Rating of the best anti-cat remedies for 2022

Over time, pets become members of the family, with their own character, habits, and problems. But they are not always able to help themselves in stressful situations. Their owners will come to the rescue. Estrus is not a disease, but a normal condition of a cat. Knowing and understanding the current situation, a person can take the necessary measures for mating or, conversely, prevent unnecessary pregnancy. For this purpose, the best manufacturers have launched the production of popular models of drugs for partying.

Contraceptives for cats in drops

In veterinary practice, special drops are often used to suppress sexual desire in cats. Such hormonal agents have a mild, quick effect, but their effect is designed for a short period. Drops to suppress sexual desire in cats, in addition to hormones, may contain extracts of medicinal plants (herbal veterinary preparations), which in turn minimizes the occurrence of various complications.

Veterinary pharmacies, pet stores, and veterinary clinics offer a wide range of drugs for contraception and correction of cat behavior during estrus. Among the most effective veterinary medications are:

  1. Stop intimate.
  2. Antisex.
  3. Gestrenol.
  4. Api-San Stop intimate.
  5. Contra sex.
  6. Sex Barrier.

Drops for cats suppress sexual desire, prevent unwanted pregnancy, ovulation, correct the behavior of your furry pet during estrus, and reduce excitability. Before using hormonal contraceptives, consult your veterinarian and carefully read the instructions for use.

Possible side effects

After taking hormonal drugs, male cats' desire for the opposite sex weakens or estrus stops (in cats). But, despite the high price, justified by the quality, there are often side effects:

  1. Lethargy, depressed and apathetic state.
  2. Excess weight, which is caused by increased appetite.
  3. The likelihood of cancer or diabetes of any type.
  4. Damage to, as well as disruption of the endocrine, as well as excretory and genitourinary systems.
  5. The risk of developing mammary tumors in cats and other dangerous neoplasms.

Sex Barrier

Sex Barrier is an oral hormonal veterinary drug, the main effect of which is aimed at regulating sexual desire. Walking drops for cats effectively eliminate all problems associated with sexual heat. They prevent unwanted pregnancy, suppress arousal, and correct unwanted behavior of furry purrs. In case of accidental mating, the drug must be used within 24 hours.

Sex Barrier for Animals

The main active ingredients are mepregenol acetate and ethinyl estradiol, which enhance the effect of each other. They block the production of GnRH in the hypothalamus, which in turn prevents the secretion of follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormones. In females, the secretion of estrogen slows down, the development of follicles in the ovaries slows down, and ovulation does not occur.

It is strictly forbidden to use in animals that have not reached puberty, as well as in cats suffering from urolithiasis, diabetes mellitus, or in the presence of neoplasms of various etiologies.

Is it possible to do without medications?

Has your pet's sexual activity reached its peak? It should be remembered that “folk” methods - dousing the animal with cold water, coating intimate parts or the face with irritating agents, trying to give herbal infusion to drink - do not work. They can be regarded as abuse of a pet, but not a full-fledged method. The owner will lose the trust of the pet, who, in turn, will only become more stressed by such “methods.”

The best option is to isolate the animal in a room that is safe for it. It is not recommended to frequently pick up or caress a cat that is in a state of sexual activity. The activity of the animal is welcome, and it should be developed and encouraged in every possible way: play with the pet - let it run after a string, a ball, sunbeams or a laser pointer. The pussy will get tired and go to bed, and this will save it, as well as the owner, from unnecessary torment.

Those who live in a private house should stop their pet from going outside during the festivities. A cat in heat will definitely be overtaken by a cat, and she will return home already pregnant. As for the “walking” cat, he will, without hesitation, run away in search of the “bride”, and his absence may be prolonged.

Stop Intimate

Stop Intim - hormonal drops for cats from walking, which have a mild contraceptive effect, thanks to a modern universal formula. Used to prevent pregnancy, delay, interrupt estrus, correct undesirable behavior during the period of sexual hunting. The drops are easy to use, dosage, and provide a quick effect.

Stop Intim drops are packaged in 2 ml plastic bottles with a dispenser pipette. The main active ingredient is megestrol acetate. It is a synthetic derivative of the progestogen hormone, which suppresses the secretion and production of luteinizing and follicle-stimulating hormones.

Stop intimacy in drops for cats

The drug in the indicated doses is applied to pieces of your favorite treat an hour or two before the main feeding. You can forcefully apply it to the root of the tongue. Give to cats once a week or between heats. Read the instructions carefully before use.

Types of drops and tablets for partying

The pharmaceutical industry presents a wide range of veterinary drugs that suppress sexual desire, interrupt estrus, and serve as contraceptives. Medicines correct the pet’s agitated state. Dosage forms are available for sale: drops, tablets, injections.

Cat in heat

Hormonal drugs

Medicines - Gestrenol, Contrasex, Covinan - contain chemical components that affect the endocrine system of the animal. Slow down the secretion of estrogens, which cause the growth of follicles in the ovaries. Neurological symptoms are quickly relieved and estrus is stopped.

Walking drops for cats have serious side effects. They cause disruptions in the functioning of the body and hormonal imbalances. Courses of treatment with medications containing hormones cannot be carried out more than 2 times a year. If you plan to get offspring from a cat, it is not recommended to use hormonal drugs during estrus.

Important! All forms of hormonal medications can only be given to cats after consultation with a veterinarian.

Drops for cats Gestrenol


Sedatives - Stop-stress, Fospasim, affect the nervous system without affecting the synthesis of sex hormones. Less effective, require long-term use. They do not cause any significant harm to the cat’s body.

Homeopathic drops: ignace, bromine, palladium, platinum. They have a calming effect and in some cases relieve symptoms of anxiety and aggression.


Walking drops for cats are based on herbs with a sedative effect. The most popular: Kot Bayun, Fitex, Bach Drops. They act gently and have a cumulative effect. It is recommended to start taking it before the onset of estrus. The drug Nonestron belongs to the combination drugs: the basis is herbal components, but a synthetic hormonal agent is added.

Antisex for cats

Antisex is an easy-to-use, effective veterinary drug for regulating the reproductive cycle in cats. It can be of plant or hormonal origin. The medicine is a liquid with an oily consistency and a light yellow color. Available in the form of pipette tubes, in glass bottles.

Antisex drops for cats

The hormonal drug suppresses the sexual desire of cats, corrects the behavior of furry purrs during estrus, suppresses the production of sex hormones, which leads to the suppression of estrus. “Antisex” is a harmless veterinary drug that is well absorbed and quickly eliminated from the body of animals.

To delay estrus, cats are given three drops once a day for 7-14 days in a row. During estrus, to suppress it, take three drops daily until it completely ends. It is not recommended to conduct more than two intensive courses of “anti-sex therapy” per year. Do not use for more than 18 months in a row.

Rating of the best liquids and diffusers

Ceva Feliway (48 ml)

The modulator is sold in a bottle. Able to emit the effect of a cat pheromone, eliminating the causes of aggression and anxiety, calming the animal. The composition contains a synthetic analogue of pheromone F3 (Feliway). It is able to stabilize the emotional behavior of a cat, suppress the instinct of urine marking household items, and help the animal get used to new living conditions and adapt to them.

The product is produced in the form of a colorless transparent liquid. There is no smell at all. Toxic substances, as well as tranquilizer and narcotic components, are not used in the manufacture of goods. Quite simple to use. You need to plug the diffuser into a 220 Volt electrical outlet. Substances will begin to evaporate and circulate in the airspace. The drug is able to cover an area from 50 to 70 sq.m. The bottle is designed for use for one month.

Retailers are asking 2,110 rubles for their products.

Ceva Feliway (48 ml)


  • does not apply to medicinal products;
  • safety;
  • reliability;
  • normalizes well-being;
  • does not contribute to loss of appetite;
  • helps to navigate and adapt to a new situation;
  • long shelf life;
  • You can leave the diffuser on all the time.


  • the price is high.

Ceva Feliway Friends

The product is a copy of a cat pheromone. Relieves tension, calms, removes aggression. Perception occurs through the nasal opening. Sold with diffuser. Synthetic sedative. It does not have a negative effect on people or animals. Can be used simultaneously with other medications. Corrects cats' behavior in the right direction. Can be used without a doctor's prescription. If allergic reactions occur, you should consult your veterinarian.

You will have to pay 2950 rubles for the products.

Ceva Feliway Friends


  • practicality;
  • simplicity in use;
  • efficiency;
  • safety;
  • reliability;
  • positive reviews.


  • the price is high.


The product is available in the form of a liquid placed in a convenient bottle. Ideal for calming nervous and aggressive individuals. Sold in specialized retail outlets along with a diffuser. Quickly and efficiently removes phobias, excitement and fears, aggression and stress. The meowing becomes soft and unobtrusive. Distinctive features include the presence of natural ingredients that are not addictive even with long-term use. The result is very fast. The cost is reasonable. Foreign analogues are much more expensive. The main components are geranium, rosemary, lavender oil. The duration of the drug is one month. Easy to use. It is enough to remove the lid from the container, equip it with a diffuser, which can be screwed on without much effort. The assembled device is plugged into a regular 220 V electrical outlet. The product's effect covers an area of ​​70 sq.m. The established shelf life is three years.

Purchase price – 1139 rubles



  • ease of use;
  • functionality;
  • absence of chemical ingredients in the composition;
  • safety;
  • soft action;
  • does not cause allergic reactions;
  • value for money.


  • not installed.


Belongs to the group of biohormonal veterinary preparations, which are intended to regulate the reproductive functions of animals. Prescribed to suppress sexual activity in cats. Contrasex has a pronounced contraceptive effect and prevents unwanted pregnancy. Available in the form of a colorless liquid, packaged in 3 ml plastic bottles.

The main active components of the veterinary drug are ethinyl estradiol and butamepregenol, which change the endocrine regulation of reproductive function by affecting the pituitary gland and hypothalamus. In females, after taking it, libido is completely reduced and there is no sexual desire.

Contrasex for cats – drops for regulating sexual activity

Contrasex is recommended to be used when the first signs of sexual activity appear, at the very beginning of estrus. The dosage and duration of administration of the veterinary drug depend on the body weight of the animals. So, if the cat weighs from 1 to 5 kg, five drops of the solution are prescribed to achieve maximum effect. The product is given once a day with pieces of food, an hour or two before the main feeding.

Contrasex is contraindicated for pregnant, lactating cats, animals that have been diagnosed with cancer of any etiology, have chronic, acute diseases, pathologies of the uterus, mammary glands.

Symptoms of estrus

After puberty, cats are ready to have offspring. The first estrus occurs 6–8 months after birth. Uninformed people may not immediately recognize the signs of estrus. During the first days, nothing unnatural happens to the animal. Too pronounced symptoms appear from the age of two:

  1. Fluffies become too affectionate, intrusive, constantly roll around on the floor, and require special attention. Along with tenderness, aggression sometimes appears.
  2. The genitals swell, a discharge appears, accompanied by a special smell to attract males. The cat licks itself often.
  3. The animal takes an unnatural pose: the front legs are stretched forward, the back part is raised, the tail is moved to the side. This position is necessary for mating.
  4. Fluffy constantly meows, attracting cats. The sounds are plaintive, pleading. They are heard day and night, annoying residents.
  5. To spread the smell, the animal begins to rub against all objects in the room. At the same time, urination becomes more frequent. It happens that a cat ignores the tray and defecates in any place convenient for her.
  6. Appetite worsens or disappears completely.
  7. The animal constantly asks to go outside, trying to sneak through a slightly open door or window. It may even leave the suburban home for a while.

It must be remembered that estrus is accompanied by physical and emotional stress. Hormones have a strong influence on your pet's behavior. The owners may not like this, but nothing can be changed. You will have to come to terms with it and be more restrained and reasonable, show understanding and patience with your pet. She herself is not sweet.

The following phases of the estrous cycle are distinguished:

ProestrusDuration – from 1 to 4 days. Preliminary phase. The body is preparing for fertilization. The need for affection increases, the first insignificant discharge appears. Mating is still premature.
EstrusLasts from 5 to 10 days. It is considered the most active phase. Sex hormones are activated and do not give rest. The female invites males with her constant cries and becomes uncontrollable. The discharge intensifies. Ideal period for mating.
MetestrusA period lasting from 2 to 15 days. It happens in different ways. Depends on how the mating went. With a positive conception, offspring will be born in 58–72 days. Mating may fail and the animal may experience a false pregnancy. This may last about 30 days. If the animal does not return to its original state, it is worth visiting a veterinarian. If there was no mating, the cat begins to show aggression towards others.
AnestrusThe duration of the stage is from three weeks to two months. The period is characterized by peace. The pet’s condition is returning to normal, life continues to flow as usual.


Gestrenol is a hormonal veterinary drug, the action of which is aimed at preventing the onset of unwanted pregnancy, reducing sexual desire, and normalizing psychophysiological changes during estrus. Available in the form of an oily yellowish, yellow-green solution. Packaged in 1.5 ml polymer dropper bottles, which facilitates dosage and use of the drug.

Gestrenol for cats

The dosage is calculated taking into account the body weight of the animals. It is recommended to give Gestrenol to cats, starting from the first days of the onset of estrus, three to five drops for seven to nine days. If unwanted mating occurs, it is important to give drops in the first 24 hours. You can interrupt estrus using Gestrenol no more than twice a year. Do not use for young animals that have not reached sexual maturity. Please read the instructions carefully before use.

As you can see, there is a large selection of effective hormonal veterinary medications to regulate sexual activity. But still, in order not to harm the health of your furry pet, be sure to first consult with a veterinarian. Your veterinarian will help you choose the safest, most effective drop remedy for cats.

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How to help an animal

A cat's heat unbalances not only her, but also her owners. We have to take specific actions:

  1. Purchase popular models of medications for your pet, having first read the veterinary opinion. The drugs vary in brand name, composition, presence of flavorings, effectiveness and speed of action. You can buy hormonal and non-hormonal medications. It is advisable to pay attention to products with herbal composition. Their security level is higher. Potent substances may cause side effects.
  2. Pay more attention to the animal. You can play with him, hold him on your lap, stroke him. If a cat loses a lot of energy during active play, it will sleep at night rather than meow. Proper nutrition should not be overlooked. It is advisable to give your pet food in small portions five times a day.
  3. Invite a male to visit. Mating will calm the pet. If the owner’s plans do not include the appearance of kittens, then you can use the “services” of a neutered cat. You can also resort to sterilizing your cat.

There are expert recommendations regarding the behavior of owners during estrus:

  1. It is not advisable to punish a cat for its behavior.
  2. You can't add stress to her.
  3. It is not recommended to leave your pet alone for a long time.
  4. It is strictly forbidden to lock a cat in a dark room as punishment.

How to choose the right drug

Wholesale and retail trade offers a huge range of products for cats to choose from. New products are released every year. Basically, universal options are sold. But there are special substances on sale for stopping estrus, for delaying, and with contraceptive properties. You need to pay attention to product certification. The age factor is also important.

You cannot make mistakes when choosing. This can negatively affect the health of your pet. Which drug is best to buy depends on many factors. On the shelves of veterinary pharmacies you can find both inexpensive and expensive products. Which company is better to purchase products depends on personal preferences. What should you pay special attention to? The main thing is to first familiarize yourself with the characteristics and possible side effects. The best formulations are herbal based.

The question of where to buy products is not difficult. It is sold at any veterinary pharmacy. You can order it online in an online store, but only after reviewing the reviews and making sure of the integrity of the supplier. According to buyers, it is better to visit a specialized retail outlet, especially if you are encountering this problem for the first time and do not know what remedies are available. The seller will help you choose the right product, having previously learned from the buyer the criteria for its selection, introduce you to new products, and advise you on the rules for taking the drug.

Experts advise adhering to the following rules:

  1. It is strictly forbidden to spontaneously reduce or increase the dosage of a substance.
  2. You should not resort to contraceptives if your cat has been diagnosed with diseases and there are contraindications to the use of products of this type.
  3. It is advisable not to use medications during the first heat.
  4. Before taking medications, you should visit a veterinarian and get professional advice.

Types of sedatives

In addition to popular medications from the best manufacturers, there are also folk methods of calming cats during estrus. The following are in great demand:

  1. Valerian. A product that is present in every home. A budget option. It may calm your pet, but not for long.
  2. Cat mint. Functionally similar to valerian, only weaker. There were cases when the animal did not calm down, but, on the contrary, became aggressive.
  3. Soothing drops and tablets. Sold in pharmacies. There are both domestic and foreign production. It is based on synthetic components and medicinal substances. Assumes gentle action. Designed for internal use.
  4. Drugs with hormones. It is advisable to use after visiting a veterinary clinic and only as prescribed by a doctor. They affect the areas of the brain responsible for sexual instincts. Efficiency at its best.
  5. Tranquilizers. They are used quite rarely and only when other drugs do not help. Cannot be used without a doctor's prescription. It is introduced into the body through an injection. The injection is done subcutaneously or intramuscularly. The negative effect is minimal.

Complex drugs

Such products include several active ingredients. The drug for contraception and regulation of sexual behavior "Ovostop" gives a prolonged effect (up to 6 months, depending on the length of daylight hours).

  • Megestrol acetate
    . Promotes the transition of proestrus immediately to the stage of sexual rest without estrus and the stage after it.
  • Proroksan.
    Thanks to its effect on the receptors responsible for the behavioral manifestations of estrus, it blocks the unpleasant manifestations of estrus: excessive vocalization, search for a sexual partner, aggressive behavior, and the development of stress. Does not directly affect the reproductive system.
  • Melatonin
    . The adaptogen hormone is responsible for the seasonal and daily rhythms of the body. The use of melatonin is especially recommended in cats that are constantly exposed to artificial lighting, which delays the timing of estrus and seasonal molting. Helps improve wool quality and normalize shedding. This active substance also helps slow down the aging process of the body and has a sedative effect.

The advantage of the drug "Ovostop" is the comfortable form of spot-on - drops on the withers. The three-component composition made it possible to reduce the dose of the progestogen component (megestrol).

Strict adherence to the instructions will help to avoid unpleasant signs of heat in your cat. To select the optimal product, consult a specialist.

Folk remedies

A cat during sexual heat brings a lot of anxiety. If it is impossible to use medications, you can try to calm your pet using the following techniques:

  • Give your cat more attention. Pick him up, stroke him (except for his back), don’t raise his voice.
  • Dilute table vinegar in water in a ratio of 1:5, add to drinking water. Acetic acid reduces the sensitivity of receptors.
  • Reduce the amount of food. The cat should not starve; it should be fed often, in small portions.
  • During estrus, the animal feels an excess of energy. By extinguishing it with active games, you can expect that the cat will sleep at night.
  • Isolate your pet in a dark room to stop the production of melatonin, which stimulates sexual function.
  • Eliminate the presence of an individual of the opposite sex.
  • Periodically spray the wool with cold water. By licking itself, the cat calms down for a short time. Bathing in water with a small solution of baking soda has a beneficial effect on the animal.
  • A warm heating pad or towel on the stomach helps relieve cramps and the warmth is soothing. Heated pillows and blankets can be used.

On a note! With the help of folk remedies, negative symptoms are relieved for a short time. They can only serve as auxiliary methods for solving the problem.

Calm your cat by stroking it

Castration as a way out

During heat, the cat not only screams loudly, but also tries to slip out the door or jump out the window. Ticks, worms and other pests can affect the fur of an animal, which, after walking, will return home. In order not to bring parasites into the apartment, you have to treat your pet with the drug “Inspector”, which has a complex effect on harmful insects and worms.

If estrus has passed without fertilization, it may resume after 1-1.5 months. After each unrealized sexual desire, the cat becomes aggressive and its character deteriorates.

Cat sterilization

Experts agree that if you do not plan to produce offspring from a cat, it is more humane to sterilize it. The operation will preserve the cat’s health: it will relieve it from painful hormonal surges and serve as a prevention of reproductive diseases in old age. Sterilization is more humane from an ethical point of view than drowning born kittens or throwing them into doorways.

Types of sterilization:

  • removal of the ovaries (oophorectomy) - suitable for young cats;
  • removal of the uterus along with the ovaries (ovariohysterectomy) is the most effective method;
  • tubal ligation - used extremely rarely, estrus persists;
  • laparoscopy is a minimally invasive method that gives good results; The operation is quite expensive and is not performed in all veterinary clinics.

Advantages of sterilization:

  • estrus disappears;
  • in old age, ovarian cysts, diseases of the uterus and mammary glands do not occur;
  • the emotional state of the animal improves.


  • risk of medical error;
  • a tendency towards obesity in some individuals.

The use of contraceptives for cats in the form of drops, tablets or injections is justified in the case when it is necessary to wait a period of time, the cat is planned to be used in the future to produce offspring. Regular use of hormonal drugs is unacceptable; it leads to an irreparable deterioration in the health of the animal. Castration at a young age is a humane way out of the situation.

( 1 rating, average 5 out of 5 )
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