Wire Fox Terrier - description and character of the breed

A dog with an original appearance, tireless, energetic, cheerful and positive - this is all a wire-haired fox terrier. In addition, this breed can boast of great success in hunting both in burrows and in open areas. At home, your pet will not make you bored, will show maximum affection, love and will not leave anyone unattended. Fox Terriers have an interesting and long history.

The Wire Fox Terrier is an energetic dog with an original appearance.

A little history

The ancestors of fox terriers are considered to be turf dogs crossed with domestic dogs. The first information about this is mentioned in the records of the 17th century. The offspring from this cross had excellent hunting abilities.

Since then, the appearance of the breed has changed a lot.
The excellent qualities of burrow hunting have remained unchanged. With the growing popularity of hunting among English aristocrats, local breeders also paid attention to the external characteristics of fox terriers. The dog became distinguished by its compact size and bright color. A breed standard with distinctive characteristics was adopted in 1876. Note! Some people still consider the Wire Fox Terrier to be just one of the Fox Terrier subspecies.


Training begins from the first months of life. First, the puppy is taught to respond to its name and introduced to its family. Early socialization is very important for terriers. The most difficult thing is to teach a dog to suppress the hunter's instincts.

It is recommended to carry out training in a playful way. At least until the dog develops a habit of exercise. If the Fox gets involved in this process, he will willingly carry out the command in order to earn the approval of the owner. If the dog does not make contact, you should contact a dog handler.

Appearance and breed standard

According to FCI standards, there are distinctive features regarding the exterior of this breed:

  • The skull of the head is rounded, smooth, tapering towards the nose, the cheekbones are not very prominent.
  • Scissor bite.
  • The ears are high-set, thin and smooth, with the tips hanging forward.
  • The neck is strong, muscular, slightly elongated.
  • The eyes are dark, located close to the nose, and small.
  • The body is square in shape. The withers stand out. The back is strong and wide. The stomach is pulled in.
  • Height up to 39 cm, weight up to 8 kg.
  • The tail is straight and docked.
  • The legs are powerful, muscular, with clearly defined shoulders and shoulder blades, elbows at right angles.
  • The coat is hard with short undercoat.

According to FCI standards, there are distinctive features regarding the appearance of the breed

Classification of the Terriers group according to FCI

The International Canine Federation (FCI) is authorized to register species and approve standards for dog breeds. According to the organization, all breeds in the Terrier group are distributed as follows:

  • Large and medium dogs;
  • Small Terriers;
  • Bull Terriers;
  • Toy terriers.

A total of 34 varieties are officially recognized. But for a number of reasons, some existing terrier breeds are classified into other groups or are completely deprived of official recognition. Therefore, the full classification takes into account two more points:

  • Terriers classified in other groups of the dog family;
  • Varieties of terriers that have not undergone the procedure of official registration in the FCI.

Thus, more than 50 representatives of this genus can be counted. Let's get acquainted with each type separately.

Features in character and behavior

The Wirehaired Terrier has a cheerful, inquisitive character and developed intelligence. A naturally playful, fearless, powerful and assertive dog. Actually, like all terriers.

Restless and temperamental, he should go for a walk for at least an hour 2 times a day. It is not advisable for passive people to acquire such a companion. A dog will not lie on the sofa all day and over time such proximity will not lead to anything good. Short walks at home will end with chewed furniture and holes in the garden. No, the animal will not take revenge, it just has nowhere else to put the energy unspent during the walk. Physical activity for a fox terrier should be varied. If possible, in addition to jogging, jumping, ball games, swimming and practicing commands should be present.

For children, such a dog will become the best friend and accomplice in any pranks. Moreover, the dog shows love for children regardless of their age. The situation is different with other animals, especially dogs. Here the fox terriers show fierce aggression, accompanying it with loud barking. No wonder they are considered good guards.

Note! Fox Terriers are smart, learn quickly, but are very stubborn.

The Fox Terrier is a dog with a strong hunting reflex. On a walk it can chase a frog, a hedgehog and even grasshoppers. The same goes for bicycles and cars. Therefore, it is not advisable to let your dog off the leash. This is fraught with trouble. In addition, these hunters are prone to escape.

The Fox Terrier requires maximum attention and affection and care from the owner. If these conditions are met, the animal will respond with reciprocity and boundless loyalty.


  • Fox Terriers love to eat and can easily become overweight. Regulate the volume and caloric content of food, load the dog.
  • They bark a lot and loudly.
  • Tirelessly and with pleasure they chase rabbits, birds, cats and even small dogs. They are fearless and will fight with another dog, even if that dog is several times its size. Walk your dog on a leash if you are not sure the area is safe.
  • Do not leave your Fox Terrier alone with other animals. Even if he previously treated them neutrally.
  • This is a very energetic breed and requires 30 to 60 minutes of exercise daily. If they don't find an outlet for energy, they can chew furniture and bark endlessly.
  • They love children and love to play with them, but can be a bit rough for small children.
  • They are escape artists, capable of jumping higher than you can imagine and digging out entire tunnels under fences.
  • Fox Terriers are a fairly rare breed, if you are buying a puppy, then spend time searching for a suitable kennel and it is better to wait in line for some time.

Color variations and coat quality

Wire-haired fox terriers have a dense, rough coat, which makes them different from their smooth-haired counterparts. The presence of an abundant, soft undercoat guarantees protection in frosty conditions.

For representatives of the pure blood breed, the main color is only white. Black and red spots stand out against the background of the main color. There are also tri-colored individuals.

White is the main color of the Fox Terrier.


The Wire Fox Terrier is a thinking, quick-witted and intelligent dog. But at the same time, she is infinitely stubborn, self-confident and willful to the point of stupor. This is a born leader who does not obey easily.

Gaining the authority of a Wire Fox Terrier is not easy. It is necessary to prove that a person is more important than him, from the first minutes of acquaintance until the last days of the dog’s life. The slightest mistake in upbringing - and the whole process will have to start all over again.

Wirehaired Foxes love to generalize. This is taken into account when raising children. So, in the eyes of a dog, an ottoman is no different from a sofa, and a towel is no different from a curtain or trousers. Your pet will definitely fall onto the bed if you allow him to climb on a stool at least once, or chew the curtains if you played with a piece of fabric with the dog.

Wire Fox Terriers remember commands easily. Once they learn something, they will never forget it. But dogs often ignore orders. If they are not interested in the activity, they will not listen to the owner.

Monotonous practice of commands is not for wire-haired terriers. They need variety. Playful forms of training, frequent breaks, training in different places and under different scenarios are the key to successful training.

Cruelty is prohibited. Wire-haired Foxes are rarely punished. This breed works great on a reward system. And rudeness will ingrain in the dogs the opinion that training is evil, and the owner is a sadist.

The general training course lasts up to a year. If a wire-haired terrier was taken for hunting, special classes are carried out from 1.5 years. First, baiting is done in artificial burrows. Only when the dog feels confident in the training ditches is it taken out into the forest.

Care and maintenance

A dog that does not participate in exhibitions does not need any special care. You need to walk him, educate him and follow the rules of hygiene. Namely:

  • Grooming involves trimming and removing dead hair. This is usually done by professionals. At home, the fur is brushed every 3 days. They bathe the dog as needed if it gets very dirty during a walk. The rest of the time they limit themselves to washing their paws.
  • Nails are trimmed 2 times a month.
  • Eyes and ears are examined 2 times a week and wiped with a cotton pad as they become dirty.
  • Teeth are cleaned with specialized pastes for dogs to remove tartar.

Important! When caring for your dog, you should not neglect timely treatment procedures for parasites.

Small terriers

Now let's see what types of small terriers there are.

Jack Russell Terrier

A dog that is similar in appearance to Parson, but has only 30 cm in height at the withers and 6 kg in weight. According to the nature of the coat, three types of individuals are distinguished: short-haired, long-haired and wire-haired. The breed is very fashionable, mostly ornamental, but with an energetic hunting ardor. On average, they ask for a puppy from 18 to 35 thousand.

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Japanese Terrier

It grows up to 33 cm and gains about 4 kg. The body is elegant, the muzzle is elongated, the ears are hanging, the coat is short. Japanese terriers are good-natured, even a little timid: they cannot stand noise and rudeness.

The price for puppies is negotiable, since this dog is considered an extremely rare type of terrier. Only 200 puppies were exported outside the Japanese islands, and in the country itself there are no more than 1.5 thousand individuals.

Australian Terrier

A small fluffy dog, up to 25 cm tall and weighing 6 kg. A cheerful playful companion, an active lover of chasing cats and rodents. He doesn’t like to be bored, so he can turn the house upside down if he doesn’t get enough activity. Such a pet will cost 15-30 thousand rubles.

Cairn Terrier

Scottish dog, a type of smooth-haired terrier. Height – 31 cm, weight – 7.5 kg. The wool is hard, all shades are possible except white. The dogs have a high watchdog skill, but more often active and sociable cairns become ordinary pets. Puppies are sold for 20,000-35,000.

Scottish Terrier

Also a Scotsman, but not an ordinary one, but the most famous terrier with a beard. The individual grows up to 28 cm, weighs 10 kg, has a squat build and short limbs. It is distinguished by high intelligence, hunting sense, vigilance towards strangers, obedience and friendliness towards its owners. The price of a puppy is from 25 to 40 thousand.

Norfolk Terrier

A type of small terrier of small height (25 cm) and weight (6 kg). The pet loves active games, gets along well with children, and is not at all aggressive. The price tag for puppies starts from 30,000 rubles.

Norwich Terrier

A compact dog with a fighting character. Outwardly similar to the Norfolk, only with rough hair and erect ears. Estimated at 30-50 thousand rubles.

Sealyham Terrier

Snow-white terrier dogs with silky long hair. They have a non-aggressive but stubborn character and are difficult to train. They ask about 25 thousand rubles for a puppy.

Czech Terrier

The second name is Bohemian Terrier. A rare species, similar in appearance to Sealyham, but more compact in size. The dogs are nimble, dexterous, and able to quickly and easily find prey. Height – 30 cm, weight – 9 kg. The character is soft and flexible. The price of a puppy starts from $500.

West Highland White Terrier

A short-footed dog, a type of terrier with a white, wire-haired coat. Height at the withers is 41 cm, weight – 9 kg. It has an excellent sense of smell and often functions as a search engine. As a domestic companion, he is energetic, friendly, proud and needs active walks. The price varies from 20 to 40 thousand rubles.

Dandie Dinmont Terrier

A type of small terrier with a rich “cap” of curls on the head. The individual grows up to 28 cm and weighs about 11 kg. Temperament is independent, persistent, but amenable to training. Dogs are friendly with people and love children. You can buy a puppy for 25,000-60,000 rubles.

Skye Terrier

Elegant bearded terriers come from Scotland. They are distinguished by their elongated hair and erect or hanging ears with feathering. They grow up to 20-25 cm, weigh from 11 to 18 kg. Puppy cost: from 15,000 to 30,000.

Diseases and vaccinations

Although the Wire Fox Terrier has good immunity, it is susceptible to some diseases, most of which are hereditary. Therefore, when taking a puppy into your home, you must find out what the ancestors of the family were sick with. The following illnesses occur:

  • hip joint diseases;
  • diseases of the nervous system;
  • deafness;
  • allergic reactions;
  • diabetes;
  • glaucoma;

Timely vaccination will protect against diseases such as:

  • coronaviruses;
  • parainfluenza;
  • plague;
  • rabies;
  • leptospirosis

In addition, timely vaccinations will help the animal strengthen its immune system.

Proper nutrition

Since all dogs have a protein metabolism, the main diet should consist of proteins, namely meat and meat by-products. If there is no opportunity or time to feed your dog home-cooked meat dishes, premium ready-made food will come to the rescue. With a natural diet, fish and eggs should be given 2 times a week. Cereals should make up one third of the total diet. Food from a person's table is prohibited. Especially sweet, salty, fatty and floury.

Many people ask the question, how long do fox terriers live? With good care and nutrition, the pet will live up to 15-18 years without any problems.

The main diet of the Wire Fox Terrier is meat by-products or premium dry food.

Feeding the dog

Fox Terriers are fed both natural and commercially prepared food.

If you decide to feed your dog natural food, include the following foods in the diet:

  • raw or slightly cooked meat (beef, chicken, turkey, rabbit);
  • low-fat cottage cheese;
  • vegetables (carrots, beets, potatoes are undesirable);
  • fruits (mashed apples);
  • vegetable oils;
  • grain (buckwheat, rice, barley, oats), it is not boiled, but simply poured with hot meat broth;
  • vitamins and minerals in the form of supplements.

When you choose dry food, choose it wisely. Cheap and advertised types are not of high quality.

It is best to choose super premium or holistic food. They contain natural meat, healthy vegetables, fruit additives, brown rice, and barley. There are also grain-free foods for dogs that do not tolerate grains well.

Choosing a puppy

If you want to adopt a purebred Wire Fox Terrier puppy, then this should only be done through kennels. They can provide real information about his blood ancestors. Kennels take in healthy dogs for breeding, first doing tests for genetic diseases. The breeder also microchips the puppy and provides all necessary vaccination and pedigree documents upon purchase.

Note! When purchasing a four-legged baby for home, you need to understand that he, like all children, requires maximum attention and patience in raising him.

A purebred Wire Fox Terrier puppy can only be purchased from a kennel.


Sexual maturity in fox terriers occurs at the age of 8-12 months. A female is bred for the first time at 20 months, a male at 24. It is best to carry out the first mating after the third heat.

A month and a half before the planned mating, it is recommended to be tested for anaerobic infections. A month before the expected estrus, the bitch is treated for skin parasites.

Mating of smooth-haired and wire-haired terriers is prohibited by the standard. Breeders advise mating to take place in the male dog's territory. The ideal time of day is the morning, before the first feeding.

Interesting Facts

Fox Terriers have always been favorites of the crowned heads of England. At one time, representatives of this breed were kept by such celebrities as Leonid Yarmolnik, Vladimir Zhirinovsky, Charles Darwin and Yuri Nikulin.

Often Wire Fox Terriers become winners in dog surfing.

In conclusion of the description of the Wire Fox Terrier breed, I would like to note that those small difficulties in their maintenance will seem trivial compared to how much joy and love this cheerful and devoted hunter can give to its owner.


Initially, Wire Fox Terriers were used to exterminate rodents and small fur-bearing animals. But persistence and fearlessness made the dogs hunters of foxes and badgers.

The Wirehaired Fox is an excellent burrowing dog. He will not back down even in the most difficult situations. Hunters noted that pets can fight for hours in obviously losing situations and emerge victorious. Moreover, during the fight, the animals do not pay attention to the wounds - excitement makes the dogs turn a blind eye to the pain.

The Wire Fox Terrier dog breed is good for gun hunting and roundups. Pets search for and raise feathered game, follow the bloody trail, find and bring prey.

Today the situation has changed. Only a few Wire Fox Terriers are bred for baiting wild animals. More often they are taken as family pets. Without hunting, dogs turn into watchmen and security guards. Pets are also excellent athletes: they easily conquer agility, freestyle, frisbee, and canicross.

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