Chinese Crested Dog - description and history of the breed, main varieties and maintenance recommendations

Which breed of dog lives the longest? You will find answers to this and other questions in this article.

For many people, a pet is an equal member of the family, a loyal friend and a personal therapist. But animals are not given a human life, and I really want them to live longer and please their owners with a perky wagging of their tail and a loving look. So it's no surprise that many people wonder: How long do dogs live?

  • It is difficult to answer this question right away, since it all depends on the conditions of detention, on what you feed the dog, and how you treat it.
  • Also, the lifespan of a dog depends on the breed, heredity, and the prevention of infectious diseases (vaccination).
  • In this article we will look at how long representatives of this or that breed live, which dogs live longer and what is the world record for the life expectancy of an ordinary mongrel. Read interesting information below.

How many years do mongrels and chained mongrels live on average?

How many years do mongrels and chained mongrels live on average?
I really want my four-legged friend to be around for as long as possible. But this is impossible, since dogs have their own life span. How many years do mongrels and chained mongrels live on average?

  • Domestic dogs without a breed or mongrel can live between 9 and 12 years. Some of them, with good care and nutrition, live up to 20 years.
  • The lifespan of yard dogs is not much different from the lifespan of pets - 8-11 years. The main thing is that the animal eats normally and does not become infected with any disease.
  • A mongrel on a chain will live less, since it moves little, and, as a rule, it is fed to its fullest. The dog must move, run. If she is on a leash all the time, then her life will be short-lived.

In yard mongrels, even those that run a lot, the eyelids can also be short. Their life expectancy is affected by winter cold, poor nutrition, and the presence of diseases from which they can quickly die.

Interesting to know: The smaller the dog, the longer its lifespan.

Read more about each breed below.


As with any breed, owners have conflicting opinions about the Chinese Crested. This is due to a lack of knowledge about the rules of care and education of this animal. Some people think it's a toy. However, most dog trainers are convinced that raising “small” dogs is much more difficult than raising large ones.

Vitaly, Stavropol: “We bought Mia about a year ago. My wife saw a Chinese Crested on TV and decided to become the owner of just such a dog. I studied a lot of information about the breed, learned how wayward these dogs are and tried to dissuade my beloved. But she was adamant, and this happiness appeared in our home. We started training our pet from puppyhood. And now there are no problems. This is the most good-natured and sweetest creature. I fell in love with Mia and she reciprocated all the members of our family without exception. She even managed to become friends with the cat Boris. Although this did not happen right away. At first they divided “spheres of influence.” But the firm leadership of the owner, that is, me, quickly resolved the conflict.”

Kristina, Penza: “My parents gave me Joe on March 8th. A small, independent, friendly and sensitive four-legged friend. The bald Chinese Crested instantly detects evil people and bursts into barking. Loyal and devoted Joe is exclusively attached to me. He will never go into the arms of strangers.”

Anna, Volgograd: “I adore my Chinese corydalis so much that I eat it off the same plate. This big smart girl gives a lot of positive emotions. And how funny it is that she climbs onto the table to beg for something tasty. I can't stand ridicule about small dogs. They are not stupid at all, quite the contrary. For example, my pet never wants to walk in bad weather. And he’s only mischievous when he’s offended by me. This is my joy."

How old do Chinese Cresteds live on average?

How old do Chinese Cresteds live on average?
Chinese Cresteds are beautiful medium-sized dogs. This is a very loyal and friendly breed. How old do Chinese Cresteds live on average? Dogs of this breed live on average from 12 to 13 years. But, if you take care of your pet: feed it properly, take it for walks, then it will live 15 years or more.

Important to know: This dog breed requires skin care due to the fact that it has little hair. Therefore, in winter the dog needs to be dressed, and in summer the skin must be lubricated with special creams. This will help prevent acne and flaking.


Many hairless Chinese dogs suffer from food allergies or refuse to eat when stressed. In such a situation, owners begin to offer their pets treats, which negatively affects their health.

If a Chinese Crested cat eats natural foods, its diet should include meat, cereals, vegetables, vegetable oil, and dairy products.

For adults, two meals a day are enough. Pregnant, lactating females and puppies are fed 5 times a day.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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In winter, the dog needs to increase the amount of calories consumed and add multivitamin complexes.

How old do Chihuahuas live on average?

How old do Chihuahuas live on average?
Despite the fact that the Chihuahua dog has a fragile body, it is very hardy. Depending on the size of dogs of this breed, life expectancy may vary. How old do Chihuahuas live on average?

  • Standard size dogs range from 1.5 to 3 kg. Such representatives of the Chihuahua breed live on average 10-16 years. But with good care and excellent heredity, your pet can live much longer - up to 20 years.
  • Mini Chihuahua weighing from 500 grams to 1.5 kg. There is an opinion that such dogs do not live long - no more than 8 years. But this only applies to those animals that weigh less than 1 kg. This is because such small dogs often have congenital diseases, and they are also at additional risk of injury during walks or due to careless actions of the owners.

You can extend the life of a Chihuahua if you follow a few rules:

  • Buy puppies only from trusted breeders.
  • Take your dog to a veterinarian regularly. The animal begins to age by the age of 5-6 years, and from this time it is necessary to carefully monitor its health.
  • Keep all vaccinations up to date.
  • Treat your dog for parasites: fleas, ticks and helminths.
  • Create the right diet. Do not feed your pet sweets or other foods from your table.
  • Wear clothes only when necessary - in the cold season. It is better not to wear clothes and a collar at home so that the dog’s fragile body is not injured.

Important: The lifespan of dogs of this breed is affected by castration. A sterilized animal will live longer. This is due to the fact that a castrated animal does not accumulate hormones that can contribute to the growth of various tumors.

In addition, the level of aggression decreases, the animal becomes balanced, which means it will live longer.

Education and training

Don't rush to introduce your young pet to the outside world before he has been vaccinated. After the last vaccine, at least 2 weeks should pass, or better yet a month, before he goes outside. Why is it important? During this period, his body will develop antibodies to viruses and pathogens with which he will come into contact on the street.

Even if you have taught your Chinese Crested to go to the toilet in the litter box that is in the apartment, you will still have to take him outside. This is done for socialization. The animal must normally “enter” its society, it must learn to interact with other dogs.

To do this, he will need your help. When getting to know the outside world, it is important for the dog to understand that he is surrounded by your care. While walking, do not let anyone offend him. The pet should be picked up if dogs bark at it. This way he will understand that the owner is his protector and support. This is a very important awareness for the socialization of a decorative dog.

It is a mistake to think that a small four-legged pet cannot become a source of big problems. Chinese Cresteds have very strong teeth, with which they can bite people hard, while playing, of course. If the dog begins to bite you in a playful impulse, do not ignore it. You can shout at him or lightly slap him on the body. But don’t even think about hitting the animal!

These are playful and very funny dogs. They easily learn simple and complex commands, but they prefer fun games in the fresh air to boring training. The Chinese Crested loves to bring a plate to its owner, which he throws far ahead. She also likes to swim, run with children, lie in tall grass, etc.

Important ! To prevent your dog from getting sunburn, lubricate its skin with a cream with ultraviolet protection. There is no specialized training program for indoor dogs.

These are pampered and reverently related to all living creatures, who are bred, as they say, for the soul. But this does not mean that you can ignore the issue of raising a decorative dog. The Crested needs to be taught:

  1. Come when called.
  2. Don't shit in the house.
  3. Don't bite.
  4. Behave unobtrusively with guests.
  5. Always obey the owner.

Such an animal is suitable not only for young people, but also for older people who want to surround themselves with the attention of a cute four-legged pet. We recommend walking with him away from transport, as his natural curiosity can play a cruel joke.

It is difficult for drivers to notice the small gray-skinned dog that blends into the highway. Many Chinese Cresteds fall under the wheels of cars due to their excessive curiosity.

Such an animal must have a long leash. You can unfasten it only in nature or in a quiet secluded place, away from roads. The dog must know its name and always respond to it.

To teach her this, lure her with a treat and say the name out loud. This way the animal will develop the attitude that I will receive a treat for going to the owner when he calls me.

The Chinese Crested is a gentle, friendly and sensitive creature that needs love and care. You need to teach her anything consistently and patiently. You should never raise your voice at her, try to humiliate her or hit her. The animal will not forgive anyone, even its beloved owner, for physical or mental insult.

How many years do toy terriers live on average?

How many years do toy terriers live on average?
Another representative of the small dog breed. Their height does not exceed 30 cm, and their weight does not exceed 3 kg. These dogs also seem fragile, but their life expectancy is much better than the Chihuahua's. How many years do toy terriers live on average?

  • Dogs of this breed live on average from 12 to 16 years.
  • The number of deaths at an early age in these dogs occurs due to inexperience and irresponsibility of the owners.
  • If the dog has proper care, good nutrition, leads an active lifestyle and walks regularly, then its life expectancy can increase to 22 years.

The longevity of representatives of this breed is usually explained by good immunity and the ability to quickly recover from illness.


The most common is hairless, that is, hairless Chinese Crested. But there is another type of breed - downy. Let's look at each of them.

  1. Naked. The fur of the animal on the top of the head folds into a small tuft - hence its name. The hair on the tail is straight and forms a “tassel”. At the tips of the paws, it should also not be wavy, it resembles boots. This individual has no undercoat. The dog's skin is very delicate and almost always warm. Show-class dogs should have thick head fur so that they resemble small lions.

  1. Downy. The main difference between this type of breed is the presence of thick fur throughout the body. There are few such dogs. The fur on the body and tail is stiffer. Downy crested cats have an undercoat. It needs to be looked after regularly.

As for the requirements for the color of the skin and fur of such a dog, there are none. It may have small gray spots on its pinkish-white body. This is acceptable according to the standard. The downy representatives of the breed often have black, white and gray-beige hairs. Less commonly, they are born with brown markings.

How old do Yorkshire terriers live on average?

How old do Yorkshire terriers live on average?
The Yorkshire Terrier is another small-sized dog breed. This decorative lap dog is a real flower of the dog world. She needs to be protected, protected, cared for and cherished. Yorkies are very kind, love children and will never hurt them. How old do Yorkshire terriers live on average?

  • On average, dogs of this breed live 13-15 years.
  • But, if the owner monitors the quality of his pet’s diet, then in reality he will live longer.
  • A characteristic disease of this breed is caries. This disease in itself is not dangerous, but due to tooth pain, the dog may refuse to eat and then be sick for a long time.

Take your pet to the doctor at the veterinary clinic in a timely manner. This will help avoid unwanted consequences if your dog gets sick.

How many years do Alabai live on average?

How many years do Alabai live on average?
This breed is more than 5000 years old. It was originally intended to protect caravans and homes. She has thick fur that protects from the cold, thick and strong skin that protects from insect bites and impressive size, thanks to which everyone will be afraid of her and no one will think of getting inside the living space. How many years do Alabai live on average?

  • On average, representatives of this breed live 11-15 years.
  • Alabai breeders warn that you need to walk this dog all day long, and if you are not ready to do this, then it is better to abandon this breed.
  • If a dog does not run a lot, its character may deteriorate and it will begin to age quickly.

But, if you take the time to walk your pet a lot, he can live up to 20 years and will always be in a positive mood.


The peculiarity of the breed is that its teeth are not very good; hairless corydalis are characterized by thin enamel, tooth loss, and frequent breakage.

From childhood, teach your puppy to use a toothbrush. The baby should not be afraid of her and easily allow the procedure to be carried out. To do this, use treats and scent, apply to the brush and give it a try, then gently try to brush the fangs. If the procedure is carried out regularly, the corydalis will get used to it, but be patient.

Buy cleaning bones that strengthen enamel and remove plaque, but do not forget that they should not be large.

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How many years do Jack Russell Terrier dogs live on average?

How many years do Jack Russell Terrier dogs live on average?
An agile, active dog with short legs will turn the life of its owner into an event full of adventure. This dog does not sit still and will be the favorite of all family members. On the street, he will demand active games from the owner, but will not tolerate training, since he does not like it. Any dog ​​needs good care, but this terrier is especially important. These dogs are generally in excellent health, but some individuals may suffer from hereditary diseases.

How many years do Jack Russell Terrier dogs live on average? Thanks to good health, care, daily active walks and proper nutrition, a dog of this breed can live more than 15 years. Genetic diseases cannot be cured, so it is important to know the breeder personally to be confident in their puppies.

How many years do Belgian Griffon dogs live on average?

How many years do Belgian Griffon dogs live on average?
The expressive appearance of griffons suggests that they are decorative dogs. These gentle pocket animals were bred to hunt rodents, but they took root well in people's homes and became their friends. How many years do Belgian Griffon dogs live on average?

  • The Brussels Griffon lives from 10 to 15 years.
  • Health problems are usually related to reproductive function. Female dogs cannot give birth, and if they become pregnant, complications during childbirth are possible. They often undergo caesarean sections.
  • Small puppies are born weak, and many of them die in infancy.
  • Hereditary diseases do not cause much harm to health (cataracts, glaucoma), but they prevent the dog from living a full life. She can become aggressive and will bark loudly at any sound.

Important: If you are going to get yourself a puppy of this breed, then remember that such a dog does not tolerate heat well. Short hair does not protect against the cold either. Therefore, the Brussels Griffon will have to be protected so that it lives longer.

History of appearance

Based on the name of the breed, it can be assumed that this representative of four-legged animals comes from China, however, this is not so. The real homeland of the Chinese crested cat is either Mexico or Africa. Scientists are still debating this issue. They appeared on the lands of China around the beginning of the 16th century. It was during this period that the first mentions of unusual creatures without hair with a bizarre fluff on their heads surfaced.

It is reliably known that in the 18th century, pebbles went to sea with sailors and helped them fight rats. The ability to catch rodents was highly valued at that time, so all fishermen had such dogs. It is worth noting that they were in the service not only of fishermen, but also of noble people.

Initially, the crested ones were somewhat larger, but the Chinese decided to significantly reduce them. Over time, they succeeded, although it is still unclear who was crossed with whom to reach modern sizes. In general, this breed is shrouded in some mystery: the historical homeland is unknown, the ways of crossing are unknown.

Over the period of their existence, the breed was called differently. During the working period - naked ship ones, during the period of the great Chinese hunger strike - naked edible ones, in times of increased imperial interest - imperial and royal ones.

Some historians argue that the fact of eating dogs in China was due to a lack of provisions on ships, and not at all a hunger strike. However, why there are active rat catchers if you can catch fish is unclear.

Unlike other dogs from China, crested dogs never belonged to particularly valuable or aristocratic breeds. Any Chinese could have such a pet, regardless of social status. Although there was a period when they lived in the imperial palace and were popular among the nobles. Many influential people of that time considered them magical and endowed with certain abilities.

Today, the Chinese Crested is considered one of the rarest breeds in China.

How many years do Pekingese live on average?

How many years do Pekingese live on average?
Pekingese is one of the most ancient breeds on our planet. Owners must monitor not only the dog’s proper nutrition, but also its coat: wash and comb. It is the fur that causes discomfort to such a dog, since it is long. On a summer day it can be hot and the animal can become overheated and tired, which will lead to dehydration and the dog will die. But, if you monitor your health, how many years do Pekingese live on average?

  • If the dog is not sick and has high-quality care and proper nutrition, then it will be with you for 16-18 years.
  • This breed also had long-livers, living up to 22 years.
  • Genetics also plays a big role in life expectancy.

To extend the life of their Pekingese, owners must monitor the health of this pet: visit the veterinarian, get tests and vaccinations.

Tip: When purchasing a puppy, ask the breeder when the last vaccination was given so you know when to get the next one.

Choosing a puppy

Before buying a small pet, you should visit exhibitions, look at breeders’ websites, and choose a nursery with a good reputation. You can also ask an expert to participate in the transaction.

When choosing a corydalis, you need to know that its color may change as it grows. “Dark-skinned” puppies acquire a bluish tint. The exact color will be clear only by three months. By this age, the roots of the hairs will acquire an “adult” color.

How many years do shepherd dogs live on average?

How many years do shepherd dogs live on average?
The German Shepherd is a special dog that requires not only careful handling and proper care, but also a good psychological climate in the house where it lives. If a dog lives in stress, does not fully rest and suffers from physical inactivity, then its age will be no more than 5-6 years.

How many years do shepherd dogs live on average if they are properly cared for? A dog of this breed, with a good attitude towards him, proper diet and daily exercise, will delight you with his presence for 10-13 years.


The most common problems for the breed are teeth. This is largely due to genetic predisposition. Therefore, it is very important to pay special attention to the sanitation of the mouth.

The condition of the crested dog's teeth must be carefully monitored, especially if it is hairless. The Chinese also have Legg Calve Perthes disease, hip dysplasia, conjunctivitis, and PRA. They are very sensitive to medications, some even react very sharply to vaccinations.

How many years do Spitz live on average?

How many years do Spitz live on average?
The Pomeranian Spitz is a beautiful fluffy baby - a real bundle of joy for its owners. The main condition for the long life of these furry “bears” is a good owner. He should treat his dog with love and spend time playing with it all the time. But proper care and good nutrition are also of great importance.

How many years do Spitz live on average? A dog of this breed will live with you for 12-15 years. But, if you surround him with care and constant attention, then the Spitz will delight you much longer with his cheerful disposition and beautiful appearance.

Care and maintenance

Caring for a hairless representative of the breed is more difficult than caring for a downy one. Delicate skin requires care and regular cleaning. This pet bathes every week! It is important to choose the right shampoo for him.

It is desirable that it does not contain aggressive chemical elements. We recommend buying a simple tar shampoo for your Chinese Crested (preferably for decorative dogs with delicate skin).

For exhibition animals, the use of moisturizing conditioners is also recommended. An additional care product is nourishing body milk. It contains vitamins and nutrients for the epidermis.

Such a dog must have his own towel. It is advisable to use soft, terry cloth. Dry her body after every bath. But you cannot use alcohol wipes to wipe the body of such a dog. This will cause him to develop severe skin itching.

What else does the owner of a Chinese Crested need?

  • Pukhoderka. It is advisable to use such a tool not only for downy dogs, but also for hairless representatives of the breed.
  • Massage brush with natural bristles.
  • Metal pet comb (only for long-haired animals).
  • Toothbrush with hard bristles. Every day, it should be used to remove plaque that forms in the dog’s mouth, regardless of food intake.

The owner of a Chinese Crested can trim it himself. To do this you will need an epilator or a specialized hair cutting machine. As for organizing a comfortable life for a dog, it needs a small and comfortable corner. You'll have to buy a soft lounger. It is easy to train a puppy to sleep on it. You can lay a sheet next to him, saturated with the smell of his mother.

You should not place your dog's bed next to a radiator or window facing the sunny side of the street. So he can overheat and get sick. Most owners of this breed allow it to sleep nearby, that is, on the sofa or bed. This is not a problem.

How many years do large dogs and small breeds live?

How many years do large dogs and small breeds live?
As mentioned above, the smaller the dog, the longer it lives, and vice versa, the larger the dog, the shorter its life expectancy. How many years do large dogs and small breeds live? Large dogs live from 10 to 13 years, and pets of small breeds live from 12 to 16 and even more.

Which dogs live the longest?

Which dogs live the longest?
Some people choose a dog based on its appearance, the length of its fur, or the lack thereof. Others pay attention only to life expectancy, as they want their pet to please them for as long as possible with its cheerful disposition, kindness and love. Which dogs live the longest? Here are 10 long-living dog breeds:

  • Chihuahua - up to 20 years
  • toy terrier - up to 22 years old
  • alabai - 15-20 years
  • Pekingese - up to 20 years
  • toy poodle - up to 20 years
  • dachshund - 18-20 years old
  • Shin Tzu - 20 years old
  • Lhasa Apso - 18 years old
  • New Guinea singing dog - up to 20 years
  • beagle - from 16 to 18 years old

These dogs are very beautiful, friendly and cheerful. Thanks to their mobility, they live a long time and delight their owners.

How long do dogs live at most?

How long do dogs live at most?
From the facts described above, it is clear that dogs of many breeds live up to 20-22 years. But how long can dogs live at most? History knows the fact about a dog that ran with shepherds in Australia. This dog even got into the Guinness Book of Records, as he was able to live to 29 and a half years. Scientists explain this by several factors: the fresh air of the Australian meadows and the good physical activity of the dog, which ran after the shepherds on the green grass every day.


Playful, dynamic, Chinese Cresteds love walks. The dog just needs a burst of energy and regular physical activity. The exclusive exterior and playful character turn daily walking into a responsible event that requires special training and equipment.

Crested dogs love to plow the ground and dig holes (like a burrowing terrier). To keep a gambling dog from destroying the pastoral picture of country garden beds and house lawns, walking on a leash is recommended.

In the spring and summer, before going for a walk, naked corydalis are lubricated with sunscreen balm (protecting delicate skin from burns), and the fur of poufs is treated with lotion from drying out and coarsening.

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