Many owners do not think about how to train a cat to teach it any commands or tricks, believing that it is too independent an animal. However, the wards of the Kuklachev Theater prove that the intellectual abilities of cats are very strong, and even these independent pets can be taught a lot.
Today we will talk about methods of training domestic cats, talk about the simplest and most basic commands that a mustachioed pet can learn, and also share the nuances and rules of competent interaction with an animal so that training brings pleasure to both the cat and its owner.
How to train a cat to succeed?
General information about the psychology and memory of cats
Any cat is an animal with a very subtle psyche, in which the emotional sphere is extremely developed. It is this feature that allows cats to become attached to members of their family, but we must not forget that the unconditional authority of a person as a leader does not exist for cats (this is their big difference from dogs). Accordingly, the training process should not be based on suppressing the cat and the owner’s desire to take the position of leader, but on delivering positive emotions and positive experience to the animal.
The structure of the cat's brain is very similar to the human one - it consists of the parietal, temporal and occipital lobes, contains gray and white matter, and has multiple neural connections. It is when the neurons that store information are activated that the cat remembers certain things, data, events.
Cat brain
Cat memory is another important aspect that an owner who wants to train their cat should know. For a cat, only extremely necessary information matters. Thus, the pet will forget both the appearance and smell of a guest who came to the apartment once and did not affect the animal in any way, but for many years he will remember the person who caused pain.
Cats have excellent memory, but it is selective.
For the rest of their lives, cats remember the location of their litter box, the sound of the refrigerator door when opening, or the rustling of a pack of food - things that are important to them. But the aroma of the owner’s perfume at the first meeting will not be preserved in the animal’s memory, because it does not benefit him.
Thus, cats can quickly remember any events if they are meaningful and necessary for their future life, and remember them for a long time. If we talk about training a cat, then this process will not become so important for the animal that it retains information about the owner’s commands all its life - therefore, the animal’s training needs to be reinforced with things that are meaningful to it: treats, praise, affection.
The only way to reach an agreement with a cat is amicably
Numerous experiments conducted with cats prove that they have a very powerful short-term memory - it lasts 12-16 hours (while dogs have up to five minutes). As for long-term memory, it is even more developed. Cats can remember people, places or events throughout their lives if they have left a deep imprint on the animal's psyche.
Perceptiveness and ability to learn
The age between two and seven weeks is the most receptive age in a cat's life. So, if during this time the kitten has not gained any experience (communication with people, other animals, external influences), then subsequent contacts with this “unknown” will be painful for the animal. Of course, an adult cat can get used to the company of a person or a dog, but adaptation will take much more time. This also applies to training - it is better to start training at the specified age.
The younger the kitten, the easier it is to teach him something.
At the same time, felinologists have proven that the ability to make decisions, memory and sensitivity develop in cats up to two or three years of age. That is, a young pet easily perceives new information, assimilating it through observation. So, a cat can learn to go to the toilet on the toilet if you show it this “wisdom” several times. Adult animals are even capable of solving logic puzzles. The simplest example is precise, calibrated jumps when a cat needs to climb into some place (refrigerator, closet).
Only at first glance it seems that this is easy to do. In fact, the cat analyzes the distance, selects the most optimal trajectory and calculates its strength in such a way as not to make unnecessary movements. Of course, a kitten is not capable of this from birth - it learns as it grows.
Kittens learn about the world not only in practice, but also through observation.
As cats age, just like humans, brain function declines, including the part responsible for memory. After seven or eight years, the pet begins not only to perceive and remember new information worse, but also to cope with the volume of data already known to it more difficult. Thus, cats in very old age may forget where their toilet or food bowls are. The only thing the owner can do is to treat the aging of his pet leniently. Of course, in old age there is no need to try to train a cat by causing it stress and discomfort.
How does a cat understand a person?
Every cat owner knows that his pet perfectly understands many words and even individual phrases. Thus, domestic cats easily remember their name, understand when they are invited to eat or are simply called to chat. The cat also knows well when she is being scolded.
Cats quickly remember important words from their owner.
If a cat lives with several people, then it responds to calls from all family members, regardless of their age and gender. Scientists have proven that cats can easily understand words and phrases, even in different languages, if they are used by people to communicate with them for two weeks.
The conclusion is simple: cats understand people perfectly well, despite the fact that the human speech apparatus is completely different from that of a cat. The fact is that cats perceive not the words themselves, but their “energy essences” - the emotional message invested by a person, intonation, as well as the length and size of the sound wave.
Cats are able to understand words spoken by people they know.
This is exactly how cats remember commands, and they do it much faster than dogs. Animal experts report that on average, a dog needs up to seven repetitions to remember a new command, while a cat needs three. Accordingly, training a cat is even easier than the smartest dog. You just need to know some nuances and follow the main rules.
Mr. Cat recommends: TOP 5 easiest cat breeds to train
Unfortunately, some pets do not pay attention to any commands, much less tricks. But there are also breeds of animals that in a few months can become participants in circus performances. Here is their list:
The differences are in heightened curiosity, sociability and fearlessness. Due to their muscular body and long fingers, they perform difficult tricks with ease.
American Shorthair
Pets of this breed quickly master many commands and become accustomed to the tray.
Active, fast, playful cats, not afraid of water. Amenable to training, they do not refuse goodies.
One of the most loyal breeds, these cats are constantly on the heels of their owner. When having fun, he can make a mess and likes to watch TV. They are easy to teach commands and perform all tricks perfectly.
A hybrid that resembles a tabby cat. He has a playful character, often gets rowdy, climbs into cabinets, throws off various utensils, and can grab his leg. It is interesting to train them; they perform all commands with varying difficulties.
The above list of cat breeds that can be trained is quite arbitrary. Even ordinary kittens can become the best trick performers. Therefore, there is no need to focus on a specific expensive breed; it is better to train and educate your pets yourself.
Important Points About Cat Training
The most important rule that a cat owner must understand is that the animal cannot be forced to follow commands. If you force a cat, it will become nervous and resist, so only positive motivation is the only possible one in the training process.
Treats are the best reward for a cat.
Cats respond best to treats. You can purchase special treats at a pet store, or prepare your own reward. Note that the pieces must be really small so that the animal does not get full ahead of time and lose interest in the learning process.
What treat should you give during training?
Training a cat is a long process. It is impossible to teach a pet many commands in one day, and if the owner tires the animal too much, then the training will cause him disgust and persistent resistance. Therefore, the best option would be to train your cat every day for ten to fifteen minutes.
It is important to gain the cat's trust in the person. Therefore, it is better to act as a trainer to the family member to whom the pet shows great affection. Trust must not only be gained, but also maintained. It is strictly forbidden to shout at a cat, much less physically punish it. Negative emotions during the training process are unacceptable. If the cat does not understand the command or refuses to follow it, you need to postpone training until a more favorable time.
The commands that the animal learns must always be repeated the same way, in an even, calm voice, without changing the intonation. Domestic cats remember words faster in their unchanged form and are sensitive to the timbre and emotions in a person’s voice.
Video – Yuri Kuklachev: Teaching a cat tricks
Which cat breeds are the best to train?
Absolutely any cat can be taught a variety of tricks and commands, since representatives of the feline family have an extraordinary strong intellect. But, it is possible to identify breeds whose representatives are distinguished not only by their special intelligence, but also by their temperament, which is most suitable for training. We present to your attention several breeds of cats that are characterized by curiosity, easy-going nature, affection for humans and sociability.
Which cats are easier to train?
Table 1. Top smartest cat breeds
Breed | Description |
Scottish fold cat | Representatives of this breed love active outdoor games, enjoy communicating with people, and are easy to train. They are able to remember more than a dozen commands and perform various tricks perfectly. |
Thai | Active cats that maintain mobility and interest in life even in old age. They have a good memory and are able to distinguish a wide range of human intonations and different voice timbres. |
Cornish Rex | Incredibly gentle, curious and loyal to humans cats. They prefer close contact with the owner, are ready to participate in all family matters, and are excellent learners. Playful, the best motivation for them is the affection of their owner. |
Turkish van | Emotional, fearless and strongly attached to the owner of the cat. They quickly understand what a person wants from them and are able to learn many tricks. They have a flexible psyche and a high ability to adapt to different situations. |
Abyssinian cat | An intelligent, very active breed with a great ability to self-learn. Many owners of Abyssinians note that these cats instantly learn to open doors, press light switches, and enjoy mastering special logic toys. |
Burmese cat | Cats of this breed are very social, love human company and are not at all afraid of guests. They train well, enjoying communication with the owner and encouragement. |
Canadian Sphynx | Gentle, graceful and intelligent cats with great affection for humans. Sphynx cats can understand and remember many words and sentences, they always want to please a person, they are well trained, and are not touchy. |
Bengal cat | Incredibly flexible, active and intelligent cats, which can be called “cat-dog”. They are ready to follow a person everywhere, playful, friendly, focused on close contact with the owner, and easy to train. |
Basics of education
The optimal age to start training, as we have already said, is six months. Since it is at this time that it is easier for the pet to master commands. The basics of education, along with the breed, play a fundamental role in training. Strict adherence to behavioral norms and sincere relationships between owner and pet are also a priority. It is advisable to begin preparations by accustoming the kitten to the rules established in the home.
The most important rules for starting successful training:
- It is necessary to buy the pet its own toys, otherwise for active entertainment the kitten will play with the things of the owner and his family.
- For sleep and rest, a young cat needs to have its own place. She should not play or doze on the master's beds and sofas.
- Just like a child, you should never yell at kittens or, especially, hit them. A stern and slightly raised voice will be enough for them to understand that they are being punished. Animals are good at distinguishing human intonation and remembering what they are not allowed to do.
- From the first months, the kitten must know the location of its plate. You cannot throw food from the table, otherwise he will jump on it and steal food.
- The cat must know that the litter tray is in the same place and needs to go only there. The first time he needs to be placed in the tray and not allowed to leave for 2-3 minutes.
- The psychology of communication is very important. You need to establish a trusting relationship with your domestic cat so that training does not cause problems in the future. It is worth paying more attention to the kittens, playing with them, stroking them and trying to reward them for following orders and good behavior.
Commands and tricks you can learn with your cat
Despite the fact that the mental and physical capabilities of cats allow them to carry out an unlimited number of commands, it is better to start training with the simplest, most basic ones. The process of training a cat involves a transition from simple commands that do not require any effort from the pet to more intricate ones - provided that the animal responds positively to training and makes progress.
Bengals learn new tricks in minutes
In a special article we will tell you in detail how to teach a cat the command “Give me your paw!”
Team "Come to me"
The command is quite simple for a cat to understand. In order for the animal to respond to it, you need to encourage it every time it pays attention to you. To begin with, you can call your pet by name or simply “kitty-kitty-kitty”, holding in your hands a tasty piece that attracts the animal. When the cat moves towards you, you need to say “Come to me”, then pet the pet, treat it with a treat, and repeat again “Okay, come to me!” You need to repeat the command five to six times a day. More information about the training can be found in the video.
Video - How to teach a cat the “Come to me” command
Commands “Sit-Lie-Stand”
It is not difficult to teach a cat this command. It is enough to bring a tasty morsel to the animal’s nose, lifting it up. At the same time, you need to gently press your hand on the cat’s rump and at the moment when she begins to sit down, say the word “Sit.” After the cat has sat down, she is given a treat, praised and stroked.
The commands “Stand” and “Lie down” are taught in the same way. The cat needs to be interested in the treat, then mechanically give it the desired position, treat it and praise it. These commands are easier to learn from a sitting position: to put the cat down, lower the treat below the nose and lift the pet with your hand under the tummy, to put it down, lower the piece lower and gently press on the back.
Video – Teaching the “Sit” command
Jumping through a hoop
You need to choose a hoop of such a diameter that the cat can pass through it freely. At the initial stage, the hoop is held close to the floor or other surface on which the animal is standing. A treat is held in front of the cat's muzzle (between the hoop and the pet), luring the animal and encouraging it to pass through the object. When the cat steps over the hoop, say the command “Up”. When the cat confidently steps over the obstacle, the hoop can be raised higher - a couple of centimeters each time.
Gradually the cat will learn to jump high
The “Up” command can also be used to jump over barriers, as well as from object to object (for example, from chair to chair). In the first case, they act in the same way as with a hoop - the cat is taught to step over a stick lying on the floor for a treat, pronouncing a command. Gradually the barrier is raised higher and higher. To make a cat jump from object to object, they are placed close to each other, the cat is placed on one surface, and a treat is placed on the other. Gradually, objects are moved apart to a greater distance. Then the command can be complicated by teaching the cat to simultaneously jump through the ring and from chair to chair.
Cats are great at overcoming jumping obstacles
Team "Gopher"
A very funny command performed by cats, which is easy to teach your pet. When the cat is sitting, you need to bring a treat to its face, and then lift it so that the pet reaches for the piece. As soon as the cat stands on its hind legs, they give a command, then treat and pet the pet.
Video – Training of the “Gopher” command
How to teach a cat to give paw
“Give me your paw” is a simple command, every tailed animal can learn it. It looks cute and impressive. Teaching a cat to give paw is easy. You need to approach a sitting animal, put its paw in your hands and say, “Give me your paw.” When the ritual is over, you need to reward the kitten for a successfully completed command by treating it with a treat.
A reflex should be formed in the experimental subject’s brain, which should provoke the kitten to give its paw, based on pleasant memories.
If the cat independently reaches for a treat lying in the palm of your hand, then it is not necessary to take the cat’s paw in your hand. It is enough to say the name of the team when your pet tries to take the reward.
If the cat does not want to give his paw and is constantly distracted by more interesting things, it is better to postpone training and prepare him for training, based on the first point of the article.
Training a cat is a very exciting process, and most importantly, it quickly bears fruit. Already after the first day of training, the owner can enjoy the results of his work - the cat will follow commands. The main principles of successful training are patience, affection and perseverance, as well as repeated repetition and positive motivation of the pet.
The main thing is not to deceive the cat, always reward it after executing a command, using one selected word (for example, “Bravo” or “Excellent”), which is not used in everyday life. End the training with praise and play with your pet so that he understands that learning is pleasant and beneficial.
When to start training
A four-month-old kitten already responds to its name when you feed it or call it. At six months of age, the baby begins to play and run for a long time. He is curious, knows no fear and trusts those around him. Without wasting time, the owner should take a closer look at the ward, his habits and favorite toys. Observations will help you create a plan for future training. This is how they work in circuses.
The carefree toy begins to be taught simple commands, which do not require physical effort, in their “teenage” years. At 7–8 months the animal is ready for dialogue with humans. To show his affection, the furry parodist will try to fulfill the owner's demands.
Don't limit yourself to one territory
Once your cat learns the command, practice it in different areas of your home. If you introduce your kitten to animals already living in the house by bringing them together only in the living room, he may think that the other animal only lives in that space. There is no problem if your other animal is a fish, but if the kitten meets a dog, he needs to understand that he can meet it in other places in the house.
As with the litter box, some commands must be taught in different areas of the house. When litter training your cat, you may need multiple trays. When you discourage your cat from scratching carpets and furniture, you will need to do this in different areas of your home as she will find such items in multiple rooms.
How to stop a kitten from tearing up furniture and wallpaper
This kind of trouble can happen even if you bought a scratching post for your kitten. As soon as you notice this behavior, say strictly “No!” or “Ugh!” or spray your pet with water from a spray bottle. Then take the kitten to the scratching post and gently press it with your pet's paws so that he understands how to do it. When the animal becomes sexually mature, you can lightly spray the scratching post with valerian or catnip to attract its attention.
How to stop a kitten from jumping on the kitchen table
This unpleasant habit is due to the fact that in nature cats love to jump onto elevated surfaces and from there observe what is happening around them. A table for this is an ideal springboard, and if there is also food on it, then the pet will come here more often. This behavior must be stopped immediately, because... it is unhygienic for you and dangerous for the animal (sharp knives, harmful products, etc.).
You can use repellent commands or immediately splash water on the kitten. A few drops of essential oil with a pungent odor and a cut onion will help to keep your pet away from the table. Also, the kitten will give up a bad habit if there are unpleasant objects waiting for him on the table, for example, a baking sheet with water, foil rustling under his paws, or empty tin cans that fall with a roar with every movement.