What can you name a dog? Choosing the right name for a puppy

Some owners do this before the puppy arrives in the house, and some only when the pet crosses the threshold of a new home. And yet: how and when should you choose a dog’s name? Perhaps you have dreamed all your life of having a dog named Sharik. Whether it’s a small lap dog or a huge Alabai - Sharik and that’s it! In this case, of course, you can name the dog in advance.

But experienced dog breeders advise choosing a name for a dog only after meeting it for the first time. Why? Having seen the tailed creature with your own eyes, you will understand for sure what the dog can be called. Observe the animal, study its external features, pay attention to its character and habits, and the question “what to name the puppy” will disappear on its own.

How to choose a name for a dog? Tips from dog handlers

So, you are planning a new addition to your family - a tailed-eared creature. How to choose a nickname for him? Rely on your taste and only your taste. After all, it is you who has to call out to your pet on a walk and call him to you at home. Taking into account simple recommendations, you will choose a dog name that both your four-legged friend and you will like:

  • choose a simple and short nickname. Dogs respond best to such names. The dog will quickly get used to the nickname and will delight you with his attention. And it will be easier for you to pronounce a short name. What to do if you are crazy about long and original names for dogs? No problem: you can proudly introduce your pet to others as Gaius Julius Caesar, but in private you can affectionately call him Yulik. And the wolves are fed, and the sheep are safe;
  • Consider the breed, size and color of the dog. A red dog named Snow White can cause slight dissonance among those around him. However, if both you and your dog are not against such discrepancies.. :);
  • Avoid nicknames that your previous pets had. All the past should remain in the past, and before you is a new friend with his own unique character and unique habits;
  • do not call animals by human names. It’s good if your friend of the same name is not offended that you named the dog Sergei. But what if your new neighbor (a person who doesn't know what a sense of humor is) happens to have the same name?

Why is choosing a nickname so important? “Whatever you call the ship, that’s how it will sail” - this is the answer to the question. An animal may not understand the meaning of beautiful words, but nicknames containing the letters r and f develop courage, determination and even independence in the dog. And dog names with the letters l, m, n awaken docileness, friendliness and affection in the animal.

The most fashionable and stylish nicknames

The vagaries of fashion also influence the names of animals. For example, the most fashionable name for a girl’s dog is Elsa, and for a male dog – Emerson. Along with these nicknames, the list of fashionable and stylish nicknames can be continued:

  • Harry
  • Finn
  • Sawyer
  • Kai
  • Lilo
  • Stella
  • Avery
  • Kylie
  • Aurora
  • Quinn
  • King
  • Hudson
  • Ray
  • Spike
  • Honor
  • Xprley
  • Opal
  • Caesar
  • Deimos

Domino the dog went for a walk

  • Nadine
  • Venus
  • Buggy
  • Beach
  • Bruno
  • Asia
  • Aziza
  • Tracey
  • Taylor
  • Memphis
  • Camilla
  • Karina
  • Zorro
  • Smokey
  • Dorothy
  • Dixie
  • Topsy
  • Merlin
  • Ripp

Rupert, Richie and Bundy - big-eared cuties

  • Freon
  • Pharaoh
  • Jumba
  • Janet
  • Judy
  • Vvesta
  • Damingo
  • Denali
  • Secret
  • Tania
  • Tina
  • Chaos

Where do you get ideas?

If the dog has just appeared in the house, you still have time to think and choose a worthy nickname. What if your pet has been living with you for a week or two? Leaving a dog without a name for so long is unacceptable. Where do you get ideas for nicknames? Use your imagination and... strain your memory. Animals are often given majestic names after islands, rivers, mountains, cities and even countries!

A cool nickname for a dog can be borrowed from movie characters: both people and animals. Do you want to give your pet a completely unusual name? Look around: perhaps an object will come into your field of vision whose name would be suitable as a name for a dog. In case inspiration still doesn’t strike you, you can always choose from a ready-made list of nicknames for four-legged creatures.

TOP English nicknames

The influence of the English language has left its mark on all areas of life, including nicknames. More and more breeders prefer to give their pets nicknames with an English slant. Let's look at the most popular ones that are included in the TOP English dog names:

  • Charlie
  • Snoop
  • Hopper
  • Hooch
  • Brian
  • Henzo
  • Jim
  • Justin
  • Lulu
  • Lily
  • Chris
  • Grace
  • Dakota

Akita became embarrassed

  • Henry
  • Charles
  • Daisy
  • Heidi
  • Liz
  • Diana
  • Piper
  • Prue
  • Rose
  • Tiffany
  • Dare
  • Chelsea
  • Briana
  • Diamond
  • Chester
  • Winchester
  • Groud
  • Crum
  • Lassie
  • Lazy
  • Lisa
  • Cole
  • Dream
  • Jackson
  • Mike

Smart Nora on vacation

  • Hux
  • Denver
  • Simba
  • Bradley
  • Ellie
  • Gage
  • Patch
  • Patrick
  • Arno
  • Chip
  • Pippi
  • Parkis

What to name a girl dog?

There are no special recommendations for choosing a name for a girl dog. The only important and understandable nuance: nicknames for male dogs are not suitable for females. As a rule, girls' dog names are beautiful and sweet-sounding. They should suit the pet, highlight her best qualities and encourage her to behave exemplary. When choosing a name for your four-legged friend, remember that you will have to say it at least 10 times a day.

We bring to your attention the original names of female dogs: Aiza, Alba, Aqua, Ami, Bounty, Bary, Belle, Venta, Goldie, Daisy, Gia, Jasmine, Giselle, Zabava, Yoko, Kylie, Kelly, Lada, Leila, Lassie, Margot, Mila, Monroe, Norma, Nellie, Audrey, Ollie, Ottawa, Pecky, Paris, Patsy, Rhonda, Rachel, Ruth, Rumba, Cindy, Skye, Sicily, Tiffany, Tootsie, Umi, Umbra, Fleur, Freya, Fancy, Charisma, Holly, Hindi, Happy, Celda, Zirconia, Tsabbi, Tsvetik, Chansi, Chelsea, Chanel, Shoko, Shari, Edel, Eliza, Ash, Eugette, Yunna, Justina, Jamaica.

Rare names of people

A great idea is to come up with a derivative nickname from the rarest “human” names:

  • Clayton;
  • Marika;
  • Jonas;
  • Carmela;
  • Brizon;
  • Mira;
  • Stephen;
  • Merida;
  • Corbin;
  • Siri;
  • Leona;
  • Ethan;
  • Amaya;
  • Aida;
  • Lars;
  • Even;
  • Bosco;
  • Tobin;
  • Lara.

Larsi Puppy:

You can look at the rarest names, divided into categories. For girls:

  • Muslim: Mavile, Ilyuza, Zemfira, Safura, Nomina, Nuria, Hadiya, Shakira, Sevara, Enger.
  • Catholic: Beata, Celeste, Agapia, Dolores, Alda, Blanca, Ricarda, Sheila. Florence, Ethel, Hilary, Edith.
  • Orthodox: Melania, Miropia, Domna, Ilaria, Lukia, Militsa, Thekla, Patricia.
  • Russians: Domnika, Tayan, Zoryana, Tsvetana, Iya, Rusalina, Yunia, Vladana, Ustinya, Yarina, Iskra.

Selection for boys:

  • Muslim: Yunus, Almaz, Zufar, Tamaz, Zakir, Zufar, Blaise, Zaur, Samat, Imran, Iskander, Mukhtar, Kasim, Fazil, Dalil, Gayaz.
  • Catholic: Hercule, Blaise, Marcellus, Guido, Donatus, Gaspard, Roland, Perry, Timon, Noel, Lawrence, Conrad.
  • Orthodox: Zeno, Pakhom, Gerasim, Agap, Ustin, Orestes, Ephraim, Vincent, Fedot, Heraclius, Luyan.
  • Russians: Sidor, Frol, Osip, Eremey, Anfim, Potap, Khariton, Radium.

And this is Zeno:

Nicknames for boys dogs

What should you consider when choosing a name for your beloved dog? Remember that a cute puppy will grow into a future protector who must be obedient, brave and responsible. Therefore, names for male dogs are chosen accordingly. What should you name a male puppy if you want to see in him the qualities of a companion (friendliness, cheerful disposition and carefreeness) above all? Then unusual nicknames for male dogs can be used.

Choose an interesting name for your pet from the list: Ice, Asterix, Alf, Velvet, Bob, Black Jack, Byte, Voice, Woof, Gaff, Golden, Good, Gary, Juice, Dexter, Dandy, Gerard, Zack, Zico, Icarus, Hindu , X, Carat, Coconut, Klaus, Locky, London, Louis, Moby, Macho, Marmaduke, Nordie, Noir, Nukki, Onyx, Otto, Ocean, Pike, Paul, Punch, Wright, Ricco, Rockefeller, Red, Skip, Smurf , Snape, Toki, Ted, Uno, Walker, Franky, Photon, Haik, Hugh, Cyrus, Celer, Chao, Choice, Chase, Chance, Shrek, Shot, Eragon, Angel, Ellipse, Yukos, YouTube, Jacob, Janos.

Best names with meaning

The trend is that most often breeders gravitate towards names whose meaning is precise and succinct. For example, Alain means handsome, and Dior means golden. From different nations you can find beautiful words that quickly take root as nicknames. What other nicknames with beautiful meanings do breeders like:

  • Boom - arrow
  • Jean is a good man
  • Louis - famous warrior
  • Mark - militant
  • Lu is a wolf
  • Claude is lame
  • Vayu - bandit
  • Dylan is a Leo
  • Arman - brave
  • Basil is the king
  • Poirot is a simpleton

Pekingese - the emperor's pocket dog

  • Hati - bee
  • Teko – chocolate
  • Moka - coffee
  • Kuro – black
  • Ryu - dragon
  • Haru - spring

Did you know? Chinese emperors always wore a Pekingese dog in the wide sleeves of their clothes. She served as an excellent guard for the emperor on occasions when bodyguards were not around.

  • Bertie – bright
  • Shadow - shadow
  • Sunny is the sun
  • Osman - heavenly
  • Bark - lightning
  • Askar - warrior
  • Adjar - dragon
  • Daushi - screamer
  • Starkey - star
  • Rhine - rain
  • Ike is a favorite
  • Yoshiko - baby

We recommend watching: 495+ beautiful names for Yorkie boys

Little Angie with an offended face

  • Dansor - dancer
  • Angie is an angel
  • Nathan - nocturnal
  • Boy - boy
  • Forest - forest
  • Snowy - snowball
  • Pappy - puppy
  • Kotti – cotton
  • Fresh - freshness
  • Iron - iron
  • Galaxy - galaxy
  • Dusty – dusty

Names for small dogs

What to name a small boy dog? We offer a number of funny nicknames: Amurchik, Artik, Archik, Bon-bon, Bonik, Bow, Vintik, Vitamin, Glitch, Dobie, Raccoon, Zigzag, Zhivchik, Zephyr, Raisin, Ivashechka, Knopik, Clip, Buttercup, Mouse, Muffin, Nice , Nafanya, Oji, Ozik, Peach, Fluff, Rumbik, Ricks, Smiley, Smurf, Rusk, Tick, Tofik, Tube, Umka, Foxik, Flick, Ponytail, Hitch, Candied, Cent, Miracle, Chip, Shustik, Lace, El , Yuki, Yupik, Jap.

What to name a small girl dog? Perhaps you will like one of a number of cute nicknames: Asya, Aika, Adelka, Barbie, Busya, Vi-vi, Freckle, Gadget, Grunya, Gunya, Julie, Dolly, Erosh, Zhivinka, Zhulya, Bunny, Zvezdochka, Zizi, Zyukyu, Toffee, Ivy, Knopa, Kiwi, Candy, Lilu, Lala, Masya, Monya, Naisi, Nochka, Nyusha, Olive, Osya, Cookie, Patty, Piggy, Stasya, Susie, Tootsie, Tuchka, Tyapa, Frutti, Fi- fi, Hannis, Hasya, Tsypa, Chapa, Shuga, Ellis, Yulsi, Yagodka, Yasya.

Names for small dogs should highlight the beauty of the tiny creatures. As a rule, small dogs belong to decorative creatures and are considered companion dogs, which means they have a cheerful and even perky disposition. Often, nicknames for small dogs are selected based on their dominant character traits and, of course, size.

TOP exotic nicknames

While everyone has long been accustomed to European names, nicknames with an Asian and African slant are still considered unusual and exotic. What names are the most popular among breeders? Let's look:

  • Mbongo
  • Ardash
  • Advig
  • Gotti
  • Bayram
  • Bai
  • Bulgani

The car is securely guarded

  • Bongani
  • Jumbo
  • Wei
  • Zena
  • Zian
  • Dong
  • Congo
  • Gwala
  • Acuna
  • Yakshita
  • Yunus
  • Cengala
  • Chaconne
  • Jian
  • Hammat
  • Hafiza
  • Firuzi

Dongo is bored without his owner

  • Avdar
  • Anika
  • Dongo
  • Akita
  • Aching
  • Hansch
  • Farey
  • Kill
  • Jumanji
  • Rotonga
  • Rong
  • Riya
  • Mia
  • Nayvi
  • Christha
  • Uni
  • Charna
  • Gunda
  • Gird
  • Salmir
  • Tiurra
  • Turis
  • Lacusa
  • Kalt
  • Ignis
  • Tunar

Hunting and service breeds

Dogs, who faithfully serve for the benefit of humans, are distinguished by such qualities as endurance, courage, and intelligence. They have a huge heart, an excellent sense of smell and keen hearing. Agree, such animals cannot be called Buttons or Cannons. Hunting breeds are given loud and majestic nicknames for hunting dogs, and service breeds, accordingly, are given memorable and loud nicknames for working dogs.

Nicknames for bitches: Alpha, Athena, Storm, Blackie, Viva, Vendetta, Wave, Hekta, Groza, Gina, Delta, Zhdana, Ziga, Zolda, Irma, Ithaca, Capa, Crazy, Cleopatra, Lucky, Laila, Avalanche, Marta, Marquise, Milagress, Nagini, Nadira, Nefertiti, Olympia, Olvia, Persa, Midnight, Pul, Riviera, Riga, Rolda, Lynx, Sparky, Santa, Taiga, Mystery, Terra, Luck, Ulana, Hannah, Horta, Cicada, Tsuzaki, Chaika, Chutta, Sheltie, Shumka, Electra, Eda, Yarina, Jasper.

Nicknames for male dogs: Atlant, Artos, Argon, Boston, Batman, Viscount, Vansay, Vesuvius, Gambit, Hercules, Dymok, Dingo, Dante, Yenisei, Jardin, Harness, Zeus, Impulse, Captain, Capone, Trap, Laurel, Lord, Marquis, Myth, Neo, Noise, Obelisk, Omon, Perseus, Pumbaa, Patron, Robin, Rambo, Roar, Stavr, Samurai, Sapphire, Tyson, Titan, Uranus, Ural, Pharaoh, Hunter, Hammer, Hulk, Cerberus, Caesar, Chigray, Chuk, Sherlock, Stirlitz, Shocker, Yungus, Eugene, Yakut, Yamakashi.

Using practical advice, you will choose a name that you will enjoy saying and your dog will enjoy hearing.

Mistakes when choosing a nickname

Quite often, when giving a pet a name, people make serious mistakes. For example, a proud and independent Rottweiler is given a funny and diminutive nickname (Funtik, Venik, Kissel and the like). Since the name also reflects part of the character, the Rottweiler can turn from a beautiful stately dog ​​into a stupid dog. Do not underestimate the role of a nickname in raising a pet. A purebred dog, whose name even cats will laugh at, can easily turn into the most ordinary mongrel.

It is also not recommended to give names to previously deceased animals. The thing is that every dog ​​is individual. By giving the same name to a new pet, you will expect it to become similar to your previous pet. What if it doesn't? Then you will be very disappointed. Let the arrival of a new family friend bring only positive emotions to your home.

Funny Yorkies

The Yorkshire Terrier is a cutie who will not leave anyone indifferent. He is a smart, independent and fairly calm dog. This indoor decorative dog breed is the most popular in Russia.

Its history is not too long. Yorkies were bred in the English county of Yorkshire. For this breed, dog names with meanings are presented below:

  • Eva is an elegant and graceful name for a real lady. Such a dog will behave a little narcissistically, but will not deprive you of affection.
  • Busya is sweet and funny. She will be active and very playful.
  • Jean is an independent and very serious dog.
  • Marco is a true gentleman. He is very kind and affectionate to his owners.
  • Yasya is a sweet and full of surprises dog. She loves to demonstrate her character, be offended and stubborn.

Smart "Germans"

German Shepherds are one of the most popular dogs in the world. Who doesn't know this big and stately dog? Greif is the first representative of this breed at the exhibition in Hannover. He laid the foundation for the pedigree book of German Shepherds. It's no secret that this breed is easy to train, gets along well with children and is most often used in the police, army, and border protection. Of course, such a smart and beautiful dog should have an appropriate nickname. We will consider their meaning for a dog (German Shepherd):

  • Aza is a strong and bright name that will highlight the dog’s individuality. But good upbringing and training will be important for such a pet, otherwise it will grow uncontrollable.
  • Bars is a proud and unusual name. It is directly related to feline predators - snow leopards (irbis). These are incredibly cunning and large mammals.
  • Daisy is graceful and quirky. She will not eat from someone else's hands. She needs a lot of affection and care, but in return she will become an excellent protector and loyal friend.
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