More than 300 nicknames for shepherd dogs: names for dogs of boys and girls

The German Shepherd is one of the most common breeds in Russia. This is due to the breed’s low aggressiveness, easy training, and high level of intelligence. These dogs are equally well suited for home protection, caring for people with disabilities, as well as for law enforcement and military service. The name for a dog of this breed should be chosen based on the environment in which the shepherd girl will grow up.

Beauty Calypso

Top popular nicknames in Russia

When choosing a name for an animal, you need to consider a number of important factors. Namely:

  • brevity, the name should be easy to pronounce and repeat multiple times;
  • understandability (the use of foreign words and meanings is encouraged, depending on the owner’s taste, but the owner himself must understand what his pet’s name means);
  • correspondence of the name to the dog’s lifestyle.

There are several approaches to choosing a name for a dog. This:

  • historical factors;
  • features of the appearance of the breed;
  • character of the dog;
  • famous representatives of the breed;
  • associations.

In Russia, the most popular names for girl shepherd dogs include the following:

  • Samantha;
  • Daina;
  • Agatha;
  • Chloe;
  • Gina;
  • Vicki;
  • Aida;
  • Barça;
  • Snowstorm;
  • Camilla;
  • Diana;
  • Clara;
  • Daphne;
  • Beauty;
  • Squirrel;
  • Carly;
  • Glory;
  • Glad;
  • Basta;
  • Storm;
  • Vega;
  • Bertha;
  • Dora;
  • Iris;
  • Cindy;
  • Greta;
  • Lucy;
  • Zara;
  • Venus;
  • Bertha;
  • Glory;
  • July;
  • Gretchen;
  • Eve;
  • Isolde;


  • Yanita;
  • Tina;
  • Muse;
  • Molly;
  • Donna;
  • Santa;
  • Nymph;
  • Terra;
  • Myrtle;
  • Lorrie;
  • Vesta;
  • Naida;
  • Paul;
  • Lana;
  • Indie;
  • Christie;
  • Bark;
  • Margo;
  • Nanny;
  • Kayla;
  • Irma.

Charming Jacqueline

Names for German Shepherd from different parts of the world

Most popular options are borrowed from foreign languages. If you don’t know what to name a German Shepherd girl or boy, then look through special collections or just look at the ratings of frequently registered names in different countries.


Despite its German roots, the Shepherd is very popular in Russia. It is used by almost all agencies carrying out operational investigative activities. For this reason, there is no shame in calling your pet Zakhar or Gordey.

To avoid a large number of namesakes, try to avoid too popular options and turn to Old Church Slavonic:

  • Boyan is a fighter;
  • Dalebor - participant in military campaigns;
  • Koloyar is a virtuoso warrior;
  • Orislav – strong;
  • Sudislav - fair;
  • Belyana – light;
  • Deya – active;
  • The trees are from an ancient family;
  • Lyme - happiness;
  • Lyuta is harsh.

Do not name your dog Sasha or Masha, or after your family members. This will cause confusion both at home and outdoors.

English and American

In England and America, a child inherits two names at once: personal and middle. Because of this, in both countries, four-legged pets are also often given double nicknames: Rocket Boy (rocket boy), Jungle Child (jungle child), Pappy Love (puppy love). Such options require a longer memorization, so for simplicity it is better to take something from the classics:

  • Bill is strong-willed;
  • James is next on the heels;
  • Cody – ready to help;
  • Hunter - hunter;
  • Earl is a nobleman;
  • Amber is a jewel;
  • Daisy - daisy;
  • Heidi – energetic;
  • Niv is bright.

Borrowed surnames would also look good in Russian: Smith, Harris, Clark, Price or Ross.


Scandinavia is associated with the Vikings, so borrowing from Finnish, Swedish or Norwegian will give your pet the image of a brave war dog. The most popular options include the following:

  • Bjorn – carrier;
  • Whip - knot;
  • Orm – snake;
  • Snor – striker;
  • Olaf - heritage of ancestors;
  • Astrid - divine beauty;
  • Ilva is a she-wolf;
  • Kaya – mistress;
  • Siri is a wonderful victory;
  • Elin is a torch.

The most famous Scandinavians from the film industry are the Skarsgård family, Viggo Mortensen, Nikolaj Coster-Waldau and Dolph Lundgren. If you admire the work of these actors, then name your favorite after one of them.

European, including German

In addition to the listed languages, it remains possible to take any European language. Among the most popular countries are the following:

  1. Germany.

    The local language will highlight your pet's origins: Astor (hawk), Rainer (wise warrior), Fritz (peaceful ruler), Kuno (brave).

  2. France.

    Her language is famous for its fluidity and melodic pronunciation, which is perfect for female shepherd dogs: Giselle (arrow), Esther (star), Arlette (eagle), Jacqueline (eclipsing).

  3. Italy.

    The most common Italian surname is Russo, and the given name is Alessandro. Among the women, the leaders are Aurora, Sofia and Julia.

If desired, the presented list can be supplemented with Mexican, Japanese or Chinese. Due to the diversity of nations, there are practically no restrictions on this criterion.

Original German names

Initially, the German Shepherd was a herding dog - reliable and skillful, calm and attentive. These skills were instilled in the breed by German breeders over several centuries.

Interesting! The first mention of German Shepherds in their current form appeared less than a hundred years ago.

German nicknames:

  • Cloudy;
  • Karen;
  • Sabina;
  • Subby;
  • Hayley;
  • Gertrude;
  • Barbara;
  • Monica;
  • Olda;
  • Ingrid;
  • Angelina;
  • Nicole;
  • Petra;
  • Fanny;
  • Zoe;
  • Oh yeah;
  • Ella;
  • Agatha;
  • Betsy;
  • Alexis;
  • Amanda;
  • Frida;
  • Trina;
  • Taya;
  • Riji;
  • Abby;
  • Ice;
  • Agnia;
  • Anabella;
  • Alba;
  • Rose;
  • Undine;
  • Talley;
  • Boni;
  • Bridget;
  • Blizzard;
  • Saya;
  • Chinga;

Cute Alexis

  • Barty;
  • Viola;
  • Bianca;
  • Honda;
  • Vicki;
  • Gretta;
  • Jess;
  • Daisy;
  • Sharon;
  • Josephine;
  • Josie;
  • Jeta;
  • Elsa;
  • Dina;
  • Ilda;
  • Leona;
  • Lacoste;
  • Alby;
  • Marcy;
  • Olivia;
  • Piper;

Active Tracy

  • Roxy;
  • Becky;
  • Renata;
  • Sandra;
  • Tracy;
  • Simpa;
  • Charlie;
  • Fabi;
  • Shari.

German nicknames from the dictionary:

  • Shona – beautiful;
  • Kluga – smart;
  • Mutze – sleepyhead;
  • Khokhi – tall;
  • Pants - fragile;
  • Fiddy – cheerful;
  • Active – active;
  • Freundin - girlfriend;
  • Familia – family;
  • Mädchen is a girl;
  • Urli is a holiday;
  • Sonne – sun;
  • Mondi – moon;
  • Wolves are a cloud;
  • Teddy - bear cub;
  • Pfiffi – fox;
  • Mitty – food;
  • Foyer - fire;
  • Salute - fireworks;
  • Blume – flower;
  • Hoya - home.

We recommend watching: 318+ military and police nicknames
Alternatively, you can turn to other countries to choose a breed for a dog. Most Popular:

  • Sally, Linda, Mira, Jules, Rebecca, Mattie, Cindy, Melissa, Natalie, Rima - USA;
  • Maria, Sonya, Lilia, Mila, Letizia, Rosalita, Carmelita, Milagros - Italy;
  • Calha, Rahisa, Ramona, Frida, Nasha, Totsi, Yoki, Herit, Naira, Oinita, Donoma, Isa, Alejandra, Michelle, Frida, Yamka, Jose - Mexico;
  • Apoli, Azozi, Ati, Kiya, Leila - Egypt;
  • Dicky, Agus, Andri, Sandi, Ferdy, Diaz - Indonesia;
  • Mercedes, Soledad, Dolores, Marcy, Nacho, Pepita, Mojdesta, Lolita, Amaya, Susana, Rica - Spain;
  • Karina, Ophelia, Ariana, Ines, Perla, Sofia, Serafina, Silvia, Susanna, Marisol - Portugal.

Beautiful names

It’s easy to choose a euphonious nickname for a German Shepherd:

  • Ada, Aina, Aurora, Aida, Alice, Alita, Alba, Alpha, Iris, Aisa, Alma, Alkona, Angara, Aisha, Anta, Anita, Appi, Arma, Arizona, Arleta, Assol, Astena, Atika, Aelita.
  • Bakara, Bagryana, Bagheera, Beta, Berta, Belka, Basta, Bestia, Bima, Bianka, Bilda, Binga, Bona, Blanca, Britta, Benna, Barry, Blonka, Buta, Betsy, Betty.
  • Venus, Varna, Velda, Viva, Vita, Vicki, Vendetta, Volga, Vernaya, Vienna, Vega, Vista, Volta, Volnaya, Vyuga.
  • Gerda, Gabi, Gretta, Gella, Gamma, Gressi, Dream, Thunderstorm, Gloria, Gita.
  • Delta, Jesse, Dayna, Dina, Gemma, Dita, Darina, Dinga, Donna.
  • Yegera, Egoza, Eva, Yesenia.
  • Zheka, Zhanna, Zhuli, Jessie, Zherika, Jolly, Josephine, Zhilka, Zhucha.
  • Zara, Zilda, Fun, Zelda, Zita, Zarina, Zorya, Zenta, Zeya, Star, Zora, Zlata, Zone, Zapevka, Zateyka, Tease, Zarri, Winter, Zereta.
  • Willow, Isis, Isolde, Spark, Ilda, Inga, Indigo, Toffee, Ista, Irma.
  • Kalma, Carrie, Kalina, Kama, Cameo, Karina, Capa, Christy, Orca, Carmen, Quinta, Kashtanka, Kenara, Kedra, Katie, Kinga, Cobra, Kolda, Cora, Costa, Kriza, Krona, Crazy.
  • Laima, Linda, Laura, Lavra, Lada, Lira, Lucky, Larry, Leya, Lana, Laska, Leda, Leila, Laura, Lottie, Lutta, Lugana, Lassie.
  • Mike, Magda, Mira, Marena, Malta, Maxi, Marta, Marquise, Mirta, Maggie, Milady, Dream, Metelitsa, Midi, Mickey, Mlada, Monty, Monica, Madeleine, Maggie, Merry.
  • Nirvana, Nona, Naida, Nevada, Neva, Negri, Neidzhi, Neya, Nessie, Nita, Nymph, Nora, Nika, Norma, Note, Nitra, Nerly.
  • Oda, Ocher, Olympia, Okhta, Oka, Oji, Oxa, Ollie, Oma, Omega, Orta, Ottawa, Hunt, Osta, Ophelia.
  • Panny, Pandora, Pyrrha, Penny, Paris, Peggy, Song, Pitta, Prima, Pride, Puma, Perry.
  • Rocket, Runa, Rada, Rexy, Radiad, Roina, Rally, Rachel, Rena, Rita, Roxana, Rosetta, Ruzanna, Rosa, Rusta, Rumba, Rema, Lynx, Remina, Rochelle.
  • Sonnet, Snezha, Sunny, Sky, Saiga, Silva, Santa, Sandra, Svega, Siren, Selena, Cindy, Sparta, Strelka, Suzanne, Stoney, Starkey, Cindy.
  • Taiga, Tyra, Tomila, Taman, Mystery, Tilda, Tango, Teida, Tequila, Tessa, Thames, Tora, Timona, Tina, Toira, Teddy, Terry, Toulouse, Troy, Twixie, Turandot.
  • Umka, Ulana, Ulma, Uma, Ursula, Unika, Ondine, Ulita.
  • Faina, Fabi, Farina, Fanny, Felica, Freddie, Fita, Flera, Fortuna, Fanta, Flora, Frau, Francesca, Frezzi, Frida, Furia, Fora.
  • Hanny, Helga, Chloe, Helma, Happy, Hitti, Khibina, Khlada, Juana, Chlora, Harry, Horda.
  • Cera, Cesa, Celli, Cea, Cercea, Csonna, Cilda, Cyana, Cyta, Zinia.
  • Chakki, Changa, Chaika, Chappa, Cherry, Chase, Charita, Chesma, Cherkiza, Chili, Chiola, Choppi.
  • Shanni, Charlotte, Crazy, Shona, Shilda, Shahinya, Shelma, Sherry, Sheina, Shusta, Skoda.
  • Eji, Ella, Eureka, Aegis, Elite, Elba, Erica, Esther, Enta.
  • Yuventa, Yukka, Yuzefa, Juno, Judita, Yuma, Yuzhana, Yunga, Yurma, Yusta.
  • Java, Yara, Yanika, Yaraya, Yanga.

The dog's name is short, bright, ringing. The name should not contain more than 6-8 letters, it consists of 2-3 syllables. For “German women” you need nicknames with hard, voiced consonants: “r”, “d”, “g”, “z”.

German Shepherd Gretta:

Young “German” Juventa:

Little German Shepherd Gloria:

Names with meaning

Original selection of names with meaning:

  • mighty - Dicky;
  • strong – Indri;
  • homeland - Hendra;
  • river - Rio;
  • powerful - Faisai;
  • defender - Farry;
  • noble - Adi;
  • brave - Nanda;
  • truth – Saiful;
  • cheerful - Roni;
  • warm - Ardi;
  • lunar - Dian;
  • warrior - Satria;
  • queen - Regi;
  • flower – Amizi;
  • beautiful soul – Banafrit;
  • princess - Erby;
  • love – Ife;
  • storm - Cappy;
  • leopard – Nebit;
  • gold – Nubiti;
  • good - Naina;
  • fair - Rashida;
  • talented - Tabitha;
  • good - Halima;
  • wonderful – Shanina;
  • luck – Shay.

Interesting! It is not uncommon for owners to choose double names when choosing a name for a shepherd dog. They are written down in the dog's documents. This is ideal in cases where the shepherd dog participates in exhibitions and competitions.

For boys (male nicknames)

Nicknames starting with the letter A

Archie Arnie Cupid Azar Alt Angus Altai Agate Alan Artos Antaeus Ares Anchar Apollo Achilles Akamaru Akello Amigo Armen Ajax Aaron Axel Augur Amethyst Adamant Areon Aleas Adjar Almaz Athos Ares Alegro Atas Avatar Azimuth Aji Armani Amadeo Aslan Alfred Albus

Nicknames starting with the letter B

Buddy Bim Beck Byron Bima Barry Blade Bonya Butch Bonnie Burton Barney Bucks Black Borman Blade Bernard Babur Benya Bucephalus Bike Brutus Bugs Brawler Buster Bingo Barchi Balkan Beckham Boss Baden Bart Butler Buckler Best Bobby Bruno Butch Screwtape Bastian Baggio Burke Benedict Basta

Nicknames starting with the letter B

Wolf Vic Wally Vicci Roller Heather Vinnie Viking Watson Wolf Shuttlecock Roller Voivode Vandam Valium Walter Velez Winston Valdai West Knight Vito Volt Vincent William Weiss Vulcan Volt Bill Vostok Vinci Veron Vasco Viscount

Nicknames starting with the letter G

Thunder Count Gray Hector Grice Hans Duke Grem Hephaestus Hex Hyde Grat Geri Gold Ganj Hamlet Ginter Gar**__**d Gaspar Helios Garrett Goliath Hercules Gross the Terrible Galifate Homer Hermes Goodwin Garant Henry Gall Horus Gambit Harold Gimli Greg Harry

Nicknames starting with the letter D

Dick Den Dark Dundee Joni Dave Jack Damon Jax Diesel Davlat Dazzle Joker Dingo Dandy Jago Juice Denis Gianco DeVito Dan Dobie Day James Dobie Diego Davis Dolph Dexter Danae Dustin Dickens

Nicknames starting with the letter E

Ermak Esaul Ermolai Eshka Evfrat Ever Endi Egypt Eroshka Efrem Eremey Yenisei Yeger Erkhan Emelyan

Nicknames starting with the letter Z

Jean Zheka Jasper Zhivago Jeanpaul Joseph Zhuchi Jacques Zhivago Gendarme

Nicknames for the letter 3

Zeus Sigmund Siegfried Architect Zoidberg Zoriy Badass Sunset Zag Zufar Zoltan Zidan Zyuzik

Nicknames starting with the letter I

Emerald Icarus Inc Inter Impulse Indigo Iron Illidan Invar Imperial Eastwood Irtysh Ymir Hindu Ilmir Ignat Ingar Iskander

Nicknames starting with the letter K

Casper Cosmos Chris Clyde Kuzya Kai Kansas Kuzya Klaus Kazbek Kaisar Cas Kubik King Christopher Clif Kevin Courage Conan Fang Kaiser Kuchum Cardinal Kron Cartel Kenny Claude Candy Crete Kiwi Caucasus Clark Cortez

Nicknames starting with the letter L

Lord Leo Light Line Loyd Larry Lucas Lexus Lynch Lyman Lymus Lapus Lars Lector Luke Lyuty Luchik Life Luigi Lestor Legolaz Lime Life Lestor Luntik Lavrenty Lucian Live Ledger Leps Larion Leid Leader LeBron London Larsen Leonard Lordon Lancer Lear Lucien Luciano

Nicknames starting with the letter M

Mickey Milo Marcel Martin Mack Mike Meni Marty Mich Marik Sailor Merc Marat Mickey Motya Mikey Marco Mavrik Morgan Marcus Milan Matthew Maidan Madrid Mustang Marshall Menni Mateo Mafin Moby Madison

Nicknames starting with the letter N

Nick Knight Nord Napoleon Newman Nemo Noah Nikos Narcis Nezhik Norfolk Nelson Neo Nix Notty Niko Napas Noort Nerzul Nyson Next Nestar Nils Navarro Narzan Nathan Neil Newton Nurgle Nicolas Nissan Nevil

Nicknames starting with the letter 0

Oscar Otis Oliver Oswald Olaf Odin Oji Osman Osborn Ontario Overlord Orange Onyx Optimist Orbit Audrey Obiwan Oryx Alder Odysseus Olympus Onuphrius Olympus Ozone Austin Oasis Octavian Ostap Otar

Nicknames starting with the letter P

Pirate Pike Prince Peach Prime Percy Perseus Porthos Pierre Pif Pixel Pluto Persian Pumbaa Perry Pilate Pike Prokhor Pride Pink Poseidon Pappy Pleo Poof Preston Paul Phantom Pele Patriot Plato Chime Broadsword Pantile Pepper Pablo Puffy

Nicknames starting with the letter R

Rex Roy Riddick Ramses Rico Ray Ride Rem Roni Raf Rain Ricco Rango Rolf Real Rubik Russell Reddy Report Raymond Remmy Ramir

Nicknames starting with the letter C

Sam Simon Stiff Samson Sky Sauron Spike Snowball Silvio Sultan Smile Sonic Seth Simon Smokey Saava Spice Sj Syoma Stark Salavat Slark Smesh Semuel Stalker Santa Sydney Sangreal

Nicknames starting with the letter T

Tyson Tim Teddy Toby Thor Tato Ted Terry Tyler Twix Toris Theodore Texas Tamerlane Titan Time Timon Tagir Taylan Trevor Typhoon Takeshi Tonic Thomas Truffle Talisman Twink Tikhon Torias Totoro Thores Tayjay Topaz Thorium

Nicknames starting with the letter U

Uranus Vincent Ulan Walter Urwin White Wilfred Udmurt Ural Ulfiy Urban Ursan Ushastik Ulyan Clever Ursa Success Wesley Hurricane Wesley Urfin

Nicknames starting with the letter F

Phil Fox Frank Fry Frodo Flyer Phil Fred Frankie Fredi Filimon Fakir Phantom Fadango Faust Favorite Finn Forest Phaeton Fabio Fedor Fletcher Fidel Figaro Pound Franz Phobos Fresh Foros Frost

Nicknames starting with the letter X

Hachiko Khan Happy Ponytail Heidi Hooch Hammer Jose Khabar Haif Henk Hardy Hugo Hast Christopher Hacker Khalif Hitch Heiko Charon Heath Hunt Hamil Harley

Nicknames starting with the letter C

Caesar Qigong Centurion Cent Candied Ceylon Central Centner Qikun Cerium Cyclone Cesei

Nicknames starting with the letter H

Charlie Chuck Cheese Chop Chessy Chip Chester Chips Chally Chayzer Chase Charlise Chain Chang Siskin Circassian Servant Lapwing Chiter Chebur Chernomor Chief Sorcerer

Nicknames starting with the letter Sh

Sheriff Sherlock Sharkhan Shah Sheldon Sherry Shocks Shakespeare Shonya Sheikh Schwartz Storm Naughty Shultz Shabbat Lace Sherman Scarfey Sheik Shpuntik Nameplate Shelest

Nicknames starting with the letter E

Alvin Eric Ernie Eclipse Elf Edgar Edmund Eyre Andrew Alice Eragon Eclair Edwin Andy Edward

Nicknames starting with the letter Y

Eugene Yukki Eugene Juventus Yuliy Justin Yutos Yunik Yusuf Yulian

Nicknames starting with the letter I

Yakut Yarik Yantar Jacob Yanis Yary Yakhont Yarmak Jaguar Yanush Yantar Yang Yamal

The coolest and the best

Tristan Fabian Simon Paris Francois Harley Miracle Fakir Martin Silk Eric Felix Simon August Atlas

Simple and easy

Bucks Venya Zhorik Raisin Cupcake Cube Motya Syoma Senya Styopa Syapa Tema Tosha Chip Yurik


Hector Laurus Hephaestus Bonaparte Proteus Sensei Sultan Charm

Cool and funny

Absinthe Loaf Bacon Bonus Boatswain Bagel Butuz Whiskey Gar**__**d Gryzlik Joker Zhuzhik Marshmallow Casper Kefir Coconut Korzhik Krepysh Luchik Buttercup Major Pouf Rubik Truffle Date Funtik Tsukat Chapai


Tyson Zakhar Zephyr Jack Dick Herman Stuart Schwartz Black

Unusual, interesting and original

Count Prince King Zeus Olympus Caesar Barin Sheriff Rome Sheikh Marquis Antaeus Helios


Pirate Bandit Buyan Baron Potap Stepan Max Polkan


Oscar Ralph Rex Richard Robin Roger Spike Sam Sylvester Simon Stephen Stanley Taylor Teddy Tom William Winston Freddy Felix Frank Hugh Houston


Johan – “good-natured” Karl – “freedom-loving” Carsten – “God’s follower” Caspar – “one to be treasured” Clemens – “merciful” Konrad – “advice” Lammert – “open spaces” Leonhard – “strong as a lion” Manfred – “ peaceful force" Marcus - "warrior" Meinhard - "brave" Olberich - "power of the elf" Aldrik - "elderly ruler" Otto - "rich" Raymund - "defender" Reiner - "smart warrior"


Chance - lucky, lucky Amore - beloved Rouge - red, ginger Anais - merciful Franco - Frenchman, French Leon - lion Ass - nobility Baz - little Boom - arrow Voayu - hooligan Jean - kind Kudu - thimble Judon - child


Aki (one born in autumn) Akari (ray of light) Anta (you are dear to me) Dan (rank in karate) Daikichi (great happiness) Daitan (daredevil) Zai (wealth) Eji (baby) Ezakari (sunrise) Ekei (gift ) Erube (close being) Inake (well done) Kaizoku (filibuster) Kaize (sea) Kaishin (soulmate)

For puppies

Barry Bambi Willie Dani Krosh Lel Larry Lupine Reddy Timothy Tony Edwin Yulik

Nicknames from art

Artists, writers, sculptors, even politicians have been inspiring animal owners for centuries, who happily choose nicknames for their pets based on their names or titles of works.


  • Margaret;
  • Cleopatra;
  • Sappho;
  • Dark;
  • Isadora;
  • Golda;
  • Eleanor (in honor of Roosevelt's wife);
  • Indira (in honor of Gandhi);
  • Anna (in honor of Akhmatova);
  • Frida (after the artist Frida Kahlo);
  • Madeleine (Albright - Secretary of State in the USA);
  • Maya (Plisetskaya);
  • Oprah (Winfrey);
  • Serena (tennis player Serena Williams);
  • Jonaconda;
  • Venus;
  • Olympia;
  • Aphrodite.

Beauty Cassiopeia


In this case, you need to choose nicknames that are related, in one way or another, to the color of the dog’s coat. Try to draw analogies with the color black or its tones in different ways. Use a translator. In general, any approach will be correct.

In fact, it’s a black shepherd, it’s an ordinary German. Unless they are working dogs: they can easily find explosives or drugs. They will serve the police and army. This is their main responsibility.

Popular and beautiful names for black German Shepherd with meaning (boy and girl) : Chernysh or Chernushka; Raisin; Dark; Darkness; Night; Haze;Smog; Soot; Black; Pirate; Coal; Gypsy; Gray; Agate; Azara; Andromeda.

The most menacing nicknames

The Shepherd is not only a cute watchdog and a winner of exhibitions. This is also a formidable hunter, so the name for the dog should be appropriate:

  • War;
  • Eagle;
  • Duchess;
  • Heroine;
  • Sailor;
  • Yuzi;
  • Sherman;
  • Sharpie;
  • Sailor;
  • Mask;
  • Appaches;
  • Ballet;
  • Celt;
  • Barge;
  • Safari;
  • Grenade;
  • Bomb;
  • Bassey;
  • Luta;
  • Deima;
  • Fire;
  • Mountain;
  • Fox;
  • Dam;
  • Artemis.

Warrior Athena
Most aggressive dogs are boys, but there are also aggressive and angry dogs among girls.

How to choose the right names for German boys?

The German Shepherd is an unusually intelligent, savvy and affectionate breed. This dog always walked side by side with man. The German is often found not only as a faithful four-legged friend, but also as a protector, assistant and guard.

The name for a German Shepherd is selected according to several rules:

  1. There's no need to rush. It is not necessary to give a German Shepherd a nickname on the same day it came to its owner’s house. For the first three or four days you can simply watch the German. After all, it is virtually impossible to retrain a dog to a new name.
  2. You need to choose a short name consisting of two or three syllables. The German Shepherd will easily remember it and will respond instantly.
  3. It is better if the nickname reflects the purpose of the German Shepherd in the house, or emphasizes one of the external characteristics of the dog. You can also name a German based on his character and temperament. You need to observe your pet and notice certain striking features in it. They will help you choose a name for the dog.

A well-chosen nickname for a German Shepherd can even correct some of the dog’s negative traits. For example, if a German is overly excitable and restless, he is called a calm, soft nickname. And if the dog is too timid and shy, he is given a courageous nickname.

Interestingly, one French dog handler found a relationship between the dog’s character and certain letters in the nickname. So, for example, he argued that the sound “A” is capable of developing the makings of a leader in a four-legged friend. The sound “E” will make your pet cheerful and full of energy. The sound “E” will awaken curiosity in a German, and “O”, on the contrary, will make the baby thoughtful and even slightly gloomy. The sound “U” in the composition will awaken peace-loving behavior in the German Shepherd and teach it to smooth out any conflict. Hissing consonants will lead to friendliness and sociability. Germans cannot distinguish unvoiced sounds like “X”, “F”, “K” or “P”, so they cannot influence their character.

Names for real detectives

If a shepherd girl is a bloodhound, then one of the following names will suit her:

  • Yasmin;
  • Tina;
  • Thatcher;
  • Elbe;
  • Luck;
  • Urzel;
  • Ulana;
  • Utah;
  • Fabi;
  • Violet;
  • Tabi;
  • Taya;
  • Tisha;
  • Sarah;
  • Silvia;
  • Saifa;
  • Fortune;
  • Electra;
  • Aegis;
  • Hammy;
  • Happy;

We recommend watching: 455+ beautiful names for husky boys

Beautiful sisters Frida and Salsa

  • Hanni;
  • Ruby;
  • Chloe;
  • Yakuza;
  • Neva;
  • Nancy;
  • Yumi;
  • Tsunami;
  • Sunny;
  • Susan;
  • Oliya;
  • Nicole;
  • Cella;
  • Yusha;
  • Roxana;
  • Rudy;
  • Ophelia;
  • Pandora;
  • Eureka;
  • Sheldy;
  • Jamaica;
  • Yashima;
  • Miranda;
  • Milan;
  • Orlanda;
  • Cherokee;
  • Stella;
  • Savannah;
  • Chita;
  • Chelsea;
  • Paula;
  • Parry;
  • Miley;
  • Kiwi;
  • Casey;
  • Bonnie;
  • Zlata;
  • Zhanna;
  • Hera;
  • Gabby;
  • Willie.



Let's find out what you can name a puppy or an adult dog, a girl of the most famous variety of the breed - German. Names for a German Shepherd girl are sonorous, beautiful, gentle names, maybe some kind of abbreviations. Choose them from various sources and whatever your eye falls on will be the name that will be attached to the animal forever. If the bitch looks sweet, gentle, kind, then nicknames like Daisy are more suitable. If she is closer to formidable, then something like Hera.

How to name a German girl: beautiful names with meaning

  1. Anastasia - the heroine of the cartoon of the same name
  2. Ariel - the little mermaid
  3. Belle is a character from Beauty and the Beast, a romantic person
  4. Snow White
  5. Nut - mechanic from Chip and Dale
  6. Athena - goddess of war
  7. Aphrodite - goddess of beauty
  8. Demeter - goddess of fertility
  9. Psyche - personifies the soul and breath
  10. Spring is the time of year
  11. Snowflake - weather phenomenon
  12. Jasmine is a flower, or a cartoon heroine
  13. Fun
  14. Cinderella - the girl who lost her shoe
  15. Margarita, Daisy
  16. Assol - “Scarlet Sails”
  17. Adele
  18. Aster - flower
  19. Amanda
  20. Anfisa
  21. Anita
  22. Ice (Ice)
  23. Amber is the name of a fictional city
  24. Bagheera - black panther
  25. Bonya
  26. Betty

  27. What a beautiful girl!

  28. Bessie
  29. Bulya
  30. Bianca
  31. Blanka
  32. Barbara
  33. Bridget
  34. Bastet - goddess of beauty
  35. Bonitta
  36. Barbie doll
  37. Bun
  38. Wendy
  39. Gerda - protector of people
  40. Glafira
  41. Gamma
  42. Thunderstorm - weather phenomenon
  43. Hansel is a character from a Brothers Grimm fairy tale.
  44. Gina
  45. Jessica
  46. Jennifer
  47. Dusya
  48. Dolly - sheep
  49. Judith
  50. Christmas tree - coniferous tree
  51. Europe is one of the parts of the world
  52. Josephine
  53. Julia
  54. Zenna - Warrior Princess
  55. Zara
  56. Zolda
  57. Isabelle
  58. Toffee - candy
  59. Lavender - plant
  60. Yasmin
  61. Emilia


How can you name a German Shepherd boy puppy or adult dog? Is there a ready list of names? Here everything is rougher, more powerful, stronger and tougher. Don't confuse a boy with a girl and don't call a male dog the same as you would a girl. In this case, there cannot be pet names. For the simple reason that it won’t look very nice if, for example, you go out to the park and call: “Funtik, come to me!” It will look quite strange.

How to name a boy beautifully - beautiful and Russian names for a male German Shepherd (suitable for a puppy too):

All in the game

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