How to stop a dog from peeing and shitting in the wrong place at home

Bringing a pet into your home requires time and extra effort to instill good habits in your dog.

One of the most important habits is to teach her to relieve herself outside. However, not everyone manages to train a dog, and the pet begins to constantly crap in the apartment. Subsequently, a number of difficulties may arise that must be dealt with immediately.

If you want to get rid of this problem forever, then you should find out:

  1. What can provoke a dog to start shitting in an apartment?
  2. How to quickly train your pet to relieve itself outside?
  3. How to properly punish a guilty pet?
  4. How to behave if during a walk the dog does not want to go to the toilet?

Why does an animal relieve itself in the house?

A small two- to three-month-old Yorkie or a grown dog can continue to relieve itself on the bed for a long time, despite all human efforts. Being an intelligent animal , this pet usually has pretty good reasons for this behavior that need to be understood.

  1. The owner did not spend enough time and did not start accustoming the animal to the street when it was still very small. The development of the reflex for the fulfillment of natural needs should be carried out gradually from childhood. This is not very simple, but it is necessary for the comfort of the owner and his pet.
  2. Irregular walks and long breaks between them force the dog to break all prohibitions, because he simply cannot stand it anymore. It is necessary to treat your pet more carefully, take it for walks , following a routine.
  3. A pet may leave a puddle or pile on the floor out of a sense of insulted dignity if it believes that it was unfairly punished or offended. They recommend showing affection towards your dog more often and praising it for good deeds.

If the above reasons do not apply and the pet continues to defecate on the floor, you need to pay attention to other signs.

Methods of punishment

Remember, a dog is a very smart creature that reacts quite sharply to the mood of its owner. If you do not offend your pet, he will respond to any of your requests.

Of course, it is difficult to calmly react to a puddle or a pile made on the path, but you can show your dissatisfaction with the dog.

  • Change your tone of voice and scold your dog for what he has done.
  • Take away your favorite toy and let him play only when the dog defecates outside.
  • As soon as you see that the dog wants to relieve itself, use the command: “Ugh! It is forbidden!". She needs to understand how you feel about this behavior.

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Why did the behavior change?

Some diseases of the genitourinary system can affect the cleanliness of the animal . Realizing that this cannot be done, the dog simply cannot change anything and continues to pee on the bed or carpet in the house. This requires urgent veterinary consultation and targeted treatment.

When going outside, the animal is exposed to an aggressive environment (rain, wind, frost). This can cause hypothermia and serious illness. Health problems are especially common in decorative dogs, for which even the most fashionable suits and special shoes cannot help them cope with the cold.

The following symptoms will help you recognize the onset of a cold in your pet:

  • fever (the dog’s normal body temperature does not exceed 39°C);
  • dry surface of the nose, the appearance of discharge;
  • matted wool;
  • drowsiness, lack of usual activity;
  • trembling, desire to be closer to heating sources.

A sick pet needs to be provided with a calm atmosphere so that no one grabs or disturbs it, and a warm bed. The room should be ventilated carefully, walks are possible, but very short. It is recommended to rinse the nose and eyes with clean warm water. As prescribed by the doctor, medications are administered intramuscularly (analgin with diphenhydramine, cycloferon). If coughing or wheezing sounds occur, your veterinarian may prescribe antibiotics.

It is also known that females have problems with urination before puberty and pregnancy. This behavior is influenced by hormones, as well as by poor nutrition and inherited causes.

Males during puberty love to instinctively mark corners to emphasize their importance.

Adult dogs also often disturb the cleanliness of the premises due to weakening muscles. In this case, medications help.

Sometimes the reason for frequent urination in the apartment is that the dog is thirsty and drinks a lot of liquid. This may also be a signal of illness.

Why the dog began to pee on the bed: reasons for the behavior

The causes of unwanted behavior are divided into physiological and pathological. The former do not pose a health hazard and can be easily corrected. The latter can lead to serious violations. They are treated with medication or surgery.


Problems with urination can be explained by both innate and acquired instincts. This group includes non-dangerous reasons such as:

  1. Young age. Puppies do not yet know how to control their bladder. They relieve themselves wherever they find them.
  2. Marking the territory. The tendency to leave marks develops after puberty. Please note that not only males, but also some females do this.
  3. A reflex inherited from the mother. Regular stimulation of the tummy before going to the toilet is fixed at the level of instincts. If the puppy is accustomed to peeing every time his mother licks him, then do not be surprised that regular belly scratching can lead to a similar result.
  4. Adverse weather conditions. Relieving yourself in severe frost is very unpleasant. The most resourceful pets begin to do this at home, that is, in more comfortable conditions.
  5. Lack of education. If an adult animal is not toilet trained, then the same methods are applied to it as when training a puppy.
  6. Violation of the regime. A pet may pee due to too long breaks between walks.
  7. Revenge. Another possible reason for leaving a puddle is a strong resentment. The dog may take revenge for abuse or lack of attention.
  8. Habit. Bed linen and upholstery on the sofa can be mistaken for a diaper. In this case, the animal simply tries to follow the established rules and does not understand its misconduct.

All of the above should not affect your well-being. Loss of activity, apathy and other alarming symptoms are characteristic of illnesses and nervous disorders.


If there is a pathology, the animal urinates in the wrong place not of its own free will, but because of pain or incontinence. In the first case, it tries to find a corner where it will feel better, and in the second, it simply does not have time to run to the tray or wait until it goes outside.

The listed disorders are typical for the following diseases:

  • urolithiasis and cystitis;
  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • renal pathologies;
  • internal organ injuries;
  • weakness of the bladder sphincter in old age.

The exact cause of incontinence can only be determined through diagnostics. To do this, you will have to seek help from a veterinary clinic.

Nervous disorders

In addition to the usual lack of attention, there are more serious reasons, including:

  • stress caused by moving, going to the vet, or adding a new family member;
  • fears and phobias;
  • unstable psyche.

The latter case is very rarely correctable, since the cause of fearfulness is congenital, not acquired. In all other cases, it is enough to eliminate the provoking factor and take a course of sedatives.

Main reasons

Hereditary factors and diseases are just a few explanations for a pet’s poor hygiene.

There are other reasons:

  • there is no routine according to which the dog is walked;
  • inattention on the part of the owner and, as a result, lack of affection for him;
  • the need to share the owner with someone else;
  • lack of negative reaction from people to the inappropriate location of the toilet, dirt in the apartment.

The rules are followed well when they are brought to automaticity , so there must be order in relation to walking, as well as eating. If a dog knows that it will soon be taken outside, it will not relieve itself indoors.


There are always reasons for any unwanted behavior. First of all, we need to find out what kind of reasons these reasons are: physical or psychological?

Physiological ailments

If a dog craps at home, first of all, this may indicate problems in its health. The animal may be suffering from cystitis, urolithiasis, indigestion, dysbacteriosis or any other disease.

To identify a possible disease, you should take your pet to the veterinarian and have a urine or feces test.

Psychological abnormalities

Problems with the pet’s nervous system are another good reason for this behavior.

An animal can shit out of fear or, conversely, out of joy (for example, when the owner returns home), as well as due to the occurrence of any stressful situations or a change in environment. A dog may crap at home due to lapses in upbringing.

Forced quarantine

Dogs have to be vaccinated against various diseases from time to time, especially at an early age. After this, home mode .

What will help solve the toilet problem is that animals remember well by smell where their urine has already been. They will use this place another time.

You can put something like a tray with stuffing or a disposable diaper there and clean it up more often. After the quarantine is lifted, you will need to flush the former toilet with a disinfectant .

The following steps will help you train your dog to one place:

  • determine where the pet mainly relieves itself;
  • when you find the most popular place of the “home toilet”, put a newspaper or paper towel there, soaking it in the puddle left by the puppy;
  • You can continue to put absorbent materials in this place or put some container made of waterproof material with a napkin soaked in your pet’s urine;
  • disposable diapers help a lot, which can be placed in other places, because the pet will not immediately get used to one place;
  • The owner should bring the dog to the makeshift toilet more often to develop the habit.

With the opportunity to go for a walk, it is recommended to start showing the animal that his newspaper is now also lying on the street, and it is no longer at home.

What to do

Please note that this should be done after all possible health problems have been ruled out.

  1. If your Yorkshire Terrier is not spayed or neutered, you may want to consider this.
  2. Clean areas thoroughly. This is a vital part to stop Yorkies from marking. If you clean the area with soap and water, it will not be effective. The smell of soap causes the dog to mark to hide the smell, and regular soap does not remove persistent urine odors.
  3. Limit the field of view of other dogs. Try not to let your Yorkie see other dogs walking near the house—just seeing another dog may cause your dog to mark. Depending on the layout of your home, the curtains may be closed, etc.
  4. Try to transform the place where your dog makes the mark. Once the area has been thoroughly cleaned, interact with your dog there, encouraging him to play with a new toy.
  5. When at home with your Yorkie, keep a close eye on him. As soon as you see your dog making a posture to pee, make a loud noise to distract your dog and then immediately take him to the bathroom. Praise and reward enthusiastically if he urinates there.
  6. Work on establishing the correct hierarchy. To do this, all people in the family must be on the same page. We suggest having a family meeting to make sure everyone knows the new rules are going into effect.

Guide to action

It is quite clear that training a dog to use the toilet outside will not happen immediately. The owner needs to be persistent and methodical in this matter. When you find excrement on the floor, you should not “poke your nose”, but make it clear that this cannot be done, but that’s not all.

To prevent your pet from looking for secluded places to relieve itself (in order not to upset you), there are a number of expert tips:

  • It is necessary to figure out why the dog did this. This is probably how your pet wants you to pay attention to him or spend more time with him.
  • You need to learn to feel the needs of your animal , notice how it behaves before going to the toilet. As soon as the owners manage to understand this, at the slightest sign of suspicious behavior, they can safely take the dog outside. If everything goes well, your pet will definitely need a little encouragement in the form of something he likes (for example, dog biscuits).
  • You can also prevent puddles and heaps from appearing in your home by using certain noise disturbances. If the dog is preparing to go to the toilet directly on the floor, an unexpected sound will distract it from these thoughts, and the owner will have time to take the pet outside. In this case, the puppy should not understand where the sound came from. Gradually, he will simply lose the desire to mess around in the apartment.

You should not scold or offend your pet too much. Only caring relationships will lead to good results in raising a true four-legged friend and family member.

If the dog refuses to pee outside

A dog may be comfortable walking to relieve itself in an apartment, so it may specifically endure a walk in order to relieve itself at home. In this regard, the following recommendations should be made:

  • Find your dog a walking buddy. While walking outside, dogs will frolic, which will make you feel the urge to go to the toilet. Also, another dog can become an example, and your pet will begin to repeat after it, mark its territory and defecate.
  • Take water. When the dog has run around enough, he will want to drink. Pour water into her bowl and let her drink. The abundance of liquid will force the dog to do the deed outside.
  • Play with the dog. The more the dog runs and frolics, the faster it will want to go to the toilet. Come up with outdoor games to keep your dog moving as much as possible. This will also lead to the desire to empty the bowels and bladder. After this, be sure to praise your pet.
  • Increase your walking time. The dog cannot endure for long if there is every opportunity to go to the toilet. Therefore, walk your dog longer until he gives up and sits down.

Using these tips has helped many dog ​​owners teach their pet to go outside when needed. Never give up and stay consistent. The dog will always respond to your care and love. Let your pet be the most obedient and “cleanest” friend of the family!

Outdoor training for an adult dog

If for some reason an adult animal still does not understand the difference between the street and the house, all is not lost. To develop the necessary reflex and wean your dog from peeing in the house in less than a month, you need to walk the animal according to a clear schedule, adhering to the same route. This way, the animal will understand when to prepare for a walk and relieve itself in certain places . At first, you can go for a walk several times a day, gradually moving to walking twice a day.

Daily morning and evening walks are important not only for the fulfillment of natural needs, but also for the health of the pet. He also needs fresh air and exercise. The dog itself will tell you when it’s time to go outside, starting to worry and hover around the owner, stopping going to the toilet in the house.

Basic Rules

In order for your dog to stop going to the toilet at home, you must follow several important rules:

  • do not shout - the animal will decide that it is impossible to shit in the presence of a person, and will pee on the sly;
  • do not hit the dog - physical punishment creates fear, which only aggravates the situation. Some “well-wishers” recommend poking your pet’s nose into a puddle or pile - this is very bad advice. The pet will be afraid of the owner and will begin to eat its own excrement;
  • act consistently - the dog must get used to being walked every day at the same time. If the owner took the pet outside today, and tomorrow he was lazy or forgot, then all efforts will be reduced to zero;
  • Sincerely praise the animal - it is worth taking treats with you to reward your pet when he poops and pees in the yard.

If no methods help, and the dog still craps at home, you should ask a specialist for help.

Before stopping a dog from littering the house, it is important to identify the roots of the problem. Perhaps your pet is sick or has experienced stress. If the animal is healthy, you should gently but persistently correct its habits.

Application of various means

Methods of training dogs to go to the toilet in a certain place in the apartment or scaring them away from relieving themselves on an expensive carpet or parquet are expanding thanks to modern technologies.

Thus, in pet stores, caring owners are offered special sprays with a scent that attracts dogs. You can simply spray it on a disposable diaper or on a piece of newspaper in the tray, and your pet will gradually learn to go to the toilet there (but not immediately). If you have a small puppy in the house, a few months old, it is best to temporarily remove all carpets and lay down absorbent diapers, gradually using a product to encourage him to pee in one place. But napkins or newspapers in the tray must be constantly changed, since dogs will not go to a dirty and damp toilet .

Another way to stop a puppy a few months old from pooping in corners that are inappropriate for their owners is to use products that repel dogs. They have a specific smell, and after smelling it, the pet is unlikely to use its favorite corner again. The simplest option is ordinary vinegar , which is used to wipe an area of ​​the floor and then rinse with water. But too much concentration can harm the animal.

Should punishment be applied?

When urinating in the wrong place, you just need to be firm. It is important not to forget about the boundaries of what is permitted and to maintain balance. Punishments for undesirable actions must be accompanied by generous rewards for success.

What methods of punishment can be used

Methods of punishment must be exclusively humane. The most effective include the following:

  1. Demonstration of superiority. Take your pet by the withers and press his muzzle to the floor for a couple of seconds, saying “Fu” or “No” in a stern voice. When performing this action, do not lift the dog off the ground, do not poke it directly into a puddle, and do not scream.
  2. Distraction at the time of crime. When you catch an animal performing an unwanted action, sharply clap your hands or throw a light object at it that will definitely not cause pain. The process of urination is very intimate, so such a violation of privacy causes aversion to the chosen place.
  3. Taking away your favorite toy. Having lost his favorite ball several times in a row, the four-legged dog will think a hundred times before peeing in the wrong place. Unlike food, a toy is not a basic necessity, so such punishment is quite harmless.

Please note that punishments must follow for each recorded offense. Otherwise, the dog will associate them not with his guilt, but with unreasonable cruelty - since he will not understand why he is being punished.

Prohibited Measures

Prohibited measures include anything that can affect the physical and mental health of the animal. Screaming, beating, deprivation of food, games and walks are unacceptable. Abuse will not only not give the desired result, but will also worsen the situation.

When should you not scold your pet?

Swearing is useless unless the animal is caught red-handed. Delayed punishment does not give the desired effect, since the offender simply does not understand why exactly he is being reprimanded.

Also, don't scold the poor guy if he's obviously sick. Just leave the situation unattended, throwing your energy into treating the pathology.

How to teach writing on command?

Owners who love their pet and walk it regularly can make their lives even easier. To begin with, it is enough to praise it with the same words every time after the dog relieves itself on the street or use non-verbal methods of encouragement. Thus, the pet will perceive this as a signal to action in subsequent times, that is, it will understand what the owner wants.

Dogs are ideal for training and developing reflexes. It all depends on the owner and how much time he is willing to devote to his animal. Getting a puppy is a very important step ; you need to literally babysit it, endure all the little hazards and puddles on the floor. Gradually, over the course of several months, he will stop peeing on the bed or carpet, relieving himself on the street or in a specially designated area. You just need to be patient and prudently put away all valuable things so that the pet does not spoil them.

Reward sometimes works better

Despite the effectiveness of punishment, positive motivation always works better than negative motivation. For this reason, do not forget to praise your pet after relieving itself outside. In addition to affection and kind words, treats work well.

You can consolidate the desired skill using a certain sequence: command - action - encouragement. As soon as the dog starts to sit down, tell him to “write” or any other code word. Having achieved success, give out a tasty treat as a reward and be sure to express your admiration.

Popular questions

How to stop a dog from shitting on the bed at home?

To begin with, temporarily stop letting the animal onto your bed. Send him to sleep in his place or in a cage (naturally, with soft bedding on the bottom).

In a cage, a dog is unlikely to shit, as it will be unpleasant for him to do it for himself. Also, take your pet out late at night and walk as early as possible in the morning.

Gradually, increase the time between evening and morning walks, but do not go to extremes - it is harmful for the animal to endure more than twelve hours.

If the dog will not shit on the spot or in the crate, you can let him onto your bed. If you catch your pet pooping on the bed, wait until he finishes and take the animal to his crate to sleep.

The dog shits at home at night. How to wean it off?

To begin with, walk your pet late at night and early in the morning. If you see that your dog has drunk at night, take him out for a walk after thirty minutes. Don't play with your dog before bed. For a while you will have to set alarms in the middle of the night.

Watch your dog, at what time does he get up and start wandering around the apartment and peeing? Next time, about twenty minutes before this time, take your pet for a walk. Gradually, you can stop taking your dog out for walks at night, but try to walk your dog as late and as long as possible before bed.

Next, increase the time between the evening and morning walks, but it should not exceed twelve hours.

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