How to stop a kitten from pooping in the wrong place? How to keep your house clean if you have a kitten

The suffering of people whose cat began to shit in the wrong place is immeasurable. Most often in such a situation, the owner's bed and shoes, the threshold of the front door, the corners of rooms and the space under the bathroom suffer. You want to solve the problem as soon as possible, but in a hurry you can only make it worse: by not following the rules, it is easy to reinforce the animal’s erroneous behavior. We will tell you how to stop a cat from going to the toilet in the wrong place.

Why does the kitten stubbornly shit in the wrong litter box?

In order to solve the problem of a kitten defecating in inappropriate places, it is necessary to understand what exactly causes this behavior of a small animal. As a rule, the owner does not know how his pet’s life proceeded in the first months. Therefore, you need to conduct a little “investigation” and try to find out why the kitten shits everywhere. Perhaps he has had little contact with the person, which is why he simply begins to get nervous in his presence. Some particularly vulnerable animals may react by defecating in response to strong emotions. Or perhaps the kitten is simply experiencing stress due to the fact that it was taken away from its mother cat and brought into a new, unfamiliar home - with foreign odors and frightening sounds. It happens that the pet is not satisfied with the tray or filler. However, the most likely reason is that the kitten is simply not accustomed to going to a strictly defined place for “delicate” matters. Unpleasant, of course, but not fatal. So, let's educate! The process will not take a day or two, but with some effort and maximum patience, you can still set your “bundle of happiness” on course. So, what should the owner pay attention to? First of all, on the tray, filler and the place where the “toilet” is installed. As a rule, kittens are easy to train if you clearly explain to them what you actually want from them. So be patient and stock up on cleaning supplies. If everything is done correctly, soon your baby will begin to regularly run to the place designated for such activities. So, if a kitten poops everywhere, what should you do?

Expert advice

Each pet is unique and for this reason there is no universal remedy for training an animal to use a tray. The owner of a small kitten should take on the role of a teacher, protector and best friend, and in the future - an ally of his pet, which will allow him to build a strong, trusting relationship with his furry friend. The animal demonstrates obedience by recognizing the authority of its owner and only if it feels safe.

Patience and perseverance will help teach the kitten to order and develop positive habits in the pet.

Little kittens, being inexperienced and curious, instinctively learn about this world: respect the nature of your pet, be patient and help the baby take its first steps.

Selecting “inventory”

First of all, pay attention to the tray. It should be voluminous enough so that the furry prankster can easily turn around in it. The material from which the container is made plays an important role. Cheap plastic often smells unpleasant. A cat's sense of smell is 10 times better developed than a human's, so it may experience an aversion to a litter box that emits a strong chemical smell. If the kitten poops anywhere, replace its litter box. Buy a quality deep and long tray. It will need to be washed frequently with liquid soap and not allowed to allow urine to accumulate there. It happens that the animal is too clean, then it makes sense to put two containers. Well, or clean as often as possible - it's up to you.

What mistakes should you not make?

In the process of education, owners often make gross mistakes that are not beneficial, but harmful. What needs to be taken into account in the process of weaning a kitten from aggression in play or behavior:

  1. Under no circumstances should physical punishment be used. This can only aggravate the aggression and intensify it. A small pet may hold a grudge and begin to bite and scratch to protect itself or to show its owner its displeasure.
  2. It is necessary to be systematic in education. If educational measures are applied every once in a while, the kitten may not understand when and why he was punished, and in the future may not perceive the owner’s actions as educational.
  3. You should not use physical force to force a kitten to overcome fear and stress. These actions may have the opposite effect. The baby may become more aggressive towards the owner, who forces him to face the fear or stressor face to face.

Always be kind and patient. Even the most wayward animals can be trained if their owners have kind hands and a heart of gold.

Tray position is incorrect

So, we bought a new litter box and clean it constantly, but the kitten craps everywhere. What to do now? Look, maybe your little pet is not happy with the place where he stands? First, you need to understand that animals, like humans, require privacy. He will not “relieve himself” in front of everyone. The best place is a toilet or a balcony. Naturally, constant access to the tray must be ensured, that is, the door should not be locked. It is necessary that the kitten is not distracted by anything during such an important event. If there are little brats in the house, explain to them that the animal should not be disturbed, called out, or even frightened when it is sitting on the tray.

The most aggressive cat breeds

You can reduce the likelihood of purchasing a pet with aggressive behavior if you know breeds that are far from gentle in behavior. These include:

  • Siamese (Thai);
  • mei-coons;
  • British;
  • Scottish Fold.

Special attention is paid to Mei Coons as representatives of large domestic cats, weighing up to 12-14 kg. Accordingly, a 2-month-old kitten is distinguished by its very colorful size, as well as sharp teeth and claws.


Sometimes, if a kitten does not poop in the litter box, the problem may lie in the litter. It may simply not satisfy the animal. For example, many kittens do not like wood pellets. And some prefer to rustle with newspapers. Believe me, kittens can show dissatisfaction no worse than people. When buying new litter, pay attention to its smell. It's better that it doesn't exist at all. What you find pleasant, your cat may not like. In addition, we remember that the cat's nose is very sensitive, especially to chemical ingredients. The latter, by the way, can cause irritation on the pads of kittens. Therefore, if your pet does not go to the tray, experiment with fillers. At the same time, there is no need to buy expensive mixtures; start with paper.

How to treat the area

Having noticed a puddle, the first thing to do is completely wash the area and eliminate the smell so that in the future your pet will not be drawn to this place. Useful means to help eliminate animal odor:

– alcohol solution;

– water with added lemon juice;

– concentrated soda solution;

- hydrogen peroxide;

– iodine solution: 10-30 drops per liter of liquid;

IMPORTANT: the smell of bleach does not scare away, but rather attracts your pet! Do not use perfume or cologne; these products contain toxic elements that can cause poisoning.

You can also use professional chemical products specifically designed to eliminate pet urine odors. For more thorough cleaning, use an ultraviolet lamp: this way you are guaranteed not to miss a single contaminant. Make sure that chemical products contain enzymes - protein molecules that accelerate chemical reactions in living systems.

An example of a professional chemical agent that eliminates unpleasant odors

How to stop a kitten from pooping in the wrong place?

As a rule, a pet does not end up in a home by accident - this is a deliberate and balanced decision of the owners. But you shouldn’t assume that the cute fluffy little ball will be obedient and well-mannered. When taking it, prepare for anything, including puddles in the corners and on upholstered furniture. Think in advance about the place where his tray will stand. Stock up on cleaning supplies and cleaning supplies. In principle, most small pets understand from the first days where they should go to relieve themselves, and where to run when they want to eat. But what to do if your apartment suddenly turns into a “minefield”, how to stop a kitten from shitting in the wrong place? There are several ways to neutralize a small “sapper” and forget about his “odorous” puddles forever.

Why Gestrenol is effective against marks in cats and kittens

The drug Gestrenol was specially developed for domestic cats, taking into account their species and gender characteristics. If used correctly, this tool can be indispensable for scaring animals away from inappropriate places. This is due to the fact that it contains two synthetic analogues of animal sex hormones, the smell of which is indistinguishable to humans, while it is clearly felt by animals. As a result of the drug, the animal begins to perceive the territory as marked, which confuses them.

Due to the content of two hormones at once, this product acts on both cats and female cats, while the amount of chemicals is kept to a minimum.

To suppress the desire of some animals to fight with an imaginary competitor, the composition includes a natural sedative such as catnip. In addition, this auxiliary component allows you to find an approach to even the most capricious animals.

Let's get started with education

Most kittens learn to walk when they need to, following the example of their mother cat. Therefore, if the pet is already old enough and not taken from the street, then, as a rule, there are no problems with its upbringing. But if the kitten is street and still quite small, then the owners must direct its actions in the right direction. It is important to monitor your pet’s behavior here: if he begins to worry and look for a dark corner or a curtain behind which you can quietly leave a puddle, without wasting time, take him to the tray. Of course he will try to sneak away. Stop such attempts persistently, but not rudely, and return them to their proper place over and over again. When all the work is done, show him the result of his efforts and pet him so that he understands that his owners approve of him. The kitten shits anywhere simply because he didn’t have any special problems on the street, there he had a toilet at every turn. Therefore, if you have already sheltered a homeless wanderer, never yell at the baby because of a puddle, but start re-educating him. It’s better to reward him with goodies when he goes somewhere other than the litter tray. And one more little trick. If the kitten peed in the wrong place, soak a napkin with its urine and take it to the litter box so that its scent appears there. This way it will be clearer to him for what purpose he is being brought here. Renew the napkin until the kitten can regularly go to his litter box on his own.

How to use folk remedies

Cat urine amber has a persistent aroma. It attracts the animal on a subconscious level. Therefore, the beloved again and again goes about “her business” to where the urine spirit is. If it is not possible to place a pot in this place, then this area must be treated so that the female is no longer attracted to the toilet there.

To do this, thoroughly wash the floors and marks with laundry soap and vinegar.

Apple cider vinegar is often used to treat tags because it has a more persistent odor. They also repel with the aromas of fir, garlic, iodine, alcohol, and potassium permanganate.

Cats also don’t like citrus amber. Therefore, you can place fresh orange and lemon peels in the corners, under the bed.

Important: do not use bleach! Because kitties love the chlorine smell; it serves more as a bait than as a repeller. Yes, chlorine removes the “fragrance” of urine, but its solution is used to treat the room only when the animal no longer lives there

For older animals, when veterinary care is powerless and no means can save you, use diapers. This method will protect the apartment from unpleasant odors and give peace of mind to all family members.

If Kisulya has chosen a flowerpot for toilet purposes, then show resourcefulness: use toothpicks, plastic grates, i.e., arrange a “cute” barrier for the prankster.

Kitten shits in flowers

The hardest thing is to stop a kitten from shitting in flower pots. The earth is the best place, from an animal's point of view, where you can relieve yourself. You can dig into the pot; the loose soil feels pleasant under your paws. In general, if your cute kitten has discovered the variety of flowers and pots in your home, get ready for a long struggle. First, remove everything as high as possible, where the kitten simply cannot climb. It is necessary to completely block his access to flowers. If this is not possible (we are talking about a large tub with a palm tree or other indoor tree), then try covering the ground with something. Of course, it's difficult, but try to do it anyway. Pour sand into the tray. This will allow the pet to switch to it. In the future, it will be possible to replace it with a filler similar in consistency to soil.

Products that remove urine odors

So, re-education measures have been taken, the tray meets all the above standards, the filler is neutral, there is access to the toilet, but puddles and all other unsightly things are consistently found in the wrong place. What to do if a kitten shits in the corners, ruins furniture, bedspreads and curtains? It looks like it’s time to use “heavy artillery” against the little prankster. In specialized stores you can purchase products that remove urine odor, as well as substances that have a very unpleasant aroma for cats. Perhaps there will be an aerosol that combines these properties. The choice of such drugs is huge, the price range is designed for consumers with different income levels, so you can choose a “weapon” that suits the price. Now all that remains is to treat the kitten’s favorite places and purposefully drag him into the tray. Here, as they say, who will out-stubborn whom.

How to use folk remedies

Cat urine amber has a persistent aroma. It attracts the animal on a subconscious level. Therefore, the beloved again and again goes about “her business” to where the urine spirit is. If it is not possible to place a pot in this place, then this area must be treated so that the female is no longer attracted to the toilet there.

To do this, thoroughly wash the floors and marks with laundry soap and vinegar.

Apple cider vinegar is often used to treat tags because it has a more persistent odor. They also repel with the aromas of fir, garlic, iodine, alcohol, and potassium permanganate.

Cats also don’t like citrus amber. Therefore, you can place fresh orange and lemon peels in the corners, under the bed.

Important: do not use bleach! Because kitties love the chlorine smell; it serves more as a bait than as a repeller. Yes, chlorine removes the “fragrance” of urine, but its solution is used to treat the room only when the animal no longer lives there

For older animals, when veterinary care is powerless and no means can save you, use diapers. This method will protect the apartment from unpleasant odors and give peace of mind to all family members.

If Kisulya has chosen a flowerpot for toilet purposes, then show resourcefulness: use toothpicks, plastic grates, i.e., arrange a “cute” barrier for the prankster.

Splashes of water

If the kitten craps everywhere, try using one small, but not very pleasant for the pet, trick. If you catch him in the act of committing a “crime,” spray water on him. Repeat the procedure several times. If the kitten is not a hopeless idiot, he will remember the lesson. And he will know that every time the owner finds him relieving himself in the wrong place, he will have an unpleasant shower. Many owners poke the animal's muzzle into a puddle or excrement. And, I must say, they are making a grave mistake. The fact is that it will not be possible to correct the situation in this way; rather, on the contrary, the result will be exactly the opposite. Firstly, often the kitten does not understand what they want from him. The animal goes to the toilet, guided by the smell. What does the owner do? He pokes him into a puddle, which smells appropriate. So what needs to be done? That's right, go here! The result is obvious. And secondly, the kitten may simply get angry.

Possible health problems

Ignoring the litter box may be a consequence of the onset of urolithiasis in a kitten, which in practice happens very rarely. A more likely cause of health problems is a cold or cystitis. Experiencing painful sensations, the kitten may involuntarily shit on itself. Before you start weaning your animal from defecating in the wrong place, consider whether you have bathed the kitten, dewormed it, treated it for fleas, or given other medications that can cause a similar side effect. In this case, consultation with a veterinarian is necessary to determine more precise reasons.

An unexpected cold may be a consequence of hypothermia. The kitten's immunity is not yet properly formed

IMPORTANT: if you suspect health problems, conduct a clinical diagnosis at a veterinary clinic! Rule out possible infectious diseases and make sure the animal is vaccinated.

Game "cats and mothers"

Often the kitten is separated from its mother too early. This is a lot of stress for him. That's why the kitten shits - it's confused and scared. In this case, expecting him to fulfill your demands and desires is simply useless. Please be patient. After he has eaten, you can give him a light tummy massage. Stroking should be like licking a cat. Such touches stimulate the kitten's intestines, which provokes natural urges. Therefore, after stroking it, take it to the tray.

What not to do

If a kitten shits anywhere, it should never be physically punished. This will not achieve obedience from him. He will either become embittered or look for another secluded place so as not to catch the owner’s eye. And mines left under the sofa or behind the closet are even more difficult to remove. Also, you should not poke your pet’s muzzle into its puddles (this issue has already been discussed). Understand that the kitten is too small and simply not litter box trained. If he is caught in the wrong place, silently pick him up and take him to the toilet and let him finish all his business there. Do not hit or scream under any circumstances - he cannot stand up for himself. The owner requires restraint and calm. Wash areas where puddles were found with strong-smelling cleaning products. If the smell of urine should be present anywhere, it would be in the litter box. Then your kitten will very quickly understand why he is carried there and where he needs to dig with his paws.

When to litter train a kitten

You need to carefully prepare for the arrival of a domestic kitten. Buy several trays and place them in different corners. Absorbent diapers may be required. It is necessary to begin training immediately. When the baby starts fussing, you can pick him up and carry him to the container.

In the end, he himself will choose a container to relieve his needs. Extra trays are removed, and the ones you like are moved to the toilet. The pet must understand that if he did something correctly, he will receive a reward treat.

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