing around the 25th day. By the end of the period of unconditional reflex adaptation, the puppies are already beginning to gradually distinguish between the periods of day and night, and crawling out of the “nest”.

If by the 18th-20th day the dog’s eyes have not opened, then help is needed. Try rinsing your eye slits with boiled water.

Not all dogs are born healthy. General health problems can also affect your vision. If the eyelids have not opened by the 30th day or there is inflammation or conjunctivitis, you need to show your pet to a doctor.

Do not try to open your eyelids yourself.

In some cases, for example, with entropion of the eyelids, surgery is prescribed.

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