Choosing a nickname for a chinchilla: interesting name ideas

Funny fluffy animals, similar to both a hare and a mouse, have long and firmly won the attention of lovers of unusual pets. And, although chinchillas require special care and attention, the cuteness of these creatures is off the charts. Watching fluffies take a sand bath is both funny and attractive.

In general, everything suggests that these cute creatures deserve the most interesting and unusual nickname. Let's see what name can be given to such a pet.

The cutest animal

Popular names

By tradition, we begin our selection with the most popular chinchilla names. The chinchilla is a fluffy and toothy animal, so the names are mainly associated with these qualities. Let's see.

  • Bao
  • Pipita
  • Velveteen
  • Danko
  • Fluffy
  • Plushik
  • Velvet
  • Velvet
  • Nibbler

I would like to say about him: What a wonderful Baby

  • Baby
  • Shushu
  • FIFA
  • Vonarik
  • Bead
  • Busya
  • Eska
  • Shunya
  • Drying
  • Yeshka
  • Rodent
  • Glasha
  • Semka
  • Peach

Little Rodent loves apples

  • Sherry
  • Sheriff
  • Frantik
  • Chunya
  • Pumpkin
  • Tailtail
  • Tail
  • Ponytail
  • Paw
  • Sniffer
  • Puzik

Grumpy, glutton or clean?

Chinchillas are not distinguished by any particularly extreme character, they are quite accommodating and sweet, but each animal has its own habits. If you take a closer look at the new resident, you can quickly figure out his preferences and inclinations.

The first impression that you get is that the “baby” likes to sleep? Easy and simple - Sonya, Splyushik. Animals with the corresponding behavior can be called Twirler, Zhivchik, Rogue, Bully or Bully, Slick, Playful and even Zorro or Loki. Those who like to refuel thoroughly are called:

  • Gryzli or Gryzlik;
  • Zhorka or Glutton;
  • Funtik;
  • Khomkoy;
  • Khrustik.

And if this is already reflected in the appearance - then Winnie the Pooh, Belly, Chubby, Fatty. The name Gargantua, say, would sound cool if it weren't so difficult to pronounce. However, it is up to the owners to reduce it to an easily pronounceable version.

Fluffies with an affectionate character are given names accordingly. They can become:

Reviews from owners about keeping chinchillas.

American nicknames

Nicknames with reference to English are also relevant for chinchillas. Still, they were brought precisely from the American continent. The names in the list below have references to English words. Those who are at least a little familiar with this language will understand from what word these nicknames are derived.

  • Angelo
  • Babe
  • Brig
  • Barney
  • Carbonic
  • Cloud
  • Crunch
  • Charlie

Gray Mouse loves greenery

  • Diset
  • Ias
  • Icy
  • Flax
  • Nutsie
  • Impish
  • Hamish
  • Deuce
  • Mouse
  • Mout
  • Maddie
  • Reggie
  • Rhine
  • Rainbowboy
  • Patsy
  • Willow
  • Floy
  • Fluffy
  • Fisher

Any stick is useful on the farm

  • Podge
  • Software
  • Flyer
  • Wind
  • Tussy
  • Squicky
  • Sand
  • Sox
  • Shade

Come to me, Baby!

The naming was successful - everyone liked the name of the new tenant, and now it would be nice for him to understand: this is HIS name, and he must respond to it.

People who have extensive experience communicating with chinchillas recommend that when talking with an animal, not to call them several affectionate names at once, such as “my sweetie”, “my beauty”, but to clearly pronounce the nickname given when meeting them.

A system of conditioned reflexes helps to accustom a chinchilla to a name.

When calling the rodent to you, hold in your hand some tasty product for him. I come up to you and give you a treat. A smart animal will very quickly correlate the sound of its nickname with the subsequent treat. This is how it will stick in memory.

The choice of a nickname for a chinchilla is not limited by any framework or clear and defined rules. It all depends on how developed the imagination and sometimes the sense of humor of the owners are, as well as how much they have managed to get to know the character and habits of their pet.

Nicknames by origin

According to researchers, the name of these animals comes from the name of the South American Indian tribe Chinchil, who were later exterminated by the Incas. Unfortunately, practically nothing is known about the Chinchyl tribe, except that they sewed clothes from the skins of these animals, combed them and spun yarn from the fluff. Most likely, the Indians bred chinchillas as pets. Although the tribe's language is lost, the common Indian origin speaks for itself. Why not give the animal an interesting name with a reference to the Indian dialect? Both interesting and unusual. Let's see what names for chinchillas, boys and girls, can be borrowed from the Indians.

  • Ajidomo (squirrel)
  • Amo (bee)
  • Amika (beaver)

We recommend watching: 365+ European names for dogs and cats

I'll throw it in the nest

  • Bigmagut (grape)
  • Wampum (necklace)
  • Webino (sorcerer)
  • Vemok (caterpillar)
  • Daginda (frog)
  • Jibi (spirit)
  • Yenadizzi (fashionista)
  • Ishkuda (light)
  • Kayoshk (seagull)
  • Kinyu (eagle)
  • Mangi (dive)
  • Mishe (great)
  • Madway (splash)
  • Opechi (bird)
  • Piboan (winter)
  • Sibovisha (stream)
  • Saegwon (spring)
  • Shishab (duckling)
  • Shosho (swallow)
  • Shogodai (coward)

Spotted Galeshka

  • Akichita (warrior)
  • Anpet (light)
  • Tanka (mystery)
  • Wakinya (grza)
  • Vanagi (spirit)
  • Wasichun (greedy)
  • Vahpe (leaf)
  • Vi (sun)
  • Wiyaka (feather)
  • Vinchinchala (girl)
  • Galeshka (spot)
  • Vophi (beautiful)
  • Mahpiy (cloud)
  • Mashtincha (rabbit)
  • Napin (decoration)
  • Sinte (tail)
  • Tate (breeze)
  • Toskala (fluffy)

How to accustom a chinchilla to a name

Chinchillas are very intelligent representatives of the rodent order, therefore they are able to remember and respond well to their nickname. There is no special technology for accustoming an animal to a nickname.

To make your pet remember its name, follow these simple steps:

  1. When passing a cage with an animal, call it by name. The voice should be gentle, the pronunciation should be clear.
  2. When feeding, call your pet by name several times each time. Feeding should take place at the same hours every day.
  3. When you call your rodent and he responds, give him a treat.

Important! When rewarding your pet with treats, you should strictly monitor the quantity and never overfeed the animal. For training purposes, you can use dried apricots, prunes, raisins, fresh fruits, rosehips, or special store-bought treats for animals. Thus, the choice of names for a small furry animal is huge. Approach the choice of nickname responsibly, but with humor. Remember that a pet's name can tell a lot about you as the owner and your attitude towards our little brothers.

The most “fluffy” nicknames

The most important “highlight” of a chinchilla is its fur. Soft, silky, fluffy. I want to touch him endlessly. Of course, for such an animal, “fluffy” nicknames will be very relevant.

I sit high, gnaw on twigs

  • Pooh
  • Pushinka
  • Fluffy
  • Boa
  • Kolobok
  • Ball
  • Cloud
  • Feather
  • Cotty
  • Cotton
  • Velours
  • Mohair

Did you know? The thickness of chinchilla fur is explained by the structure of the hair follicles. Up to 80 hairs can grow from one bulb at a time.

  • Plush
  • Dandelion
  • Willow
  • Feather grass
  • Lamb

Plush Ball

  • Fluff
  • Chick
  • Vatka
  • Batting
  • Pushana
  • Yetty
  • Bubba
  • Bubble

Names indicating character

Chinchillas, like any living creatures, have different personalities. Coming up with a name based on the character of the animal will not be difficult, but you can’t think of a better parameter for choosing a nickname. Let's look at the suitable options.

  • Angry
  • Nipper
  • Talker

Runner and Slider - speed run on the bed

  • Chatterbox
  • Rodent
  • Gnaw
  • Pachkusha
  • Runner
  • Gargle
  • Glutton
  • Zhora
  • Gourmand
  • Scops Owl
  • Sonya
  • FIFA
  • Clean
  • Mud
  • Garbage bin

Interesting! Water is hazardous to the health of chinchillas. But sand - no. That's why these cute animals only take sand baths. A chinchilla swimming in the sand is a very funny sight. It's worth a look.

  • Laskushka
  • Unsociable
  • Gloomy
  • Crybaby
  • Sadness

Happiness is in motion

  • Veselinka
  • Naughty girl
  • Naughty girl
  • Hooligan
  • Badboy
  • Runaway
  • Hvatun
  • Grab
  • Thief
  • Balabolka
  • Chatterbox
  • Fashionista
  • Maloyezhka
  • Spokushka
  • Reflux
  • Tumbler
  • Sloth
  • Lazy
  • Glove holder
  • Dive
  • Lurker
  • Curious
  • Curious
  • Climb
  • Shustrik
  • Meteor

Little Prankster

  • Obizhalkin
  • Sadness
  • Couch potato

What can you call a chinchilla?

When choosing a name for some animals, for example, breeding cows and bulls, there are a number of rules, for example, the animal's name must begin with the same letter as the name of the same-sex parent. When choosing a nickname for purebred cats and dogs, you should also adhere to some recommendations. In the case of a chinchilla nickname, the only limiting factor is your imagination.

Some traits of his character or appearance, funny habits and habits, even taste preferences can inspire a name for a pet. A popular option is also to name it after your favorite hero or character. The main thing is that the nickname is convenient, simple, and not too long. Below we will look at the options for names for chinchillas, grouped according to certain characteristics into categories. Important! It’s optimal if the animal’s nickname consists of 3–6 letters, including hissing ones—the pet is more likely to remember a short, expressive name. If the nickname is too long and complex, you need to come up with a shortened form for it.

Beautiful and modern names

If you want to name your pet a beautiful, sonorous, modern name, take a closer look at the options listed below:

  • for a boy: Alex, Albert, Dutchman, Antonio, Jerry, Blake, Walter, Noel, Mark, Leonardo, Jack, George;
  • for girls: Anfisa, Alexa, Madonna, Darcy, Gemma, Vasilisa, Chloe, Pearl, Matilda.

By coat color

Many animals have a gray fur coat, which is why the following names are often chosen for the pet: Fog, Smoky, Gray, Smoke, Dymok (Dymka), Ash. However, for individuals with fur of white, chocolate, black and other shades, you can choose the appropriate nickname:

  • Chocolate;
  • Snowball/Snowball;
  • Coal;
  • Casper;
  • Blackie;
  • Velvet;
  • Bagheera;
  • Caramel;
  • Cinnamon;
  • Ryzhulka;
  • Peach.

In addition to the color of the fur coat, you can use other characteristics and common names: Fluff, Fluffy, Mohnatik,

The nature

Unlike cats and dogs, chinchillas demonstrate the peculiarities of their temperament more restrainedly, however, each animal is unique, which can be emphasized by the appropriate nickname:

  • Shustrik;
  • Ushastik;
  • Sonya;
  • Bully;
  • Gryzlik/Gryzlya;
  • Biter;
  • Smart ass.

Did you know? Chinchilla fur is so soft and thick that parasites cannot even live in it.

According to taste preferences

If your pet shows a strong love for a particular food, use this to look for an unusual name:

  • Kremer;
  • Lime;
  • Cake;
  • Raisin/Raisin;
  • Julienne;
  • Bar;
  • Muslik;
  • Donut;
  • Dill;
  • Orange;
  • Citrus;
  • Cookie;
  • Meatball.

To size

It is worth mentioning that the size of the animal is rarely the basis for choosing a nickname, since all chinchillas have approximately the same parameters. However, in exceptional cases, the elegance and diminutiveness of the animal can be emphasized by an appropriate name:

  • Baby/Toddler;
  • Button;
  • Manyunya;
  • Chit;
  • Masyanya.

Read about the types and colors of chinchillas.

If the pet is distinguished by its outstanding size (in most cases it is a boy), it can be awarded the appropriate nickname:

  • Giant;
  • Hercules;
  • Hercules;
  • Zeus;
  • Barmaley;
  • Gulliver;
  • Shrek;
  • Hulk;
  • Samson;
  • Storm.

Well-fed pets can be affectionately called Pie, Kruglyash, Obzhorik, Donut, Bagel, Ball.

In honor of your favorite character

When choosing a name for a chinchilla in honor of your favorite hero, you can feel how creative the process is. After all, now the whole thing is limited by your imagination! Remember the bright characters from your favorite television series, films, books, cartoons, perhaps advertising, to choose an unusual and successful name for the animal. You can also use the names of historical and modern figures, scientists, philosophers, and ancient deities.

We recommend learning how to make a cage, a hammock, a wooden house for a display case, and the display itself for a chinchilla.

Some options for females:

  • Jasmine;
  • Masyanya;
  • Bella;
  • Elsa;
  • Juliet (Julia);
  • Ariel;
  • Bonnie;
  • Screw.

Nickname options for males:

  • Napoleon;
  • Mickey;
  • Jerry;
  • Newton;
  • Loki;
  • Louis;
  • Pumbaa;
  • Timon;
  • Raphael;
  • Ratatouille;
  • Simba;
  • Funtik.

Did you know? If attacked by a predator in the wild, the chinchilla has a unique defense mechanism - it sheds its fur.

Nicknames by color

Chinchillas have different colors, but most often they are gray in color with its shades. A separate category includes white and cream animals. Names in accordance with the colors are always a good solution.

For black animals the following options are suitable:

  • Ember
  • Dusk
  • Tuchka
  • Imp

Mischievous Little Imp

  • Devil
  • Chernysh
  • Chernushka
  • Blueberry
  • Bird cherry
  • Fly
  • Cherry
  • Agate
  • Jet
  • Darkness
  • bug
  • Night
  • Anthracite
  • Carbon
  • Black
  • Gypsy
  • Space

We recommend watching: 365+ beautiful names for white, black and gray rats

The following names are suitable for gray chinchillas:

  • Gray
  • Graphite
  • Serok
  • Smoke
  • Smokey
  • Smog
  • Serko
  • Graffiti
  • Amethyst
  • Apatite
  • Muddy
  • Lusatia
  • Stone
  • Top

And for white fluffies, the best names would be:

  • Albus
  • Albina
  • Snowball
  • Sugar

Curious Nose loves to sit in a basket

  • Sugarik
  • Bella
  • Squirrel
  • Blizzard
  • Diamond
  • Ice
  • Vanilla
  • Snowball
  • Amurchik
  • Swan
  • Iceberg
  • Ice
  • Blizzard
  • Whitey

Peach-colored chinchillas may be called:

  • Peach
  • Ryzhinka
  • Squirrel
  • Caramel
  • Sun
  • Antoshka
  • Caulk
  • Burik
  • Chanterelle
  • Kashtanka
  • Cinnamon
  • Turmeric
  • loaf
  • Pie
  • Apricot
  • Nectarine
  • Pumpkin
  • Latte

Simple wire cutters

The most primitive device is very similar to ordinary scissors. Only one of its cutting surfaces is equipped with a small notch with a sharp edge. Using such a device is easy, provided you have some skill and experience. For young dogs, nail trimming is always stressful. They do not want to sit quietly, they strive to tear the paw out of the owner’s hands and in every possible way complicate the process. So will not recommend such a gadget to novice dog breeders. The risk of causing serious physical injury to your pet is too great. Well, for experienced owners who have used similar tools more than once, nothing better can be desired. Cheap and very effective.

Cost – 35 – 72 rubles.

More advanced versions of hand cutters offer expanded functionality.

Although their main part, in the old fashioned way, is based on two cutting surfaces. Service additions imply only human convenience. Models with rounded ends, a container for cut claws and lighting have proven themselves very well. The fact is that some dogs have the habit of looking for clipped ends on the floor and eating them. Sharp, bent cuttings can damage the stomach wall and cause bleeding. A small “waste collection” effectively solves this problem.

Price – 636 rub.

Another gadget from the line of simple nippers has comfortable ergonomic handles that allow you to securely hold the tool while trimming nails.

This is important when the animal gets nervous and breaks out.

We pay attention to one more detail - the expansion spring. It fixes the cutting surfaces in the open state, which makes the operation somewhat easier.

Otherwise, the functions of the device duplicate all the features of its predecessors. To properly shorten claws, you must have the skill and achieve unquestioning obedience from your dog or cat.

Cost – 229.93 rubles.

Nicknames from animation and cinema

In animation and cinema there are always cute characters whose names can be used to name an exotic animal. Not only children, but also adult breeders will be delighted with such names.

  • Leo
  • Tig
  • Feofan

Baby Feofan

  • Bambul
  • Yara
  • Tasman
  • Spike
  • Leonella

Leo and Tig

  • Lily
  • Dante
  • Mapa
  • Bandiga
  • Opal
  • Zavirukha
  • Ali
  • Marshal
  • Sturdy
  • Gonchik
  • Rocky
  • Zuma
  • Sky
  • Everest
  • Reeve
  • Aykar
  • Aaron
  • Track
  • Grad
  • Xator
  • Kratus
  • Cryptus
  • Volcano
  • Koga
  • Khurik
  • Saburo
  • Kesha
  • Sanya
  • Sonya
  • Chick
  • Valya
  • Leopold
  • Chip

As you can see from this selection, choosing names for chinchillas, girls and boys, is not difficult. Which name did you like best, dear readers? And which nickname from the selection is the most inappropriate for cute fluffy fidgets? Write your opinion in the comments.

My favorite character

Most often it happens that children get a pet. And who, if not them, should be entrusted with the process of naming the animal, having previously explained what gender it is?!

We know from experience that many children give their animals the names of their favorite characters from popular cartoons. There will be Casper, and Jerry, and Barash, and Willie-winky, and Goofy, and Nathanya. You can also make a series like this:

  • Ike;
  • Bingo;
  • Dale;
  • Junior;
  • Pumbaa;
  • Simba;
  • Smurf;
  • Roger;
  • Teddy;
  • Theo.

The list can be continued endlessly: there are as many cartoons as there are heroes. And among them are beautiful and modern names, worthy only of your pet.

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