Dry cat food "Farmina" - reviews, features, types and composition

Dry cat food "Farmina"

More than fifty years ago, a company was opened that many years later became known as Farmina.
A large company produces dry food for cats and dogs. Farmina is distinguished not only by the high quality of its products, but also by its love for animals. The company never stops searching for the best solutions. Constant cooperation with veterinarians and leading experts allows us to create the best food that will not harm cats.

But not every cat owner can afford to buy expensive food. Therefore, Farmina has developed several lines of treats for your pets.

About the manufacturer

Farmina is an Italian manufacturer of cat and dog food, operating since 1965. Initially, the brand was called Russo Feed in honor of the founder Francesco Russo; at that time the company was developing food for large animals. The first dog food production plant was opened in 1999. Today Farmina has many factories in Serbia, Italy and Brazil. It produces several premium medicinal and basic foods for cats and dogs. The main activity remains the production of medical nutrition, which also formed the slogan.

Brand history

Farmina has been around for more than half a century. In 1965, the company had a different name - “Russo Feed” and produced agricultural feed. The founder of the company, Italian Francesco Russo, subsequently transferred the business to his son, and already under Russo Jr. the company changed its specialization, starting to produce food for pets.

The turning point was the collaboration and then the merger with the British company Farmina Pet Foods, which conducted research on nutritional needs and created formulas for a complete diet for pets.

Today, the brand maintains an expert approach to the creation of cat food: Farmina Pet Foods works closely with the Federico Veterinary University and the Italian Veterinary Association (SCIVAC). Farmina nutritionists and experts from SCIVAC conduct extensive research, the results of which can be found in congress proceedings and specialized journals, for example, the British Journal of Nutrition.

Grain-free dry food

Farmina N&D Grain Free dry cat food receives the best reviews from veterinarians. The food belongs to the holistic class, that is, it does not contain grain crops. More than seventy percent of all ingredients used to create the food are high quality meat components. The remaining thirty percent are fruits and vegetables.

The food is perfect for cats of any age. It is non-GMO and gluten-free, but enriched with vitamins and minerals. Holistic food helps not only cope with obesity in cats, but also prevent it. Due to the high energy value, cats do not need much food per day.

But there are also a few disadvantages to being holistic. Firstly, the price of food is quite high. And secondly, it is difficult to find. Food of this class is sold only in specialized stores.

Advantages and disadvantages

Farmina has received positive reviews from veterinarians and dog owners, who note the following advantages of the food:

  • low consumption due to the high energy value of the ingredients;
  • high level of components, meat undergoes mandatory quality control before production;
  • the presence of a medicinal line and grain-free, low-grain feed, which is not always found in other manufacturers;
  • absence of unnatural substances in the composition.

The disadvantages include the high cost of food, as well as the lack of large packages. The maximum volume is 12 kg, which is not always convenient for feeding large breed and giant dogs.

In addition, Farmina is not sold in small pet stores.

Features of Vetlife food

One of the features of Vetlife is that it is only dry food. The products of this brand are designed to promote the health of the animal, and the best specialists and veterinarians of the company work on the recipe. Dry food is more nutritious because moisture does not take up a large part of the composition. All Vet Life therapeutic and preventive foods are complete, and they can become the basis of a cat’s diet.

Indications for use

A cat owner can choose Vet Life to prevent the development of a disease (if the cat is prone to it) or as a therapeutic diet (it is recommended to consult a veterinarian). Indications for use:

  • kidney disease, sometimes heart disease (Renal);
  • urolithiasis (Struvite);
  • exacerbation of urolithiasis, cystitis (Struvite Management);
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system (Cardiac);
  • liver failure (Hepatic);
  • food allergies, intolerance to specific foods (UltraHypo);
  • obesity, tendency to gain weight (Obesity);
  • castration (Neutered Male) and sterilization (Neutered Female);
  • gastrointestinal diseases, postoperative period, etc. (Gastrointestinal);
  • diabetes mellitus (Diabetic);
  • long wool (Hairball).

Some owners choose medicinal/preventive food “at their own discretion”. For example, in my building there lives a woman who bought Urinari food for her cat. When I asked her what the animal’s diagnosis was, she replied that he was urinating. The woman did not go to the vet because she decided that the cat had weak kidneys. At the store she asked for “kidney food.” After some time, she still had to go to the veterinary clinic. And there they made a diagnosis - the cat was simply in heat, and he was not urinating, but marking; does not writhe in pain - but calls for the female. This could have harmed the cat, but everything turned out okay.

You cannot try to independently determine the diagnosis of a cat; only a specialist can prescribe therapeutic or preventive food

Composition of Vetlife food

Feed manufacturer Vet Life claims that all raw materials for production are delivered from Italy. Moreover, factories operate in such a way that natural raw materials do not lose their quality. Feed is produced only upon order from distributors, and not in advance, so the products do not sit in warehouses, which means they do not have time to spoil. Main ingredients of Vet Life food:

  • protein sources (hydrolysates of fish, chicken, lamb or pork, eggs, corn gluten, dehydrated chicken);
  • fats and oils of vegetable origin (essential fatty acids contained in animal or fish oil are easier to digest);
  • sources of carbohydrates (rice starch, rice, corn, spelled, oats);
  • sources of fiber - sugar beet pulp (removes wool from the gastrointestinal tract), pea fiber (provides a feeling of satiety);
  • plantain and/or calendula extracts (source of lutein);
  • antioxidants - extracts of natural tocopherols (protecting the body from free radicals)
  • vitamins, minerals and other supplements.

Some cat owners are confused by the fact that the composition does not contain, for example, fresh chicken fillet, but hydrolyzate. Many people imagine offal, production waste or a synthetic analogue of meat, but this is not so. Most veterinarians also advise choosing foods that contain fresh meat. I consulted with a veterinarian when I switched one of my cats to commercial food. He explained to me that hydrolyzate is something like broth, a product of meat processing using hydrolysis (and this can be the processing of fresh meat or offal), and dehydrated means “dehydrated.”

Cat owners may also be confused by the spelled content in their food. Spelled (Triticum spelta) is a type of wheat with chaffy ears. It is believed that most grains are used in feed production to reduce the cost of production, but premium and super-premium feeds do not imply 100% meat content. And spelled, unlike more common types of cereals, is popular due to its property of not accumulating harmful substances in the grains. By the way, spelled is often consumed by people seeking a healthy diet or as part of diets.

Most of the composition is occupied by meat components processed in various ways, cereals, sugar beets and peas.

The following components are used as useful additives in Vet Life food:

  • plantain extract (increases digestibility);
  • prebiotics FOS and MOS (improve the microflora of the digestive tract);
  • DL-methionine and calcium salts (provide control over urine pH levels);
  • taurine (allows you to control the body's resistance to insulin and has a positive effect on heart function);
  • dry brewer's yeast (the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is rich in B vitamins and protein);
  • Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids (help relieve inflammation in the digestive tract);
  • calcium salts (pH control), potassium, sodium (maintaining osmotic pressure of cells);
  • electrolytes (help restore cellular energy metabolism after diarrhea, improve heart function);
  • phytoestrogens (soy isoflavones improve metabolism and normalize hormonal levels);
  • acids EPA and DHA (immunocorrectors), pantothenic and folic acids;
  • ammonium chloride (regulates the acidity of dry food);
  • microcrystalline cellulose (complex carbohydrates allow you to fill the food with fiber and give it the shape of granules);
  • L-lysine, L-tryptophan, L-cystine and L-carnitine (promotes muscle growth and fat breakdown).

EPA and DHA are amino acids (eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic). The first is found in fish, fish oil and grass-fed meat. Substances that are formed due to EPA have anti-inflammatory properties. The second acid is found in the same products, but also in milk. DHA improves brain activity and has a positive effect on vision. In addition, this acid can reduce the risks of many diseases (heart attack, diabetes, arthritis, etc.).

Folic acid was discovered at the beginning of the 20th century. The body can produce it on its own, but a lack of this substance can lead to decreased immunity and health problems. It is found in large quantities in yeast, legumes and cereals, liver, etc. However, excess folic acid also leads to disorders (decreased antiviral and antitumor immunity), so it is contained in minute quantities in animal feed. The group “folic acid” also includes its derivatives.

The additives contained in Vet Life food are needed not only to maintain the quality of the product, but also to enrich the food with beneficial properties

In addition to the listed ingredients, the manufacturer claims that Vet Life food contains the following vitamins:

  • vitamin A is necessary for the growth and development of the cat, the health of the coat and skin, as well as vision;
  • vitamins B, B1, B2, B6, B12 (have a positive effect on the functioning of all organs and systems);
  • vitamin D3 (strengthens bones and joints);
  • vitamin E (strengthens the cat’s antifungal immunity, is good for vision and hematopoiesis);
  • vitamin C (increases the body's resistance to chronic diseases);
  • vitamin H (improves metabolism, appearance of coat and skin);
  • niacin (regulates carbohydrate-fat metabolism in cells);
  • beta-carotene (needed for the synthesis of vitamin A);
  • selenomethionine (functions as an antioxidant and stimulates the immune system);
  • glucosamine (protects the bladder mucosa from toxins, relieves pain, regulates the functioning of the genitourinary system).

Class affiliation

Farmina does not classify Vetlife food as a specific class, but veterinarians characterize these products as premium diets. Some experienced cat owners believe that Vet Life is closer to the super premium class. The fact is that this dry food contains up to 50% protein (in economy food - up to 30% protein, in premium food - up to 35%). In addition, the detailed composition of Vetlife states that it contains a good vitamin and mineral supplement, and does not include cheap processed meat products (offal, meat and bone meal, etc.). Although said dehydrated chicken may be chicken meal. Vet Life is not advertised, unlike budget and premium foods.

Another feature that speaks to the class of the food is the absence of synthetic antioxidants. Vet Life is also non-GMO. In fact, the European Union allows small amounts of genetically modified organisms in cat diets, but Farmina fundamentally refuses questionable ingredients (for example, corn). The spelled and oats contained in the diets do not contain GMOs.

In addition, the phosphorus-calcium balance also indicates the high quality of the feed. The veterinary clinic said that according to AAFCO standards, calcium and phosphorus should be contained in a ratio of 1.2 to 1 (if calcium is 1.2%, then phosphorus should be no more than 1%). In Vet Life food, this balance is disturbed by only 0.1–0.01%.

Most of the symbols on the packaging of Vetlife food are in English, but the main signs are already clear (Natural ingredients, P, Ca, etc.)

Where to buy and approximate cost

Vetlife food cannot be bought in a regular supermarket. Veterinary food in this line can be found in a specialized store or ordered in an online store. There are representative stores in large Russian cities (Ekaterinburg, Krasnodar, Moscow, St. Petersburg, etc.). The price depends on the store itself, the size of the package and the type of food. So bags of 400 g can cost from 277 to 479 rubles. Packages of 2 kg cost from 930 to 2229 rubles, and 10 kg bags can cost up to 4985 rubles.

Large bags and sacks of dry food are much more profitable than small packages. However, in this case you need to be sure that this food is suitable for your cat. The disadvantage of large packages is that the food may deteriorate (for example, the expiration date will pass, or the product will deteriorate due to violation of storage conditions). Recommendations for storing and consuming food are on the back of any package. When I have to buy a big pack of food, I don't keep these crickets in their original packaging. I pour the food into a plastic sealed container and store it in the dark in a cabinet. The fact is that dry food tends to “dissipate”, and my older cat is a gourmet (she does not eat dry food without odor).

The cat owner can choose a better offer on Yandex Market

Farmina food lines

In order for your pet to receive all the beneficial components from its diet, it must contain a sufficient amount of proteins, carbohydrates and fats, as well as vitamins, minerals and trace elements.

It is necessary to take into account the fact that the most favorable source of protein for cats is animal protein, because pets are carnivores by nature. Scientists have proven that they cannot be considered completely domesticated, because they have completely retained all the habits and behavioral patterns of their wild ancestors and brothers.

  • For this reason, protein in Farmina food is represented only by animal sources, such as lamb, chicken eggs, chicken, fish, etc.
  • To saturate the diet with the required amount of amino acids, fish and chicken fat is used, as well as vegetable oils, including flaxseed.
  • Their presence in the diet allows you to control inflammatory processes in the body and also maintain the health of the skin and coat.

The carbohydrate component is taken from corn and oats, the complex type of carbohydrates, as well as fiber are extracted from beet pulp and plant seeds such as plantain.

Absolutely all food lines contain prebiotics, which help ease intestinal function.

Feeds with low grain content

Reviews of the low-grain cat food Farmina N&D LOW ANCESTRAL GRAIN are also positive. It no longer belongs to the holistic category, but at the same time it is located significantly above the super premium class.

The food contains sixty percent meat products, twenty percent fruits and vegetables, and twenty percent grain crops, namely spelled and oats. It is worth noting that the food does not contain corn, which is harmful to cats.

Like holistic foods, this food helps combat obesity and is also great for spayed and neutered pets.

Cimiao super premium food

Farmina also produces super premium food. These include the Cimiao line. The food consists of thirty-four percent dehydrated chicken, twelve percent chicken fat and rice, and twelve percent corn.

Based on the composition, it can be noted that the meat content in the feed is still high. However, in terms of benefits for the animal’s body, they are significantly inferior to holistic ones.

Premium food "Matisse"

Reviews of Farmina Matisse cat food are quite varied. Some owners claim that this food is an excellent replacement for more expensive analogues. “Matisse” saturates cats well and is not harmful to health.

However, veterinarians leave other reviews about Farmina Matisse cat food. Although the food consists of thirty-two percent dehydrated meat and twenty-five percent rice, it still contains corn. This food is good compared to other premium foods, but for your pet it is better to choose a higher quality line.

Economy class food "Fan Cat"

A representative of the lowest class of food from Farmina is the economy class food “Fan Cat”. The food has a lower energy value and a large number of third-party additives.

The composition of the food is also not particularly impressive. “Fan Cat” consists of twenty-five percent meat flour, ten percent grain additives. Everything else is proteins, fats and flour of various origins.

Veterinarians do not recommend purchasing economy-class food for your pets. In this case, the price fully corresponds to the quality of the food.

Dietary food "Vet Life"

Another high-quality food line that has received positive reviews is Farmina Vet Life cat food. This is a veterinary nutrition series aimed at combating a variety of problems and diseases in cats. The line consists of feed:

  • For cats with gastrointestinal diseases.
  • For cats suffering from liver failure.
  • Helping to dissolve uroliths.
  • For cats suffering from cystitis.
  • For pets with heart failure.
  • For overweight cats.
  • For diabetics and so on.

Veterinary line Vet Life

Separately, I would like to emphasize the very high-quality dietary food intended for animals undergoing treatment for some disease or suffering from chronic diseases. In our country, the Farmina veterinary line is not very widely known, since clinics usually recommend either Hills or Royal Canin (for which these companies, by the way, pay), but Vet Life is not inferior to them in quality and impact.

Of course, this does not mean that you can cure a cat’s diseased kidneys or stomach with this diet alone! It should be an addition to the course of treatment prescribed by the veterinarian.

Author of the article: Alena Oleynikova, artist and cat lover, especially for Kota Obormot

Video interview with Farmina veterinarian

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Thanks to the company’s good scientific potential, as many as 12 types of diets are available in the Vetlife cat food line, each for its own disease. Below are reviews of each of the items, indicating its features and differences from conventional dry food:

  • GASTROINTESTINAL – a special diet for pets with problems with digestion in the stomach and absorption in the intestines. Electrolytes in the composition help to improve the digestion of food, and a specially selected symbiosis of products makes this task easier for a weakened body.
  • HEPATIC – food for pets with liver problems. Recommended for cats with chronic liver failure. With a low percentage of protein and a high amount of fatty acids, this veterinary diet takes the load off the liver, facilitating its regeneration. A low percentage of copper relieves the toxic effect on affected liver cells.
  • STRUVITE – nutrition that promotes the dissolution of uroliths (stones in the genitourinary system). Effective against struvite type deposits. The therapeutic effect is achieved by acidifying urine with DL-methionine, which allows you to dissolve existing stones and also prevents the formation of new ones. In addition to normalizing pH, this food contains a small percentage of protein, calcium, magnesium and phosphorus, which prevents the formation of struvite stones in the urine.
  • STRUVITE MANAGEMENT – food for cats with chronic urolithiasis. Indicated for idiopathic cystitis. The composition and mechanism of action is similar to STRUVITE food, but additionally contains ammonium chloride, which effectively prevents the formation of sediment in the urinary system of cats. Has a powerful antioxidant effect.
  • RENAL – food for animals with renal failure (acute and chronic forms). Also used as maintenance nutrition for congestive heart failure. This food has a reduced percentage of protein and minimized phosphorus content to reduce the load on the kidneys.
  • CARDIAC is a diet designed for cats with heart failure. Thanks to the optimally selected content of potassium, sodium and phosphorus, the load on the heart muscle is reduced and the balance of electrolytes in the blood is restored. Taurine and L-carnitine have a beneficial effect on the absorption and transport of nutrients important for the heart. The composition also contains high-quality, easily digestible protein, which promotes rapid saturation.
  • OBESITY is a special diet for animals with various forms of obesity. For a therapeutic effect, the fat content in the food has been reduced, and the percentage of complex carbohydrates has been increased, which, breaking down slowly, provide a feeling of fullness for a long time. Total calorie content is reduced.
  • DIABETIC – food for animals suffering from diabetes. Special sources of sugars and starches in the diet's list of nutrients help maintain the required level of glucose in the blood, preventing it from increasing.
  • ULTRAHYPO – hypoallergenic food for individuals with food intolerances and allergies. The mechanism of action is based on the content of fish hydrolyzate as the only source of protein. As a result, the body digests the protein “without noticing” that it was animal protein. The source of carbohydrates - rice starch - is the safest product in terms of allergies. Fish oil, which is a source of lipids, is also easily digestible and does not cause allergic reactions.
  • NEUTERED MALE – diet for sterilized cats. Developed taking into account the needs of such animals, namely: reduced nutritional value, which eliminates the manifestations of obesity, and also contains L-carnitine and light protein, which helps maintain muscle mass and burn fat reserves. A reduced percentage of magnesium and phosphorus, coupled with calcium sulfate, prevents the development of urolithiasis.
  • NEUTERED FEMALE – the composition is almost identical to cat food, but is intended for feeding sterilized cats. The differences are in the percentage of nutrients, which takes into account the nutritional characteristics of animals of different sexes.
  • VETLIFE HAIRBALL is a cat food that helps eliminate hairballs from the digestive tract. Due to its fiber content, this formulation has a beneficial effect on the bowel movement process. And probiotics normalize the absorption of nutrients.

Veterinarians and cat owners about Farmina food

Reviews from veterinarians about Farmina dry cat food can be found on specialized websites and forums dedicated to cats in particular and pets in general.

Farmina is a large Italian company that specializes in the production of food for cats and dogs. Therefore, it is not surprising that it is trying to reach all segments of the market. A wide variety of food is produced: from economy class to holistic and a specialized veterinary line of food.

However, reviews, testimonials and recommendations for Farmina cat food range from positive to completely negative. It all depends on the food line. For example, Farmina cat food of two lines receives only positive reviews from veterinarians: Holistic and Vet Life. These feeds belong to the highest class; only the best ingredients were used for their production. This is the kind of food that we recommend purchasing for your four-legged pets. Food from the holistic and veterinary series is perfect for all breeds of cats. The lines also include food for cats with special needs.

When it comes to Cimiao food, not only positive reviews come up. Although this food belongs to the super premium class, it is one step below holistic food. The food has a lower energy value and contains less meat and more grain. This food will not cause serious harm to cats, but furry friends will need a much larger portion to be satisfied.

"Matisse" is a premium food. The line still contains a fairly large percentage of meat, but its effect on the pet’s body leaves much to be desired. A large number of additives and low energy value are not the best combination for daily feeding.

The economy-class food “Fan Cat” receives the most negative reviews. Veterinarians categorically stand their ground, saying that such food only harms cats. They argue that it is better to switch to natural food than to use any economy-class food.

Experts also advise not to buy a lot of food at once, even if it is holistic. When switching to a new brand or line, cats may experience an allergic reaction. Therefore, the first step is to purchase a small food package and check whether it suits your cat.

Which food to choose?

In order for your pet to be perfectly healthy, cheerful and energetic, it is very important to provide him with proper nutrition. Offer your animal several brands of food in different price categories, observe how much of each food your pet eats per day, and calculate how much it will cost you

You will be very surprised to find that the difference between holistic and premium feeding is not that great. And considering that you will have to regularly buy nutritional supplements in order to compensate for the lack of vitamins and microelements, this difference will be even less. If you are going to feed your pet budget food, add in the calculation the services of a veterinarian, which you, alas, cannot do without, and you will understand that, paradoxical as it may sound, the more expensive the food, the cheaper it costs.

Once you settle on a particular brand of food, try to stick with it for several months or even years. Each food line has different flavors, alternating which you will not let your pet get bored. At the same time, buy only the food that corresponds to the age, lifestyle and health status of the animal, and do not rush to immediately purchase a large package. This is, of course, cheaper, but if the new food is not suitable (this can be guessed by vomiting, loose stools and general depression, uncharacteristic of the animal), you will have to rack your brains over who to give the almost unfinished package to.

If your pet is an aristocrat of the bluest blood, most likely you discuss his diet with your veterinarian. Try to abstract yourself from the widely advertised brands imposed on you and direct the conversation in the direction you want: what exactly does your pet need - holistic food, a premium option or dietary food. And only after clarifying this issue, you can directly engage in the choice of food.

Advantages and disadvantages

Farmina food has both advantages and disadvantages. Positive qualities include:

  • natural composition, presence of beneficial vitamins and microelements;
  • absence or low content of grain components;
  • natural complementary products;
  • a wide variety of types, you can choose to suit every taste;
  • produced not only in dry, but also in wet form;
  • lower glycemic index, which helps avoid the development of serious diseases.

Important! An undoubted advantage is that animals really like this brand of food. Cats eat such food with pleasure, and their condition improves. Switching to Farmina from another species occurs without problems with the digestive system.

All food has a natural color and regular shape, which once again confirms the absence of chemicals in the composition

However, Farmina also has negative sides:

  • high price, not everyone can afford to buy this food;
  • rarely found in stores and veterinary clinics;
  • short-lived packaging;
  • cats can swallow the pellets due to their small size.

The disadvantages also include the likelihood of getting a counterfeit when buying food in bulk.

Farmina - cat food - excellent nutrition for cats. Many types of products are produced under the brand. The food is popular with many owners and pets themselves. It is recommended to consult a veterinarian before choosing. The disadvantage is considered to be the high price, but it also confirms that the pack contains really high-quality food.

*Prices are as of October 2022.

Main granule ingredients

The manufacturer uses meat from Italy to create mixtures for dogs. It is purchased not frozen, but fresh. Norwegian herring and cod are used to make a number of mixtures. The main ingredients are chicken and fish oil, saturated with fatty acids.

Feed mixtures contain a lot of natural organic substances, for example, chicory extract. The brand's products include potatoes, sugar beets, and peas. These ingredients are rich in fiber and provide minimal calories. From these components, the dog receives maximum energy, and the functioning of internal organs improves. Great importance is given not only to the taste, composition, but also to the appearance of the product. There is practically no stock of components for processing in warehouses to avoid their spoilage. The manufacturer does not use genetically modified products.


After reading the reviews about Farmina cat food, you can start switching your pet to food from this company. But before you start giving your cat food, the owner should familiarize himself with some of the nuances of feeding dry food.

Reviews of Farmina cat food are varied: some are completely satisfied with the quality of the product, others are not. Don't forget that cats' reactions to food are individual. Some members of the cat family may be allergic to any of the ingredients used in the preparation of the food. But whatever the pet’s reaction to the food, the owners agree on one thing: the cat should always have access to water. Dry food is very concentrated and therefore causes extreme thirst.

Also, do not mix professional food and natural complementary foods. Cat owners must immediately decide what their pet will eat. In this matter, you should not rely on reviews of Farmina cat food. If you can feed your cat natural foods, then that’s great. But not everyone is able to prepare suitable natural food on time. Also, when feeding “natural” food, a number of problems may arise: cats cannot be given fish every day, milk is contraindicated for them, and so on. A huge list of recommendations can turn off many.

Matisse wet food

The lines are represented by mousses for cats. They are produced in tin cans. A special ring makes it easy to open the package without kitchen tools. Formulas for cats come in chicken, rabbit, salmon, sardine, and lamb flavors.

Wet food has an increased percentage of moisture. In this line it is 78%. The protein ratio is 11%. Crude fats and oils are included in the proportion of 7%, crude fiber – 0.5%, crude ash – 3%.

Pets love wet food. They are just as balanced for animal nutrition as dry ones, but they contain more moisture. They contain fiber and generally have a higher percentage of meat than dry croquettes. The packaging allows you to store this delicacy for much longer.

You should not give wet food to animals constantly to avoid the risk of developing dental diseases. Since cats are carnivores, they need food that is dense and chewable.

Give wet food as a treat. When feeding, transfer the mousse from the jar to the animal's bowl. Do not leave uneaten food to prevent it from spoiling. Your pet should always have access to clean drinking water.


The food is rich in protein, carbohydrates, fats and dietary fiber, and contains a complex of minerals and vitamins. Sources of animal protein: meat, both fresh and dehydrated (venison, chicken, quail, duck, lamb, wild boar, fish). Sources of carbohydrates: pea starch, potatoes. Sources of fatty acids: fish and chicken fat. Sources of fiber: alfalfa, dried apples and berries, pea fiber. There are preservatives, antioxidants (natural), minerals and vitamins.

In wet food, meat, offal or fish - from 30% to 60%. There are also vegetables, a vitamin and mineral complex. Externally, the contents of the jars look like mousse.

The heterogeneous color of the granule is further confirmation that there are no dyes in the product. The fraction depends on the protein content: if there is a lot of it, the pieces will be dense, if there is little, they will be more airy.

Manufacturers claim that vitamins are added at the very end of the production process (after extrusion and drying). Thanks to the developed technology for preserving Long Life Vitamins, the maximum nutritional value and usefulness of the components is preserved.

So which class should you prefer?

But there is no need to despair. It is important to remember that veterinarians and manufacturers in reviews of Farmina cat food note that this is a complete diet food. If your cat switches only to professional food, then there is no need to worry, she will still receive all the necessary vitamins and minerals.

But owners should not buy food without prior preparation. Breeders agree on Farmina food and other brands: it is better to overpay for food than to later treat your pet for urolithiasis.

The most advertised foods are economy-class food, which negatively affects the health of the pet. Therefore, if you have decided to switch to dry food, then it is better to purchase premium food and higher.

If you purchased high-quality food for your cat, then you should not add third-party vitamins produced by various companies to it. The food already contains all the necessary additives.

Also, when purchasing, you should pay attention not only to owner reviews of Farmina cat food. An important criterion is the cat itself and its needs. Specialized lines of food have been developed for many breeds. For castrated and sterilized male cats, it is also necessary to purchase certain types of food.

What other products for cats does it produce?

Under the VIT-ACTIVE brand, the company produces a number of vitamin complexes to maintain the health of pets. This series includes:

  1. “Cat Health Formula” is a vitamin and mineral complex that fully meets the needs of healthy and active pets;
  2. vitamins for neutered cats and female cats - contain substances aimed at preventing urolithiasis;
  3. complex for cats over seven years old;
  4. vitamins for kittens;
  5. vitamins for pregnant and lactating cats;
  6. the “Cat Hair Health” complex not only helps improve the condition of the skin and coat, but also ensures that physiological needs for vitamins and minerals are met.

If you feed your pet natural food, then it is necessary to add vitamins to the diet. In ready-made food, vitamins are already included in the composition and can be included separately in a cat’s diet only on the recommendation of a veterinarian.

Vitamin complexes should be given to your pet only after consultation with a veterinarian

Owner reviews

Leonid, owner of the Scottish Fold cat


“My pet is a purebred Scotsman, and the doctor warned us that urolithiasis may develop with age - this is typical for this breed. Therefore, starting this year, they began to give STRUVITE FELINE from the FARMINA company as a preventative measure. The cat is already 5 years old, and so far everything is ok - we take tests regularly, all indicators are normal. We are pleased with the effect!”

Sveta, breeder of a mongrel cat:

“In her old age, our Musya began to have heart problems - the doctor said that heart failure had developed and she needed support for the heart muscle, and recommended CARDIAC food. We read reviews on the Internet and bought a pack. Well, what can I say - the doctor turned out to be right - VetLife cat food is something with something! Our beloved came to life, became active, although not as much as before, but it is understandable - the years take their toll. I hope we extended her life by a couple of years thanks to this miracle!”

Price and where to buy

You can buy Farmina ND food in many pet stores, for example:

  1. "MAGIZOO.ru" (link):
      Packaging 0.8 kg - from 611 rubles;
  2. Packaging 2.5 kg - from 1453 rubles;
  3. Packaging 7 kg - from RUB 3,621;
  4. Packaging 12 kg - from 5320 rub.
  5. "Yandex Market" ():
      Packaging 0.8 kg - from 672 rubles;
  6. Packaging 2.5 kg - from 1205 rubles;
  7. Packaging 7 kg - from 2970 rubles;
  8. Packaging 12 kg - from 5697 rub.

The prices indicated are current as of October 2022 and may vary greatly depending on the feed option. For the exact cost, see the pet store websites using the links above.

Feeding rate

In addition to reviews of Farmina coma for cats, owners need to familiarize themselves with feeding standards.

  • For kittens aged 1 to 3 months, the daily intake of dry food is only 30-50 grams.
  • From three to six months – 60-70 grams of food.
  • For kittens that have reached the age of 7-12 months, the dosage must be increased to 70-80 grams of food per day.

Next, the daily food intake is calculated not according to age, but relative to the weight of the cat.

  • For cats weighing 2 kilograms, 27 to 40 grams of food should be given per day.
  • For pets weighing three kilograms – 35-55 grams.
  • If a cat weighs four kilograms, then she needs 45-65 grams of food per day.
  • For cats that have reached the 5 kilogram mark - 50-80 grams.
  • Cats weighing 6 kilograms need 60-90 grams of food.

The amount of food for one weight category varies depending on the pet’s lifestyle. If an animal leads an active lifestyle, then it needs more food. And if the cat is lazy and moves little, then, accordingly, it needs much less food per day.

Composition: what is the benefit of the food?

The country in which the feed is produced is Italy. The medicinal product is produced by Farmina Pet Foods. The line includes grain-free or low-grain delicacies, canned food and dry food. Depending on the brand, food differs into holistic, super-premium, premium and economy classes, as well as specialized medicinal food for sick animals. The composition of the feed is shown in the table:

QuinoaCereal containing fiber has a general strengthening property
Beneficial for cats with arthritis, diabetes and heart disease
PomegranateHas anthelmintic effect
Participates in hematopoietic processes
InulinImproves pancreas function
FructooligosaccharidesStimulates the development of bifidobacteria
Black currantStrengthens immunity
Prevents hair loss and improves its structure
Chondroitin and glucosamineIndispensable for the restoration and strengthening of cartilage structures
Pantothenic acidNormalizes adrenal function
Prevents dermatitis
BiotinNormalizes blood flow to organs and tissues
PotatoContains vitamins, enzymes and mineral salts
Regulates water-salt balance
Helps eliminate bad cholesterol
TaurineHelps in the formation of bile acids
Folic acidFacilitates protein metabolism
Participates in the formation of red blood cells
Vitamin CStrengthens immunity
Has regenerating properties
B vitaminsImproves the functioning of the cardiovascular and digestive systems, skin
Vitamin AStrengthens vision
Heals wounds
Microelements (iron, copper, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium)Essential substances for the normal functioning of the whole body
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