Black Yorkshire Terrier: description of the breed, character and photo

Black Yorkshire terriers are still a rarity, since these dogs are not specially bred anywhere.

The thing is that, along with the non-standard color, black Yorkies also have some other features that distinguish them from other dogs of this breed.

What kind of variety is this - black Yorkshire terrier?

What makes it notable besides its unusual coloring?

How's the marriage?

Don't be scared by this word. The fact is that now in the canine world everything has turned upside down. What was previously considered marriage is now being affirmed. The marriage becomes a standard, it is given a description and registered with the FCI. The black Yorkshire Terrier was no exception. He was named “Biewer”, and in 2007 the breed standard was approved.

This means that now you can go to exhibitions with such a dog. And get puppies from her. All for the sake of business, to put it bluntly. Selling puppies is a great business. The more fashionable the dog, the more expensive it is. So breeders of all breeds are chasing fashion.

Let's move on to the history of the appearance of the Biewer Yorkie.

What color to choose a puppy

In order not to make a mistake when choosing a Yorkie puppy that meets the standards, first of all, you need to check all the relevant documents:

  • certificates from exhibitions, if any;
  • complete information about the puppy's pedigree;
  • certificates from the veterinary clinic with all vaccinations.

Responsible breeders are required to provide a package with these documents. If they refuse to show them or say that there are no papers, you should think about the integrity of such a seller.

It is recommended to pay attention to the conditions in which puppies grow up:

  1. It is worth avoiding houses where dogs are kept outside (Yorkies have poor health).
  2. There must be order in a shelter or nursery.
  3. Puppies are characterized by playfulness and liveliness, so it is advisable to look at their behavior: they should be active.

Newborn puppies slightly resemble Rottweilers. They are completely black except for small brown spots on the face. Dogs will be dark for up to 2 months, then they will begin to lighten. This is due to hormonal changes.

You can buy a puppy 4-6 months old; usually at this age it is already clear what color the mature dog will acquire. However, it will cost more, and changes can take place up to 2 years of age.

To make sure as much as possible about the future color of the puppy, you need to part the fur on its head and look: if the roots of the hairs turn golden, then, most likely, the dog will take on the correct color.

It is also advisable to pay attention to small details, such as:

  • wet black nose (you can use it to determine whether the puppy is healthy);
  • shiny eyes, not protruding;
  • type of ears (at 3 months they should be standing).

The breeder is obliged to show how to properly trim dogs and how to care for them.

The pet is also examined for the following abnormalities:

  • overly curved body;
  • incorrect position of the ears;
  • short or elongated muzzle;
  • malocclusion, jaw problems;
  • the tail is below the level of the back;
  • light hairs in dark areas and vice versa;
  • cryptorchidism.

And of course, it is worth examining your pet for standard deficiencies, such as deafness or blindness, or breathing problems.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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Vaccinated terriers with good pedigree cannot be cheap.

How did it all start?

As often happens: once upon a time there were breeders. They bred ordinary Yorkshire terriers. And then a strange litter was born. It was different in color from its parents. Black and white puppies were born 30 years ago to breeders from the UK. The bitch gave birth to puppies of a strange color. More precisely, initially they were normal. And when they moulted, that’s when everything became clear.

What should breeders do? Normally, such puppies are defective and must be destroyed. The English couple decided otherwise. The puppies quickly found owners. And the breeders kept the male and female for themselves. When they grew up, they were tied to each other. From such closely related inbreeding the Biewer Yorkies came about.

When can gender be determined accurately?

Dogs are born with genitals, but it is quite difficult to distinguish males from females. To avoid making a mistake, it is better to wait 2-3 weeks, when sexual characteristics become quite pronounced. In adolescence (from 6 months), the difference between females and males can be determined not only by the appearance of the genitals, but also by behavior.

The easiest way to determine the sex of a puppy is after it reaches one month of age.

How are they different from regular Yorkies?

The black Yorkshire Terrier differs from the standard in appearance. Let us remember that Biewer is a consequence of a genetic mutation. She played a cruel joke with the color of the dogs. Biewer Yorkies were originally black and white thirty years ago. Perhaps due to close inbreeding, the color went even further. Golden, white and black dogs began to appear.

Let's move on to the description of the black Yorkshire Terrier breed.

  • The dog's height reaches 22 centimeters. Weight ranges from 2 to 3 kilograms.
  • The animals have long, dense hair.
  • The muzzle is narrow, the eyes are deep-set, dark brown in color.
  • The nose is black.
  • Lips are dry, tightly compressed.
  • Jaws are weak.
  • The body is straight.
  • Paws are medium, straight.
  • The tail is of medium length.

The breed standard is not very different from the description of an ordinary Yorkshire terrier.

What explains the difference in price for puppies of the same age and breed?

Yorkshire Terriers, like other dogs, are classified into three groups, each of which has its own characteristics.

Table 1. Classification of dogs according to breed standards and application.

Show classA puppy from champion sires with ideal breed characteristics regarding:
  • size;
  • color;
  • physique;
  • psyche;
  • general health.
Participation in exhibitions, breeding, with the opportunity to sell offspring at the highest possible price.
Breed-classA dog from producers whose breed is confirmed by documents. The animal's parameters correspond to the standard, but are not as outstanding as those of the show class representatives. A prerequisite is the absence of disqualifying signs For participation in exhibitions (without prospects for high results), breeding work. These puppies are sold at an average price.
Pet classThese animals do not have exhibition or breeding prospects due to minor health problems or the presence of disqualifying characteristics (non-ideal body proportions, head shape, ear size and other anatomical defects, non-standard color).This is a pet dog that can be bought for little money. The absence of the need for a show career significantly reduces the cost of its maintenance, since there is no need to pay for participation in exhibitions. At the same time, from the point of view of an ordinary person, the dog is quite beautiful and has a set of breed characteristics. And yet such people are not allowed to do breeding work. “Defective” dogs are sold without documents.

Adult show class dog


The black Yorkshire terrier has a special character. At first glance, it may seem that this dog is a toy. No matter how it is: Yorkies, despite their size, are very interesting creatures.

A stubborn, loyal and intelligent dog is how their owners characterize “Biewers”. Pets are well trained. Just before that you will have to try to win their trust.

Friendly towards people. But familiarity is not tolerated. They can put it in place using their teeth. It very rarely comes to the latter. You need to irritate the dog to such an extent that it begins to resist.

They have a ringing voice. Many Biewer Terriers and classic Yorkies react nervously to the slightest rustle from the outside. That is, if they hear noise on the landing, they burst into loud barks.

They get along well with other animals. They are patient with children if they do not impose themselves too much on the pet. Detailed research on their part will not be tolerated. First they will warn you by growling, and then they will bite. Therefore, it is not recommended for people with very small children to own a Yorkshire Terrier.

Small or grown up

Breeders and sellers of Yorkshire terriers offer both babies (1.5 - 2 months) and older dogs. As a rule, most people prefer to take a small puppy into their home, however, the cubs of this breed have their own characteristics.

A baby Yorkie can be compared to a small child who has just mastered the technique of walking. This creature constantly demands attention, its energy seems limitless, and its behavior is uncontrollable. Raising a puppy cannot be left to chance. He can bite, bark constantly, and chew things. In addition, the baby needs four meals a day, which means he needs to be walked quite often.

However, there are also benefits associated with keeping your pet young. The kids are unusually cute and charming, easy to train and get used to their owners. By paying due attention to raising a dog, you can get an obedient, devoted pet that brings joy and positive emotions.

For those who are not sure that they can withstand all the troubles associated with early age, the best choice would be a 6-7 month old Yorkie. During this period, you can already see the character and temperament of the dog, evaluate its final size and color. In addition, by this time the bite has been completely formed and teeth have changed. As a rule, the puppy already knows some commands and is accustomed to the litter box and walks.

Advice. It happens that adult Yorkies are also sold. In this case, it is important to find out the reason for the sale. This may be due to both the birth of a child, a change in living conditions, and the unfavorable nature of the pet.

Maintenance and care

Before we get to that point, let's talk about the Mini Yorkshire Terrier (black). Keep in mind that this color does not exist among the “minis”. The only thing that distinguishes them from ordinary representatives of the breed is their size. In addition, Mini Yorkies are not declared as a separate breed.

Let's return to the content. What is required for our black "Yorik"?

  • Combing. It should be regular, the pet's hair is long. She needs special care. Ideally, the Black Yorkshire Terrier is brushed daily.
  • Checking teeth, ears and eyes. The ears are wiped with a cotton pad soaked in a special lotion for cleaning them. If this is not the case, you can use a chamomile solution. Or regular warm water. Daily ear cleaning is not required. It is carried out only when the pet is heavily soiled.
  • Eyes are wiped daily. Remove various secretions.
  • There should be no plaque or tartar on the teeth. This can be prevented by cleaning them. Yorkies have their teeth brushed regularly with a special toothpaste designed for dogs. As a preventive measure, they give a bone against tartar. Apples serve as an assistant for brushing teeth. Give your pet these fruits at least once a week.
  • Does a Black Yorkshire Terrier need bathing? The question is ambiguous. After walking in dirty weather, he needs to wash his paws and belly. You should not bathe just like that; refrain from this procedure unless necessary. And one more thing: in cold weather the dog is not washed. He is prone to colds.
  • In winter, the pet is walked in clothes. A special overall will reliably protect him from the cold.
  • An adult dog is fed twice a day - morning and evening. Good, high-quality food is used as the main diet. These can be super-premium or holistic brands.

Description of the breed

These are compact animals, the maximum weight of which is three kilograms and two hundred grams. Here are their other characteristics:

  • ears are small, erect,
  • the fur is straight and long, falling on both sides of the body, like a blanket. It should be shiny and silky,
  • hair grows throughout life, like a person’s, so the owner should prepare for regular visits to the hairdresser or learn how to handle a clipper and scissors himself,
  • The standard color is steel without any impurities, while the tail should be dark blue, while the chest, legs and head should be golden. But now many other colors have appeared that look original and are very much appreciated by some breeders,
  • The back line is straight, the step is confident, the legs are straight, the neck is muscular. Movement is free and sweeping.

These kids are very active and restless; healthy dogs are distinguished by their restless disposition, sociability and ringing voice.

Some people complain that this breed is too noisy, but for true connoisseurs this is not a problem. In addition, their affection and cheerfulness redeem everything.

Their long fur practically does not shed and is not allergenic. You can train your animal to use a litter box, but in this case you still need to take him for walks regularly, excluding only rainy and cold days.

The dog needs physical activity; it is important for him to move a lot, run free and communicate with other animals. Good care and an appropriate gene pool can allow Yorkies to live up to twenty years, but you will still have to closely monitor their health

You should regularly wipe your eyes with tea or a special solution, brush your teeth, and comb your fur. You shouldn't bathe dogs often.


The Black Yorkshire Terrier (photo in the article) is a sickly dog. And not only him, any Yorkie is prone to illness.

  1. Colds come first. Very susceptible to cold. If the dog blows, the owner should prepare for the consequences. The minimum is a cough, the maximum is inflammation of the middle ear.
  2. Retinal detachment is one of the most common eye conditions in Yorkies. This also includes its abnormal development or dysplasia.
  3. Two rows of teeth. This happens not only to people. Small Yorkshire Terriers often show off their baby and permanent teeth. If this happens, you will have to contact a veterinarian. Surgery will be required.
  4. Dislocation of the kneecap. This is a classic, because the Yorkie's skeleton is too fragile. Their musculoskeletal system is susceptible to all kinds of damage.
  5. Separation of the femoral head.
  6. Yorkies are very prone to fractures.
  7. Tracheal collapse. Perhaps the most terrible disease of all listed. Unfortunately, all small breeds are susceptible to it. The cartilaginous half-rings of their pharynx are too poorly developed. The result is a sharp spasm of the pharynx. The animal cannot breathe in or out.

These are external diseases. And there is also an internal set, of which the most harmless is problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Interesting to know

Did you know that Yorkshire Terrier puppies are born completely black? And we are not talking about a Biewer, but about a standard Yorkie. Small golden markings are acceptable, nothing more.

As the dog ages, the color of the dog changes. Let’s say, molting begins, during which the babies “renew” their children’s coloring. Shedding can begin at 6 weeks of age. Or maybe at six months of age.

It also happens that a puppy does not shed. Remains dark or black. Among standard Yorkies, such a representative of the breed is considered defective. He does not participate in exhibitions. No one will allow such a dog to be bred.

Therefore, if you find an advertisement in the depths of the Internet for the sale of a standard black Yorkshire terrier, this is a hoax. Unscrupulous people want easy money. So they are looking for naive people who are new to the Yorkshire terrier breed standard and their colors.

World's Leading Yorkshire Terrier Kennels

For anyone who is going to buy a Yorkshire Terrier puppy, it is important that the dog is truly purebred, healthy, and free of hereditary defects and diseases. For many, the puppy’s prospects as a future champion are also important.

That is why information about those kennels whose owners have won world fame as the best Yorkshire terrier breeders is of great importance.

The Italian kennel of Antonella Tomaselli “Delle Antiche Mura” is registered with ENCI and FCI. The owner of the kennel is the author of many articles and several books on the breed, as well as the vice-president of the Italian Yorkshire Terrier Club, officially recognized by ENCI in 1995. Among the famous pets of “Delle Antiche Mura” the following world champions and main prize-winners of many Italian and international exhibitions should be mentioned: World Champion Agapi Delle Antiche Mura, Ch. FALPALA' delle Antiche Mura and Ch. FILI delle Antiche Mura, Ch. EDIZIONE SPECIALE delle Antiche Mura, Ch. EDIZIONE LIMITATA delle Antiche Mura

The French kennel "De Penghibur", founded in 1965, belongs to Mme Marguerite Gerard - the undoubted leader and inspirer of Yorkshire terrier fans in his country. Among the numerous champions, the most famous were Trudy de Penghibur, Ch. Int. Tilbury de Penghibur, World Champion Uddersfield Ben de Penghibur, World Champion Hooligan de Penghibur, World Champion Jofi de Penghibur.

The Swedish kennel of Yorkies “Debonaire's” is famous for its champions Passion For Class, Debonaireґs Believe In Music “Strauss”, Pearlstring Come Sway With Me “Sway”, Queen Of Hearts. The owner of the kennel, Bernice Unden, is a member of the Swedish Yorkie Society, the Swedish Kennel Club, and the national Terrier Club.

The Norwegian nursery "Henceforths" is famous for its champions N Ch Henceforth's Casino Royale, Sharmnatan's Everlasting Love, Hunderwood Frenchy Boy, Miss Behavin, Vodka Shot. The owner of the nursery, Henny Lidal, also does a lot of work with the Internet audience - the nursery’s website has a lot of useful information about the breed. As well as the results of exhibitions from around the world.

The owner of the Spanish kennel "De La Villa y Corte" Ana Mesto is the editor-in-chief of one of the best dog magazines in the world - "La Revista del PERRO". Famous dogs of the kennel: Ford-Azul, HURI, Xantia.

The most famous nursery in Mexico is “Guemart”, which is rightfully proud of its champions Kendos Kissimme, Magic Millionaire, Just a Kiss. Kennel owner Jesus Guerrero began training Yorkies in 1996.

The owner of the French kennel “LA Pam'Pommeraie” Simone Cheveu has been breeding Yorkshire terriers for 18 years. Champions such as Fanfan La Tulipe, Grace-Kelly, Get-Up, Merry Poppins brought fame to the nursery.

Another nursery in France, Du Domaine De Monderlay, belongs to Marc Mansuet. Mark is the winner of the "Big Breeding Prize". The most famous dog of the kennel is International Champion, World Champion, American Champion Jubilant du Domaine. In 1997, the dog was recognized as the Top Terrier and the Top Dog of France. Other famous breeds from the nursery include Jin-Jin, Louis, Nextime, Lollipop, Lea and Malango.

The history of Nicoletta Pollini's Qoccle's nursery began in 1983. The most famous people from Qoccle's are Oliver Lightsome, Kayak, Dimmi DiSi, Oliverina.

By choosing a puppy from a trusted kennel, the owner insures himself in advance against a lot of unpleasant surprises. Fortunately, today you can find a wonderful Yorkshire Terrier without entering into tedious correspondence with foreign breeders.

Where can I buy? Price issue

A professional kennel that specializes in breeding Biewer Yorkies is your assistant. Only there you can buy a good puppy and be sure that you will not be deceived. The owner receives a puppy card, which over time changes to a pedigree.

In addition, breeders encourage potential owners to meet the puppies' parents. You can see the baby’s mother and father with your own eyes and get acquainted with their pedigrees.

How much does a black Yorkshire terrier (Biewer) cost? From 50,000 rubles at least. And the maximum price reaches 200,000 rubles.

Origin story

The breed was bred at the end of the 19th century to fight the huge hordes of rats that lived in the coal mines of the county of the same name in Britain. Small pets could fight rodents for a long time and win. Workers had to carry mini-dogs under their clothes, since by law it was forbidden to bring animals with them into the mine.

Working qualities became secondary when the ladies of high society began to pay attention to the cute dogs. Almost instantly, the pets migrated to the boudoirs of socialites of that time. It was then that dogs stopped being cut short and their fur began to be cared for, and breeding Yorkies became a profitable business.

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