Frontline puppy spray: pros and cons of the product

Ectoparasites, the most notorious of which are fleas and ticks, make the lives of dogs significantly worse. Not only do these small bloodsuckers spoil the appearance of the animal, but they also often become the culprits of dangerous diseases: tularemia, hemobartonellosis, borreliosis, piroplasmosis and other ailments. To protect and, if necessary, cure your family friend, an effective insectoacaricidal agent is required. the Frontline series products for dogs to be one of the most popular drugs of this type.

, which will be discussed in our article.

Composition, features of action

Flea drops for dogs are intended for targeted application to the skin in places where the animal cannot lick it. The active component is fipronil. A new generation insecticide with a broad spectrum of action and a low toxicity class. Fipronil penetrates the flea's body through contact, partly through food. It disrupts the functioning of the nervous system, provokes paralysis, and death occurs within a few minutes.

The active components of Frontline drops act locally and do not penetrate the systemic bloodstream. Within 2 days after spot application, they are distributed over the entire skin and coat. Fipronil accumulates in hair follicles and sebaceous glands.


The effect of Frontline anti-flea drops for dogs lasts 3 months. After this, the drug loses its properties and is completely eliminated from the body. The effectiveness of the product is not affected by water procedures, but it is recommended to carry them out no more than once a week.

Updated generation of insecticides

New generation drugs include Frontline Nexgard and Nexander Spectra. The first effectively fights blood-sucking parasites, and the second cleanses the body of helminths.

These two products are produced in the form of tablets, but not ordinary ones, but chewable ones, with a pleasant smell and taste.

Benefits of the insecticide:

  • ideal for animals that require frequent bathing and shampooing;
  • used for pets with skin diseases;
  • can be mixed into food or given separately;
  • thirty minutes is the time during which the tablet completely dissolves;
  • as soon as the medicine takes effect, you can safely contact your pet and let him near other puppies and children;
  • One dose of medication is enough to cleanse the dog’s body of parasites;

There are four dosage options for the drug:

  • for animals weighing 2-4 kilograms, the dose is 11.3 milligrams;
  • 4.1-10 kilograms – 28.3 milligrams;
  • 10.1-25 kilograms – 68 milligrams;
  • 25.1-50 kilograms – 136 milligrams.

If your pet's weight exceeds 50 kilograms, you can calculate the dose yourself: 2.5 milligrams per kilogram of weight.

The drug is contraindicated for puppies less than two months old or weighing less than 2 kilograms.

Frontline anti-tick tablets can be given to pregnant and lactating animals without restrictions.

Terms of use

Frontline drops against fleas
Instructions for using Frontline drops for dogs are extremely simple, but certain rules must be followed:

  1. Dog animal processing is allowed indoors, but it must be well ventilated.
  2. You should work with drops using rubber gloves. Immediately after the procedure, wash your hands with soap.
  3. After treatment, the dog should not be allowed outside in rainy weather for at least 2 hours.
  4. It is forbidden to pet the dog for two days.
  5. If an allergic reaction occurs on the skin, you need to wash off the drops with water and soap. An alkaline environment neutralizes the action of the insecticide.


Dogs should be re-treated for fleas after 3 months. It is forbidden to reapply drops if the owner thinks that the drug did not work.

Assignment Rules

The drug is prescribed to kill skin parasites in dogs and cats, such as fleas, lice, and ticks. The dosage depends on the weight of the animal.

Important! Weight from 2 to 10 kg – 0.67 ml. 10-20 kg - 1.34 ml, 20-40 kg - 2.68 ml. more than 40 kg – 4.02 ml.

In addition, Frontline is applicable for ear mite infestations. 4 drops are instilled into each ear canal. In this case, it does not matter which ear is affected, they are instilled in both. To distribute the medicine evenly, the auricle is folded in half and massaged.

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special instructions

The active components of Frontline drops do not enter the systemic circulation, which reduces the likelihood of side effects. However, a local irritant reaction in the area where the product is applied is possible, manifested by redness, burning, and itching.

Frontline drops on the withers for dogs

In the presence of individual intolerance, the following is observed:

  • loss of appetite;
  • vomit;
  • increased salivation;
  • lacrimation;
  • irritability or apathy;
  • drowsiness, insomnia;
  • body trembling, spasms.

In most cases, unpleasant symptoms disappear on their own within a few days. If this does not happen, you should seek help from specialists.

It is forbidden to use drops on puppies under 8 weeks of age, sick or weakened pets. Frontline is allowed to be used during pregnancy and lactation, but with special control from the owner.

On a note!

Puppies up to 8 weeks of age are allowed to use another Frontline spray to protect against fleas. The drug is applied to the fur and practically does not come into contact with the skin. The same treatment option is recommended for adult dogs with hypersensitive skin.


Frontline Combo refers to combined insectoacaricidal drugs with contact action.

Frontline Combo is active against:

  • fleas (mature and preimaginal stages of development) Ctenocephalides spp.;
  • lice eaters Felicola subrostratus, Trichodectes canis;
  • ixodid ticks (all developmental phases) Dermacentor variabilis, Rhipicephalus sanguineus, Ixodes scapularis, Ixodes ricinus, Ixodes holocyclus, Haemaphysalis longicornis, Haemaphysalis flava, Haemaphysalis campanulata, Haemaphysalis leachi, Amblyomma americanum;
  • mosquitoes Aedes aegypti;
  • sarcoptoid mites Sarcoptes scabiei var. canis.

Cost of frontline for dogs

The price of Frontline products depends on the form of release and dosage. Prices are indicated as of 2022, in Moscow.

  • Frontline in the form of drops for dogs costs on average from 400 to 800 rubles.
  • Spot-On drops from 420 to 750 rubles.
  • Tri-act drops from 435 to 600 rubles.
  • Drops Frontline Combo from 500 to 800 rubles.
  • The price for Frontline spray 100 ml is 1200-1300 rubles in Moscow.
  • Frontline spray of 250 ml volumes will cost an average of 1,500 rubles.

Important! Any medications should be purchased from specialized veterinary pharmacies. Purchasing in other places does not guarantee the authenticity of the drug and the safety of its use for the life and health of not only the pet, but also the person himself.

Prices fluctuate in regions, the difference is 15-20%.

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Instructions for use of the spray

To spray the aerosol, you need to part the animal's fur and apply the product against hair growth. You need to treat the dog's entire body, but pay special attention to areas such as the back, chest and abdomen.

Be careful that the aerosol should not get into your pet’s eyes or mouth. Ideally, it would be a good idea to have someone hold your pet's head, placing something over its eyes and holding its mouth closed.

Precautionary measures

As mentioned above, the medication is one of the drugs that is low-risk for the body of dogs. Complies with GOST standard However, when working with Frontline, as with any medicine, precautions should be taken:

  1. Strictly observe the dosage of the drug.
  2. Do not use in conjunction with an anti-parasitic collar.
  3. Observe age restrictions on the use of the product.
  4. Use with caution on weakened and older dogs.
  5. Use with caution for pregnant and lactating individuals. If possible, during these periods, avoid any chemical exposure without special indications.
  6. Be sure to check with your veterinarian about possible interactions between fipronil and other medications.
  7. Before use, you should make sure that the dog does not have an individual intolerance to the components of Frontline.

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Recommendations when choosing a product

When choosing a suitable anti-tick product, you need to focus on the dog’s health, its weight, the presence of allergies to the components included in the composition and affordability.

Table: advantages of different Frontline tools

Name of the drugIn what cases is it suitable?Price
Frontline Nexgard tablets
  • quick effect is important;
  • there is a need to frequently wash the dog with shampoo;
  • the presence of allergic dermatitis and other irritations on the pet’s skin;
  • there are several animals in the house, and they cannot be isolated from each other;
  • have small children;
  • you find it difficult to determine the correct dosage when treating with drops and spray;
  • The dog is aggressive, which makes treatment with drops and spray impossible.
A pack of three costs about 1,500 rubles, which means protection for a month will cost 500 rubles.
  • there are cats, dogs, and ferrets in the house;
  • it is necessary to protect the living space from larvae and eggs.
One pipette (valid for 1 month) costs from 600 to 1 thousand rubles, depending on the type of drug according to the “weight category” of the pet.
  • there is a danger of contracting diseases from mosquitoes and mosquitoes;
  • mosquito bites cause severe anxiety, nervousness and allergies in the dog;
  • The dog often walks outside the city, in the forests.
Spot He
  • standard cases;
  • the dog weighs more than 2 kg and is older than 2 months;
  • The cat needs treatment (these drops are suitable).
  • treatment is needed for small dogs (up to 2 kg) and puppies (up to 2 months);
  • smooth-haired dog;
  • are allergic to other forms of drugs;
  • There are kittens and cats in the house.
  • 100 ml - about 900 rubles;
  • 250 ml - about 1500 rubles.

Product consumption is only 3–6 ml per kg of animal weight.

Among the Frontline products, you can easily choose the drug that is suitable for your four-legged friend. The main thing is to take into account the individual characteristics of the pet. Before using antiparasitic drugs, do not be lazy to consult with a veterinarian and carefully study the background information. The effectiveness and safety of products usually depends on strict adherence to instructions.

Frontline reviews

Review #1

I have been using Frontline for more than two and a half years, using it during tick attacks. I first drip it onto the withers and spray it a little with spray. Just a little bit. As a result, not a single tick! and before I took off five of them after a walk.

Review #2

A wonderful remedy and the main thing is that it is convenient - there is a large dosage! Up to 60 kg. I have three bullmastiffs, so it’s very convenient and it’s even cheaper than buying separately and combining and calculating grams.

Review #3

I am absolutely satisfied with using Frontline. We discovered it about three years ago. From personal observations: I noticed that the drug produced in France is much more effective than the one produced in Poland. When purchasing, I always choose France, in the same pharmacy, it works like a charm. But an important point! Friends who are dog owners have shared that some dogs are intolerant to Frontline. It can lead to anaphylactic shock and even death.

Important! And under no circumstances should they be used together with anti-flea collars!

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This drug appears to be safe even for pregnant and lactating dogs. Acts exclusively on the nervous system of parasites. In cases of accidental exposure of the drug to the mouth, the dogs' salivation increased for some time, then the reaction disappeared without leading to further consequences.

However, please pay attention to the following instructions:

  1. It is strictly forbidden to use Frontline in the form of drops for puppies up to two months old. It is acceptable to treat with a product from the Frontline line in the form of a spray.
  2. Cannot be used on dogs weighing less than two kg.
  3. Inadmissible for animals with intolerance to certain components of the drug.

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